Exeter Advocate, 1903-9-17, Page 7-/- - le,:rile%,::i:ii,;,:?'!.ciee.3.)r:i.t.0111,191,i,..)Eel:es.7itceiovetentiilre:s: T _cozos Bnsiness, In. Politios, In Social Inter- course and Religion .tneltefed necording to Act of the ar- lAnknont, of nunda„ in the xvor One "Piteuee,ad Nato BAMdre.4 4oct Thrfee., by Was. i3eily, of laarouto. at mig Deeartmeet of Agrieultere. Ottawto) A despatelt from Chicago eaya Rev, Prat* De Witt Talmage preach - e4 from the followiug text ; Acts. to a ; "Ten me whether ye Weld the demi for eo much," Tilerbid curiosity is to the eye what 4,z,0$sill is to the ear. The grewsome, the hideous, the diseesed, the appall - fug. ore objects at which some of US MVO' tiro ot looking. AP day long something else. The ride is Post-' hosted. What is the result? She de,. ieberately breaks her promise, She falsifies because she doee not think it necessary to be hottest with her The (pellet, comea to the side of invalid's crib Ann says, y on if you, ere patient and geed Well, if X nuist. I must. That farm. and will •take your medicines es ,you and that old hortiesteed are Worth oughtwhen you get well I will give at least $10.000. They are cheap o a bicycle or a, watch or is print - et that There are your twO ing prOS Or O. sCrelf saw.'" Tlie swers. W1s.. the discrepancies? Whts sick boy thinks ond dreams about did reit Make 011e stateinent to the tbat coming present. But when the oesesser and another to the sailroad ebila woo wen the boos beaux to corporation ? Did you, lie first 9`i come in. Tile doctor's hill and the Did you he last ? Did You lie both druggist's bill and the trained tinnes? nurse's bin stagger the father. Ile, GOD AlltIORS LYING. neglects his promiseor he as "I! Falsehoods in the political worldtneannot afford that bicycle riow, Wont Ohhew many Like the seventeein!leaust wait awhile." That night the year locusts, they never entirely des mother says to her husband; part riroin a region. '1 hey. however. band, do yon thin' t is right not e.5(fOXIS 5trealn of sightseers l'as*•-es swarm most nt certain seasons of „to give the boy bis pr.:swot? Re, "d Q" Qf tho alal'gae" the year. They are especially nuareolattenther. eau promised•him," "Oh." 'The mem bleated and detornied the tennis aa, virolent at elections. Thsaya the father,. "he he 01I1..r a child -htirliseS the stronger the fascination ballot bon is -their footstooL POII-f and will soon forgett NUB he send the bigger the crowd. tient falsehood o -EI take the MOW forget yetis' pronthee? Nee -ea Male, Such is the eceue of my text., There ot the purest and best. public mom ;a -get -ell is great exCitraTelit In Jerseleno. The that ever lives anal aboehttely bee FALSE TO GOP. egitetien is spreading everywhere. idantbs it over with scendels and false M the people are rushing along tit- locensolloos, But, though the coo- Polsehoode In the clonoill Vint word U. common center sento by- iietleters Mot titterera politit,a1 1M' 2a22 Many of us are Weetily and 'Minder esks a runner, "What is the ihoods may maw tiA (iW3II fth hreateing the public ploilgee wo Metter ?" "Why," answers heIng and enisnepreeenting our pnihIle 'have Made to Owl. Tako for In - "haven't you heard the new? Yoe men, the /setae of meannoese 15 onieletantee. that promise which you 1010w Alumnae, who Lewd to live reached when. without last causenenalle when you tared Jim church. neat door to me? Ilo viagi my they drag into the polltital mire theillave you hetit it? Every Southey dearest neighbor. Well. Peter was we awl the children 4:d the 111011 'ioigitt at tho dose of nole,Itiogs presetting this morning near the too. Whom they would W(111'0115' attach..the metuhera of Ittuolods and thouet pleUO tQQ1 up n. C011inetion for the In tine genoration the family of nor !ottos ot christiaft Endeavor services poor, AllalliaS value forward mid public Mail la meter utile,rir atohataig tits chriation Noes,. laid ilie contribution at the feet of Caesar's wife, to live above seepie atm. filaagh htomaa, aim Tama the anestle and pretended that lie don. Ah, then. I woioler uot that -will strive o do wbateeve he would had given all his money to the ;some of our Public men become h8'412;,e, to have me do; that I will mate ehurch. Ho wonted to eppear well iter lose their faith lin mankind. ^ it the, awe of los ute to Kay sui before his fellow church. members.;I wonder not that main' tho 1311)1E4 every dey and to But Ananias told a faleebood. Irmo teroOted to 4"arrY Partftteal nsupport Itty own church iss eVerI? Ilufl not givens a2l. as he had pledged hatreds down to the grave, God iva7. attegultv on her himself to die, but bad kept back pity the honest 114011 who 244 P41411g )1ferE°110r SaltIlity end midweek. Fervices part u( the money for his own use. life 15 115‘110g Ms heart gashr4 oPeotuscre..