HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-24, Page 5IIE
(Utter bporatc r
peblished every Thursday ;Stese at the Wise.
-Bs- the
One Deltas per weenie if esid edvenes, st.
it net se saki.
404^zres;tt.PAasse- 74r3.tiPq q;c7k 4.1.;PP3.4ca^:,
paPer dIsszsAtir.tvzst sesta all srmas". sea are sass.
Adsesaissmenza sessieed disesslens will 4s.
nablishsi thfseld wad eliessett rsserdlusls-
Liheral disseust ersie ter traieseo.ng ersiseasTst
insetted Ise less Isssisds. Stsers dssseselse Jar:-
Mel:STING zusueleut in the fleasst sash. sal s•
zuesleraterstes.Cjmows spites's
trivernateee setiateneee, eta. te 3esste pes4bis
Sanders & Creech,
Proretislonal Cards.
rsiN331,1AN. 1.111-9.. Ms A. Bs BINS-
SSAINS L.P.Sts, Jlessr etetteses
Tsresto reiserists-
.7TP4Ei estasseted Isithaat any vie, es ens trssi etteets
_Wise ia FonSse's Sisek west side. 1.1413s zeseet,s
7.• Exqter.
P. ariaos PEON (JS.
lb= Oratarie-etVtronto ara
esilesneof Mutt Ssairsestss Onterl% ro,st
Oran:* ei ett.<4,-;o Slitrol PitaSthetle MAIO:stew
(with hessereflie. rseelles.)
Alla=neal, Geld end Vutssobie Plateic•ate-lotibe
neatenntmeer txr-7-4tie. A ptcfestly Inraless en*
aestIsstie used fsr r teeth.
Offlve Qdara.aZb of Calliois hrrs. sore. nwlvr. Cuilltni Pot vp
e r's
Inmure blood always shows
somewhere. If the skin, then
boils, pimples, rashes. If the
nerves, then neuralgia, !„,erv.-
ousness, depression. If the
stomach, then dyspepsia,
biliousness, loss of appetite.
Your doctor utows the
remedy, used for 0 years.
"leatureine grew ea C044 44r,1 TM 4
114.4rgalnaaa1A csts1eZaIycereals:les,'
, ! .Voeungussessatctsra,
1W a bonto.-- , AYLISO
dragOso, for ......42a.=;*i.
pure Mood
Peld lee, sa
ienawera ea,a,
Dowker, (-iPM11:1.11iiililels, left, Park -
h11 a few days ago for Fort Francis
whet e he intends remaining for sever-
al months.- Abe Joseph Romohe left
last week for Deciterville, Sanilite
where he intendsto settle. Ria
fatally will follow shortly. Mr. Ru-
mohn le a highly reepoetred citizen and
has Used for many years in Parkhill
and viei ty. The weal wishes of many
friends go 'it him and WS fanailY Lo
tr new hi iss Anue-Knapton
14:0.:i resigned iter ptDsition as Manager
of the Paithill ineenult the Bell Tele-
phonic. CO. and the managemeat bas
been traeq,..rred to 3. F. lanberts. The
Reline will learn with regret the resig-
untion of Xiss Knapton as the eglice
was managed 1.v her with the idueoer
satisfaction. alise Ktaiptan is teaming
iR1' ;attention tz3 toillittery business:tun
Is now in. White & Man's tstablishe
ment,--Mr. Almon Way and family
have moved to Meshing, Mich.. wbere
they intendremainione-Witt Holmes.
who bought aat 3.13.S:wort's shoo shop
sow:- muntits ago and condoot(11 it since
has disposed of his small staek to t be
Sitoe CV, and le IlOW int -4012(1i
tRieir $torO lovaikete.,
Virtianeuen.-One a the fairest ;aid
loveliest or the den 4lific rs of this town.
