HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-24, Page 6WVCAMABeil,eittLeCiti*CINK. About the ....House kior4uvoweritgrintreereraVinca K*I");•+•:**:**;410";!*:ot:••;•#:•*«"704,":4•:••;":**) a collprer a ventrilogoist. an --an extra waiter, to help entertain our Y, guests -to cut up a gap at tbe table ,*z: One oman 3 An extra, man. And he is taking ad - 1/ varatege of your ignorance to make 4* love to -you to capture a rich anc1.1 *. 'C. •":"';nelituisctinidi lig, lav-10TIOt:t ha.,13ventouTIrlaiTueisstsTiOnO_ , " 4. . Too 4any , salted lite thee, Sir John, and to- g. et. now 1 shalt lodge a conitiaint • ; . 1„, . • • . ,,,, • • • • . • oop000,....„,,00,o,„ .. inst >out with your agents. . ateetett....e.ee, tateenatett * t t * . , "litley so petulant, illy? Had ao llard does sitopping ? Confide in! your cousin.," 1 e! Miss Barry, from whose cheeks the s color had disttppeared, ',those eyes g were dulled. by mental pain, •ilirned ',The man looked at his table-eon pardon out of the tairneen of his stYi` and then emited blandly et the en tufne of liappinese, Miss Ctsnthial Barry le putting ep alae other lifter' thou" t" The screen rocked, The ntilliore aire had the presence of mind to steady it olth his hand. "Perhaps, under the "cireum.stances, you'il like to withdraw your pro- posal?" Si' John suggested. "-But I'd like to join item, if only to Inark My appreciation of your daughter'e SUGGESTION FOR PICKLES d t F ' • it• substituted for the ordinary mirror ority On the subject, the general ef- fect should be consielered rether than the desire to show a great number. It proves most aciventageoue in many roorati to have the picture frames like the woodwork and eon- sidered. a part of the decoration. Pictures are too •often hung without -Any thought of their relation to the places they fill. In a wideheavily carved fireplace an oil paieting was heaakt all reeetables can lie pick- ae hadn't been for a suggeetiou efiss- stunk, elaborately treated. Frantic, let drop last time 1 wits at d* The bat 'chi r mad 'le deeP your house. I shouldn't have asked .leinbefsrtesicii,detreltitergariTtaliblitiems' inalit7se: ..eutla.,7„tetil,l,furrlielt(estn;twPagrEuali,e0ra°11°.tsli:Fgsia:::tielt crisp pickle. Blend spices care- 4-----h te 4„, and da uot. usi.‘ too e,„„..,,,t :unity to the whole end of the room. , auk -" _i!:c2=4";",,,Itbat no mirror or suspended pie,. tree welch toe hand et eti itetainee sbgetly to the man, and, eithout your ditughter helped me to see that v• Kjca'eles i0111. ilgiacso:lea3is:el w Miss Barry 1::aS fae-orable to a, COMH 'oz horse radiell in the vineear7si's-P' 'turn e°11161 ever have effected. The man insinuated bete een Liza veal his ', h'u..V.11,; adto 2,1"iono4 notspeak?h. bine for our mutual bappiness," via: best rule for framing and hanging hest's daughter. ' pictures is perhaps. After all, to daelzened. her mouth contracted i.--: c°r"" as to "senthll l'ae"S" thuugh marrying." said the millionaire reel,' Pi°41en Without Cooking2One cup- owitin• of /Snips eome da te• and by -Miss All Fre:tide's de 1- f : jr-bave thug to say. Sba Is "I "see :what Ya" In'ean-Y°n.m ' " ° - t• t ace - malice perverts ti:e truth. I come ing his hamita leoteug yery oTib.: tui 01 n•'''gar, one enliful salt. one " - way of preparing himself Mr his fu - Miss Barry to join me, for I had an idea that she hadn't any belief that the mate would pan out right. and throw tradition to 1115. dogs and uee your indleiduel test°. „ PERSONAL POINTEItS. Interestiug Gossip About Some Prominent People. Tile ex -Empress Eugene still cher. ishes a true Spaniard's 'taste for strong perfumes. her favorites being lonoe, verbena, and sandal -wood. The oldest man on earth is said to be lzai Roclitesty-1 35-o1 Moseew, Russia, and the oldest woman Mrs. Naney Hot iiiield-117-of Bat tie Creel:, Michigan. Ig Edward is the first King of Great Britain and Ireland who has ever ttravelled on an Irish