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Exeter Advocate, 1903-9-24, Page 7
BOIS OF TO -DAY • WXLx B:- vim NEN OF THE �'UTU'itE, They Should be Bugged a1i Stuedy, Full a# Life and heady for Work, PI.ey or Study Neejn Them Healthy. Growing. bays should always be healthy and rugged. Beady for play, ready for study, and ready at any time fora hearty meal. This condi- tioan deue; tc5 good health, but there are entirely too many who do not come up to this standard,. Ttiey take no part io the _manly games. all healthy boys indulge in; they are 5taopeshouldered. dull and Imams; they complain of frequent headaches, and their appetite is rateable. Suate- titn.es: parents say, "Oh, they'll ottt- gtaw It But they won't—its the blood that's out of condition. and instead of getting better they get re- quire worse. litter boys of this quire to snake Them bright, eetiLA and strong. is a toatic1 something that will build up the, blood and nasal a the nerves strong. There is no C medicine that can do this as quickly eased elle effectively* as Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. lairs. Mary Compton, of Merriton, tet,, tells what these pills dill for her sixteen lees old son. She sass: "About two years ego afty `on Samuel ttegan to deelino in health. ; u grew very pale azul thin and tat, thites experienced serious weals e+paUls, coupled with is tired, worn cant feeling. and es the weeks went by he grew worse. This elevated iw. for my husband had died of what tho doctors called pernicious anaemia. and 1 feared tray sent t',;as going the game [say*. 1 had often read tbat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would cats anaemia, and decided that he should try them, A couple of boxea made an decided improve - meat uprove-axaent ie his condition, and by the time he bad taken a half dozen box- es iiia health was better than it had been for some years paaevhotta. Ilfiaa weight hied ittereased. his listlessness hard d'a oplararrd, and be was bleaasett with as good appetite. 1 may meld that other members of my family Lave been lienefitteal by the uFe of A)a'. 43'ilEuttlti57 Pint; raurs on41 7 con- finer theee pills the lust of all ntwea9i- Ciirte rOor Aral wearers blood is the e.taaste of ;work,' call dieeateep, and it, is bie- eettee Pr. Williams' Pink Pills act di- a•a.rTla tart" the blood. both enrich- ing it tool Thera •acing the q antitys, teat, they cure Sault troaalsles as anae- mia, rbteamatiyin. indigestion. stion. neta- r. htiaa. liar;wt urea les. inelpicnt con- suxaalttton sand the various ailments 1 tut afflict so many women, That pale, may he had from any dealer in iiiatilieime or will he rSc*tit post paid at rioe. a boN or six poxes for ,s2„rin by twrititle; ten rho %)r. 'Itiiliants' cine Co.. Brockville, Ont. If yon. value your health never allow a deal- er to per:ouado you to take tlon)e- tieing; else. 1NI31IAI,S AND MAL DE TNR. 0000.0 Remedy for doe Elephant Worth Trying by 35Tan. A Isrenelt scientist has made some Sesy interesting observations as to the love of different wild animals for the sea. The Polar bens, he staff's, is the on- ly ora that takes to the sea, and is quite jolly whenaboard ship. A11 others violently resent as trip on the grater, stud vociferotutly give vent to their fi'l'lings until sea-Wel:ness brings silence. The tiger suffers most of all. The linere sight of a ship mattes hint un- conhfortohle, and when on board he 'whiner: pitifully, his eyes water con- tinually, and lie rubs his stomach with his terrible paws. Horses are very bad sailors, and often perish on a. see. voyage. Oxen are heroic in their attempts not to give way to sickness. Elephants do •riot like the sea, but they are aunen- able to medical treatment. A good remedy Is a bucketful of hot water containing three and a half pints of whiskey and seven ounces of quinine. THE MEANEST +T M AN MAN. Fj THE The two boys were discussing the various excellencies of their respec- tive parents. and the conversation had reached the highly critical. and even personal, stage. "Well." remarked Tommy Stubbs, "yore can say what you like, but I reckon your father's about the mean- est man that ever lived. Fancy hint letting you walk about in thein .old boots, and thine a bootmaker too!'