HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-9-3, Page 4vIte Sanelees eee'ne. Pro. RACE PROBLE.V- During an exhibition of gyranastiel -- and Athlettie exereisee in Roeton at the We. t -lip parts of a Strong article °taxies g•PuttttsItInt this after - k. from the San 'Rea neieeo " 1.11:elei,Lef°e1e4aisiatiiritelni"ittlgX 1'43-X41:X1%4)1! TRVRSDAY,B.EPT.,. 3, '035 on the race problem awl the eitleeet of ' IYMilinf.4Z 11 "Ood put the negro in Aftlea. Man moved the negro front Africa to Amer- lea-Anierieen man, New Englaud me% slue eisionial precleceesors, to be plain. The bulk of the Afrieau hunti- gratien tu the United Stotes was 1 br'",,ght Et!Te S!" 1,1111ItY,,Ne, SY, F-ogl'ottie yoeieg .an. Da Smith, as s ,I is. nemetunee Snelte mum ttlel."lle$ y,. 4z.g ,t4,:ovb. 1.4.y. eaoee to tigs cone, nee:Tants, s.ent etuarr,e,? aradi.elk.:t _01..tteue: - tee- end entered the eerviees of thegruint:' . rs",',14' 1.ros7e, ' niers, aaeinnetnues pi. as a e is. Iteeeets Bee- Centrioy,living ter yeate levee thet eta); be,,, tease New lenestabd LORD STRATUCONA. This na.ud h1 nisn gives es, stens's te she iseesee of a tough a seizely outeleer life to the boy without weights, eleared22feet eiglat inches. This is two inebee better than the winders professional reeold made by Tom Keene, of Boetoo, inEnglitud, The Ainerieetp record has Le n held by J. I' e Watson, of Toronto, At Afeet„ 41 inehee, n oder A,M,G. mks, YANKEi AMPION 1,0SES LArAELS Conditions were perfect on Thinetley fertile tennis matte.; between 11. L. Doherty. Foglish ehampion eballeng- er. and W. A. Likened foe the tile of champion of the Visited States., which the rongb life of a miler with tlae Fee neetet:halthe made large fortunes dealing reaaa nee wee tooroomelit th,..enut, t Ilin lavartat neele When thee' foetal it . . 1 i e T . 1. eesseeee. t- ). Tee diiene in the far Northwest, finally eta-, • - ^ , „, , . , • .. .h • , 1101Aa Attu in tent e e -at a ..t. . . , enitn?tl'ient, to 1:11""‘atel b"'"'"'l Y 'n ''"en dav was clear and warm., 'Ate gem -S- ing to the hialiest iessiteen in lite eonil-lion-n corlonakis, titt,,y eantinned. to itn- 1, e ,, ; OA ;Pellet dliW111. eeentea to be sterotede p .. nea—tieis of Peoe.. Pst!leel these ' tieite negro se:Nee:and sell thien tes thew foe the. ewes -ken player. bet tee bet - eel ie. c1arF s lie Itaile ine a eerstientien felioneesii.eseese in the i:eoutle _EN N ihy i,,v2..., theiresziasot which I, „f,veiii.: n utri,.erortne ,,,elave elaupefset sastl.fieolui- Ina l'"°; 10 to 4 in fall.'" uf n°11(11 -Y. Reetoa -tram .e..a..aue . root are e.':en to-dey fail tees man of over four 'favol tioddeuce, flow Newp.3zt. from •,'W'I'l'e years of env. After eevernt 1114;;;61. Etrizzt,91., With theee :ships the thriftee l' ndcr; ceenteetilint wlth the New England trailers did a Wide tratlet Ca -eaves (11,3t3ANTF, 41,3F Comkzeree nI thev got iall:lasta.s -from soothorn wa.,n4glat Ode !IRA wEireflaral, and turned it into mug they sent the rum to Africa. Tatieieto an Friday night, nets the lead- and swapped le far riegrees; they tcok ing pelisse:taw In eve fanetions net dif- the tieereves to the Cerolinas and other eseseat Dross el ent.1,- gee weeeto Santhern eoloidee and eold thine into slavery; then S he they loaded up with de- areartley. during eillifeh Owe delive e image ereolessas„ took it heel; to New ered five addresses. la of considerable England, nettle it into rein, inn' sailed leineerh, geeeted name- old feieues and for Africa agebe, The foundetions of the great fortallif'S IllarlY New Ea Tea itteay new preepee. rtivittiped qt a lend favaillee of light and leediug we ikkaehaaa awe cannier 1FtWG and Itele hat on tem and 51,averv. The forego - hears tespeetivelly mod Ontehed lee all ing tItto blot sound pretty hut It 14 alteeight ride haek to Montreel. Few tt'ie. We Iwo or dreadful race prole man of numb yotmger age wool A len* with ne today; our Meek vote and ir Macke' climes; a problem which tempt, ench a feet. In all those ei seems without eolot Wu; a Problem gagemouto ho hover failed to