HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-24, Page 81ll1Rir8 GtItlulsfft Ot .1111f:s. Mottioa 'Is _Platt. Roof00.4, F • There Can be no ossF-' ble _fault to find -- your a pe'E nincC tIi. clothes are Incas' red `an q .y ©ert 4a.rL R. �4 The Style of gareaents we make is a sufficient guarantee of farst.elaass wark.. Ali the new up -to -trate FALL St rriNGS OYER00_.TIX GS AND PAN TES GS arrived. Prices away dm, to «a. ,,. 0. Ladies it yea want big velnes in Yes, Stewart has them ad done new rain coats, Stewart's is the 1 brown in Dress Goods—quantity, spot for you �utlitv,st` le and value tell the tame.. ,,. Rev. Pro.£ eseor James Ballantyne, B, D., of Knox College, Toronto,will enn- duet the anniversary services of Cav en Presbyterian ehaireh. Exeter. on Sun- day. day. Oct. 4th. There Amid be a very full church of the people of Eeeter rad neighborhood to hear ?41r. Ballantyne, Is you blood thin and pale? Do yoga sailer from nervoats or plrysiciel debil- 'tye,nervous headeclaedossof :appetite, a etc.? Too will find Blaand's Laxative, blood, nerve and tissue pills an. never failing remedy. Sod by C. Lutz, drug- g- 100 bottle. drug- gist, Exeter Price all per ttl I pills in each bottle, .;1. otther brilliant sight was witness - 1 ed by several on Andrew street last Friday evening, The electric light ware passes through. a rastple tree in fr=ont of the home of, Mr. Eainz.Ey eorlie means the current of electricity had set fire to the braanelres, iliaaniinaf- irtg the tree and surroundings, making, o dna naticen ht, The Illumination g t Sight, I lasted of ly a shod tune. It es sarppos- aed that the insufflation had become worn or burnt o . giving the electric- ity ae. chalice to pates tbroti h the wet. live wood. of the trees which. under those conditions. makes n fair condo? - ' A goad fart ttIA'1eA:ak daoanthi &Al'fArk•. o AnnualUnbarsary' Serti ie'es of ('.¢vela Preshyteu'taan will lee combatted by the Rev. Professor aanitd tto w"brie on a ea faal•aau, Ite afire at title or as t: l a whirr' beet s preeall at 4,teewe t"$ aoriiy 5'l tan 6elle-4lenitte yen want way. Aaitai,rpoli et cuAratln•�aiaveii Aar « sy. Far trrusla•a, nei-e a' ¢3i3 ser feet to v Feat Ii *.st L a1I1i 1C�«13t"t, Seed b t . Late, E t 4a Belated trail be tin ua2a=a lbs eat n'e Weise etz,d lea Is t'i acral will, aiaety w: a to elie4il�, Mae Jelin Snell i:mrid her ties A Main SSra,:},s t,, NAV, 11..ivlti Hayti:, led bar¢te, ovum' alas alaaa aseo k, M¢, ;alaic': take's p:n=.Sa"5.5 Ltt this fell, ± e: second prize with tlrear string' of r tlncnr A•e,n, street, on Wednesday aafter:woo . eeae„ htned stelluntis. F au% Weekes the Iter. Oodavin officiating. a f'u warns an are got two Oasts and two 4 . nde white clans Matble Brook tool; rt 9' 'ttse: 79 i t I to _ ei el frit ire, -; for fancy work, These 1 a :e,weii d:9u - fonts screamed their records {aa,= l)r.&,,.t wtnatt ria with tilde different ft ; neat Ai4il lte, For t0 ceats• The .A -DV oCATE w i be sent to any address for the balance of the year for 25 cents. Make a present to a friend at a distance with a paid-in,advance subscription tothe Apvoexry. Po4tra ot `riss ttoir:srrfl. The news of the sad death of Miss AI, Eraeehne Howard came as a shock to her many friends here en Tuesclaay looms. ng last. The .eireneastanees nn eonnpection with her dewire are ex- tremely sadand the family are almost prostrate with grief. Miss Howard had been visiting her sister, Mrs. A.J. licTavis_b.f4 Galt and while there she was strieken down from the effects of an internal troehle. Site was im- mediately removed to. the Hospital at Galt. where as careful examination was made and the face revealed that she time su&ering from a runner". An ep- eration was deemed advisable and it was riot till thein that it was discover- ed that her case was s4 serious. With- out the operation she could, only five a' Da$UNTooa D Ttz OP ,Tori S.ctriioEDE..