HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-24, Page 2116 turingthe S.abbth efor God, neap -1 DA TIGERS OF FOG AT SE.1 S OCIAL u T an spt ri. uti restmagma ion turing fol. physical and mental --- A censecreted and geepelieed ballot IT I$ THE BANE OF THE (mg.xx box is els° to be a, great eactor in 1GREYHOUND. teaching the,laboriug classes how to • 1V11.eries of the Poor People 01 spend tYwir evenings. T -ie mewls ,y thet by the election of the proper health officials end /IIStriet ett011leY$ and 1,maielpa1 representatives the better classes shall be able to go in, Aloud Unto Heaven. ene.te neeerae.e to Act et the Pine ie ifureb, did you ever stop to realize ee,„4„,•..4, ,,e, teanatea la the vear oee e.,,,„ • t n the cengested districts of 'deed:tee Niee lauedine aett Three. , e"4,- i , . - auee, in Toronto. at the feeeue tenement buildiugs thexe A le rire eiit oi Agrigultum. Ottewaq ' eax-nv a public plane for a working - oaten to go and get warm except to A en:era:en from, Clete:ego FUSS :"-. a saloon, there is dated a piece 74-"i”, l:Ve,. l': Witt Tillteege preach- , wiled, ee can go to meet the most ZI'g -4-X3 : I''''''atT !sacmi wants of his physical nature CV ee, -man ganen notinit elite WS 7 a, sol000 ? Therefore eon we and week coat to ins laber until tbe :dare we dem., the mission or the ige - stitutionul church in famishing --erefee letoldrkg man' wholesale and elevating amusement lag from the cellars anti foul bauote was einareed int° ROAM and slOwlY sun. Now comes for the workiegrean and a resort ia pares, started on eheir famous the great nass of iron. steel and rentinent question. which lee coo sdene a dieasent *eclat, journey to VerSaillea, whielt ended in •-senocl composing the good stemfl. end his eetnides. evening ? the death -of Louis XVI. and Marie 1ship moved (Alt into the Wee watetn Teis is to be ten home It le to be, 'lean* some one says. "how then Autoleette, the lieughty daughter of of the sea. E"."4- is Latter da.Y. t't . of the social eettlement and the work ese po you obargo the laboring a:ardr:illtueneYantil: (ojne?,ks 111:drewdietseditt olCr sn'ieet f"r tw° deu'°": First' . do V00 ilistingoleh between the worlithe Austrian war queen. esTarie Ther -1 its a daY i'l-'fall''&' as a 11°IidaYof the 'institutional church?' " They ciaeses with being the physical eee ,,, others 1 sought my stateroom. a5my tee st;..te nonelaturcs. dering ernieli are tliametileally diderent. nee, are 4 epentual leenace of the world?. did ell ie.:op:Inez! 113.11 41nd IS:C'Enell. as far aport as tbe excite and titer no„ any brother, I am in 110 WAY 'rraably down in the very heart ref the ship. tee word a tiw,„,,, aocere and motors. i bave this oey eejected our 1 bad been eSleell a half the chief invited me into the Aare. who /dame( sgvee dole- ()nem aU cineeld Oiserns or beer seivecnea upon nditaredie poie_. the eener otehlenee wieet" edect tee different purposes. The iiistitution- e They have entieele slandering the laboring classes, 1 'hoer when 1 WaS 0Malcened teir the 'rownl. and exPlgkirie4 to no 413 11° they -proceeded to Oect a nfn and moral and refined homes of 'I listened; I took up my watch and iglase tube was hollow and tilled with teem a man after their 1;/wA beads, nil 'dee e lee, :legs"' eaterefiv grt"V$ grate." AtOtAlki be the nstrait gute' the wooe are round 01,10,4, the IA- gdged Vik C,4 ZZ feet.or ;trantlay eervieta teddies,. directly te the idot a tee corers as well as aril oe, 1. i , 11 tile dureittion xaefiratultlee_shliereutre. tdhgel:gitailriXelift .7,0,t,bepriosupebs4:17i ..nzlierrr,....,,,,17.1 .. ...cap,- t reeequer ere 0 a it is edlr traeeed` e'd4v:Ilsc. this i".;11I-- CrOSS. Wiliie tbe soeiel du -411°1'2n; .istee put this la what I do asnert: mei se quarter Of a Minute. been% allOwing itself .to be COmPreesell pNeen dolges ley, panned tePPearanee* cera Lane rigt1 eveeing.d. Tee .neary woree from tem the Eree7, Is he to to the city Slums and clean out the. beak upon the dielts in about the same tinne it had taken to run off; the iron tube came up over the etern; the effieer seized it tenieltly, opeeeo A cap, off the end, and drew out therefrom A GLASS TUBE hoard. 