HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-17, Page 4XV VC
Shhclers reeett.
VI% E T. 1
taro., Expositor ost et le
eta - eitieeritali on the reeent
appeietnaetatt. vie.: W. theetes
its Registrar and Chas. Seeger, as
Cow n thttornee.
rsb or u e. •Co mrcil,
Connell met ha Town Hell,Sept. 5th.
!Ut. pretent. Alinotes or last, meeting
least and apploved, The following
totes were levied for the current year:
thamty rate 1-5 mills on the (haw;
township rate 2-5 yarns; general school,
.81 untie% The ;amounts requit ed hy
the u &Weft of the several sehool ere -
lions Weu. ordered to be leviea and
eolleeted with the other rates, Tie
, Setae t Dante Bet -Law was fit, thhRY rhashtd
an order teteted zzeavor tne
Treasurer of the tewneltio of Hibbert
tr eete9 beiree rebornee ehare f
the cost a *aid ifrodu as per euginee
estimate. Amounts. amounting o
The thit,h, thhhh. „ma htielate wereTeed oast tattlers iseareit
a to
wr :thee tateeeth ret„wt. an p hiarail:tiltiouraled
P. PAloanche Vi •
hllithtetie ee-Al. ., was. m, • et le
hor the itegietnoefeip. Ite did nat gee 7
E3t. ES :IOW whithy. No eed TtleiherSteetit
doahte ia VT, for piney ;teed Whemaxat Braset—Another of deceit,
eno holey ehe teteetee eleeet. et; toe -} Ol'ens5'ooS which. SO fre-
hetthty thh hut, t,,ban sh,r,i4 giteitily ibrouglitont tieteeontatre
heee gotten it. His serviette lizehe j. • „
inad %%lawn mai eont.anne as long
tagfola ef the reel/I-tient, dtah neiening7 shpt. e;'. We refer to
aelerotainitelea s sevie es -and —al 1, nrill'I'3`re '1"MI'.Wth Cblithvilla 1
-eddy reepeet, d r hitient el this t own -
he to Mist Leese '\''l, tided da
Mt'.. wflo„ Wit.ezto thettntleam.
As he sweet .streains of the wedding
1, a„ rendered lay Mies Rove, a Au -
awn, tbeated threat& the house. the
vottple their respective places and
the ceremony was pro:wetted with. the
tee. E. Ph Sewers te ing the neptiel
not. Mies Wilson'e wedding robe
a brawn sung w1 white eilk
let, which wee of mextpleite taete and
neatneee. The cereony being over
end cengratnlatde
ions extend, the
company sat dnent AO a well provided
repast. After the wedding breakfast
s served. they were acconernied to
train J010710 and other pointe.
tty to en aeefially tite °Mete Ile alio
ZtinaraVV5 tbk.' tht4 rpfesdnatUr.,411.'s nesitate
ora the graliit
rand Lt West Hamm bee
la ad all the iappoint anent SI for the te
twentehfive years mei tibia South heed
15 HUMOR hair,. hetet o shipped ha the
feee and insetted" h,- (he iappoitt
e. He cells le it "mean, dierepit
aide end indefeneilde net. He sere be
"ItflVS" things were done that wet
a right and not honest," He
thinh it will and shoold he "meets ted"
by Reformers in East and Sinai* linr.
ou. He says be mdges Archie
M. P. P. tef E,161 HOW% if be
1ues not vent it.
m is net only an editor.
p le politician and an ex.M. P.
P. Thereat* the peddle wottld he
Med in asking a cm spestiuns,
A. Melon. At. P. Pe, shG reser
sueb treu
atment. whet should M. Y.
AleLeart do? As an ext.M. P. P., and
defeieted teandielate et the lest eleetion
and therefore, dispeueer of pettonage
for Swath Heron( be stands in the
pesition. US Mr. llie-
Pott oateide of Iasi:Pk' as diSIVIVI.
etonege, M. Y. McLean was
Seaforth, where they teak t early
The amiable bride was very popular
ith all classes here and racist loved
d reepeeted whete best known, and
r many friends jein in wishing her -
land worthy hesband all happinese
n4 prosperity and may they .0 ncl many
• ses strewn on the reegged pathway of
. The erray ef twitted gifts ocenpled
Miee Homey, ef Exeter, hos r
med her pasition as milliner at A..1.