railway. When George IV, visited. Ireland in 1821 there were no railways. Sir Donald Currie. even as a child. made up his mind. to be a great triatierety, end her eyes roved .' over' tho ttrt,,,et,„,,,et eitwert,,b,. nee for a ine, oar for prent, tent for barrassed, ••Well-" 1 • ' " ) lot selatilsb, one i HARD AND Sibli'T WATER.. Jure responsibilities he reede a fleet a egun al >d ine TO cover ouleof- Is daughtter saved him tarsi- lablesP°uhul white Illtintard need i "Iteletiv •• " the of to boats which was the envy and 'rle eu'uthlued* "1 osethst extienses I don't 1. ow parley bso 'sr,•ee sing i/ao tee mines.. oue gallon- vinegar. mixed spice to*, An cooks do not understend agents receive caeh. time I ot the room. anld bowing roughly to itaste* Boil the above ingredients. different effects product•d by bard despair of his boy friends. U-4 ew I' al a ,145).-0 cotr.,nared witit-',,t-Lat my - - with Sir ..fo."..m„ :.VOnd,,r.r. for inetanee. „ eat engeged, len, a guitne, 1 S' • a I tact ies it o an. - :Then allow the prepared vinegar to aid soft water M cooting meets and (.1""vt Alext"'dra has a tarallte niT 1 DIONe many good poems. l'alle man - ' r ph which is (Olen in 1,1.50 when , ,, , h.... : , ate!. en on, mid e-ouli • "Inner aents get four," Fau w-,, she id " f il " otocks sk,,,a-ac , • "'I' mier the circumstances *Dane "tueetune cold before putting in the 'vegetables. Peas mid beans eook- tealvte ^' ' oteitothers. Itse tbe smallest pick- ed in hat'd water contair,Mg lime 1 120 Queen is at '1 221t11 It es sa 1431 , „ te to v vOu had better AIM 2220 Orl.lt VS 0 bet.oe e• 4.?. • . " • ,•• * raietle„ - withdraw the offer for it x '11 0. Ainas the largest ones do not. al- or upstun will not boil tenderbe, is exceodingly curious, very old, and "I can't believe it, Z,zo .:4t,it3,, ) --.. perhape, be welt for your comreey, ways become thoroughly pict led, but cause these substances harden Veg- is said to be of priceless value.. The wail? his es battled with krers,, to hare a director who is concerred f°11. the small ones this way of pre- etable cat:einn ?Warty vegetables. as TtSkPOT is in the shape of a stout we re wort n anintors ? and that 1ho.l his to was perfeetly Icahn in a bogus nine." ,,pitrieg teem Is excellent. Crisp, .OniOns.. bOil nearly tasteless in soft Dutchman sitting ASTridO a barrel of l'ut h`-'lres to' it nli withent bOAir,-; ''W111 SOK "1 get V, gr.ii.re.l; it is leg Hee et -es naseita at tee oet.onet ee'ldttlaP and tender. wbot once put up water. becauee all the flavor is boil- wine- The Old man's cap serioe Mr to these% ot rise deals thee did ite ittiee. 1 Tatou. it imp; zrae. Eio -to' sbe utteriel the last twoWor4is of TV this ease- method, you will tzever 'ed out. The addition of salt oiten ll VA, and a goid tap lets out the and' the *flettece" tnet itetereeke it• streak: but 1 woubi rether sen weeiest iier eettteneg. and to moat no oh agaln re -.ort to the old was of checks this. as in the case of onions, favorite five reelecit beverage. siez.ef:snelh 6ee1s 1 Sure SUIr'Ay, snrk.,ly . it's ent.1.17,g,k, to Give nie z isien u,a tam cectunlier plettlee. eifeeple• than be a profit to myself. IWn4P2 to dieglase a smile of ashedrzef s t T le • DI,. dear cottgt, telt that a 41,a(11 n an S st/PaS, W:Pnen TnIne 1-neffapill011' upon iiiret. _ littet eten - *tees- ea ; ease a -0 / do •Fi. ine.' in creel; with Pelt Fora/tiled. pten- lost in scat water. For extracting nuelern times to 1 0 appoirdefl to a seeret. l'ooce wool; I erne 40 i'?• L*)* 4 s 411 'N r ..N11 tuttig, getg.g,t, eact toFer. Let trheu4 !td„,,„ of meat to mate a broth It/Overate- aver in Ititly. She bale antgletto i._Ltst,zn-01 ,Itees:m.ve itot ll!ours. /lien drain and or tamp, soft water. unsaltefl and tire cheer ot zoolosty and coogotro- ft tato' 4tt te,-etie vinegar until tender. Cold at nrst, is the hest, for ir emelt tite eteatonse --tleselata. and that 12,.? 