HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-10, Page 5TIE, Oz t'o t t Ficins,:ed every Thursday 'Morning At the (Mee. Af IN STAHHT, -- EXETER;. At1YQ0.ATE, P4tet, IS:UNG QOMPANY TRS OF SUBSCRIPTION. one latllae ecce, aaataatra if frau, In advance, at,Sp if net se paid. leireeteneee eneee No aver discontinued until all arreareaesarepaid. maeatatatenta cw IIra^r a, e : at e l darcrele es tval be p A "at bel matt tl fora d era l esti ., ea er a araadany l a tabard: r : thioates made de for trams arae adverb enta-iat:s 5ca xr* alt a 9 ca pa i sl &sap "d< sr ra:tura m Jolt M d'w ca ,u r `.2 Cara] a eau, to t"b• flee t t ee awl lf w t tapsrder.x.,:t rates. 0..'e yea aa.mcw orders, sa far a•da er:..a.,;, .etc , x p4-av a$, ete.. to tae t.eade g aretbiie Sanders s a . Cx. eec it, feta 7i)lwlE74. iS eeress Quite Cards. IIl Tal w* lad A MS.,aHPfi, In BINS, �'.a, 1p ,aaa, $ie•�1r ;;ratfate 431. Agers Ayer's Cherry Pectora1 gesiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub - Ch erry Fectoral dotes inflammation. It Ile &1S . strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. a -We Kaye used Ayer's Cherry p'creterxl Mn ear family ,for °S years for threat 444 luaF tree,,"ea, egad the Omsk eye medietaaedu5tatt.," afro. A, roultaala Appleton. also.. e'7«j ,£, 1• „ry'$.- J. g,". ,AT$ti ('7ca., d,r Posts rti 14o�reSt ,ias9. hroats 3I TISTS, Ayer's 1a'llls greeted), ald recoiiery. rot a extra " $ warty -an Ataw drgBua ora .s Ir d cue =ts t'ear+aly Yee *ab , v . Ofl efa l":a_..._as Bin-, core.. e:de fiMaat street, `reoteiy faxen o —THE— r rffrit1t, ln, Atears ta`;Iwt<;ltsox DENTIST ilaaar .rataate arra:vitaei rakeri11And la -e -al t`altree at itcatal S era + as mi °Mario. Alia Past Grat.vateeitl,a aQri a epaulette taataaer* (ertii re. agar e a entienJ llana§sou G?4 avd w;abauite rotes made inthe neaxe t Var,nra_r lto._3Me, A perforela,' haricale5e 'am. aestlietle trsal for painleaseatraetien of teeth. (1!=,7ee. Ave deurae:ath of Carcina liras store, Etaeivr. 31e Meal i 11w a .: P. elel crucial-":, eteMen net»' TIM I College at V ; las 444i+ ra M'la,o raw), t;urreu and 4eaaa' teaar• Mee. Welt tree*,,. O aa, ka vlara A w4 at a 0.71 a and lekAdera'e sm r us Ave..+r... lkr al m tr t• +`r' ,al a+tenneu d,=_,:asesuiwrcnea- 012,rehoarv. 11.5-0 to 3. It sago:A R ettencia i �ni lie I' `e '4nenee, 4 ^i + a. r?- tar ll" .a0zataT, w!at't),4 A tTA +c• S114tri4.l, ceeesee. 9 ,a•. 1. 91, Mneeiere llfr afi newton, efinerilB,U Capital Paid Up Itest 6,000,000 - =,700,000. CALLED. TO ARMS. Turkey is Preparing for War With Bulgaria. Constantinople, Sept. 8.—War be- tween Turkey and Bulgaria is still re- gerded here as inevitable. It is be- lieved the outbreak will occur before the end of September, when reinforce- ments will have been concentrated in Macedonia. It is not thought that there will be any formal declaration of war, but that some frontier incident will precipitate hostilities, The Bulgarians and Macedonians in Constantinople are in r to f terror o in:3s s acre. ,�, large tuber of them were arrested a few a days ago as a ");preventive measure," and t ey here not 3,. been released. . The ,.., �lt f .r of ea a tnaas .ac, a i- b, . �. a, prolra ly e aggerated, although, in view of the present excited store of Mussultuan feeling, e.n insigacticent incident mi ht perhaps lead top a massacre. Seionica, European Turkey, Sept. 8. k --The latest orlea received from the Turkish Gow:ernirent are regarded here a'e. a Sure indieati oa that the Porte en- tertains serious eppeelieneicons of veer. Sixteen battalions of lwlaistahfez, or second reserves. laav a been called to arms iii Sadonica, Vskuli, and Monas- tir districts, and the artillery and ewe airy reserves of the Adrianople and Smyrna div feigns have als° been mobilized. In the vilayea of t(onastir the ris- itng hue been ruthle sly suppressed, the Tmita having burned many villages and ca mmitted grave excesses. LUST BOTH LEGS, ai re Wakervilde Greer Newek ed Do aeateal i aa ; s l imps trees i^l a cntrot a at •llaetin1 Detroit Car. 3 c'_d• ilrg. Dtr" Sept a—Ite.nie Bastien, e r,eeLiter, fa.lot agarlai.le is ti,. -a, ,?