Exeter Advocate, 1903-9-17, Page 3keep on
the "igtst
Discard the use of Japan Teas altogether
they're a doctored make up at their best
Natural Ceylon ereen is of doable strength,
Delicious and t; a PURE,
c;alod. Packets ets e l .. ----sa e for= as the cele
brated Black - Teas " Salada" brand.
tElcc uuxences in the Loud That
Reigns Supreane in the Qom,.
merciol World,
The death is alenouncesl of the \`ery
Rev. Rivhard Aeauilleee Bernie, Bean
of Rephoe.
?i news company has purchased out
tight Ave leading Plyntouth betels
for 83.00,QOO,
I'ateb'borough, bricnyards nro now
turning out eight hundred znillton
bricks per minutia
During excavations at Iticltrnatbs-
worth, Herta, a metal bow and
spoon ellpposod to be of the time of
Charles I., were found.
'At; a sale of land by auction nt
Spalding. arable and pasture land
cold for as much as £1QQ an acre.
After being closed 30 years the
'tinter tin Write, timer Postbrid o,
Dartmoor, has just been reopened.
Several, judges are expected to talcs
part in too bar golf tournament at.,
Ileal in the third week in October,
The (treat Western Railway Com-
po l o have agreed to an incr* aced
frelissrnent of their property in New-
ton Abbot Union by over 412,000.
The St. Pancras coroner stated at
tear inquest on tho body of o. child
that from 3.nO to 7 1Q casts of cbild
suffocation canto before Mtn every
iter. ectrnegle has conditionally
ltronrised £i ,OQO for the enly'nhlon
of tho Yarmouth Central Library
and £2,000 for the erection of a
branch library,
Owing to the death of Major TWA. -
the Wet conatableship of Lin-
colnsbire is vacant. The post is
worth 4:000 a year, with A10Q for
travelliug expenses.
Lord Methuen will, on October
20th,. lay the memorial stone of Pete
buildings which are being erected in
connection with the Parish church of
Bethnal preen.
The hoard of Trade has sanctioned
the raising of a loan of 8.111,000 by
the Colchester Town Council for the
purpose of constructing an electric
tramway system.
Tito Durham Miners' Conciliation
Board, at Newcastle, arranged that
miners should suffer a reduction of
1} per cent„ leaving wages to be
32* per cont.. above the basis of
At Bersham, near Deccles, the rec-
tor has been appoiuted to the country
council to temporarily undertiake+ the
duties of a parish council, all efforts
to elect such a body having tailed in
the village.
In the event of a university char-
ter being granted to the Yorkshire
College, Leeds City Council has
agreed to give at yearly contribution
of £41,000 to ]ts funds in addition to
the 81,550 already granted.
A novel way of identifying visitors
to :West Wycombe (Busks) Flower
show was adopted. All those who
wvislzed to return to the exhibition
were stamped on the back of the
hand with an indelible ink rubber.
The honorary freedom, of Preston
was conferred on Lord Derby for his
services to the town, particularly
during itis recent tenure of the his-
toric office of Guild 1Slayor. The
Stanley family have been connected
with the town of Preston as guild
burgesses since 1542.
Sketch plans have been prepared
by the principal architect of the
Office of Works for an extension of
the British Museum by the erection
of a new block in Montague place.
The designs have been prepared to
accord with the architecture and
arrangements of the existing 'build-
1' •
"I don't altogether Iike this young
znan Milliken whocomes to see you
so often. I hear that ho is only a
Poor clerk," was what the head of
the family said to bis daughter one
day at the dinner table.
"Ino is a very nice young man,"
replied the daughter. Besides, he
is somethong more than a 'poor
clerk.' He gets a large salary, and
is manager of one of the shops it
ibo city, and expects some day to
]rave an interest in the lusieess,"
"'1 hobo bo May." responded the
oI d man, "but he strikes me as a
+ezy flippant, impertinent young per..
tori, and in nay opinion he should bet
"Well, 1 ]have invited him to tine
tea with us this evening," said the
daughter. "and 1 bop,: you Will treat
hint politely, at least. You will find
him A very different person from
what you suppose hint to ba"
"Oh, I'll treat hint politely
enough," he said.
