Exeter Advocate, 1903-9-10, Page 4i AS iAULTI. D 'BY A TetAMP.
1 sleet -Mat :Rent. 6.-aliss Nettie Mc-
. ,..,1 ,Tist-lir,sh. aged sixteen and sinall for her
' age, of the third coneession of. South
1131V El 5 110013 by a. tra nip, ii. brutal ;rime ethiefoog
Pt4o dy il.,,vent.,d by the il , print f
1F,aarli.ope.was 4411 io-ed on Saturday at
Li. i .
, '--p,:zi ;!:11.r.. ..., : i',T1''..'gI.ile
Will be run on SEPTEMBS.0 i II,th and 43ch; . 24e*C•;11-tY 01.g“ tuxt-d 0 se'Irch PartY and
returnin7, until NOVEMIlfiR 181,1 uod * won through the adjOining Steranp
30th respectively, I DOS.' . --
• ..
evgitt. Abri;licat p coma c 'too s opeue Toes
ell, while at Leyden 40 put in ap
ACCADENT.-Air. Johu 4antosh,W110
wee engaged for the eimuneeitt, West's
ornere, sustained very palefulinflV-
ies a few days ago by falling off a silo,.
P.distance of about tety feet.11
was badly cot about the neck ilea), face
and his sawbooe was broken, a piece
t't11111(44 "v" all 1:U4151011g carneOnt.
Re was also otherwise injared and bad-
ly shaken up. 3.1edical aid was immedi-
ately summoned eald fourteen stitehes
had to be put in the wounds. Ills
speedy recovery is earnestly hoped for
by has tuany friends. '
o ' eve day. in Ottawe oely 22 pupils regiet-
Saiedeve Creeene Prors. pearanee ou the opening day. l'otonto
has a similar timelier. The usual num-
TEURSDAY, $EPT, 10 3 ber at each sehool in the past WaS 90 to
120, The reduction is owing to the
tertu being extended to a year. Few
stodents ore able to stand the added
living expeoses. Fewer teachers being
turned otit teach yeee will soon lessen
the timelier of available teiteiters with.
the resnit that those who stay in the
ranks should be able to command 1)et-
ter eateries laud, thus be able to erioul
the expenee of the lengthened tern). at
The Laurier government, aceording
to edelnee front Washington.wM again
ctie.qii alp negotiatiouS forezctv
l'etween ez.nada und the trnit..11 states.,
The meetings ee the e..int high man
miesion will be held at Waeldiagton,
;tad theas Anteriteons who aavor irect,
piseezty have every eenfidenee thou Many Canadians are not awiare of
treury tic, arievigea re slae enetee*the faet that Veinale hae already mittie
Stotes will cense:at. Sir 'Wilfrid Lau- titv&I'Itt43°-Pts t" '5" fdh' "'Leh' Sil•
Thomas lateon has:els-din failed to get,
'r hes k' UL the Aniarieans that he The eeoneenge ek!":"„ke mains in sera;
La ond a prominent Canadion we the tdinadian schoaner, -.Count.