4 Idindt" When 4 Wall °I about the size of lead pencil and Darlenese Sterrelindechee abont three feet in tenth. lie look- Dangerene. Coast. ed at it A 3310eeent. and spoke Smartly the werde "Ninety-six!' An - Other officer steed by the eliaethouee with hia mooth close to a speeeing tune; he -vane into that tube nay distinctly. Ninety-six fathoms. sire This tube 1 et once understood eeene "I Was the last passengee to go vale formations and acciumiletions of an beard." said a eturning tragele Mb, ler; "the gangplank was bauled in An officer mien. the 'bridge, in cmiet voice, gage the command to in,TE T.INCROWNPAP ZING, I3ut some one again interrupts me! "In these charges agaiust the city tenements. are you Pot slandering our laboring classes? You surely de not compare the American. army labor with those wild, desperate eroWds Of feentied Men Who, enierg- „,..1.1•1...•••••=••••,,,•••••••••• 111E SUNDAY SCHOU nagRi.,74TIoNAT, xAgssoa, awn. 27. TeXt 0 the Lessen, a. Q0 SiVe CteRrteX1Y, • 1113V:teem. APPrehen Lesson 1.--derael estate?" eor a. kill g Sam, via. 1-10), Gedden Teed Sanneani, II, "Prepare _your hearte unto tbe Lord 'and serve Ifine only," .;celeSgrapred'' ttollethsetae4nclatgre slidg041041. wdtdesti rariudnificeated.Theawitlitt dtaliweaoedllicielpraoas tw,te34 Tcobt .tetaliipts.dlaorda, 11.1xineicf.1011:evrecalse olduakelv, clear.' game front the eager ou the that bad witnessed tbe prectical their endges, their lavegider and Oldie deek1 the go Owed signal of tw° werking of Sir William. ThOcepsen's king Was rejected beeeelde thee'. given, there was a throb of the great 'weaned a ning nee other nations, short. sberP Clangs of the w" deep sea sounding unichine, sucic engines below, the water In the dot* •Np'adetdjamolli"Perdwount t'°bNeTerentdbeofnrroflpikeY, Tx5deFujelrfertr(lte;v.agikeill3,514!lidte and wbich could "lot give the depth esa, NNN111,, 241). Despised and ref Q t water unless the ship eves at a lected is the store' of nian'a treet- staudstill, anent of Go4 from the headlining. yet pt ccr'ficelalt:iytelal b:al ltola t7ai 1,0-7.,,e'rste a lead it oil- fa ti-eotpvtebr ldellernisFin: 3.3 1.171,,,,;;.t.S7134;.411:1101):4411°:st:IlbTleelgxsiSt7iss"(OL, o int s mac one a Is or water over which the shit, is seue :42,r "'no Lord is eel" liing; Seung tft ',ouch interested in lie will save ue." Notwitbstaeding ng the cutting words tit Samuel, "Ye es. Steen a stehleet an raz church believes teat the .teeelal believe that some of the most clean- 4ounding of the %%tale Of tile ship. eloaded up a second tube that. llee words themeeives. and grod gage "It)" atl° sl-iln lc la everY 1114"aged tbe laboriiig mon is the tineroweee boom. boom -the deep bees Yoko ol lotigitutfinelly in the Mese tube; litO 1110--;-laanaer foreWell ado er Fi'.41141, "le 1W ChlriStiallS ithd idle it 13 us Ir. Lind or tho Amert•eoe hallo that .tv ust ‘, at a od • 4 - the - • d r If' b 011Ct5tt-m1 t of water above it WaS the " d4 de de 0d) ooidee time (I Ora. I. 0**. e; elan viot4e, Ile ne,...:, „ ed. by Christian priuciplee en mo -pa., , ceeeta sA7,11„."Vil:.12;1-ec,t'" 11,7el?elit 4'.1.ne' .ve,S0 ?els rd.'ndtlidtlieiii,h.,1; ti,de" ficig.,°11i l'IL,;11:11stholiTtliivet.stIo5 al"grwlettnerteesritstulelni 1.''34Otr litriez'Iroeleesooj 1,71"tibug..fogAl'italdwekeVt! ItMegeteirsc'enPollwrOr' thr w(lattellr ttirreirbolaidiantr TeXt" 1 Sartn• N14 244 *111411: tfletai;tital/4 us us or 0 seclP trio t et.* eielo teem ill led -urn in higeer ern- areioneenies 4;41 geoziea, 15 tow il, raded. It rests with Iiiin• Whether ;?oceen gr(sylicnivd, beet talten pones- ibeecee4e17 it,-141es ittittee:(rgtp414:tninat; d'ilort°(.41;:lehroe4arelle't‘•:"01:111Editiih:14:iileardearfcrei edi,...-ioned teepee/gee that vied ,.).e1•401441.4ation te the eneegreeeet. _rig emir cities end counties ore to Id itled down thick -fog. tho laone of elle cieeee anti gretteal Itektety to teeir 4 , V..10.1 Mi;,ti and women of etery faith the SeWer4 nhall be 'death whether s)cala of tito eurfeee of the waters, end liquid was dregOd 4101N1 end re- edededdeb„„.e, his %%rope ineeenge So, tr,a77vsr• The.Trn.