HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-10, Page 3Zlt-4WW,leeeferSeleeete-alsSetneSeleteeeiteeeaeleeWefeelteeeeteaftferelsfeeeeeeeOS4eteieeeeekettietP I STRONGER THAN DEATI-1 eee, ele.• wee ewe 0,13t eRee eller ele• I A RANSOMF.130 LIfi veettleniteketliefe eleghnefteitikeditettS-WieWieatelefilieliglentea Q' great sorrow, es t may chauce. troandex-full" cried Eva, with Elven Rinvn----s" 4 woman's. innate d1iIi hi precioua Them was a long paose,. atones. "Celt you mako aa many 'even now? " .Ardel a.elrod, a little aud as big as you chooser' imPatiently. "1 thitile I could manage a Koh -i- 'S.lerely you have eyes. Vivian; you Niter if 1 tried hard," he said, still ,havg a"a baw Young Wickham is Moiling; "but 1 dou't intend to try. eaPtivated." ThereU nothiug Very wonderful "Yes. I have seen. I hoped -I about it, Eva. Other people have mean / thought, I might be mistake • bought emelt diamonds dearly; I len." Thenafter a pause, liteleue tool if it Were SO?" ha.ve made a big one (-twenty, 'Ilia is Clio firet, and will be tho last, of znyerialking. Will you p!as U3 ber wearing it for my sake?" "lint why tor me. Vivian?" sta eald. with ber eyes on the UUQnd. whieh spereled reetlessly In her soft white palm. Then. after a notteent. in a lower one, "is there rut other woman wizonse---" spite of my Jealousy, I feel there is !dialed hails arid he ilea awael t° tree ;long, yeaa-i thee he venial t.ot edit "Item Is none. Eva." he said, an, isomething in his frank, eoyous :e.emotest vends of 'tecstern America. one, eeloola me ow9. et wee Alp_ Mvcring her half -spoken etivestion: tulle wonderfully attreetive. Andra who.,5A' sollfitnath's-limt 0,led stig!we ping front eine seiner and eiteeallaw, "there never has been. Of what Yon?all BMUS Of titne seval 1.7.s seal atel power could not May its eouve. lie fell titt, elre'0,11K rnade your these together long ,Ide ordeal he has endured. ROO Ilin) 4144-43ele„ aetiae. healthful, _where atom of ennanety there Iva, thol re, balminess, enow nutmeg, ene,lit in bright. handeome. lei/incept and lighte "'Wawa ol" all Ferved v;hicit ho had isientits- vaguest fancy. / have often longed ter love as 1 walked 10414'4' WAY through this wonderful world. But it has not come with longing for it. Sometimes 4 bright. oye, or a ewoet "You might as well ask all addrese him passively and with eyes cleeed, of tbe wind, that biases where it he passed front the room. I lietette My notion ef travel is tO Dr. Ardel was left, elooe with the be irresponsible as tbe hied on the living' child and the dead. Some. wing -to go where 81 like and etoll feint, lingering lope, hi spite of when I Uke. Your letters can get tio closer to me than iny Loirdon ad- dress, Farkgate Street, until nay re- turn; and It's herdly worth while riding at all, for I will be here ae soon es I am there.'" The next morning Luer, corning Trevor's last words', made hina walk. to the little bed in the corner of the rieone end. draw the euriala aside, and gaze searchingly at tho stnall, pale face. The first look told Ardel there was indeed PO hope; but still be held tlie down early, with a vague and timed curtain baelo and gazed steadfastly joy new-born in her heert. WAS told on the small. still white face. tied ho horror end loathing of death flooded Ins soul -death leevillatile and irreparable. Ile drew the certain close. shut - right. I knew I was right. lie out the sight of tlie dead. and ok1lieve' have left her. But it `it -Hissed to tho other bedside, where tirtt toe /ate. Tbree months the ehed lav seeteeo, oaentle on't long passing, and -Mon.