HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-17, Page 6*104,,etelernA..-&feet-feeeCiOroetaTeln
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!at a trifling cost. Shelves may bee,
;placed over tne sink and over etheri 1 $
ilarga wall epaces. These will pro- THE INFATUATION OF
I vide a ploce for the clock, coolei;
i boolts, tradesman's order boons, etc, i i : . siuks p., Hop%iiiNs
, The broad window seats where a tl
i few pots of herbs may be growm 1 '
1 melees the kitchen still more attrac-1
4 tive. Herbs 'Seem to grow better! "You take my advice„ stranger,
t there thau in any other ,partof tbe t and don't be eo blessed polite to the
house and the cooveinencee of imving: women, as to put yourself out for
PeSihrUL RECIPES, fresh parsley, tarragon, etc., at band 'em."
Chleken Salad.—For the thienen, when ueeded will abundantly repaY1 'Obese words wore addressed to me,
Salad bey fowl rather thou chickeu., one for one's tro11 t. '10re • 1°1 ; when 1 bad sat (Iowa after geeing up
and let boil until teudeo, in es little:he two chairs in the kitchen, alho ''''in,"Y seat to a lady an a New York
water poseible. Cut cold
• scuttle table with a box seat o hien , car; and I felt vened. The man who
as the
boiled fowl in one-half iewh cubes.; may be ete adjusted as to Provide an, spoke them was a shannyelooldnee in-
..11111)1;o0i^odultined. ttrzndi ZI‘'hoonlfaeom.htitiottltat 101:11"tzli btlogetoaboloe'eeoartarneacribc'ert:sbeide stlesatel .1di.N.it(vIOUra'el. trtUltiOir Stell°4111: N)V0esnt,;h1g1t,
EiZe ought to a.m. a co/wow; of i receptacle for kitchen lore. domestic and a diamond riug on his linger
tweety-four. To six cups of ineaWeleneo magazines. etc. The kitcheew which he was careful to show oil to
ubes add eight cups of elery gibes. sloilitt be
proeided witb a, good t advantage. I took no notice of his
iro w , r• ulow, w eh in col, wat-leledo a calendar, a thermometer, a I remark. and he did not speak again
er. serape to remove strianhy pate elate for memorandums, aud oberce 1 ;molted. at a railway ei ,,,,,
. ,
'dons, and ent in small pieeee. it is h'?ver the'a
re rc' jCkgS in the wails the -9P where I was to embed; 01" - tl'''''n'
much improved by being allowed to; sl'aees maY be converted into sha1e. three dar
ys. joune3, 1. Ilv° "
end in toad water to becomo crisp i cupboards for entail utensilalopm win, disfaogn-.' -iter whh I looked
in o ; ,
ore; thoroughle cnilled, then drained- duster. brooms, brushes, etc., pro -a to ee A monotonous time °"11-"I'se"
and •dried between tooels. As near !Wang them from the dust. Such.; 1 Pad not --, oeet1 "1aag seated when
eervingetinie es possible. moiste„ spaces are as found itlangside oil
Illy r end of the car seated himself
aitteture with cream dressing. mould,: eldinney may be utilized in this way. ,,,., „s„.,.
ma e:Jad dishes, and garnish oitlaTablets, pencils, a pinecushion, large; ""`P'""n`ch and wraPPIE: hituFelf hit in
w tipooi 01 so. si a thick rug, „mid 11 luting re eigrir,
the yolhs of bard boiled eggs rubbed' an.a, 51114,11 'we'll",
lbrouge: e. eieve, carers, and r;..h.ry ,rc,,,,Lon for trussing poultry or ganie,or,11,edee."..wja)
tipe.' with elicientlh" suProue
Tile curtistie garnishing oq a hall ol Cord: a waste -paper basket- .'" 4"""""
a salad googol neeer ee overlooked, t ;Amulet. be, found under the nitchen,' 1 asned him winbe bad such
s it adds oi144i to itS awe...clean table where scraps of paper. shor0s,trarg leeling against worrier,. in pa
tows. pits of string and any and all litter -11(1"m%
toyam eanssiag ft, naltunonnow! might be- thrown. This basket may Wan" be said. "'eon ean't treat,
tor tee mean drestg„gi „aidelh is th:be of the half -bushel fruit baskets:ern seme as you can a man; you
plerzsing szahstittate for entheommisea ;That are 50 pheitiful duriun fruit; can't get away- from the feet that a
cala „melt iehn exponsive. auN: mxtiseasow or it may be of wire. An woman s a woman; ir a. man down
teteespeen sale. ooe, weeoespoon ukus...g towel Mel; laSteried to the weal, 'non a had turn you in fight him'
loan one mid "(sawn, traidesvoonsk, which may be dropped been fiat for it. But when Its a woman,
against the well uteri not in use, wol. Rotas you've IMO got to let
a convenience. A small stepeladdeuei things eltde and own eouno beaten.
