HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-17, Page 8receirie9W01790Ceetrairettinneterrateatetele
IS i:;
los, Davis returned from Meekoke
oae fora $L25 white bed spread i Ladies, rt you wasut `inig values me e1n Tuesday.
at Stewanrt''- - m y 5 to sell—goeck new rain coats, Stewart's is the elle Robert, Sweet left Monday even-
if you want any.
11 spot for youY
t t' reg for the West, where he will seek a
estate I, "fi bustues$ toe ation.
Fortender, peeve: lag or oteetnsive
C • +t tr Foot Ease. It ztlar za s elves The Firth -Eaton emnbinatloin will Hon. Trios. ecreePway, of Crystal
; a ti .appear in Uidley's Opera House, E t Otte., Men., is spenduee the cheek, in
ter, on Friday,- evening, September 18, , town wnth Dr, Rollins.
:tfa and Mrs, E. 3. Spaeknnan ;and
r t n
to Stella. Ief tine no ni n
dale h e t lis i 1
(Thursday) for New Yon1 ; g
Miss. Ada Newtozi, of Windsor, Inas
returned to her bonze. after' sa, week's
visit with friends in town.
Many people front the town and
relief. $v,al 1 v C. Lutz, Exeter.
;°4°i I~ , Crystal C'rly (;►luu,) Courier: 's Geo,
U1 Horton. of Exeter. Ont„ was in Own
Tae allay, Mr. Heaton expressed hinn-
i pearenee of this country."
„"eee - self as bean„ well pleased with the ap
-t? ca 11 be 110 toss i'^ The London Free Press of Tuesday
contains the picture of the three three -
Wit 'tart i .•e' colts nvinaing prize* at the
f} to i12( ;.0 d . year-old t T 1.
Western Fair. As usual Messi;'s. Haw-
:in/41(v l In() C 9 dean & MeDonell captured the 1st.
- D"4 Da Ovens, of nn, surgeon, oen-
p ear a a C( ° lee :IDi i sliecialiet, diseases eye, ear,
.20,:c. and throat, will be at the Ca iu-
ertir.a teal Hotel. Exeter, Wecinestiay,
Zap :t eetht;Wile Noa:eannnleea: •Rain; \\"est.
December end.
yottr” o
cloLes are
i'nn' 1?'It' Eel` " 're way.,,
lit J mnte T. in, one of c➢rrir oldest
The Style of •g 4r ndent_ we naae is _ L G can s rt elta higkny y p eslaeete►i residents
• ►tee of ferst•elazss 4r►ti`l , celebrated his $&sl birthday, on Sitter-
sufficient ga➢anan
Al the new up -to da
`ri►ea. iii"
ay last, At this remerk,able age Air.
1!I Tom is enjorinn the best of health and
gives proani.eof celebrating neureerous
aiter3 tiirtlidaye.
i Mr. ,Iaaltnn Cha'rltar carries leis' the
it l a y 1 4 a t On \ton
under. the auspices of the I.0.F. It
will be one of the greatest treats that
the people of Exeter have ever bad the
pleasure of witnessing. Don' Liss it.
p to
io+i'p> hiss This Trout. '
W. 0, Hnestou, manager of Gidley's
Opera House, hes secured Rowland &
Yonn ;'s Biot Comedy Co, fon Fair
nights. 21st ad 22nd Sept. The pea..
ple of Exeter and vicinity require ro
mtrtxkietion as this clever company
played one wee here last winter to
eirete and appreciative audiences.
These fond. of baying to goad laugh
''eliiss'011ie McLaughlin, after a few
be s' visit her home here, for
leftdon't fain to here. Po alar. r.c:es l at i kz .. e
'2,i and 35 cents, Flan open Sat„p19tb, Winnipeg, Man., where she has se-
at Dr, Lotz's Drug Store, cured as situation.