� r•,ra r'ol other t.rcr,gra e,. in".ries, grocer of br elLterw'ille, is now at $ iia tlb e i :�•t� e,f d rca4Sa na -a:,l t3 ar..G4Bters in au leo, weed,;k>ar}t'& Hospital, ]Retrofit, in a very ;t6 4a t b,*U taeNa wt, 6laz.la t:, Haaal,a,:•ase. 1 rw>et,cbts7a6:'Is:' R ITON) ONT. Yr. S. t"II_IIl1t).i\{ll, ato ttuettrtitl'ors Waaaltalleat, lacaaal aratteaerr t :-AGaa4ui ¢i Paula nil a far t4.e a a z ness� t at lel ta' t`a4e•a lir crib n i ,t tT a i cervi rt.kz.:4a9alr, k;ante ztrratranert .:03lke I The Molsons Bans r Qpeertsreilleg India:meet, leee1 Iner:Ldill r, Nemo se Paid up ... ..$2,7,00,000 Ileaerve Fimil•..............'.250,000.. .TAS. Et.LIoTT, Ct:rl,i::tz. leo theft. ---- rXFault BR;tN(Ir_..—a .)fa; -e haling—It) am, to 3 pan; Sal,trta ave 30 st.tai t p 3 pate, Agefloral Irt:nkiug busdnesstrans:.tctecl Marley a is u . al to awal Farmers at toaw ee'. rata Raw,ng:t Ranh hepatise Imre $1 ea 1 upwarris nrch`•' ed. Intrwat elle vt1 at ltigla-s¢eurrent rates. ItrcRwOs rtt`arlt��, N. D. fitseckv, e1i�it�r+. 11anager. Bicycles 1 We are still In the Bicycle trade and this yea eshow some fine blaetri- miens. The CUSHION FRAME M ice the Ideas wheel to title• Prices mod- erate. New Pianos t Several New Pianos just put in stool: ; newest styles and the best shakes. It will pay you to see them. Yon will be surprised at the LOW PRICES at which we sell them, Organs of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines 8cc. 'We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines—the hest machines that the trade produces are on our floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma- chines, always on hands reenert2 after Iialloonfein', Pane A 4a . ft. ansa lleeri de b Vauole lovas n aatla e Acral, olt a -refit In the Acrit t"lnia Ni.w. front St. Cloud, end landed eaafely at Olpat% near Geldll andett, 1laeee. having vevered 075 Idlentetree ill laillelei'la bouts. This ie the, a rlei rue. cord .tor IOW"". A snag levo knows lila friends un- til that "touching"' period of adversity: bail arrived. It'll ft wlsv speculator that known his own broker. In the "show" of "Vanity Fair" the wonwtitt who tbinka should b• given. the "blue" for "performance only"-- "conforimtlon and style" dont count La be clam. Facial message is a popular treat- ment for wrinkles. 1' know a better--• contentment The "summer girl," like some ex travaganzna, is not always gold ba• cause she glitter& Flirtation is to love what a preface is to a novel. Verily a kiss through a veil is like onto champagne through a straw. Bo who fndoth .an. American wife tindeth a good thing yea, and a coat• 37. 1 Courtship may be termed a beau knot that marriage pulls into a hard l Isnot, and, oce.asiltonally, a very hard knot. "1'iliemOurg, Sept. 77. --Daniel Chin ell- Lill, a Weil-to•do farmeie,about05 }'ears Of age. w bo liven all the lith concession . of Synth Norwich, flied while sitting l in chtitelt ye:•telday. About twenty; minutes before the service was out Mr. i'hurr bill stood up and gave his' testimony. mony. Wit -ell the meeting was dismissed the minister saw that Mr. (htu ehill did not leave his seat and ; on going down to ,peak to him found' him dead. 1 Fall Fairs London .. , Sep. 1149 Ex ," 21-22 Mitchell " 9,2-93 Zurich. " 23-2rh .,L4 -y5 Senfort•b .... Winghain Ai'sti Crag Call and see us if in Deed of. lel. th ktnn any of the above. S. M a R T d' GO TO THE EXETER IIflE 1111118 FOR PURE MANITOBA CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR (Star) BEST PASTRY (Princess) • WIIEATLET (Breakfast Food) AnNyood supply of Millfeed � and Chop always on hand. • Give our Flour and Feed a trial and be convinced that it is all right. Y•" :-_.