pent:eau, nosoalee eats Jelin &lea hoe. t.se of I) ii " of whieh the designer
who: :e tale el the !doh joii.etee. is les' w"s Al"'N•al.?.4" "thbei'ti 1"st to icha
--Madodhae in two 1310a-3 hy over nine
t"t thz"- tE inintoes and twenty-six. minates
tr,:de t.i-aunot spertiveiy. In 1'1% the Ceniadian eloop
.zaeseeell teem. ese 14. ja wee fee "Atlatatied lost two reces egiainst tine
C.Z1 enPE1Cei;b1,01'1S, ,rst,n-4 -144;obieti,"" It is therefore rt, inisteken
- I' idea to sappose 'that Cenatle might ma
leovotee naitad Statee;,L to chi/lenge
inemaieaesetie a Sadie a few Jays ;moil for the cup. HialorY Proves, thlat we
Hon. Jati--..plt t u.riu anima:eased h -tire the
thet his new palley of inter-Enipire
trade wets foreed because eertnin Isrie
ony cemtemplated oz trade treaty wah
3 foreign motion which would he pre- feeeere' ealeseice" and "a political
judieia to triede. The Colonial mosquito," all bee:Loose he severed hie
seetateeF ,aaemed at tbe attempt Of connection with the Liberal Cabinet
t'auedian Libernle to throw this come- wh"ha s4wth`rt P°11°;tr of btgb"
protection WOO the proper oue for Cap -
try int,u theum of the Vnited States, rola, Hed he wallowed his right of
it means the destrooction of Canadian opinion, asSir Richard. Cartwright end
industriee, and nine' est Canada her others did, he would still he considered
political independence if allowed t to 1.4.°1"111g luau are the ademtnisult'
lore One, thitog is certain. the Libete
proceed too far.t1 minietry ave not gaining anything
by total:hog ententee of such men as
IT IS ABSOLUTE ROT: ote and Blair. These men are etrong
In their respective provincee, and they
"Some advocetes in porliement o ulaY bring disoster to the Present gore
the Grand Trinok Piteitle scheme are ernment,
* *
ureking mit that the cost of it zo Can.
ad will be Adman $13„Oreteeeto or ee, LAME .1.71aElaneavee.
while the east of Mr. Ilereletee selotoole VP to SestentheeSth the attetalan0
Or of ;my other evhetne looking to gov- 41,1.:atf:11141.1;Tlel,?.1t1 14;,;1111::/!.11411.3 higgit
eminent ownereloip Pr a tovateeenti- j ate tiret avet,Z thore•rmiptswere$17.050
gem eantre:y wo teeyeateee odonal td aey first week ofanv peeviime
SItiskitelettafer yeereand the attendance on Monday
"Coneone, ten% otli
"The government le going to bald a
reitway frono Moncton to Winuipeg.
thraugh very iliftionit emintry,and tioe
seheme (awarding to (toile untaber
or eminent Liberal tinancietst goiter;
to teat only a few millions; ino ir the
same government boye a teasel from
only Montreal to Winnipeg, tile etre
aneard Eng to these metina where) woodd
be ten or tweuty time as unteb."
"Carlon% isn't it?"
"flow is h thnt thegovernment will
be able in one ease to provide a rail-
way route several hundred ulnae long-
er through a worse count ry Lae it. hund-
red million thdlora lej, or two bond -
red million dollars less."
"Can yon 'imagine any but a point -
cal partisan talking such rot?"
The above ie from the Ottawa Jour-
nal which was a consistent stoppoi ter
ef the Liberal government, mail the
arand Tentik Pacific scheme was
sallow; OF JOuRs,,t,rfint
Much criticism is behag given by tbe
leading newspapers of Canada and the
United States to the founding of it
School of Journalism. joseph Palk-
2er, the blind Proprietor of the New
York World has given Colnoubia Uni-
versity two millionsof dollars to found
the school, five hundred thousand •of
'which will go towards building, five
hundred towards salaries and main-
tenance and the income of the remain -
;lag million to he devoted to the school
after a period of tiller years if it is
then in successful operation. The ob-
ject is to "raise andfix the character
and. standard of the press as a moral
'teacher." Bear in tuind that the New
'York World is the yellowest newspa-
per published in America and then no-
tice that its editor wants to raise the
standard of the press. The idea. is
_good but why does he not begin with
his own sheet? No, it would cause a
decrease in the number on his circula-
tion list, which, even be, rich as he is,
could not stand. Ile simply wants,
like tny other American milli() nairee,
to be known as u founder of a great
public institution. Like Carnegie he
did the dirty work ha order to build up
millions of money and be spends the
money to leave a monument to him-
At Sheffield tickets to hear Mr.
Chamberlain on his .Trade Policy were
mold for two guineas.
