HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-17, Page 1SaTEENTII YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 1903„ ERS ' CBBEO Prop's The SOVEREIGN BANK uf Canada Read 43110e---TorlON;f0, Ete^utive e :`wnatEAT., Special Attention to Vartnersliusmess We wisk; to direet"the attention of fucnrcrs to the eseeptionol advantages offered by or SIlvinzs Ennis IDOPartinc14. No May in depositiog or withdrawing fools. Brandies la ninon County at---- xeter. Crediton, Dashwood. Zurich lien - aid' and C/inton. F. E. Kant, Manage.; r.oaor Diantb I -Yi xe MC 1.1.1 UZ 0 't Zile" wine5s 10 per cent. ()frau• Ma's and Boys' Matting. A big shave If km, ote,tipinAtifas 11143144 ta 1;ite 29 per vent. r•.:-• thou real - War palates. This means on lour 1)14's WE* win girt* ytnt ra'g. altar :1:,12.:74 'Init.:for.: te44 *u lib go -ereziely hoirewort",for :ti',1./slY,' i3I iLy:t1.111a4 13,11, -Ing 14 alligtit their pockets; 1 411kte41 oat wjitil ictaIN 11 laga,r,artf4"'',1 ' 1.-Htjtil.a,r'l L. t not phare. 84,0; SKIN for *.$4,129; for $7.54I $3.419 foe SW); tie* 1748110"' tfatta ' tari CM have lO taw melt. taken off 0411' preSent prices for you, 10 per cent off u11 Boots and Shoes =Fair Days. Thaw tootle oto hktugatt for cash antl nre morked at cash priecs. veld Zbir woo Off the !ed. !lakes we wig give yon Stirnight 10 per cent. Onir httettki and r, .,..i.te , EXETER GRIST ELL ... J. Dryadzile 4i,11C1 daughter, ' Old Huron's , ims4 Annual, 3u,* 1,4nra Horner ar4 'Miss Serail Troyer, ;Wended the To pritolf ! ronto Exhibitieo hist week.--. Fall ap-1 plo Oi(Aing haa limn% Tihcrop is • , 1 I t 1 AlthY a fair one Inti. prie,s are good,- E Roma. catholic SErntrate School No. , L Stailley. is in coucae of construction. ETER 0 rt is to be a bola with basement ein- dee-----The t; 11-tiat.s of our school have I again eizgewal Miss Bella Thompson, Sone of a Live Lulu n(tergoine repoirs, makto it one of the 'Moat no -to -date Mille in illentOrti entairlo. EPT CDS 13 2 of' al3lake, as teaaher for next. year. PriZe List and informrition can lie -,evon ed Floso:e Slanimory, the „ presept tear": •r, retiree at the end of 40A111 47:40501-4 Preskieut The se-zsn s now upon us which the year.- ..1r. John Brissou has arouses renewed interest in that par- proved the ro-;Frar.ie'rif bis.hritel pro- — tienlar class of aurnintienering which, perty by ift? EL'arit Tile bending comes 11-3131e nearc St to the treer tO tookR uke 1.3.tv reileeterninni credit agricolterraliats. the finial hand/hie- of, on the proprieOr trloo did the 33xtiStie the grain tirat has so rainitaantir re- wort., warded the farmer this suaaan for his irt inn% ik•Catire it its shipped 8W1.y in the m door liana tie:U*1W Ilatallni". :4, 'a. 11:sik to the , 11 „a1:14:417,1)1,141.777-1IelP forof *natal' tql pI rint of ra PI,' Ng , I aftet.$,. Clalt-t PO.tc.', of erlo-e• E't ten+ ::;•,ra4:t .N1(1,-1 za% 1 tt11 fhoaar mitts her, . a.... ir,,3.!T; 4"" ittrit4 trttliranY /0) tlt,.." A iblV11;.`Virt; :11 this 4 ,iiinytitre in the canira-e of tie oaoreo ihnorei. t. alwer lO wlio leas of lag t be votive: s eetries thiti 111' ta1a- t:aa' O't " 3311'W t°1v.,.n "la vieinitY 1)00:Hotly le•fore ;ts tir ••,4, • ;tit 111 lU 1le, *1 (1 may 1131 if r.r 1.33713e. , • 711R 1:4-titi';* 11 the flistittltion lir 41311-:4 uflnre,efiln W1111 " 1• ;1 .6 '41111,411".44 3.•::11"1 Mora' iivcdy eceri art thA•3 iCvivit•31. 1-531311,0*. i3•••,0; 38 83y z 11' , ticejKiy ,st ;0.14 krEptpt, 31L t161,11, tin:It-di al irt1P/31r f•st 14h:ei - gr. 1:3117eIrt„e's".1?" !I4t1;•,r2.11341;ti:esiEe i421141141;:" ticavy !clads 1.; glen. atm took; I.1 ; ai°1 1 &Thi-. rootlet: - their Irletione leiralen tnthi• revel). 