-.-0, prevented by some iva.f.ou `Then Veter raised. his finger toward by the attacks Ileade 1,111041 the thaimooch r,on cormihntiousw glvo to slot lied unto inen, but onto God,* as at tho croos. ain ungratefal people ,nr r, • I 4 heaven and Saki. *Ananias. them hest aoters of his loved one* then sTotsitp, ro isit the vetiisg -Immediately Ananias clutched at his "are offering him 0. erown of thorti:i4P:Z:a.iaaall;illuftr.,egr.Vatt:11,t; atto heart. Ile gave 011e shriek and: instead of a crown ot treasured -444,4,41.1014 6,er.viem? Are they -dr°11Pell dealt' 4:0100 14.4 1222 go I7NTRIMI IS COWARDLY. ifirdply pea:hiring theautelvre to tiod AI HENCE COMES THJS 101111 HEALING POWER THE SUNDAY SC11001 INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT, 20,, Text of the, T.esson, I. Peter 1-11. Goldele Text, Eph. v., IS, 1 the limand Wonders at the Remarkable lkor as tteaCh t ten e %tie art f4,111110 Cures effected by Professor Adkirti hgth et..arere4 for us in the oroeses likewise etatio, lilo;S' elatle the $plielt has much. fe (1, 15, 16; .0. 10; nit. eity to ties elect emit:telling a holy Ministers, Doctors and Professional Men Tell Bow ;si.. of redemption by the preeis S. • ' • blood and tbe iiiherttatice Cured the Blind, the Lame, The Paralytic no. vhich we are Owe Wen egein (le mauy on the very Brink of Death, deoth for us Isearisig oat sins 1.11.. up and .etee what is Amt. going, to "hoppen.'" LIES CANNOT BE CLOTI1ED IN WAITE. A, lie is a lie, against whon2soeter with their lira Are the.' told. A ile Is especially cowardly conscientiously trying. to live up to when 11 toltl agulast prattle melte- tlhe teechinite of the beanoliful mote to rtilv berme for the to, "It 15 better to lie thnn t Th(N50 two men ruelt On tOwierti the most part the victims must writhe seem9" ilenacmher„ the perjurers o temple. They come to the outskirts and twist under the insineatilig alai my teat went destroyed because the 'or it great throng. There the „poisonous attack and suffer In ail- wen. a false Statement t tudes are CrOWtheg and pushing and Qum The nature of it lie is not the church. Many and many church Jostling their neighbors and trying 'changed by harneesing It to a mud- members who deliberately at the to get near I0 the speaker. Sudden- rolSeetthe, nor Is a Politiecti church altnrs continue to Ile to God it• -------, raised 'Make watt make lie less heinous than ether lies. and continuo to breek the promiSea 12 hhh. illet151. lie emphasizes Christ'e Profess FREE HELP FOR THE SICK. ,q lir,. had also zaid through Paul, that 1 t4lo;rilistal-o' ftben.r 4111:4sisor!neotniati7est%Qiletv"1114:k ail who by Small in Cheist hese flied se Absolutely Free of Cha ge—Professional ........ with Ulna ebould no longer live unto Melt Investigole Ills P wP-r All OS 1 I fres rerS. _ M Any ‘Itne„ het nrito Ilea% who died, jor them end rose again Elliott. vi.. 5is TAO Itainger to etaesider his own ,ohelt.; ill. Cor. so. 15). Tlie lieliever Afnilll OfferS to Help ettlihe It- llotielo tnealet, 143111e'ititovenosin4 a Ort:141-11siltierl eolt7vrek sg°11021byt. Kew. euvileS C'AS 44.ACtedlly eXitfe.,,;-44ii4 ,-- iiwill, hut in all things the will of 1 It-nuts.40714.naa71111,:tolir:e:11":4o:!.t4soe.t.;1„:11.1.,:lt !I!! 11:Tii.::4&:ITI,...taft:„4Fin. 11:1.711", "1,1,V.T.'w,T..'uoz,'4 444 get ulule, linvo hod entona, diwtoa‘i viii 30) lieing born of 2244 wo thee, feeeill to uuderetenal ray trooble eee" "- e.' 4 j'Illin"il...-7 1412,tilbv,47=;, ;11;2;;L.i, la,2741,4.ttawf:taottowaitativo,4.0sxowr.lw.:24 lett illitoritei $n f1. 