Strayed= from Howe. Mrs. Perkins and Mi's.(Dr.) \F`illiams
oho Stacey, ail aged and infirm viii of Lisle, end Mester Ogle I'erkius, of
than, who resided near Sodom in Ste- Chicago, are ;arrests at the Trivitt Ate,
phen towirship, lntysterionsly disap- ' mortal Rectory thps, week:.
peered from his home on aoudad Miss Carrie Dyer, who has been at -
morning last and has not been heardtending the millinery openings nings at or-
➢ pe „ T
tell of since. Many hours has beezt canto. returned home Monday and has
t in fruitless seareh by the neigh- resutnned duties with Ma R. N. Rowe.
country snriounding have taken in
Western Fait” during the week,
Mr, Robt, Sanders left Monday' on
the Harvest exe ursiou to spend zt, few
weeks in Manitoba, and the Territories.
nt➢n, .s for as➢ , t. a➢„ carts. • i lelirs lta➢tt'i threngh the woods and ,`nr" y,.t S, { I. Sanders p in London this
asii ala. 1➢- anS'r>.l &1J t4 a1a tl4a➢t: 1C 1'i l➢4"Sl ,roninlang r'onntn"R', out no trace what. ' • • - , •. r,,. > ,
r. £'-'1*".'" '""al 'alt D a&re ;aG➢41 tie*k-od uta ;leaving
wt: d to regi esentrni, the l ;tr erre r'o . Co -
`i➢,.° me vtac rat the s ane. tune. I$ is al home ed:t+ been Dn Less d When lean re.r. oT➢erakive 1'Iar'6-eStirrnr Al c hine Go, int
+ 3i;Zr. 4 tt .`►Y:BA 1➢GI➢aDY kat* E, ns aiaeased Dn as dark f,",➢i.6. g
r.ea lett fair -r lo. t1iN •Ga'aiti+ D:➢eine^,➢r'irD' tla4'i4"eJ111batat0.tlleel'lnitlitiUnr,rPaat➢[1S,
a - f rt -i it Inl•iel' ti'o➢isei hope ai he-ae v eri]p
rae ale eleven fe et in 1e length.
T, T 1 and'srern Qa•al:a adD,mb nonetog-stick- ria Mr. aril Mas, Fred, I'Inwell, after
-' NI cake Al.'. D. R a.4t. ilte wee eleeatte •i has been, Any lnf4u' merlon that will spending ai fe-s days in. town t he
-- 4- k ee et,,".."Ia BDji o. Meet lettere'.) laza .'+'''""r- ; i,";411 ti`?‘ h➢e t.'A°s^a;fi'Ti wen b. thankfully gntet of Mr. :and Mre 1), :call, return-
14rs 4° " , 1 , ^ ha natal'':. 1 tsl ta► their home in \\ Windsor rne;;tlt►y, , l
i tt r'a t Q,c't a a LTA," ft 1 ➢"iI ,_ •,na°r 1 c• his ■
,r ,. a 4r - a 4.",;'4,--..4.a.4' ,a l.i.a°ly IID4a1 41aDet'tn i+Fr. J. T. 'ti estednik left Monthly D•ve-
tF I'+k`t. L s ,;t.a a. ,'. ➢ , ra^wa », 1.a➢t a:.r 4Ttr atrtllaxnt 1 atstiiotts.
