Exeter Advocate, 1903-9-3, Page 31 MaRmelooge~age* ... 1 STRONGER T AN BEATH "3:., QM •C3t., 'Ct.- "Wi, "q3i.e **Zta. A RANSOMED cci L 1 F. Elk cXeiteMent, jOSt ntissed the On ., stroke that would have eltmen t In ibis evay they had woo, the first ;set by a eeuple of strokes, and the seeorid was almost Over. Wiekham 4 and his partner egaiii led to the sixth ganie, where they 'Were caught and held tay their opponexite, Then the "vantage" swayed baelewards and forwards, Twice Lucy, in 14 ai in artless innoceee% laid bare the in- good. breeder, tiou efecirthse, lizirteofioisrciozylieetilitlegshe74.:ci iffir70,****iti.'1*W,"'Xio"***:**3.1:.-/`. ed to" et"vatjee Xeetb°dS4 net he her faith. The cloud cleared from his face. He *adl ;int ii.iiteov,ctooleotmtiteen .fteiheooissiexibinpie Littif eral feeeing without weete or leeto, dener life at LaVella. to low, please ant voice and Ideally eyes there Wasf Seasonable and Profitable z er that which invited confidence. She. An overfilat°43.11NoOgTIES•arely pre'ves lightly turned the talk back to her FOR FARMERS set, end twice her partner bad pet tegelloeell'""'' SiliTh".0439*** eeletede1W,1400111OOtteawageeereeeoeeee „ Ca oft a gatee tbot had appear lost. OntAPTER, VIII. 1 Mg field, his temple striaing 4 pro- There was a lull for a Mouton ljeeting stone. In that instant of while seine new balls were gent fo It was as ter 11 BietnrO as W" time he bad beeri transformed from Luey stood. fanning her flushed fa ever free/Pod in eutumeal bravery! :a cultured gentleman, the aindest of with the brine of her broad, stra thee met Vivian Ardel's eyes as he an : nusbande awl a tabors. to a vivre bat, and the breeze of it made h aaseed eirst through the l e rustie opme- ag te Goo smooth green. , . , swage n.-, sofk„ wavy bale rise aod foil alio -144dral ietincts and Appetites. So he had 1 bet Mrebeed like a bur -mous nos oteit out from the river by a bigh -e0trunued for months, eeis bodily Ardel's eyes were charmed tend h e‘ceetl. ef trees" wi'l'h the l'estless:hc—Itit was oerfect; (nib/ his lolnd beert warmed by her innocent a 4e4a40„ obeen el silver glittering: tle'Ough tbe au."1 1.41" 01.41 ch:,:roctor had ,,,,,,dshed. unconseious loveliness, Seoul pressure or /Pert to the Your eervice." she saki eager bran lissue,," Ardel eeid. "1 shall whorl the balls were brought, e- ilITI'vig• 4ed 1.4.1r the 14°1/Wet' t4le 1/1a3r- he glod to see hare ot course, and with nu underlying, eximeemeiat at b :era were too ebsorbed to notice the do whet I can. It does not, seem a own eagerness; "and it's our Yee new -comers., Further oa, Away in desperate case by any 'neon% A ere game. Oh. I do wish you coil ebe shadows °I the trees, gay sPeeks,trille, is it vet. Trevor? to rob a win Oils timer' of color en the ;Jerre green. tbe ,I. knan et ,ototabike, reason.' if 1 get Ile nodded and smiled. as he men three children were at croquet,. with i the Irain tissue right, and I thinke his recket aver his head, iieret 7.4. -kg bright belb and x?-34ftets Waxiest 1 can, the mind will cOtee 1.141c4-. It's fore be bad served softly. Now tb ae toll as themselves. Imodliating. is it not. that a seen-. whole strength of his arra and elm: Close to tbe edge of the tennis loll of' grey pulp dos all the thia- Kier went into the steal"... sue emert„ under the shade of 4 Wide -link. too the best, of use"' and straight the, ball new, a line 1 eforeeding beech, Eve, 'Trevor's tea- ;freeor shoott. his head reprecchfully white, juet over the net, mad glence table was eee, resplendent in eilver ;,-ading 4 repip,. PawaY into space frOra the, extrem And 014 I'Vo'recter rhi"oa Wee au° "I leneve you would help me, Are tlet-bend corner ot the court—au ign gold, o. soon ot rieh sine ettobroidery aego was all he Salt and they I'poseible service, "Fifteen." Agal tatahled kohl her lap on to the tinned