that may be so adjusted as to serveO "if you're fond of a yarn," he ren-
tho perpose of both Mail. end Milder% firmed, "I guess I ken open your -
i di
bo found a great comfort WheneyeS OS tO whet a women can do-
4it,„13..., nand mixture odhhous: then o thing to be got (loon frouvi when sbe feels disposed to try sow--
strnin roul cool. the high sbelves. Weenie and roll -,4 thing big, Aral 1 Shall ke more sure
oaind Ronnaat aux ha" er for roller towels mast he Placed prieed if wben I've pnished e'en don't
sugar. Mu egos sightly beaten, sive
tablesp000s 112a1C11 butter. and one
nod one-haif cups melted cream; theu
acid slimly oneeaall cup vinegar.
Cooh double boiler, stirrieg con -
for him. She woold not be left be-
hind, thoogh her tether wanted. ber
to; she was bound to have her own
way. She was a lively girl, and
would have made herself agreeable
to all the boys had Captain Sol ale
lowed it, but he seemed to think he
had a special claim upon, her. aad diO
his best to keep the others ot a dine
She had got on from the first, and
the more I eow of her the more I
liked her. It did not take Captain
Sol long to And thie out, ond he
came and spoke to •inc about it,
"Good. teeming, Si" he said, Silas
is ray name, but tbe boys called me
Si for short,
"Good -night. Captain," I answerwl
very shortly, and walked on; but be
caught um up, and started again,
"Now look bere. Si." be said, the
%wirer you stop fooling round after
Misa Julia Harman the better. I'm
not one to etand any nonsense."
"MI right, Captain, Miss Julia
Harmon is not your property yet,
an'. if I elm prevent it, she's not g0
ing to be. If Julia Harman marries
anyone out of this camp, it will be
r. See ?"
1 tell you I was in a. raging tem-
per or I should never bare spoken
to the Captain liko that, an' I thiok
Sol was taken aback. for it. was
some minutes before he spoke. ,
"All rigid, Si, if you're going to
talk like that look out for yourself.
lf it bad been any other of the boys
bot you -there would bare been dttY-1
light through your precious body
nefore this. But juae keep before
yoo that that girl will he Mos. Sole
°Onion Bane, end no ore else."
With that he turned on his heel
and strode oft, while 1 went oft ter
tell Julia what bad bappeoed, A
place like Stoutly Gulch is not the
best place to go courting in, eepee-
lane when the girl is the only one
for miles round, and I found my
work cot out w prevent jealottey.
However, before long 1 got Julia to
say she loved ille and that was all
1 eared for. The Captain did not
' remain bad-tempered for long, and
or lone and water neead dough ma.' convenient to the eirle A covered ;do more /bar. apeparbieo moth owe'
Pc Mowed mid balwil into rolls to 1, g",iva..E171 iran.gar.h"ge Pall alul The Prospect Of a Yoon Pleased nuv`
oerve oith the Goad, gateman Puna asui Liam% are mato absonaely thigreatly. so 1 preasect Mut to get, tin -
Oar House Ron ntintut,e, a" riehurliees.sary and should be just outside der way, and he began na
dougte is deeidedkt. preferable. Just of the Ititcben door for convenieueeF1
Wal. 't was tb' v t "
0. few words about toe soaping. First is,akee arout ,nd botlie It 1,u,,r0ttne..ctentlfty yeairis ago,, whlseuta.j....was - youninot5-
ouahe soriall round biseuits, er by sowe h?1,1r wtbut.. PecT_Iling 1?r gala'
in tens on a floured board. cover sheitea and ono: asees placed en one,
at was nelore the handy/se bonne
'with oloth, then et ith pail. feed' aml garhaP In the °thee' The and we didn't elowel it out in spadee
let rice mail light 43-01 woi shc1"14 1"' thar"agl4 elea"sed' ,t 1.1 can assure you, at that time-
rleur the hondle of a W0edist spoon aa'l .hina1d Pc 4°'algled at leas/ three '414). it was steady. hard work. taut
ond nolihe a deep creaet tne rind- lla4es "ek. """ strtwg s°1"11°"'.olaw at that*
tile of tea% iiiscula tate tht and Innee of sal soda.