* tia3:a'' i e"ii'4r' l .i rw.a la$4D34$ were never before en eta. laing oo to Ibtre ere eNciirsion too the
101V/707.7-P4.i e 't ee et. el Meesetrebl - littleA a - , r i'4 R'here he 1.illevielt .ill eafee lit
t i t, ,1➢ai and El• art u n ,. a. revs m `44 ,
. tee b ee! . f ,D- ire $.tn. nth,. Leen, Ivre l is the 1;N14➢rfiFlld'til"• of plrts leer tt tilmDe ante no his leen tee he•
l.' 's ,l tj Ei nu"; !•71'1, 1) i'c a ► 1# ii^ :, iteee a ,ora►fin: Nene whet feel,. will be aetorpanlc*1 by his sop➢ l;ali;au
ft elm merle - oat j cleat i'il 41 t,,i- kat,:," ,Said 3ilek. In the fatrlii4auitrt, 4,1 D,1K) 10 lnaking but '1'4.1 Slaaty /1144r3 vs..;
:5cr- 11 '.:el'n , t «at'?D •trey*, i 0.vinith.", t.atlett:'s i1D s idea nine' 1 tri►1,'all't1=a 3'k'C*ivel'y from ids recent at
. c a S °i %'i 5i ,i ata iii:.?n41 -' I.'i`; tt4n e,^ltcer3,aiaa ll D.at'rilal 4r,it, 1'u a rn.i t I'll.
1ft r,ci-AA=s.; e— 1^. , -L tne,roti' C 1 ,a1: ,.tptna.,. td'a' let-t"n, lint Qlae inti a:olnl, 1Ti114tt•-. •fS c` Ya➢aLata.ld1'1.1trrtt1➢na ➢ala➢"lal'a➢Srli]'!Dll alirhte➢'alall 13'tia"t;ta•3(1 xia •fi.i ,L Q Q, r ' 4D r1ddtCanli.a14et ad+ata. , . ni\V ,t. 1., 1 , 104t"Cali.,,ill.,liana] nen
••* D s D a > a3 d;iri' acne tan ii" •lAtt'st fatisn nxala ta 1 ,➢:..3 l.,atm„a (Ri1➢dlnia0 s84a n➢ AR l fl a➢➢ t` iaa ei;n,,,i , , .n i,,, „i ,.r,a eo' ae'lll Qa=; w• .-'''idurteal the I3+iblelentiun.aiftrD• avhtcln'
'af '➢.. 'ill :,• , ] C' -t 40.ede1 ' 1*+^ , ? ! p+ ,';': li4r➢- • _a, .15:0. t n+ iiai` nai !4'? ul 1.0.F, 1 newest fe rile 4i il➢•ati a si, t1➢4' relief- ie loll'. 't wits giva'n liv the Pie&adent of
$4a u , • ij *- ° l let 0*44 t'lDtunir held til +:nlri4-1) on Aug.
, :ee ivg e i teeet•1`*'aD. l'4.u4. •1 S3tll;f mitt. !la ieliaceof the long treed lafeel . ,i,R ,.
e'a rr :.nt L+a, f';tk ':. 0.a a, plata' oaf 011e to r.> -a*. et b- Aimee of the t An*aug the materials zibelines are Uw i Sand 23. a al4rts were encored.
It , $r Q+'➢ II. } , til 311**,1.- - ID ' $ -- caveat-. '4' •a! taw -,t nrog4ai4Dent Fa -4 Dam and that' 'ala+ Smite new111 n
ai3 j:fi
r , ' T
n s . b
• •
",..w.'z^^.-,'o - c➢4 twt G'-iYi'4 : die- IIID it a -n .: 'eel
aa. r: S a ._ -, , > , .
o '£t D d a •1' at ala a 'n +► laaall+ of •aaa•rQ1n13Dg mote folio them ,ever` -The .`, 141* next: regular meeting will be held
i1'al•e. re tial- ^-`:a,.._ '14'11 i.'"4 Q,.;I-, 3t fill, 1. Jai;'`* Pc:31- g;,4n3-4aadt+ the choice of the women of con- ilte(18 ettteet. Intl SePt. 'de'ti1, eol_tnkl__
t9 •
`"$ra n"s ala a bot1a thetaion able. In trim. • ; Who bath woe? Who hath sor-
maws thirra'are dow. bionic"alta of ala;. row Who bale contentious? Who
IId angling inneit➢elits MOWN. est -deet :loth beetling; Who bath wounds
+,:i.R,v 144111144444➢, ",••t'"la4' l&^"➢a' Cl;rty•tsn➢lpil'a4a1`•4'i' aura tlzo ttveeeelall stteets, .4t the haute of :S.. Murray, lin An.
