HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-27, Page 7A 42,MQST STOIRY. great distance from Oahu, the gap OLAIIVMD NEW ZEATAXI). Death of Lord XyttletQn 19.5 XParg it natural beauty can cor-A.VenSato Tor to 'the Troprietor upon w hicii, Honolulu is situated, And Doubt ae ship of Ago. lose Of friends, and t1 .to many lzjflur the Island. Lord L��ttlgton, in t e4cox that life, holds dear AfQlokai 9f, Queer Points are. rais 4 from tinie he wintq 9 the y.ear IM, had retired froin the fers, all that nature bas to g-*vq� to time In courts, of law. T'or in - metropolis, with a, Party of his. dis- The Uowaiiaji government omplOY4 stance, says the London Chronicle, lslp4ted companiQua, to prolaue '�U..ilgoxlts who travel over All tb% I$, Ono Just seriously :reserved for con.. ChrAsUnAls At, his cQVatry house, V4,11inds lool�-,ing for indic4tious of the by an , Australian Judge Place, nen disease in remote, places. Ba_AJsbiiwnt S() Qpeoin, jA Surrqy, says Prome Court-vaniely, lyhor ,ds� TI Is Household Woi aey had not so dreaded that frequently the Unless the SOP YOU ther X�ew Zealand is legally 4 British re kho in- faluily of leper will keep him se - possession. It son 11 . ndq li�,e a jolw I-ong abauOgned Viginseiv .5 to At �4,dulgqaqe o e orgieP,, creted for a year or two before dle- f. t1leir dipsoluf use has this brandyOIJ the expense of that most ardent and WURa a, 40den, And unexpected gloom, cOvOrY Is 144de. A person who is energetic of Imperalists, "Icing -WAP cast over tto, Party by the ex, sUPI-Posed tO, have tile disease is seat tfing the best Dick" Seddon, At - the sanie time UAgrd 'o s 'the recolving station in labliolulu. are not gel It is POSSIble there, Play b10 some- pirits A 4 to he of gotia eL w 4"o, lie is exasu d by v d gtou4nee Which vor ine 11 v me !C41 b t4 )orts It 418.6 leper" be th As* for U4 04490A 3"r- *4. thing la The Point, Although Cap- Diu* aibbon To& served to 4 posisessiog 0 verdict, tAIA C0073: repeatedly urged upon the 91' their exi )lost. It was list be , At- money, Position, influence, race Or tam .1c � life Imperial Gv%erianeat tbecolonIzatlon iit,6d. to a� ooe the jnqujrlE�g of�eolor caunot clivoige, the ilecree w It CT. of -New Ze0and, no practical step DRUM AND, VURA the gWsts on. the subject of his 4P-- sends tile Patient to x0c"kaL The was taken. until very late in the'l U4, 40040u, They wgre 'hip cod that s trougest Imart is moved to teader Xr-ch of TAtter Cwusv ,cl by Adisl- th.irtles, wb4,n it leg%ed out tba it t 'Of U414a and other Woriom 14g7cdionts b Q w A's Ill, or lln.d met with loso nt noss when ono'goutesuplates wh .4 play, or wapa, crossvd.bi love; And bis means to quo to lical, that stern teratipu. of Former. r, 170"Ph were contemplating the Annex- will hart the storrla4p AtUto thr. Wood ation of the islands. It was a close j3eoial of all these ImputAtigns. only Judgm -OAQ -�Q t -was one blM" Por� race botireen a British and a 1,�rcilcb .144 Atunt the growth of cuarou In Paw, A S _'All to b� In 'I'Sr lwre rio cry 5,80 sane individIX410- maijofrar, the Britisb ship Winning a14 are eager c sity girl, only ter ,t years Old, with ZIP evi- soA , 1 o q v Informed of the Oil& of his dc!)40, glen, Q n 1�7en a c, of the d !sea so to, 4. islis led T since i ittil bY' 0, klm hours, It is conceivable, Un Mon. Titus urged, he A :kil _I)p average Jhas Ina _,t deter- YQ, 'Sent A lWay With 0", bell more, Ser- slow one person in every 4100 Is the excitement of the- n XW494, to reveal 1hQ secret that 90 ierAl of whom were reduced tok A nien�tvkljy AM pakof"lly depressed blul. . son of this, formality in tbk, proclamation of 1110 idght before, ou