4;11115 lemaro. who hpso; it ? As to our, lolly. all tile 22 ..:tosor ..an9 oet .eroelks... or ta4Ore• 1V.c.ility penetrates tiw tissue: of 12202 55(22 extroordinary of (*ova - 1 hefono Miss. is subseribed caoreelveo, mot rare io (*met %Alt a SPRCed llne-,‘ but for boiling, lettere tbe tuiceti parotho ouot„u4. bash iso•t a two 113 1412'4071, el warned her-toorely tame oft water salted la preferable, and ton Blotch, two ytotrs ago entered ay. o"ou'll dud a preneeinetty'pret. rtho faniOnS for the•excellence earain•-•`• who wq-autu't hito :vow -Vett 103•4y 1110l1 'Weft some sort "Morttlog l'ob;t'-notices weddirgs lat -the" Pic/des keeP for ve4 gleratni over the -flamer-table et the -end I 0,14 TOO poor ttb be able to Anewers. "With a seeil aliove ntOne:--n: 0222 Py'"r rhau. "T'-aitiuft `•)r t fe wa5 e 'ad turued 11"s etot qtaite t len s4ops. put teen o" 1- - I tvce oniato e e. ut yout 62 had itettetan for; tette, witieh res. -tied tea he oaitl- pleaFeti -you loolool in. • thiult 1 teity. .WZtei-e ? Wieffi"s fie „qpr4lE t eIte flIcs „ 5o.tistted that it po.v. t -gar well sweetened. The woolcot n110111(1 retalliedt hard water or A. Loralott girl. !tiles Nora Sten - causing the vegetables to retrein the Signora litina. Monti recalls Vito peettliar ilavoring, principles, besides golden ag•• !Paining for Italian such nutritious matter as might be women. See ie the first worami 122 eh. riot in ecnie, otateintenial trest or oeo o • t t 11- r' !-.) -. reaerrup et , its ,rat• ..-.„ ectos of ouwPl r eotopauof s in tooto-..s kier sweet -toinitto piekle. writes 1 lio meat sbould be pet, in while the Cornell lhaversity, N. Y., to titect a. Verse -Manus. fer instance•*' Ile of soeial intercourse," he eon:blued, ortwigeti. mod_b_re io Loudon as she has proven. When frith eeerce her familv relishes tliese ,a.weititined green tomatoes, with their Ipleasant. tart flovor, as a supper II dish. Sends me her recipe for Omit - loot tomato picttle. Use equal a eel'. said tile drilagl'l t° tonieunts of green tomatoes autl cab- Ilnittit 4 prerript ion. and ill lovers witlz Falt sprinkled be- “timt a gentlemou bage; chop tine, Arrange in a emelt. tooh it and gO:VO NW ttd" tv:eeo. Let stood for 24 hours. then . . - ater is boiling, 50 as to seal up and i• need Ills ‘,11•Arit tobtioms the Ilutettle -'42J254& 21 21/", 115 11 10 w215/1':". •"4:02( don't v,1101 14 1 tate *10 50V'2'uexpeTtees.':' tne, tt Sir Joint Lenore! ?" think I'd 500224'2'onerrave " Kaki AV TO 110 IT. 1,11es rrattrile not rel,ean 241011.t Use Ilarey, 2222.24'' that' sh5. oLei sloe 25ettro•.4,,, eeoke aooto ttuelo•o; tho „ her thomolo. rietitatiet 116"1"."-ltd.0:".-4 feat of clear erd etice teat •,„ ee- t -• diniter, but wbenever !tar eyes rosat e. ••„etleave tee eases teat2 lover from. hor plate tloo: alt000s do-elt cor • oeio homoly, e* '-2,12 232*g12- 1he tbate Sh" '1°4 11'°v n cZduolttutiMto• r INle osOrI te r. up a• cotarre -of instruction in engin- be pores at once, •being •the only wotetin : the ,graileates eft siege -Mg. SO iliorangh hag been her training that she a -winded levee wort in it, DIr. James Outrain Describes lifis and rig:Walla took her piece at one of • • the college ble.ei3staitles twenty forg. es. Of the beautiful peahs of the Cana- King Alfonso • bed Lute mem. diau Rockies. One of the MOst dill/. lure, rather unteemi with Starer, - T nAaoSuSnI!OIon'I NE . Successfl Acent. gzh8,Vla1eA1ve0KerVa ,tah,erilosoobaee'o'-' e`i, ,,..,,.,"' tvow ,:4c:"t''• te/ : .t:.', a i11-) ' ' i*11°lIiirea"-r l0' s'taunn.li'le" 44 epy 4 111"11 iPtwa Tt‘t e 50,1.11D as h".sweet totoaztg h • f'1au? ntil.; 2.'O;owlretchtleteanrodethtle21;"52;2efeP;8rttdoyenmeanbthat?t 01562 eWiTir . "• '' • 1:2111. 