0 oittarollijesvotl ,;r4O.; from y4 r-isa ,-;s:::4:2„a4,,,,,,,,,,..:,„1, ,,,,,,,x,irA,,,,,:i1,,. :,...itlrow, cliNieyt,.to,crecifttliiefiot Irel.,,,-ra was sery plvas,4nt to iidie„ .0414 ,rerna lona in le 'II I ntz.:.;3. tr,40a41twwil.•.•341(41 evfo,datle'itnartitylo, rtiele girreort :1 22$22t 11. Octitolr.toiv(-.1.1i10701 10)7 to die 1 - . . eeneeste i bate receawied. !t 1,3::,:::sle• 4uS147.1 Jav4e44;%::::.4:::;41::a:,:,t4::; ,, Inee-ilm30 r2232 C0 l,,14.e, tittie past of our life 1 ('00*) *'--o* Anitat without On oft_erration Willi 07 th%0 g,......Irt8tirS.1.14'1° V.-114tilg" 11"1 , nice, 2,4 , met) Itatl wet% 4a11540 407 p.Zein.,, ,,,,, if anay Wool. Oboe,. the vague time the we wen e,ereauta of silt all too -city of Itatitester„ 57. V a was Egtartte4' 1 it gLA:a :St; ::4i :4.1„ airg:0100:g tet:77011:7t, j4'0,!..t4.- r; :go r 7.:0 It:to: lsornt: :2,073;lbuldt, :11:Ivr°" ritmls. lt°•-• 11.?`„ a. neighs. who bad seen staves li.,;.;,vonts to obey hie servants la euej. of l'slilf.eeeleirga, 1,4. who') lepil - 620 • ,... . - '„ , , ee.,io•eottel,r,50. fto„fro..e'etve,rew.. 14144taiew, coriet",e,troorctt,i0vt.4,7 Itt4451 E;0135-011IesI1Z Ittopttlt,Traas1-41:;04445.1"e;st 11:i , 12 2, e :t 'r.-4,3I2t. tv•thout. 00 cress:time „,„. .. 2 1. 1 art -t• rq ma I.Peaqupart. Ind. colmics tf-,:e utuga tgie 1012.4441. V4^, ' 4 44 4 ..*.i., ..0 1.151' y:11,141,netuet...leie ivoloct, ffoeoe„ eleace:4 107,i,rz he rei , elisetntl tittitowlita tg,t2:311t.erotc.g41114tozLiseclakteritafg; k , 4 War f" Ina SQh et human faces` lio told tO besmirch a Political ean'orchich they are making Sunday after surges to the right and to the left.,didate or to benefit, a pottiest party Every head uncovers. The unirilluri is an offenee In the sight Of Clod of many voices Is hushed to the ell- tvliicil will flaVe to be (=molted for emect of the tomb. olowla wet sole In the day of judgment.liars" .enitily down through the open path- —there are 100 eXeeptiOnS to tItis Way come the pallbearers, carrying ;4rule--"all noes ehall have their part between) them a shrouded form. 14)r, to the lake whiell burnetit with ilee "U2 sminig men arum, Wound blot .and brimstone, welch is tile liteOnd hilm." FaisehOeds in the social world 1 Lael,r(si 4.,1,‘,.e.„ „u/',...1,7" whether true or ni) tool carried him. out anti Isuriedt death." Ifeedly had the noise of the shut- Who ? Because few people can ae-j'""" 'V' '4"11 shall never die' It fling feet ceased when a newcomer. 1 t 1 .et us at the judg- :n. woman, began to elbow her way through this crowd. She asks the people as she pushes along 1 "What In the matter? Is any ono hurt ?" No ono answers. They pretend they elis not hear Ilea but they do. AS eoon as she passes along many an ;play in my yeti:tiger dnys. 1%.41 WOUld &Mica 3r sio en ehe is moist, Homy a lip quivers. have twenty or thirty people sit lattSt 4:01110 forth out of the sinful 1 "Clod pity her 1 Vied pity bee 1" about the pallor la a circle. Then WOrld and Separate thellTheiVaS front This - is Sapphire, the wife of the. we would bare one perSert, WhO was it. In no way eau tills be done bet - dead perjurer. She is her itleibanti's the leader. 'With:per a SIMI& state- ter than by epeaking the ChriStian 'confederate in the Premeditated Ile. ment or tell a short story to the languago of straightforward truth. AS soon sts Peter sees her he points person upon his right. That persOrt Aro we ready to speak that 'truth to the pile of. silver and gold and r would in turn wideper the same wherever it inny bo found? ?says unto her, "112couttn, tell Me' story. And on and on the story But there is just ono little sugges- whether ye sold the land for so. would go 'until it had mnde the full film I 'would liko to make before 1 much?" And she says, "Yea, for circle. . Then the last person in the cloSe. Remember. a lie is not al- so noich." QuIelt 428 a, Me& the , cirele Wellid tell the stOry OS be :ays told with the lips. It can also ligloning of aoirs wrath struck. heard it. Them the first person be spoken. by tile band and the foot. "Then fell she down straightway at would tell the Story as he told its The last words my father ever his feet and yielded up the ghost, And the two stories would be 110 wrote