n's Son's Mammoth store,—
*ewe, Dayie. of Mt. Carmel. has
ed the houee recently vacated hy
Short end will move to town
appheent tor the Regiettarehip. I shortly.---Alles Rate Leonard, who has
Real heti hicoptf tra tut Bee been spending the entomer in $alt
ece17 ble fealty to tee Like City and Velil'ornia hes returned
Innue.—Mrs. Geo. chtistie has rented
perty,411 b1i nunana P3iwnwItive her tune adjoining the town to the
atilt% enperience as a member, all the Peet. to John Allisou and has pureluts.
swallowing of his convictions as editor ell 4 bunso in tniNlh
et erT—VihierSotee.' y
and Member, behold he is tearned dew SA veryprett
vetidang tOok place at the Chureh of
and the fattest office in the County the semi ed mem epeeflflweeneeeeh
ocked or having tried it, they (melted
the trap door anal came dowo the eke
valor rept,. This is looked upoo ,:a8
evelenee that eomeone who wits aware
of the hey of the building had done this
deed, but so fats ao trace of the guilty
oue has been located.
Oheue finstree-Monday. Wednesday
and Thateday of lest treek sew the
hearts of, eight Olietonians or former
Clitatonians, united, IR the holy bonds
of wedlook. lite most lamentable part
of Cripirre nee% amongst these made -
happy °nee is the fact that tear towu
loses them all as citizens. 'Xile first of
these inti.resting evente took place tin
Monday. The Ontario street. chanelt
rate the place ht whieh the event took
place, the camtriteting parties belle:A.51h
Charles B. Adair, of Colitemeooe, nine
Miss Angeline Briekenalen, volute -est
deatgleter of John ithiehenden.
inarch hati been prettily decorated for
the oecasion. The alter was aluneet
beneiath n mese of pink and tx-hite
tees, and the. tieete itP1`
gateets were stiotlarly deeernted, t
n hide pteeentilig' beatittte, apt a
•• •
. A Loge number to frieede reatii-
R cerenumy Odell
pt,rfairmed he- Rev. Dr. Coolt, :t --
-i4 !V he Rev. W. Smyth. off Tileata-
berg. Miss Carol Newhoualte presided
at t he organ anal played the wedding
march as the bridal party entered the
church. The bride. who was deasesede
in white eille aitli bridal veil amid ear-
borequet. wes ztssieted htr
Helen Green, of London, whose lent..
vet WAS Of pink. nettle, ubile the , M
'.''mit Wit$neetiltipanied by his broth -
Mr. Wm. Adene of Londote Miss
May liodaway. niece of the teride.
eltemetiog flower girl. Mr. and Mee ;
Adnir left en% the afternoon train for ,
Toronto. thence to Collingwood, where
they will take up honsekeeping.—St. I
Paters chureh was the ;scene of pret.
wedding Virednesdely morning when 1,
W. Letotnell, fartnedy of the
olsolfe flitult in Oils town but now it
of Ridgetown, led tte the alter Miss E. 9
H. Combas atIlle) whoas hso loug "
been known In chureb. musical aud
social circles at this town. The church
was beautifully decorated with asters ri
and myrtle. The bride looked pretty
in a dainty dress of white silk organ.
die over white silk end carried a anew-,
bouquet of white roses. Site level
nded by her eistere. -11415*' (100114N
wearing Wee eilk and 3t1 -'s Nettle in ,
dtvss of fawn etdienne over VOW
Bath bridem
saids wote white picture!
bats and carried *bower bouquets tot
pink astere. The groom woe sump rt.
eel by ear. 3lattice. of Ridgetown. The,
COretiltin y peeformed by Rev. '
a former i'ector of St. Paul's
ehmede wesisted by the Rev. C. It
Gonne. the present rector. The bride
Cit111Q in leane,ne on the arm of her
brother. Mi. H. 11. Cordite. At the
conclusion of the services the immedi-
ate guests of the bade and Klemm et.
tended them to the brides lutme,
where. weddiug breakfast was per,
taken of. The gronnes gift to the bride
vas a beautiful pearl brooch and to
Large Quantity of Wheat Damaged•
glectien Protests.