That evening Mr. Idillikin appeared
at tea anti made a most favorable
impression upon the old gentleman.
He is a clever young fellow, after
all," ho thought. "I have done hha
raiz injustice,"
It was just here that Bobner spoke
out, Bobby was a well-rncarting lit-
e boy, but too talkative.
"rano." he ventured; "you bnow
What you said today at dinner
about Air. Idillik:in, that las was an
impertinent ,young Man and ought to
be sat upon----•?"
"Silence, sir:" ebouted the father,
=allowing a mouthful of bot tea.
But the little fellow wouldn't sil-
1 ence.
"It's all right," be continued, con-
fidentiafv', but in a whisper loud
enough to be heard out of doors, "bo
has been sat upon, Slater sat down
on him fart night for two bows."
.After that the tea went on more
quietly, owing to Bobby's sudden
and very jerky departure. `
A little Sunliglt Soap will clean
crit glass and other articles until
.they shine and sparkle. Sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
clothes. 6B
t -f
Every mother most earnestly de-
sires to see her little ones hearty,
:r! sy and full of life. The hot area,
thor, however, is a time of danger
to all little ones, and at the very
first symptom of uneasiness or • ill-
ness, Baby's Own Tablets should be
given. It is easier to prevent illness
than to cure it, and an occasional
dose` of. Baby's Own Tablets . will
keen little one healthy and happy.
If sickness does come, there is no
other medicine will 'soquicklycure
the minor ills of babyhood and child-
hood -and you have a guarantee
that It contains no opiate or pois-
onous stuff. Mrs. John Nall, Pet-
ersburg, Ont., says :—"I have used
Baby's Own Tablets and find them a
superior remedy for troubles of the
.stomach 'and bowels. From, my
own :experience, I can highly recom-
mend the 'Tablets to other; mothers."
Mothers ' should always keep these
tablets in the house, ready for an
emergency. Sold by medicine deal -
ens or sent postpaid at 25 cents a
hox, by writing- the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Fred . "lTe married the girl I was
engaged to." Arthur : "Well don't
worry. .You111,.get :over it,,before:'be.
W. E. Ellis got. so He Could Not
Walk Alone or Peed Himself --
Se Tells of Bis Cure.
Cedar Dale, Ont., Sept. 7,—(Spec-
ial).: I.t'cty day seems to furnish
fresh jrroole that Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the one sure and perma-
nent cure for Rheumatism. This vil-
lage furnishes evidence that no one
can doubt in the person of W. E.
Ellis. Me story Is best given in
his own words.
"Two year. ago," rays Mr. Ellis,
„I got Muscular Rheumatism. I
tried all sorts of medicines, but none
of them did me any good.
"At last my wife would send for a
doctor. When he arrived I said
'Doctor, can you cure Muscular
Rheumatism ?' "No,' said the doc-
tor. 'Then' I said, 'you are of no
use to me.'
"I got so bad I could not feed
myself or walk along. Then I was
induced to• try Dodd's Kidney Pills.
I took six boxes of them whieh drove
all the Rheumatism out •of me and
left me in good health again."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheuma-
tism by removing the cause—by put-
ting the Aidneye in shape to take
the: uric acid ove of the blood. They
always cure Lumbago and Sciatica
in the same way.
Plea for the Cheerful Soul Who
Lives to Be Happy.
able herself and makes everybody
else in her presence miserable. She
is a, weakling, a parasite, a. drag, a
heavy weight on somebody all the
Get the whine out of your voice,
or It will stop the development and
growth of your body. It will , nar-
row and shrink your mind. It will!
drive away your friends; it 'Will make
you unpopular,
Quit your whining, brace up; goo
work; be something; stand for some-
thing; fill your place in the universe.
Instead of whining around, exciting
only pity and contempt, face about
and make something of youreelf,
xtearh up to the stature of a strong,
ennobling manhood, to the beauty
and strength of a .superb woman-
hood. -
There is nothing the matter with
you. Just quit your whining and
go to work.