* r"I "'time Ala) was last week carried awoy to
ace a no in Listowel. The vonwe
" lady was ,!driss Gera:elate, eldest dangir-
' tea of Mr. Robt. Elliott. Of the Goshen
11 Of OgllagaTh i' wlk1 ned
, these two 'ttir life to plaeo ion Weil.
inestlar at high noon, az the residence
IIRAD mincriev:ax. of the brides ptirents,und was witness-.
eel by a unnitter of friends of t lie con-
e 0,000,00 '"14cling Partiee. Rev. Mr. denningt_
gaol:woo Hayfield. t yin,. the nuptial knot. The
Santiltsrleasiness troesasted.
intsr-sz es ors:e fsssr.shie eernsa sstss nil sr, 4 ss3
T. P. !..irltAVGIII,IX. 5iPaIDER OF WjE efearaenalair-vlatrAmeloaree
eilesss et rayslriants And. sissrous Ostet.e.• e3nuestr,Sallessrse.f eat', availshle in
Siugent atai Aercavinitr. Pa5ta.
COnik .lettes asi ether fsselsn es asses 3.
wQd Oat. Trastilmst ll.etter3 sif Credit, Z 3 tratiters
px,la of the
rer. Jetka P. tr&en. (Mee 4.0 nesItlepeo„ eest
qnstss ISIsdea Ont. Spsslet ettentisso
NAL)rasnief wassesi. Ofdselssars. TAW to 4
4,1 Nera
tiLt .1V,Ts 1,:r $.1 m..s Mat. r
ous4 moot inIssest- atcess
1.1,1, C'azuco.
• AnetiOneer*
itIslarttra, irant Atrntrz.nr
tto Cl=atilo of P4TVI4 argil 2111441merz„
ttstlzt et reben:e. Sans Freararilv
IttrfUri reensiable. 04;0 amenete
The Molsons 13tInk
(Coartertel tat •redleement. leee)
WA Mee, 3lantreee
Paid up Capital. 1 11 • • • • • • • • $2,5140,10)
Reserve Fund, • • . • ... • .. • • ..2,2.10,000.
l'Uttesi FTstln, nsszcst.
istaan,:ntis coal( IN% sr;
1 I
beide was Itenilsomely attired and pre.
ssistod a very pretty appearance. M.
tilbson Is Ztritntml and beloved by a
ierele of friends and she leaves
Verne wiU* the eineere wishea all
for her fixture. After tdte ceremony
eels performed and congratulations
extended the compeny rineahiel to the
:41;ning room where u 1otintif4d repaet
WAS rierred. After supper an inspec-
Hen wile made a the bridel gifts.
, which were declered to lie proleittly
vastly. numerous Oita Metal Array as
1p* ever heA4bWe4 On t win persene at
the oilverit or their menial he. We
ish tiv.4 hapey eisuple a long and use.
and eontintion., prosperity, and
eve are insly tohoing the fervent wieb-
ee fif a beet of Ale:ales
The light of the body de the eye,
1181yeal Excilisiops sh7i.18.1:;,Ittiyollota21111Lettdiatautuet:itnital
a, mete to semi
4 i.
xeversi sheets may goax meaty thou. "
W011 be run era S'ePTnhitien lath atni 2504
rsturalnx until nelVgMfa.F.lt IOW ond
SUM resoc‘tivety. term.
,35111•14144.4.-.11•151141. ,....1,4.4.55•••••••14,44.16•4451•1.4141,11110•1•11.p
sand tulles for two cents.
Nearly 100.0E0 pounds of snails are
tiold daily in the Paris market% to be
eaten bY dWellers la that city. They
are caretully reared for the 1 IrP*0*
Realea,,,-- nn extensive inell gardens in the prove
%Vasliada Atecoolaw-
Arcata: , Pa Albert,: ) 35
flat:rod, 1.
Stralbeetta U
rat 064111: t 41.1
Ot-0113111r0:10 an. te3R prs; Saturates /0 a.ul meemantio..
•te pm. wawanotia..