*" by Eva of his going. Anel Eva. wetching closely, saw Om joy fado from be* faew, and whispered well Pleesed. to her Own heart; "I Wan CHAPTER IL For Vivian Aedel the neet three :months went, swiftly by. Ile looned The potent Infusion in his blood had demo its work. Areeles eyes on the hildes amities faee. Ardeles fingers oa the cleld's steedy pulse. told him, the same story. Batiled death bad "Wineld you evish it? Be frank. retreated 'before hire For a me - with nue Do you like hint well ment the physieian's keart warmed enough to wish it?" to at -til Academies of Wails, Berlin, „i"a styplitp4 levee a coneeloesness of "alliere is no use trying to bide and Vlegitia, where he had mallY power flee a god's. It WAS he that teouote kola your eyes. Era, „friends and -disciples. Tien lolte 'bad beaten &ogre -seed given coo I'm jealous of lent: jeeltree of 1140 ered about Rome, till "the Ineseertes life. The next ntoreciat he was rag - youth, Jealous of bee right. to woo 10iitt Ms which haunt ale vers.- air !ow agaleet els own, e0,2),eleee eepote .and his hope to win heir. Yet, he •this elt.F o deed and buried Past- I eine. To that cuild had celled love. thet love which hai0 "I will be frank too. I heve pill- Wet - hound you and ./olin together. temit 'ed effort toy heart for tlie terrie la tive leildst of this wad. fawi life. feu sleelAiree, child. lit iliet ilet - hearted. Yet tb9re have hem timeaifor thought, them value mum Mai fed, in ide owa strong frame, With this evening I came near hating Wm. eildiliet and not to he reeisted, ,..' all its pat& end fewer oe iiianliood. If 1 wpm tamcs Inothor. vh.i.4„. I ootigiug for home. Tlicei. sudden and there Woe ties .elettient of (-Wee'. ThoF would ten thousane times sooner jewift ;1 a hied'$ flight WM". e"" AWO III•ri, HI the morning and the give her to volt " ltinent and tonere lie took, the minify.- of tleer, it. ys, bt.i. i„ the i .:47 sinipp. m: le,,, gat, vowel has towtereg Ire smiled and thoon his bead. '1' stroighirst roma to London. „lay Met bright youth whieli the man 1 k In ten dava he was standin 20,y careless bean with an ime !maw, know what. that triques. and len ewe his own - -. - --. - g aa 'had lost for ever. that lightly passed away, end wae !le, gratefel., 1 eonnot help heinefloga own morsteP weal lile lutelielelee ,-, The eleadei ee-es opening Fatly And not love. woutetouee 1 seza to haw !glad you are unfair wbere I am con- turning in the loch, But he 'lees 'suddenly stortied hien seenling to lound my ideal in a picture or a ceernea. Eva. But. bellow MP, it iS ; ehn" with a straillr fears Illal °lie !read itis thoughts% Ile inatie two or book. I have dreamed myself in best for ell of us that I should go! val09#3 tireltilt has "ale true', wheri he three quick pasere, aud ;twain the .. e lell'es with Slivieespeare's Rosalind. 'awae...” l,tew a eller Welling hint oa the eyelids elo-041 eu„-tly ha deep. lopunt. and with Tennveon'S lenid in turn. 1 "11sel roe Yoiis 119'rhallo; t140"g't X .1/f4//'141)14... /0 the hil light nf vro, TOR T.; RS Seeasonable apt; Prefiteble we /Mae for the Beey Tillers rA of the Soil. '7 a*a***7•Xf..cife.qit.:7*****iiEq•34.:** VALI, FROBLEAllen casion any serieus loss if it is not a euccees, and we shall he glad to hear; from auy who may try it as to their eiteeeee or failure. BESlel UTENSIL'S. keeping; cream en. the dalry.1 You will Almost everything iws tieware from common tin pane to toe' ermine sate of the dairy supply! houses. The ereant vet as nowt made is the zoost objectionable uten- Dairy farmers are slowly coining to !sil in the dairy. The Perieetal° tau" feel the necessity of supplemental cet. so-called. is made of iron and crops for late summer and fall feetleeit is well nigh imPewe'lble tie keel) it" ing. They do not, tioweeer, tate" .eo thoroughly. clean that it will not 'advantage of the opportunity to impair the purity of the cream It . , have. at ell twice. a supply or eve -holes where the claulane Is Wall) .euleat food. ain satiseed thatileieiee a wee;,;• This faucet is a fa'" there exists len/air/ate cemew upon!' (trite lureing plate for deetruSliva ;Many farms In the shortage of labor 'forces. and they get in their busy .i,necessary to perform the extra work, ',worn. especially vauen the create. is writes Mr. IL le. Couto To be warm; it should be abolished from 'it does not require but an hour a the cream vat hi the dairy and in (iiiraoypotio-tieolnatelalYndlefeesecliot:440.cows, and theelecills'eTtiPt4rttilie42o. fr bolding crealn 14 'Fame thew a, delay farmer is a Iiiisy the dairy maw he made 12e inches in. fenew,. 