—This week it Lieconnes our sand duty to record 11 Alm. death of one of the best known resde is of Stephen, township, in toe person person; of John; Schroeder who passed away on Tuesday morning last. The deceased had been suttering .for many mouths franc cancer of the stoniaeh and though At times he showed signs of mooroviceneet In his condition, ahout two weeks Ago he was compelled to tette his bed and gradually Weakening passed away, Mr. Schroeder was a native of Germany and coining to this connitry mann years ago settled in this neigglnlasirI)eod. He was a two of eters ling elnairtnes, honest. isidnnstraons wend at nein in every emu; of the word. Be- sides ar sorrowing - widow lie leaves a faanaily of farce sone and two ala fig hti re who leave the synnnpatiny of all. He wae nearly' sixty yeas s of .age. The toneriii will taalee-platce to the.Grediton Ceineteey today (Thursday.) Ila"y Si:�ncDOATIag. The grave bas again bid from, one vision ;mother form. and as we hear the words '4 O death where short time, with it there was chance is thy stelae 0 grave where is thy etc - to Weber life The operation was tory?" we are more and more niupi•ess- pemforined, but to the sada disappoint- seta that the hand of death is ever men of her friends and those in at- busy and our lives but fleeting- On tendiense she neve; rallied and death Tuesday, Sept. I4th, tdee home of ,Mr; emsanetl, It was only a Shen tittle age John Voll'acl , Let 18, Con. 7. was visit- she w:aas at her home here, looking ed and his behoved partnere in life was tlieerfed'end bright. and it seems al. F tailed away. The tteeeaased bad been nrtast Impossible that she is goane. ' ailing for se:urs, gradually growing awving Trade eF In the midst of life we are in woree tall released from suffering. deatte" Deceased wale the third in the .1tll year of her age. Dining daughter of Mr. Jas, 4. • Howard :arid , ben long period of illness, and at times her sudden taking off will he deepl i intense suffering, she bore it with re - ley liellointti eie, I3.D., of hum Caal- mourned. M1- i Ilawird wars `'«3 y eaets signed patience,. and toward the last Toronto, on Seancloy. Oet, Ota, of age. as gener=al favorite anti as xwa4 exparseed an desire to depart and be edges in the morning at 11 and in come visitor 1n any envie. Iu her pn, evenirng; at 7. j salon .as analliner she was' eonrteons esc §iii i --at and obliging :and made many wenn -4 friends The remains were many 11;,attt t1M1en i McDaanitell steeeed here for learrlaal. the funeral taking Alt e:.trr-vant,"-off aid, itra,ts aared one lale4" from bee fether's residence AeA- PERSO A a oessattem.salsasseagoosasaaaat. giv e f xe rca's Fainit; eere. <Udtntt, of Landon, spent e . MA' , %Breva the flee Q tlgate a4AA u►od at tbm ! al;ay in town. 'e ane off the the aonei edneele ' Iw evaas' (lea leenni et Aet eD as is bee a lila. ;mond Met they had not br4tI ht at (Il s, n , In 1* dfln aa.elrtaat tine[; fined sof hew. l Tate" fault; A. lout: at pr. Amos runs sat Ailsa Craig on pica- ai i .ri..e engine A^e a vital a Iwaisc¢t whiffle- $t'ssiiigtaal business Friday. Farr Priam e:.alva;3 ramal loge. n: en., talal`eyna4alal a iaieiaeln. Erik i' -'h r tk,. Falai u» ki.t tilt+thing. Wee iiaaetiel. Sohl Iry e. Lutz. Exeter. The testier insist Mill will, free rime, 't ing cunsatlter•.al,ie ov,•r-trance and farm. ta4aeeeu w¢lnleu in any Man. eV,* and eta,+eesaaa"rt w luting to pat in ba firth*F.t¢toe combination, 6nligily oaf f4"t^a1 ao•aaarlt1410 well ¢aa eedi. =fits Fittii-I';uton Combianc¢tlen ap. flambee of •4+1 carat Newfarsant ks.tl peaaret] to a fair sized audience in Old - pieces are dewing around] the gauntry Cir''s Opera Rouse tin Friday night las' and It ire randy f dr to tbn puulnla r to ,nit ander haaautglaice u of thel.O.F.: ociety. crit that tlae"s=- voinb _ares trttly rwoc:ala The singingof Mise Higgine Was Very sin: or naeVnil efentS a dunce. % ple:aelulg wile that of MV . F. Firth was DL'. i. en' eek London, ralrg1.'itan. wee well received. S. 11, Eaton was a list nod *Mellen dietary"s eye. ear, whole entertainment in himself. ire noit win he at the Cow. was weiireeoivedand heartily applatud- zne and tlr¢ 4 . , , , ' i•ai Hotel. Exeter. W edge e.da y, ed in hire readings ane] in hisUnperson- Sept. to crson- t. Set:10th;.j Wed., Neow a'nalaer •4th; Wed. ations he is a gp'a!:at success, the uti- Ihecenahee2rul. rn.littu laughter that greeted hes