egte.o to the o,roup at the:Jbe same catapult serViees "Thirty. eward en she leaped up impulsively teneteble. • end e ' I I "I? 3.." ta Weleataa her vieitors, ewe, were inet taleitto of ;von, ViVn 'The fOarth service Wielniain too 4 She, evened with denuire deligitt a largo saw Rya.. *'1 was telling !dr. irelth a reiraenlous back -heron lin she saw Ardel's eYea turn to the Wieltloani about Luc, and bow---";Arthe answered with a I 'le • ' tennis courts, teliero the yellow girl "Then don't," ite interposeol brised along the Fide Bee. and Lacy ha in the nearer court was about to tee totes not on tho prograoulue Tea :i Ler refeli: the game avid set wer verve. A moment lightly poised, ond tennis are what we are he•re for. oven. with toot Advanced and arm ulditteda Yes, I'D take another eup; throtete," I "Wooderfull" she cried, and eine tlie girl ;doled, in act to strihe—ive oene have ;got the material for a ;Pea ber hasulo with eight -like glee Mir a VIF1011 as ever warmed an ar capital set,' Fold Trevor, °There's "I efirriot Ian tiSt ti soul. But in that moment her young Lewin. Mal. was piaying pia aneWering the amns,41 Smile in hi eyes met Artiers, and rho knew 111m now win Litcy-oe... hnow hint. Aieoce'ee. "Wbatever 1 fun doira. i bar at 4 glance. The ball dew olullefosly: dee. T teoreo you Immo ble fatlier, 'to do witb 1lty WhOle heart; eve into t Li,' ?wt.. and the raekei deem— pees nom, thing to a tennis ettuo.teertgethre g is othg a flftltte of totals? ling 100E0 in her band, she moved, Iota Lenin anti eteeteltatie ought to illobtaaro, who Iraf: boverino• tin elawb and eh 1 ' ' e 1 g• 'Iiiiatcli /owe. and 5-011115elf. You play. rasilv round tleo tennis grouter. join to loin the gaalp 11011? gittliered 1 stipposo. weeeeanreta remed Es -a Trevor's tea -table, ..ed them. "You play wouderfully Sem inieepeeteilly Artlel would 1 te oti e t - . a . "A little." Wicklinm replied. with. iDe, Ardel," ba veld. a litCe. cone o a t he neremet thoughte of her pure P0111; oerpilk,,w,o,w,,orraiti,,,x,,,,,#.4*.*s.„31 A, sow with a we eonstitutioe Ile She WaS AS set ban womme, hoes Will produce pigs with line defects, ea child; a Woman in her feelings- deen ROONOMIO PEEPING. The Sorr, to give the vest Peter; and tender, a, ehild in joyous east of lien She told Lira of her fovorite The economic feeding 91 ave stocx sleould be M a good condition whet r. hooka In Lavelle, booes were every. does aot mean, the putting of Code brZl'et neelority of eases it is esotex ;Imre. and reading Was tO her a awn ,itir :ex% leserovrattietnemrnakteloan ceille.„. to tibrreae.d 4 eeret bog than to get rhi !hf: elight, She lightly glanced at, the 6order11 a anti, v 'ailed charms they held for her with taloa sonata' of feed reach oiler a ente bighest breed with pooi trt 0 thot keen instinct for the true arid P e tune- ReenenlY in feed Will 40011 degeoarote Ude! the. Mefiee . t. beautiful that is a surer ,guide than 311e0,hs tile ,s4ving Ot feed Irene lossrst scrubs. is reasores cold a114113`sia. The pleasure er extravagant use. The turning; Of The sieeping ,r -ace of the nog nd trips wag Leeet by road ono rhea. stoat into ineettlowa Mid where they should be 417 in sinoraer if tin through scopes of plapill betiuteo toe have eeeese to bay awls is s waste best health la maintained. quaintly- humorous sa,yirege and do - Hints for the 1$4.1s7 1111erS ?ift Of the SOO, .'•• A gume of lawn, teunis in full IY. ings of tlin little ones; oa every top- er ie. Of her pleasant life her talk ran te freely. enticed by Ardel's iusidious The prmexpal object In pig breed* e , and therefore a violation of system and ecorarnical Inetlieds handling Iive stock. `Elie shoveling of corn cot into muddy yards for the Lsue....y the hog is a barn Milrear to eure when Fick, but on easy One to 144-ep well with proper ear& Id questioning. jeer soy in nee, a, joy oge to gather up is not en ohser5,)ing is to obtain a large quantity oi waste ii o- 1101:144„:Trijiisa‘..:tioltelawidr:i:1,11,11pCbialettilliln4ornhheeesr tf4ehneeedl lavnle'.