Some of us were more Junky tbau
togolier the two outs thus :nada
Piece cleeene in a buttered Etan,,1 E001) T1EE NERVOleS, Ithe rest. There WOS about twenty -
covert ne eiee otagn, n,d N.Jit, et., A. rida, salt meat is not adapt -411w to iluirhr fn the canna end
in 00 lunruing «ad neneaten whee„ people. 'as ontritures areees go into treteelO were laying up a fair Stott
the brine to a great ratent. Fish of ;or olletgets; we were eeeing our for-
m, fee nneaunnolu serving kin all heeds is good foe them, wog •tunes leereasing each Week, emigrate
to the eonemon opin.':ulating ourselves an' standing drinks
E "lterer5 allow (Part to. t,gr!',,cri,Inalt"a's dineetnoe thaFe '01 round on the streegth of it. :We
e.. Isle; guteste, Itt 1401S1 he retnerie:*""
14;1en. 144, was loay 1,40, iniked ed to the requheonents of nervous about half -a -dozen of us, ineludirg
lowed that cream swells irendu, that have been well emoted. ttoodli4ept the gold iu our hills lodged up.
le' breed sweet butter tool lean meat curtail*, but not that Strong, for
T • "
" '" hig "le far re the best food tor nerves.ii we were all straight -going men, and
kc erema 1"urrdsli Wile 11.,,oele, aroma d insomnia ;Ape bad no fear of ariyone turning r0Und
4104 qwutity, it flu* Mie W130 doeS' ,ho t jug front sleep and eene and tleallag dishanes/' a/ any vale
ht110. j*r%iig lialanar! aright' Mix tw°, "pol„:05f /young can 'cam; be cured. Captain Sol would gee+ to that.
two ea" sugar' thown'eelves to a diet of f, Solomon pare* Callialn So)eggn f
fourth teaspOon ealt. and two naUh «law for a limp. An tolultobe was calied, ruled the roost on the
slifelan,- beaten. Pour on, gra- 'seenen .,.€4.0 a niut a meat and taheletrength of Ms being the oldest. inan
etok 1* ftiur flips wattled milk, and ftWhithres--danne. people ahith weak- ' the camp; aud H the men were
t.t double boiler twenty min- en a „,„„ "„eni„ het -A10 y
filming constantly first Keen , nn.„'",n.„-tite-"O'n on:arbe-r bit:TV-those
Should the cuetard thence 10 bave
'Ilrineti AP lwor ' ittlaute tlerVes and Menus are etr000,.
we were soon AS friendle' as before.
He kept hanging round Julia more
than I cared for, bowever„ and I
spoke to ber about it.
**Well, 51. limy," she said, '
thought you said you newel inc. and
if you do oou ought to trust me."
"Ica becatiee I love N'OU " aloe
swered. "that I can't stand teeing'
yam with the Captain so much." I
"'Hien guess omen hatre to stand
a, bit more of it„" slue ouswered,
tossing her head. °Cat not going
to have antirtier coutinitted, mut over
ma eeou want to go on loving
., me you must let me keep in with the
Captain arid tite boys, or you'll find
yourself making tracns for another.
world before long. Poe seen the,
Captain shoot more than once."
Of course, I smoothed things over
when I found out 1;er reeson for bee
ime in the Captain's committee and
for some Jim X found things real
pleasaut. She woe a smart was
Julia. She tould play tho banjo,
which went clown as well as any -
afraid of him they were of ins Hang elm% she could haw done in
s x -shooter, for be was a dead shot, Sando Gulch. X tell 'au, we bad
and took care that everybody knelt route inir lively evenings.
The boys would form a ring, anti
near in ate keening. Innen mine It cats the digeation of these by • e
to Ito was Olean shut against figbang, etbere she would sit in the middle
tore is eool. add two tabl salulAP' nnri seems
Pomona was Captain Sol—I wan just au or- ,and strum out music from that bane
Natalia. and tuo Cups Eno" wan, bow u. direct tonic effeet.