46u41 $2,5, 4 ;nonfat ph.15 boarelletialneter and 1 flutes dee, with and eare of a man. ;nears that the, one emini. end baling perfect solderee rether then the retzeizniao. frog. leech eans witi hold 50 to 00 'amount of letter will bo peed. So`tiourals cream and will mains 20 he tahes elattwes thee pastures win to lie moulds butter. 'Slew are coral uiuh enough coarse food. which veriest, to Mulder into the churn or thev do.- the cream. caroler for the creamer -es* Soiling is often disappointiog Wont .ena they Pan be washed auti ECaltiet1 the tae t tbat none oe the (imps use.- to Perfeetion, iti0114-44;eue;leatz lelented from pasture grae.e. oetee Cimino torn arid mite with soino ,hear my patron; ot the factory gene: why they do not get a taet Jere gew when teiddlenge. anti oil -meal is a. when reiseleg oats and peas or earn good toittion,stlen fOr MOW. hea,ty ;later in the etsaeon. They forget , worth that fresh patittlre grees is the most I There ellould be about a peek of ;due of all green 'sweet( at .; Collett fjziy tbhee Arkoti„nn. andat for them to eat at wilL mos'1 1-14:41LY 1,1411:75,471:!11. Overfeeding with hay is praetfeco -It also hoe a very ratrroW 111itritivelby most fan:tem It Is a waste or retie. I to elk its digestibility is hay and exintests the. digestive seise 71 per cent., as ceappared 61 per ;tent and results in searing coats and -ueset. rounil in green oats; it contelne labored breathing- onlY 4 per cent. (Mee, went, „eel ,coritain oVer per mut. We 'PLePStieeT4IL But at real. live /are, at whieb Roc.t..1 &mut it... eislectrie letup. -------.rthe; :eas TI,411 gzig onew e rcit,4 , TiOrea 317 glthiglr'a write. and which men and tvouull 41.1.,,st for t er ton. teaeeee tee, vor's wit ,shatiox as to tie se:ewe itee teeelenee reed. teeneeetion , Weems: Wile IIRIFit WhiCh 4411s0114 all 011.!aer '1701lith 1ViNst =Welt veith Youth. Age, I:1'101141:1de. Mid acmes at, corr.p of „bin, one e.e,eue 1444 1-54le 'au ao.ae" 'ale; form of t'04'.'rentrilte9, feelings anal elle a life with Its rod- toild dt,atfit are strong:0e than hiveee t; the enzellope the word "luneetlieett- RIR" tees lee 0,partmat,,... Then again we often sillrre 1aiwie,-1 have been ignoiwnt as the "Itle profenttes 3,1N- so: Uri?. laws. wa"1" ' wfil olargo. „ ilst wr; , g•irwtfit ea trete y that n0414415 of the blind of colote or the deaf of 'tor elvells 11 1ila-1)17 004 ,„ it 4lit 04 . tf"e' ft 4f' 'the owe, lino eeote lote um ea eee Melte 04.0 not as li4tle-141de and leeeliel It In been said of Prieceen Charles Lovo has paseed Ale bee, Ere. 044 tee 4ipaet of Any Flea... ararupauv- -for tubwo sallooniWii.•111 ' • psi 1.-i:datable, 'nitwit has been wriew, Penniarli. te at film can tsind a - s 4 e 4 a_ a a . !kat ie von got this Willie and have a e , ten etioeetaltie, sweet, thews erope 'book, steer a beat, lean an One. 040 0130Pir 114100110ti tlint) Lite it() IDOW I lie only Will halt 0 , o is., AAA.. two,t4 voi, foto Irr'iStS 044 14nr$311-4r UT110. 1 leer few' e5 Intereet Whenit Sores aelin Veoplie. Or eser a \emelt 100117 " i, ilg 6540-‘ SPittr011 tee bristle neve Iwo, diphtheria. Willie wry bad. Elva ege Is not too no" layout; e tut titelt Fenesi 5 et 0 Maki. . .1 rict,:it, ,ilouvoeut.,00401hilaitrejusi.sioarial :,41,4-44.e ii t 4tr2:31,,_rtzariztft4041a,i;r:;filartissfiliificoluiltpdt4; 41,1iii10::: .ifiz.7 wilior,liolitstoesr,tal,atsAvtil '!: aaireitOoll,l41.:.,l,:`,4:40.!litu...e. 1..4, :44111ani;„11.414:telia," :En:tigitiptriE,4:4;:n,si,t,rilltt:tfea,,ce.74:14:411:10:‘!!nit,,: elj114;:;;Iii iliiiale.tan'itills:nenlifFtii" a 4 eel 14:teoQu4444' gl 114-i soul. In ite pure light the dere ;1(.0111%4411,w nee and geOli-leilieer. l'1ll ! ,141:\,* ' stdsr. lu, 1.4,.