°4*(.17..i:ttefisthae as Pgo7s(111114101-14MY q's 41Qrt i en Aged eseW, if preperly 0 pain. All grains and feed products 01 all P,cared for, will bring two geed lit* g She was tering biro of that bapp bI ds that, are produced on the fareaters a year, to ewer.) these ehe etalat ft woo -nage day ttgett she grst disease, brought onto tbe Mien as cera—,be well fed all of the time. ere: TtsbnyFon n1.4,4 reed the idylls or merciel feed have a feed value and !,. Hove a eke,* goer upon evialch to d the 1C•hefe' through the long. lazy sul- 011°Od he turned to stone acnollot in ,feed hogs. '' it not. on4r improve e try hours in a Measure lioat moored Malatoining the farm atm& The health but secures a, egueli better .,. in sail water ander the dark green faonottee of feed and feed products on. 'potty ot gteat and at eees east, 414. l ;IZVI;4‘g. atlailelst;toiltroeerinillg'erielvglet :.:Yugitivgliteits-JIAthte irtfalfallrialisintgli.e. Vte?Intutstt°e"ratc°no0t* phOro-011evitev?..r p.TeprYie 171-IreSt/4Pglitclfle 1,"ez,i,fclnutia4 t when the deep 1,0001 0? tt,,, mnuerilatueit Is produce.4 On the farm. If It ,clritt 'le, - ore ageeleeent .... gong .1.;,,,nunt ;;Id through the eon* Is met harvested and properly talien ethrowieg. awoy prone. Z evening., and ,,,,,,, brae of abruptly' ottre of to awe it froni toes and dam- I A pig 'that coraes to his feed with with o eedileta relapse into :Sowers. the feria indestry will suntor 01141.a rneli wilt oearly always give bete (lo ecelireojtzerleo3121144t•eiTi.aYen.aill.,(,..ernivietto:Cnciel; aler liel171.1r3ill Iteg;'(11)NraSrilfiAlviet11",ARtelS. one that is so full that lee 1.1111St he 1 ter returrie for the food eaten than toy thong:its out loud an this time." The economical nuenagement of ;:stalrred out. a "Yoe hae-e not 'wearied me." be tat le prodeced en the farm has as e hieleerallY eiallag Animals give A . Sak4 „inlay. ..T wanted to twat, great il, bearing an Kota ae tteijttahentrerwrieiticiihrilafroerreffinftinfireC4Orcmtalleaetithlw4 . about yourself, end tempted yea to growing ef the erep. 'Me ettoly : "Atelt 311;(el.'iyielded to temptation. Now , tete-, Refry fanner and bendier (10; Better twing in tgle or two Yona8 live stork requirenunvis Is a IleeeS-.4'sPeriati.F the ra'f-e with Piga. n I: est 1 pauf.-t. run away'. Eva willive sleek. ebould loecov, as pearly :le ,sows at a, thae rather than to die" a ant tee, She inatee uee. believe .egn be. whet the newel -entente are earal oll of Ole old ones at one e e t I ilm a nsp. to her." of the Vario11S landa Of feeds ThiS„ tierek• , She gave one bright parting glanee;,eati only he tad by instruction and .. lly having all ages and sties to., . 1111141liwS.4.41relliti,..4 a=.sWatisleglOatavven. .11ght US a','Ir Practical work relnong the fame atil":.getk" 114 are fe°411311 11144e the Bre* That arthp.is S.itaile flaslted tiafaugh°141)4111Shilg the grneing rea7011 it - OA fre,111 the nose loa,y be heraener re* P41., 41re Nan ret14:V rot. an- hatello have hnoWn bor. thongh 4"Tizen stwrad colt for tele set," '?fitaer game. elies Itoye" was only a, 1047 nionthe Niafie they *low Trevor, &glut /eye. oat, rposeet. oLney Les In Ieet, 1 iireestoung exultation ,;thene the rue of 0 platen. abere lire: Ito reeeleianend it bat a g0041 preigreo esioa eteetaatta terionte leea, ge (-Nailed 115 elAid. Tie her her $1('' 144" " 1* h,%eon t „you q• Trevor?'" llayed sh„,„1.1, .vols ran root ie big iri.711s tts be. followed ga•ngliPilearah Ontt t"es'ra:1f 5and jti!_,:.14re,sviliTiolg:;1tst_lolce:t'::401h s;o1;estit471:011. 