14u;,;1 VeP2621313.5T: ef eatice bieheetted *2 4' 22.2;r;gat54224q c:at --ft was Old:glilkOliC acd anti sieeaTe/1514rd etoteatenasedoen caled"Te Matterhorn of the hullohibrohhvt a 112 '4 OW 0 Lslt1weeigeten t 741i,4,,,r,ai041no,t,watoorlied the todstantI lebionpers sueed twodreglgoodruot 12. f022115 0I414*,52vev2 4*ohk4ng driven and*0 22 0.W4412 a.t no4;.1r2;tou„.worrhad 10 lOar a few "Maeery emet 5I/51I22115/S0125 glnll't elllidmore than 11.000 1 highIts f411 gaii°1"l'ot'd"IvdiVi711h51 morale ens or eeeees c ,ttd2dt,g 2* 24 *2220 the bottlandfill it MAI 01120115 02/0 cieMower, precipices bOve $2n50"-4"4 W4t/"*()use,,''tzurnq 4/MtnC112* 1212. 11. WA the ese vi -11 r 311o2.4t4* ?mall . 1234141+1iiai1 1142.5V411 Val"..* tSloa,rro-VrlroarncmodaF.1311(.4 i..,et, mut za6s, l,t,t,„4„ 41%,,i. aoil„.1..,;.,,,a', ii,,,r,nilt,ii aolai' ., ..lrerFT.e3abooll slightlySao% all t3 hese stood the actSaUltS Of :natty a clmb229 OSA PlSilIg-''o11241-2W45 evail:UVVforineedef1 la 1441' f 3 24 - r: ttr 0inind if o012 haoly to lbborodients in ctbld brit3e over nighter, the 12t4 suceessful asoont doting 2(' 22t'12? 6tolil-4but the aS00 foamh.44„zi32oto51-eat otniaet 1eth2t,the druggFt K*Ir4Pon Poto for IkehIs rnado orfol- ouy a few months boel61taVPIi 1/5 2.l51tanddrawlg 1221* exposed; ;you know Mot every prescription lows : One ball pound of ground That =trent. mink by dames Out- re“ibler. 1'7°1444 111Wl 111411- Ib"111 Wria aitla tortnaleg rerentisteree, No, 452 a,,,,,1 1,,,,,i3 ,4,0. os tbe doufortelyesost talie at leaot half all bour to tellow 1444412l4,one 2241440U102 rant with three toddy.% 222desert:11Pd with mo or tlinre4" tmiliLtIF-41t411"1411 tho .4k...ry drcuam,,D,rces taialt, 104 t cia ‘ a ttswitot, hrotvph or imaddence ,, he imirt atiting withinge for N.,. teat ounce of turmeric'. Rub the narrative IN a9 heonly interesting too Mr. Itobrrall lle4ll'ill is a N'tylliq-Ier - he hod no eototo; on alto coat:eery. 1404.4 boa 11242 („rxtu-,„ tor i5ueh,diopense or the cuetonber thin% bow. 0245 teatelpful of auger, one- In the September Century. The ohats, biro hels.c; co often pre3e22t at her 2.'l'h•str54e Intoner nareetuf enterteitilareae elevate Litte 62210y5 lugredieuis together with - allibyntper•ts accounto of 2415 corcoubleo Lou of the third bawl of eartiavvon.. "When a, prtscription for nolt otel ixtio Vinegar until smooth. Then *be ini131 " ' • • *33 ',enari!,,d. ien-withe u soI tenlk• tsbtimerei ins ihaiolltl e•ttooe sdlieon.itiev5(4124122vt.i vimwodnoderit Ien" hecllo' ntoonte.' wle a1t3e3arndoerdpeToOpeVoOu111,inVt Oallndmcuosut glhoosyk riatg'addneatlidrrtovPaesgtaer. , I tti sianir1Om11:S4)wi-s Alps. We have not tbe Ile is of g•-ntlo. Ohilte3opine Nu. ter'"? N14 01'111: 2"a`TE.‘;'117.1-41:a4.; 1141:"V'girf'S glamour of her forttiee. But not s oN. , o o t o g p e a w ipotu yi olethiee r*' O r e t oberyen ho . 62 4 n o a f r n t.o l e r f 5a..c.1e' l e Ritn. cl• lil/ Il o ' arwl°lt2 e k11 fad purposely misundertood Iter thousando gady 11222'k, WS pleroy eht"„iv-' °'ei1u1''n•1•i)1•-•'' 's uIglgl" Itt"4 ei° c V i•'eed ' 1 S fn t,l '6 b a"rg'so nO UtCOalne n.e vaers' s12 .ms on, 23 yth. aete so ,lfr,t, t L- "oi oi ueQ w o o ete otalo° t ess " - r r ( e Pnta ehrprere .' nuteip)r aoeW n iot atnh def.honolaellordrwohw nad 3tgoscbrieptoiobl;antoiofu'ote,hd. 1atfb . °t'ee sli°t1e4a°°sL e" g r "1'Is tb 1i14 fn I l Pl- escent: ebe ball 10,1g1"ed (*2.'21'% 212 ZaOe' Athat, PTeeryund 0222)otatits.gootaingoredthi,,w. host two dayn arfotrailolieollio haovcroeooion of a 4411'. '15 laat1 Sir Jehrshexyou go bach to the customer anti n‘ pehled fruit half a AU1 sCOt13t00 now b 1att ior and fainteranti the third for the n her 10012, oteeo, or ntion,, ire, ed alhim /it heWantS it today. WitaI arasi`ride',0/0 et 4 811°•iro• *22.22 aMone who litPi ran at inn' .44426*' ha:1d: then cerain- . rb,a211 twv‘1 in a lte fotoenteneeswojeo""oo01011\ touutheup.Then you must brim; ald thehotpasteover '304°mira41 adgone pret ptta c-ian ww both rent /t Phed• andseal. d edn . c* u i n n , . T e " 11 sops an mot-Ifg ge240 all IratBorne:taut:teinglene u l b.