be at 11e vhieb may wee k our republic -we appointed Owe at the eppointed Grote* We this apnelling evil became t WRY Loug utly be ilve juld he as beAtily w Englinal twirlers distilled WNW moliteses into ram, and with it bought and vigotentel5 he is at pima -vitt Weeks to sell fin. SIANCS. Amoebae la PaYlog tho pvnalty tor 'New Ungland'a negro traftle. She bas been payiug it for MOM than a century. She peid paid part of it in the lives of a million HIPA during the war a the revoloi ion. She ie plying% still In the block crimea The government's railway polio. will that are deity perpetrated thon white women hy blaek (Wilde and e bona eve this eattatty Ill an QN 10m:51140 tynetange twit re peeteetratea on whk Is elotple" anneillatee, lean, Mee the black tiende bvRtatIdtmed motta Elide eetineatee the eeet of the Greed AallorhaAIs Paliftg hot' PonahFlo hlontl PfiJM41111 ihe Ifl4fe=tMettoenae t Vgg.toto. W1304 litOft not Wan& 4h11r1e-1 haps she rimy tete. it for centuries to dation oes thk. C41,›Iern FrettivII 410,OrapDa CAW if the reenddie shall last so long." the eantee of COnstrictitm. In adde, Whet remedy is there for this evil? tion to this positive liebility other pro- It is diflicult to say. What is bred in speetive obligations noiet be coneeler. the hone win Oa in the fleeh. Lynch - el If the Grand Trunk fails to ply lug and boycotting hiwe been practiced the interest on the government's ex. in ilauctica for a hinalred and fifty penditure. Canada. heettmee (Weedy respensible tee 1113lin more in calk -Mimi to this the intereelonial railway, representing au frivestmentlof $70,000.000 of the peoples money. will he destroyed. It is Me, however, to attempt so arrive at a definite state- ment of the actual cost of tide gigantie undertaking, The government is pos. eiessed a no data on which an intelli- gent eatimate can be based. The Goma Trunk Facifie„ from, Moncton to Winnipeg may cost from $25.000 to $100,000 per mile. reTobody ean say where the government stande-and hundreds of millions are in the 4000, The The Conservative party is in no midi position. They have a well de- veloped end cnrefully thought out po- licy which will involve an expenditure of Sild,470.000. In return for the out lay the country will have property to represent it, The transportation ques- Cott will be largely solved and many ,other advantages will follow. The Conservattve policy has been fully ex- plained mid its cost estimated; the got:- ernment scheme is stilt surrounded by mystery and its cost is entirely prob- lematical. "paw. ismosommaponimAmmon - TIM COST CANNO' BE ESTEN3TEM A IMILWA Y FOR TUE PEOPLE In marked contract with the flowery :nothings which characterized Sir Wil - fled Laurier's announcement of the Grand Trunk Pacific deal, WAS the .clear ant, business like statement of the Conservetive policy by Mr. L. Borden. The leader of the oppositiou proposes to extend the Intereolonial to Georgian Bay and instead of bond- ing the eastern division of the new transcontinental road, to nationalize the C.P.R. from N'orth Bay to Port Arthur.. Beeh a policy means: - years. In colonial times these Keene - es were upheld by the EtiO4t prominent people in the community. Lynching is still upheld hy leading nem through all the Sontheen States, which nieans nearly half of CAM republic. When the lynehing madness Weeks out in the North, it, Woos to be supported there also by prominent citizens. NOTES AND COIIMENTS At a Conservative convention held to Briteebridge on Tuesday Mr. A. A. MAW, was unanimously chosen to he candidate for the seat for Muskoka In the Ontario Molise, made vacant by the death of Dr Bridgeland. * Jacob ambler of the Sacramento Bees tele Shooting doh has broken the .200 -yard world's record at German, 25 - ring teirget, by making 483 out off a poesibie 500. The record beretofore held by Die Rogers, of San Francisco was 401 out of 500. Mr. Grubler's shoot- ing was off -hand. * * Every hour that the Ontario Liberal machine withholds from the electors in the three vacant constituencies the pyivilege