in his stud y were these, "The and the, young men came in and mere alike than the striped fur of a Language of Action." They were to found ber dead, and, carrying her outnther is like the white wool. 01 a -be the caption of the lieXt SerMent Such is the Biblical description of Dus'imoYEns or ClIARACTElle he intended to write. Beware, oh, man, that when you attempt to forth, buried her by her hufibexid." pet Iamb. two capital punishments. There are many social falsehoods speak In this "language of action" • BUSINESS FALSEITOODS. floating about every cominunity, not you shall not only bave an honest because neighbors have deliberately tongue, but a truthful hand and Flasehoods in the business world : lied against neighbors, but. because truthful smile, a truthful shrug of They nest and thrive especially well starts hex- work the the shoulders, a truthful foot and In the baunts of,..barter and gain. when gnssIP crooned doors statements made in reference to a also, very imperatively, a truthful d'hey greet eon" at the man's character liy oft repetition of. silence. There is a time -to speak. of Our large ddpartment stores. They pictorialize themselves in circulars ten UninteatiOnally become malform- There is also it time to keep stil1. and newspaPer advertisements which ed and satanic and character de- Ilut 11 a man keeps still when he ought to peak then silence itself ' axe sent broadcast over the cities stroying monstrosities. and country districts. They pose Social falsehoods are prevalent ev- may speak in the -thunderous tones in lictitious reports of our large cor- erywheie now aro ' we to gtined of the loudest affirmatives or of the orations arid exaggeente the annual against them? First and fOratnost, loudest negatie•es. Let your life in dividends. They have for their pass- by not making ourselveS a methum all Its parts be "yea, yea," and t• too raeum item and other s eel - Ports white Slips of paper, purport- for their propagation. An aspersion "nay, nay," Some insects have 1: addicted to drunkenness. Morphine, and l'ariPlills.Xl• 'Boatel Were' men end wo;nen In Whereas the gold and silver and is passed from Hp to lip until the the "language of action" may have those oil tho brink of the grave, with guaranteeasil acres . risTeii. Ing to represent bona fide stock, on a mares character, once started, thousand eyes. The human being by %.tcliiiya teivoitlashtbeits. copper mines are purel;y imaginary. whole comniunity hcazu.s it. But the a thousa.nd tongues. Those worship all hope of recovery gone and despaired They enthrone thenisehtS in the either at tho altar of trial' or at of by doctors and frzends alike. have "pits" of the produce exchanges. been restored to perfect health by the force of Vittiopathy, anti Prof. Aclkin's They finger tho keys of the telegraph tnarvellous stole And, remarkable It instruments when the breadstoffs are 4 may seem, distance has made no differ- ence, Theft living fav away have beett ' about to be cornered. They are DIDN'T READ RIMIT. cured in the privacy of their own just tis much . at . home with the homes, ss well as those wbo beve been veholeSome manipulator as with the 'timidity must auswer to God for their sins os Ananles and Sapplaira had to answer. A SCOGESTIONe Thus, nly friends, the whole trend ef this sermon is to prove that every curatele repeat any statement they *22 bear. Without Intending to misquote, me" 804" 01 tlad and Utak.° us eN" they imam verbal changes watch inlaint why wo ever let It, 004110 (01111 slightis or seriously totem the mean_ Li front our lips. it Is to prey° that g. It you wood prove this ststepiod does not have ono language for eta I would have You, IdaY o slut-, the weekday and another for Sim- ple game which we children tired to day. The Ilible distinetl4 1142 y and eat - hat v•tr- allei•e ee feerreo. Pa, lir- trie IN, ,'t 4,4. O,laiti WW1+ 444•41 441111.F Voirvaltiv Wed ' owe aro vcB7,041137 sitjf ci-ntw:11., %I:1:i-, fir - 41 NOWA Pb6,4244gr,i4204er Ott'.141 ors- kir tines liven' stet tilee 2020 Of tleel reed dee. hat at eleoth"s •Ooor ikorn O. . P1101e. rrttos. F. Alilit- compliteeitie vf stOneeee. 