° "Garel" was the reply of Bobby Roberts; "illy father., ain't so mean as your father, anyway. Why, fancy hien being a dentist, and your baby only got ono tooth! I„ call it dis- gracefull" MAKE BABY FEEL GOOD. A baby's temper depends upon how he feels. If ailing he will be cross,. worry the mother and annoy every- body in the house; if feeling- well he will be bright, active and !happy. It is easy to keep your baby feeling good by profiting by, the experience of mothex:s who give their little ones. Baby's Own rl'ablets. Ono of these mothers, Mrs. C. W. Shore, Castle- ton, Ont., rays: -"Our Child, eight months old, has always been ti',ol>,bl- edwith indigestion. We had medi- cine from two doctors and tried other ,rerneclies without benefit. I tlithe sent'for a box of Baby's Own Tablets and found 'them just what was required. The child is now 1111 right and is doing well. Indig'estion, colic, constipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers, in fact , all the minor ailments of little ones .are ured by Baby's Own Tablets. They always do geteal and cannot possii;ly do harm, and may be given to , the youngest infant with perfect safety: Sold by druggists or direct` by mail, at fisc a cox, lay addressing the. Dr. Williams aledi hm Co..:,Bro..kville, Out: SYMPATHY STRAINS NERVE.' , One expression of sympathy is of- ten a greater strain upon over- wrought nerves than actual .harsh.: Hess: or indifference. A word or merely a tone of condolence may pre- cipitate the hysteria which has $o far been 1*ept at bay. In addressing a person who, appears to be on the Verge of nervous collapse avoid any_ allusion to his or her condition and also much demonstration of tender- ness, Strive to be easy, cheerful and impersonal. When the mind and heart ere full of .pity for the suffer- er this advice may sump' at first thought cold and unfeeling. In re- ality it is practiced kindness, Intense nervousness is a furan of disease; and most be treated as snob, Each sue. cesptve collapse brings additional weai;tiess, and it is therefore to be svaaaiadett off when it in possible to do so. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured pith I•a2t:AL AP1'UCl?Tit)h5, ea tbey Cannot ra:ach Liao rh l6 Catarrh ee. t o;c thea disease, 'a to t.r 1 i n 4 ofd or _.poet tutiQnat dieeenese. and in ureter t0 cure• tt yea xetgst take i eternal reerted e� Hait'w Catarrh Corte is taken tattnrna►lly. and 5at9fRedeis•ectily!ethe blootcadismco us R144vtnedaelOsO. it4a ghs ;fesbnedot 4; at;e of ti,e best ph7 slenasas to this carr'* an- or ye�aiDpsr an:rcf.rsisOr.9 known, corntsed with tlae Durst. 1itaod p'1rBaleers, etctiug directlx nn t14o rEntacouaa wurf ce. 'a'ho paerfcct eoriadainateon O ttna twct iaagreeteats as weet (iroattee:s eeett esintieet. ut eaetits taa curtaaa Catart•li, .?React fair teetta'.nrn. aI, teee, 1.'. O. Ctlf:a,+r k' A: no.. Props.. Saud by dreggists price ^,: is oleci4. tk debit's ieeintty t'ellaa ere the Leat, "How absurd it is," she loused. "to describe women as bargain -hunt - era, Just look at my case. 1 ani deliberately excbanging the name 'Montmorency" for the name of 'Smith.' What bind of a bargaain is that•?" For Nino Ye cry lir. Samuel Bryan Thedford, writes: "For nine years. 1 suffered with ulcerated sores on my ley, I ex tided over OW to physicians, and rie'ere' Preparation I hc•►rcl of ee was litmentted Coe each tiise;tae, but:conid teller. lot last was reeoinnienaled , . ar give ens � le tri it 'a, trial, l r, Thomas,' iso a sa O , r which loos resulted, oiler using eight het- tlesinaleg it dnterually and externallad. in a canf pilcx4 ©tn'e. I tlelievo it is the best medicine in the world. arab 1 write thds to lea; ethers Ii Low what it has donee for ITO i:a rucheet who is content with the leaast, for conte=nt is the Wealth, of noture.•--Sort'ates, Minard'& UAW Cures Oistamore 'WHAT'S IN A NA?itF4 1%t an upcountry station in New South Walt's is a termer named Stealing. Ito lies just. named his in- fent daughter Worth, in the hope that her Tante will not harmfully ef- fect her future. Beware of little expenses:. A smell Int will amok a great ship. An approving conscience Is bat ter zurt an anplautling world. �--^—b ' • EMBED HALF A LIFE TIME ONE RIME SPLENDID CHEM CREDITED TO DODD'S NIDNEY PILLS. Doctors Said Nicholas Ecker 'I•Iacl Gravel or Bright's Disease, or Something Else Dodd's '?Edney Pills Gave Him the Rigor of Early 3ti:anhood. St, Catharines, Ont., Sept. 14.