Winnipeg, Sept, ea—Saturday's
storm end tbtit,reeniting damage were
he chief topics of cenversation ?along
grainmen. aid merchant. Prie
t vale reporte front verieus sections
give bad, condition ef affairs, bet
state that a few days of bright euoehiele
and good drying wind would minimize
the damage to a great extent- FrOln a
good malty districts no reports have
been received, owing to the stihrio eth
White' telegraph ceuunnowetion.
There were dot miles of C. P. R. tele-
graPh wires dorm between Brendon
and Portage la Pen
rairie. d telegraehie
WAS cOnducted thratigh tbe
A Brandon despatch says in spite of
the bad stOrm 4 110peitil feeling -prevails
that the damage inflicted is elight„ if
ly fine eenne weeer follows ROT'
Unlatch' ell the crop was practically
CUL H.& it, inert otherwise far moire
damage meet heve been sustained. At
least a leech or ten dm
ays ust elapse
, befere threeiting opeeattons can be ret
smiled. There te no doubt but that the
we weather wall seriously effect the
grading of the wheat. One prograinent
farmer expressed the °pintail thet
tiCere would be very little No. hard,
atters lotah more cheerful tee -day; the
terapereture has ri5en and the elm is
Whieh will rapidly improve
thiugs. The tops of the wheat stack
were blown off by the heavy wind ill
some districts, and the water eoeked
down through the stacks. This Will, of
couree, injure the quality of the grain.
The storm was worst from Brandon
west to OOSe and south of
&eerie. .114eprilrit and Haitney Min*
got their Aare.
The Liberate have tiled protests
against the election of Messrs. Hieke
and Carroll. Censervative members..'
the Legislature. elected for Lansdenvne
and South Brandon reepectively.
given to a man who Inul rendeled only morninenat 10 o'clock. when Missilery I
4me tenth as mach Walt Waite as Ja410,EtTooll tlaughtorofJolva Watson, the Inidesmaidspearl crescents. The
Esq., of this town, beeame the britleof
Me, Henry Smart, one of Hamilton's
The pnblie, Grit and Tory, asks what prosperons young men. The ceremony
yam are going to do about it OO Twt..pt,1101111Pd by (ite pastor, Rev.
l'011bW that the GetmeY elhArI gcS were FONT Aleltite.in the preseneehf many
mainly true. You 10713W tlInt.tht• Std. ft.'e"118 urtht‘ bantw P"Ple* M18431acv
liven 1 end deal was trile- Yon KNEW
that the method of publishing our
-Awe! Leas was eorretpt and imentu
el. You Kezar many tether things of
thie governentent that were at least
one -hundred times worse than the
Huron appnintments. Yet as editor
and Alember you swallowed them all,
through parte loyalty. Now, term
down, your recommendations diem-
garded, your services ignored, your
experience despised, your recotel gone,
What are you going to do about it? We
,can aseure M. Y. McLean that Tory
and Grit will erste': the outcome with
interest. If ever M. Y. McLean takes
back what he has said •editorially the
public fGritand Tory) will believe that
be bas been bought by the present gov-
hrnment like Sullivan was bought.
on give yourself away, 1. Y., by
sticking to the Onktrio Government
through evil report, until it becomes a
personal matter. Were you always
sincere, or are you honest now That
.is what the pnblic (Grit and Tory) are
4tsking. Personally, we think you are
better without it. Why? Because
you could never expect to boll it after
Whitney assumes power., Why should the same taking effect on Saturday,
MeRee reeled OS tridestaidd and Mr.
Allyn Watson aesisted the groom.
After the ceremony the wedding partV
reptired to the bride's home where a
bouritifol dinner awaited the happy
petty. after -which preparations were
made for the depart -Me Ot the newly
waffled temple on the thtth
We loin with their Hemel ons friends
wtehing them nmeh happinees,
Miss Stella Orme, of Lontiomis home
on a vieit to her parents.—A. number
a our eitizens are Attending London
Veit. this week.—Mr. Roy limper, of
Indy, hliehe is agnin attending the
High Sebool beree-ettle, Geo. Smith.
who bits been on a month's visit to his
mother hive, left last week for Edmon-
ton, N.W.T.—The services of the Rev.