„1.1; .the rpm., :;1117,11,",'"11'.1174.1),,,. 1,14,111,40''ti.10 gnr;11V plopiti tog erous not ndatited go *life! sir Totten i,.; te 1. olio at thb aliadolvy fears that trouble V014 41t, 'twal hi his qoilrt '411'44'4', rod liad a i'llell ue. to enew mew tos toineer of bold 14 444 4.. W.i, 1 "4 . -40° 19°51 mid Ila14131:4's 1 fin'ak 1.1.41/0 '"' Wett1thiert baronets he Lingdonl, tiiiies would dieappowr." Milliard Mei in 'we lined peed e lump I ellY1 ""`" '''' ' " Min g eel' letoetelit MAW' hi` le- elorteern etoneletooe woweie magi i II I. ,i 91 ir t te it %the dieenee. lie glanced at lie' dello i neevisd evelit fuel twain. II meanie. no 00 Ere: if what ewe say Of low ,,of chalk iir this other. ' - I e renter° o hie 'or ;, i e es a I ; V Of the Zettgilt% It Was three days' old:, 1 in 1.,--,.,i1 1,.t,„.,1 n't no te eeet e'elisi`on 010ver elillillliggledgi igara "nt ! (111111:g 1.101. far short, of $100.000 per Ili:twice, rill:47;481111v al !;211ele1-its tietri!erifpelitt) li,14:'ilifw,e,-.1i-iilitty.plirtr.,i,.e.t. %refs stillicz t.a,411.1‘0_7e„rip4l ._,,,ot.herre Inti..74,..4.414.‘.0.resti. 1:41;y4.441:1,x‘ful,.iritlitiF, tTill.pet':,.1 1,6:11-eren -1..t.,--i,34,0- iivi, 8(1174-i-4;4 „1„alilall,te; a:ilfett,if,z.,11 ts;IrReoistv. etten-liveon,0 8 Ilteernee.. caleolteal.r. rav...,:(rsEievr:„.a:i.t.g.k.,,,i..e; ir (loath. Mei (lie again and again in Wilting arid give thle Soling felloW ill- ts e " 's .s.„ „ ,,. e" well death. r eneworing to ftlahe a. living," as to teen eeer oe the 4,...oate: elle t in an t Ite Mill 91144. 81141 i•if1401. MA!. .411 t t; $ -tho.‘ deotlui of thore we love. Thu :„eliiti a hisaelog. Ile is -4410 stroucT toe wilily for ib; itial el it. bad cflme if: vitz.v14,..,1,11:„-,.‘.stbelil71;I:l1l.714netql.elerelllegh:grieel vowpean oe a prolillolite Cffkp ': wivor he bee even hetnen to don al 'brighter our liwes are ihe Moro hole Ine." l three rijars out of four. Certain na- 'i many an a ItatsWa dole U. from the 441-41w.r A momem more , „sw ,111 -1, . , - .4.. • , •ell:wail Oretielowelly slime sw a aiceele, ealt etoriiirg, %eke a, 1141' " ennY'' tivt4r3' 311FP had rollert eateingly adeteell. promeeing Noe' eteses selleelek 'often Wed it to ties V6,1 V rlble i'l tito thoUght of the inevitable. "Not lowdelit, Trevor: and not for - i i •1 1 , - i , 'unending darhneeS into which they 'Many 41 nee,lot. 1'4,4 j40-4 *41V' " i Vaniali." I "011 ttherelu . ltrafile. out, on the St14044141., bard road -"llut life itself Is Poor and enip- , "TO I oridiet fleet. and atter tbat Mg Lavii"Uu. i.1"," MI women said, "and ie not 'eleerewle'res" r IT01'4UY 0111 hour bud paseed tatee WOrth the living until it hall knOwn : uNlieit dseil resale to eay you nowe'lie midi Trevor.s note ht Pelt Lune ,., 01 111:111, liwileation tinsel laws am alwass meerting an ion it FtWilii d. 4444 a'R W•O% (‚hot' 04 t te enema r ;twelve "Wool haws git/ it ' ("norm., no Matter ivlitit olir ileetrel Sir Alesantier Machelleite the Van- love, 1? you die enjoying one one genre:. 40 wee Louie 044 ;tom. - Nelwel grasped Truxiir's. hand ot lee' 30"ryiti Son die Whine; beSt gift at trathiiif,her wait floor al Luvella, a good thirty' of (hid. Olt! Vivian. I had so hope ""That's lend 4416:41 1 do teeae. It 11411wq MTV.. ;AMA nesuriel reiiiiion :he weed., •iineloily is not to be womiered at. • 3." "r Pgt)" 1 it " r air itinbition now lie, and while tve eked of ti.e eteallettlY of MIMIC leeillew yowler -a mon. noels uf ,t mete condition% 410 SO Ut our father and giewielfather were violin- 'rt•nrilr (41111Y r"Flittl'' , lose. We twee. therefore. in north -jet', and his eweat-gratelfallier a, 41..s.ritent.e.leld.sert Tuolf„.141:::iintt y..‘,044)4141414tyie..0r41 401118d8#i. "ss'et 1440 gtoateet 'member at a Militia band, .e.o the vigorous manhood, limitless wealth. ono flourish r low ten141814 14.(8V4 h froni *1414".' 