[(Unary drilulaun 3'0W, With n0 caUSei,j0 that was a perfect treat to listen
Mit nieal S finelx chopped. Preewei for bloodshed, But let a man be .to. Then sbe'd sing—and «be could
ming three parts fluent crushed ire- aine eon wa
to oue rock salt, 71 a owner eetroheeeEeteEl OF LANGUAGE,: insulted, or insult another, or let sing, too' but when elle got on to
Inehon ng Inh 0 or• Captain Sol. was the 311:10 10 01 her popularity. She would sigh
will freeze in it shorter time, but over eer ond be quick about see it throne', if the aggrieved and flash her dark e t
parties did not fall in with goal° though she meant every word she
fine-grained coneieteney. Turo the Near-eigbted Editor of Weekly : "le persuasion, Captain Sol Would show sang. X didn't mind, so long as
erank and eteadily oxpoee beg your pardon ?" e, them his revolver and swear lied sbo sang them at me; it was when
as large it. surface of the nominee as Vitt:may) : "No morikeeiog ono shoat both if they did not begin ehe turned them on to the Ceptnin
possible to ire and salt. After the limber 1 Perdirce the blunt !"
operations at once. and a few others thot X got wild.
The worst of it waS, I used to let
her see I was angry, and that made
her all the worse, and she wou/d get
as far as throwing kisses at Sol,
until I had to get up and leave, for
fear of hurting eoneebody.
But when she came round after-
portion of ealt is used the mixture rootpod ( • • ' I)" "F
there be some real cause for satiefae- love eons she just reached the top
„5.0S a you, as
atl be of a granular ratber than a it I"
a tut frozen to a mush, tho "Pardon me, but I do not ex -
frank may be turned more rapidly, wily apprebend the drift of your—"
ridding more ice and salt if needed. "(nurse yer patter 1 Pon't oer see
NeVer draw 04 the sot water until I've got the drop ? tieload oer oof."
the freezing is accomplished. It "I am totally at a. loss, nte* dear,
mumt be remembered that it is the sir, to percent° the relevancy of your
salt water that effects the freezing. observations or 10—"
After the freeeing, draw off the wat- "Whack up, or I'n let her speak 1"
ea remove the dasher, and with
But I run drifting away from the
polet. It was wonien I was to tell
you about, not Captain Sol and the
boys. though they *ill have to fig-
ure pretty considerably for all that.
Captain Sol was one of the lucky
lialf-dozen, and had a very lair for-
tune locked up in bis hut; and we ward, an said s e was wire she
-"is tbere any peculiarity in the ex- reckoned the time was not far off had Vexed me, X had to give in, and
large spoon pack the cream as sonde ternal seeming of my apparel or de- when he would shift, and tbe bons of we would kiss mid be as good friends
3Y as Possible. Put corlc in opening. meanor, sir, that impelau•ou, a Sandy ankh would base to elect as before. I had talked a great deal
of cover, then put on cover. Re- total stranger, to—" another captain. to Julia about the future; I told
Paek freezer, using four measures of 4,0nce more, will erer uncork that Things were getting this way, and her I was thinning of leaving Sandy
P0. to one measure of salt. Place swng?" the Captain and I were both think- Gulch with my gold, which I gave
over top newspaper, or a iece of 1 aropelesely bewildered)
carpet until sereing time is at band. friend, 1 tonfess my utter inability
Salted Almonds.---Inorne-made salt- to gather any coherent idea, from
eel almonds are, to my mind, more the fragmentary observations you
delicious than those ordinarily have ein,parted. There is something
bought at the confectioneree. Blanch radically irreconcilable and incapable
one pound almonds and dry on a of correlation in the vocabularies
towel. The blanching of almonds is. with which we entleavonr to make
a simple task, Simply cover with the reciprocal or correspondential in
boiling water, and let stand five terchange of our ideas intelligible,
minutes; drain, cover with cold wat- You will pardon me if I suggest that
er, and then the skins may be easily synchronization of purpose is equally
rubbed oft Put one-third cup lard indispensable with homogeneity of
in a Sauce pan. When hot, put' in cerebral inePression, as well as paral- sessing a good flow of language, but approached and put a chair for me
ahnonds to cover., bottom of pan and lelism of idiom and—o the Captain, as in everything else, to sit down' on.
try until delicately browned, stir- But tho -highwayman had fled in could go one better, and when once "Wel, an' how's gold?" he asked
ring constantly to keep the almonds dismay. started it was some time before his as I it down.