Ageneralberik.ingbusisstransarted ans4ncticZw..
eleaey ale*a-i Fare. *mat lowest rai6. 4"" mittre
Swine Vane neiratte teem el mei uperas reedy- -
letertet allowed ae tagetet (entreat tatta
Melee &XI:msg. N. IL I (rapier,
"We are still in the Bicycle trade
and this .s•ear slum some title speci-
mens, The CUSHION FRAME is
the Ideal wheel to vide. Prices mod-
New Pianos!
Several New Pianos just, put in
stock; newest styles and, the best
makes. It will pay you to see them.
You will be surprised at the LOW
PRICES at which we sell them.
Organs of the Latest
makes always in stock
Sewing Machines tiac.
i We are leaders in Sewing Ma
r -
chines-tbe best machines that the
trade produces are on our floor for
yourinspection.; also repairs Need-
les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma-
chines, always on hand.
--------• ------------
?vatu ;o t'ssels, t.attit. Ste.
Siatle.Wsloleertin4 Etso. Assls to rasa-% t*see.
Lan 1.lle Agt!ritt, v;:, wades 1
Tiristtsese3i3: ;kid es "foesroll.baitsti."
A. U. NerfelAear
4* Iteeerant ovnerel iSvseseer Agent,
71 Votwe St. Terrain%
winintNo.-Wedding bells pealis1
forth in our midet on Wednesday,
Sept. Mb, when Mr. 'Win. Balfour,
one of tbepopulnru nd progressi se -farm-
ers led to the alter :Slims Sam demo
only ditughter of tbe late L. Heal, of
nifinrton. The interesting cere-
mony WiL.‘ pm Nulled la* the Rev. Mr.
Cranetpn, assisted by Rev. Mr. Hicks,
The bride is spoken of as an estimable
and highly esteemed young lady and
the groom ought to he congratol.oeo
on (Attaining such a bride. A blending
of two highly respected Scotch nd
English families slide as this canacie
help bnt become a service Of •gratifica-
tion to their many friends and well-
wishers in these parts.
Fall Fairs
Wingbam- . ......
Ailsa Craig.... - . .... .
Blyth -.a ..
.aud see us if in nevi. of I n.... .. ... 4 4. 4 arkhIII.
any of the above.
TM Wu!
The Exeter Grist Mill.
• The Exeter Grist Mill has been re-
modelled and is in full swing again,
prepared to ttend to the needs of
their many customers with a good
supply of the, noted •'
Star Flour ON Hand
We have plate choppers for fine chop
and a roller foe rolling pats for homes.
Boeing is Believing
Give Us a Tial.
• Harvey Bros.
Successors to J. Oohbledick & San
Por assessment purposes Dan Patch,
the wofld's famous pacer, is valued kt
$201, For other purposes $50,000.
Sep 2,3-24
" 21-25
tt 25
Oct. 6-7
Timbers of oak keep the old
hoinestead standing through
the years. It pays to use the
right stuff.
Men of oak!' axe men" in
rugged health, men who,_.
bodies are ma -le of the sound-
est materials.
Childhood is the time to lay
th fou ndati on for a sturdy con-
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stimulates
the growi ng powers of children,
helps them build a firm
•foundation for a sturdy consti-
Send for free sarnple.
SCOTT &ISOM/NE, Chemists,
Toronto, Ontario.
500, and 51.00; atl druggists.
bleep, and fed on aromatic,: herbs tot
make their Savor Slier.
A publiabing house In St. Feel has
leased es club building for its 450 ems
eloyes. The dual are 10 eente a month,
4 entitling a member to all the privil-
eges of the club. Refreshments aro
furnished at cost• and storage tar
btcyclos 1* provided.
Tim largeet ;rive -growing region in
e world Is not the chameagne dis-
trict ot Fratire nor the sunny vela
of southern California, for 'western f,
New York owns the Utle by virtue at
fifty thousand acres now given, ow, I
to grave culture.
A Chicago scientist predicts that i
the method of living will be so im-
proved during the twentieth century •
that people will be considered young
when they are 100 years old.
A. number of Scottish grouse have
been 'Imported by the Canadian, gave ,
ernment from the highlands of Scot-
land for the purpose of atocking the l
provincial parks.
