Exeter Advocate, 1903-9-3, Page 1EXETE 1111101$0801MintitM The SOVEREIGN BANK at a Mad Ofilee--.TUIZONTO, Executive Offfee-BONTREAL. Speoiat'Attention. to ruiners Bit'ineiS We with VARNA the ottentleatiFeerneers ret) the %eeptial3r.1,1104V1344:4-0, 4.5.mdt y '»' 5as-topes Berette DPFArtitmllff• elebsy let depealting or wfahlralaing fends rarithes Ilureza Celety at— Rffeter, Crediton, Vast:mood. 'Zee *all and Clinton, F. E. Karat Naxt:.-ger etate Cr& These goods are in suit le two alike. Buy oue and be yourself CARRICK TWEEDS, 16 inches w de, favound shades of navy. green1 marine, with tiesorted toloriette a 73 eta a reit .1. Ii t yards in enit. FLAKED Si (IS, 40 inchee wide. gronod slualee of n green and navy, with faney &deed stripes at cente a yetd, 7 yattle in salt. DIAMANTE CLOTHS, venv whine inetws wibe! laittetti navy. Meek end green nima thttileat with, ttlIkt," ettiottill thIttiErke t 174 Vela F.4260. 44'0MS ID slo, DIAMANTE Rh zibeline effete, e2 ineltes wide, Idea, peen and navy eleales et Via yd, tale in ettit. NOPPE CLOTHS, elegont ;finish. ery new. 17 incites wide, in light pewee brown. Meek, $14 .tt in emit. FANCY FLAKED Sr ITIN0S. elegant stripitage. Meek. 111101,T, and brown ground% 42 inehes wide et 7e cent -3 it pied, Ot yards in snit. CAti'VASS !MATHS. 44 inches wide, ;navy end Idea grerenda very soft tinieh itt 7d eente yard. 0 yarde in SOU. Guarardit Celcbraterl Fronch Black Dross Goods Our Ovoids. POPUESTONE, & GARDINER, One doer north of Pa. 0 COP F t. N'OYES & RANuAtus Read. tr Clothing for Men and Soya, Sllipka iNtiss id:,, Buten), formerly of wait Mr, J. Gaiserstill contioues ou the Dietha-oitil„who lige been Iteepitett house sit*. iiet. We hope to eee him out for Mrs. Ryan and her sine aud grand- 41PiU -_ii-.1. Monte wine has been leid off work for a few day,s, ow- jr, A $ore arm, is ;dile to lie eroued agai u. -Harvest, is getting to be a tleiery nd e ETr= ro, of the pa -t here mid the farmers ar x , ONTARIO bus, ti.et:hi.,... Ali repot. t ie v • good yield, --.Mrs. 1Voodse, of fentdon, is visiting friends in this vicinty.- Owing to a couple of fandliee in this SEPTEr1)13ER 21 RNI) 22 vieinite Laving cliphtheria the ,echool which 'was reineetted for a coatple of 1 Prize List nod Inforiniztion can lie eeetered frone the set. days alder vaeation. aes elotticel i'tgain i 7 for e thee end Ilia Gillespie bits re- 0 Oblit Allison, 3.1.-%., President A C4 - C.11114, ;OS been laid up teeth a sore foot the pest week. We are pleased to statelhat she is recovering from its effecta-Mies Agnes Atkinson is vitit- ing friends in London and Petroieit.- Mrs. Lewis atid dieughter, of London, spettt a few days beta davieet the week. -The High and Publie echools reopen. ed on Tuesilay.-31re. (Da) Charles Caraphell. aria claughter„ of Brooklynt tit Y.. are the guests of Ma. and Mre. W. Fe Staniese-Mre, Alex. MeFalls visaing her se a Mte., Eacrettat tinned to Ida home naaltSeafotth, F. Kilauea -ran wits mailman.; home end at•e de eth." The idow is too sudden Brentfora.-A few eventags ago es Mr. DE.VaL,-"Its the midst a life we whea near Gib -tone planing atoll bee avid the sietra yet to freeh to aide teas street. flOWD nnffL reeetved severed with coleuesss tbe event whitat laet ; ow, some- of which leid tite tlesh Wednesday eadderied matey hearts 903 Vretiltoix The Mi.s-efes Entine and ka 1iblt Fi 4,- teiner 4411.0 vieiting frientle at Nifig01^0. V , 0111.'.itialftlillt,111 El al Toronto tlais week. open. A doettir wee entiontoned and ,laire. Mat John MeCtieligelt, a preer , Atffeeteze 413,14Nanz;' las woevids were dressed, mr. grho9. 