'Wertiv"e4 4•/ dud not altogill;ve pleeeeo oith togeee tees a quie.1 10,70re 4/tuncr. At oeurer areal oet oy levee area ',well, Tete vehen winter etazres 01141 3 'Ile' lart/ed 4,007 IleallY 411 el tiluo poet (iv( d tot roraeroo id fur o Wicidetia und Italev Were tegether.litille 444 U35 thrin (3gaprer.,,,t; 1 the time either finicking a litter ot Arat""4115133" j "Ch. lee." else fetid, enaillog. "I. Vim," ,F41741 la'r,g.'ite, rea------'page/tort to tee eoeng vivre pared feed Of Scare landl; A-41144.nr, ,leeree atowing, oature, .. • hie Wed alai brain. kindliog a new an ea.sy matter to bavolle eteglo glee The ;New or boar that bee Dottie bed niet. Tho /haggard anti lituited lenif, wee gone from her face. Iler elaroz,k; were ilea that Of the 'belga roote, ozel her voila blee ey4.":1 of Atha Ivappineee, /eelelt atateh paled him agautit ; "Yon and eget melee a, ealo, The elei.el lee kad 'peeeed throng,h.;protnrimue N gm. Tipp roFf nee nnst Ipcp3 gram:1g a Rale ea flout her "101: toad Introdurtion bete. Leta ellekbann nrd 111 ow. 11 her pity for hem. weoe Wielehantee be topic:vat 1,4y eehstitide pre* -4 1444 rreetleee to he Of irmecio and IOJyCZ141.4 (owe upon a -„- ae.er tuay fratwi„ never Ow- any i!hain made gt, pawl:0100o a betels dee! favor. A houdeoree gee: ond joyonei'(etraw anal other favoge crops will 114444,." ga1410. I vannot get no may intereet 4iplaten. Inventor tonere: tad the eionree that .eeree.. to Ulm the place of the . A caro n1.1,14 f3ittei of Atwitter down a louge Finely walk dentened on bee aitete and Loa again t,teo net a hall eneeee or Lae% or th.4,t von kr i)to wink of the whisper - &Loge a quide, ple.•eeed leok at the 4,4,,hould rush oitout ming to hit it. her mood changed. Site group. ;I; aepposo T wan born cid. for, even 'yo•er' suddenly shy and silent. and "Lot one Int:Telt:tee The Wielellam." lee a little gire, felt Joel the teenea"tioa woman apeoreed the child in orrevor broke, in. Then a look of way, 1 never could eique geniev. 1 livr. "How thoughtlesu •;•ott must PUY ettole Into Jaleees helea for elle ?riiireeil my donee thee, as I mind , noel" elm reid ot lest. "and hnew 04 ordeal through which 1nie^ tudtii to sow, and let others play," ,Lew uegralefoll Yon. of all men. tido Man ltad lereeeth and ht' termer islemewlille, Trevor pieked up Ide,wito Itave given no back try life rand to oreet Itita with a smile. (book, obit% ley Mee down on the ,happineee. Words reem week and Wietilaut—t.tood for a long Moment into a Winet'W041; I0411W1 have dom. for have often goal Ofler4211 eliviv, tee. An Ardel t00% the little irret 'Ile Ilia ,4.-,„4144'N. I cauntit rs.tr,11411 Why A$4 A and rrev strolled rarov pity I • e b ) titre 'f 111 • I VC' e Do root fe• I f I ee.n. t were dog et a 101 a (wan ie.' e sn.11 4^1,4 OM rorzaux Dut Wieldtioneothe ready -witted ehortv t graete ono tirohhea eouteutede, wortbletse 'when think of what you rilent mod nuttionleee. dared bY her :his wife. "lharby and .loan." be often, 10141(41 tor the chance to thong beauty, and in that moment Alders !ettid camel:14y. "We'll look on. k you, mot mow eannot. Obl T wish keen cool read in Ida fetee lho birth ilittle woman, while there children you could look right into my heart Of a NW:4AM desotiring as bre, /MA- Amara thoneeeseeeot and know what Teel." gry lie tlie grave. "I hope you play very well, Dr. The look paesed from his fere ,Ardel," Lucy tuid Guiltily, when stem lee met he bowed And tanned. they Get tOgi the r -to their court. muononting inaudible commonplace. m only a beginner: but not, Something in tbe low teea, vaguely ea Nut. lint ran Sooke out as she 'Weleena• a bit tile Eva. I do bate to be le•iiienatiered, eft in a dream, stirred beaten. It's eilly, I know; but I her heart., As the rafeed clear la ue eyes lo bun there were tears in "I can do no 1110re than any best," ithene--tears of vague MO 'a omen. We hnow you were in- Ardel neswered, smiling at her chil(1-1 For a moment their eyes met