— (Special).—Nicholas Ecker, the well- known farmer, living near St. John's P.O., on the dividing line of Pelham and Thorold Townships, who has been restored to health after twenty- nine wentynine years suffering from Kidney Dis- ease has given a statement for pub- lication. It reads: "I had been a sufferer from ICidney Complaint for twenty-nine years. T had the most distressing Backache, Irritation of the Spine, and Head- aches, coupled at times with an ex- cruciating circular pain about the lower part of the body. What I'. suffered no pen can describe. In- somnia too added its terrors and T was greatly reduced in flesh. "Three different doctors attended 1ne. Ono said I had Gravel, another, called it Bright's Disease, while the third said I was in a dangerous con- dition. None of them: gave me any permanent help and my friends thought I could not live much long- er. "At this stage I gave up other treatment and started, using Dodd's Kidney Pills. After taking two box- es I found they were helping the and I continued till I had taken sixteen boxes when I was again enjoying the splendid vigor of earlier manhood." it ELECTRIC CARS ON ICE. Sunlight Soap will not bum the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. One of the winter sights of St. Petersburg , is a system of electric tramways on the ice in the Neva. One runs from the left. shore of the river to the island of Petrowsky, and another from the English quay, opposite the Senate House, ' to a- the island of Basilica near the Academy of Fine Arts. Wooden posts solidly embedded in the ice support the trolley wires. Besides these tram- ways many wooden roads in various directions.:. In summer bridges of boats take y the place of tihe roads an the ice. For Over Sixty Years AIRS. whhiacew's Soumnzaa Brom leas been need by millions of mothers fur their hidroa, while t€ethltila' ItsoQothesthe child, darns the gums. ahloy:pats!, area wind oolio togitlntos the otomxob nail boWdl9, inti, tble best roe df for ,Dlnrr coo: Twantyrtlde oai�ls p bb Sold bydrttggists thrtadhout the world, Bo sure nod gals for ,"Mts. Wfsmr..dlr'S5oonurui 13h rue." 25.74 A friendwhom • you have to buy will not be worth what you pay for him, no platter .what that may' be. alts MICISS elect for the Octagon. leap'" Young Dcicter--="I wish I had the; practice of old Dr, Pullman. That Haan 1nust take live thousand .a year out of WOMen who are no more a i; ung than ' you are." x" riencl;-"Just the sort you could treat, too." There never wax, d never will he mniversal panncee, i:a one remedy, for all fills to wh .iph tiesit Is heir --the very natnxa f msuy' curatives being stah tbet were he perms of caber oust clifterenitiy ated ass ted in the system of lila fe a rooted, -.., n I atitt tF v G would, relieve tura would a$graeoto tart oathe.a. r , t 1 a ai war 6nttre.bowe-er. tit Qinianioe Wine. when pbtaaloable is a tennd. unauulter.atod liHa"e, a woggle 'forahtaaay tare ;re+viousill,. r its gr,1 Cal seal iudicioars ua. the 'ffettlese systems area letiinto conealeseeucei ,R avi s,rei!„ :L, by the a aatlate:icewiaich (Sao onto exerts ontsatnreeOW' t'4etoretwes, Tt 11,411eVe.3 the draotaihlg spirits of time' iwitit whet» a chronic state et morbid des* cadency end tech, et Interco nn life l'< all sAise..se, and, by frau uilteltt. the nerve', dieptoses to wound end retreating steed innpjsrts vigor to the zctaatt et the bicted4 winch. beitag etiunola:sod, ceureea through* out Elia ye4tn.S. strengtheutn , she stealthy animal functions of the byeteln. tltercbll �tteking activity a neaess:ixy• recut ' i«trengtkeli.tugehe frame, end givnitg lite Ito the d1gesttee organs, n htcii naeurnll . 11lalttatntl 1ucreSeeai aatthitiauce—vexult. 