(4„ca.1"` 4.nd of no leith would re. restricted,' the tenem.lits mlall he loath) naeltere''Idt required precaution in the suPerioe attained at its loweet point while the d'''''' ' d:.." ' .4 is 'now all 141'''t '''. s.."I'd " eIer it oot altootber 10'4. if it inviting and not overcrowded. whether the ;I td., degrco lest another dhip should lass was being brought t th . dee ege„tia. Aim I ,ent a le.te . eta co-oo. roe LitoN,,,,,4 as ,t-Itition 13.000.000 itranigrant9 lan4e41 in .sletiderily cawila (low& eport its or we g tu,oh zieh erd d'e^ Peed7. Tee fastituitoaial ii.erefa bilievee ,the romitzee last Year. eettrie Of whom ,4into them. Sew!" ban happened thee 44t$P)44C114 15enieg all things to all be that !COMO es the meet degraded and iff• Vdi I 1 „ ,atu aga n• ele' ededeeieee' eeldoee„tde Ten" Jks,,,, ebrIF,t can 12,. gloritied. It in"morant of European inbalittante,w1te =1""h 11.ede e'"'" Uft 1144411'PcIv'''s "P" mire to vex*" OM command Of lie Made ob.5erve deeeneleq, "The booming of that w Els e co dAnd I if lied end whether sin itseleeleall Mollie end r *Wet 11/1 the night 1eng'-hu°131' The Inentiontan cry nhielt Once • - wl" i es nt- teas for Pool to come ond 1:elp tiP 41%=11 414e5 unto ',;bidt• in the darknees. Ike'? the lab.ithentr4 hee14-44Leastl-44.1‘e nye'. eteeeeed oven' the l'iTeinerraineara wa- er ige leete heen is tem tenc.ine'' " . li,n-atad it never varied the teem.- • g , • ng4 ^ •V-44 1;•53,141-: rr•i:SM IV3:46% t *t' ,,Oge-quarter. bootaa. boom, booart. It „tbe wire. it Wan WOUnd lip again, eegleare eeda len Arealiee "evens tei.leeteiltiree the wehteer the labor.ing rann steel •, was so regaled tilat hrdante, ace and .detnety ,ratholdisd sir. evae cdede teatett the people, cool 44,41,11 ddele,. eeteee leeee the lotorere. atio %gee e'er nee eneeeen ditieeens. rromu t.n;atz41 n40°,111111 on ene 'own pAy tapeeenegeggene eikult to g ett xtent by the larddhlbree-quarters of foirade-sileuce. a tO tellOW the Lord and eerve Awe. This button, therefore. Mork.. ed the contraction of the liquid. end he depth of the water was deter- ned therefrone, "Again the machine was dropped 1 Sam Nv. 22„, "TO 0110,Y 'better OVerb011rli. The moment it. touched dhad sacrificed. id we meg above, tell° bottom. which w, riPedlcat°4 1.4 tbiugs to please people we cane tee, cieeerver UV a spight tremor m goteserda the Lord mad 1. led Lam efen" eineerely, comedering the great things 1114 had doue for ONO. LOSOla rieeeSaul rejected att Meg (1. Sam. 13.2a). Golden Teed. nvi. We. and Seel conieeeed tilet 1342 "I iliSP4 0 41 it4 (141P ":44C°PF43 :9141 5"41 1" 111 -ring t°1r4P-leitsteered to it le pereon will do monicated to lite bridge. As foon vole, (vre„ ged leauttee sew! 'thee de -go et tee, Loaore elan. Tee ,:tattion sten; through our (Attn. enaddisteeeed. to a 00'101110w, nolee. end .45 ono joadblito 'mule un and 1.73'4 eo. &dug lie reeeeted the word .of t(01 AF i; (i.a. ti'l a ereered re,t der as dtowns. line the Indian Juggernaut of, eunitoolitel from the line, another was I thp Lord. geed therefore the Low pee l'tcN•lii1!'ia:ctle4., 11":4- "i'.*' 1‘.k.* 18 4'4t 21* 44" 1,111.114n2flp;gre1:Itt"i-tefl''.:::54's7 itntilleil-etLt5.Tp 1,1ilatil 'f Itilrl;hofert;I:ellPfellt els. velbleeethler14. 1 at ever'v 4 1)1145111°34 ory " sua'°P. fir ecetQlltaurreotIn Itto"leal e4itliPaPt?Iltiredrt:pthati1 JIM1,11017112111.1.12S4T'eaTalita (el: nedlets 1idNi41 Mee 0 eepleir, ,yeeesel more in their keen:ems, It le rapt wily. as,: Rut, ye laboring men. how are sern;,,I =else in the Alternritta eerie% hei'ore woter was being made known to tIce a sem xvi. 143). Gelliell Teel. I tee,- teere +ern Fees. u4r. 1 VO011aant In ttioiletoue ottne exereeeeed to win in thee!. three great enovedireest. of ttsi PashEngeee. It Wa'' .fo,g,t.1 oillecera on, the bridge coined, everer send den 7, "'Man looheth nfe tle "1 , ;ij P"2" '",4 r'11 le:/'L/i, eh g,'ete wiaidit Odell oleel to In ehe ,Spilit inspired instituional churelidIcept water, looking, down. over the i AS WV. SPED ON. etwiael appearOliiee, tout the Lard ull. lin ehe neat obeee I iCernit treat it. to lee "the geedit voteereetor tedeeeeele whist we have tem cleeeleipedhg, *Wein deleete end edeteeso to4ch 'quarter mile ill‘e ..*;'elel Velhzet is a taedi ii,447%,- 144-,i,..m, iroitte, ' but oleo the golle. ;Inge Vow are we to get, the Mile, „teat e could wee -mire radiant*, ede;„ weal 444," 01 to344 tll:201:10 e?:.111-4. ''..