of Kononneing upon provin- cial politieal issue?, says the Ottawa Citizen, adds fresh reason why Strat- ton, Ross and company should be re- tired from public life and Conservative leaders called upon to direct the affairs of the province. ElizabethiNIcA.voy'of Boston, 18 years oid, has beaten by seven seconds the world's women's record for swim- ming 100 yards -1 minute 24 8-5 sec- onds -held by Miss Golden. She made the 100 yards in 70 strokes. which is solusthing extraordinary. The work waseperformed at the big L street bath house in Boston, where for three years the girl has been a faithful "plugger." * Doherty won the hist set 0-0; punts 381 -15, --The second set went to Dobeety by 0-3; palette, 35-30, Dowell), took the OW sot by 10-8; point., eti. 85 JULY'S HEAVY HEATH RATE. The death rate from consumption in Ontario forthe last month was a very heavy one, accortinve to the report ; Fivet -the preservation of the Inter- of the Provincial Health Officer, s colonial on which $70,000,140 of the sued lately. In 95 inunicipalitil- es . people's money has been.spent. there were 139 deaths. The general health of the Province is good. The Second --the utilization of our canal eontagious disease reported IS as fol - forest -Small -pox, 29 cases, 1 death; scarlet fever, 187 cases, 213 deaths; dip- theria, 809 cases 34 deaths; typhoid. fever, 44 cases. 17 deaths. The percent- age of deaths 11.05 per 1,000, against 11.03 for July last year. 1 *5 A A GALLANT STEAMSHIP. -system representing an investment by ethe people of $00,000,000. Third -the granting of haulage pow- • ers to the four great Canadian railway systems from North Bay to Port Ar- thur thus avoiding the necessity of ConstrUcting a second railway through difficrat territory. Fourth -the gnaeanteeing for all time, that Canadian freight will pass .throngh Canadian ports. Fifth -the deyelopment ofItranspor- sta tion on the basis of a comprehensive system, having regard to our railways andiwit ter ways. Sixth -the uphuilding of our hike ports. Seventh -the establishment of free ports on onr seaboard and the St. Law- - retie°. Eighth -an assurence of low freight rates to the people of all sections of Canada. Ninth -a railway managed by the people end for the people: Tenth -the saving of an expenditure of 5100,000,000, which Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier proposes to make for the benefit of Senietor George Cox. THE VAT.E OF TIM FEraliG "WHEU.4 The Ferris Wheel, whiels wilt Ire re- membered by those who visited the World's Colombian Exposition at t 'bi- I eago in 1S93 as one of the curiosities of the Fair, has been numb:teed by the Oleleago Ilonse-wrireleing Company foe the ithenrdle small figure of 52,000. Such lathe final disposition of the work that originally eciet $.0.1800. and WAS regarded as ft most woaderful 'deer of engineering constroction. Since the eleee of the Exposition it has lei:copied plist of ground in the northeru pert, of Viricogo known As Feni4 Wheel Perla but it soon ceased to he a peybig concerti after the novelty wore off. The new owners heve not deelered them intentions as to what they will do with the wheeL but even au old Iron they have severed a bargeiti.-Pagee gazine, BULGARIA AND TURKEY. WAR BBTWEEN THE TWO Ills EVITABLE. 13.4V011tipta Spreading -Twenty 'Thou- sand Under Aems-The Famens Iseaders Sarafoff, Asentreen Cen- terole * $06a, Sept. e. --Both in official and revelutioeary circles the opinion ie freely held that war between Turkey and Bulgaria le liroxiinent, and can b averted by uothieg short of A Itaram Ole* It is Hat enpeeted that either Government Will ferMeellen declare hostilities, but that the prevailing onditiens WIU fore on a war. There is no question that large num- bers of insurgents have recently cross- ed the irontiete An extensive nt tweak in northern Meeetionia is p09 - The Autonomic prints a tele- gram from Ceastentinople. declaring UPTON. Sir T.L Lipton (may his tribe increase!) Awoke one night from a.deep dream of peace And saw an angel with a fountain pen' Scribbling upou a sheet of emaseao. Theta Regaining his compoenre. Tom eat nn And ASIW41 the angelic one to have a cup , Of his best tea. The angel shriek las head. 