and nocent, eourse, and 'waged for Wee cagerneee. But she knew, et their nouls looked through; then bar you night and (ley. Thauk God yoU onee. tit "his best" meant a great ' remised God Is just 1r • " "IlelieVe me," lat sold gravely, "you thank me best by being luip- Peel. "Wo pitied you from our very cannot t .1 o bearte, Wkaluon." the eald, "we row sought the ground, but she cla otill felt his eyes upon her face, "Thanks to your husbano, et was a (ewe match, and 0 WM- "nappy!" she answered; "how ran imenNy Trevor," began Wichbatia With an fleit one. Both the young men play- I help being happy? Thera is halt- ed well, especially 1Tickloun; clean pilules ill tbe v. • Ilut she 110(1 up a warning forefin- ger. "011, we know," the said sinning; "'John has no secrets from nee. Thanks to Dr. Artie). Who has added yet another to the long list of the lives he has saved and inade hap - p ace. and swift etroke end service, but. My days go by SO Swiftly, eon just a trifle uneertoin. Now end scarce eount them, and each is hap- atxnin, at some turning -point of the pier than the last. I love to be game, the hall would lly from his Lined, and I feel that they are fond meet end of the court, or go spin- of me," ning into the net. Lucy, too, was "And the past?" staid Ardel. The . brftliaut, a it. ea) far as words dropped froln. him almost un- Ardel was concerned, be left the play thinkingly. Again her eyes glanced aside, and mainly to his partner, and took few "Ohl the present, is all the bappler Wielfaram, following her gaze, was stroke14, but niieved none. There was for the troublee of the past, as fight surprised at the, gratitude* that something «boost uncanny abont his is brighter from the darkness." "You are fortunate in that feeling, Mies Ray. Mere are many for whom the shadow of a gloomy past clouds the present and the future. 5t111—" He broke off with a Vague infleetiOn of disappointment in his voice. Her eyes, raised suddenly, met Ids, and read his thought. "Ob, nol" she cried, "you must not think that of me. Indeed, I have not forgotten the *ad. The thouglit of them, the remembrance of them, the certainty of our future riveting, is part of my life. I know that even now they rejoice in my happiness and share iny gratitude." "But they are deael," Ardel said; and he felt, as he spoke, how feeble was the anSwer to her -vivid faith. "Not dead, but gone before," she enswvod, "and waiting th welcome us. The father anti the mother I loved are still alive for me, - I sbould die of grief if I doubted it. I speak to them often when I am alone,' and I know they hoar, 'and. see, and love me as in 'the old times, and are glad of 'my joy, as they grieved for my sorrow." Theta was a light in ber eyes and tile fervor of conviction in her that filled hien with vague envy mid long- ing.' ITe tbaught to himself, if he al shone in Lucy's face, and looked in- quiringly at Eva. Meanwhile Trevor had for the mo- ment dra.wit Ardel aside, and they were speaking earnestly about a c milt% that Was always chanCing. Strange lunacy case in which the Now and again the yotmger nten got distinguished lawyer had been just away with a rush in the earlier engaged, and in which a great es- gamee. But Lucy and her partner tate was involved. Tbe owner of invariably stole up in the end for the property had fallen in the hunt- an exciting neish. Moll. The balls new precisely wbere be wanted them, within an inch of the net or an -.inch of the. line. It seemed chance at first, but it WaS a. Last n ure litchi g PHe A Chronio Case of Unt.4sual Severity and Standing Cured by DR. CH ST' Piles, or liemoerhoitise axe small turaorS, wbich felon in and about the orifice of the rectem., 'Amy are caused by an enlarged and inflamed condition of the veins, which are very nuinercrus in this portion of tale body. Piles frequently attack