On Friday Major Delmar lowered
the gelding recoid from 2.04 to 2.09-4
by he:long bis own tine.
AI t el/being vacant for a long time,
the Reeistrarship and the Ci -own At-
torneyaii p of the County of Huron
wee filled by the Ontario Cabinet
Thai sclay. Mr. Win. Coates, of Clin-
ton. is the successful applicant for the
former position, and Mr. Charles A.
• Seeger, tif Goderich, gets the other ap-
pointment. Mr. Thous:is Gibson, for
anerly member of the Legislature for
the East Riding of the county, was tbe
last; Registrar, and Mr. Ira Lewis, of
Goderich, who lived to be one of the
oldest men in the district, vviis former-
ly the Crown Attorney. Disagree-
ments among the ridings of the comi-
ty have been held responsible for the
delay in filling the position, and West
Huron seems to have been successful.
ri'Illue weds eves betwoen eighteanee
ard ninety thoueand. being some five
thou-ewe:I Home thau on any other day
;of ;my other year. The Exhibition
will be kept open and in fon swing un-
til mauight on Saturday. Sept, nth,
the whole performance being given in
front of the grand stand every night,
and the Jubilee presents being on view
tutil the last moment. 'Lis estimated
bat, with the days yet to come,the at-
tendance will aggregate between six
end seven hundred tbonsand.
* *
After roar Whores to pull off the
third rare for the *American cup, the
fifth was a snecess, the Reliance being
able to complete the thirtpmile course
in less than five and one-half hours.
For the greater put of the time the
yoehts were Inv:slide to the epec tutors,
there being a dense fog over the sea.
The final roce was won on Thorsday.
In all of the races the Anterican boat
won on its merits. The boat was the
het ter and ate skipper was dm more
skillful. In the words of Sir Timms
Lipton, " Herreshoff, the designer a
the Reliance, is the greatest designer
of t le age. Sit. booms is very much
disio pointed hut like the good old
spent that he Is, be gives the muse
where it belongs nnd loopes to do bet-
ter another time. We admire his spir-
it and staying power, Not doabt the
possibility of his ever winning as long
as he has to 'Will the condition which
iNtates that the boat must be sailed
across the Big Water. The boat must
be strong and heavily built to make
the voyage and thus has not the chance
to win that it would otherwise have.
F110, --A. disastrous Axe ocearred
Setooday morning la -awe -en 2 and 3
), 440.di on lot2 eeeome 7, known
;is the Robbins fern, owned by Mr.
James Toohey, reeve of this township.
The dwelling end barns, with grain
crop of iifty aeres, one mower and hay
loader, were totelly destro,yed. The
house was unoccupied. There was a
eteall hie -mance hi the Hibbert
borne Company ota theintiblingse The
origin of the fire loAssuspicions,
thefaet :Amt. although the house and
istrns are some distance apart, when
tlw fire was iirst diseovered both were
hnr8ing :alba' sante time.
leConmeg-- CrititY.-A very pret-
ty and finehionable wedding axes eni-
eaunized at St. Patrick's church, Bid-
dadpin Wed:wally morning, when M.
Zeeh. MeCorenticle a Lowe% was Tend-
ed in marriage to Miss Hannah Cowry.
of Glencoe. The bridol party entered
the church to the loYoue etraine of the
wedding march. The bride, on the
arm of Mr. James 311Cormick. of Lon-
don, was led to the alter, where she
woos met by the groom, and the wed-
dieg ceremony perfornied1 follewed by
the celebrolion of high MOSS by the
Rev. Father MoMenuan, parish priest.