1 PETD113 ,.all fiffele Df this Ithieo. haying 1 "-Ortatal -Mr. ittitele Ithiett rt•tetated fteen o•-- Eitetletel teeterilay eve:doge Ilie WY* hat at the heariog before J. day. Pet -eased had Wen eniloying hie 1311111He " proyDa himeell usual health op te the ditt of his Dearto-eue 14.11,1m/ere reee,e im • tte !las lnna Pah titadt.a• the lie- dicttetm wee ;arrested eliergeti with the pleated eaddeoly away on the above ;eve appeare to have dime him goad 01S inneceut tout wait dietherged. Iliee nay Dilille. of Kineardinet le s i Varna 4 tbe guett of her gaud, Mre Levi Malts g fea-Mtet. Jellithig. $ee and Mrs. Jen- " , Moe, Jr., sik Aitillr.d.rilrit, tiriltilll_g Ws,. ; littehlistin at the utaneittattlise Mande A thtlfrt tfat111, DI Braleetivial. Who WS bets; i clerking m M. Hernweirs store ffir II ;Foote UAW, hasretterned home. Mte.s 11 floughtee. of Blehtehee tither' her place here -Miss Melte-natal. a vett alt. is the guest of her onueletteenta 5ip.ittld dire. MeAsh.-tliee Lama Cairns left a few devs ago for Keno. Mane where 1 , she wilt tein her fitt liter who is bending a Keene and dwelling there. Mrs. Cairtie and the other intelttlePtaa of the fatally will reanalti bete till spriug- , Mass Lemma tt iteetin, of t higher% who . is vusitiror her envie, Mr. Robert, i Greere„ hitppened with a very SPrittus iltVitifitt 0 few days ago. She was i playing in the barn white the men 0 trete cit work drawing up Mew with i the slings sued became entangled in the ripe which jerked her mit of the IMOW onto the floor about twenty feet below. Inteite.ing both arms and it is feared she is butt interrielly. 1!, dent -1%1000 411:3filt live tailor - he was I us sneh en hone tt - ye ' ot th 1'3'4 "V I'll" t'Il"tl "P"Il°11 ml.'"4""" m g ler if on eittem tstlt ki ate, 014TET TO WAN\ WO have Unilniitcd private fluids for i vestment, twee farni or village, llolvtirt lowost. ratts or interest, Dicxsoe• & CARUSO, BarristorfD OW.. Exeter. agony: TO LOAN Frit, ate ftn4 to loan at lowed rat Ot.1u15t. Appl,t to ERNI:1.T Er.tnz it MOM TO LOAN, AILL e WO hat t:tt lara,e emoted of Itrivate fonds to 103,19 On farm anti village properties at IOW rateS Of inter. est. GLADMAN SUM:VIM% Darrieters, 8o1icdtors,31alu et.. Exeter Ont T ( RR W.V.iTRD FOR S.S. lia. -I, STRPIIEN. — Wale Or Female, holding Wood class eertilaeate. For the remainder of 1130 yeer. State salary *nil apply to Jou:: G. Went, Trustee, toil Crediton, Ont. FArar TO 11ENT. 100 acres in the vicinity of Exeter. Good frame house and two barns on the premises ale° a good Or- chard and a gooff supply of water all the year round. fmmediate possrssion p -en for fall work. For fur- ther particulars apply to Box 135, nay P. 0. FAUST FOIL SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale thet desirable fano situated Art rsborne, hong tali, Con_ 2, eon- taining100 00018, There Non the premises a good brick house, 2 barns (one bank) and all neces.eary outbuildinga; good orchard, two good wells,and No ,• 4 the place is well fenced and ll underdrained. Will -be sold reasonable. Possession given to suit purchaser. Apply to Thos. Jones. Exeter. Notice of By -Law. - ‘ — A Ily-laW to raise by way of a loun the sum of two thousand dollars for tthe purpose of building and furnishing a new 12;011001 house and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor. WHEREAS it is necessary to raise the sum of two thousand dollars for the purpose of building and furnishing a new wheelhouse; and in order thereto it will benecessary to issue debentures of the Time - ...tees of the Roman Catholic School for the Section numbersix in the Township of Stephen for the SUM Of two thousand dollars payable as herein provided. AND WHEREAS it will be requisite to raise in each year during the. currency of such debentures the several sums berme er set forth. Therefore the Trtistees of the Itonian Catholic Sep- arate School for the Section number six in the TONVI1- ship of Stephen, hereinafter called the Trustees,enact as