r i e ran`l�ria e cos. .: tdf�esiantaun n t k as ver e", e PP lea .a while yl, fon a tact •supping t .z B .; 1 1 attd that be was land t< . twee .lac t ., t y carrying a ►+.d as l` Miss yea iateal. The chi =metro id n ► ' 'luting ire naturalness. accident, In trying to break the fall :aa;a that Iiiereeta cel iti not he hitch - to Miss ll.ayley; of Lindon, Is the guest ai ta, it end at hail to In drawn by end. t'�lrua'e I'2MAalt: When at wass of Mlts 'Iolet Treble. torrid tis.at tlaa' Iris was uetanatthe Weber.: MA. and Mrs.eree.1 is don,of Vacua of the towns, but outside. sawetelle were in town Tnesi]ay, win" Of laming back. ii laal sortie° Mir', Minnie Brown, of London. le mail potatoes. XlaeS a thins arein- i Ishii% friends in town. Ee4Mc tale in firemen, and tit' last, is Mark oink, of Clinton, spent a dery daeys here this week. Lorne Cann, of Landon, spent the Fair days here thisweek. Miss 1. Johns was on the skit BiSt• last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Velshr'etuenee] Saturday after a few weeks visit in Ilens;ell. MISS Cora Fowell is oft an extended visit with friends in 'Windsor. a ire. Cr'oei er, of St, Marys, is the gayest of her sister. Mrs. 3ohns. c i1 f water last treeq characteristic et his a et n met with a pilaw P she weerach cal her verist In ar. peculiar Marled en Friday, rammer. She had the injured mein- a Tlai' funeral of the late Mrs. taxaat'y ben dressed. tint it Inas since given her A. Liddieott, relict of the late Wm. much pain. Liddieott, took Orme from the ;Exeter gentleman Mr. John Stacey,y, the old ; station on Friday, iday, Sept. 18th, to the who wandered awa'1 frim Iris home on Exeter Cemetery. Mrs. Liddieott Loa; Road on Monday of last week, flied on Wednesday, Septhath, at the VAS ftnn:ncl on Thursday comfortably home of her son, Mr. E. L. Liddieott, his pipe in the smoking morn of London East, where the funeral ser- ofsmoking p of the House of Refuge near Clinton. wise was conducted: after which the re He had walked the distance of twenty mains were taken to the G. T. 11. depot miles. He returned with his son and and brnught here for interment. Mrs. is now at his bolus. Liddieott formerly lived in the town - Mrs. J. Hearne, Exeter :\orth« nicely- ship of 'Osborne with her husband who predeceased her by nearly twenty e word. on Friday last from her broths years. Death was due to old age, she er, John Thompson, of Carnduf.A.ssa., having lived over the allotted three - formerly of Exeter. that his barns sand score years and ten. One child, the the greater part of their contents were son vacationed above, remains to destroyed ley tire, including 8110 bushels mourn her demise, of Hats. The fire is supposed to have stir sliase, originated from a cigar stub dropped It son a will be about The insurance s p retor t getheraw barn, nearly all t e $800- farm implements, a buggy, a cow, two pigs and a number of ducks and hens The Rowland & Young Bijou Come on the farm of Mr. Wm. Penhale on ay Co. appeared in Gidley's Opera the west boundary of the town were House on Monday and Tuesday' nights. destroyed by fire yesterday (Wed. The patronage on Monday night was afternoon. A gang of :nen were en - rather slim but the play "The Silver gaged in threshing and the fire is sup- King,"merited a much larger attend- posed to have been caused by a spark ance. The second night however they from the engine, as a strong east wind were greeted withamuch better house was blowing in the direction from en - the hall being crowded. Uncle Josh' gine to barn. The fire spread so rapid - was produced with remarkably good ly that nothing could be taken out. effect, the many funny sides of the The barn was a very large one, being play affording excellent amusement to 75 feet long and 50 feet wide, and was the large audience. The company built only four years ago and fitted out travels on •L reputation long since with all the modern improvements, earned and that reputation they fully maintained on this occasion. $2.90 to $12.00 for the choicest range of new fur neck ruffs that we have ever shown. Every ruff a beauty, every ruff a bargain. Stewart. H 0 . TV Was He. Dressed