11114 1'07.04 appetite. Northrop & Lyman o emote, have strew to tit* pontic Meat Fulaerear Quinine Fina at the usual ravel, piiad, gauged by the oplaliou of scientist dill wine approaches nearest pherfeotian a sant tat LZIe tuari aa. ..41 t>rii tats unit, iii, AI`i UNUSUAL GO1..t)FiSl1, A fisherman at Iyinfleur, i� ratiaco, caught €a large herring in the eatn- urp of the Seine. then it wos cant open n the halt was Jamul tocontain n two 1?ratflisla hnit",:cxR-ereignsl and tiater, one.shilliug pieces. ENGLISH SPAVIN Renteras aatt bard, sett or chalet ell megaly mut blexarirhea etre.: a htareee. Meed euevue, eutte. *plitttar, rlaet ttelle, stctreaty. stidfoff, rave Ar wet Om) h t q vpwercan'i.4 the meets sye we_grtul Blemish Ogre lases knuwzi. tieilius has always received no pplauso than it has money. POO1. ADVI0Fr, One of the best stories told of the late Sir .Andrew Clark is the follow- ing; At a dinner party one night be no- ticed that the lady sitting nest to him at table passed a dish to which he helfhed himself pie:atiftllly. Ile leaked if she slid not like it, an it was excellent. She replied: ."Oh, yes, 1 like it, but anis physi iao forbids me to eat it." ""Stull and ztonsense," said Sir An- drew; "it could not hurt anyone. Who is your plays,icien?" To which the lady, whom the meth - oat magnate had forgotten, answered, with a demure twinkle in her eye: "Sir Andrew Ciotti" EXIIISIIION NOTICES. THE GREAT "'COMFORT SOAP" E>1111111I' That Comfortfo rtSoaF is "all right"h t!with the public, and is used "ell over" the Dotminion,. is evidenced by the great throng of people to be found at all times gathered around the exhibit. As casual. the exhibit is OHO At the most unique and attra -j tive of the Fair. • The msnfntoth carte of Comfort Soap, orae guessing of the Wright, of twitiei) entitles the lucky one to on elegant Painter Up- right l'iun a), in seanaaett from every* +, possible standpoint. The mental et fort to "ize It up" in pounds and oumees, coils a serious expression to many atoughing face, for the mo - Meat. It costs potting to guess; and everybody hes the privilege of trying far this 'minable Plano, which is also on exhibition at the stand, _ ineteen other beautiful and vain. able prizes, acs consolation prizes, are to bo awardedto the nineteen guess- ers next nearest to the correct one - The Mayor of Toronto has Wittily consented to weigh the huge mite tit Soap at the Comfort Soap exhibit six the last day of the Fair and the aesult and naw s of the lucky terss- er;will he published. Tito eb,hibit is also ivade artistic and gttraetiee by the display of Many sof lite* handson a poietures and either attacks of 'virtue which are given away au sotutvairs for Comfort Soap wrappers. nese presents are 50 =net alptp,re aaateil and Fought. aaf- a ter, that tk' Maraaifocturerr s have to eatr y a Octet,' equal to that of many it large deportanentel More, and the Willow mons: at 02 Wellington St.. W. 'a'oreatei, and at 1670 Notre Dante hit., itMO:Aaettl are veritetblo Art Ei nporirn-ns well worth a visit of inspection. Comfort Soap in use, and in popu- lar flavor, has no competitor; it stands alone as the :great family and household Soap of tho Dominion, and its ore is rapidly e1tending to every household In every town and hamlet in the country. It is gratifying to the ninnnfnctur eta to know, that their efforts to n)atke a labor-saving and pure soap. as soap Which psi the best economy for every household use, are being to universally appreciated. its) it is to the millions of patrons who use it, who benefit by it, and who always get the beautiful premiums in ex- change for the wrappers. which they send in to the ware -rooms at lin 'Wellington St, W.. Toronto. The rapidity with which the de- mand for Comfort Soap is increas- ing Is simply pltenolnlnal, and the Company is constantly adding to their factories and facilities, iu try- ing to keep pace witlh. it. As is sometimes tritely said of it, "Its the Comfort of Canada," and its almost universal use seems to bear out the happy conceit. In Nature's Storehouse There arra Cure- --Medical experiments .wive shown sen elusively thin there are medicinal virtues In oxen ordiulnry plants growing app aroma' ns which give Helot a value thaat. cermet leo estimated. It i;i held by ttolna that Natures provide.) as cure for eatery t,i, ease which neglect midi ignorance have visited upon man. However, this may ile, it IR well .known that Parinelee.i' Vegetable Pills, distilled front rocks and herbs, are a sovereign noway ay to curing aII disorders of