}er;iGl v:I Q'17 -r-1 ,ta u'" 111:►a1 ,t3 :a'.it Ga Dew'i'•a - • D. 01 eau' hr+ eet4"tr Power' tsLrrC'at4v'i,+ t a°+t#" tlla►%4p„*la ll1 'all "141al ilea„ lite l cl ala,
t Y' c l tl l
St -4011.
eaa dal .a
, u 1
'. et aith a e iiaafaal e eel+islet on
1 lea°.DSaa 5'44 4 1a4'.: kat+n3 e ay tlah'y WI$¢^la will 44sldtin4- him ata
weer 4-1i $"4 . \.''4 ^.one - t'?u 1.'.t'ta•r 1.¢111,, *24. hott14'fan .1 tinea. It.'4'f+1a➢'^a 1aa' Wita
a ,7,-17047, Ma nal -a' li ag5hSw, e,,f tl4{”",read
',Era 4 w-7'➢DD l+f i fl ,alaacr •1Z .r. ,.., ase„rl;, an +otageriill meal llla'aa c111g touch and tal-
' 'i a
to qte tasa1111' e aateeltt held of :b ia et. to ars. alas. Cloth iia used Its as al'lnmt nit or
.. , . + ' .111114+ sheer Melee, Ft+3•fllt•i►tc'cl clutll
albs aitc s d1Dd c'Daal•t a neteee that torn, f t%ith lla voter? Who bath realness of
rr lA a nalalAe .err • an taw laurel mei la geotho, ciaDwo $t4aala Vier iaa1Dumer able.+ decorative poesibili-
z^ga¢e4tI3 t r,•cai;: ,Da .D*+ matter at d i f
Kee telt le$ p44Dl1.
"They that tarry long at the wine:
they that go to seek mixed avant.”
"Look, slut thou upon the wine when
" ,. . `. t cal lowering, lahre lt, when it gene f it et 1`N41, when LC g3F trill his CetllnD` !n
;a:" 49DI1 is
rt,3layda'iela ne t3.; (ie latae a , . wi414 toe l rforeted designs, button.
'Wend l:in4as .t'4l t":al 061 lrbla1w,31D lD ° fib. the cup, when it movrah itFeif aright."
rDt¢Ql 1a 4 . •';. c6•la.a la.:ea%•-, it a;i4.a1 ata-' ,➢y„ 1. 1 'llaDfl4il after the f Delalli3D of the popular
at18! ¢a3 8"'19 -Za, .0 ➢ ',ta41. , `➢•,
i➢ fa 1Za?p161C4't•.D tat 4 1? ii .ate can0 l,A ltt•ipdel44 :1.111041 e, 15 another of 11ht. ' ":lt thr last it biteth like, a serpen
,ilDkill' keno,. The iDnlaata•31 member . , , , • and ;ati➢rr "l+alt lilitl Can adder.
;, uD ee4 c.uCa a ,COa :and + eine: as ova Ca'* itlaZ 4 t• l . W' • . ,.J..._
Firth ,•Die+:! t ,.e➢➢uldiriaDtiaea on Sept. 1 *, Tit 00,08 ,21 laming of ilea \voliDmes; trimming. Cope eolliar:e of emb ritilier -
'14" Peet klrlln ` ll¢+ :ZD'tDnAlati 11:0* lee Meth [1➢A11e?li yCot`, held at ti1Z`n.' l'i1.1 fe atZli'e 0 le Kt1113111a!r '438C31 it1➢l i
oat a+ill Ile 1 e ta> cert with tllntio tat
N to p,3"e' tlau• . 1 al' ` 11114 'epeeted tje' 1150al fl ltaD►eltiea tllilt lllfelavchlie tl in 1,
'6a°➢l lett l* +•l +e alai t+ t' jf AItl a ern Safewayra4 the James street l3l h'tttle' and tile° t1111t 8vl+re SP i 0 t• '1, EXETER DISTRICT MEETING
1 « 1 (4 1►1 P
Lt 6t ➢➢q• 1 De t►,ia ► 6v ta,lp' pa 1 ar 1 , naall]entall with 111Wt latCl* motifs o r em-
t°la;Drat 1 al Dlt 1aca woven gticp'a•al f•ap'tllta a'tltDling; afar, lS:.t 1'rt+$iliallt, 1'll a `F ailltl'tF 'tlrt itil)]ol'o pop.