The failure of the cod-liver oil crop
for two years has causal the Nor-
wegian Government so muck coneera
that *facial bulletins have been is-
sued about it. The failure is not al-
together in the supply of cod, for
about the same number are taken
front, the sea each year, but the cod
that are caught lack nutrltneut, Most
of then are half starved, and do not
weigh ane -third as snuc'h as they
should. Some of therm are so thin
that the ]fivers (from which the oil
is taken) are barely distinguishable.
The coldnesa of tile eta, lists killed the
smaller nett on which the cod sub-,
sift. Cod, as well an seals. have
beer living on short rations for a
long time. lluudteds Of cod caught
with z i1ne
sro fou ola v
andt ae been
bitten by hungry seals. A bulletin
recently issued by the Norwegian
Government says: "The condition of
the codfish is woven than ever. They
bane no livers to speak a1. It is
Pow requiring 40.000 Ash to make a
barrel of oil. This is without Par-
allel in the history of our fislrarics."
So fur ea the trade is concerned,
wholesalers are compelled to replete
isle their stock ,on almost any terms
demanded. In one of the London
hospitals devoted to the treatment
of pulmonary diseases the use of
cod-liver oil has been abandoned and
petroleum emulsions substituted, with
satisfactory results.
There isn't anything in the world
more disagroeabfe than a whining
He whines if it is hot. Be whines
if it is cold. He whines at this, he
whines at -that, he whines at every-
thing:. Whine, .whine, whine.
It is just a habit hehas fallen •in-
to. There is nothing the matter
with him. It is just'a .bad 'habit.
The whiner i's generally an idle
person or • a lazy one. What he
needs is 'to be set' to work—at real
hard work, mental or physical. Some
work that will interest bim and, en-
gage his whole attention and he will
not have time to whine.
We know two women. One of
them does her own housework and
takes care of her horse besides. She
is happy and singing all the day
long. The keyboard of her life
sounds no whining note. It is , a
pleasure to be with her a good,.
wholesome' tonic to watch her.
The ,other woman is so situated
that she does not have to work.
Nothing to do but to amuse herself.
She has no zest in life, no interest in
anything, She is' a bunch of tel-�
fishness and whines at everything.
Whining has become so much a habit
with herr, that her casual remands is
tinged with a whine.' She is'miser-
In Vandykc's celebrated picture of
Charles I. in armor•, bothof the
gauntlets are for the right band.
Wilkie painted a horse, without n,
bit, foaming at the mouth. Angelo,
in hie great picture, "The Last
Judgment" .has introduced Charon's
bingos.. Brongheli, the Ditch paint -
or, in a picture of "The Wise Men of
the East" nlaicime their offering to
our Saviour, represents one of there
dressed in a large white surplice,
booted and spurred, offering the
model of a Dutch 74 -gunship. Sir
Joshua Reynolds gave one of his por-
traits two hats. Some absurdities
aro in Westminster Ixall. Sir Cloud-
esley Shovel is dressed in a Roman
cuirass and sandals, but on his.
head is a lull -bottomed wig of the
eighteenth century. The Duke of
Buckingham is arrayed in a costume
of a Roman emperor, while his ducts-
est is in the Court dream of the
George III. period. Paute Inezzoebi,
in his symbolical painting of "The
Four Elements," represents the sea
by fishes, -the earth by moles, fire by
a sabr.mander, and air by a camel.
Evidently he mistook a camel for a
chameleon, which traditionally lives
on air.
The Paris newspaper, Temps, re-
o-solved to send a message round the
world by telegraphy, using tbe An-
glo-French system of transoceanic
cables. The message was sent from
Paris at 1.1 a, m., and consisted of
the two words "Temps, Paris," with
the indication of the route, via
Malta, Aden, Singapore, Brisbane,
Vancouver, and French Atlantic
Cable. As the indication of the
route is not paid for, the cost of the
experiment was only 13e lid. No
.previous explanation or preliminary
notice had been served to the several
companies, but the organization of
the Anglo-French system is so per-
fect that the message arrived a't the
Temps office at 5.30 p. re. The time
'spent had been six' hours for travel=
ing about 40,000 miles.
Agent : "Here, madam, is a book
that will tell you how to manage a
husband:" Woman "But, my dear
lady, what ,I' want is a book that
will tell me how to get one, and 111
Manage him all right."