The Chicago iournal says: "When
Sheridan road la completed it will be 3
the only 85 mile driveway in the world
that does not cross a railroad or rt
The Medical Record says nothing ,
will improve a woman's health like
'sweeping, baking» bed-rna.king, dish-
washing, and polishing the silver.
The heaviest roan whose weight Is
recorded authentically was Miles Dar-
den, of Tennessee. He weighed a lite
tie less than 1,000 pounds.
The oldest bonnet was found upon
an Egyptian mummy, that of a prin-
cess who was interred about 2,000
Tears before Christ.
The Queen of Holland has an enor-
mous fortune, only a part of which be.
longs to the crown. ,
-Green crocidolite, or "cat's eye," is
found In New Mexico. I
Possibly the Chinese would take. a
little more kinilly to Christianity, if 1
they realized that you can believe Di
it without practicing It -Puck.
The Luxembourg aideeum has Nat
bought several pictures that were dis-
played in the 'foreign section In the
Paris exposition. Among these are
Walter McEwen's "A Sunday in Hol-
land," and Humphrey Johnson's "Por-
trait of a Woman," both from the
Unites]. States section.
Lincoln' great war secretary, Stan-
ton, was to have had a monumett
built to his memory some time since
in his native town of Steubenville, O.
but the association formed a few
years ago to raise the funds has no,t
met with any success. An effort is
now being made there to revive the
Before the German Empire was uni-
fied an author had to obtain 22 differ-
ent copyrights for a book, and a rail-
way bill had to pass through 14 dia
terent parliaments.
The royal palaces of Bangkok form
a city in themselves. They consist of
several hundred individual palaces,
surrounded by magnificent gardens
and pagodas. Bangkok is really a
city of waters. It is an Indo-Chineso
Venice. More people live in floating
homes on, the' Menem, "the Nile of
Siam," and in tnany canals, that in
permanent buildings,
,portant Engagement With e.Insaire •
gentsFought at Perin.
setp 01:4431.triic3
tion VAULT DOOR IN -UNION BANI Wheat„ .. . . 74 Tte
wbich hes reached me directly from the BLOWN To ATOMS Barley..
insurgent headquerters, states that
i1IIatageeogna oe it)hiaegt: (t, wp iet rhi ye, .1,Tv tu er e-
a% e revoletienaries possess consider-
ble dePnts. ' The insurgent bands.
uer S4)::/7rff' band p's'
otT. mainteined the fight until rein-
byo'n:soff and Sandanski, the captor of
Les StouR. The Turkish force, Penn -
e ha: 1 efee and x,esQ
cut,. was, it ia stated gem-
-telw znailtilated, and the Col*
neI comnacaLZing taken prieon-
Anether canilict occurred on Sun-
ny _at iCachaei; at the not of thc OK-
shc. assitlitalziS, near the Iron -
t Peas., ...... ....... ..... 1 12 1 te.04)
Potatoes, per img.
Tvir Men who Hurried to the Seen elev. per um,.
I; Terzerized by the DeSperadoes- i-r3,,Lutl,:l.„r.k:4".e. .......... . 1- (41' 1-• .
.. ..•,
I WO Other Roleherlee. : F.ggs 14
tf 111,141114erli'ike'es4.-41):'4).1cbees-t a tee A AO
t Holland, 'Alan.. Sept. ';.,....,-. Enrglars „Ps4r:rtrivekilotiv,st..... ..