follows:- 1. It shall be lawful for m the Chairman of the said Trustees, for the -purposes aforesaid, to borrow the said sum of two tliousaed dollars and to issue de- bentures of the said trustees to the amount of two thousand dollars in sures of not less than one bum. dred dollars each payable in four equal annual inetal- ments the first instalment to be payable on the fif- teenth day of December, 1904, the second instalment to be paya'ble on the fifteenth day a Decanter, 1905, the third instalment to be payable on the fifteenth day of December, 1906, and the fourth instalment 011 the fifteenth day of December, 1907, and to bear in- terest at ti rate not exceeding Beeper cent. pee an- num, payable yearly, on the fifteenth day of Penni- bor in each of the years 1904, 19050906 and 190, 2. The said debentures as to principal and ieterest shall be payable at the Sovereign Bank in the 'Village of Crediton. 3. It shall be lawful for the Chairman of the said Trustees and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign end issue the said debentures hereby author- ized to be issned, and to sign elle same and bhe inter- est coupons attached thereto; and the Secretary of the said Trustees is hereby authorized and inetructed to attach the corporate seal Of the said Trustees to the said debenture, and to sign the said debentures and the interest eoupops attached thereto. 4. There shall be raised and levied in each of the years hereinafter set forth oh all the propertyupon `which the said Trustees have power or authority to levy rates the following sums fee the payment of the interest and of the reepectiveiestalments of principal failing due in each of the said year respectiyely, viz; Year Sum levied for Sum levied for Total amount Interest Principal leyied 1904 .$100.00 5500.00 5600.00 1905 75.00 500.00 575.00 1006 50.00 '500.00 550.00 1901 25.00 500,00 525.00 which said sume shell be included in the 4:e11 ectii•0 yearirSeparate School rates imposed by the said TristeCS for said years. - a, This By-law shall take effect on the first day of October ,A. D, 1003. Dated at the Village of aloont Carmel in, the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of ' flume,this th day of August, A. D. 1003. ld. J, Tiernan, Joseph Glavin, Chairman. Secretary, _ • ^ ASTS FOR SALL -0 ttr.dersiffertd has% tiro neattitr titeetat ease ads et et renle rant, Throe l'stst e (Ara an a nate tam01815 Mabtoff theta .14 r are telualthe mul Tasting than the ordinary Aleut Eill'Pasa, 81 Waled Iffy!. 1.510 STRAYED. There *trawl Watt the pr( 884:801 tee utelcrtive et, ete. 14. O071. 0. St414109. on or oboist Attg. 12111. sui aged eoW bite. Any prism gising infontatien that will It.131 to her mem ery Im suitably re- warded by addressing, Henry ilebff, Croliton, P.O. .0.11•PC maw. 1r/um FOR SAL& rulersigned is offering for sale his desirable farm in the Township of Stephen, being Lot Con. 0, threeluarters of a odic south of Creditor', There are on the premises a good brick bank barn, two implementsbeds, Wand IO aems of od battle -mid bush, and 2 items of orchard. The farm, fated! fenced and drained, This 14 0510 of the best fauns hi Stephen township and will he sold reasonably with easy terms. POISSMSTOU ItiVen to snit per:baser. For further particulars apply to 111C114EI, 01 Crediton, Oat. FARM FOR SAUL The undersigned offers tarsal° on easy terms that desirable IOU erre farm situated in the Township of Stephen, being Lot 17, Con. 15. The Cunt is all cleared, well under drained with tile, and is well watered:conveniently situated to schael,and is about three miles from the village Of Dashwood. There are on the premises a good frame dwelling, first-class bank barn, driving shed, straw shed, a good YOung orchard and other conveniences. The land is in a first-class state of eultivation-in fact it is one of the best farms in the township. Purchaser can have his own time in mnking payment. For further particu- lars apply to the undersigned. John Schroeder, 01 Dashwood, Ont. litrieentreay Miss Agnes Milliken, of the 18th con., visited her aunt, Mrs. Tames Virallis, last week. -Master Way, of Parkhill, visited' at Mr. T. Stewardson's last week. -Mrs. Pipher and child, of To- ronto, areeisiting her sister, MrslWal- lis, at present.