The church contented a large congre-
gallon of evlatives and friends to wit-
ness the event, the alters being artis-
ticolly decorated for the occasion with
large quentities of eut flowers, while
the choir was present and rendered a
choice omeical service, The bride WaS
Charmingly gowned in white Freneh
oreettodie. elebovately trimmed with
white silk temire eibbon, lace and in-
sertion, and crowned with a bridi veil
and wreath of orange idossoma, and
was attended by Miss Kathleen Melte
hargery, who hooked loteautired pink
orgeadoe, with eink trimmings and
ta e het. Tine groom WaS Sapprel tti
bv Itir$ brother. Mr. Chas. McCertairk.
of Elgitilleld. Before leaving the
elmerh an informal reeeptkon Was holId
in the veallhalle, when !meteor &wade
tendeeed their congrettointione. The
weiltimg patty theu proceeded to the
residence of the groom's parent-. et BI-
gootield, where a sumptuous diuner
WAS served the guests. mindingonlY
immediaterelativesi, Father IlleMenio-
min presided. and tendered the bride
and groom hearty congratodationsand
gond wishes. The huge number of
presents received was ample proof of
the high esteem in whieh the young
couple are held. Early in the evening
the party, ;Mended by a number of
young people. proceeded to Lnean,
when the newly married couple left by
the G.T.R. expmes for the west, visit-
ing Detroit, Chicago and other Otitis
before their return. Severid hundred
residents of Loom were at the depot
to give a parting cheer which guaran-
teed the popularity of the young cou-
ple with their fellow citizens. At the
completion of the wedding tour Mr.
and Mrs. McCormick will take up there
residence in Lucan, where the groom
onducts a prosperous metcantile
The following attended the Exhibi-
tion at Toronto during the past few
days. -James Taylor. Miss Eva Stone -
:noon, Wm. ColwiIl, Mrs, W. Stonetean,
James MeArthor, 0. Petty and wife,
Mrs. T. Neeland and son, Ron A. Mc -
Brien and wife, James Bell, Dr. Sel-
lery, 1iss H. Suthetiand.-Manager
Billingsof the Maileon's Bank is on a
trip to Montreal and other parts. Mr,
Samuel, of Exeter, is in chorge hero
relieving Mr. Ortwein
left a few days no for Sarnia, where
in took passage by boat for Milwidkee
there he will visit his sister, -Miss M.
miter left recently for Tonawanda,
and New York, 'whew she intends re-
taining for e couple of months with
et sister, Mrs. Poster. Miss Foster,
ho has been visiting here for a time,
accompanied her. -Mervin Brown has
taken a position in one of the leading
drug stores in Toronto. Thus our
brightest and best young men Inc one
by one leaving Hensall to take resPon-
ible positions in the great business
entres of Canada and the 'United
tates.-Mr. and Mre. Johnston, Who
ave been visiting Mrs Hunt and oth-
rs relatives in and around Hensall
eft last week for their home in St..
P. Wells, who has been in
re tailoring business for a year in -
ends. moving to Mitchell shortly. Mr.
Veils is a line tailor and much regret
felt over his intended depaature.--.
he many friends of Mr. Frank Ruse
ill be pleased to leArn that be is tap-
ly recovering feem the effects of his
tte operation atToronto and will be
hie to return to Hensall in the course
f a few days, fully restored to health.
The many friends of Mr. Thos. Bel-
utyne. formerly Ibis place, hut
ow of Deriglas, Man., will regret to
aro of a serious accident which be -
1 bin, a short time ago. Himself end
s son were driving to Douglas, when
eir team ran away and Mr. Bailer -
Ile was thrown frotn the rig and had
s leg broken above the knee. -Mr.
V. D. Bonthron, of Chicago is hinne
n a •visit.---.-Misa Enima:Pcied left hiets
eek for Lnialen, where she Sintends
king a course 0,t the business college: '
Rev. Dr. Medd iS :expected home
on) Port Sanfield, Muskoka, in a fess
ss His frieede hope .to see him im-.
•ov ed health-sMespra T. J. Betty
d: Win. Buchanan returned last Week
ern ;the Old Coentry.- Master Gaepet
idniore, who had the Misfortune to
t his leg broken' abont two months
o, had a second misfertime a few
enings ago te while using his
utches crossing the room, and in:
iiing broke his leg agstin in the seine
iee.-HTSTe. learn that over $20,000'
-irtla Of Carriage Factory Stock has
en subscribed •for and as yet the„
ing is just in its infancy. , -Several
t on the stock .list have signified
eh, inteetion of investing.