-'4".:,1RAtta"1111Jg ligatt ilittl the higher midland the Cbrietian ettiffieth RS a day 1eitie of the ship, at that. 1 noticed 1 " 'Eighty-six fathollts, Mr, still illi4141;iittilliatlitiicilluilirle:11. eillir2livni:rigettraet1;41.11:i416alltr-elal;:lii b t'I'' ' It ,*4 ee"d° r tri ,4'lt e';'s cleerele it ie eat' o to 1,e zee foeiniateliall we ultimately or ever tritiniplVa teleecope poified in a dillerent. 41-i again; 'Sixty-seven fathoms, eirn the cm (chapter eiii, 14; AVM eait 24)• 'Eight fathom'. eir. eighe Neill now gide tli`OND il, Illell often Ilk; 61.7*75 1-311r349 1-41.14i' 11".%.' Vit IL44 8011" P i5 "4 1/''''' 'fwqr y"'t end deorsbile and a, goepoi that upon the bridge eigere were four eiondinge Pe „Id d' i",..44"","81`3. 1 411t4d tra,:dr* tee fonneetien :done 4c.1 tee eaeted "ballot bon to care for our depraved? ;, or live officers in uniform. each withiteenine faliones. fir** de(ligildUlT, OSVII beat% wit° um mot all DAS 142'611 tl e ' 211‘1113114-1414 "." 41' ti1In MOMOf 1::e Sirit Lowe wad 44 1n theee three great movements foggeetton, endeavoring to find an oPen- bottom of the *'ea was corning up on vt,-141.111 and twitali 11 4-471-`17 4°4 "1 illue 1"" I'll "1"1 4:'111(b. Ill e pane d'iee ot eVeeint" tetearte'n-'!ti rineation of the laborer's ev-Ing in the eheet of darkness. while , agvkin tbe shells in the engine wont saw, rein teneltia. Golden Tedte teov. Ti ei. g is eeeee for lei . to ' I 1 ' 0 • 4 . 11 IP P" •I: #1 t 11.;ti• re FP 44 1140' ltt Vd• r?.C.'4••e ,, • .. • • . , h‘ j ••••• • h . 1 • , . , * f min ,s? Not in our ovet strengtb, li the eonorous boom of the whietio ' jing/e(.1. the MOtiOn of tile shill de* Rom. Oil. al, elf tied be eor us. ,„ eget. acacia eaes F0111,` ellc• 10 Illep 'Ibut in the etrerogth of testis violet ,sitee4CR We 'Wry air. iereased. 'Forty-two fathome tied who can he agtainet use" Weld, 18,.- 25 2111'-ii":111"""61 41.12."--:'"ddiv do eon we lhe Annie tenSQ? '1 WO eettli and we can do everytiging q "But hared -there Wile ell ellSWPr' S/ONVer yet. "twenty-eight a ball; sir,' Aiming been aneitated, awatte God's , . 4 • 1 • 4 0.3.f.p. tit 40.0 ;EP 4'0440 4.'014l. •$ ., ..,' . '10,271. 1 n ;VS i1.1 114n '00'0 1411T1141r.S, . • (10 VO%1 say. •Trt. Nulaulth dee."( we will only trust him and werhiing note..bootn, boof-away in the. and the bell struck put one long. time ami way to Maria the throne. • „3,. ,I, ,0,.at wrao., comity fowling, , v, to ite the gellien gate obeli eliall.:for him, ilidistence. I endeavored to wedeln ' 1enti stray the ste n rUSIll'd Ill) tionig Them -Melo etist what laits t ad. 1 in lie lee% OE reiowledee of levy to Jet the latitorhig men boo! 0i eonq would po owe tht,co e.elin..reit tenser° IleeanCie. my trienll, to perhaps a hall dozen times; on board again. 'Nine- Gad iri Oil. peen of (Imre KOPle RS I listened there until it had sounded I was coming. VniP'e t- r .,ii:., tt o ir iti,esirtiant Iters ' o• 17X.at 1.Nt,111, Avarice, with her went to the StarbOard; it, was im- then 1i teen ft neer, Ann then the bell struck well as Ills enernice and having a Pessilde for me to be certain. ticeire that all the eartli ntay, 1 cultaicreta Ilaliestsalatisstwneirt astern, and great glanced up at. ehe officers oo *be, "The sea was 01000114 and glassy. )1;iellogwoetshlitiritillaeliin 11:41549 Zatile4Inallittivael bridge; they were then gazing all in, and the 'curler was becoming vieible victorione. tlie same dire.ction. Then. I noticed at a greater distance &inn the ship: Leseon VIT.-elatil tries to hill that the Speed of the ship lied heen In a short time it was elear enough mew (I. $em. rgv11., rott). «olden perceptibly reduced; the vibrations to discern something Iwsides Water.. Test, Ps. xt..t.. 1. -cod ie one re- ef the great engines below were slotv-, 'Land on the starboard hoed' rang fuge anti strength, a very present er, the boom was becoming more Ms- out from somewhere on board. I help in trouble." Sael. having turn"' tinct, the blasts hail been altered to could see nothing, but in a fee/ 111411.