in motion. Remove with it spoon .
stock was exhausted. Ile was pull- "Pretty fair," I answered, "more
or small skimmer, taking up as lit- A SALUTARY LESSON. ed up this time, however, by a deep work than pay, as a rule; nothing
Ile grease as possible, drain on ' ., strong voice, that just caught him one day, and little more tile next."
brown paper and sprinkle with salt. "Now, remember your salutes,
up in the middle of one of his choice 'oth, you're one of the lucky ones;
Repeat until all are fried. Cool and sidd the corporal, when posting the
recruit on sentry.
keep in a covered dish in a dry place Irish ,,„,.," est sentences. I'm just starting, worse luck; you've
'11 Yau "- "A little less of that language, ribout laid in your store, I reckon—
until neededa lieutenant—lie wears one star 031 please; as for the drink I'll stand you don't care which way -things run
Coffee.—Always inake iin a granite- his shoulder—slope arms; if a cap- ,
you another." The Captain closed now.':
pot. A sufficient quantity /or twen- tarn—two stars—slope aerns. 3/ you .
his mouth with a snap and faced "I've certainly done fairly well," 1
ty-four would better be made in two see a major—EL crown—present arms;
the speaker, 'drawing his revolver at answered, wondering how to bring
two -quart coffee-pots. . neve are If the colonel—stars and crown—pre-
the same time. "You can can ;just up the subject I had come to talk
`but few households where one or semi, and -turn out the guord."
put that away " said the strangerto him about. "I hope ou'll have
larger capacity could be found, and . Pat pondered his ordere carefully, ...non calmly.
,, y
the two smaller ones do Iiist as well. but presently he was awakened groin 4 " 'qt.'s not for my a good haul, too, one of tlueso days,
sake, but for hers; she's not used to for Julia's sake.
Now for the recipe for one pot, his reverie by the approach of the inn, , .
He flared up in a moment,
witch needs hut to be repeated for general.- , There were exclamations at this, "Miss ITarmara to you, sir; :tuna
the second, ' Scald the coffee-pot. The wontin000n of -Mars sueneyed I eon ten.
Wash one egg, break, and beat the cross -swords on the gallant' ofil- turning you. Her; she I said; to nice and. no other. My (laugh -
an . the . stranger we saw, ter's not common property, OA, Inn
slightly. A.dd one -hall cupwater, cer's .shoulderaand cis he was not
seated •near him, a 'girl. When she tell you. I guess ,V11 have to lay
Ole crushed Shell, and one and ' one- included in the cornorar s category, saW tiS all looking at her, she rose the law down pretty Ortilly in Ole
lialf cups ground coffee. Turn bite simply nodded cheerfully.
,, , ' , and stood•by the stranger; ber •fath- yer camp, if this sort of thing" le
the caffee-pat, add six -up s boiling ;Weil? InY man," Said the gell'a', er, I judged at the time. She was going to flourish." , •
water, and stir thoroughly. 'Place general, "and who areyou supposed
, a handsome girl, the handsomest 1 It was not a bright prOspeCt for
on fron1 of range and let boil three to ha ?" .have ,ever seen; any way, she was a me to continue, now --was it ?. 3 tell
minutes. * ';
The spout of the pot . . "1.n supposed to be a bit of a woman, and Sandy Gulch didn't hold you I felt inclieed to throw ,ile 141,
.should be co•verecl or stufTed with sentryi.'.',said Patrick. "And who out many attractions in their line; and leave, but snao P., ntopleine—my
soft paper. Stir, and pour siorne in are You T.' leastways, she Was the 'first to visit name, sir -,-is not the ono to give in,
free from grounds. Return to cof- a general," said the latter, last as ever will. ,"Mr.: }Taman, X slimild not have
fee -pot and repeat. Add ohe-half "A gineral, is it ?" cried the start- The impression sbe made on the called your daughttir anytteng but
cup of cold water which ,perfects tee lod Pat., "Ilion ye 11 want •some- "boys", was w-onderful. I reckon Miss /Taxman, only I ha.ve reeked her
clearing. Place , on back of range, thing big. The corp'ral tould me manners had grown rusty out in to be my wife, arid she has COMiellt..