—Miss Carrie E. 'Wilson returned to London Saturday, where she will resume her studies with Miss Steele at the Conservatory a Music. --- Messrs. Graeres & Leslie bought a quantity of oak and elm timberduring the week from Mr. Fleury Shenk. -Mr. and Mts. ja,ntes and family visited rel- atives and friends in this vicinity on Sunday last. -4i -ace church intends holding their annual Harvest Dinner on Wednesday evening, Sept. 9th. A good time expected. -Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert 0, Wilson, of Aurora, III., are ex- pected here this week on a two weeks' visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson. neCillUvray Dientat.--The angel a death has gain vielted Our midst and carried away ;mother dour yonng people in pereon of Mies Maria lIftsseltine vOungest daughter of Mr. John Oth eoncesslont the sad event mine nig ou Aug,. 211t. The young lady, who had tittained the age of 24 yeare, was a general favorite with all ehiSS0S of people, aud her death has cast a gloom over the whole community. lifattateatee-St Peter's Cathecheil, London, the scene a a pretty wedding on Wednesday morning, Aug. 26th, when ;Ma Daniel Rehder, sou of Mr. Daniel Reinter, of McGillivray, WAS milted in marriage to Miss Helen Markin, datighter of ithe Mor - kin, a London. The ioteresting eere- mony was perfornted by the rector, Rev. Father Aylward, in the presenee of a large atteudance of reletivta; of the contracting parties. The bride, who WS daintily attired, wns assisted by her sister, Miss Sarah, while the groom was supported by MaMichael Motkin. The happy eau* will take up their residence in London. Mr. Rehder has many friends here and they all join in wishing himself and estimable bride many peat's of happiness. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. L Hail accompaaied by her son, Davie, who has been visiting her sis- ter in Bad Axe, Mich, returned home Thursday. Mr. D. M. Stewart general manager of the Sovereign Bank of Canada, of Montreal, accompanied by his wife, spent a few days in town last week, on business in connection with this branch of the Bank. Mr. Eli Cosh, of Gananoque, accom- panied by his little son, is shaking bands with old friends in town. Mr. Cosh is one of the boys of the old school and reflects with delight on his boybood days in the old town. Miss A. Allward, who has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ilea - man, for the past year, left on Thurs- day late for her old home in Oelwein, Iowa, where she will in future reside. During her stay here she has been a general favorite among the young peo- ple and Neill be tench missed ha social circles. It is reported that Ieussia is sending troops into Manchuria a t the rate of 1,004) 44 3'• tong" elm 3 lettabeite wow. Every. saa af man tta 1, „Tat, e , day watt 44 fair teedatettet-A nowt Hilligelettisde 'was done to relieve eth and the Lorll trikel ft itWay: ' r, , p :a t If! 14 €41 r't ng 11 t e /Jilt V. VII estelleend 2itt eleven web -et bo the wine t he Lea:, It ie eer ttoretii&I t-o35:1t4gAttPfM %vett, -ups, FaMT, rotting his spirit twit- flight f, ate laxity to record the death of Mtn. 