You hear this asked of some persons every day, and the answers depend on the kind of clothes they wear. , How ai°e YeouDr'essed I When you want to be well dressed': come and have . a suit made to order. All new goods consisting of ZG2tin- S Pamttmb:S Over coat&n s, Etc. JT TTS TAILOR Opposite the g e t; e r Post Office with (brat which is far better. Site wale nt consistent member of the Meth. odist church and her aim in We was to elevate and uplift mankind. Mrs. Vtnilick was a bright, and intelligent ar'oinan and by her kind and loving disposition anon many friends. and her death will he greatly regretted. The faint'rail on Thursday was largely at- tended. the interrnent taking plaice to Pacrnsvilie cemetery. The sytup:ithy of the cfesrailralnity le extended to the he. A'eanveil husband and sell -owing ones. Rev. C. W. Senders, of tout Rowan, spent a few days in town the latter part ot last week. Miss Flossie 1'ces :calor, of London, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Beat- rice Luker, Exeters'orth. Mrs. Crookathanks, of Pingbarn, was the guest of Mrs, W. C. Ruston for a few days last week. Miss 'Lila Roberts, of Toronto, who was visiting her grandfather here, left Saturday to visit in Blyth. Wellington Westcott spent two or last week from his three months" trip ensialt Alex. Mole Inas gone Oa We 4 .lAad inte4.iie- i eltiatandnlj route tintte,—Reggie Johnston. son of James Johnston. load the caisforlainei to cat the end off Lis finger. while working with a3 vetting hex as few days ago.—t•annneillfnr Ott - Wein has returned :frons his ter -day trip to :41i Waukee. being lnucil Ilene- fitted in he.11th.-1 v. D. WAVE iitosa'ti his dirties as supply for Rev. E. Medd fun Sunday week. lie has mewled the pulpit for two months and a half, preaching excellent sermons on every occasion. It is seldom that a yonu man is aide to not only keep up but: in. crease the interest as Mr. Wren has dime and the general verdict is that if he doer not injure his health it , over work or study that as bright and excep- tionally useful future lies beforehial. At the recent meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of Carmel church the follow- ing officers were electetk—Pres., Mrs Medd; Vice ries.. Mrs. Y orsglslut; Treas., Mrs. Rennie: See y, Miuu recon mite The TviaaEnt't'r's report showed $42.25 collected foe the year. The membership ss0 i.waIss] Florence Stone , k position i 1 J. C... n has taken sr r man's establishment —.Miss Whiteside has been engaged to teach for the rest of the year school on the Babylon line, Hay township, never Slabtown. _- Messrs. Cook Bros, are hawing the ina- ehinery of their flouring mills renovat- ed andimproved and will very shortly be in No, ], shape for attending to their" large trade.—Rev. Dr. Medd returned allo NACES! We have in stock the best supply of stoves and furnaces, to•' gether with al flsinl;s, ea-er exhibited in Exeter. We carry ail the inert makes, Ceraents. We keep constantly in stock the National and Star Brands of Portland Cements, conceded by all competent judges to be the best In the market. The S. ,FP .Before you:.lsegin to paint Fein' house or anything else be sure to gee the best paint possible for the money and at the sante time give the best satisfatctien and longest wear, ` : ardware wo have the largest stock of hardware in town- ltavetroaugch- ing and builders' eupplies especially. Fcir Forgoer lift pumps all n es P r.,e To ... .Aw _ A.MAN TLES d FroTns rn Stook of the very Latest and ; wellest Garments for Fall and Winter. La�lle:f Monte Carlo Coats ee Monte Carlo Coats Children's Ulsters l sae al Fancy Tweeds and Plain Colo,:,. three days in Detroit last week, re- to Muskoka.