Ing of clearing off, when two stroll- her to understand was considerable,
gers came into the camp, who caused' and asked ber if slue would go with
us to alter our plans and put off mo and become my wife. X had bet-
leaOing fOr Some little tirne. It was ter see ber father, she said, and ask
one evening after a more successful him,
day than usual, and we were all Old Man Ilarman was sitting. in
pretty happy_ The drink flowed bis doorway on the -day when I went.
freely, when someone stumbled to ask him for Julia's hand, smoke
against the Captain, hist when he ing a seedy -looking clay pipe, in
want of cleaning, judged, by the
way, be shook it, poked it, and
growled at it, at frequent intervals.
Ile nodded good-humouredly when I
was in the act of drinking, spilling
his drink and half choking him into
the bargain.
Most of us could ley claim to pos-
a cup te 1)e stire that the spout is "Oh, l'in supposed to be a bit of it during my time, and I fancy the so I went at it btraight on the head.
where coffee will not boil, until about the °tilers, but nothing about
serving -time. Serve. in after-dinner yourself at all, at all ! But hold
coffee -cups, with cut sugar. This re- hard a minute, and I'll give ye the
ception coffee is made half as strong bayonet exercise, if that'll do."
yonr wife, my datigliter 9 What
again as the ordinary coffee used
d'you think I came here for 1 leyoe
for the breakfast beverage" Miss Sehreecher : "Papa is think- think I came here tO 0101.ry my
s.vvm,Gmo ing of giving my voice.a It -appeared thit.the father and thet‘ daughter to a gold eriahher, like
1 hoPe, for Yolir nen hadhZelne look for gold and b v ha yourself for example elelie
;Are a great coovenience, occupy no sake, he'll not select f f t the.,f the/ to dig, the glee de°hestasid,e'leoung man came '1.1ere. to
a tuy rom a or u e; a •
mum, and they were a proud lot, on ed, that is if you egree."
the whole; but the way they knack- "Mang it !" he juirehing out
led down before that • girl was . as- of his ehair, "You've done What 9
tonishing. Captain Sol took off his
hat and bowed, begged her pardon,
and set about clearing the store
room/ whoo opt in. use, and are made asiunag )raig.e nelghbore." to look Mini:M.11i and no his cooking make a 'fortune, se; tbat iny gal
could go back ond marry among the
best in New York, ot, pion up tot
Etigliele Lord if she wants ta. Now
you get back to your gold. That's
my Answer, if there's any more
bother," end. he handled a revolver
Wal, now, there was. nothing for
Ine to do but emit, mut I guess you'd
Ilene done the some if you'd 'been
in, my plaCe. I felt %motion an-
gry, but he was Julia's father, or 1
wouldn't bow anewered tor tbo con-
OseliTe :elect When 2 1NC'Vlat$ 1117e4kr7I$0.13.116rlylt:
cOnte rotiod shertis,"
she gen);
I 414 not thiele probeble, but
there was nothing for it but. to wait,
I WAs. in bad temper over it. Tbe
camp Was in a bad temper over
something. •Captain Sol and ow
Or two others were vexed. too for
mite reason, As _a , result the ate
mosplfere was beavy, we growled at
oae another over nothing and wanted
to light each other over trifles, which
made thinge unpleasant all rourid.:1.
got sick of tbe wbole thing, and
wonted to clelek it, het I could not
go without Julie, and Old Man Hato
Man had not giWIR
told my feelings to Julia, and
oho said abe was tirtol ot the camp
too. And if I liked to take her sbe
would go wbether her father would,
consent Or not, She «aid sbe was
Otte old enough tO do as she
And noitadY would prevent her.
was mighty surprised, nevertlielesa
jemped at the idea, for I loved the
and this proved she loved ate.
Wo diseueeed matters' for emir tinin,
finally arranging to get away under
cover of darkness, was to meet
ber on the third night from that
dote at it epot nalf mile from
ettnip, when there would bo no Witte
culty in wetting' away quietly; I was
$0 delighted that it took nie An My
time to keep my feehoge -under cone
trol, lest I ehould show the boys
that there was somethirig in the
wind. On the night on whivh we
were to elope Julia sang and played
the banjo as usual. and laughed to
tweet' 10 thiult that otter to -night
it would be may myself who would
Pc entei tained with love gongs, and
that the comp WOUld be deserted and
My after ber departure. What
gave me most pleasure was baying
beaten Captain Sol. and let her
tinSit her beautiful eyes ot; Mm all
the evenneg without a murmur.