•Boller and :Plate. :.grinders in use to suit customers. Harvey Bros. Succe ssr7rs to J. C7obbledick &Sone sena for irce'sam tea•' E i SCOTT .& 13 OWN C hemst 33aoy'13 gold ma be mired* a ni hE b us Toronto; , Vapo-Cresolene, which has been extensively : Ontario ittuse for twenty-four years. All druggists.' ' - itx• and $, oo; alt drusyists. "c 25 " 29-80 Oct. 6-7 " 2 The only kind of consump- tion to fear is "neglected consumption." People arc learning that con- sumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin 1 y pular doses. m s he 11S•, of Scotta s Emulsion at once, has, In thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor"of health. Neglected consumption docs P not exist where Scott's Emul- sion mul-S10fl 1s. Prompt use' of Scott's Emul- ,,. sion check theh Sdisease while can be checked. dangerous condition. Both of his legs have been cut off, and he may not live. Mr. Bastien, with his small son" spent yesterday ;afternoon at Belle Isle, Shortly after d o'clock they $aarteal for home. At Campeau ave- nue they alighted. intending to take the Goat for Walker -ale le t'efoi t the fault of that street. They failed to taotice the vest -binned JreaTerr;aan car apprt,aehing, acid it was en them before they could alt? anything. Bastien was thrown w the pavement and teeth legs went under the wheels. The boy way knocked to fate sine and was not hurt. The inur- ed man was taken to St. Mary's Hos- pital, where it was' found necessary to amputate both kgs. JOHN MILLER'S THREAT. Alleged to. Have Said He Would Shoot President Roosevelt. Syracuse. NX., .Sept. 8.—The police charge John Miller, a German. who was arrested here yesterday at his home, with hewing threatened to shoot. ?rest - dent Rooatevolt during Ws stay in this city. Sunday evening the police learned that a man named :hiller, living hi the southwestern part of the city, had said he would shoot the ,President wvhi.to tho letter carriers' parade was being review- ed here to -day. They bent every energy in efforts to locate Winer, but no trace of lelrn could be found until 4 o'clockthis afternoon when be was placed under arrest. JIo denies that ho made any threats against the President's life, and claims that tho woman through whom the police learned of it is lying. When questioned at police headquarters he was unable to give a clear explanation of lits whereabouts since 0 o'clock Sunday morn- ing. Once he said he had gone to Au- burn. his former :home, in search of work, but he could not toll when ho re- turned nor give any incidents of his visit. DEATH LIST NUMBERS SIX. Two Additional. Victims of New Hampshire Electric Car Collision. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 8.—Two addi- tional victims of the trolley car colli- sion on the Hudson, Pelham & Salem Division of the New Hampshire Trac- tion Company's lines at Pelham, N.H., yesterday, died to -day, The list of dead numbers six, with -the possibility of two being added to it. The authorities are still investigating. It is learned that the signals ordinarily in use to de- note danger on the line were not in operation yesterday, due to a heavy electrical storm, which burned out the wires on Saturday. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Hon. J. A. Davidson of Manitoba is In a critical condition. Mr. Daniel Churchill of South Norwich died while sitting in church. The differences among the leaders of the German Socialist party have reached an acute stage. Max Kett has been again placed under arrest at Montreal,and the shooting of George Greenly will be investigated. Bt. Andrew's Church, Beaverton, found- ed seventy-one ye-,rs ago, celebrated a number of interesting anniversaries. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be asked by a deputation to use his influence to secure the Jubilee presents for the Ottawa Fair. Rain Interfered with the celebration of Labor Day throughout the Province. Five thousand people gathered at Port Col - barite, and Sir William Mulock spoke. During the month of August Canadian imports to and exports from Britain totalled £3,402,556 and *652,004 respectively. The Trades Tinton Congress at Leicester, England, opened with an attendance of 4G9 delegates, who represent 250 trades and a million and a half members. There was a heavy fall of snow on the range between Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek r- .,_slay It was impos- sible to run ' -aa to the summit of Pike's Peak on ..(count of the snow drifts. Lieut. Sutton of the Philippine Con- stabulary was murderedby a mob of na- tive policemen at Cabugao a Yew days ago, while attempting to arrest a police- man for disobedience of orders. His as- sailants were promptly,arrented. At a meeting of the Chicago Federation of Labor charges of .dishonesty were openly made against several prominent labor leaders, and recommendations 'wee made that ..these men be suspended..; Af- ter ,a stormy session, . a committee was appointed to investigate the charges againbt the men 'mentioned. RUSSIA PROMISES. NEUUCHWANG AND MUKDEN TQ BE EVACUATED., 1 Diplomatic Dispute Between, Corea and japan -•'-Rs ssian Revolution- ary P Showing ry Party Sita,v ng Great Ac- tivity, Pekin, Sept. 8.—In a note sent to the Waiwupu, the official board !retirig supreme cont;;,, of foreign &., .,, , r >' , yesterday, M. Lesser, the Reese a representative, engaged that , or with the mother of Sardar lxoham- leetchs,u a and the. A ukden province i:heitlil 1r: eveeuated tpn October 8, He: also sorifirtre,f the C'iitiese agreement te,a opo:i t°,s; r,oris €,f ,:k ukdeli and Tat• : ,•access to fareia t t-aate_ 1(.4c42, Sept, l3, The Lorean Gov rnene::t stake to rltalsc the closure of ekeeieeano coeelitie;rt .for the opeuin3 of I1 nee jeetin o ejects to this be- ettese ZAP Jtapanes4 are settled at Phi teeeng. Ittattaar „taributes the Conan: e see eel e i'usstatt suggestions, but Core, ;2't Song shown a desire to 'e, elude fnteil nere from Pltengyang, the Emperor i iehialg to build a palace' there. Loniten, Sept. 8.-..Russianeorres•, pondente of The Tinea say that Large' eaantitiee of inflammatory pproclania-' ions have recently, been distributed among the workmen in the factories and the Harbor of ()feria. Proclama•, tions hove also been scattered broad. ast Iii Kieff. Baku, Vladikavkas and Cather working • elaas centres. Each copy hears the stamp of the Social Demecrtic Revolutionary party. Se far as Odessa is concerned the work. men do not appear to be inclined to join the More advanced revolutionary movement, The commiesien Summon - d tan discuss measures to prevent the .lucnon of revolutionary literature from abroad recommends the strength, ealir?i; of the police force, and the np. lel ra tion ani severe! thousand raaublee annually for the employment of secret agents (:en either side Of the Geratlall frontier. Ti:!E AMEEP SU8P CIQUs, Afghan's Ruler Kills People Who Give information to British. A recent number of The Times has a despatch from Peshawar, India, and dealing fish affairs in Afghanistan.. A proclamation, issued by the Atneer of that cauutry- says, in part ; "It has come to our notice that there are cer- tain lei thiess peruQn$ who apprise the British ,trent of State affairs, in spite of warnings against elicit proceedings. These rsons are alae, commanded to o discontinue their action upon pain o death." The despatch continues : Tice Ameet has done away with about ten persons who were suspected of having had communications with the British Agent NEW HOTEL AT THE FALLS. 