the digestion. • IIASTY MARTUACI R. l n Warsaw recently a banker toed and left his entire fortune to which- ever of his three nieces—daughters of three different brothers and sisters -- married !iret. Tilts parties interested in this provision Were present when flip will was read, and all of them took immediate steps to secure the prize, Ily procuring special licenses and tilting other unusual measures it was found that the earliest possible time for a wedding to take place was at 8 o'clock on the morning of the tenth day after the will had been read. :Before noon on that day all three nieces appeared at the notary's office with certificates showing that they had all become wives between 8 and 8.15 o'clock that morning, though not ono of them had even been engaged when the will was read. All three claimed the fortune, and the courts solved the difficulty by dividing it into equal parts. S1:I'TLEns LOW RATES. Via the Chicago and North Western Ry., every day from Sept. 15tH to November 30th, settlers ono way second class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore- gon, Washington, California, also to :Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Ilossiand and other points in. the Kootenay District. Correspond- ingly, low rates front all points in Canada. Full particulars' from near- est ticket agent or 33. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East sting St., To- ronto, Ont. AN BARTIILS' PARADISE. . Far away in the North Atlantic lies the land of Iceland, inhabited by a sturdy race of Norsemen, in -all about 70,000. This is one of the best educated countries of the world. The people hold family worship daily and are devout worshippers in , the house of God. There isnot a person of legal age who cannot read and write, the plainest workman knows history, law, religion and especially his Bible. Women have the same po- litical rights enjoyed by men; all the children are baptized, : carefully trained, and virtue reigns suprenie. Ali are children of God. . A writer says: "In a thousand years but tato cases oftheft have been found in Iceland, No prison, nor police aro there; neither are there bolts or bars on the - house doors' of the inhabi- tants."'" THE BURGLARS FLED. Half a doh dozen burglars, a.q �alar. vht e 'wn business intent- in .a funeral under- taker's premises recently, Were' scared nearly out of their' writs by. seeing, it body rise, from; one .of the coffins .on. a shelf. They fled, . The body was that of • a whtehnian on the premises who had been, having forty winks, Kindness is the only charm per- mitted to the.. ;aged; it Is the .co(1ue;: try of white hair.—Feu! let. "Young Miss Blank, to try her young man's fidelity, asked her inti - 'mate friend to beg hila to kise her as he was tnktng her honkie one night. A few days later Miss Blank met her friend, and the following !conversation occurred:--•"Xlid you ask John?" "No; I didn't get a elaatnce. Ile asked Ino first. '1'be great lung healer is round in that excelleusredicin'e sold as I3ickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passage* and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when supposed to be far advanced in consume. sion. • CQl >moisseu °''s Tett The tender top shoots of the tea plant, known C ran a 'eitee" are mainly used in Blue Ribbon Tea. The'utKtfte de la; ertme" of teagrowths), The znosil delllciQl . and tasty tea in the world, People' who knaw,recoonize this quality in Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea, The delicious taste and fragrant aroma mean Inner excel. lenge to theffir OE If go, you should procure the Paint. Brush on the market, a 'attely the Most satistaactery Fain Brush made teetl y, K Flexible Bridled Bru T:lej brittle ran easily he removed er xeplan'ed. It is not atcrted by water, ell or vziaat and wora,;s Eon as gaivot, thus keeping the brls:t7es elaette, T$te Haeme "120ewhie" the branded on mat brush. Sold by aril reliable dealers. When you buy A X't oInChatd Favorite.' 44111'clYwriy.e! 1, INSIST ON GMTXNC* ONE OF THE "111OVE WELL.