441444)45 tiirertaitlit:11.'enis...' fo"rct ° that the pr6's4'411 1110.44:47 4einftt4th°1; you hp wotild WA at ON moment lilies elle emceed et modifying these eaeleomes of a nueleal Ills *41, ••.• • , • ow only 0 tun of en 4ee-17 yi thof. ram Aritel abruptly. for ••Volu• /lope is my pate eeytee git the fi,o:•t. woO14 2 ttlIti(i it al 1/1° It'gttriura und frighten.a look oi inturosea, mu not co thin bra height its dee', used lslY elleirle latup, the tel even fire frightened WM. 1 elm read the thoughts that shire if 1 n,e'ilee it. 1..righter Oran t'te"Th*'111: t'10(1 134.4 '4 V31:440.” fal- throtsgh those clear 0,ye5 of yours. moon." it041e44 'Fervor. "roor (Lim], Rut it be; it uniet not. be; ' 'resole' tiro:Tee Lao 44 eliair, pee ono hour ago. Ilany is at , even if I might hope to win her. loses. 4i1l, reel :it **Hat. thha': Mid Eva h'itelf. 1 I dare not wed my failing yeara to 'where are eou teener tie teal when !14'14 1, Irllo eollhl eine 'whet lite elild's own '; ItrasIAIlls1:: AND SAFE CEOPS. ;When lie first werit to Louden alter elutire would he, if IN. hail poWet* 1.0 All pl.tuts ilrftv: In proportion to 14.14 ing in GernIntIS S4'llig "Maclagir ' Oatie more he foetid himself foreed, 410 the ;4041, alai 11:0 sooner we feel Igille 1114eraltvrlill ollail%ilel•ght-trlfilisil°(41)(121t11*;atie°1r3Stollgn rhoileel" the texture mel plant food content ' :IS by a power outside hinteelf, to the looireeseet w1* 11 tlie i,det that in near- li 0 tooll' 1° testi h!ags 1101110P43 Ills liedetee of tee deed. Atetin le thew te ie. ry eerliiiii or thq-3 evibt plants , 1110St eiiiiiiing exprweeee beieg . in the curtains* and ga:,,t1 on the 'Mai!, laid *•TirW 1i1,3 in lu'oportion :is we an EdinbUrgh aeal'em•Y` /tin" t'ight the joy and frisAnetZi Of her yalltil.” are elm 4.6144 411'., lieeke ' "'Wiesner Ardel intertellitith With , 'Let her choows for berself; she tee ou !mow 1 meter mole any 41'14ek ti.Th4tut In his 44)314')'. ' Will choose best for her own hippie plans. I will :we that men of youre "ii tag ea the "a0Y 'aillaPit a ` beSS." ,who ham lost hie i oil Ito/miaow" word. t° 1144' motile' low IV. ther , ...No: In this, al least, I must -Ardel never fergol it, preeineeessand the Other child'S Col the mother, choose fur her. I' will not let auy ,do what, I twit for him. After that ,legligot• .: vague, girlish Caney born of genet- I will wander alesni 01 !urge for one, l "i"saye Mlle V14 i021 :sate Wm!" she tuck- ruin her life." 4141.0 444 three tee eel es, Twos, 1 ere el, Wit h all 11)44 fait li mid fere or , With a, demure twinkle in her soft would Mode ishibeut the limit. 'You or a child's PraYer• brown eyes Eva looked Straight in know of oid my Attlee. for .E,:,,hig "You first, Wes," he Fetid simply.. his. "And yet you say you tuner everY milk and corner of this won.- as he open/ d the pesdirine awe. know what love meant, Vivian?" derful, beautiful world of oure while "No! no! Save my boy Mate' I 5*841 tritte face. Again his 'tory f,•1 d 'o*.,iter will come sea- iYanng re, formed Lew same Alpert grew i.0111 et ties thortszea of e in gr041i414, them. Outs and exerl Ian nr .13'111°,011 "ght Putu" s410- blunk oblieion. The hinging to 1.4.11 doter ;Ind corn ar,,t per- ulteneously, whew tee unlioppy in - mole u!;:fetered mean feeult v *if his Imps ,our most reiiable supplemental 50'11. 'l'he woe" Was ullen: lie would erops. Of all Me annuals. I have talse it. no lessitatIon in einem that the Oat hs dropped the martultis mul plant oefers the tereel failures. Peas out death. and, with pale, n eeltile 110 not do thee* best every ;mar. 'fares. took. hie seat ono, more It stile 11h. Ile niiiqlered a ion. 41.;o0t1TerctIllStafoIr4111)1,41:e, litilet;a: labor, and winels In the ear of tire. sleeping- in- Oats may be, tied should be for fate'. A moment later he, too -self- Jorge growth, sown early, as soon ns .