—Miss Kate McEwen, of turning Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Huston and little daughter, of Princeton, are the guests of Messrs. W. O. and H. Huston. Miss Jennie Taylor, of Brewster, spent a few days in town, the guest of the Misses Brown, during the week. Mrs. Thos. Elliott and Mrs. William Ford, of Osborne, left Wednesday* s 'n to visit friends in Flint,Mich. morning n,341, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hale and family, after a few days' visit with friends re- turned to their home in Oil Springs Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Finger, who were the guests of Mr, and airs. Rumohr, re- turned to their home in Battle Creek, Mich., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McTavish, of Gait, were here yesterday attending the funeral of the latter's sister, Miss M. E. Howard. Mrs'. J. A. Birk;of Mancelona, Mich., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dearing, returned hoarse yesterday morning. Mark Mitchell spenta couple of days here- during the week, returning to London Monday, accompanied by his such as cement floor, street -iron roof, wife, who has been visiting friends. and a coat of paint. About 40. tons of here for a short time. hay and 2,700 bushels of grain were stored in the barn. Mr. Penhale's loss is $3,500. He had $1,100 insurance on the barn and $700 insurance on the stock, both in the Hay Mutual com- pany. The separator, which was a new one and owned by a sygadicate of farmers, cost $700, and is a total loss, there being no insurance. '.r'ho d• N.. W. Exhibition. All indications point to a successful fair at Goderich next Tuesday- and Wednesday. The secretary is receiv- ing entries freely and in these days of good stock and bountiful harvests the quality cannot but be of the best. Miss Green, one of the winners in 'the In- dustrial and Western Fairs' competi- Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Pickard, who have been on an extended journey through Europe, returned on Saturday night last. They report a very enjoy- able trip and their appearances verify the report. Mr. John McMahon, of Hay y who has been on a• three months' trip to Regina and various other points in the west, ,returned home on Friday last. Mr. McMahon had not left the west at the time of the snow storm and reports the scene one of great de- struction, hundreds and thousands of acres of beautiful grain being levelled to the ground in complete ruin, while` much of the stooked grain was frozen tions, will give exhibitions of butter and badly damaged, He thinks the - making, and Mise Agnes Smith, of west is a good country but says Ontar- Hamilton,demonstrations and lectures lo is good enough for him. in domestic science, One of the Guelph College staff will be present to talk on the nature study classes, and other model fair features are being ar- ranged for. The speeding events will not be for large purses and profession- al ringers, but more genuine sport and keener competition will be in them than where the professional has the ingforanother season.—Arrangements ing nicely and we expect to see him' advantage. The exhibition of Celia B. are being made••for the anniversary around again before long.—Rev. Geo. to lower the record here will alone be services to be held in St. Andrew's Finkbeiner, of Fullerton; Tp., sPent as a: noted track event. This year all Church about the middle of November. few days this week in the village, the members get family tickets as well as .—The Misses J. and B. Chesney are at guest of Mr. and Mrs, John Wind. -Dr. Wesley last, who has ` been- visiting his brother Dr. Ezra Heist; returned to his home in Morriston last Thurs- day. --Mr. Daniel Oestreicl3er and Miss Lizzie Oestreicher have returned: from St.Jacobs, where they have been vis- iting relatives. Si• ppen The weather during the, last week has been very sultry, but mother earth has been treated almost daily to a re- freshing showers.-Thefarmers in this vicinity have completed their fall seed - Toronto, is spenking a few days here with her parents.—Miss Benumb b Craaig is, we are pleased to learn, recovering from her recent illness.