1ifoli Wit% t ;013111eheri _ .T.P11EN flU °sfloriiTy he Seeretory, A- DYER Exeter sales and OTTM iv von wU ;;pfi that OLT 014 hUs , We, :,11e y al .4.;•41-84 4 gr,301 3elioW In this, os inast all other bronehes as V:F44. E431 -,t. indnotrr. Iry solOstent liiiiirog I MAK% Mill ",nts7i r,xti ,-,;(141 Zt host continatany. elorgarte 41111 With the t fzionita...101 WI 11:01 10 NiltisoN ealtritot he beaten fin tOm ado for weer. %WHO. style or tit„ The mekers W ft411arla egiCa inns bet the people Myth Z14 11:1. trnatoorthy Conr,ta If. Metal, tnevia Weation Coo Toronto; eheteau,(Oliel efoWnoame, 1,11411npati141; Uca &u84,41aa ("co„„ Hart Wen; laid (Oen nettzets. DC Y YOr Ifths t JON' DAY AND SAVE minx. Reracauber you can buy tile Ally lAtest in Dress Goolls this one of our specialties. Lot. -1• of bargains Culokls on lair Days, POPLiESTONE & OF1/3DI4ER, Oue dour north a Post o the Owe's 14 Inta,,png 41.qpir kas Wink .14.111Alit 13014 '11a an moral+, tatizen. redzielit 1'4 s 1 nitetir. Wt. w)sk amar saairizt ies:d illkhols :Venom Harvey ilitrasatt'' thor,311grh1y Snee,,,s4. X21. 1. lta-trell Imo wane to" mwa4e Iko their liusinese interests tand Myth to bits him tolee Oalta11. ttailizahaet the 1811I118*of keeping Heyreilde 11 1t41 hie form tillut, Paco with the tithis. for aoine weeks g 11 Th1#11 1MI.M R* 4i}. now DreSS the Mal hAS 1111.en gala, 41118.8 (UV 1 0. puteniasen 9ianivkil nteVi 314411 WI Credit011 penis and for the adtlititai of those mud- 41e ard tr..lre1's ion of Ilay tool %sill ern maehines, whieh coalition:Mu move thete obatot the let of Nu:vend:or. Rev. Samuel La'**n. of eat .1. Mitilvo 381 ,T3T11, a. DON"T FORGET we make a sper-ialty Spectacle FittinL. FITTON. OPPLEY, NOYES 4: RANDALL'S Reatlyattew tsar (quilting for Men and rin f tnriBY Wtt LOAN. We bass, arithnitcall privato fun,' for In - 1141I Great cr. yilingu )roportY, f'.117.1,33t raft u et interest 111eR903's fri; f"AntaNn, .131arriators.oto., Rector., 11,/tiNEY 'At LOAN rrhmo Iambi to 11,13: at 1.3we"..Ir1t ltiotereq, Mud!, to "r*E-V 1t,l4l ZENeer / INfir TO WAN. Wo have alar,te amount privato falnits 103n tirsu nrid %Map praperiss At NW ran a inter. 411.ADMAN;',3STANEVILY, a.. Forum tha 1?42t241 TO RENT. tOrltenvat In the 'tinily of Exeter. (1004 frame bouse and two barns ou the pronise% alSD41good or- chard :rid a good eupply of water All Abe )ear round. Immediate pausettsion gien for fall work. For fur. titer partisulans applv tO Rexll., Ilv P. 0. CEDAR POSTS POlt SALE. The undersigned has' a large number of first-class redar posts for sale at ti cents each. Thema frosts were grown on a rocky island thus making them much moreyaluable and lasting than the ordinary mast. Josern BRINNXI, ale Grand fluid. pto STRAYED. There straYed Duna the premises& the Undersign. ed, Lot 1,1, Com 6, Stephen, on or about Aug. 196, an aged sow -white. Any mean giving information that Win hati to her movers will be suitably re. warded by addressing, Ilenry Crediton, ARM FOR soma The undersigned is offering for sale hie desireable • 100 acre /arm rn the Township of Stephen, being Lot 7, Con. 0, three-quarters of a mile south of Crediton, There are on the premises a good brick dwelling, bank barn, two implementsheds, about 10 acres of good hardwood bush, and 0 acres of orchard. The farm is well enced and drained. Thi* is one of the best farms in Stephen toWnship and will be sold reasonably with easy terms. Possession given to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to MICHAEL HERTZEL, 01 Crediton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale on easy terms that desirable 100 erre farm situated in the Township of Stephen, being Lot 17, Con. farm 1* The faris .all cleared, well under drained with tile, and is well watered; conveniently situated to school,and is about three miles from the village of Dashwood. There are on the premises a good frame dwellin,„,,, first-class bank barn, driving -shed, straw shed, iv good. young orchard and other eonvenienees. The land' is in a first-class state of cultivation -in fact it Is one of the best farms in the townshils. Purchaser can havehis own time in making payment. For further particu- lars apply to the- underaigned. ' John Schroeder, Dashwood,,Ont. Notice to -Creditors. , In the matter of the Eitate of Tobias Fahner,' late of the Township of -Stephen, in the County of Hakim - Gen tleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Revis- ed Statutes of °aerie, 1807, chapter 12q, that all creditors anti others having claims against *lie estate of the•said Tobias Rohner, who died on or about the First day of June, A. D. awn, are requiredon or be- fore the First day of November, A. 11 1003, to send bypost, prepaid, or deliver to Henry Hilber and ‘Charles Brown, Crediton 1'. 0., Ont., the Executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securitie% if any, held by -them. And further take notice, that after snail last men- tioned' date the said executors will proceed to did - tribute the assets of the deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, .having regard only to the claims of whieh,they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be'liable for the said assets, or any partthereof to any person'oi persona of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribrition, „ . , }IRbTIY RILBER, CHARLES BROWN Dickson* Carling, Solicitors for Executors of the Jest will and testament of the said 'robins Palmer deceased. • : • Datedthe 15t1) day of September, 1903. ma REVISION STEPHEN oa 7o ishrzeloy14“ will ire Itch smut to Tho Ontario kdi 1 bt Act. by Ifi mous the Judge elate County 0-1the t'outt °Maw, at Ore la Town Hall, Crediton, on Thursday, October 1st,nA ---- wood each year, thus enlarging the vith the previoriely well -equip I* We Aden:and 31r. 'Meek intende to has beers 1, Width.... foends ha the village et. get tat Maki. 3 MOM Ha. . I MOP tO 1- :';• t11 regthv. Ilia* pa.t wee%.- Mrs Kt eg. of Citeslev. ler the ri killful managetneut of al IN J. ‘ -.op- spent SillitiolV OW RHI•SI, of Mr. and iloint.s, millwright of Wnodstork, the 311-e. Oottlieft Rrown.-Me. Daniel tte... work has heen vompleted anti the re.. Zurich titeleher and Mise 'Jule Oestreicher suit is that Messt v. IlitinTY B1,09. now ;VI:. .\1.'. *u.. Sro, ints had ido Week A are visiting hoe. and Mrs.J.A.s-quantt have one of the trest trq &mod skm] Illtslyin41111141, illat It IS 110W Ilutleh 101- int St. Jaeolli.- Mr. fienlette Mantle hoe nioet modern mills in the promo... In . L_., proved in appearanee.-3tr. ..enuetunk-, moved into hie new d*velling.---31r. addition to the many otlpe improve. er andfauttly kft iln Toesdv for their; Henry Sweitzer has reeeived a carload ments a now tomer and a most modern , future Otto. of business. On Wednes, ;of coal to be used to ron the maebinery chopper have been installed Mid BOW day evening Of last week. a number of lot' his grist mill. -311.. Christian FlImer .verything is in shipethare. frier ' - ethered 'd their home and en. if left for Manitoba en Tuesday with a „. . , . . . .. . The brand of none, the ont-put of ,.lte;,t.-ii themselves in tipping the light view of taking up land if he rin1 find this mill.has long been making a mark " fontaso. - Nte till a late hour When ail grantable property. -Miss Mabel (lowly, for itself In the Dominion, and also departed wishing Mr. and Mr.,. Shoe. , of Datrott, ie spending her bolida • Enropean markets, and the establish. maker every happiness in tb'eir new I with her parents Mr. and MM. 0.. . nient is a. great benefit to the town and bootee -31r. and Mrs. M. Zeller have ," Hinter...eft. large nomber from here surrounding country generally. 'The both been quite ill, but we are pleased , took in the London Fair this week, mill constimes a large quantity of to be able to state that they are rapid- , Our liveryman, 31r, Ct, Wolfe, had ly recovering. ---Quite a number from i special basses on the route for the ac - here are attending London Fair this ; commodation of pa5sengers.