• i 4 lee met her gaze frankly, smiling I am in it.” I,nl. in good titre: you first, he a little sadly as he answered: "No; ' "But what. has: Eva to eay to all eahlanine sl..01,1,111.81'.. and I mean never to know. Eva. For ;this?" 'Trevor asked, :sill (laved by "gene gnaa at mat at iniePe "Vhlaiti this reason I leave you to -night. To- 'the stuntman -es of the thing. It may be too lato," morrow I will start again on one of ' '"Ohl, leva hes said ber say," she elt is not too late. though there 1 xay rambles round the world," answered, . wit h. a reluctant little. Is no time to be lost." "And leave her to the first Ounce sigh, "Ouitis in vain. You ought. to Deftly ap a lady's -Maid be rolled comer to woo and win?" reason with this tido aliout ebbing the loose sleeve of her dressing -gown "I leave her in your tare, Eva," and flowing, or the sun about lilting right up to the shoulder. In his "In 4n3r care! 'What can I do, or setting. If he will, he will; and hand he held a little gold syringe., what can any man or woman do, to that's the end of it." with a point nue as a, needle. He shut out love? 'You remember in the "A waft!). nem will have his way. prersed the lieen point through the old fairy tale how the king closed Good-bye, Trevor; good-bye, leen, white satin of her skin and sent his daughter up in the top storey of Say good-bye for rue to the little three drops of the mysterious fluid a toever .of brass to save her from ones, and to -lis Rey. This will into the quick current of her blood. the intWolcome suitok. But it was be my first resling-elare when I get Only three drops, but it ineant death all of no use. The slitter came, and back to England again." bellied and life saved. saw, and conquered. Precaution is hopeless. Love will enter where he chooses, bringing with him great joy "What address while you are away?" the lawyer asked, 'business like. IF; 1-868 wasindcwrroseseamea.........••••••••••11 "ith Parah els Who Couid Now be Well Had They but Known of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,. We do not claim that every one who is paralyzed can be cured by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, for many are beyond the reach of any medical treatment ard must finish their lays in helVlessneSs and suffer- ing. et is rather 'to those who are only partially earalyzecl axle to those who ere slowly, but surely 'developing 'the sym.ptoms winch indicate 'the ape proach of such ailments that we Would suggest the advisability of us- ing Dr. Chase's -Nerve Food, tee great food cure for eliseazes of the nerves. Ween you fired yourself lying awake pights, suffer from indigestion, and headache, feel drowsy after meals &net losing energy, ambi on and courage, it is time to pee/ attention Ile nerves. You may find your - <elf ireitable at times, ivorrie'd over atle things, unable -to concentrate the Mine, forgetful and abseneniind- ed, disheert °nod EWA discouraged teeter give some attention to the 'woven Dr. Chase's Nerve FoOd cures and ‘rarso ta sa 1 v ri 1 ataxia. It does not cam inlluc- ing unconsciousness an'd unnatural sleep. It does not deaden 'the nerves as do opiates auld narcotics. But, on the other hand, aesisting nature and supplying the elemenes from which are formed new blood and, nerve force, effects thorough and lasting cure and is bound- to benefit 11 who use it, Seldom, if ever,. has any medicine secured such hearty endorsomene of physicians and people alike. The curee which it has brought about have often been most extraordinary, and anyone who regularly and pew. sistently -uses this great food Cure i8 sure to find it of inestimable value as a nerve restorative and blood builder. noting your inerease weigb t while using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food you can prove that new, firrn fieeh and muscular tissue aro being adeed to the body. 5'0 cents a box, six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers,' or E,dmanson, Bathe ee Company, Tor- onto. 41'o protect you against ind- tati all 8 tre portrait and signattire of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt heel< 34- y. alms .1, •-• Her eyeS were on bun all the time in pitiful entreaty, "Yee," he answered, "you are safe; now for the boy." "Will he pull through, Arclel?" 