Ids retiring 1040SQ140 404494 Which bore btt!O rQ­ "WhAt IS V-10 reA British sovereignty oNrer NOW V�ealand e b b o n Bit& semblpuco to A hunian being. H. W. "Mite, An may have been overlooted. Tit 1880 to bed (ter lito Servant, "vaS dis�- :[ . lie.1 -jog t a o'd4re'RS liman ,,f A, robitive, of Any leper is willing vt ld preg4den I I I p - Apar wo his banishment. the person to tile members, of the Mcdlco-�PsY- 4,Baru de Thierry" proclaimed him, U4 X., 4104 Ids liglit extinguished, to Sba who called hiniself to bad lward 4 nollso resoynbling the Is 4110iVed 'to go, nith the unilor- obologh'zol Azxociatiom, 'it LoAdoux self, ""30yereign Chief of Now Zea, �nff of a J.Ova At, Me cligut0m Le"N' Oil standing that It meang for lift. This Attracted his attew land," but his funds failed. his 93 wipdow. one or"luse. Vag the fact Olat fONT Tno -+_1_1_--1_ Or followers &%erted. and be tsgul; Into, Van to the spitti whon, looking in, Qftiblo nlion'S Fettled in *0 (101111- 01 tlla- direction of %hQ ballad, h" saw I and internuarxied rdth 01111 PeQ, Obscurity. tho tatw1a ha$ tou'Catract44 and OpIr thic nouthign =d Via fiR of an unhappy fenale, HE 0, R ____+ Rod taw Dra�T is ;V turit , t Tliore was U%orttv"'O 106 ill - w om be bed soduced A h . nd deserted, rmsion of fresh blood hitis tile rave PeAtuass Cannot oill Caroil tastr. 44 and wbil. when dawrted, hao'"wt a REU AIL11 VAU was farmw4i, tile cW50. �0.v local AVVIC06tions wi thoy vmnov vialvilt end to bet, owix existence, forognora who . did 14"04 On 01) r4ch th,4 dso,Afold portion of , 1ho 14r. 014014 MXQ11 ]Forty CeA4* AsU ror the 'ric is oul, oho was idanding in tbo aper0re of l�horgci tended to wellken tbQ stoc , V. quo wgylo cure, def4inkof!" the window from wbieh the fluttaring '011 - and that is by, ;PR%fAJ$f1 14 f found 1144 proveoded, The forulap OF BRICTAT'S MISXASZ, for 003, ware M0*JV town � '41100d by #a jnflgr'nad CORV, of Poor, p1lyhsique, with. coast M 6 4l, I I of tho zougous lining of The Null- POMYS XTD=Y RILLS M111111. T"ha' 'V1101) tbiR 040 in Jo#AM'V proagbcd the foot of the befli-the nad W disewse, nXiAcliul-ti ad you havo Arumbling sound or 14w I And - It io= was napervaturally light, the _rho frequent vwitriagox of neurp= kirPot hprinV, whon . Ili en0roly objects of thq vbwnbar were 4.1fitivet- ties w4tb t.baso inberitill- tb0 tAllft LOAQU. XIVATA Us t a rea 4 IF,, U4, ly v1sible. of liallaufty was another callso. and tbo lago atign CA 0 J01 out RAISING IY1FAR ]Fr.A,'NTD Vacent Bo4tbs of Zrominont NOU An thla tube vooto,e to Ito oQralal the luvrimsei), tendelmy to =%VVY to tio it a estroyadfor- geria and painting to a dial willch stoo4 Vroin, the Nest -Prcadod of all 100 in life Nvas Anything b4t desirl- ov 1111le mFVR at . ten Are c4we;l ", All- 4t rill. 10 not in Uut AA en the mantelpi"a of 00 cliblisity, XAlAdive WCAUS the VAIA T404 able. The Abuse OVATC01101W JU0 of t 0 u9pus ;04* )be :Qodd-**; Mdupy TIM bava Coa- cause of lunacy, We ,. fture. witit govero 6o.leiaulty Of other great voice and mannor, announced to -the quered It, were now a fpirit dripting rwe. Wo will five Ono Hundred Dollars for appalled and man wbieh we were mot halt a ceutjt�ry o'lly Cale 0 ))ewlness (gamv:4 'by cwtgrrh) that at Witt vovw hour on t*bo third Ottawa. Out., Aug. 17 -(Special). th;�t "Pool be Cured by JUIVO CAUXTU 41 frto. _,urq. Scad for cirgula". Olt 141's life #ad 4opliere 1, X TOleft. Q, H day After tile vcAtail -Ttv recout nuinerotia deAfts of bacl* of purity F.J:UHNNEW 4 VQ�. ills gins would be concluded. and provilinQat men frota'Aright's Disealse. s Ila ft. �e 8 , alat*. , aIIq UVRO said t1w speal V, Old b pintig 4,50. , the