women Miring the expeceane period perioel or after childbirth. :Any form of piles causes dreadful sulTering on account of the itching anel burning 'Which accompany them. One can .searcely evalk at times, and Vurthg the nigh't, when the body gets warm, suffering is intense. Mr, Alex. MeLougblin for 30 years a resident of Bowmanville, Ont., writes "For twenty long years I euffered Vtona itclung mles, and only per- sons who have been troebled with that annoying 'disease can' imagine What 1 endured during that time. About seven years ago I asked a druggist if kg had anything 10 cure me. I -le said that Dr. Chase's Oint- ment was most favorably semicen of, Long eand on his reconneorida,tion I took ' a box. "After three applications I felt better, and by the tinie I bad used one box I was on a fair way 'to re- coveiy. continued the treatment until° thoroughly cured, aed I lima con d only. share her comforting •t, not Suffered any since. I am nun- faifh, how cliffeeent would life seein ly convinced that the ointment macie lein—and death. a perfect cure. They walked on a few paces in sil- "I consider Dr. Chaee's Ointment. ence, and again she stole a look at an invaluable treatment for piles. his fere and saw it, troubled. In my case t think the cure was re- "Shall we return?" she asked tim- markable when You consider that I idly, am getting up in years, and had "Please don't. It is a pleasure to been so long a sufferer Loin tliis MC to bear you tell me you are hap - Dr. ei,iase's Ointment is the on] 'Tt is a pleasure, then, that yoti eomehete .and guaranteee cure for .every , form of piles.. It has a rocotd of cures unparallejed in the history of medicine. GO Cent,' a box, al all dealers or Edmanson, 'Bate S & On, Toronto. To 'protect you against imitations, ehe portrait and signa- eura of Dr. A, W. ChaSe, the famous reempt book author, are. on every have earned, Dr. Ardel; but for you —oh! do believe I am most deeply grateful. Night and morning prav for your happinese. is 'the only ret urn T can in like.' Listening to her' eareest voice, he did not dare to tell her he had no belief in prayer, no hope of a life beyond the grave. I-Ier fervor was eaea. me ant chatting togother woe feuttleollere where a knowledge oe feedn1 Ifene 31w t haVe grit and vie= 3 ar Mende, with all the frank free. le required in order to keep the flesh:qoartere. maeonry of youth. that the animals laid on during the. Conflation powtheet are nearly file Area. in eiore ronw.mo with Ern, SUMMIT from being wasted away Rada found his attention wandering, and during tile feeding' feeezem. l'otiltry ealoroot be kept healthy It Mattera not what plan is adopt -non wet grousulti or to a (temp quer.. (el or permitted to go into tire in jere. the Wintering Of suilmale, that re -i Bans having o free ravage are tibia elm in the sterving Mt of Ileeli, it i to gather ie variety of fawn A FEED STANDPOINT. stooping its.,•If in his raitod. is in the rapid development, uf the :::::111f:letite, where lie snt alone and eilent for . Jt. bas teen aecertained that the The, food ebould be suilleiently little. all if time sad purpoee wee Inmates* profit In live stock growiug rnrh'd to heel> the fowls with a llut Eve, found hint in his eeile. animok the more rapidly' the room& Let the hrceding fowls he as large/ oreo a, :treat Lo;' you, anolatoa she thing is pushed farWard 111t0 a fully , ar,tilea, told nteell,e711 os P"SIble• alla sing." said; "Yoli bevel not yet hefted Luey matured beast the greeter profit. It ises"`et 4ens that JAY the largest eggs. would be folly to attempt to lbs.. PACreise in 0. els'aP Ine(BrIo° and Wickham had Just glean tbetn. a gthe prove this statement, so well ground- eleanlitiese is a good disinfectant. Frage% chanson, accompanying bina ed haS been 'the evidence in its sup- Vawis are subject *a mallY disease eelf