—Miss .Mollie Ellis is attending the Model at Lon- don. Crediton The anniversary services of the 3I Eb- enezer • e .tadfist h Church on the 4th of Cht r next McGillivary, will beheld ex }, Sept. 27th, at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m., when Rev. J. Ayling of Byron. wilt preach. Special collections in aid of the Thank Offering fund will be taken up at both services. The 08 awi 1 sacred concert will follow on Monday evening when a programnne consisting of solos, recitations, instrumentals and chorus will be rendered. Mr. Ayling will give his address on the "Union Jack." :Music will be furnished by the Crediton Choir. The Misses Finkbeiner have returned bonne, aftera pleasant visit with friends In Hamilton, Toronto and Pelhalm Centre. -Mr. Solomon Beaver is learn- ing the tailoring with J. H. Holtzman. —A number from our town heard the Band Concert given by the Coldstream Guards in London last Wednesday.— Mrs. Dora Lina was one of the judges of Ladies' Work exhibited at the Ex- eter Fair on Tuesday.—Miss Wilmot Smith, who has had a. dressmaking shop in the village for some time; has gone to London, where she has accept- ed asituation as dressmaker with a large retail establishment. —Mr. Claude Bluett has moved into the dwelling formerly occupied by Mr. Edward Kes-. tie.—Mr•s. Geo. Glanville, of Sault St. Marie, Ont., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jno. G. Young.—The Misses Lizzie Eil- ber and Mabel Cawley have returned to Detroit, after a pleasant visit here with relatives, -A large number of this village and vicinity attended the Exeter Fair on Tuesday,—Mr. Henry Haber, M.P.P., has been unable to at- tend to his office work this week owing to an acute attack of ,muscular rheum- atism.—Work has been commenced at our concrete walks. —On Monday morning, Murray, youngest son of Mr. George Holtzman, stepped unto a large spike and received a severe gash in his foot.—Mr. Mathew Sims had the mis- fortune to have his leg broken by a small fall of clay. in Mr. Fred. Iiaist's Brick and tile yards. He is progress - their own, and last year's exhibitors of live stock who were awarded prizes of $5 or over get their stalls or. pens free of charge. The directors will have everything in good shape this week and a good fair, and an enjoyable day's outing is prornised to everyone. City. present spending a week with friends in London.—Miss Jessie McGregor spent a few days this week with her friendl4lrs. D. Junorof Clinton, ---Many from this neighborhood are this week attending the Exhibition in the Forest HE STYLES are entirely differ , from these of last season sled sl MUST BE SENN' to i't]lly appreciate their beauty. We direct Special .recital Attention to this Department and invite your early in- spection. OUR PRICES ARE RICHT. + s� P KMA 'S• * � adquarte :1N»FORIYS l:I ,1uY •TQ-WE:ai.R Fumilur2 aq iaerta 1=5=M -E. "' "C7"' ?" ,CCK ALT, AND INSPECT some of the Finniture exhibited U at the Furniture Exhibit, Toronto. We are baying V our orders tilled early, and can show you the new- est designs on the market, and defy competition in Prices. As to quality—we lead. 5Ii1e W. C. HUSTON Opera House Block. Practical Embailmer- eiIo!r- What are you looking for? Is it a nice piece of Furniture? If so don't fail to call on us, because we are headquarters for anything in the line of furniture. Our Stock is the largest and best assorted in the county. Our Workmanship is the very best. The Design and Finish is the latest. The Prices are the lowest. TETE WILL be pleased to show intending- purchasers through our large Iry stock and quote our prices before placing their orders. WE GUARANTEE satisfaction with every article purchased from our store. All kinds of ORDERED. WORK, REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING and PICTURE FRAMING done on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors. ROWE & ATZI SON R. N. Rowe's Old Stand, . GHARLTONS FAIR Entertaining. There is no more -certain method of entertaining the average woman than by spreading before her a list of attractive bargains. Here is a spread that will cause surprise among even our regular patrons who. as all know, are accustomed to getting more than good values: 7 Piece Berry sets, were 45c. yours for 30c.; 13 Piece berry sets, im- ported china, from $1 up. all the wa from 75c. up; Fruit Lemonade sets. y p, and Celery Bowls and Cake Stands' in English Imported Cut Glass from 5c. to 25c. Very pY rett and extremely Glass Vasesfur cut'flowers 1 �c. to 2' cheap values. Gila ,. ower 5 � , Jardineres from''25c. to $1.50. - - CHARLTON'S FAIR Exeter