-e'r.5‘4er.t ,' .a, 0 a l i's a n t i g ' ill'a n d l lwl n r gpn pa s t lew llly r a bPgcoam oi l' 1, iincaven d r v ien2 , 4 had iAllog ber Bride to woavsinostomodandoprouetteber.to04Ss10(10022,youauuwcrtfhttthetwoInthepreservngiwtil°in 4*31 vet it 'WAS nearlalwma et ((221'52115i"shema siociol Wortaytes. wln1Ow glale iii hifrOmuicand Otero are 111f5•224)1I od It w-'8"12.Uggi1lhtlYOnMWTIYalig a IlladNowa Pathlt aPPrviates 4 150'r2"ing to 219 °22PWhileit rocks no friable that hand -hold af-;mlte 4*1141 iluet12 ile *lie lbetaa1- l neroo indifference to her Cii=gefi her t :.. o Over. an wiwn be to come. although hob cold-, underttemi a, woman's reasoit-uto-' much troubl- d l vinegar. :Measure out a. pint of this o v ent h i n t o a rlu lDy t.lP Fl e n • t i e irt ITh detr"iWv e s 0 o TIb'Deroolft f"r o m- l' DA the notion that he might choosetood-nghe s•d. itBut don't you do any more I en. o u i cb n a dm ' na ttpialb e aapuo n 1 W 0 l tr h n r ied g edb r. 444112, lhefthe follo- w ingfor every eix poinds and1dt"1if"t,totedbeforeamonghitguestsseeingthatthe antitoveryp•ntado.safeonocould be found: fl'.' :‚22'4' hating ',butt4)1 rteehment any d w aA t c dvor o l omn g a s lym Ocuo d s e t h i ly e , caaonl,l* udpooinhg elelarasratok 1ctlaats s Od Tu g l • o Nd r a ip eo i• t b t o n ege,is a d ,ty tI n g m e l te u b1eslt i t1eob 1 t a nn tg1 a t *i gn 3,• s el ioe' ecaomre dtoo. wo nJarU3tf1i edfoaoce scrtlo•itrOy no seni anoher woman was worseThat intius ay Lord ilr•,a nPlol:.l * that three-minute preecriptintitebfutU'.20 122404 wee as the infinite to the minute. 2 A few (os hawSiJohn Lvl boyif you want to become atmelee, firt mini!:t them into equal 2 -ton to•er,m'oltgourcauowfthelithIieforoIiehstau hhim and p* 'tel* Fmtnenpgenf ibin 21111Slnfter thspireae itselfclnging to the cold buttress- MrJutlee ItywhinsIlls fist laid •••M•M••oi ono of two mon chume- l'52153 *0 (1521 •I•• • •I•m t e e v trl oeng a r ou ir ln ftih n . e cs o fei r e isupontheiutghtly clutching iln l o t o w a bI• d eo teo -n intua e •lo•aos•l. s h e .,• treerc. siv*cei•d t, ya 0r* teigt cnee, stantdo , ce4 L Fe P I IeN to p a c h s n d f t e n s s projection of some Icy knob. rui,ning; nnd rawn 1111'1 wur° coida teli when tbe *moment arrived i puintuellyWaS Very ordialiy re- • f ----------------- rtI a, Take out the peaches with a slilmai or digging nto Small interstiees be- roareu L." to strike, to erutat lam in Muni/ley. , tatted. , c It is not always true that war I I- 4, .• 1 4. ..I ••• I. i . • brief etilloguy between thou, Coiaer , ,iner. eprecul teem upon tee uat (WM.., i,,‘TWII 4.411.• l'Oe4,-.S/ an011. MI CP-Sa0 e, to evpose and shortie blue n1141 ern- Getting business, Vrantle eald shortens life. Tile .sole aurtivor of es, P., I No. I. told his comrade t1t3tt he was . boil the syrup mitil thick put,' had to lie passed with laboriouS ott „ . , . „ *hie Berry. too. FO*' what would he was tiortang a new company, and 'tile Greek War of IndePeadenee is , the fruit into jurs, pour in the, tam of steps in the hard, witnernie; to no 1101111OVU oy a very good Mall. Said 1.0 be 105 years old, and the Cynthia's feeling he when she learnt sbould Me to 1115121(15 Sir Julia in ssyrup, and seal. surfato; and again. cliff after cliff he had been made love to -she. a et,he eirectorate. Tile uccessary quali- last survivors of wars have often , fended. lie did not know the gentle - Coiner No. 2 suid he al: 0 was de - Pickled Onions. -Select small white ,,must be reconnoitered, its slippery' Barry, with two thousood a year- . Mouton of one thousand Shares ' tjeatetihet,d 0t1,11:11 ,g,s1,.•e‘fstefr fle• 1 Sior. onions OM 'Maly One 11170 OA tiossiblelupper rim traversed until a cleft wesj of course, be allotted to '' •°""'" °"4"r4 -- - ' le "'"fe" peel them and throw then) into a round and a gynoutstie descent eliect--littwitins-he o.dtled, admit -11%1y, 'Ite'S won's mune, '`hut'' -indicating . iiir. made love to by an "extra man V' -; would, .A, pittance, perhaps -two thonsami a olon. 