• ed his back upon God, is pos$;cssed gounds quicker and sharper, but the utes there loomed up tbe bold and by f1.11. Oil miirlt, and, lined, with hatred, lie proves himself a. relative of Cain, a ebild of. the devil, who front the tiny that he was tolil that the seed, of elle woman would bruiso . his head persistently seens to kill that seed. Lesson VIIL-Tlavid and Jonathan 0. Sam. xx., 12-23). Golden Text, Prov. xviii., -24. " There is a friend that sticheth closer than a brother." In the opening verses of chapter xviii., the love and conduct of the Ring's son toward the shepherd boy are Neel, suggestive of the love of the Son of God to us in Ilis empty - lb° Parliellior Point, trorA NVIlle"t litroUgll the eSecifee pipe, the throb- hands lomat to do. A greitil omen,. 1 PRRUN I Went oVer to the Port oide• V hing ot the engine ceased, the line tunity being greeted him to glorify thileil ili'Al4e1 lie ri•l40'11 21 •,14'4 44-11 112(' bildter And Mr* Mader 100 of thel 'evil ou s...., 4; clew. Then hie le ad 81"iriel. IIVIVf 120 Pt" not nee the . LOCOerIOTIVE Tee. Paper Read at a Meting *idles- itee 1.1A, orrIzitra tr,t.h,A4 up Ur desien hendemithe Itteephemy an ter Melva:tics. iintremente for a emneeet 1+pe, :341;anton Peet:ewes, have ett.ilen avow letele 41lCI 2* 11 for oue idra l'1""411 8"141"th• Ili" 14:4"i° One of the most interesting pap. cattle. Vows ;always travel togeth- east tanned upon mir shores he d presented at the recent muster me - el% The same' len' oPidies 10 die'dfl ns.1041 .181r.o., tu0s,i. i„nitLYess.'41. 1111 elienics' convention contained the fol - and liorees anti leilieloes and raostiy atiout tee reetv twine '''.141i. WW1 ill ilowin, interestino information re_ to 14rde mei lisle 'nee 11212. to be ette, Auteriesiii Sabbath," na9 his re-. gardiei'g headughisd-It appears that in Ilene other's Foeleiy. They lit e ply. But, alas. alas. tlie Anl"'':een 1 of tbe 41.300 locomotives in the in Lenie 41r Miele; or echools. The et a hie h in Int nen o e to o' r st teniel if.Flillel in the human rave, 428 and worship, but or woo; tool plate- ' "- '----- -- -'-- - e' - -'e t- --e -- 'United States fully 37,4110 of tit= I etill retain thia oil lamp mid the in tell manatee, 25 it God inedunte.1 :jure Ie.:vie:ea In many large cities ordinary planished reflector for head - !eel iiiet . ..ktoo um asFoviate with end in many country villages the ikons. About U 3 00 have electric 1.ui:1, •Illat no Pow‘'r 4111 e01111 van Mors are opened, stud business, if help it, lie will aeseciete wilh !not running at full bitten is beiug - headlights. using the ordinary reflec- tor, and generating electricity with matt in the eliurch or dee In ti"' 4'10111' 41' Idard with arivi"g felet". "le small steam motors of tbe reelprei- eldllett 4,2* eleb " ""Pt "eietY• ITe "32241ber .1,116PS und grocery stores and eating must end wilt find perpetual corn- !thug stores and dry goods stores or turbine type, the latter rapidly coming into favor. There 14e1 lenelliP doling his evealitig iltnns• mei lemur retiree and billiard halls are some 1.050 acetylene ,generators now in use for generating gas for locomotive headlights, which are 212°' 4 "It 1 h 44"2 P t . 1 :" ' 1:111(1 theatres and often foundries ond for I rtr, heriled" i"d"Ig".2"'d ot "at factories are open and know no Wi- er:tying. Jerome leetn•een Sunday and Monday mo . vow To ImAvil TnE .MASSIt.'8' !or Saturday. "Tbe question How stien equipped with the regulation is .1.4.tst. —tie: tshe?t iron case and planisbed reflec- Suttee wait eecond t I find by study; shall we keep Sunday?' . of noties and persoual inveetigation „ qu Wing a secondary signi neater,' or. the remainder with what is teat atery clona1'. which has first once powerfully melee biehop Hunt- known. as the "lens mirror" or Llen balbtived IlIr tile /role Sideit.;inatton. "Once the fear wets that end teen (paw forth to reach the ethe seaway might be broken. 