ILA. Thames are in great demand this
autumn as he has invitatiOne Ann:v.1volt
no less that fifteen Harvest Thanks-
giving sermons. He preached at War-
wick and liVisheach on Sunday. His
place here was taken ler Rev. A. L.
Beverly. of Foresn—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Murditiale have returnedelrorn Rincar.
dine where they were attending the
marriage of the latter's sister, Miss
Mettle West, to Mr. Obits. Piper, for-
merly of this place. The happy event t
took place on Wednesday. We ex-
tend congratulations. —Mr. Wm. Tripp.
teller at the Standard Bank here, ten- t
bride was the tecipient of tunny beau-
tiful and costly gifts. The happv tem-
ple took the afternoon train for TOrM.-
tO,MO1lLiViil and elsewh ere, and on the:r
return will take up their t esidence in
Ridgetown..-1:natteuele4 anti e Wetly
the eeremony which made Char es D.
Hale told Mies VI am Barber man end
wife was celebrated in the pro.cathed-
ral iat the Soo ley its reetoie Rev. Capp,
on Thotedity. Both of these interested
one are well known to us, the gtonm
being a sou a Mrs. Horatio Hale, of
this place, and the blade is a Mete of
Ridoute Charlie wos at active citit
zen of our town, being a mahout trustee
up to the titue of his departure few
months ago. After their hearts were
mode to heat its one they Ieft ono, tour
Lo the northern path of Michigan.—
Still two atm a Milton's residents '
have pledged their troth to teach other
for better or for team. They atre
Walter Marlowe, teamster ati Fides
mill, and Miss Marla Cook, a well-
known lady of town, Who resides with
her mother on tdill street. This happy
event took place in St. Ittnes" eitthed-
ral, Toronto, on Friday, Sept. 4, the
ceremony being perfumed by Pete D.
T. Owen. It was quite it surprise to
our -citizens when the news hemline
current. The good wishes of all are
extended to the happy couples for their
future prosperity.
Turkish Repreeentative at Venn
Whipped by Embaesy Doctor.
Vienne, Sept. tee-Djevid Atedallala
Bcy. the physician to the Turkish Pm-
baesy here, attacked and thrash.
ed the Turkish Ambessador. Nediao
Beee whom he accused of sending en-
fivorable report* concerning him Mite
yid) to the Pixie, The assault took
place in the Turkish Embeesy In the
presence of the secretaries and a via -
tor. The affair has created a StilSa-
don. Dlevid has been dismissed
Evidence In the W
orOffice Scandal
London. Sept, tee—It is stated fit
considerable portions of the evidence
and Saille documents have been omit-
ted from the report of the South Af-
rican wet- commission issued to the
public. Some copies of the evidence as
given, and not as edited, were printed
for the use of members of the Cabi-
net, and it is alto ed they II 17 tnor'
damaging story than that contained in
° the blue books.
Tilsonburg. Sept 11—Willie 'Wood -
nth :aged fifteen, eldest. son of Geome
Woodard, was drowned this morning.
lie and some other boys lind swnin
tcross a. narrow part of the lake, and
n attempting to go back young Wood-
ard took a cranip7 The boys on shm e
rim for help, but before vend mute be
had souk for the third time. He was
taken oot as soon as possible but life
was extinct.
eted his resagnattort Seine tune ago.
Whitney respect appointments made ;Sept. 5th. While here Mr. Tripp made
after the last general election when the I many friends and one and all are sorry
Governtnent was defeitted by a 'emu- to see hint leave. Since the ball seasem
has opened be has taken a deep inter-
est in the game and the team loses one
of their best players. But all wish for
his future success in life. He would be
welcomed back as a citizen at any.
time. Mr. Preston is his successor
tar majority of 7000? What would
yon du M. Y. in such ease as a Radical -
Reformer? That was always your
position as a candidate. 'What are
yen going to do about it,
Ilibb eft
, PRETTY WEDDING. —Oh Wednestl; 7
evening the home of Mr. and lifrs.Jno.