'istrs. Karr iota let (1 VU hatrti had new to the amteen weritl. having attained Waimea, the w. J. ittetiti$ frtialtreof ins,: their the late ef about le) years. asTeatS4,11 "iH,who thtel mnestetee tem. eell it e t he gew chain pet in tide masa add WO Of Southend mail eetme. to time, settatar ahte;it she haat stomata --1.1r. V4esley Ilitiettof Mierris- 'WS CO y when quite yocuitte %HAI undergone a eritieel opetecon eat wee ton, who hes halt eh:dying tie -ahem* 1103 ittw.',110A heel? 10F10.1311 vela; He eventi • ' • ; d h • 11 414 (14143" "114 was a men a mutate' stren-gth and ell. ergy e1441 canal -Rented Twice than the averitee -tette to neetidug the township er owe'sa dire and Mre Waddell ; t it limber et yeas, t hated his tett Higweete 3 tittle eget, 3 :ten. age, broth ..-arat, lizat Ilitiet, the Net weets, 143% 4, 1ately been shit iameti at ahee, I •laZie Einar hat tient noel ft Intl %Ora tittiatt. In religion he was den totter St. Thine:teed Mrs. Wadded al" I, tete," 14,„8 it Cat 41;F.;," ,30714 4.1 relit/es a *4311110h iNtys gatett Ihelit 4.41310-V1i work iota t;"4"41' '8'14`""'1" Liliterel. Ile wits tt friend in everV hi visiting, the idea .1t4i3 etteetiy.opei Ara,. (31'1'; P -1%.1"1....111'3F'1211 S*1150 et the %wow and wn,3 r„ood Lind himor 14y 4411 w14;-4 fouri A:v4th. tittl-q)431'g 441Si 4 441111f6it0F, elite works atti the -110a %tote -tit -tee. G. D. 1111 prilltWISA. lkor gminaintative. il,,,4814, men Z1111. nete kept blasts spreading, and 'no* l"44t VtI"1 RtFluPilIF Santini witi et -atilt; ae. sertiatin next Sun - on vs Za5 ty the dlitunt Carmel cents.- for dlr. Waddell :old tioatitra -dee' intoning in retereette tti t he much theIr hereavemena Allan. Cram 4 distetteted topie of the deo ei to which dett is the COril S: th Itt, • it 8% . -1 , * ben dhaleark hes etteteet finished Ids BARED:3.1.0 'a' The Daft ittlinteitil fltotr rralP111. thaw, it its welt suede Ee %QOM of Del pleyed awl if it Maude the wee -tither. there dmilikaileatier here tin Teeeitev ter Net win he moaa th- teem- kind in caw week, that with ana wend village before Moe Sane witl* the Stare, of Altai CIA:. Sallies: 'G. Lempotatif itate e the Finesta Morning ganie-Ben Hurst II; Ferri- of Mr. aud DOA. G. Volum on Mole- hill 3. Batteries-Irwiat inlet Ilarinst1,!day.- \Whop. the winter, was in Barnes and Barnes. Afternonn town for a few daye last week. -Mass Ben Hins 0; Sters 4. Betteries-ae-D ot New Ilanduirg, is visit. twit and Harms; White and Barnes. ' ing her perente. Guielloitatnimni Dateento-thi Sunday Aug. 80. the ate paintiog the Noel lin front of grim reaper eisitea the home of aie, Mai, "ankle lote-Our merchants have and tire. Wm. Cara lot 10. Concession been teeetalli thiplettia or Paellas thence tho spirit or theiv youugest , very reasonablaetWe hope that work daughter. Miss Charlotte Isabella at wilt be couunetteed et our sidewalks the age 441 yeare f* mentos. The this week, 03 their present, eondition deceased hod been ailing for yeare is very dangerous.--LastThureday was with stomach trouble hut, was appar. our eivie holiday mid a large umnber ently well until on)), a few days pane went to Grand Read tospend the day. ious to her demise. The fettered took , Our bend rendered mime epleutlifi mus - Place on Tueeday at 2 o'clock. to the itt, Althongh the weather looked Nairn cemetery and was lamely threatening nearly all day, it did not tended. mar the sport% The baseball game between the Otten avid Colts resulted in &score of 7-4 in favor of the Oxen. Blake /lamest is over this vicinity fee The usual other sports were held and this year und the hem a the thresher some record time was made in the is 110W heard. -Mee J. Johnston who t tuatehes. The evening was spent in has been laid up with throat trouble, boatieg, hugging the horses on the is, we are pleiteed to state, recovering. nu:au-go-round, eta, etc. Everybody --Miss Douglass has accepted a post- appeared to have enjoyed themselves. flan tie clerk in Mr. libernwell's store, Diem DittritotT.