I'm not or nervous as a. rule,
but, 1 will admit, the nearer the time
the more Adgety got; 1 was afraid
something would happen arthe last
moment. 1Vhen the time came for
Toe to move, 1 went to the cupboard
oliere kept my gold 'and took out
the bags, placing them in one large
enough to take the lot; then 1 went
to the door and listened. The boys
were fond of going to bed early, and
os soon as they'd filliebed their drink
for the night they turned in, mid 1.
was mighty glad, of it. It wanted
about a quarter of an hour to go by
before Julia was likely to turn uP
when 1 arrived et the appOlated
place. And X stood there stamping
roe" feet with impatience. 11 was
a dark night, and everything looked
favorable. The half hour had Scarce-
ly turned when I beard footsteps ap-
proaching and Julia appeorod, out
of the abedow of the trees.
"Julia," I called softly, as I ad-
vanced to meet ber, "Julia," I had
not taken many stops before X wart
startled to hear another yoke nod to
find Old Ilan Irtu•mon standing in
front of ,not with a revolver levelled
at toy head.
""Introw up your hnuds, miss you,"
Pc cried, "or you're .a. dead man."
I was so taken aback, there was
uothIng for Inc to do but give be
put up my bands tied looked at
Jtilia. There was no pity in her
face, though sbe loolted at me, coiled
her lip and laughed.
"Where's the cord, ?" said her
father, without lowering the revolv-
er, "Now, you take this while I
1 1 ."
While the girl I bed loved icept Inc
quiet with the pistol was being
bound band and foot by the old man
cursing most ihriously at both of
them. When Old Man Harman had
tied me to his satisfaction, be took
any bag of gold and put it over his
"1 guess we'll take this along with
us," he said, aud laughed. Onliere
were six of 'ent going to elope with
nky gal to -night, and. we've treated
'cm the same as we've treated you,
nuggets and all. You're the lost,
thaak Heaven. I reckon Julia will
get aOhandsome wedding present out
of all this gold."
I lay there and,ewore, but all the
swearing in the world wouldn't *do
any good. Julia came up to me,
and whispered —
"What it blind lot you are, you
me», when you'sre in love."
"But you said you loved nee," 1
miswered, as Well as I could for
ewearing, "and that you only went
With the others to put them off 'the
"You fool," she said. "That's
what told them all. Never nulled,
it's it dry night, I don't think you
will take cold; good-bye."
She was ° polite enough to put
something in my mouth. tO keep me
from shouting, Or elle'd hove had iny
opinion of her pretty stroege X can.
tell yoli. As I ley there that night,
boune up by that cord, I mete.. X
would yieVer hatn 'truck with .anOther
woman es long an If lived. :When
Ole bop.; found ue next moraine' ell
lying' in the Name cooditioa, only in
IP 20011(21213 from the camp,
the ()there said the .name thing,
ft Whig Ore bad made genie six of
iia—tboae with the moet gold Joie
tifb ineidding Captele. and my-
le.011-10Ve ner,Und luta made arraege-
mente to elope witn the lot, in ;life
forma plotoe and difrereot tireee, the
name ovonintO Aud then she end
Ler llama haa trUsSed oll
and t,i.coot.,ed With our gold. It, wos
the eneatieet trick ever heard of,
It meant nil, beginning nil over ugain
to ontfle -a fresh pile, Von can tin-
& tv 1111 nom/ , Air; how women ha,ve
loco; tleer ottraction iOr O10. th0
rpo,fxqi Why myeelf out
crt(Zeeel 'Oita fie bee 11 ('7 .eleemewt.
oehopathoe told thoehed Men for his
Y(.1.1;iit)ti tried to make. PIM eee' that
What Is Going en in the High -
(ands and I.owlands of
Auld Scotia.
The price of gas At Gurock has
been reduced, 44 per 1,000 feet.
Paisley corporation has A balance
to the good this year of £2,005,
Greenock fire Wigan° is not as lib,
orally staffed as it ought to be.
There have been no Open-air coil,
eerta en 0.reenock ESplantide tide
Greenock ia ovidently declining as
port of embarkation for the Green
\Vishay tramway liaa iteilit opened
for trallic. It is over eigbt miles in
The pew Motherwell cors ore the
most sumptuously furnished in the
There is an apparent deficit of Xle.
891 in Paisley Water Trust necount
this year.