Mahaffey, was all astir and as the gay
and facinaeing figures flitted in and
out of the honse it became quite evi-
dent that something unusual was
about to take place at this particular
borne. Everybody was .radiant and
happy, and well they might, be for the
commotion was for the advent of a
wedding, it being their estimable
daughter, Miss Mary Louise, who was
united in marriage to Mr. Roht.NortiS,
of Seattle, Wash. Tbe bride was hand-
esontely gowned and presented a beau-
tiful appearance. The solemn yet in-
teresting ceremony Ives performed by
the Rev. S. Henderson, and was wit-
nessed by about forty guests. This
Part of the proceedings being over, and
the blushing bride duly kissed and
eongriatula ted, the happy couple led
the way to the dintng Thom, where
tebles were spread • with delicious
and appetitizing viands, and to which
all did ample justice. A move was
then made" to *here the inEesPuts were
sPreAd, but space will not 'permit' us
to describe thethe suffice to say they
were eiumerous and costly, and go
to show the high esteem in which the
young people are held by their nearly
friends. The evening was very pleas-
antly spent in music, recitations and
other aetiustatuente. At a late houe the
company, after extending to the bride
and grown their best wishes, left for
their respect) VC horiaes.
NEW Gnocem—Mr. R.Graham took
ossession of the Maitland gracery on
riday. He has secured the services
Mr. Ogle Oodper who is so well and
vorably known in and around town.
ttEATrx. —Mi. James: Seta, the "Old
Irish schoolmaster," crossed the bar
Monday; Sept. 7th. Ile was 'born in
Shillganhan, County; Antrim, Ireland,
3 tine 1st, 1800. He came to Catiedit in
1837 and to Clinton thiety years later,
He was a school teacher in Ireland and
followed that occupation in this corm -
try. Many of our citizens received
their fleet ingtruction in the "Three
R's" from him. After superannuating
he becaene catetaker of the Mechanic's
Institute, which position he held for
years. He was a Member of the Pres-
byterian churcia and a Liberal all his
life. He possessed all his faculties to
the last. ' He leaves four children to
mourn his demise. -
,ROBBERY.—It is many a day since
the robbery of one of our Places of busi-
ness has been perpetrated, bot one ev-
ening recently a very clever entranee
.wits made into Harland Bros.' hied -
Ware store; all the change left in the
C:Ish register, amoutiting to neailY $8,
postage stamps, and, other articles of
value were taken The thieves made
-hr entrance to the building by
daubing a steep inclined plank to the
back roof; then tapping it pane of glass
t ill a piece dropped, a band was insert-
ed and polled aside a stick that kept
the window doWn. After getting- in-
side. either knowing the tair door %V
Belleville, Sept. 6.—A •tereible adei-
dent happened to Byron Crossberry,
of Trenton, yesterday afternoon. The
unfertifintte man was riding in a wing -
on hen vily loaded with .stone,' when- lie
accidentally fell off under the wheele,
which passed overlds chest, crushing
his lite out. He h% ed but a short tillle
lifter the accident. A wife and large
family survive him. • .
Iona Steetiopt Sept, 9e- W. G. Win-,
termute, whose home is ht, Comber,
'wash:tiled this mortiing by being struck t
by No.3.7, M.C.R. express. • The unfoit
tontate men of late has been working
on an extra ga ng-att Iona, and the gene*
hoarded ILI cars which were ,placed on
the siding. He stepped flout the pla
form' of the hoarding car right in front
of the express, and was instantly kill-
ed. A train passing east on the Lake
Erie at this point drew his t.Plltjoll
and he did not hear the approaching
train. He leaves a wife and six child-
ren. '
• imp
Norman W. 131own, employed tit,
Rev. Canon Bland, wastdrowned' le
Lake Joseph. •
John Shaver. Se years ,of age, WaS
killed at Harrison on the Ottawa nod
New York Riiilwa y crossing.
'. Mr. T. H. Crerar, son of Mr. John
Crerar, K.C., WaS sevek•ely injured by
a bill from his horse while hunting.
The central arid western portion of -
M;tnitoba".were visited00Saturday' ,
the worst blizzard ever experienced 117'
the month of September.
Osborne S. T;tylor died in the 1-lem t
ilten Hospital from injuries receit et1
last week 33 14117. wrestling with flail y
W. R. Devitt Charged With Misap-
propriating $ii,000.