'In on the water wagon now" LP SALL Sir T.J.Lipton waved his hand; "I see. Bat, by the svay, whiit wtitest tlaut saidhe. The heavenly vision answered, "Well, I writ(' Here on this little ehee0, in black and white, The man whuee boat will get the need- ed place - The winner in the coming y4011611;1;1 rave." The pliant Lipton brightened up. "Pray tell." He ;vet led. "does the name begin with I L?" "I'm sorry." said his guest, "It is a Ammo. But as things stand, I Citnunt write you', name." T,Lipt on madereply, "Would 1 were it, But put Me &WA as one who never quit?" The angel wrote and vanished. The next night. Ile called on Tom again, hut not to write. Said be, "I have, on this large, }ma- sonic chart, fet fine example ot the engraver's art.) The names of some true sportsmen- .. just the hest." And to, T. Lipton's mime led all the resti that the Sultan, influenced by the coun- eele ef Gernmuy. new favors a war w ith, Bulgaria. The Turks here. how - N▪ TA take an optiniistie view, A$Sett- th4t there is no danger of a war. ea Turkey "dots not deeire one and Prince Ferdinand and the present Bul- garian Government are not in opoei- Oen to 10Tere The Bulgarian Agent at Uskub re- ports that the detachment of Turkish trews sent to .garrieon the small towns in that vilayet tieve spread destruction eking their route; the villages bare been rebind and beaten, the Wfilfilell violated, arid the Christian population eubjected to every conceiyable outrage, whde the 14201 .40mnd-to appear to be helpless to step the atrocities. At the village of Drachm, six relies front Ilskule, the soldiers attacked all the easatits Without the gendarmes inter - ng on behalf of the latter. The Bul- anan Agents report similar excesses In many other villages, and the poeition oi the Bulgarian TeStelelltS is reported to be tervible, as the cruelties commit- ted by the Turkish authorities exceed all limit, The Meeedenien leaders claim that an aggregate of „VW Budgarians have crossed the frontier in small parties and joined the hisargents during the I past ten dare Gen. Zondicifi, the Pre- sident of the Macedonian Committee, and Col. Jankolf, one of the revolt:- tioriary leaders, who are now in Mace- donia, send word that the insurgent , forces number WOO to 15,000 men, They c,xpect that a general iiISUrreC- , tion will be proclaimed this week. 1 Salotoica, Sept. a - The Turks have occupied Klissura, Albania, recently raided by insurgents, without res 501800. A number of Bulgarian villag- es in the vicinity were hitrned. Inspector -General Mimi Pasha re- ctally sent a deputation. tomposed of five Christians and live Turks, to offer amnesty to the insurgents on condition that they lay down their arms before the gseat fast to -morrow in honor of othe Sultan's coronation. The revolt has become general at Cassa and Yuri- ! dje (2$ !ABCS from Salonica), and is lipreading to Ghergyi and Tikresh (do miles from Salomea). Sarafoff, the , revolutionary leader, has arrived in the neighborhood of Salonica for the pur- pose of directing the movements In this district. Some Turkish officers, on August eeth, sold fifteen eases of Mar- ' tini rifles and a quantity of ammuni- 1 *ion to Bulgarians. THE KING AT VIENNA. ENGINEER'S AWFUL FATE. His Majesty Was Accorded a Splen - Windsor°, Ang. 20.