LAND or TIIE S1 AZutltoOK,
Some Personal and Business Notes
That Will Interest Irish -
Two porpoises have been frighten-
ing the Ash in Dublin Bay, and the
line fishing was ruined for the time
Queen has given the Earl of
Dudley 82,500 for distribution
among the poorest of Dublin and
other parts of Ireland.
Eleven sovereigns and five half
sovereigns tendered to Dublin cab-
men in Mistake for silver coins last
year were given up to the police.
The death has taken place at
Iiichreont Glel3e, Ceunty Tyrone. at
the age of 101 years, of Mrs. Harrel,
mother of Sir David Harrel, K.C,i3.
At a wedding celebrated at Ban-
don, County Cork, the bride's father
and brother ^were the officiating cler-
gymen,while the bridegroom was al -
Acaret irdwstr'r was started a
few years ago in a poor district in
Donegal, and commencing with a
dozen wwonon workers. it has grown
to sneh an extent that it now finds
employment for several hundred peo-
ple. `1'l•e carpets are hand made,
after the Tut -Melt and Persian fash-
ion. in mosaics of small wooden
Lady Londonderry, wb, entertained
the King and Queen sn successfully
Mount Stewart, is one of the
greatest of London hostesses, and
her parties, whether in town or
Country, are always done on the
most lavish scale. ono of tho met
features of the Londonderry House
dinners ening the handing of a gold
disk filled with rose-water to the
Royal guests. Doth Lord and Lady
Londonderry are devoted to their
Irish bonne, and are much thought of
by tbeir tenants. Lady Londonderry'
boats a good deal on the lough near
Mount Stewart, and herself owns a
small yacht called ' :htetuenda," the
first word of tbe family motto.
An effort is to be Matte, says
`"Martntitluke." in the Graphic, to in-
duce the Iling to purchase an estate
in Ireland. The matter has been
suggested to His Majesty before. and
Cher :aro many nrgn cents in favor
of rho proposal. That the late
Queen acquired. Balmoral, :and frc-
qs ntly visited there. undoubtedly'
did met to bring Scotland into fa-
vor with tbe rich, 'Were the Severe -
to have a property in Ireland,
;ted to spend a few weeks in that
country each year. this would direct';
attention to tho beauties of Irish
seenery. and would do much to raise
Fire value of Irish land. As it is
tho 'visit of the Xing has had already
futTtcient influence to double the usu-
al number o1 visitors. end it is said
that many wile generally take their
holiday elsewhere will this year go
to Ireland.
1 •
It is Warty safe to say that the
utast disappointed man in this wide,
wide world is the man wbo expects
to get a letter by a particular post
from Ids girl, and receives insted a
bill from his tailor.
:What wo learnwithpleaeure wo
never forget.
armor Ormto, Onr oriTOLEDO, se,
FRANK J, O}BFNF]Y makes oath
that be is sealer partner of the erre of
k`, J. CBENL'Y A° CO.. doing business
1n the City of Toledo, vaulty and
State aforeeald, anpl that said Ann will
pay the atm 01 CND BUNAlif:11 VOlr
LABS for sash sad every ease of CA.,
TARIM. that carnet be cured by the
lallA29X J. Cai.F.NS11.
Sf'orn to 'before rare and subscribed hi'
itr, this 6th day of December,
A. W. GL2l At:ON.
esiL Naar)/ Pantie.
Haile Catarrh Cure Is taken inter-
nally, and act directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Bend for teettme ials, free.
F. J. OHENI:Y & CO., Toledo, O.
sold by all Druggists. 10*.
Hatl'ir i`amlly Pills are the bast.
Mrs. Blues—"Do you have to treat
your cook as if she were a member
of the family?" Mrs.. Greys—"Good-
ness. nol We been -to be very kind
and polite to her."
A Pill for Generous E atera—There are
'many persons of healthy appetite and poor
digestion who, after a hearty deal are
eabject to meek suffering. ' be Mood et
wick they have partaken lies like lead in
their stomachs, Headache, depression, a
smothering feeling follow. One as al-
tlieted is unfit for business or work of any
Ibid. In then condition Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills will bring relief. They will as-
sist the Ossimilatiot of the ailment, and
used accordfr�g to directions will restore
healthy digestion.