: visited this town last nig'at and 1.)1tv 1 r, .
pt ap,,,,peeews,.. . • . A CO
8 00
; 013en.,Mr- Piehe,00"a safe in hip stoea. " , - -
, also Me. Tiessee sa!ie iif hie drue.„:,
„ •'
, store, atta• then the large Vaiti:t slcorLriad•
a .1.„
in the 'Union /leek was blowe to '1 enCtef 1,Citeg
„ atoese. While eapged at else beek'
1? Waiter and Fulton Koss, WhO .1;',I.rd 14 .12e °13-gegr'''' k9es' 4411E9' 11°
i elie explasion came to inveitieente and P., 31'4 el, the, 1.")d,,,Y* Ale j°,341311::
were peorapdy ordered to "lands re . ineamea au.% stvozen k.,:j tal?natt-l".;:m.^-,
anfaactethetelev3vriaillti. e i9,216drpaer(lim/r1:. '-' Ili iv..„. to ,4 4thfsa:c.tg:te
idliconrgeietlitc:; of :::..b4lotie
, ,
men then :eft over the bill santh They 1 suilf?re.4.4. orerA to revre, eal,7a.. ,x
seenred about one hitadred dollars.
after eittiag or lyiril.t !erg, aeel the=
; condition lla cQtapuouly ty9ta.-2-, 4u wet.
- Plot Insr ing Many - Of the I:1
Lortdon, Sept. 1.:int.4 hale acli
patch irona its correseenileet et
watier,,in whica he says iesAt the here.
tot the other n'glet ,leing Pater Za4ros.S
, the officers of the preisou that -nor
,diScord existed in the army, aud
aigireentent teigoed between it ant the!"
people. The icing. ine-doutitcelly
weretort in ecelisys heveatee, • stllel
•CO011ifaC47' Ili a tar more iieriao,
matter than eny Govern:neat eseuld dare
to etc:owe:104e. Oat of a total el t,,s.eQg
offietre at leaet aotio are believed to be.
C011eetiled in tile mayemeat. and efoot-ii
g tb.g pc,(401p1 fr.ends and fe.StilVelo'•
the 14„ty-etzitt n
aSeaeeine 01 the late -Meg ahd,
co, probably few 4il/F-ta,i14 40 tiOt.
Ot at 4464 5pnpasittge wait It.
se vast minority do so, because they.
realise that the revolution WS led
perhap5 worse gumption and. tyr-
nay than wee petivieusly ibe ease. ijw.
Qt. 14545SPOSS hold all th.e chief
civil and .inditary ofnees, the keyS of
Tie arsenal end Oi the treasure Cilesti,
andomactanne crouing them woui4
The King hinisedil is surrounded -and
ruled hy them many people losing
hope that he Will 01.-te be able to ellialee
biotech free. Mter of COultneren
oft itch, at whose house the :slur.,
der. plot was hatched, and whe conduct-
ed the Stcro uciptlations with King
Felten is openly stated to possess an
ieeriminatiog lam, which he has elf
'nays kept banging over the royal hod.
Ile correspondent says that, despite
tjts recent statement of one of the
Ministers that Europe is quite =limits .
en in thinking that ate Servian Govern -
Matt is in the hands el a military':
cliqae,„ it seems that the regicides are
beginning to realize that they have •
gone too far. Colonel Mishitth no. ,
longer .opefily swaggers about his ae-
tive participation in the murders, and
he was carend to explain to inc that .
he only arrived on the scene when all
was over. He professed to regard the
new conspiracy as the work of a few
foolish young men., who would probab-
ly be linprisorted for a •few month*. •
He was careful not to mention the fact
that the Government bed been afraid
to arrest the seniors incriminated in the
new ,conspiracy, for fear of showing
how widespread it is, and have Only
taken hostages 'from the most Whiten -
dal and wealthiest .families, the young-
sters connected, with them. His shifty,
nervous and shamefaced manner is at •
striking variance with his 'previous as-
One British Delcgateta View of the
London, Sept. :*.2. -Mr. Thos. Crook,
a. Burnley delegate to the Empire Con-
gress of Chambers of Commerce at
'Montreal, in a letter published in The
News, writes
"The congress is intensely disap-
pointing to me. Such floods of elo-
quence, nearly all 'protection!' A re-
mark, however silly. of 'protection' is
cheered to the echo, while the soundest
free trade argument is received in sil-
ence. . . Nearly all the tine has
been taken up by Canadians, who talk
tey tne acre, tsying to persuade us
that placing a tax on corn will not
raise the price of wheat. What they
want is an advantage over the United
States in selling wheat. They bate and
fear the States, but they can see no-
thing else. Am ;longing for a change
from the crowd and heat and economic
heresy of Montreal."