DR. J. W. ORME, 11
Wire hours 0 to 10 LIU, 1101:and 7 tO8 part n
Telephone cmomunication with mean and Mount h
Miss Mabel Gilfillan left= Saturday
for Toronto, where she will attend
Glen Maws Ladies College._ -Miss s
Laura Marshall has gone to Stratford c
to attend the Moclel, while Miss Delta
Stout has gone to Clinton for the same h
purpose, --Mr. Chas. D. Boissiere took e
in Toronto fair last week. -Mrs. Wm. 1
Balfour and son, Martin, are visiting IL
friends in Toronto and Bowmaanville, tl
f r
Pitlial ilI
Roy Manning has accepted a posi-
tion on Maglaclery Bros. staff. -J. F.
Robert and family have moved back
co town from Maple Grove. -Mrs. Geo.
Elliott and children, of Carman, Man.,
are visiting at R. Jackson's. -John
Anderson, who has been chief clerk in
McLeod's grocery for some years, has
accepted a position as manager of
White & May's grocery department at
Oraigs-Miss Mary Hamilton is attend-
ing the Model school at Woodstock;
Miss Lulu Ireland and Messrs. Harry
Laufgh ton and Richard Blake the Mod-
el at Forest, and Misses Fleda. Love,
Flora McLeod and Bertha Turner the
Model at London. -Mrs. Chafor and
little grandson. Harry McKinnon, are
on a visit to friends in Dunkirk, N.Y.,
and other points. -Henry Turner has
mirchased the property of Mr. John
;Moults, now occupied by Jonathan
Cobleigh.--Frank Turner, of Winni-
peg. Man., is here visiting his father.
Ma and Mrs. A. K. Van Wyck are on
a trip to Toronto. Niagara Falls and
other points in New York State. --Chas.
McLean, who was sent from the local
branch of the Standard Bank to the
Beaverton branch about two mouths
iago, has been transferrecl beck here
again, and will piobably remain some
time. -Miss Louisa Watson is attend-
ing the millinery openings at Toronto
this week, after which she will take
her former position in Arther.-Blrner
Ferry, who has been on the printing
steff of the Gazette -Review for sorne
time, left last week for Southampton,
where he has accepted a position in
the Beacon office.
e. ?testis, colds, hoarseness, emd other threat
ailments are quickly' relieved by Dr got
tablets, ten cents per box. Ail druggists
Mr. Alex, dicLetioan`has leased the
American hotel, Brussels, and took
possessmn00Mondey. The good peo-
nde of Beussele vil1 find bin: a good 4.iit-
lzen.-3Ir. Joseph Abell, engineer at
the electrie light works, had the mis-
fortune a few days ago. to get his hood
caught in the twine, and bad the tops
of two of his lingeron the right band
token oft The evident will lay him
up for some Lite. -Mise Bessie Young
left last week for 1310NVIIWook,, TeNitti,
where she has accepted aposition Ito
the Daniel Baker Collegiate. Mies
Young is On honor graduate of the
Etneeson College or ()retool., Boston. -
Miss Alice Muleaby left lase Week for
Vancouver, B.C., hitere she mill re -
maul for a time.
NVea,oten.-A rettv wedding wa
celebrated at the 10II1C of Mr. James
Main Clinton, on Wetineellan Sept.
2ael, when, his nieee. dliss Vine Wood-
yard, became the happy bride of Mr.
W.. Pierson, a promo:eat yoang soan
of this place. The ikride has been e81-
00.$ -ea With the Jacheon lolanuractur-
ing Co, for the. past three years and to
show the apprecitution anti respect in
which sloe was beid by her assoeiates
igt the factory she WaS presente-it with
beantifol elock and a berry spoon.