'P11)71(1°118 :has slu-lken t° a man wii° ' strong brine. In this they year, but enough to notice a woman; Sir John hesitated, or appeared to ; fought in the battle of Buxar, 'which, notst lie ' ed to the ice -bound declivity tbat • a sulart •illw Ubrli I bail" aver the fe:•• he put tbe thick 'int"---i.v.. for four days, when a free% brine: fell avert' beneath its haste strong in a sPleit of ilulehentleneet do :50. Instinct told him that the tool" place in 1784. William Gilles - who sa.ved the colors at Preston • 1 must be made scalding hot, aud in "For C'10SP upon 2,00(1 feet the ut- s°"reigli-"betw&ll his 1"th and and to nourish a Barry's hereditary idea bad not originated in the brain' Pie, this the anions utust be boiled floe • - minutes Again they most skill andcare were impt•rative bit y step; or scarce y la a it. Ile's the titan foe my mon- pride. "of the financier, but in Min Fran- ' Pans, end is. on t be roll of Cholsea must be at everf • Illf 'eYlu She Watehed them furtivel ' - - - - - - ** :`, Idles and the toe of e. lady's small pensioners, dted In Dumfries at 102,• dr •ned cold trete n u • through the dinner, en.d with a Pal-, shoolwilieh he saw round the side of 'and the last survivor of the captUre . all i a r 1 st be poured i dozen could be taken. lil that dis- The yearly' exponoes ot the . tit St an f Gibraltar lived to be 115 Ithom-' • ' • 5'4f tance, wbere an unrolled man who ous woman s instinct dreined that a bigh, five -fold screen, wbieh shut gthis half over night ' s ipped would not. inevitably bare lilies Barry found almost us touch who died in 14,1, off one corner of the room, confirm- as Minims, near Drain put 'ars an I over p ensure in . in . ohn s company was umder ' TU0111. ill Leland, bad mug/et 3 a the , ,. followed the rejected hand -holds and an ed him in that view. lie ,, theta a boiiing spiced vinegar. Pre-& ,the clothing of the women. and he fourei in hers; and n -hen the mil- lionaire's daughter row with the the impression, too, that the wearer battle of Londonderre- 4 tem the .Antaeon. who Nee -11. -• --4 annk pare this 1n- adding to two quarts of debris that hurtled down in leaps len0,000 on the Sultan's awn ward. of the shoe intended it sho'uld be- Phoebe Hensel, and bounds, to erash into fragments pretence, as ger presence ceived a, bayonet wound at Fontenoer gifinegar mil a cup of sugar, eighteen ,robe, Nearly aretther $0„500,000 italies from the table, she had decid- -ay.- Ler whale on the rocks and boulders far below. ed that the hour of Sir John in 1745, lived to be 108, reCeiring twhole cloves, and as many is swallowed up by presents, ainatete. ''s ha- implied that she was trying to do "But with a rope a careful party atpoppers, a dozen whole. allepice„ end 000 goes for pocket-numey, and stili miliation VMS rapidly approaching, him a good turn, and thereby trying 'pension from the private purse of 4 She knew it had arrived when, 1 six blades of mace. Boil all togeth- of experienced mountaineers is ab - another $5,000,000 for the table, It an to make amends and evidence her George IV. until ht•r death. .A. vet - hour later, she missed Cynthia and sorrow for having done him a bad eran of Culloden drew a pention for i or for five minutes, and it is ready, solutely free from danger; and though seems incredible that so much nione.y Sir jobn front the drawing -room, , Sliced Cueumber Pickles. -Slice it took our usually rapid trio three can possibly be spent in a e -ear by turn. He recognized the subtlety so sixty years, and died aged 1.06. And an,d, stealing into the conservatory, ---i two dozen good sized cucumbers, and and a half hours to descentl some 1,- oneeman, but when it is remembered characteristic of Alice Frontlet and a man whose horse was shot under !boil them one hour in just enough BOO feet, °lir e°"fidenre was itillY that S01110 1.500 people reside with - found them sitting together in a seated at his thoughts. him at Edgehill in 1642 died ninety- • . i , eane,gar to cower 1. mm. To on gal j tie d for nothing insurmountable ' - us le , divan half -bidden by palms and in the palace walls, and live luxurit four years later. aged 11e. 