1lrrangexa:eats te Rebuild the Old Clifton House About Completed. .Macara: Palls, Ont., Sept. 8,--A lete'e,tn„ of the Board of Directors of the Clifton Hotel Company, Limited.! Of Chia place, wigs held this afternoon., The lr.,llosehrg gentlemen were repre sense,, : Mews. William B. Rankine of Niagara Fails, N.Y.; A. J. Wright and Jetties R. Smith of Buffalo; T. G. Blaehstuck, K.C., Frederic Nicholia, Albert E. Gooderham, W. H. Brouse of Toronto; Charles Crosby ,of Pitts burg, 1'a„ and A. Munro farrier. K.C., of this town. The directors elected the folio wing officers e --President. ..I�' r. Rankine ; Vice -Presidents, Mr. Black stock and Mr, Nicholls ' Secretary - Treasurer, Mr. Grier. The Execrative Committee will consist of the officers, together with Mr. Smith and Mr. Wright. The company was formed, with a capital stock of .532;,000,to build a first- class resort hotel upon the site of the former Clifton House. The site has been secured, and the Executive Com- mittee has been authorized to go ahead and make plans and enter upon con- tracts at an early date. The hotel will be in the colonial style, with two hun- dred rooms, and will be ready to open in 1905. HORSEMEN` SUSPENDED. Charged With Misrepresentation at the Fair. Toronto, Sept. 8. — A sharp lesson was read exhibitors in the horse section of the Exhibition yes- terday. For a long time there havebeen complaints not only of technical evasion of the rules, but of Irregularities which embarrassed the genuine horse breeder and injured the reputation of the Exhi- bition. These Irregularities reached such a pitch that It was hardly possible to have the usual parade of horses in the morning, and It became a question whether the Exhlbi ion ran the horse buyers or the horse buyers ran the Ex- hibition. Dr. Orr, the Manager, made a thorough investigation of the stables, and the climax came yesterday. The Executive Committee of the Ex- position resolved to suspend Messrs. Crow & Murray from exhibiting and to order the removal of all their horses from the grounds. That is as far as the committee will go at present. The offences charged by the directors are, first, that Messrs, Crow & Murray exhibited a horse and removed 1t. from the grounds without permission, an second, that they showed a horse which was not entered. These are the accusa- tione. on which the committee stand. The committee believe that other ex- hibitors were guilty of similar offences, but were not detected. WINCHESTER ROBBERY. Two Safes Opened Early on Mon- day Morning. -Winchester, Sept. 7.—A daring robbery was committed. about 2 o'clock this morn- ing. The offices of M. F. Beaeh & Co. and the Eager, Sanderson Co. were en- tered. The combinations of both safes were worked successfully. From ee. F. Beach & Co.'s safe there was taken in cash 2275 and papers,��including checks to the value of 5500... From the Eager, Sanderson Co.'s safe only a few dollars were taken. No clue as yet has been obtained. Lady Minto Sails -For Japan. Vancouver 1.C., 'Sept. 7.—R.M.S. Em- press of China sailed for the Orient this afternoon, among her passengers being. the Countess of Minto and her two daugh-' ters, Lady Eileen and Lady Ruby Elliot, who..are en route to Japan on a pleasure trip. ,This morning her Excellency addressed a public, meeting on the 'cottage hospital. fund, giving a resume of the work ac- complished. The meeting pledged itself to support the scheme and assist in rais- ing the additional' 225,000 required to se- cure the annual endowment of $5,000. For International Arbitration. Vienna; Sept. 7„ — The conference of the Inter -Parliamentary Union for fir ternation:al arbitration opened to -day in the lower House of the Reichsrath Dr. Plener, the President, cited the re- cent visit, of French Parliamentarians to London, and the proposed re'terie visit . of lifitisll Parliamentarians to Paris, as a striking instance of the growing tendencies toward arbitration, fried Umar Ishan. Itis Hig.itless is on friendly terms with his brother, fo- hammed Afzul, Governor ofl'.ulakh, and has sent presents to hint, This is the first time that his Highness has done so. Mohammed Uussain Ellen of Dakka is exciting the Mehzneds, through his agems, against British of- ficers. }Ie also encourages them in evil -doing and purchasing, British stol- en goods et favorable prices, CH'AMBERLAIN'S SCHISM Will be Found Milder Than at Fir Supposed. London" Sept. 8.