.1. ,Iridt 'rho 1I
,„„it * b 1►¢">1.4 notes the
t'_hnralll,5 t4tlk liaet•l.iflg 4.((44. l➢tD 4't . , ept. t 1, panne in a delicate shade of white, iii" -
1 1 liv • route.i n . Ike 11 8vhntr anilitrt'Lrs w;+re alert
the t*onve 1.ra'4 Daily v>tc' *tv41 lay Mr. ,1 AID \E .t* ▪ ll*.. a+t4.: let ietr-Part,, it alar or c+ver, and Indeedirtit is r po .
• BarnesAnn eta N J. C ante 'lticrt.4 2nd Vice -Pres.. Mies 5. a h morning wear thus,
John i'entity adopted d t D
.! a,31, 1nr (re . a :Liss li, Iiatrtnutl a skirt long eun*Dgh to be held nil is
who camel ale of .a l e hent in Clio 1 Tea w Ds is
There are :ewe: men 1n tide 444W14 ` 11 4' 1-'11 Rae•,'See.. \1D'!3, Ilia) Antler-
ri ,
i Tpr:lett -lea t• . 13. el .
conspicuous. The sleeves of the .s in
h eek of a 4. ho'1 —always behind time. t - , , , • • , iv; ist: pilr4' ilud Sinilnle fihlia} •nit F;{1 vault -
Take at sih acla3t.It end .after tycai'{la ,n tion in style from year to year; fatness
1+i D D-
Combine- eo,- •,
tht Firth -Eaton , c' .
'tliP InT t' 9 t] 1st.
` ,, et to d, t n ,1. 181n C 11
1 It$ 1 to
t1 l ,
i. P br ce
r the top of dD
1t 111 ►f at tl
itDaiv aC4 til i e
reeler. 4" 1
to - f
l,a It'. ,
Lilts in t tt e 6 i (peva it a Renee.o14.p t01>t'e',t rtletns rind t;rni m fly t•l.ve1Z, sleeves, but the shirt sleeve is as shirt
152h 1 tri eat is in e+t4+ra See Imager-. lit il ' 1 ' 1' 1 1 y \taster
far Oct
ittic terms they usually more then . Lewis I)ui•i»z; the past year the loco -
a • e
.. t n It»Delineator
1 Ir . rt t est
n a - - onD: the
4ir'hen. two women are not on spall: lately llav idsa]n :and a solo by Miss sit lyra lel yr ys. 1
make up fart it by what they say aanoat i i is has l:tised eilfiL47 awl as bale of
each tither, ilallits, clothing, etc:., valued itt 83t1,
and pigs,vle4U* # was sent to )nlnchurch. A box. of
For yttnng calves til ,, t;
turkeys anDd chicken, English Stook tenth -lug was sent to the Deaconess
Food is just the thing. Give it as trial. Home in Toronto and also a box of
Sold by C. Lutz. Exeter, canned fruit,
Misunderstandings may cause septic. This town is infested with a few
salons, but sometimes a Duan and his ebaracters who have reached that
wife may stpuate because they under-
period wherein n G
le are neithe
stand each other too well. nor boys. They rue simply in thein
Dame ninon. has it that we ere to calfhood, that period of life when they
lose another popular yours lady are too big to be boys and too small
through the influence of cupids darts sand " Alec ky"<to be teen, It is the
in the course of to few weeks, stage in life when the calf wants to be
The Ontario Government has ap- tough. In this event they generally
inted Win. Dawson. of Parkhill, herd in droves from two to ten or
•ppuo more, If at tin -horn fakir or a
license .inspector for North :Middlesex ..smarty" tough comes to town the
instead of Alex. Smith, deceased. tough calf copies him in manner and
It depends altogether on what yon dress. He is always armed with a
do whether early rising is beneficial or pouch of tobacco and a package ot rig-
or not. The world would be better off
U some men never got out of bed.