"I tell you. I'll bo master of my
house when I'm a mans" said little
Bennie. "That's what your father
thought when he was your age, Ben-
nir," ;replied the boy's mother.
1 Lail .CURS' i11 COU.
"I suppose," said the impression-
able young girl, "that you didn't
have to - wait long for a husband,
Mrs', Sharpe?" "No," replied.
Sharpe, -"I didn't, but I do now --till
midnight at least, and often long -
itt l the old seaetn
Sat .taa,
to cure
�..n� ; y s►d ' Sciatica
T4 en% Is ten snob ward tam Sall. Price, 25cr anti 6flOc:
,. ,.,:?tin
Slue Ribbon Tea is "hill grown" Ceylon tea.
The best tea because it grows slowly in the cool mountain ail
and obtains all the fragrance and dellcioaness the plant can
extract from a soil rich in these properties.
A nerve -nourishing tea—a sense -pleasing tea .,.valuable for,
brain.warherssolacing and comforting
(QV the
"You don't seem: to bo nt. all :nervi-
ous about going to ask l spa for
me," she said. "Ob. not" ho re'
plied, "I've bad experience hath as
an advertisement canxnsser and life -
insurance agent. This'll be easy."
Lever's Y Z (Wise head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder dusted in the
bath. softens the w~'ater rand disin-
A. brief, who wade tried On a clbargo
of having stolen eight Bibles, valued
tat n0.254
had the impudence. to tell
he rinigistrato that be stole the:
beoi a "to start n Sunday eehoel."
Sko -ticlsme Th00 unha>;rpily an n
of skepticisnb, but there is rine
shi 1apereotw �ualntti vit]tle ar
Jeer a;.reee.-!;aanc y, that lir. 'itemise,
Ecleetr;e oil is a treolicine winch e..0 bit
relied upon to erne a can ,la, remove pain,
heal stores of veraone kitauty, ,marl toilette
nny!Minuted portlou of the betty to afresh
t ',applied,
"Is it true that Piker is financially
embarrassed 2," "He is t+wfully In
debt, but it doesn't wean to embar-
rass hila at all."
They TViolentction.• Sonata
oy^ Aro Notin A
piteous, when they Lisle to clenneo tha
stomach, resort to Spsoru end otherurg-
ative sake. These ore speedy in their no
non, but terve noeremota tgood. ']'heir
toe produces incipient elrltle, anti if per
Meted In they ins re the ,stomach. Nor
dtt they net upon the intestines in a bean
tent w. Perrneiee"s Vegetable Pine
shover a �pnrposes izi this respect, anis
hate uo superior.
"Why do you argue with your
wife?" asked the bachelor. "Don't
you know the futility of It?" "OS
course," replied the married man;
"hut I have to allow her a little
pleasure once in a while."
Why will you allow a cough to lacerate
your throat and lungs and ?MI the risk of
tilling a consumptions grave when. br 1
the timely nee of Bickia's Anti-Gonsump•
five Syrup the pain can be allayed anal the
Ammer a bided. Inds syrnpis I.leasnntto
the elate, and unanr assort ter relieving
hearltngand curing all neections of the
throat acid lungs, colds, coughs, bron
ete., etc.
An American on one of the Clyde
steamers tomo years ago was at-
tracted by the beautiful town of
Largs, at that time so small a, place
that It was not mentioned in his
guide -book.
" :What is the name of that place?"
he aeked a Highland countryman,
one of his fellow passengers.
"Largs," was the answer.
ells it Incorporated ?"
"What are you asking me ?"
"Is it a borough ? Has it magis-
trates ?"
"Largs has a provost and billies,
:Desirous to settle the matter of
the incorporation of Lergs, and be-
ing aware that Scotch civic magis-
trates are invested with golden
chains of office which they usually
wear round their necks, the traveller
put one more question.
"Do the magistrates wear chains?"
he asked.