'cot: NfakIMA di"VWC,14 ft',7,eing th? lov,• off (led meanie to Veleta 17eaDth wed ett-o.pgth 2;07 pro. festcd in the Oh onf illis dear Son Preeddent, of tie 1144,,triiwte 0 1434,5trAWRO ;i 4,-, e eetaae, , ,* q I at -A 11 Mitt2 ell, of reotoe. Got ., Vate,''t1. "Irf'duA 16" 10" and 2"at 4' (23022 $32*- sarge=s- In all D20011t, of tiee -countess tti,t'41 curd r' a'lla, InAte's '''''To all 1,41.64DO 1048 104W it12" their rilliS Ile died on the cross. woman, cevaons end earGeolie. elefge-nto„Nfon=1,.. Iv- at N. eeell, 40 tetfel".' 'entfeerifog the wrath of Clod dile *0 en mid caltivatere. are sooderniso eloye-aw eehat taming Iwo treated tip:Thee - , , 2121541t1441" 4741\r'i 23364° bY P24'41"4" ' 4:il'Cia::::444.1:41:411 ‘417:::::444:::4:101:14fliet:9791( tfiar.Pr:74:61e 1;4:7' T41:4:4: 1:4074114C1174 1:14":: hi littametteic trentraent, ft tact4 2-.. aditee 4ialeteterer of f,flo Att. Owca lititirsit hoot truTed tin 2544re weere sent Ural relatellare it ttna 41 their kl two mak, lama oat ah ,„,iir lam dpsure to neknowtests3 this t.o ney 017V44' chrmits,, Noma. ma, Thy taahote, herialwratioig. liana Of Rowena selehea to hwhilit they shall uot e011TO into judge t ram rImotrom. bat, by 0, eorecepoted with tee negative to ney eate saent foe thAr Mae (John 11.1: dies iffi co„Ltin Nem oeteento of {they will never regret aa toeg aea, line judguneit seat of ("lari5t 4-0 Ilis tie mythic. %nee of VOACIITC 47,44144204e, 1 whit 4141 believing Veal. oe 50, two was certain vitoz mog,ow. rmc. itebene othem to tau tE4 Itsataaota Manse oot. they Must weer ae „ ,rielleente41 tO 16.,, judged for Veil' 243*7 life heahh they live A. reporter recently talked witb Prot, Adkla. and wati aeistil to Intn,w all reaticra of titt,i p4PCT V,100 41ra EAR. or wino art worrneci oy the ale et thee* ath. taat lava Adak ..ttat my pow» naer,th a treatment line neetored rav toss dear to tlienn. to write to Win SOP 41.5* :Milt,. Ile, yk, therefor.) noln.r and euperhuiteui. ehey call MO it IIICZ.1 to thew normal conginula. mut t ot ropterloote Rowena 'Hoe b not 01‘, Av.liol1 fland In every way. Italie watch "lilt° ireanT• NO; CUM hnitilti.er 1 under/nand nature. L".40,. o'l*Ir two°. i'lrinr2u9a14c4' 0 22 V0 Tilw gQ5Pd Preaeluml to. tlie dite:tirl,. helve 1usa the auntie tone ea up..- ' t.„1,4fiumg,i0„a twills or the relit- APP.' •oC whieh verSzs CA sitealac Mel 1 IV turf:. to build me the seetem anti re-. ''',0 . ma" 'T.1041011 gine!, tilicp,14 Wall 1 I retire health. nut at the turatie time 1 'ngh,s* "4" 4 am 12 Inv t-gl V. ri,.'1%ttit 'll'e'ael Wale Cel twO lloineel in the sight I believe %lett it woultl not Wino been :ts-cac, a" ,noallina" a grail 111.'010;4A olt ' of ail Scripture. All Unbelievers tire Riot% nue to wake the ibteoveria, I iarlo woelo VitahltithSt the seatbleaaha t I ,. . • 1 . .. thou, ii it hod 1,,,t been Inteuded that 003/, 14419 osromIhisiati aline aloe eve 41111 4:ioriss1 titia hoar iir age all fitieli. - s, • ke7ini10111g NOlir tri,'ElAiMPFZI 1 674111iS Sii0V 1,);01, Itvetttge,, unit h2 ought, it,c'wee eeheme t2ive,110 52.1:r.rillth'd accordingly tlittla. 4174n -my 0E4 got, eel/meta 1 Lea trial - inetee) Milano throttle of kidney cure ail tettloont • ata'l 1W04411244 de"ItOriarOt.t. Vaal' 04 7., "'hi» end of all titinar, is at 15t "$atin, void° ialve &char, emo imaeo or aa ,keetty -to iuvoop nowcr. the *SWIM. 444 1.10. Ito no, A4 “ 14" 11.111 in 6inS1 thil a lo.. 0). liIrglitu %°414t11:0°,1_4alt4P44-',:h 10 %war, vou. 1,:e1.40 trolle:, le,a1,r‘, *1e fe,trept ,l..11,IN fa. 1111 1 et jaltoeruelgnuoeetetebeteltinftoratIll giney1Mrdatilt#0oeo. give the benefit of the teience I liver- ..wfta.t I• -van" g"(1 "17-'3 Iled":::11,-"e' ii."14.W27,1.1"ills%4.4/01,0%1INI:f tillT" anTalki;:aulig. tiCe to all e loo are sufferitte I vault "'Iva, t'a'll, t"4 Wary IIPM144`41 "o .l they are troubk.a with any Mod ot WA. 10‘41.!7'; retain Oho a tote. Ovoil t a 'llowt4liou by the blood of tile .......1" 212 and I will theroul/141Y 4liaetiote MOO AN topon 414 / get to toNII mane :tee tali tnie SitnidC41,1 pOinttat tO treathle" .411111 1 Itu-NttivelY tItiaralit'll 111111111A.1141g+14.111M4v"4e 1114111:Yetie•autiPeitigt•na t::011!'writion tiatat the 'gt'otfallei 'Wtaitle tilrettellS- let me make them ?ell. 1 t'el Lbot II' SrUlthillg% "Wiwi'. Vt, liattilit:;rlicacartatt;iL.e..