St. Thomas, Sept. es.—R, J. Hoes -
ley, broker, was examined before Po-
lice Magistrate * Glenn in con-
nection with the stock deals put
through for Geo. Rowley of the Elgin
Loan Company by W. R. Devitt. Row-
ley charged that Bevitt got over $4,-
000 from him at various tinte3 between
April and October, teoe, to invest, and
that I3evitt failed to account for VI, -
owe or more. Devitt has been out of
the city for some time, and his locae
don Is not known,
Two feet of snow has fallen in many
sections of North Ditkota.
Lieut. -Governor Clark opened the litatie-
in-Canada Pair at Hamilton.
Senator Drummond's stoek stables at
Beaconsfield were destroyed by fire.
!tee Lindsay, Bobcaygeon & Pontypool
Itallway. has been sold to the C. P. R.
Bakers in Hainilton have ralSed the
Price of bread to three cents a pound.
Renfrew carried a by-law to loan 318,000
to the Cumming Manufacturing Coro-
Two new Senators will be appointed for
the Northwest Territories, increasing the
representation to four.
The reported loss off the British coast
of a transport carrying troops to India
still lacks confirmation. "
Another indictment on a charge of ex-
tortion was returned against Barn. Parks,
the notorious New York labor leader.,
The Times' correspondent. at. Sofia says
the attitude of the powers in •addressing
admonitions to Bulgaria is Irritating and
useless. •
Mr. George E. Drummond of Montreal
will succeed Mr. C. A. Birge as Presi-
dent of the Canadian Manufacturers' As-
sociation '
Rumors are again current that owing
to .,the political crisis in Hungary, Em-
peror Francis Joseph will abdicate as
monarch of that country: >
The Toronto Railway Company has is-
sued a writ against" the city to have it
declared that the Company mai lay tracks
on any street at its option.
It le reported that Japan has entered
a formal •and energetic protest against the
acceptance by China of the Russian pro-
posals regarding Manchuria.
It is stated that Venezuela is, rapidly
preparing for war with colombia, the
feSing -between ille„.two countries hay -
ng been very bitter for some months.
Lloyd's Times' correspondent says
hat the yacht Queen Margaret, which
was sericittely damaged at Bristol by
the Canadian Pacific Railway steamer
Lake Megantic, is insured for.E4 000.
OVQ lt Sler.141310
1lit 4rnome.
Debility of system causes ueural.
gta, and whatever teude to prodttee
enfeeblements induces 1,1.This affec,
tion is undeniably dille to lack a'
vitality, and its very existence is
evidence of deficient strengtlr,
Remedial measures should. there.
fore be directed to improve the whole
system, for when strength returns to
the system, the neuralgic condition,
of the nerves will disappear'.
Thispow is supplied by Sr, jAhlA.
Ws; they seldom fail to renew;
their effect is a general building up
of the system.
JahtleS WA Ft RS help stomachs.
digest food and Ft -z -d the untdnient
through the blood, and this is the
honest Wayto get health and strength,
the hind that lasts, develops anii
breeds the energy which ACCOnt-
plitqlles much.
witteee never wets!.
They ere a reeiede "without
VOtr, wIthetit fliok3,'1 nla
Coetsoent urahrlethclehevepto,
linable Snit tree 44117.n
Dr, rattlete
4%.,fasto 4'0,4fo11rt !Nat a ROO
ormorcfivg Mont.Men -14(4141;
to wail Me jiirmwla NON mega*
' Whete deelt intim not feting as{
Wefere„ they are a:sited epee re.
etlec et price it the Carlintlee
eraseia 4t. Jain Wilfttil Co., gee
4t.• Caned", Ste atauttt.
Seetiess in after I.:a Ceith.r4e bras open the traharete
re:moved W:itri veirree.
.110 by cr elteeht enter he.e.:neeelje Ate,OO 4:4;'S ef heen
co:oriel:4;n witheet ph:n.4 eethersten-
Tila mind theo..3bs4t,1 eereep eel uedereterd ettre-
merehed matters qzdettly. ever; yeah:: maa otid aw./.1i4
rezeivet thercueit, eraal tet,..:rerg• hefeee eeter nee eat/ helt.eees
'The Forest Chy 34e.eisee end Sherthand Cee trarre ever
two hundred and fifty leenra Wen end werneft eveaye'ear. ar.d eta
the business weed is demand:see mere.