--The remains a vaena.-mr. John Thirsk haspureltas- Miss Annie Rader, who died in Detroit ed a handsome team for his threshing on Monday last, were taken off the outflt-Mrs. Patterson, of Caro, Mich., train yesterday (Wednesday) at Anse is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Craig and conveyed to the residence of Mr. Michael Maze], Lot 7, Conces- sion 6, Stephen, from which place the funeral will take place to -day (Thurs- day) to the Crediton cemetery at 1.30 o'clock. Miss Rader, who was aged 25 years, 1 month and 15 days was 31. daughter Of the late Philip Rit' der of Dashwood,and was well aud foam -114y known for her good qualities through- out this neighborhood. She had un- dergone an operation at the hospital in Detroit for the removal a some in- ternal trouble, from which she never rallied. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. tere' nod lite home nintutier atteitti- ;ince tettifiett to the iiigh esteem hit W144014 he was held. Masan 744 Vomiter de attending tit• minima y openittge Londoth whil Miss „tuna Mel:item le on the sem miesion nt Toronto.-3,Ws Lon Moir i visitleg her etetete Mrs. Joe Casa tet Toroutet--Mrs. Willson, of Winnipeg, Matto ie visiting friends; here. -Mise FMK.. tif Tonawanda. N. Y., i3 3PQ1R1- lug a few days with friends bet -ea -Mr. Johnston, et' St, Louie, Mee is 44(84.444. Ing few slays with his wife, who is vieith her mother, dIrs. Haute -Will Moot a who has been visiting at his itentao here. left. 'Wednesday for Sarnia to take the heat to Duluth, where IlP has a posit/one-Mr. 'Weston, or the tiotereign Batik stint has been trans - fared to the Zurich branch, while - 1111141 MacArthur takes los place in the offiee !*eve. -While working with a mall Tummy a gasoline a few days ego NS liter 1 oillips had the ndefortune to have his left hand somewhat severe. ly burned. The burns though painful are not of it daugetons character. - •Miss Hawkshiew, of Detroit, is the guest a her sieter, F. C. A.I0D011- ell.-Mr. John Willis still continuet; • very wealt.-Rev. Mr. Sorrel and wife who are home from China on a year's vacationowe visiting friends in this section. They passed through all the dangers a the Boxer rising iota had everything they possessed destroyed. -Mervin Brown left Thntsday to at- tend the Dominion Exhibition. -Miss Ettie Johnston who has spent the Estelt-Messrs. Nttrutall 8°Yde an e Arthur Edighoffer intend leaving next past ta-o years in Detroit. is home on week for Goderich to attend the Col- •lin extended visit. -J. E. McDonell legiate.-Mr. Swayze, who had the left last week for a three months' trip nusfortnne to break one a his ribs, to the old country. --W. Moir and ['Site while working at Brucefield, is, we are pleased to state, getting along as well as can be expected. -Ma Stiekley last week purchased 0 pair of two-year old fillies from Mr. Wm. elenn,of Clin- ton, paying the handsome sum of $310 for them. STEDCE LIGHTED10.-During the severe electrical storm which passed over this burgh last week, the barn of Messrs. Hohner, situated about two and a half miles from here, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground together with the whole season's crop. Everything was destroyed with the exception a few implements which the neighbors managed to get out. There was some insurance, but the loss will be considerably above it. 204 East liVilloune and removed from tho Phst weed ant aye helltng them Seaford*. Crossley and Hunter, evangelists, are holding evatgelistic services in the Methodist church here. -The Sea - forth Milling Company have leased Thomas Geegory's grain storehouse in Wingham and will buy grain in that town for grinding in their mill here. -- Miss Clem Case left last week for New York to take a course for