on the mandoline, front which port. The starving process that is st;ales.ielriene,ially when 'Confined in close the notes flew limier his rapid finget now going on all over the stock raise q tips like showers of colored sparks, ing districts is tbe means of deetroy- 'Vfilll'e fowl; when dresS441 for mar' "Now your tura, eoley, . lira ing raillituis of dollars in live stock hetodotiOthlelotililtleire change. lie likee sad songs best." growth and development is to be Deware of overfeeding. It is a e.iirle1,14111s.feather marks whispered her; "a sad wing, for a value. If the theory of constant •• variety of feed and shell producing articles tbnt bring the best results. The young fowls not Intended for laying or breeding shou/d he fatten, ed and nourbeted as soon as they can be got into a good condition. It is an old Ma:VIM that if any defects aro in the bird they will an - pear when the new feathers COLIC out After moulting. quietly Troia Inc rOom, C A BOA SII S TR A.C1F-DIt. I "The little ones," Eva said. '7 In the village of Ilayandour, in Ibe heard a whispered promise to Willy Gauc.asus, lives a man named Ivan of a. fatly tale in the nursery. They elslainnzoff, who a few. weeliS ago love her stories better than the startled the community by cutting, books. You have seen and heard the the 'throat of his 7 -montes -old son last of Lucy for to -night, Vivian, on the thresbohl of the church. Ho was at once arrested and taken. be- fore a judge, uliereupon he gave ari extraordinary ea -planation of Ids conduce. A few years ago, he said, his face to read his tboughts.a he was 'very sick, and one night St. It may be- that her woman's eyes John appeared to him in a dream found there more than she sought, and took him into a valley, where "That is a wonderful diamond." be saw God seated on a throne of gold. Ilia Almiglity, be continued, for she changed the subject quickly. She touched the morsel of many_ then said to bleu t "Ivan, I will re - colored light that flickered on his Store your goo'd health to you, but linger. "You usen't to wear jewels." in time you will have a.son, and as could answer: "Cenne. have a game soon as he is '7 months old you must offer him up as a sacrifice." Aslaraa- Trevor's -voice broke in before he parting Eva, anrd----Arialdenl: wtilitrethiesy gneot he bad Prayed God to spare his son, zoff said that nume: times since then of billiards, Wield together. There's no playing bini-. but that, as the Alnlighty made no he considered it bis duty ards with him, either," he added, as response, to sacrifice him. Hie story made a he and Wickham left the room; "he 'deep impression on 'the people, and seems to mesmerize the billiard the general opinion was that tie had balls. They aave to do exactly acted like a saint and that the meth-, what he wants them." ,,i,ti rather he'd mesmerize the critics hail no right to arrest him. billiard balls than me," Wiekham re- GRAINS Ole GOLD. plied lauglu'ngly; "I'm half afraid In ell things it is better 'to Hope . of him." than 'despair.—.G Meanwhile Ardel had' drawn the Freeehinkers are generally those , diamond rieg from his little finger, and dropped it into Evaes small who never think ci,t all. --Sterne. ' very slowly, and white palm, where it glistened like poIvileireaner ssootnravoeviestaalces hen—Hunter, O fire -fly. Adversity borrows its sharpest "Are you quite sure this is a. jew- sling ir°111 our imPti'l:ience.—Bish°P el, Eva?" , . Herne: . ' , never . He alene is an acute obseevee who "It looks exquisite. ' I 'have' seen anything so beautiful. Isn't it can observe mimitely witemet being a real diamond?" ' . observed.—La.vater. , t e011; it's real enough. 'Mr. Ophir, If, the ancients left us ideas ta of New Bond Street, tested it' by our crecit be rt spooren, we moderns n ' 1 every test keown to the diamond ex- are rilding amises for them.