-31r. W. week. ---4.1.t. the Lawn Fete and Creaut i Fri tZ has bought .a handsome horse social held on Tuesday week 311s. Rau i and. mikado. --Miss Clara Haist i • At 10 o'clock a. m. To hear and determine the several emnplairds of CITOIlliarttl omissions in tile Voters' List of the mull. lelpality of tire townyhip of Stephen for 1933. Ail persons having business at the court are requir- ed to attcuil at the said time andplare. IL EILI1E11, Clerk et Stephei Dated, Sept. Oth, 1003. 3refin1ivr ay Walter Varley has purchased a oew driver,. -Miss Dickson, of Brinsley, bas returned from her week's visit to Toronto. -3. Dorman, 7th con., is still tillable to use MS sore hand„ -Mr. and 3Rss Rigney, have returned to Port Eturon, after a "pleasant visit here with their aunt, Miss Mary McNaugh- ton. -Quite a number from this town. shm are spending the week at London Exhibition. -J. G. Gilbert, 8th con., left on Monday for London, where he will attend the Medical School. --Isaac Dorman, son of Mr. J. Dorman, 7111 con., left Saturday to attend the Wood- stock Baptist College. -Miss Moore, of turned frorn a, three months' trip to elevators. Meanwhile the grain rails market for t. class of wood that is not suitable for domestic pueposee. When running to its full capacity they 'will require about 900 bushels doily et. a to- tal for the year of about 281,700 bushels, A large amount of course groin is also purchased and in g•rinding up such quantities of wheat the lion is able to supply large local trade witlt bran and tuber mill osrm, whieh is an ad- vantage to them as well as to the farm- ing community. It hardly seems ne- cessary to refer in detail to the inner life of the mill. From the time_of en- tering the scene of activity hupresses itself upon the mind. .A.ctive, cheer- ful and intelligent operatives are in charge awl on every hand an air of er- nest endeavor on the part of all hands to forward the interests of the estab- lishment and to oblige the public. reigns supreme. The grain isreceived upon a scale of the most approved pat- tern and after being classified it sinks out of sight, only, 'however, to be hur- ried off by the endless carriers to its Winnipeg Man who has ust re- own partioubir corner in the spacious Scotland, is the guestof her aunt, grs. on front the elevator into the mill pro - R. Tweddle, • 7th. con. -The World's Per and passes through several clean - Fair, at West McGillivray, on Oct. o mg machines, thence into the rolls, promises to he up its usual high stand- getting a lively move on from first to last through breakers and monberless purifiers. Then entering the new six - sectioned controllable swing sifter it next passes into the also new Diaver Scroll machine for finishing, and final- ly, bearing noonarks which may have started with iton its mad career, it pours forth in a stream of clear, white and bee utifulflour of ireeproaeli able quality and finds a lodgement in barrels which are then shipped off to near. or. distant markets. An important branch of the business is the extensive gnisting and chopping operatiops.carried on there. In this department the firm excels, and to this branch they ;desire to call the attention of the farming commun- ity in this section, the residents Of which can rely upon prompt', courteous and liberal dealings in this respect. This reference -to the Exeter Flour- ing.Mills suffices to give a general view of its operations andto call the atten- tion of the ADVOCATE %peados to .the fact of its existence, andof the. inten- tion of its worthy proprietors.. o ard. A grand concert will be given in the town hall on the evening of show day. Ansa Craig John McNeil has again engeged with S. Gillies & Sons as head sawyer. - Miss Fletcher, of Glencoe, arrived in town last week and has charge of 11 Cobbledick's millinery department. Miis Maud Dorman, daughter of coun- cillor D. Denman, of McGillivray, has accepted a position as clerk in S. 