'Mere lon of vinegar (not that in which obstructed our advance, and, after "I like the offer, Mr. Frankle," he ' ferns. She paused a moment like a - said with a. busines•s-like air "and 1 M now no survivor of Waterloo. bet ousl and dress expensively at the 4Mad they were boiled) put one tablespoon a brief halt below the last cliff wall, .7 1 th C- ,11 1 • t •I; of Turkey have been estimated at no lees a sum than $30.000,000. 01 this 86.5o0,eou aloue is spent on b ae c cat about to spring, trying to accept. I suppose it won't affect gain sortie semblance of control over herself; and she heard Cynthia laugh your proposal, but I am floating a Ing lightly, like the water that company -a limited company -myself splashed and rippled over the rock- -very shortly ?" 4'17 at the end of the conservatory. "you are? What do you know She knew by the taught Sir John about company promoting ?" tried was not declaring his love -no wo- Frannie, his yellow face widening in • mat ever laughs when a man does that; but there was in the laugh something that told Alice Frankle that it rose straight from a heart artule, "Enough to manage this flotation, I hope." "Capital ?" asked the millionaire incisively. touched by the ineffable Joy Of lo -s- ”Working capital will ran to about frig. One step and she stood before a hundred and fifty thousand. I'm putting op a hundred thou', having come into nay own." "You ! What's the concern ?" "A concession • granted me by Fate," Sir John returned, rising - "a mine of happiness, Mr. Frankle, them. Sir John rose slowly, and reading her mind, whose alphabet she here self had taught him, turned pale. Cynthia started, and looked perplex- edly from the woman to the man. But before either could speak, Miss Frankle struck. "Do you consider you are earning your fee by picking- out the most cherming and beautiful girl in the room and de -voting trotn•self to her, Sir John ?" she said, smiling scorn- fully. "ten- pity's sake, Miss-" "Or aeting honorably to this lady in making love to her who is ignor- ent of your position here ?" she cut In fiercely. , "Alice, how dare you !" cried Miss Barry, springing to her .feet with nashing eyes and flaming cheek. "Ke was not !" "My dear girl," replied Miss Fran. kle deliberately, ignoring gir John's appealing looks and gestures, "1 epeak for e -our own good. This -- this gentleman is paying you atten- tion as our honored guest, and nat- urally ,eott accept his attentions tat- tier the impreesion be is a friend of tem but he is not, he coxbes or a net ts engaged for tile evening, like a ., e'.c "e lain" ••••••'s At ground ginger, ciunamon, ., ault, sew the ground drenched with ---- - black pepper, tumerie, horse radish sliced garlic, and whole celery seed; one teaspoonful each of ground gin' ger, allspice and cloves, half a tea- spoonful of cat-enne, and a cupful of sugar. Lay the sliced cucumbers in this; let them loil for two hours, and put into jars. blood, and Napolean riding "as if in a dream." POINTED AND SARCASTIC. Some of the ordinary expreesions of the Chinese are very pointed and sarcastic. A blusteing, harmless fel- low they call a "paper tiger." Over- doing a thing they call a "hunch- back malting a bow." A spend- thrift they compare to a "rocket," which goes oaf at once. Those who expend their charity on remote ob- jects, but neglect their family, are said to "hang a lantern on a pole, wbich is seen afar, but gives 210 light below." Ht3-42-illoternS" PUT II1M OUT OF TI -IE RTJNNING. Mrs, Togbeart-Iiow did you ever come to this? Flimsy Foodles-Well, you see, mum, I was a velocipede painter and de a.dvent of do bicycle ruined my husiness. IlYGIENIC DEDROOAL Emery bedroom should be provided with the essentials for healthful sleep and the daily sponge bath. As