This year the bolidays Joliet -
stone wore consideraMy prolonged
owiug to trade,
OreetriOeh IP to mane a big effort on.,
bebalf of the Royal National Life-
boat Institutien.
Museelleurgia is to get a better
Woter supply kola tbe Edinburgh,
Witter Trust.
Tito late Mr. Peter Ikrac, Martin,
Pelepster street, Greenock. left XS, -
337 of estate.
Who calico print works, which aro'
the staple industry of WilOraliebaniz
are net buey.
Tbere is a deticit of 43,068 tbia
in Paisley electrielty fund, com-
pared with 44,1340 inet year.
Towarda Pitialey Coronation epic.-
bratione only Z74 fella to bo token'
fro)» the common good.
Mrs. the oldest resident
in the parish of Corstorpliine, be*
died there in her 991b yeer.
Tb o Puke of Hamilton is to hi2?
the menterial stone of the new Ihe
church at Low-water, Hamilton.
nir. Beardmore, Parkhead Fargo,.
has been found liable in 4800 for'
V111111111; doWn a boy with Ms motor
The solo of work in connettion with
Gillespie U. Ih. Biggar. rea-
lized X260.--410 mom than was aline
ed at.
Rev. It. Milne. St. lailte'o. Ed-
inburgb, hos been appointed Grand
Chaplain of 1.1to Order Of Free Gar-
By the death, aged 90, of Mr. Pa-
te er Inn% 01 Hazel Bank Places
GaAbeart has lost Its oldest male
Vor tho benefit of thililren It Is
proposed to erect a sand garden Olt
MO western terrace of Well Park,
Park, Greenock.
An old Ellmnicolm woman hos
been struck off the parish roll by
death after 110 years on the rates.
Her keep was over £1,000.
Tho Town Council has coneented to
tile proposed ineunorlia to the Scots
Greys being erected in Princess street
Gardens, Edinburgh,
Tho Town Council and the Parisi%
Council are fighting over Offilit) of
assessments imposed by tbe lat ter on
the numicipal bOildingo of Edin-
1 The design her „the new public Uh-
rary, town ball And municipel build-
ings for Hamilton, by Mr. Alex' Cul-
len, architect, bas been awarded the
first premium,
The Presbytery have formorly sus-
pended the Rev. Ile G. Graham, Av-
ondale, from performing any of the
functions of the aninistry of tho
Church of Scotiand.
The other day Mrs. Wilson, Spring-
field place, was fatally injured by
falling out ker kitchen window while
hanging out clothes. She was im-
paled on an iron railing below,
There is much grumbling in Moth-
erwell over the fact that although it
as two years slime Ur. Carnegie gift-
ed .C12,000 to build a. library. 00 -
thing has been done in the way of
13y the falling of a shaft that
was being fitted to the *Union -Castle
liner Armadale, in the Fairfield yard,
Gictsgow, two engineers and a labor-
er were instantly .killed. The shaft
weiglied fifteen tons.
Some time ago an amorous young
man sent a letter to it German lady,
and this postscript was added :—
'That my darling may make no
mistake, rem.ember that I will wear
a light pair of trousers and a dark,
enta:way coat. In my right band
I will carry a small cane and in my
left a cigar.—Yours ever, nedolpbe.''
The father replied courteously,
stating that his daughter had given
him authority to represent her at
the appointed place at the time
agreed on, His postscript was as
follows :—
"Dot mix° son may make no mish-
deices, I vill be dreshed in mine
shirt -sleeves; 1 vill ver in Mine right
bited a glob; in mine left hand I vill
year a six-shooter. You vill receg-
eise Me by de vay I bats you on de
bead a goople dimes twice Mid de
glut). Veit for me at de corner, as
3 bay° sothedings important to in-
form you Init.—Your front, 1Tenrich
At Itrahrenbruck, Saxony, there has
just died a man who occupied a1
the same time' the positions of 'WWII
clerk, church secretary, member of
t Presbyterian. Council, comml
00110` of fires, fire brigade superin-
tendent, megistiate, • deputy -chief 02
(.!1 stoms, assurance agent, tax as-
sessor, commander of the guild of
archers, and president of the choral
women were not all after , the stamp
.1,2 1(1 Harman. • •
"No, ,stranger,',' he said, oit'e..-. ooe
oleo; I've -boon fooled- onceg and. Silas
P. Inlet:ins. is tie 1. Ole hip.0 to be
400e twice."—Loneon Tit -Bits.