The Exeter Grist 1Mi11 will be runn-
ing considerable over -time and farm-
ers and stockmen wanting to put in a
supply of feed would do well to call.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pickle, who re-
cently returned from theirhoneymoon
trip, have token uphousekeeping in a
Hrt of Mr. John nell's residence on
uron street.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Institute will be held in the
Library Room of the Town Hall, Fri-
day afternoon, Sept. 18th, at 3 o'clock
p. m. All are welcome.
Mr: Daniel Hartleib, of Dashwood,
has purchased the general repair out-
fit ot Mr. Israel Smith and took pos-
session on Wednesday. Mr. Hartleib
comes well recommended as a mechan-
ic and while we regret to lose Mr.
Smith we welcome Mr. Hartleib to;the
business arena of Exeter.
Was He Dressed
Yon hear this asked of some
persons every day, and' the
answers depend ou the kind
of clothes they wear. .
When you want to be *ell
dressecl come and have a
suit made to order. Alt
new goods consisting of
Sztiti ngs, Pan,tin s,
OU87".coatin tings, Etc.
EJT 0 .`\ S
1#e E
D?ogt 0
$a.00 to $12M() for the choicest
range of new fur deck mire that we
have suer stn
Dave, Every ruff'
beauty, every ruff a bargain.
Mrs. Jas. Dignan is visiting friends
in Norwich.
Mrs, Kemp returned from Toronto
on Tuesday.
Miss Pearl Rollins is spending a feat
days in London.
Miss:Minnie Weekes is visiting in
London this week.
arettepaper, His lower jaw always Dr and Mrs. Sweet have returned.
becomes undershot from trying to look from a visit to Toronto.
Miss 1M. A. Tom returned Saturday
from a visit to Toronto.
Misses Jennie and Mary Murray are
visiting friends in London.
tough and inhaling cigarette smoke.
He is passing through that formative
period, when the height of bis ambit-
ion is to be a detective, baseball pitch-
er, saloon keeper or gambler. Inn this
condition about the only use the world
has for him is to show what man was
before he beeame a man.
Girls to learn millinery.
A Record Breaker.
The attendance at. the coming Fall
Fair, Exeter, Sept. 21-22. '
Rowland and Young Bijou ' Comedy
Co'y, fair nights, September 21st and
A good farm-hand' to work on a Cal-
ifornia, foothill farm. Inquire at this.
office. -
Bucksaw Lost.
On the 2nd Concession of Stephen,
about six weeks ago. - Finder will .con-
fer a favor byleaving same at this
Millinery Opening.
Miss Morlock with Miss Stoneman
will he ready with arand display of
Fall and Winter Millinery; Monday
and Tuesday, Sept. 21st and' Tend.
Everybody welcome.
We have in stock the best supply of stoves and furnaces, to-
gether with all fixings, ever exhibiteai in Exeter. We carry all
Out' beet utaket.
We keep constantly: in stock the National and Stan." Brands
of Portland Cements, conceded by all competent judges to be the
best in the .market,
The S. W. P.
Before you begin to paint your house or anything else be sure
to get the hest paint possible for the money and at the saute tirne
give the best satisfaction :and longest wear, .