-.. A meeting of the Cabinet has been definite- ly fixed fur the t4th, and it is believed that Macedonian affairs will occupy the attention of the Ministers more than fiscal matters. I am told on excellent authority that when Mr. Chamberlain's scheme is definitely be- fore the country it will be found to I much milder and more tentative in character than is generally supposed. Mr. Chamberlain's idea is a gradual de- velopment of the scheme, subject, of eouree, to what support it obtains dur- ing the Parliamentary recess, CAMP MEETING BATTLE. Three Men Killed and Several Othe Wounded. Somerset, Ky., Sept. S. --Three Hen were killed and several wounded in battle at a camp meeting twelve utiles east of Somerset Last night Services were in progress when William Bol - —___ ..__ ___ _.—> IXET ilT =at CHANGED EACH 'i l• 1)NESDAY 1 Wheat Leat 'Peas. , . , , , 80 60: Potatoes. per bag.,..... 1 0) 1 60 flay, per ton t 00 8 t 0 Flour, per cwt., roller.,,, 2 10 Butter. , .. .... , , 14 Eggs ,fides, per loft the, i10 Live hogs,;„ , 5 L 1 5 :7) 1 � .latrcwt... O. 00 !Dressed ' Hogs. ... 8 00 i Shorts per cwt 1 00 i Brin per ewt... • ..,-. 80 Get the Most tr Out Of Your Food Yon don't and can't ,f four stomach is weak, A weak etomaela does ea gest all that is ordinarily token biro it. It gets tired easily, and ;meat it. Each to digest is wasted. Among the signs of a "weak stoir:aeli are uneasiness after eating, as of gere roux headache, and dieegreeab e bele!i- ""I have been troubled with dy •pee sia for years, and tried every remedy 1 he;artl. Qt but never got anything; that gave na' renes witil 1 took Mood's Sarsaparilit. 1 cannot fascia this metlicine toe bendy for the geed it has done me. I always tine it in rte Inning and fall and would not be without it.' W. A, :'gee -r. iielievii;e, Qaat. Hood's SarsaariUa Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. WOOtIfI 1:414ospltodjnea, The arras enzeiln Re is an old, wen este fished a lidm lie preparation. Raab es prescribed and tisod over40years• 41ld;gge gists tit tea Dominica Qf, t)aewe sell mid. repoestneed as ecce t7te rite Alter. the mule medielee e itakied that mime eatxt salvos twoirersal stttistaction. It Promptty au3 permanently cures enterers of A"erteus Ireeh• t;.ear,zeie Boras, h,arrrlef rrhe=a, eripetetcifa alr+trl alietfectsatWieseoreeeeeee; thaexeesslw �Aseof Te55turco, ()pinta or Sar=rtla n?s, 3.fen'.tw4 lnnsav'li .Coiosampieasod anildlyGca e. Free 3t per 'pacaage or six for.''., (cites^rit plow, r'r1,r tra81, rare. daiied prz<napty nu re eteptiofprles. eendtar f, ovargptilet. ,la se The wood Goo p uey, Windsor, Oat, Causds, Vibe: a. :4 is i:w. ig A lo, I . , I:, :. ski Linz, f"raa,;4a'1 , ton, a constable, attempted to arrest two brothers, J. and G. Richmond. A fight iollowetl, in wiaie)) Bolton. though wounded, killed both the Richmonds, and was himself killed by Columbus Garrison. Several persons were wound- ed by stray shots, Officers are search- ing for Garrison. DIED FROM MEASLES. Large Numbers of Esquimaux Car- ried Off :Winnipeg, Sept. S. -- Steam- boat Inspector Phillips, who has just returned from an ofncial. trip to all points on the Mackenzie River and tributaries, where steamboats are in commission, going es far north as the Polly Rivor, see miles within the arctic circle, stated