They will reside here.
IDUATIT.-31rs, W.N. Watson passed
peacefully away at her innate here on
Sloacley moroing. Aug. SO, oftera Odle
us illowse of toyer it per. wide% she
re with the greatest patienee and
fottitanite 1.1I i. Watsten's maiden
neme was Anne Minh:Iron She was a
native of St. Boswells, Roahoroshire,
Scotland, and eVitS hero on May Ath,
MS. She was married to ate. Watson
III Mal and Cenie ti) Cowie, ehortiV
after. They first settled in Goderich
and after remaining there :Omit a year
came to Roaboro. McKillop. where Mr.
Woman engaged in the mercantile
intSille$3. They removed to Seaforth
Mk. and were among the first reel -
dents here, and the deceased has re -
twined here ever SIPCO. About rotor
Y(4) s ego, in company with herdaugh-
tee, MISS Wateon visited the
ecenee and associations of her early
youth in the old land. Site enjoyea
this vita von much and it was otoe of
the bright spots ho her lire. She was?
of a kindly, genial disposition and WAS
eveatly Wowed by her own fondly and ,
held in the highest esteem by ail who
eteloeael her aequeintanee. She wae
extremely kind to rind thoughtful of
theee deserving tor aid in any wee,y, and ,
many will hong telilliffIlittfr her genet, -
mos and Roving ministratitoneit, t hie 1e-1
epeet. Sloe leaves 44 ig three
sem end three daughtero, all of wheat
were ot, her bedelde when the
summons woos reeelved. Her death le
eevere and hTepaltable loss to her
bereaved betel:end and family. and t hey
have the heertfelt sympathy of the
entire communty.
Mre. McCausland, of Galt, is here
vieiting her matinee etre. Joseph zet.
(le, who is ill.- 31te John Roth, from
near :Sew ilamborg, is the guest of
his Moe Rudy Swartzentru.
bone -211,s-.ts. Fred Rees, Jr.. and D. S.
Faust spent a few days in Toronto last
week. -Mr. John Defehert has fleeced
home from Chivago. 11 is mow friends
will be pleased Cu learn that he is pro-
gressing favorably. --Mr. Ti.linenneller
and family left Loot week for Michigan
where tloey iutend making theieftiture
home. We to e sorry to see them leave
um midst Init. whoh them every happi-
MSS their new home.---Afr, Samuel
Rottman, after 11 pleasant Visit bere
with his patents, left WednesdaY for
his home in Chesley.-Miss Petrie, who
has been the guest of Mrs. .T. A.
limns for the past few weeks Ws re-
turned to loer hente n Land:in.-Mrs.
t. Schram \rho bits been very ill for
Some time, is, we are pleased to stook%
on a hole Ivey to recovery. Sloe is able
to be up about the house, but is sI 111
quite weak. -Mr. Jacob nomad is get-
ting the material on tloe ground for
the purpose of brick veneering his
dwelling east Of lown.--,Mr. ThotnaS
Kelly left. on Thursday morning last
on a %lett to his home at StoutiVille.
He intends taking in the exhibitions at
Toronto and London before returning.
-The barbep elfeets have been moved
to the Merner block, in the shop for-
merly occupied by Mr. John Deichert.
The annnal general meeting of the St.
Joseph Lend improvement iund Manu-
facturing Company Limited, is an-
nounced to be held in that village on
Saturday next. -There was no service
in the Evangelical church on Sunday
morning last, owing to the second com-
inution services of the two charges,
which was held in the 1411) concession
church. The Rev. S. R. Enetchel, of
Berlin, had charge of the services and
preached a, very interesting and im-
pressive sermon. Rev. Yager occupied
his own pulpit in the evening.