professional nurse in one of the Urge hospitals in that city. -Mr. john Boehler, who has been engaged at the Bell engine works for some tame, has purchased the Do- minion House in Dublin and intends removing from here. Mt. It P. Bell, Stanlvy, takes a position in the works here. -Mr. J. D, Hinehley in- tends engaging in the implement busi- ness with his brothers. -Mr. Stephen Lamb has disposed of his lumber yard to Messrs. Cluff & Sons, of the Seaforth sash and door factory. -Mr. James Dann hatends openiug a cigar store in the store adjoining Mr. James Gillespie harness shop. It will be re- membered that Mr. Dunn met with an accident to his leg while acting as breakman on the G.T.R., and is now incapacitated front engaging in his for- mer occupation. Whalen Intended for last week: This part furnitbed its quota of har- vesters for the great West: Messrs. Jesse Jacques, G. Duffield, G. Squire, H. Parkinson, R. Johnston and A. Hogg, who left on the Harvest Excur- sion over the G.T.R. on Aug. 18114. - Apple - Apple buyers are canvassing this sec- tion lately. offering $1 per barrel for winter apples. --Fall wheat is turning from 25 to 40 bushels per acre. --On ac- count of failing health Alfred Gunning has rented his farm for a term of years to Mr. A. Knowles.-Thornas of Lucite, is again working his farm which has been rerited for five years to W. Brook. Mr. lainsilad-will move. back to the farm in the spring and. Mr. Brook goes to the fa rrn of Mr. Whaley, 10114 concession. Blanshard, which lie has rentecl.--Miss Bella Sutherland re- turned horne Sunday, after an exteud- ed visit at Mr. Jos. Morley's. -Mrs. R. Jeckell (nee Miss M. J. Morley,) and children, a Smith's Falls, are visiting al, her old home here. -Mise Minnie Morley retorned Monday from a week's visit in Sarnia—Miss Kate Mc- Laughlin, who has been spending het va cation here, has left to reatme her duties as teacher at Regina. left Thursday for Toronto and will re - 1814411 during the exhibition. -Our Band drove to Clinton on Thursday and attended the open air concert in the evening, enlivening the proceed- ing with some choiee seleetions. They repore a good time. DIED IN Loittooto-A sad death took place at Victoria Hospital, London, on Steaday, when Mrs. Huldah Waddell, beloved wife of Rev. Waddell, of Shed- den, formerly pastor of the Methodist church here, passed away. Mrs. Wad- dell had not been feeling well for some time and it was deemed advisable that she should be removed to the hospital, where she was obliged to undergo a very critital operation which was pro- nounced a saccesa but she suddenly took a change for the worse and in a few hours the curtain was rung down and the vital cord snapped. The late Mrs. Waddell was a daughter of Mrs. end Mrs. Geo. Miller, of London and bad attained the age of 87 years.' Din- ing her stay here she made many warm friends who will learn with deep re- gret of her death. The remains were brought to Exeter by train on Tuesday morning, the interment taking at the cemetery. Mucb sympathy isexterided to the bererved and sorrowing ones. DEATH. -From week to week we have recorded the condition of Mr. Richard Warring's health, but this week we are called upon to pen his death, which sad event occurred on Fridley, Aug. 21st, at the ripe old age of 86 years, 7 months, 18 days. The deceased was born in England and when he emigrated to this country settled near Oshewa. He resided there for some time and then moved to Hay, where he resided until coming to Hen - sail, where he lived for some years. He was a man of ardent desires, strong bluot and opinionated, it WAS almost impossible to turn him from any course which he choose to adopt. Like all aged people he lived in the past and loved to dvvell on the way things were done in England, when he resided