Are ham the largest stoole of hardware in town- 13szvetno oda
Lug aind. builtlere enpi►lies especially:, For Force or lift p*uups call
ou last
Sept. 21. a end
The financial 1)isteiee meeting held !.
it,s sessions in the village of C'attier:din
itit Tnesllaly. Set. lath, comtneueing at
lu a.m. Rev. ,tarries Mannon in the
ciliate. After the usual devotional cex-
er4,ises the roll was called and the min-
istUl's and laymen present answered to
their Patneee 011 motion it was resolve
el that theSuperannuation
and G
al conference assessments, as received
from t14Ueneial-secietaty
In regard to to the Missionary 00411a ei
series on the district, it VMS decided
that Weal arrangements be made for.
allexcept the fullo]vinl;,--IT,limvillkr.
deputation Rev. S. A. Anderson and J.
Mut. Kippers, deputation Rev, W.
Godwin. Grund 13end,llcrpUtutiou Rev.
W. Rigsby and :IL W. Knowles. .Ailsa
Craig, first Sandray in March, depute
tion Rev. R. W. Knowles. Lunen dep-
lhtiatioll Rev, R. Donley, B. A., on
Woodham. deputation
n Maim de tat r
Rave W.27th.
Coaper.. It was resolved
that elide .superintendent be responsi-
ble for the .Educational Anniversaries
on his own field of labor. In reference
to the celebration of the Bi centinary
of Methodism it was decided that each
pastor with the cooperation of his
board do his best in the interest of
this great movement and that in all
cases with -one exception the urange-
ment for the work be local. It was de-
cided that a vigorous canvas be made
on each circuit and that the aim be to
increase the number of Guardian sub-
scribers by an average of ten for each.
circuit. The following joined- the
Guardian reading club for the year.
Revs. W. Rigsby, W. Godwin. J. A.
Ayearst,. J. W. Andrews and W. H.
W. GoIu'wn , Fin. -Secy.
R. N. Creech was in Woodstock and
Norwich during the week.
Severalcitizens heard theColdstream
guards in London last night.
Mr. W. T. Goodison, of Sarnia, spent
Sunday with friends in town. ,
Mr. Jean. Kestle, of St. Thomas, .spent
a few days in town last week.
John Cann has returned from Brus-
sels, where he was tending bar.
Miss Kate McFaul spent a few days
this week with friends in Union.
Mrs. Joseph Bawden is spending a
few • flays' with her sons in London.
The Misses Clara, and Violet Duns-
ford are visiting friends in London.
Miss Netta Frayne is spending' a
couple of weeks with friends in Lon-
Mrs. Huston, Sr., and grandson,
Miller, are visiting friends in McGilli-
Mr. and Miss Howard and Miss A -da
Newton spent Sunday with friends in
Mr. Harry Essery, of Lexingtonr
Mich., is visiting Mr., John Essery,
For 25 cents. Miss Stoneman, of Mitchell, has
The ADVOCATE will be sent to any taken' a position as milliner with Miss
:address for the balance of the a year, for , Morlock.
25 cents. Make a present to a friend
at a . distance with a paid -in -advance
subscription to the ADVOCATE.
Make Your Entries..
Any person wishing to Make entries
for the FallPair can do so with the
Secretary at the Town Hall, on Satur-
day, from 3 to -9 p. m.
A. G. Dyer, Sec'y.
Having decided+togo out of business
and being that I am about to remove
to Hamilton, notice is hereby given
that all accounts due me mast be paid
on or before Sept. 25th, 1903, or other-
wise I shall be compelled, to hand same
to a solicitor for collection.
.l*lr. Will McLaughlin, of Brantford,
spent a few days last week under the
parental roof. ..
Mrs. Mark Mitchell, of London, is
spending a few days with her father,
Mr. P. Rowcliffe.
Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw, after a week's
visit in'Toronto and elsewhere, return-
ed home Saturday.
Master Clifford 11. McAvoy is spend-
ing`this week attending hondon Fair
and visiting friends.