'H. McKey's store. -A few clays ago as Delmer, youngest son of A. J. Clark, wasplaying nn a pile of the old 'limber at the side of Morgan's grocery, he slip- pedand fell OH a rusty nail which en- tered his cheek, inflicting a nasty wound which bled profusely. -Another change has taken place in the firm of Hay & Co., millers, of this village. Mr. McOahill, of Forest, who has been a merober of -the firm since last year, has retired, leaving W. 0. Hay and Wm. Easton sole • proprietors. -Mr. John Glenn is recovering from the ef- fects of his recent accident. -Mrs. Toole still ern -abides very ill. We hope for her speedy recovery. --Mr.. E. Nablo is on a • visit to his brother At Fort. Wayne, Ind. , KILLED IN Dsguorr.-The Detroit Journal of 'Friday contains the follow- ing sad Oarticulors of the death of a former well-known ything man of this McGillivray, Council , Council Ilia pursuant to adjouru ment in Town -Hall, McGillivray. Sept. 7. Present, M.111illet, reeve; D. Dor- than, A. H. Hodgins, J. McGregor and W. Mavvson, councillors. Minutes of lest meeting read, approved of and signed. Hodgi n s-Dorni an - th a t By- Law,No. 7, of 1903; levying the several rates on the assessed property of this plece:--"john Smith, aged 40, a Michi- gan Central fireman,- was struck by' an township, vizi, Two and five -tenth mills for township purposes, one .and eight - engine while at work at tlie Bay 0it3i tenth mills for county purposes, and Junction at an early hour this morn- one and three -tenth mills for general ing"and severely hurt. He was hmught grants from supporters , of public into the Michigan depot at 7.20 and Beyd'sambulance took hint to the Semi- schools, all on the clollareis read a first rthd.second-time be,no tv read a third tarinni. He died of his iniaries and of time and passed.-COrtiol. -Dorman-- shock at about 8 o'clock. Smith was Htidgins---that accounts, amounting probably standing on the track and to.$42103a,- ao paid. okaawson did not know the train was approach- ima That .coonaii adjourn to meet in ing until it,loomed out of the fog and the Town Hall, the first Monday. in rushed upon him. • Smith lived at• 851 Campbell ayenue, and was unmarried." October at -One o'citlek- P`111, -Carried. • • INTM. A.SER Clerk held the lucky number winch drew toe bag of floor, aud Mr. Leo Foster cap- tured the pet lamb. Sverything was satisfactory and go0(1 time was bad by all present. The proceeds amount- ed. to About $100. .114nmen.----The Lutheran parsonege was the scene of an interesting event on Monday evening, Sept. 7th, when Mr. Frederick Demuth and Mrs. John Schafer were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. E. Schnelke. Mr. and Mrs. Demuth are both well-known residents of Zurich and their many friends wish them a prosperous journey through life. DIED DETROIT. -•Our -many read- ers will learn with extreme regret of the demise of Mrs. Anthon Valentine, mother of Father Valentine, who for a number of years had been the be- loved pastor of St. Boniface Catholic congregation of this town. Mrs. Val- entiue at the time of her death resided with her husband at 330 Holcomb Ave., Detroit, both being up to about six months ago, much respected residents of Zurich. The deceased lady had been ailing more or less while here, and her death as above stated, which took place on Friday. Sept 4th, was no doubt the result of the malady from which she was then suffering. Much sympathy is expressed for her aged Robert Buchanan, 13.A., one of our partner in life, as well as for the fam- Hensel'. boys who has graduated at ily, more particularly for her son, Auburn Theological Seminary is home Father Valentine, who is 'Still in St. on a visit. Ile occupied the pulpit in Joseph's Hospital, London. We are the Carmel church on Sunday preach - pleased to note in connection with this ;rig very interesting sermons. -Mr. T. sad announcement that tlaeReV. Fath- Murdock disposed of his horse, King er is improving 'rapidly in health and Stauton, last week to a couple of will soon be able to leave the Hospital horse fanciers from near Lucknow.