DIVISION COURT. -The sittings of
Court held here on Wednesday, by his
Honor Judge Holt, brought quite a
number of spectators, more partictilan
ly from the neighboring township of
Stanley, with the expectation of hear-
ing a decision as to whet constitutes a
lawful division fence. The plaintiff in
the case wits Edward Curvin, of the
Goshen Line, who entered an action
for damages against John Dunn, of the
Bronson Line, for $60, alleged to have
been caused by Curvin's horse getting
hurt by a barbed wire feuce, erected
and matntained by Dunn. The case,
however, had not been gone into very
far before it was decided by the plaiu-
iiff's solicitor, Ma J. G. Stanbury, to
abandon tbe action, and a judgment
of non -suit was entered, Curviu to pay
costs and witness fees. Proudfoot, of
Goderich, for defendant. Another case
was John Preeter Against Louis Du -
mart. of Stratford, for an old account,
bet the case "petered out" in enibryo,
and a non -suit resulted. Peoudfoot for
plaintiff. J. G. Stonbury for defend-
ant. Tbe third case, a garnishee, Fos-
ter vs. McLean, N. M. Contin and the
St. Joseph Land Imp. and hlanufac-
Miring Co. Garnishees. Judgment
for Foster against McLean for amount
$92.45 and costs and against N. M. Call-
an only, as to the gernishees. Proud
foot, for, plaintiff.
Collingwood,' Sept 7. -David Camp-
bell of the tent h line of NottawasAga,
drove his .8013 to town this morning.
Re then started to drive home when
he soddenly fell forward and was in-
-tanlir dead, Tbe son whom he had
been to the station was stopped by tel-
egraph at .Allendale, and came hack
to attend his fathei's funeral.
When sea air is ordered to a IleTvOUs peon, she USUally
rttses 40= to tile seashore, spends all her time %I the beach,
frets mom or less over the expenSe,
and returns after two or three weeks
to make up by extra work for the
brief holiday. The result is an ex-
aggeratiQu of nervous troubles. The
time giVett tO the Me -was too short.
eeze: ? Toitit 510451,P=
Peke in amorist: $1.00.
5.Le bottles for $5.90
JAhlra WAVERS are as good
for the nerves as the sea breeze; but
in case of nervous weakness, like tbe
Sea breeze, they require time.
S. JANES WAIMRS are a tissue
builder and a reconstrtletive, uot a
stimulant Quick temporary results
are uot to be expected ; but Ferule -
Rent improvement follow their
patient use.
ST. JA,111SS WAVSIIS help stomach,
dig,est food and send the nutriment
through the blood,.b.lud this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that laStS, develops and
breeds the wurgy wbh awow.
plistes mucb,
',Tram perseuel experience 1
enn. able to ISRPrectate Inc gnat
TR-llte °ROM Otrj4Inett
Jew frVerr are sof 4eatt
rc oat numermid,Tdolte4
ceirtmemliv &tea 0 their patients
ie ail Mcfmntrila moot.
Warre deeters arc liCt selling the
valeta they are:sailed twee re.
cell* of _pnec rd the Caustale
larauthr St. Apt% Weill* Co., UZI
S. CitAtaiee St.„ At'airsia.
or r tbirtv eiarn v.e, 'Owe t-eated tine enteel _all forme of run
ttlscases, loth ner2ditury and acTe,1 ma. Our New :It thud 'Treat:unit „is
ffiG. wath otirselv2s. or 11 re ttils to, truillielto fri'Jat Ut"'
ern. Beware et mereurr rand flitlzer mineral twine -is. whic`h rio
dceturs preserillte tor this te.iitio dicc2se. as they' wtL ntr3is the' .17 >tem.
Other treatments drive the pilbc,en Into the syotom, stberk'at3 triwl*
ment destroys tho virus er roleen In the Mold awi f.vrave3.1t rim
system entirely. s3 the synartcqta van ne.ver retUm. 7(01143vo anev
the folameing venni-dome e lariat 415 teforu ft 13 VIA) 1:te: Illotenes.
cruntions or pimples; follincz out of tits bale. 1teUr im 4): 1L44 /Mae
rtiffriess or xiains In the Paint,. corette:9 li tbrt nat-ele3. sore threat.