Miss J. CunninghamandMrs. W.
Cunningham, of Chicago, I11., after a
pleasant week's visit with. Mrs. Yager
and other friends, left Monday even-
ing to visit relatives, and, friends in
L Smith, Exeter. Clandeboye.
Grand Bend
Mr. and Mrs Jos. Brenner left Mon-
day to take in London fair. Mr. Sere -
meth Gravelleleft Monday for Thed-
ford; where he has gone to learn bar-
bering with Mr.. R. Mackintosh.—S.
Pedlar, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday
and Monday here.—Mr. John Gill, of
Exeter, was here Monday on business.
—H. Eilber, M. P. P., of Crediton, was
here Monday on business.—Wm. -Bal-
man and family left Monday for their.
home in Exeter. --H. Spackman and
D. Davis of Exeter, passed through
here Monday.—Mr. Ross left Monday
for the Soo.—H. Gill left Monday for
Ailsa Craig where he will ;visit a few.
days G. Zapfe moved into the house
recently' vacated by Mr. Rumford.-
Louis Ravelle has purchased Mr. R.
Hamilton's house.—Mr. Cobleigh - has'
sold his farm to 'Alex. Ravelle,
for which he received a good figure.—
'Means. Jos. and Ed. Gill spetit <Thurs-
day in Parkhill on business:—Miss
Isha, who has been at the Brenner
House for over' a year, left for her
home in Sebringville.—John Young's
horse' received'a kick : frotn 'another,
horse on Saturday and' as a result it.
sustained a broken leg. The poor brute
was afterwards shot.—Alfred Morrish,
who has been in Manitoba since spring
returned home Friday.—A load of
young people from here drove to Port
Frank last ,Tuesday and report a. en-
joyabletime.—Mr. Levitt spent Wed-
nesday in Exeter.'—The house owned
by the late Violet Oliver has been: sold
to L. Gratton, while Mr. Gratton sold
his forty acres of land to H. Purdy, the
price for the former heing $470 and
the latter $2,500.—Mr. Green is ` build-
ing a new house, and Robt. Hamilton
if also building °a new dwelling.
Every y Ladycordially is invited
to visit our big display of
Millinery and Jackets,
for «', E. SANDFORD'S READY -TO.'\ i AR, Clothing..
Furniture anjl Udertaking
ALL AND INSPECT some of the Furniture exhibited
Furniture xhibit Toronto. We are having
at the L , g
onr orders filled early, and can show you the new-
est designs on the market, and defy competition in
Prices. As to quality --we lead.
Opera House Block.
Six Hamilton milkmen were- fined
$10 men ' for using formaldehyde in
their milk.
Practical Embalmer
What are you looking for?
Is it a nice piece of Furniture? If so don't fail to call on
us, because we are headquarters for anything in the line of
Our Stock is the largest and best assorted in the county.
Our Workmanship is the very best.
The Design and Finish is the latest.
The Prices are the lowest.
E .WILL be pleased to show intending purchasers through our large
vY . stock and quote our prices before placing their orders.
WE GUARANTEE satisfaction with every article
purchased from our store.
PICTURE FRAMING done on shortest notice at reasonable prices.
Undertakers, Embalmers and.Funeral Directors,-
R. N. Rowe's Old Stand.
There is no more certain method of entertaining
the average.wamanthein-by sp'eading before her a
list of attractive -bargains. Here is a spread that
will cause surprise among even our regular patrons
who. as all know, are accustomed to getting more
than good`, values:
Berrysets,were.45c. yours
7 Piece ,
for -30c.;-13 'Piece berry sets,
ported china, from $1 up.
Lemonade. sets all the way frOna 75c. up; Fruit
and Celery er Bowls and Cake Stands in. English Imported
Cut Glass from 5c. to 25c, Verypretty and extiemel
'cheap values. Glass Vases for cut flowers .15c. to $ 2;
Jardineres from 25c. to $1.50. :