1.7ow when.. . Or the laboring rlasiwn.the anxiety is lest it be wholly lost. through tbe soda gate bee addedd ,ln a word, We are threatened with been blest of (led in a marvelous ;the forfeitere of an available Iran - way. Oh, why 'ern not un or the deed the annulment of an ancient churches Leo n the value of doing 'charter, and it is high time that we their v-.ork by appeallog to the soc-;bestir ourselves." Yes, yes, Bishop ial instincts? i 1T113ll i ngt on well spoke the truth. In the most congested na t - - r !,,,,02 ?dn.:The Sabbath day is to be a great cities the fellow's have ell miticuity . „,, factor in the future in teaching the 10 live. The.): elereel t° Inalfki"- llabdring classes how to spee 11 their through the social gate. *Upon their aeanings, because now the Sabbath windows 1 ree these words advertis- "'-' a day of rest has been stolen cd everywhere : "Free Lunch." 'What itLaYa:sirr It must bo recaptured. It is does that mean ? Moe the saloon .1"C. :high time that the labor unions of keepers euddeuly become ohlienthrio- animated with t 40 this land and the church of 'Jesus !nets ? Are they arer Christ join hands to win back that t..sl I 'r to feed the poor • Sabbatic treasure which Lord Bea - care for the starving ? Oh, no 1 The for its supply of oil than the others saloon keeper is a man shrewd and consfield-who, like Xing eeolomon. do for carbide or steam, yet when keen in business eec says : eer 1 was a Jew -once declared "was the with a sandwich can only entice any greatest blessing ever given by God victims into my hell hole,. then 1 i to man." can keep them bere by the social in- A RESTFUL SUNDAY. stinct. I 'will then surround them me-- labor tea 1 na lone 11 with my hirelings e.nd hold them in . ' base their claims upon pbysical nomical after all; and it falls far grips of steel." There is an old say- 1 grounds. "Rest, rest! Give us behind in the candle power of either eeg in church circles : "Give t.he peo- mare rest!" cry the barber 'unions acetylene er electricity, and failing ph: a. free lunch and there is no dlr- . vd „ if and- the grocery clerk unions and the also in entire reliability. Acetylene II ' fog was dense, closer and more com- pact. "The steam, Wile,R len was being 'used for the engines, was escaping from tho boilers, and between that and the sound of the whistles the noise was indeed terrific, but the of - rugged cliffs of rock on land &Aunt, ecarcely half a mile. There dld not seem to be tiny 01' shore, straight up fot X should say 50010 hundreds of feet, with here and there a dark spot like a clustee of trees percbed in ma openiese ficers were calm rind smiling. Amid "Glasses were brought to bear in all this din, however, / noticed that the dbaction of land; (ho officers on the boom of the whistle of the the bridge very shortly pointed in strange steamsbip was becoming one inulicular direction. 'There she more distinct -closer, apparently; is!' clone the exclamation. I looked alarmingly closer, to rae-aud that I In the direction indicated. I beheld could not recognize the boon]. of the the outlines of a great steamship "searchlight reflector." which as stranger from our own. Then the similar to our own, her stern perch - mach smaller than the planished re_ bell in the engine -room jingled, the ed high underneath that terrible cliff. ling Thmseit for our eakes and cloth - fleeter and vastly more powerful and officers laid down their glasses. the tbe stump of a broke*, mast, and 41.1 2121 eas with Ms own clothing mad reliable, occupying a much smaller eSeaning Steam suddenly ceased, the quantity of wreckage hanging OVer in seeking our welfare. The hatred casing, which is ttsnaller Conned cy- vibration quickened and the steam- the side, the water all around her or soot is Bee the evil one. ere ship forod ahead. The next boona as smooth as a millpond; no indica- Lesson IN. -David spares Saul (T. compact and dura.ble. The reflector of the stranger was fainter, fainter; tion of a storm now, hut the white , • e itself being of glass and praetleally then 1 knew that we had passed- seagulls swooped over .the intervening indestructible, requires °tier occasion- al wiping oa to be in condition for service indefinitely. It would seem probable that with tlwse advantages it should soon succeed the old type of lamp. nin OLD OIL LAMP. The old oil lamp, when compared with 1120 80242 types of acetylene and electric headlights, costs much lest the costs of operating it are count- ed carefully, including cleaning ma- terial, wick's, chimneys and burners, with the frequent losses from burn- ing up, does not