Beeklet explaileireet OZZI7S,15. COOL; etc... sea Far." ter a eeetee
J. W. WESTERVELT, P. Y. M. C. A. Beterotte, Lf.lN
eat. Kg&K&11 Kack"
It is sad to contemplate tbe unfortunate condition of so many men of
(=day and generation. At 30 they feel SO; at 40 they feel 60, rend at 50
when they should be in the very prune of life, they are almost ready for
the grave. The fire of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is
exhausted. Premature Old age! No :natter what produted it, whether
evil habits in .youth, later excesses, or business worries, the one thing
for you to do 13 AO get back the vine the vigor and vivacity of manhood.
Don't lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden years
for you if you only get help. We can and will not only help you, but
cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous
and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years,
during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an =lily.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you
have lost.
It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthens tlie NERVES,
vitalizes the sexual organs, checks all unnatural drains and losses and
fits a man for the active duties of life.
Dares Guaranteed or No Pay.
Ws treat'and care Blood Poison, Varieocele, Stricture, Gloat,
Urinary Drains, Sexual Wenkness. Kidney and Bladder diseases.
CONSULTATIOX FREI% If unable to call, write for a Question
Slant for Homo Treatment.
148 Shelby SC, DETROIT, MOH.
25 Tears in Detroit. 250.000 Cured. Bank Security.
K.,&Pc KAK (2.4. IV -a(
t Ingeesollr Sept. 11.—Itoile Id, the
three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.Dan.
I Robertson. wits drowned 'in a el -stern
at the resr of the fii wily residence,
• 01081aehere ti veet. 7 -lamely an n'ne
. „ th 14 nice it titg. I he ehild nets
evideloe lenieg ;reel the enver
the .• . •.a 1• • .•.
1V1]7714orn•rl. Orov
it.1.. a L-
ing him into ilerPT1/1 .‘;. Of ‘in' i.r. Eis
sister being in the hilitea; Inerpti the
splash, and hurryit,g 111 WII•if:
was found the lit71, in 0,1•7, Cis.
torn. Nighho1 $ gni° ly
among theni h7 11 •
who succeeder' in glee; i ig the ehinl
hy the hand anti lift:log, 1.1.111 tiot. Lae,
hotverer, was extinct.
The Renewal a Struie
Voent em is o - t'; Aga!n the . chool
bell rings ;it unaming ;Intl at noon,
again with tens of thousands the lewd-
est kind of well, has IlPgI)71 tilt. re 0 w
ill of which is ;t" mental ;old physited
strain to -all except the 'mist, leagued.
She little giel thnt 1 14 43 (173-, hdd
rasee in het. clee-k, and the 1ibl1 1,0v
-who lips were then so 'red you \voile].
„have insisted chili, they had lieon ek
ed bv stra w betties," 1)4 37 tilrently loQt
sotnething or the iippearnoCe or lwaitb.
Now is :t t in v hen many eh adren
ehould be &vett 4 t011;,', 311'01;11 t11,,ry•
7711101 k,•,.1 inn.; troOil7 . oral tee
1:n01c)1n1:7:7f.,dri ,,I.s.ier.r.isci:),(11d) h lsyta rrii;1;
134 74
which strengiheue 7111> novves, perfei•ts
digester') ;Ind assimilation, arld aids
77141)1 4 deyelopetnent by ltuilding tie
the e hole systelO.
Prevented and Cured.
Pour marvelous free remedies for all
sufferers reading this paper. New
• tion; Weak Lungs, Clitartit
, and a rundown system,
Do you cough?
Do your lungs pain you?
Is youi• throat sore and inflamed?
Do you spit up phlegm?
Does your head ache?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate.?
Are you losingflesh?
Are you pale -and thin?
Do you lack stamina?
These symptoms .are proof that y00
have in your body thaseeds of the most
• dangerous malady that has ever devas.
tated the earth—consumption.
You are invited•to test svhat this system will do for
you, if you are skit, by writing for a
and the Four Free Preparations will heforaarded you
at once, with complete directions for use.
The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consumo-
tion, that most insidious disease, and for all Lung -
Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of
Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and
Heart Tr bi
Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical
Company, Linlited, 179 Xing Street West, Toronto,
giving post office and express address, and the free
medicine (the Slocum Cur) will bd promptly sent.
Persons in Canada seeing Slocutn's free offer in
American papers will please send for samples to
Toronto. Mention thts paper.
1 •