nearly as possible the room should be kept free from anything that would textd to contaminate the air. It Should be as large as one can afford, end the wiadows so arranged that they may be opened at the top and bottom. If possible the floor should be bare and the rugs so sm.all that they can be taken out of doors with ease for cleaning and airing. Everything about the room should be washable. The bed should be light, and fit- ted with strong castors, so that it may be readily removeil The springs ought to be Ann and strong, and the mattress of a kind that will not allow t,he heaviest part of the body to sink, and so cause the sleeper to lie in a cramp- ed position. Many people prefer n cheap, hard mattress next the spring, and a light one of hair On this; but any kind of a mattress is bet -ter than one that is too soft. . Above all do not over/en:ash the bedroom. a gay descent, on snow that needed no step -cutting, brought us soon af- little more comprehensible. ter six o'clock to easier, continuous The Czar of Russia is said to be very superstitious and to have great rocks, where we unroped." confidence in relies. 1Te wears a ring in which he believes is embed - COAXING TIM BOY, ded piece of the true Cross. It “Did UnderStand you to say that was originally one of the treasures this boy voluntarily confessed las of the Vatican, and was presented to share It the mischief done to the an ancestor of the Czar for diploma - school -house?" asked the magietrate, tic reasons. The value which its • addressing the determined -looking fe- owner sots 'upon the ring with ite embedded relic is shown by the fol4 male parent of a small and dirty lowing fact. Some years ago ho was boy. "Yes, sir, he did," the woman re- travelling from St. Petersburg to spondee. "X just had to persuade Moscow when he suddenly' discovered that lie had forgotten the ring. The him a little, and then he told me the train was stopped immediately and whole thing voluntarily," him?. a special messenger sent back in an "now did you persuade ex -press for it, nor would the Czat queried his worship. "Well, first I gave him a good hid- allow the train to move until, 'eight ing," said the then parent, "and hours aftertvards, the messenger re - cost o e . I appeals a then I put him to bed without any turned with the ring. Irishmen with a full brogue found supper, and took his clothes away, a friend fu Mr. G. T. Cline, who has and told him he'd stay in becl"till he just died at Chicago. tie was a nail - confessed what he'd done. if 'twos the rest of his days, and 1 stettd lionaire recluse and miser, but had the ono "vice" of spenclieg money VI thrash him again in the morning. Ansi in less than an hour he 'told nae hear Irishmen talk. He would ptin, ,, obese drink for there, and so sot the whole story voluntarily. their ready tongues wagging more- TITLED AXE-.11,ICA.N LADIES. World's Fair etr. Cline bought a furiously than ever. After the Recently a Milted States newspap- hotel of seventy-five rooms, and liv- ieardiwwwitile: taa,14ista acquired rine cei ritciaonesy o ubn3g; evt1,9 11100 orellkalbety diTh poleire hated- 0 t ly1 ltrei• marriage. Iti England it ao stat.. furniShed. 'Under his Ivai he kept of American birth, including three1125 ed that thirty holders of title, were owigoilittbv6io11:5noso.etinuoengp3tal3Tendi Ariinoalitni duchesses and one dowager duchess, almost coranintly day and night dine tn Germany there were twenty-six, iag 11Le last ten years. Air. Clitie five,being princeSses; in France, four-, must have had a rare soul for music teen_ one princess; in Italy, sevrn- when he would lavish pence on an foslituan s tongue and play his fid- dle to stave on the pangs ef hunger, for Ile all ()NT:4'd hill] sat- Le; I W intfood. teen, SIX princesses; , and in :Russia, six, all princesSes but one. Their riCarralS• , dowries were represented 2212 amount - De hanging pictures; says an auth- ing to $161,000;000, \