;deers or bad teste to the mouth. sore tongue, oollrf=s oZ (ho otoolvtli,
enlarged glands, running serfs. ete.
Our New Method Treatment will purify the 1411ead, heal Ms the 5,)7•PR,,
remove all pales: tbn hair wtill grow in again, ell orF;ans vB1 h3. restored
to their TiOrrilit1 condition. oricl The patient orepartil to renew tbo duties
mid tifeesiores et life. N'Ve guarantee marriage eoesible with abeolute
We treat and eura Varleccels. Nor:onti Vtr:eturci, moat,
aura zeteen,,ureenre lOraIns dad Mosses, =Carey ana ziaeacr =rusts.
READER, terienagm vg•tigelavilgl.(17e.111.2aybMie,i'121,7S::
Rave 3.0), w(altneno? Oar New flethod Treatment
will cora You. ConsnitatIon Zreo. No matter who ints treated you,
write for an honest ophdan Frte of Charge. Cliargen reatiOnabie,
Sacks rree.-"The Ralston neultor" filluntreitein on Dineases of men.
"Diseases of Women," '''Varleoeele, Stricture and Cleat." All sent 1=11
aff K +v.*
D TROIT. 14111CH.
K K • Yr*
A cure is now within the reach of' Pul-Mo stands alone -the use of' any
every sufferer: other medicine as an assistant is not
necessary. Eat good, plain, nourishing
food, get plenty of fresh air and out -door
exercise, and use Pul-Mo as directed,
that is all -Nature will do the rest.
Pul-Mo is inexpensive, being sold by
druggists at $1.00 per large bottle, or you
may procure a sample bottle for 15 cents.
If your druggist has not got Pul-Mo in
stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to
any address
Address all letters to
The Put -Mo Co., Toronto, Ont.
if tried as directed will check the progress
of this fatal disease and restore the affiict-
ed to perfect health. Do not go to Florida,
Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky
Mountains. Remain at home with friends
and home comforts around you and use
Pul-Mo, which is the achievement of the
century in medical science. Pul-mo is an
absolute cure for Consumption, Throat
and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds and all
other consumptive symptoms.
Winnipeg. ...•\egInr.. . ..
Est e+, an
Waskada Moesejew, .
Elqin York ton
Grand VIeW
Swan River)
end surrounding country, without tot
8011. the colprit haa file disappeared.
The following the description of the
man ---'Age 80 to 85; height 5 feet 10 or
,D 11 ieclies; stern el exion, sandy and mac h
i)J f et kled; moustache, sandy cot
straight across; clothes, bine coat,
Rr. A lbet t,. e• 5 serge pants (tiara grey), laack t.
no tie, hlaer 01 ristie hal, dark canvas
running shoes. Clothes were of good
Ped Deer, .
emir ty. Ile is a trim!),'end tnay he
Steath rnla 5 p company of one-armed man, who
40 •
From all points in Downie, A:did; Sault Ste.
Marie, Windsor and East. Apply to nearest eana•
di, Paeillo Agent for pamphlet, .
Tickets are not good on "Imperial Limited."
. A. E NOTA1 AN,
ssistant 0c0(-1at Passenger Agent,
71 Yonge 61•J., Toronto,
dues the begging.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compouna
Is successfully used monthly by over °
10 000Ladies Safe effectual Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- '
pound. Take no other, as all mixtures, pins and
Imitations are daiagerouS, Pr40e. NO. gOr.
box; No..2,10 degrees Stronger, $3 per box. 0.
• , I or 2, mailedon receipt.of price and two s-eent
. .
To cure a Madill a night -use VaTO-Creso stamps. The Cook, company Windsor Ont.,
It has been used, extensively during ili°1'e tOrl405.'1hud Teoldand recommended by. all
Drn Canada.
than' twentv-to.,.." years. Al' Driresponsible, uggists i