"Na, sir 1" said ' the Highlander,
indignantly. "Ye must know that
the provost and bailies o' Largs aye
gang loose 1"
Mares .1.1fttme t ' Euless ,
A little bird sat on a telegraph wire
And said to his mates, "1 declare,
If wireless telegraphy comes into
We'll all have. to sit on the air."
Per Over Sizty°Years
Mus. Trisszow'e
sie sorer hie bees used by
mirlone of mothers for J�otlnsbei
d 1t the hut, am ilyepatm
windeoesvatee . -bowetn t
beet remedy for "Distracts. TRentytie dentt•bottle
told bydruggists throughout the wend. Be eve tad
ask for "Aixs.Zwss5Low•e8001'inrse Bylaw.' 23-74
His Pa -"Bobby, I merely punish
you to show my love for you, my
boy." Bobby—"If I was only big-
ger, pa, I'd return your love."
T 0'.
A elector in Msrnttaata wino weal
sent to prison for twenty ono dove
promptly hypnotised himeelf end
went to sleep. Ali efforts to owalc»
en bine Ogled, and by this time be
bras pre uibiy eolopleted bis twenty
one days with little discoulfort to
I Mtearrf s klatmeut DrRS Catdst *I
"" p ai .li
lkl"ass h`lyte, slo y u tl is Aliss
Giggle la laughing at me ?" "X
cant say, Mr. Softy. She antes
laughs at Alxacat arothinta."'
Much distress and sickness in children
is caused by Worms. Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator gives relief by re-
moving the cause. Give it atrial and be
"Diel Rushem leave the country for
good?" "It would seem so; it's
been doi»g pretty well ever since."
.laar� s t.
#ru�et' Carrs O1stei ter
Reveres .ell but, sort or centime Dan►
lint ,emldree Sraw baaeea, recon oat ti�lor
o ■ s #�
s 1~or: ,
ae lt+ , y
a i 1
t ,
to free. me a.a:it itwaaltsrb noose, trutih.7, a^.
arse fila by nos o! ano boils. 1Yatrarzi
rine sao>tN wtroudetfal R1eDtPert oasis oT
"Dignity, arty son, is a very pro-
per sort of thing; but thin' t put on.
too much of it, or you taay be taken
for a footman.'
Nothing leets more rogly than to see a
person whew ls.inaie are covered over with
warts. 'Why have these disstigurements
ou your remote when it stun reamer of all
way's. Turn's. ere., eau be :found iu noire.
way's Corn Cure.
Iligp;clty: "Poor chap 1 Troll
walking on his uppers." .l'lggclty
"Pear, dear 1 Can't twee calf his
solo lois own
1 was Cured of Rheumatic Gout
lit,* 1.1LN•AlUb'S LINIMPNNT.
I was Cured of Acute Bronchitic
Lt. -Col. C. Gli.i\VE MOOD.
I was toured of acute Rheumatism
M'arkltazn, Ont.
Says a Wild Western journal:
"Burglars entered our home night
before last. '1'o the everlasting
shame of the conununity, for whose
welfare we have labored during eight-
and: twenty years, be It said they,
got nothing."
l�Iles Everywhere
In your food—in your bedroom—
making life miserable.
Fly Pads
will clear your house of flies in a
few hours.
gNrca a orlitegeN
dtllielter" s
Canada, kb BuLua-ab
OMINgaMallallMitaalaREyg edrlos�
Ws err getting tint, Mho! them. When o
�t�Q�r truss- win ho 4 .them they ns le
"'Whet neeet•wphgld:" 'The best Lime cheer
T°het:sour plant.,5hsWnette.'pad'Tsas. St. $e
the • Stye .1 lite wo��rt,d ether so IMO wit iwh
slay nRIP
wort heel. You r 15. irsot tolt r,L50 U van t ihfrs t
Troy • 1V/ you we r F q arae oul fester
2nd a yiil' A1vO Txvss it t 0. fir., tetna
es ,si 38,.d e
And Farm Pro.
duce genera ",
consign it to it
an we will g+P1
you good prioesil
Dawson 0o mission Da,
1316 TO '.CDW'tCI_ 1tt9lY� .
1V U
ISSUE NO, 37-0