there. He was a member of the Meth- odist church and took much interest in its prosperity. In politics he was a staunch Conservative. He leaves to mourn his demise his aged widow and two daughters, who have the sympa- thy of the corn in nity in their sad be- reavement. The fuueral took place on Monday afternoon to Heusi& Itnion cemetery. Mr. A. A2Mahaffy has been nomin- ated for the Legislature by the Collier- vatives of Muskoka. Zurich Messrs. Bauer and Brickner have re' turned to Tavistock, after a pleasant visit here. -After a few days' visit with friends here Master Gorden. Roedding has returned to his bottle in Tilson burg. -Mrs. Adana Faust, who was visiting friends in Michigan for the past month has returned. home. -Mr. W. Bender has purchased the barbering business from Mr. Hamacher and has installed a new artist in the person of Mr. Ed. McPhee, of Parkhill. We wish Mr. Bender all kinds of success. -Dr. Viral - lade, who has had charge of Dr. Bu- chanat's practice during his absence, has returned to his home in Orange- ville. While here he gave entire sat- isfaction and made nattily friends. - Mr. John Duatart left for Stratford and. Berlin last week to visit, friends and consult an eye specialist He has been tronbled with an affection of the optic nerve for some time past. We trust he will be much benefitted by his trip. -Mr. Irwin Motter, who has been laid up through sickness for some time past, at, his home in Dashwood, has sufficiently recovered as to be able to resume his duties as tinsmith in C. Hartleib's store. --Miss Allie Schnell has accepted a position in the -Domin- ion house. ---Mr. Chas. Sclaoemacber who has pnrchasecl a hotel at Parkhill, will take possession a it on Septem- ber 15. Mr. Schoemaker is one of the genie', hail -fellow -well -met kind, and will increase the patronage of any house with which he has to do. We regret to lose such good citizens but wish them every success in their new home, --During the electrical storm which passed over this villaee one ev- enine last week two horses, belongiog to Mr. P. Sipple and L. V. Bachand were struck and killed by ligbtniog. DIED IN Lotman-There passed away at Victoria tiospital,London, on Saturday night one of Stephen town- ship's most respected farmers, in the person of Mr. Thomas H. Lamport, of Concession 15. Mr. Lamport bas been suffering for some time with a cancer, and a few days ago decided to under- go an operation at the hospital. The - operation was performed which seem- ed to be successful, but Providence willed it otherwise and thus another life has been brought to a close. De- ceased bad reached the age of 56 years. Ile was always a hard worker, a man of steady and sterling principles and a consistent member of the Methodist church, and his death will be deeply felt not only in the community where he lived. but through the coentry, for wherever he went be made many friends. His remains passed through the village on Monday to his late resi- dence, from whence the funeral took place to the Grand. Bend cemetery. We extend our sympathiesto the be- reaved family and friends. MARRIAGES. DEW -ANC -LESS -In Langdon, N. Da- kota, on Aug. 25th, by Rev. W. B. Marsh, Mr. Frank Dew, formerly of Ushorne tp., to Miss Flora May Ang- les% PICICLE.-HIG SINS. -In Denfield, ell Monday, Aug. 31, Mr. Robt, Pickle, to Miss Eliza Higgins, both of Exe- ter. DEATHS RADlillt-ID Detroit, Mich., on Aug-. 81st, Annie Rader, daughter of the late Philip Rader, Daehwood, aged 25 years, 1 month, 15 days. Ceare-In East Willianas, on Aug. 30, Charlotte Isabella, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr. William Carr, 41 years, 5 months. WADDELL-A1 Victoei a Hospital, Lon- don, on Aug. 30, Mrs. Hnidah Wad- dell, beloved wife of Rev. W. Waddell, of Shedden, aged 37 years,