Mr. I. 11. Rogers, the veteran furrier,
died at Winnipeg.
The Trades and Labor Congress opens
at Brockville to -day.
Mr. Simon Sheehan, aged 76 years, of
Belleville, dropped dead.
-Thomas Reid, aged 71 years, was killed
bv a train at Athens. Ont.
Mr. James Latchford, father of Hon. b'.
R. Latchford, died at Ottawa.
It is reported that Lord Milner has been
offered the Colonial Secretaryship.
The exports of live stock from Montreal
are more than double those of last year.
A cable s.nnounced ,the death of Rev.
Dr. Menzies at Mhow, India, from plague,
The bonus of $5,000 and a free site to the,
Dominion Linen 1V1Ills was carried at
Yellow fever is widespread ln several
districts of Mexico, and many deaths are.
Scott, brakeman, was fatally
injured by falling between the cars of a
moving train at Allendale.
The inquest at Port Stanley throws no
light on the mystery of the two bodies
recently washed ashore there.
There is little improvement in the con-
dition of Fanny Capes,• the Hamilton girl
who was wounded on the head by a
Prrnier , Seddon of New Zealand,
writing to Mr. Chamberlain, says
"Do not be discouraged ; to obtain, re-
form ever entails great sacrifice."
Forty editors, whose names have al-
ready been published, left yesterday on
tke Canadian Press AssociatiOn's ex
cursion in northern Ontario.
_, ,.....3 ... °IS' e IA 4 ht ly ?..:r'e erne
The Pulzarian rot tlie -.1,111414SP. bat have bete eoWlillsiefy svszei.t, y X'S
Troons in ao-onot % earpperlita,j.er )7b:dt X am Cc -eV:, griiva-
• 4" . '1""'• " ,, , = ,I Ilai bit's ,rnahcgs $:01.7S3 rzea,:uttCir.,:.
LgrindOta. Sept- :?.).-A desitatett froin. fi. "I_ bad An attack of Meer:re szlIfstls Isit eslt
GlAifditWO, Qa. ezle Ttirco-BigigaTh A ' Zrattir r itC-15 Tatar u"r...tftr6';4;!..tsainlii;'44a7.
ir4uticr„, to The London 1)41- Mail ' rtur. and this ineuhrtg hqs eutiret.v f Wed
mport$ oRt. tig,nt e.N-citeincnit 1,,,,cvis,du we. lime Ila liesisatisse ln frosles4 Is sew:4
in tte distroct. twcat15e oli 3 tKirmisir i tet)tille. ,tt. J. blIrDatVAltot Trenton. Oat?.
Saturday on the mOuntaitt range flood's Sarsaparilla
between Turkiill end Dulgarian ttrOopi
which forms the border title, The gen. 14„,t,Q„v2!!!,f,,,u#1,,.`3„q1,1„13"FrIlfr4c'
eral impression is that war 4 onis a, ""-- "r4"----- "'"-' ---- -I
queetion of a few daye. The despatch
from the Bid rien frouticr. agaitt5t f
add5, that TtIrkey is maesing 4o.cco
troop5 in wad artmod Palanka, to neles
11114041:4°4allot"114914111711111, dwell et
winch foree ‘,.,
Bulgarians have sally
4kQQT1gxemTeunikisti frontier officers saes Otter4.1iseass.
rdeepSpaarleltlitaT -irbh:iTn,iumrlsjr,......1g..„;.:4: Ot. esott.0„,,.#;thed.