-Sented on :trail- did Reception. way velocipede and with certain death melting upon him from behind Vienna, Sept. x. --King Edward ar- James Hendry, a Canadian Pacific rived at 5 o'clock p.m. yesterday from Marienbad, and was accorded an enthusiastic reception. The city was elaborately decorated, and along the route from the railroad station to the lloiburg triumpbal arches, displaying the Austrian and British flags entwin- ed, were erected. Rodwoy engineer, WAS uoahle to get off the nutrhine in time to evert being struck by thereat 0. P. B. express in the yard of the company here at 8.20 this morning. lieudry's body was mangled in a horrible manner, and the machine smasluel to hits. Hendry, in eonmanywith two fellow - employes, Engineer Mains and Fire- man Bell, had ridden out to the road- house not far from the ten& and abont a mile trona tbe depot, to get a &int-. They were returning when overt,' keel ley the express, which wasfifty minutes late and running at a high rate of speed to make up time, Pell and Mains rolled from the 'velocipede and their bodies fell clearof therails. Hendryivas propelling the m achine,and ha d his feet in the stirrnps anri was hit befor0 he could free himself. The engineer in 'charge of the express saw the three on the track and did everything possi- ble to stop his trait, but without avail. Hendry was one of the best known ea- gineers on the C.P.R. and had been in the employ of the company for years. He was 38 years of age and and leaves a wife and four children et 181 William street, London. The announcement that the White Star Line steamship Britannic is now on her last voyage marks the passage Of one of the most famous of the At- lantic steamships. She has just sailed from Belfast for Bremen, having been sold to a firro to be broken up. The Britannic was built in 1874, and soon after she was put in commission she re- clitced the time between Queenstown and Sandy Hook to less than seven days. She established a record for elle eastward voyage of seven days and six- teen houre. The Britannic was con- sidered a wonder in her day, not only for her speed, but for size and luxury. Slathas used the engines and boilers which were put.into her when she was built, never missing a day through ac- cident or disability. The Britannic be- tween 1874 arid 1899 made some 260 round voyages between New York and Liverpool. She travelled about 1,800,- 000 miles, or epough to take her mot e thea seventy times around the world. and carried more than 200,000 passen- gers. 'Seearnee Atyer:9 You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood-- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla It. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. "1 entered terribly from Indigestion and thin blood. I found no relief until I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your bottles perms,- nently eumreadsmire.':it. BART, mt. mise0,11. 11.00 a bottle. .1.C. ATER CO., *Aallgrtoagtetk imm Lowell, Mass. g -P A Rich B1.6 ad ater'S_ P1111. anti .genIly_,Ittiott.i.ye vary €414.3 otarempstrisists Emperor Francis Joseph, wearing the uniform of the British Dragoon Guards and accompanied by several archdukes and other notables, received King Edward at the station., The King wore the uniform of a colonel of the Austrian Hussars. After the presenta.- Hort of the archdukes antt fliers their Majesties drove to the Hotourg in a landau drawn by six horses, immense crowds lining the streets. At the Hof - burg the King was received by the Archduchesses, Foreign Minister Go- luchows1ci, the Austrian and the Hun- garian Premiers and the Court and State, dignitaries. Thereafter the King retired to his apartinents, where he was officially visited by the Emperor. THE MULLAH'S SUPPLIES. Rifles and Ammunition From a Lon- don Firm. Aden, Arabia, Sept. e. -The princi- pal sources for the supply of rifles and ammunitiOn to the Mad Mullah's forces in Somaliland have been traced through a complete identification of trade -marks by agents at Harrar Vod Jibutil, Abyssinia, to a London firm. Since the commencement of the oper- ations .in Somaliland an aggregate of 3,000,000 rounds of Lee-Metford rifle ammunition and a correspondingly large number of Lee-Metford and Gras rifles have been Shipped by this Lon- don firm to Jibutil and Harrar, by way of Manchester and, Marseilles. JADED NERVES OF WOMEN indication or Symptom Of functional - Are many times an derangements. They are in most ea ses due to functional -wrongs, to which. W°113e11V0°TF only yOare " S Women are the Ilig.htmare of doctors.. o"CRANKS",is often the designatioii of those patients by physicians