that aurin Tile nasi two years tho lsQutmaux tribes of the Mackenzie region have suffered from an epidemlo of measles, the deaths from the disease having decimated some bands to such stn extent that there are very few loft, .At Fort Resolution, on the Pelly River, where usually a large number of '9squimaux meet the Hudson Bay boats, there was not one this year. The disease was contracted by these people through a visit to Dawson, and, as they had abae- lutely no care, the disoase sproad, and they left the dead all along the trail on the way home. Among one tribe at the north end of Great Slave Lake about eighty of these poor people died from the disease. Mr. Phillips' trip occupied three and a ball months. and the distance travelled exceeded 5,000 miles. THRESHING RECORDS. Favorable Reports From the North- west. Winnipeg, Sept. S.—Reports coming in from the district where threshing is general are to the effect that the work Is being cleaned up rapidly. The straw is light and can be handled easily, the product of one hundred acres in some cases being put through In a day. A report comes from Emerson that one maohine working in that locality thrash- ed 2,800 bushels In a day, and a thrasher in the Carman district reports 1,000 as a day's record for his machine. The yield is heavier than estimated. A. gentleman writing to a business friend in this city says that although the wheat erops in the Indian Head district in 1901- 02 were considered "bumpers,” the yield this season will be fu1Iy ten per cent, heavier. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Canadian Cable News Service Bill Passed. Ottawa, Sept. 8.—There was a slim attendance at the House, and, in view of the desire of many members to par- ticipate in the Labor Day celebration, the Premier acquiesced in Mr. Monk's suggestion for an adjournment at r o'clock. A lengthy discussion took place on the subsidy to the, Canadian cable news. service the bill being eventually passed, 'hie only other bill taken tip was a minor amendment to. the Mounted Police act, The . Committee on Banking and Commerce reported the bill authorizing the Western Assurance Company to establish a transfer office in London. England, Seven Bodies Washed 'Ashore. Port Jefferson, L.L,' N.Y,, Sept, 7. Seven bodies have been washed ashore between Port Jefferson and Wading River. It is supposed that they are those of sailors whowere lost from a schooner that, capsized in the storm of August 25:,. Coroner Gibsonhas. been notified •<-and will hold an in- quest. New • Railway Line Opened. Newrionville, .;Se t, 7 —The G. T. P , 11.1'',f0 o- ftei4Lts on board passenger train; made the first' run over the new track' I. froiii Newtonville. Station,' to Port /Lime thio morning., ,000 TON$ FOR PRESCU FUZZ WHICH HIGHEST MARKET WILL BE PAID. Andrew Hicks, i ('1x;1'PRA LLA ToThe,. TRAVELLING PUBLIC The steppingstones 10 sut'eess are Confidence, RelittltilitV noel Id onlest y. Deal at tt store that's past record proves thehondsty of its methods. and the quality- of its goods. We ,arc' doing this and are to -day giving entire satis- faction to our customers. \Ve have now a full line of TRUNKS, VALISES AND SUIT CASES Try ns the next time t•m require anything in these lines and ,.move onr statements. G. HOUSE, HARNESS MAKER R. H. Sweet's Old Stand, Exeter. OREDITON ROLLR HILLS. 0/0000 -Z - DOD —,T00e:C=11C. ;C.I•4, C0. -0C' -C- We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. 0.414-4. GRISTING- and CHOPPING- DONE IOPPINGDONE PROMPTLY. 11. SW-EITZER Portland Cement We have just received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port- land Cement. Uttn be httd at both Exeter and Centralia Ware hnusee. , Gram. Yiantecl \Vheet, Oats and Barley, for'. which full market prices will be paid at the stor'eboeses in Exeter, :Centralia and Ciandeboye. ie