prove to be so eco- deug stor,e, clerk milieu and all other the saloon keepers can afford to give noon 15210229.Our men must have.ehysi- a free lunch every morning, cal.rest for the eye, the hand, the and night in the service of tee devil brain, the heart; rest, and complete I do not believe it a poor policy once rest, on pbysical grounds." And, in awhile on a week night for the 112- atitutional church to give a "free lunch"- in the name of Christ FOUL INFLUENCES. When I go down the street of a Moeclay night, past church after church, tomblike and silent and dark on account of their closed doors asp . the spiritual as well as hysical and, fiad the billiard balls in full ,,, ingThe church erf Jesus Christ illtioiination.and crowded, with the must have at least one Whole day young men of our land, I know then per week to tell the people about that there is spmething wrong., thank God, a beginninohas already been made, for the labor onions are everywhere presentine their just claims for a restful .S1.13bath. On the other latinh, the church of Je$118 ClWiSt must go into this bat- tle for a restful Sabbatli, emphasis - know that these young men are amt bcmg oppecJed to in the name of Chrisi fluayugh the social gate. I know that the institutional church is eight when, to counteraet that evil influence, it throws wide open its church buildings and offers to the young limn and women of its neigh- borhood libraries 113 which they can read the best books, and gyinnas- euins in which they can develop their muscles, and places ill Which they God; one whole day per week to teach Male how they should be good husbands and good sons and good fathers; one day per week to teaeh21 man his duty to his fellow men and to his state; one day of every seven to teachi a man how his life may be spiritual and his death glorious. "Rest! Rest!" A Sabbath for sac- red rest and worship should be the cry of the church. May this Chris- tian pulpit on this Labor Senclay gas, while costing more for its car- bide than oil, does not require chim- neys nor expensive burners with wicks, and gives out several times the candle power of the best type of oil -burning headlight, without bring- ing criticism of its intensity. • The electric: headlight is more ex- pensive in the line of first cost; also In maintenance, owing to a motor and dynamo being required to gener- ate the current and the earamet of steam needed to operate it. The in- tensity of the light thrown out is objected to by scene on account of the glaring properties and tendency to affect the vision of engineersap- proaching it, while others claim that these features are not seriously ob- jectionable. Moneybagse-"And can you xneke a suitable financial provision for my daughter, Mr. Spendallr" Jack S.- ee hope so. She shall have half of whatever you give es." 1)0 2sE0lIght DA° best o7 hclp to be the means of loading, tlie Cheistiee aesociation. Yon who de- church and the labor unions to cl 9"ie incion nioves round bey tlea mission of tee Institutional hands in the holy cOnspiracy" of cap- ' at, 2,273e314i1es 2111 hour. paesed close, passed safeIy-but I saw nothing, nothing but fog, and thanked God that there were 'nen on that bridge who were capable and ICNEW d'fIEM DUTY. "Day after day, night after night, shat fog lay thick around us, close, wet and drizzly. When we reached the barilcs of Newfoundland UM speed was somewhat reduced, but it Was still fast enough 'to be dangerous. The many small craft, fishermen who inhabit these waters, take very little precaution, but WO sped on, seeing nothing but ourselves and the ever- lasting fog, sounding our terrible notes of warning. "It Was about three o'clock of the afternoon of the lifth day out. 1 was near the stern of the ship; close beside me there was an apparatus made of a cast iron cogwheel, prob- ably about eighteen -inches in dia- meter, a hand crank fastened on each side, this wheel meshed into a, smal- ler cogged wheel, upon tile journal of which were two disks of metal, probably four inches apart; wound around this Aournal and .between the disks there seemed to be a continu- ous coil of fine bright silvered wire; the whole of thieemachinery was fee.