1 whispered Trevor. "He will live," Ardel answered confidently; "but it was 0 very close thing. One half-hour more rool-" .The rnother's frightened face stop- ped lum. SiOlit he is quite safe now, Eva. All ho wants is some little watching. It's just possible I may have to re- peat the operation. By the way, where are Lucy aed .Teimette?" "They are away. Lucy does not know of this. They went away be- fore this trouble came. They, are safe, thank God." "He is safe too. with care." "I will stay with him."" Eva and her husband spoke together., "No," Ardel answered decisively. "You both need rest. No one but myself can be of use." "You will let me stair -too; Vivi- an? cammt leave him." No, Eva," he repeated firmly, and his eyes met hers with a steady stare. . "Co now aed ,sleep till morning," he said, aud see went, obedient as a, 0414141. 'C o with her,' Trevor. She will wake from a long sleep with life re- newed. Yoe, too, need rest. and you have had much to suffer. Poor lVillie!--thero is no doubt ho is driad?'' ' The tears were in the father's eyes as he answered. - "Nene; he died quietly and without peen en hour before you' came." With his hand laid lovinely on tbe arm nf Nvi • niesnierieed-liad fallen into a lie it- 1 be soil is in workable condifion; stritetor wns re/peeved to keep an eye on sieteen banes at once, Duke of lelorthumberland Is the only man in England who could his onn dt,or and ride 100 miles in a stsaigItt, line on his ONVII land. The Duke has inagnill- cent houses. One of them. Albury Park, which Is one of the most beau- tiful estates in the home countiew is (To be continued.)into the family through the late situated near Guildford. It came not ic sleep profound as the child's. '1, the amount vis.is nere tnust depend upon soil ronchtione. They. will not Duchess of Northumberland, who in- stend aa 'mess oil nitrogee, being bellied it from her father, Mr. Henry easily14 :st.ten down by wind and ..Drummond. It possesses an Irvin - rain.% Upon most dairy iarins, I - gite church, almost a. cathedral in should say, beware of all nitrogen- size and beauty, evidat was built en - us manures, including stable manure, tiro], at Mr. Drununored's expense Factory a •• tiausing freely of eliseoleyd rock and He also built a, fire church for tee Tbri 'se parisle. mummies in Paris, of -r potash if the soil requires it. SOW He it WaS, too, who en - from two to two and one-half b41sb- els oats per acre, graded seed, treat- tirely pulled down tee village of Al- bury which was originally within ed with formalin for SMUt. They the park, and rebuilt it farther 'to 'should always be sown with a drill, the north. la peas aro to be used, use one anMrs d , one-half bushels oats and one bushel • Nan Alstyne (nee Fanny Cros- by), authoress of the hymn "Safe in small 'white Canada peas. They will the Arms of Jesus" has entered her MODERN ANTLOITITIES. The quest for things antique has led to systematic forgery and imita- tion on the part of dealers. Paris is the great centre of this deceitful Industry. There has been discovered in the suburbs a thriving factory for the fabrication of Egyptian raum- mies, cases and all. These aro ship- ped.to Egypt, and in due time re- turn as properly antiquated discov- eries. A funny story is now current about a collector of medieval things. A certain clever workman in stone made to the order of a dealer in medieval antiquities a Venetian chirnneypiece of the fifteenth century, and received for his work some two or three thousand francs. The deal- er shipped the chienneypiece to Italy, and. had it set up in a palace near Venice, bringing back to Paris photo- graphs of the palace and of the chimneypiece in situ. By means of these photographs be 'aroused the interest of a rich collector, 'who sent his secretary to Venice to make sure that the photographs did not lie, and on his' favorable report, bought the thing for fifty thousand francs. On the arrival of the article at his house in , Paris, he, sent. for some workmen 't� open the cases. One of them appeared to him to ,go about the work rather carelessly, arul he remonstrated with thehnan, who an- swered, "Have no fear, sir.. I know just how it, needs to be opened,' for I packed it when it left Paris." R. A.W. CHASE'S ;MAIM CURE &Mu. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Imoroved Blower, 1-leats the nicest,, clears the air P0004144, stops uropplags In tne throat and perrnattantly cores Catarrh and ilaylieSet. BloWcr free. All dealer% or Dr. W, Chase liedicluo Co., Toronto and BuD:04- . hi a dry season do very much better if put in 4 to 5 inches. With ordin- ary rainfall, if sown with a disc drill in inelloiv soil they will have depth enough. The cutting season may of- ten be prolonged by repented sow- ings from ten days to two Weeks apart. SLOPPING PIGS.. Swine are the only stock on the farm that. are commonly fed sloppy food, and. it is undeniable that they are the most frequently troubled with digestive derangement. This suggests the question, is there any geed mason why the feeding of pigs shoeld differ so widely from that of other farm stock? Why not give them their fooe dry. and -their drink in a 'separate trough? Some of the most healthy and thrifty pigs. we have ever".seen l'e4tecl itt this way, making rale . IS in weight. If this theory b,2 •What, an immense aniount of labor might be saved by the use of self-feeding de- vicee iol. the dry feed, and troughs supplied by pipes:from a spring or tank, and having a float to regulate the height of the water in the trough. For yoeng pigs requiring milk, this plan may not be feasible, though it is a euestiOn whether they mightriot better hew their Milk steaight and their' meet by itself; but in the case .of older pigs that eavepassed the milk stage or where the supply of inilk is 004 sniflcieut to go round, it is quite practicable. It is n14 - eighty -fifth year. She has produced 2,000 hymns, of .which nearly 100, 000,000 copies have been sold. To her we owe also such well-known olcl-time favorite songs as "Rosalie, the Prairie Flower," "There's music in the Air," and "In tee Hazel Dell my Nellie's Sleeping." Mrs. Van Alstyne has been blind from a few weeks after her birth, and in 1358 she married a blind musician. Mr. Cully, the Speaker of the British House of Commons, has one great hobby, and that is to know more thoroughly than anyone' else the geography of his own country, and his knowledge in 'this direction is ,really wonderful. Ile was one day, smne few years ago, arid before he came to his present high position, travelling • from Carlisle to London, antl on the way was able to tell a companion the name of every stream they crossed, even 'down. to the smallest brooks, Lord Jersey, who is a man of fifty. eight, rich, popular, and respected, is principal propeieeor of Child's Bank, a, rule of which establishment is that one partner should always sleep on the premises. In addition to +his a head clerk is cOnstantly on citify "keeping officeiship," as it; is erMed , and several junior clerks an 80 live and sleep in the house. An- oteer quaint rolic of past flays ts tin) habit of calling the front, of the bank ''the seep" and its back premises the "counting-houso," Much is written of the modern business woman, but she existed as a social factor nearly ture's way to let animals do their century ago. From 1 806 eill 1867 0NVI1 mixing of their feeds, and it Sarah Countess of Jersey ruled El, is well in somo things to lot her ehild's Dank as head partner, and have her way. It will cost but ht signed the firm's boks and shored., tin in try this Dian. net, 0C- 111,-.01c. until t