°3:011:1v4elettiirew41114:1?itpli.:11(..rtsgt4trlareiti it,p4:,:i1,4,11:1::7:::::1,7::1,0grirt,411:!:.:Iff, n:4:=.7,,Nal.0:i4Nn: ,I,i et till. t til.r.illi lirol41:inti :(11,:t. ° 1 lil i f :If 1115;1 :11 ceetn. I Wititt them. to write to me laa41 4.4yinft wonderftd, wonderful! Zilrz.. N. ern -11410r le lo, I I. of tins epistle it +is Said that the Sitilit of Christ in •• •• . . Ude is aty life work,' the lion:Atm Post your noverteenwnt, • , ht -0 "It ' t”.' 1;°*1 le °Iv ;ant .,t h) thSao grlacetet,tolti teleethent,a,eilep_weraolieghttsoll hr4.11,!„0.for_ tbe trecat,.trut. and alas 1 r,. • t ni has of (In A anti tee glory ', .. .... f... a'-',ra e ' perlithartmer C; iernhh`"htththh"Vai ,,st,119 ,Isolthitorahhi; irningl igreet. Po5h- I that shoUld folloW. The antediluvi- rot. 4 not 1 re to , e„,,, severe' proleselonai gentlemen trete mike read. On the eard day of February 1 e‘'*a, anti timblItlis nil °thccs win) ClIreS J2' 14. anumg trrehed your ViittoPeane treatmentl.ou heard IIW gOspel and reZ.K•ted it. tegesetotreinntvieentatelgnavtoerethei L. it. 3I222- .4'. the fourth ,nlay that I tried the treat and Mr. 1... G. Doane. both famous „est the pm‘is sti kft „ie midoid,,,,i- ii- ,were. when Peter wrote this epistle. physicians and sutgeons. After a thor- have felt aan pain share. I earneette re-4.‘spirits in prison" ‚.4. 212(224 iii., 19), yui. to tell your reat.ere 520411 1211 Wail 411$ 131114ble14' 4ft--Vt 1-4",t 14,4A144,1. lull° over 14,,..ard taa wov of ao 'Write to tee in the torieteet ronfidenee "Ott :Or CE4er ‘C'04.101'• M34 theer eases and preterits. a boom VOninle2Wed Your I taa'at W*4.4 UP Christ) lamed the uts 't, ough and painstaking ineletigation. gem, ae wee may be teitorme to. 1 eall who hear the gospel and, rereivo these eminent physicians tvere so as- buy° suffered to write yo,, 0*5 u u the' Limit Jesus are eXpel:led to be -mended et tho for-rencitiug Powers of statement Of their ease and take Prof. Adkln, and the wonderful effieavY montk's home treatonent„ r am starei With the Spirit and live the of Vataopatity, that they volunteered to that if they will do so they can be gospel t redo v., 28; II. Cur. iv., 10, 4rs12e all other ties In life and nil ed by vittloputb..,,„ 11). It is a small thing to titer kinds of treatment and deVoto have had honorable dealinge with bo themselves to aseisting Prof. ;Whin, in his greet work tor humanity- With the ciati$ arid siarffeom; and witt be glad to tbat we 1nUSt appear before Elm P:efessor Aekln nod his staff of Jealged of Men. but to remember discoecry of the Aditin VitztopathY tell ItnyOne 110U, reel totearde the treatment, eminent physicians ere gen- treatment which bavo received from who will bring every evork into :rasalelyhitagsreactil lastboonbt.ohaentreree.dtumceeduttoat daisa- euevkitaonatily ue to live uprightly. The Yours sincerebe. B. Collins. judgment (Excl. xii., 1,1), will great - cures not, one disease alone, but it euren all diseases when P • exact t IT e:ocree .0 8,000 men and wome,n used in combination With the proper' thought that our sojourn in the have.been cured by Use powers uf Prof. remedies. If you .nrcs sack, no matteir mortal body may end any day and Atiklit. Some were blind, some were Wilitt vour disease nor who says vo t eannot he cured, write to Profeseor Ad - Ida to -clay; tell him the prineipal symp- toms of your eomplabit, bow tong you have 'teen sufferiog, and he will at once diagnose your ease. tell you tite exact disease from which you are eufferinea and prescribe the treatment that will positively cure you. This costs you abeolutely nothing. Professor Adkin will also send you a copy of his marvel- ious new book entitled, "How to be Cured and How to Cure Othere." This book tells you exactly how Professor Adkin will cure you. It Tully end tom- pietely desceibes the nature of his won- derful treatment, .Tt also explains to you how you yourself may poseess this groat healing porter and cure the sicic around you. Professor Atlkin &me not ask ote ceut for his services In Ole comiection. They will be given to you absolutely free. Ile has made a wontlerlul