}cNowN Tho Bost That Can be i cit. USE EDDY'S FAILS $4 TUBS, USE EDDY'S 'MATCHES. LIVING COAL CELLAR. In the 'churchyard at a Welsh vil- lage there are Sour huge yew trees, and a large cavity in one of them, which is protected by a door, is used for storing the coal needed to' heat the church during the winter months. • '9y Sob4hinc and subdufnC' the- pain, That's the war Cttt'e� eural Dolce., 234. atid t3C, s p '•7'{ltl?Lydy,a;.�.`-,` +,}�i. ;^)y,� , i_'l.` �. t�s��)� �F..,.,t. N,,i7. .f',l'fC�L'7�' iii "T(6 'fC".�[,�♦�,.'4'il n .L V��. ▪ E! boy Is never so' puppy an when the family is moving, and he can walk through the streets to his new houses wearing a' chair 011 leis bend. That's the only way most boys taut sit on at: chair. Mind's Unlined Cures Colds, etc GRAINS OF COLD. Nothimg ages like laziness--BU1-! Wer. 'rhe innocent seldom find an un- easy pillow.—Cowper. Ile that is ungrateful has no guilt but tine; all other crimes may pass for virtues in him.—Young. We can do nothing well without joy, and a good conscience, which is the ground of joy,—Dibbes. it tsorcl or nod front the good, has more weight than the eloquent speeches of others. Plutarch. Iiind words prevent a good deal of that perversedness which rough and imperious usage often produce in generous minds.—Locke. An inquisitive man is a creature naturally vel'y vacant of thought it- self, and therefore forced to apply to foreign assistence.-Steele. The only way to make the mass of iinaiikind see the beauty of justice, is by showing them, in pretty plain terms, the consequence of injustice.— Sidney Smith. Gentlemen, --While driving down a rery steep hill last August my horse stumbled and fell, Cutting 131=011 fearfully about the bead and body. 1 used IYIINARD'S LINIIE,IENT. freely en h xn and in a few days iio was al well as ever. J. 13. A, ,BEAUCHI'lltPZ, Sherbrooke. 759 "Why do they call our language the mother -tongue, pa?" "Because your father never gets a chance to use i -L my son:" For Inflammation of the Fyes.—Among the many good qualities which Parma lee's Vegetable Pills possess, besides reg 'elating the digestive organs, is their effi- cacy in reducing inflammation of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a' enrein the pills. They, affect the . nerve 1 risil g l j 1 5l1 ) n a theblod } and�o P g centres active • Way, and the result is al)nest ia- mediately seen. "Don't you, know, prisoner, tbat it's very wrong to steal a pig?" ``I do now, your honor. They melee such a row, "- hiifebu.oy Soap- *ciisinfertan't strongly ree rel needed• by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against lnfectiot:s diseases, Thorn who complain most afro %nest to bo complaitled of. t rd's l.1 M ORM is cabs. Illoora—"I'm glad I meet your wife, She scerneti to take A fancy to me." Pecquc--"I)id she? 1 wish you'd met her sooner." .+,.-w - saeae asaac+•.wvs a¢a,sc oeroo.*a'l. Sit down to the Washing To economise fabric, time and strength and wash your clothes cleaner use a New Century Washing Machine. There is nothing *washable it will not wash—perfectly clean—do it in half the time -without boiling the clothes. Runs on ball bearings, just a touch does it. Send for des- criptive circular, better still, ask any 11artitvare man to show it to you. The Dowswell Mfg. Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. eattareamenesetweeeet ac . 3p ems. ' + We aro getting them, leapt them. When no other truss "rill hold ria• m they come to 'us. what we get we hold," ' Thebeat is'thy chowpest.' Thnt'e our pub nt i n- nmatio Dyad Trtiss, It hoide tho edges of the wound together no that with fair ploy it moat bent You may set well; you can't gas W0115 while you wear it. Procurable on v from THEBFLT A1v» TlttIss M' O. CO., Hernia mpecialqts 4 3- 3 Spadid s veT=v. .-- D. ASTEADO fit. CO. 77 lung St, East, Toronto, M2t'4L11': CTUR7I S'CF FURS. Dert'er, in ra v Tur. and lien Ring. We give better value 1. Fara tlu,n ,Hi, other bones Sed for catalog, Goads sent to any nddr' as. -r: °ey ref -n toil it not , ntiafaet •ry, :larpr,paytn;, ext.. i.'gh pikes for Gen wing. SonO r prices. 33 50 is SHard Tale mo nest at the Lowest Price Write for Terms RE I D BROS., M'f'g Co.)} 785 Kingg.Gt. W. Poultry, s Better 9 Egg% Honeys, ALt CO FRUITS And Farm ' Pro duce generallee consign it to ut : n l we will ge m you b 0 till prices This ��'gg Co,,4�at�e3Q Commission � ate 'It Cala PHi7E0 ISSUE NO. 34 (' tk