- where he baehlaw spent upwards of a Mr. Geo. Trott and his able assistant, Walter Lancaster, have moved their year. (From Another Source) . portable pheto gallery to Thedford, Oa L. Shoemaker, late proprietor of where they will spend a month. -Mrs. the Dozninion HOuse here, moved to McLean, who has been residing in Sea - Parkhill Tuesday. • He and his family forth for a time, intends returning to take possession of the Powell House 'Hensel' shortly. Her daughter; Miss there this week, -Miss Tena Hartung Mabel, of Winnipeg, Man., is home on. is visiting in St.. Thorims..--Bills are a visit. -Rev. C. A. Gunne, of Clinton, out announcing a grand concert Fair will preach Harvest Thanksgiving see - night. -Chas. Carlo, of Exeter, called mont, in St. Paul's church, ohnohSausnbcteyn, on friends in toWn Sunday. -Mies Oct. -Mo Bert Fowler, Nora 0reb left last Friday morning to carry% -g on a merchant tailoring busi- visitin Milverton. While there she ness in our village .for the past year will Akita& as bridesmaid at her cells- has purchased Mr. J. P. Wells' stock wedding. -Mrs. Plant (nee Miss of hats and caps and moved into Mr. Katie Liphardt) of Detroit, and Miss Wells' old. stand the beginning of the Ma' Coo, of Hensel% visited their week., Mr. Fowler is a first class cut - aunt, Mrs. Fred Rummel Over Sunday. ter and Merchant tailor, and since en- -T. B. Kelly is spending a couple of tering lonsiness in Hensel', has worked weeks 'at Stouffville visiting his moth- up a large trade, which he is justly er and sister. On his return he will proud off. take in London Fair. -The milliners have -returned to town. Miss Ross, of St: Marys, is taking charge of J. E. Kirkt" Merner's shop; Miss Gibson, of Blyth, Womoro.-A quiet but very pretty at D. S. Faust's and Miss Handford, of wedding was solemnized at the home Centralia, comes back to J. Preeter's. of Mrs. Kirk, on Tuesday,. Sept. 8th, -Among those who are taking in Lon- when her daughter, Miss • Christena, don Fair this week are the Misses Eth- became the happy bride of Mr. George el Williams and Lovina Deichert and Rutherford; of Kirkton. At 11 o'clock S. E. Faust. -Geo. Campbell; of Slab,- a.m. as old Sol danced with joy, at town, Was in town ModdaY evening.- beho'ldiug the fair and lovely bride, Miss ClardBochanan left on Tuesday, she stepped forth, draped in a hand - morning for Toronto. -J. Itickbeih C. sorne costume of cream silk and trim- Hartleib and Sol. Hardy left Tuesday ea with applique, and took her place nig It for Al ert beside the groom. The officiating min - learning the dress -making with the Sliases YUttrig and Tieniam-Our Trus• tees have had the sidewalk ou the north side of main street torn up ready for the laying of the 'concrete walks. They lotee also passed a by- law probibiting horses and cattle to run at "Iwo within the village under a penalty of it Inc and impounding of the stock. BIRTHDAY Parerr.-The family of Mr. G. Eilber met at his residence last Tuesday evening in honor of his 80th birthday, A nicely worded ad- dress was read after which he was pre- sented with a beautiful gold watch. Mr. Eilber was taken coinpletely by stwerise and made a touching reply. He is still bale and hearty and is a great deal more active in out door work than many who are years young- er. He informed your correspondent that he remembered his great grand- father who lived until the age of 105; his grandfather died at 99 years and his father lived to 81 From present indications prospects are bright that Mr. Eilber will reach the average of his forefathers. We extend congratu- lations and trust Mr. Eilber will enjoy good health for many years to come. Heusall iater low,. ion, of Than:sea It., id, who til 4 the nuptial lancein hie steal happy 110311114.4% g„iatth` 3135•1 Alma ,t.tdioulse.m.itiora -mt^et llowergirl.le.