dis- covery, and he wishes to place it in the hands or every sick person in tbis coun- try. that he may be restored to perfeet health and strength. "Week your letters personal when you write. and no one but Professor Made will :see it, .A.ddress Professor 'monies P. Adkln, Office 423, nothester„ N. Y., TJ. S. A. that the mid of this present age is hune, some were deaf, SOWC were para- lytics, scarcely able to move, 7.0 great was their infirmity. Others were af- flicted with Bright's disease, heart dis- ease, consumption, and other so-called incurable diseases. Some were eufferers front kidney trouble, dyspepsia, nerv- ous debility, insOmula, neuralgia, con- caluniny, often undeserved, might be stopped by the observation of a sim- ple rule. "Never believe any evil rumor," my father said, you may hear against your neighbor. Never believe it unless you have positively heard the evil confession front the outa'S own lips, and even then yoU must hope there is some mistake about it Netrer allow yourself to listen to any maligner of an inno- cent man's life and thereby make yourself a party in the crixne. Never allow your imperfect memory to transmit what idle gossipors and scandal' mongers may revel in. PARENTAL DISHONE'STY. palse.hoods in the .parental world! We tvotild beoadened this head - leg ,aud called itontalsehoods iitsehe domestic World" diht: for one reason. When a, husband deceives his wife or a `wife her husband thee do it ,delib- erately and premeditatedly. They do it with their eyeS wide open, and they fully realize the enorznity of their sins and toward what destruc- live rocks they are heeding. But though a. father never tells a false- hood to his marital companion with- out forethought, that parent may thoughtlessly fall iiito the habit of deceiving lus children. They are so young. ------------------------------012 imember and do not understand. 'The same law applied to the wife as well asio the husbaud. The mother the satanic shrine of endless falsi- ties. --,-, treated in persOn. Prof„ Adkitt asserts retail dealer, with the great capita- The Poet Had Just . Cause 101 that-lte, can extra ly one at any tance as well as though he stood be- Iist as with the humble trader seat- Kicking up a Row. fore them. . ' ed behind the counter of the little Read a few short extracts from those countier store. We have all felt Office 0hc°1isitittltn7a te.aknedn cileileRitilemiTr yt ourself whe- reatment at An editdr was sitting in his upon our hot cheeks the baleful one day, when a man entered whose ther his claims are well founded. touell of their infectious breath. They brow was clothed with thtinder. rid& down'. with uS when we go Fiercely seizing a chair, he el:amp:led shopping in the morning. They come his hat on the table, hurled his um- brella on the floor, and sat down. liome With us whet) we turn our Are you the editor ?" he asked. baelss unon the glass, offices at night. , ' Falsehbods in the business world! , ty,....• • W " Can you read wri Ling ?" They. figure not only in the truistic: "Gf • course'. tions of „latyers and sellers, but 41 the declarations of the taxpayer. "Read that then," he said, thrust - Here comes . the, county assessor:- ing at the' di tor an envelope with an inscription on it. How much is your property worth ? "Oh," you answer, if a •farmeri''fnot teleoe-,"„said the editor, trying Aci, (The edator coughed.) Let me show much. --;I-hardly- .made a living off 't;hell. it.' ' ' - ' ' ' you. ' The first, line, when 1 wrote the place last year. Ilify crops bare - "A blender of the compositor, suppose." "Yes, sir; and that's what I want to see yoit about. The way in which that. poem was VIUtiltttCd Wn.5 simply. scandalous. I. -haven't 'slept a night since. It expoeed to de- rision. People think I am an ..ass. "Thave not a 'lea at's an "S,' " it, read in this way-: 'Lying by a ly niet expenses. The house is Min- said the man. weeping willow, undernea.th a gentle ei tr,t ply a nvbite elephant' on my hands. e ? Ole yes, 1 see. Well, it slope. That is beautiful an poetic. I would get rid of it if I could. l'ut looks like 'Sal for Dinner ' or 'Souls Now, how did your vile sheet repee- sessor departs. About six months "No, Sir," replied the man; "noth- weeping widow I induce her to later a railroad corporation wishes ing of the sort. That's xny name— elope.' 