Zentehieff have been defeated wall Before 044 4/ter. 1147417,03recto
greet alaughter /war McInik, end ft giTe,3 gosemd sprostssoloa. It"pressotiss_.,
great number of ititigerielle were Masi. twoiscontly cons alliere14 of A mew Wocw.
acred in the neighborin.t. viiiages, scv.;'24rir..-Nrattictong. l$Pents;aftrritga, iletPerteeese
trail of witieh Avert hunting. end auerreeteet Owe et iterposes; the ex
Sofia. Sept, syees--It .is reported tierc trer,ftretrtiMss(fr„leroTaigrealtsltettreellr"ty
that 590 Turiti have bccn laed with 1,0244itra,Cua*nmPti9n Atvi,,.d..A,44,..,146,,Tir (L.-wiz...an'
dynamite Mae figlatag against a ba4111347,4?;1"-glitgr34--vizt -i-4"i-zi)tx-0'6-
of msurgents in the iCresna defile, osiptotanee. gonsiferfreel3aexPa, Ad
THE BRITISH CABINET. Irlas Wood Company.
7,7,AlitPlasssisslIce;s17341414413.4 le is'3,149,s130t;sel"1143
.... P,'
Lets, iltna.7Szsze•
Tlit Rumored Appointments OfAtial.,
17 Denied.
London, Sept. el„.--Preinier D411:Ale'S
private secretary informed the A,suct.
ated Press last night that the reprted
Cabinet appointments had not yet been
made. 4pparent1y Lord Milner is etill
considering the offer of the Co.onial
The earlier report was to
the effect that King Edward
had approved the appointment
of Austen Chamberlain, tlie Post-
master -General, w be Chancellor of
the Exchequer, in succession to Charles
T. Ritchie; Mr. Arnold -Forster, Secre-
tary to the e‘aliniralty, to be Secretary
for War, in succession to Mr. Brod-
rick; Mr. Drodrick, the Secretary for
War, to be Secretary for Indira in sac -
cession to Lord George Hamilton.
and Lord Selborne, the First Lord of
the Admiralty, to be Secretary for the
Colonies, in succession to Joseph
It is known that Lord Milner, the
British High Commissioner to South
Africa, was offered the Colonial Secre-
The question of the support of the
Nationalist party for the new fiscal
policy of retaliation Is said to be the
subject of negotiations between the
Government and the Irish leaders. It
is reported that Chief Irish Secretary
Wyndham is offering a concession in
the shape of a Roman Catholic col-
lege at Dublin, while the Nationalists,
on the other hand. are demanding a
measure of local self-government as
ee price of their support, Whether
or not these statements are well found-
ed, it appears clear that the Nation-
alists intend to use the Cabinet crisis
as a lever.
Wm. (Mien, ALP., speaking at
Cork to -night, declared unequivocally
that both of the English parties were
broken, and the solid Irish party would
'meet whichever came out on top
The future aim of the Irish party, he
said, was "Ireland a nation," and they
intended to adopt a position of inde-
pendence and bold their hands until it
was discovered from whom the best
terms could be obtained. The means
which secured the abolition of land-
aardism, declared the Irish 'leader,
could easily, on the same lines, achieve
home rule.
Strange Action of The London Daily
• London, Sept. 22. -The recent edi-
torial in The London Daily News at-
tacking Attorney -General Finlay for
• what it called his "discourteous tone"
towards the United States in the afg,u-
ment on the Alaska dispute, and which
was cabled several 'United States pap-
ers, is the only unfriendly reference to
the Canadian case which has appeared
in the British press. The News' accus-
ation was entirely unfouuded, whilst
the attack on Canada was most scurril-
ous. The News .is no longer the organ
of any nelitical party, but simply a pri-
vate enterprise'so that. no impartance
is attached to its utterances 'here. As
showing how much The News is up-to-
date, to -day's issue annotmces that Lord
• Alverstone, one of the Alaska boundary
commissioners, is staying at Shanklin,
on the Isle of Wight, five emirs' journey
• from London,
Many Killed and Injured in Disaster
in Portuguese East Africa.
(Associated Press Despatch.)
L Mozambique, Portuguese East Afri-
ca, Sept. 22.-.A .n explosion oi gunpow-
der and grenades has occurred in Fort,
San Sebastian°. Many persons were
killed or injured. The fort was wreck-
ed. Further explosions are feared.
MIER 441.5,445.
1,000 TONS
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