unable to understand the cause of their irristarb.leiAemoldsitiony, WARS have rendered great service to seleh physicians in Great Britain, who prescribe them to nervous women, r.eiriSe'rf:. simplY blyVttrr:131SthaegnOinrdg every organ affected by the functional wrongs in women, such as weakma stoch- weak lx-..ek aud Weak vevs S1". loins WAvJi-its L1p stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the .bonest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and bresehdess Ich,eenergy wlaich aceO puln a "mere eeeet Pt- lfarnes WAWA WM; SAO; buccess as to place *nem op tey lest efeellantere" Dr, Ebel, IL SprInger, X.93349P, Ulafilertd, 441 Sfiteneett100 -wag futicumw'' G ince$051 coNsTimport 'ffen1irt4'. B 41,11$444PR GE 0IORIqQ*5T5&C11eInJ Pdoaln Caitadat S1.00t SlIt bottle* far $5,00 a *XerAF $4,Tawo Wafer; arf mai a ucr# man tathanumerese;doclors ea erne:metier/heel 10 their tatfocis we mad Mr terms,* ohm mum'. Where desiereare Pet eciling the Weters, they are natiteel upon re, etipt 01 price at the esnaelen breasts St. Aim Wafer. 014181 011111lis 114 Illetrsti. a:** 'ke K &111 .K&1 K & YA Thtt AtA34:447 Of mea have variant% is the Ont. Second or third stage. 10 Om earl:IMAM 0 may Valet many opoplotno which Um patient may not reaQc. mire so arising from this disease. In fact, we have hare fora;,4 OXZMinat1031,, VAtic0Celfhpreacat In heudredo of CI"Mro where the patient did not know he had a it at a. 'In time it win efedleie mm11471:I toms aa the following; Nervousness, Nseakuvis la the back. unsteady linitp, tirtd und ccitanstral feelitur, pains in the toles, rritation of the bladder and Id4 uPy H. sediment and 11..sti in urine, emissions at nightwitis lewd dreams. %sexual weaqmele aud decline cf manly ossa -r -these cruptome gradually develop into NERVOUS DEEILITY and IMPOTENCY. oar astaW METHOD TR wer:sums WILL POSITIVET.T CURE YOU AND IT IS GUARANTEED TO CURS YOU WITHOUT OPERATION, Through Ks vitalizing influence tile wormy reins worn to their normal caliber, the GO.culatiou of blood improves -so tlie 4 rgALIZI are properly nonsbked. and are restored to strength and vigor; the nerves brecutte strong, ambition and energy replace laisitude anddespondency, all dratus cease, the oxen became bright, the bran active, and 7en led as a mast ought Witted in veriest Smand end =maul coadition. We Guarantee Caro or No Pay. Anemias we accept for trestmeat aro talmo under a positive guarantee that they are curable or no pa..'. We refer yoa to several banks as to out, tbsaucial responsibility, soros( nisy k now Nrt Okl 40t81 100 CAF tOtitrACI3 Vt MAIM Re2 de RA Stirartt'ACZNYVAIO ri?Ini gttligge ;vvr,r&i: 0 es New Ileiltod Treatment w:,11 c.tre you. What It bastions tor others it *glide for you. CONSIN,TATION V05E. No matter who has trcatrd you, write for an lamest eifintonLraaof Charge. Charges reasonable. BOoNS FREE--`4Tbe Golden Monitor" (lltortrate4), on Dioceses of Alen. Evet7titing confidential. fs.,403:1071 list awl coot of Treatment, ramz, for Item* Treatment. Ds KED 143 Shelby SG, iii;ETRefri, EITICAT, ...Y.4WW14GBe 5. Fber STEAMER, rairsirtmG BURNED. Windsor, Aug. 30tb.--,The steanwe Pittsburg of the Georgian Baty Naviga- tion Compane "e fleet was burned to t he watev's edge while tied up at a dock in Seine %tech this morning. This boat whew el as valued at about $60,600, iso total loss. Insurance covets the loss but partially. Incendiarism is suspect- ed. The Pittsburg was formerly the old envenom, but heabeen entirely re- built in the past three years. She has been ttn the run from Cleveland to the Soo by way of the north channel. Business has been very poor, and the boat was tied up a few days ego. -we At Princeton on Saturday a freight train ran into the rear of onestanding on a siding. A tank 0 gasoliee ex- pind ed, severely burning Brakeman Berrow, of &radio d,and a large qiian. tity of ralle ay.property was burned. A SHOCKING SUICIDE. Miss Sheradown Places Her Head on The Rails in Frant of a Moving Train at Homiota, Man. Winnipeg, Sept. I. -Miss Shear - dawn, a