- ing velar 4in o8 gendio. t rimmed with ,,ileacientieN T We,: wati spread 1*11 t120.' LIAM where the wethlingainner '36 sprveil to the immediate friends and relatives of the brido altd groont. Dinner ever. the hid *donned a hand- some travelling suit of lot tem. tun_ •itotit trintintal whit laohl,attal with the gloom was driven to 'Mitchell, wlui.. they took the afternoon train for Tt tido to:Tend t heir honey ntoon. Tin., bride is one of one portlier 'Negev latliee and to gaze at the magnificent may of pwsents, it, waq evident she unaltered her friends as many. The gloom is also au exemplary young man and highly esteemed and their many friends Join inwishing them a life of peave anti bimpita.69. Stanley Wm. Baird loft a. few days ago to take np work in the Teehnicol School in Toronto, where be has securedit po- sition, -Ree. E. C. Searle, wife and daughtee, of t %inn, are visiting friends in and around here. They are return- ed missionaries and are home ou an extended visit of eighteen months. We are pleased to see 31r. Nelson Keys out taking a constitutional drive, af- ter a confinement of two months in the house with a broken leg. PRETTY WEDDING. -One of tbose pleasing events which always creates a flutter of excitement among the fair sex, took place at the commodious dwelling of Mr. Chas. Johnstone on Wednesday. Sept. 2nd, when his niece, Miss Jane Yohnstone, became the hap- py bride of 31r. Charles McKinnon. At high noon the bride and groom en- tered the parlor and took their places under a beautifully decorated arch, where the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr, Snell, of Bayfield, assist- ed by Rev. E. O. Searle, of China, (un- cle of the bride.) The bride was grace- fully cowned in white organdie and carried a beautiful bouquet of white asters. She was assisted. by Miss Isa Johnstone, of Lucknow, who was handsomely attired in cream brillian- tene, and presented a striking appear- ance. The groom was ably supported by his brother, Mr. McKinnon, of Owen Sound. Immediately after the ceremony was performed and the hap- py couple heartily congratulated all repaired to the dining room where a bountiful repast was served. Gowned in a beautiful costuine of nave blue, the bride left with her husband amid showers of rice, on a honeymoon trip to Toronto. On their return they will reside 3m Lucknow. The esteem in which thebrideis held was manifested by the numerous presents which was bestowed upon her. Lucknow gets one of Stanley's fairest daughters, • and we coinrnepd her to the town in which she has 'cast her lot.- They take with them Stanley's •best: wishes for a life of,happiness together. BIRTHS. ANDREW -At Zion--* ITSbOrne--on the Sept. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew, a daughter. - Coox.-In Hensel], on Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Conley Cook, a- darighter, Hanny-At 'West MeGillivray, on Sept .6, to Mrand' Mrs. John Hardy, asoo MARRIAGES. RTITHERFoRD---KIRI_C-In KirktOn, on Sept. 8, by Rev. Mr. Fletcher Mr. Geo. L. Rutherford, to Miss Chris- tine Kirk, both of Kirlaton. Inortnie--MAHAYPY-In flibbert, on Sept. 9, at the residence of the beide's parents, by Rev. John Henderson, Mr. Ron*. Norris, of Seattle, Wash., to Miss Mary, daughter of Mt. John Mahaffey, SMART-- WATSON -In the Church of the Sacred Heart, Parkhill, by Rev. D. A. McRae, on Sept. 9, Ho Smart, of Hamilton, to Miss Mary Jane Watson, of Parkhill.