- tened together and securely bol! eel to the deck floor. "An officer came aft, locked over the machine, adjusted it in. different places; another officer came holding an iron tube-like aparatue with a brass ring in one end; he fastened the fre,e end of the wire to this rine; then he carried it to the rail ar7d dropped it overboard, down into the seething waters below; instantly the disks began to revolve; the wire ran off with a whizz and ,etretchecl away back into the waters at an angle of abOlit thiri y degrees. The officer stood at the brake of the wheel; in a few minutes he suddenly applied this brake ancl the 'Machinery stop - he earth pod; a sailor seized each of the eranks, and they wound that wire waters, the sun shone Out bright mad clear, and the sheen of gold on the stern of that great black object was clear to the eye. T could xnake it cut, 'SCOTTISH XING, GLASGOW.' " 'Was that steamship equipped as we are?' I inquireil of the officer, 'and had she the apparatue for as- certaining her whereabouts when slie ran in against the terrible cline' 'Yes,' said he, 'she had everything that was provided for catastrophes of that kind; she hied all the safe- guards that have been devised; she had a capable, careful captain and experienced officers; she is lying there upon the reefs, and soon there will be nothing left to tell the tale. Our time, may come, we cermet tell; there are a thousand and one ways by which this stout and staench looking ship may be cased to lie just like the 'Scottish King.' "The bell in the engine room, rang out again, slowly the great liner gathered way, we bade adieu to the terrible looking shore, its rocks, its reefs and its wrecks, 'out again into the open sea, no booming of the whistle, no fog, and the haven oe Ilalifax loomed up next clay." GOVERNMENT TTILLES. In the Malay Peninsula there is at the present moment an area of 12,- 000 acres planted with the Hevea, Brasiliensis, the tree fureiehing the Para 1ubl3er of commerce. This area represeetes about 1,500,000 trees, the result of plantings introduced within tbe last fifteen years by the overnment of' India. 'When the .trees were nest planted the natives took but little interest in the ex- periment. As the Price Of coffee be- gan to decline they began to look for other objects of cultivation, and for the last six years or so they have taken the matter senioeS'ly ,in hand.. Sam. XxVi., 5-12, 21-25). Golden. Text, Luke vi., 273 "Love your ene- mies; do good to them evbich bate yen." An opportunity for David to• al.yeachhistahneath:v. 011e wsleliecruhetratso to be God given, but David saw in. it only a temptation from the evil one, and he resisted it. Lesson X.-Deoth of Sae' and Jonathan (T. Sam,xxei., 1-13). Gol- den Text, Prov. xiv. 12, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a. man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." At last his time came, as David bad said (I. Sam. xxvi.. 10). The Lord's "Hitherto ehalt -they came, but no further" (Job XXXVill., 11), bad been uttered and Saul is gone from the earth. One cannot but feel sorry to think of Jonathan slain in ibis way, and the 1:trinnentation of David (II. Stun. 1, 18-2.7) is very toweling. Lesson 7' ',avid tocome.s king (II. Sam. 4i 1-10). Golden Text, Ps. cxxxiii., 1, -s eold how good and how -pleasant it is for brethren, to dwell together in unity!" Every purpose of the Lord shall be per- formed (Jer. li., 28) in Iris time,. and as truly OR joSeph's dreams were fulfilled and David became king, first of Judab,,and later of all Israel (II. Sam. v.. 1.-5), 50 the werds of Gabriel to Mary shall have a literal fulfillment in due time (Luke i,, 32,, 33). • Lesson X1J.-Abstinence from evil, , a tempereece lesson (I. Pet. iv,, 11). Golden '1'ext, Pell. v., 18, "Be not drunk with wine. wherein is ex, , cess." The evils of drunkentess as set forth in Scripture, and seen in daily life need no comment beyond that of 1. Om.. 10. But ' tbere are many wbo never were drunicards who are as sure of being sleet out of the kingdom as they, for though a man be as moral and -religious as Nicodemus, he * must, be born again (John 111, 3, 5, 7). The evilest may and- the most 14-20102 most be born from aboee',