'Weeping wiclowt trend you. to have the right of way through Samuel 13runner„ I knew you. couldn't A widow ! Oh, thunder and light - your property. The representattve read. I called to see abbut that nine / this is too much ! But look of that road comes to you. "How it down, say, for 53,000." The as- of Sinners,' " said the editor. sent. it to the public ? 'Lying to o, mine you prieted the other at the fourth verse. l'hoies worse much is your property worth ?"clay, ntitled 'The Surcease of Sor- yet. 'Cast thy pearls before swine, "Oh," you answer, "I do not want row.' " • arid lose thene in tlie dirt.' lie to Sell under any conditions. '1'his "I don't remember it," said the is the finest fa,rm land in all this editor. region. Besides, tbe place has for some day, wearied by the T.leefTetlial "Of course you don't, because it me a sentimental as Well as an ita racket, says to her child, "-Now, went into the paper under the, vil- trinsie value My. father NV£IS born Harry, if you will go to bed this lainotM title of 'omearcase T9 -Dior- heie. - Aly' children were even liere. afternoon and talte 11' nice long ,nap 'row." ' ' surely fast approaclung should teed us to great holirsess of life, ft, 9. And obove all things have ftrvent ebarito among yourselves, for eharity shall cover the multitude of sins. The word charity here, as in Cor. xiii. thould be "love," and while no amount of love on our part will cover any of our sins, for Only the precious blood of Christ can take away sins, true love will cover up many sins from the eyes of others and will take all to Him who alone can forgive.''He who turns a sinner from the error of his 'Way (Jas. v. 200) does not cover his own sins thereby, but the sins of him whom he turns to God. The love of Cod who by the sacrifice of Ms Son puts Away all the Siersnof all Who receive Rim should constrain all the re- deemed to live to make known such love, that all who may have the *qv's hard.? sir, eery hard," sad forgiveness of sins. Net only so, but as all we have. is feorn God leo the editor. "Then take tbe fifth verse. 111 the should remember the words of our origenal manuscript tt said, plaxn as daylight : 'rake a.way the jingling money; it is only glitterieg dross.' Ti* its printed form you made me Lord, "Freely ye have. -received free- ly,- give" (Matt. x, 8). 10, 11. That God in all things may be glorified . through, Jesus say : 'Take away the tingling honey; Christ, to whom be praise and dom- put sortie flies in for the boss,' By fOrOVer and ever, Amen ! George I feel like attacking some- The, grace of God is itoinitold and body with you are -shovel ! But, oh each believer becomes a steward of look at the sixth verse. wrote : the same. The Spirit. givee to each "I'm Weary of the tossing of the one severally :Ls 11e. will (I. Cor. xii, ocean 2212.15 hea,ves.' 'When I opened 11), not that tlie receiver may en - Your Pallor atid saw the line trans- Soy the gifts of the Spirit, but that, formed into I'm wearing oat my we may be channels through alifela trousei•s till they're open at the tlm Spirit may minister to othersj lames,' I thought that was taking it and all that Ged niay be glorified' an inch too far. 1 fancy I have a through Jesus Cbrist Of Cot'. vi, 20o right to ruur(2er that coinpositor. .x. n1). 'The devil hates all Chat is Where is he ?" • of God and will resist the godly and "He is out just now," said the their works, but by hunri!ity and, editor, "Come m to-morrowpatience, by watchfulness and 120 s-1 makes it read in this fashion : 'Cart "T Eyed tbe poet; "and 1 er, by being willing to be partakersi thy pills before sunrise, and love will some armed." of Christ's sufferings 220 can resist them if they hint: Now, isn't that + a kid OtClCOfllC th e devil and el or ify a cold-blooded outrage on a saY :you ale (1(0120 8.4 to God. See carefully the rest of tha feelings ? 1'11 leaN'e it to you if it art. What is the particular art that epistle and also Phi.: 1, 29e, Col. I14211 . t.' ' • p.m love best?'" Ino—`Thou art.'' 24. 4