—A, le, 31rainian brilliant of the purest wa- Alekto°11.1ey 'dishonestly . a.cquired is nev- pert, and pronounced it a ,genuine er worth its east., while a good con- ' ter. He laughed in my .faCe when 1 science never costs as much as if is told him I made it xngself. But it werew—g, P. .geen, was true, all the same. `I don't The one who will be found in trial . care bow it, was meth!, or who mode capable of great. acts of lo-ve is evet it," said he; 'I Win iniv it as a pure the one who is always 'doing consiie diamond, and as ran' 11101.0 al the crate small ones. --F. W. Robereson., same kite' as you wish to bring nae. To lee humble to superiors is auty; Only CIO 21' t Inake too many of them, to equals, is courtesee 'to inferiors - ever mod again 1119 eye9 would rest for a moment on the gay young couple with a l'agtie sadness too gentle to he ealled envy, quiet corner for binetelf In the shad In the drawingo•oont be found ,eennomy from An oeerfat ben is In danger of Mahout preface or accompaniment, (eel) e Lucy sang atiewe mean conye* Hors It is economic feeding to givo all Netts tt wonderful voice; the high notes anitrialsn liberally of eueli feeds 03 &lir as the pure thrill of Goo nre available during cold and stormy thrush, the low notes soft as the weather. It; will be etonotay to ern ono of the dove In the heart of the such stock as cannot be fully sup - woods heard 'through the hush of plied with winter feed. The reanelei- the summer noon. le feeding of stack can never be trac- The girrs soul was in the song. Its sorrow wept 'through the plaintive A raceivent afterwards Lucy slipped notes, touching all hearts to tender- est sympathy, half pleasure and boat in. "Sweets to lite sweet," Ardel whiapered to 11:Va, when the song ended in a silence Mat Was more flattering than applause, "and youth to the young. have always thought that song tbe saddest in language, but it never seemed so sad before. ',Auld Robin Gray' was most of all to be pitied." "Hasn't sbe a lovely voice, Vivi- an'? You seem to feel its ethoes in your heert." "She sings as could fancy one of the angels in your happy heaven might sing, Eva," he answered, smiling. "Oh, Lucy is better than any an- gel," said Eva, with impulsive af- fection, ignoring theology; "she is a sweet, true -hearted girl, One would fanc;s7 she had never known an hour's sorrow, her soul is so steeped in sunehine." "The sunshine seems brightest when we come to it through shadow and darkness," Ardel answered. "Ohl 6Vivian," Eva broke out earnestly, "are you pot glad and proud to have' saved her? To have saved a. life like ears is a thing to be proud and glad of while your own life lasts." • "While my own life lasts," 110 echoed musingly; "but a brief space now, Eva, for joy or pride." leer answer she touched her closed lips with her finger-tips. Wickham had enticed Lucy to a second song, to which bis mandoline tinkled a gay accompaniment. It was a lively *love song this time. Young love and merriment rippleci and laughed through the notes, as the skylark's joy overflows in a fountain of delight gthrough the pure fresh air of the morning, p!le To prove to am that Dr. acpdase,:bs,oduntOtnacenutrois ;16eroretag and ovory form .of itohim bleedingand protruding pees, ettileirterseme,Sahnietif:tInecettehnerteharaii'seehb"oll'iregcstualvnnodUleefriju°t'sn'orurut:eltig:118d: an 3)r. Ardel, d flood the markets.' get your mone.y back if not cured. (Wo box, at moon to make ,aiky all doilers or EpTIA NSON, BATES & Ce.,Toront,„e, teeit, i2r;Oht4se's Ointment nu're' (To be contineed4 Aro you sorry?" She spoke lightly, but there was a curious underlying earnestness in her voice, and she glanced quickly at is nobleness; and to all, safety; it being a virtue tbat, for all its low. liness, coenmandetlt those it seo0P1 to.—Sir T. Moore, 4 1 4 4 4