sister of Mr. S. Sheardown, Ifarmer, near Hamiota, Man., killed berself this afternoon in that town. She placed her head on the rail in front, of a moving train, an the head was severed from the body. t.'he young woman had been despon ent o ate. FORESTERS' PICNIC, A fraternal event of more than 'usu- al interest was the. Foresters' Picnic held at Grand Betel on Thursday last. At early morn rigs could be seen in all days at the home of his fetheeenelaw, Rippon Bev, Mr. McNeil, of Bayfield, oven - 'pied the pulpit in St Andrew's ehurch on Sunday butt. while Rev. MeLenoan supplied his pulpin-The Sacrament of the Lord's Slipper, will be observed in St. Andrew's choral next Sabbath morning. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of God- erich, will preach at the prt-paratory service on Friday. --Mr. and Mre....lohn- stem, of St. Lords, wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elgie on Sabbath last Mr. Johnston who is deeply in- terested in Sabbath school work, took charge of the Bible class and Melly addtessed the children at. the close of the service. His nutty friends here are always glad to have a call from him and listen to his words of enconr- agement.-Mrs.Shaffer, who is at pres- ent in Gunn's hospitel, Clinton, is still I, improving ticely.--Mts.(Ree.) MeLen- nen was taken etuddeely ill at Bee field on SAturday. We hope sone to beer of her complete recovery. -Mrs. Mc- Iver and. childree, who here been spending a pleasant holiday :with • friends here have returned 1.0 theie home in Clinton. -Mr. Luther Wil - Bents, of Boeton, is spending a few directions heeding for the objective mr. A. Bell, sr. He calm ewer 05._, point, and when all had gathered the scene was a very eel:tilted 0110,SeVSI'n. , der to accompany Mrs„Williams home and to visit their ha$ been here for the pestayear, at tend- Poblie schonotlt.lesen, Blair, who •. - hundreds of Foresters end their friends 1 heing present front Exeter, Hensall, I ing the Creditor), Centralia, Farquhar, Dash- wood and various other pitiees.: After - Joail b T. a t ;t Le bert of 'Ad - all were nicely settled. the eheitrean, Bro, Geo.. He Anderson, of Exeter, rnaston, wee lust antly Sattirdity on the Cnil da Atlantic Railway track peened the program benaling - (11")11 about five wiles wee, of Renfrew. He a Bros. T..B. Carling, Exeter, H. Either, WAS Walking on the track', 'and being Orediton, and L. H. Dielcson, E"teir'' eeey •deirfaclid not bear the train cons - who. it brief addresses; ek, eeed the brethren ahd their friends and other.. 6 • e.isins and interesting facts tee -wetting 1.41. wiee entertained the prom d hy witte Busiti,ss clla thtiE e order. After dinnee varied and lengthy progrom was carried out, con- sisting of geites,andsports,, aud, . not- withstanding an occasional shower of vein whichatlimes threatened. to des- troy the day's pleasure...all enjoyed the events which were watched with mo.. men Lary interest. The baseball and !'oothall Matches, between ,thoso ilg- geogAtiOns from the crowd, were par- ticularly interesting feetures of the (ley, end ere 4 eserving of special men- tion. The score Of the "former being 74 and the letter- a tie, neither Scoring A goal. The lake Wee;ttel al and afford- ed a splendid opportunity tor boa ting oid bathing. it wee, by ell odds, the largest picnic to Grand Bend of. the ieeson and no moee enjoyable event ;emir' 1e3 wiehed etae The Crediton 13a tid was it, att end emcee tel very m uch eilleened he proceedings by their' ex.. eellen tetensici Atentt eight o'clock the fee, w d took their (lepooture feel ie het the day had !vett pleasantly and profkahly spent. Having purchased the brisi»ess of *Ph. Robt. Sweet and taken pos- session I am now open for lmsiness and solicit the patronage of the purchesing public. Boots and Shoes 'We carry a fullline of all kinds of boots and shoos. Harness ` We have also e firet-cless stock r of light it.nd heavy harness, and we pay particular attention to re- pairing. ' TRY US AND BE CONVINCED AS TO OUR BUSINESS DBee_LING. � HOUSE.