case of Geo. U. :Kqut* at for M On- x4w* amur Villa *kro tAQ but, votlang but V%Mr Punishment re- rec *41f 00 Aft1teration bY roxious e B 0 E tA%) K HS Brushes malpod. it he availed himself not of 409 Oilinour St., tbia clty� dtltuoiits be tumartwat factons in the waritivg to rerentauce which he Mr. Rout, who is still living bere. fbe cvua4t.tjon qf fn,�janity, sbould, slot TIMMw blast forances averaged an Take tile BACRA61 .10 aUt Of Cleaning. bad received. strong and hearty, was ilyfug at tl,.o 1"egiMauce QUOJX�Q batil the, output of 22.3.10 tous last 4ypar. lllvvy,p of Ids lordsbill glanved on Bright's Ulff*60. 110 had lost, this joalurity Aud 13"o PUY-20y at all alco- Against 19.0$0 tons Queb. ten ,pars They azz, absolutely the best brustes =ouey can buy-tlze 73:3t t1ke dial. tlm hand wa,; on the stroke usie at his livabs and. Ills whole body 14011a ago. made-4bocts do not wArp aly-bricitlea do :Got fail out of of 12. Aggain tboapart'suent -*Vag In- w4w avrollest to a terrible size. Tbrec Tito 11 ling$ wliol Doockhs Sorubblua: l3roubes. Your groctr vvllu them. Iur%iral of Ue Well. volved in total d4rUness. the w.-.Yn- doctoru were positive that ho Must would formerly have. died tit fillaUcY. For QVItr �5107 Yom$ None Conulno Witlicut Name Cozolth onbaok of 13rush. Ing spirit, (11sappeargd, and tore olo. tile fact tJjAt. wp are rapidlv e- b" tam awl W Gway al; IW departure all tLe light- While watching at Ids bedside, Ills Mfg bta ter cher all4na inbile U0141RX, MOT) 4MV0110J.p. of 1510t 4001alOg ft 211% Of 10011 rgws of beart and buoyancy of lipirit wito hap M poued to read an advertise- I AMA W04, ag4 1040 unnatural w194 wli TWOVY,41. CIUM - 4040 wbiell had formerly distlogalsbedti aid DodWs 104ney Fills 1, sold"'fall q MrAffto IQ Meat filat 6 ate Itotirs. badly selected and b"� ' , ft "Q ito�uxbqa% unhappy lVipg to whojal fto trenion- would cure 11rigbCs Disease. $1100TU N01AVATM On They badly coolied to", (Ltd OVQ*VrO`wi" **fOV-314t NVnRAL"?' I Don I dous susnuions had been delivered. -qvpra, eent for as a, last, resort, FrOAL ing ;qpl-p all causes for On the succeeding day Ills lor4l- alluoist tile gist dose 11r. Xvut says tbp jorr . jb",,� ircrousis in tile lailacy Tito revolver was tile Invention of nblpl�q gilailt3, with -(be connivance of be A em. Aftex, tak Joseph Shirk whose home was Experiment It bouefited by t1w rot -urns. in KIM, Edward aster, Pennsylvania. M llis attegdants. had provIded tbftt Ing four boxes howas able to Sit UP, Laue Ith the vlovhs tbrougbout the 1101160 Saventeen box.o� cured him complete- B. FPO W alloold be advanced an hour.. with- cAvj.,. iumsmr AWAY. D oular and out tl"Q JJVJ�Oaturo being illfrQvered, Raid's Liolined N V30d by FliV81dons IN10, Nesit's cure caused great ex- .,rs, r-orguson reaChM OVQr# took 11'en o'rlock strueh�­tbls 110111"Plan citestlent tit the Wile. People who was silent and deprefsed. Ong, dark bair oft her busbarld's had heard of it callie train far and it 1 it up lok inglive- *MoNico Is rapidly becasulsig tile it w1on deepened, and . -boulder, and held tit- countries. 161 E. atriwk-etbe depre. near to vo blin, and All went ANVOY ... greatest at Alin USE 119w not "On A f�A"'10 Indicate(' b1nliconvinced that DwIlt's lClibsoy I'llig t011. at her im- new Mines woro to be conscious of 'tile efforls at big Wrhat.,, 110 Said, nagr rogis In Ono C 0. win care BrIgliVa Disease, p Victoria,, afroplatos. its they attessilited to dk�- le,lon, **Is fro;'i tbe horWs wouth recontly. Of Ihoho 111.1) were 4g Title conviction is strengthened by plied susy 1. pel Ills gloom. Twelve 6trucle. lie I have just been currying p a number at other cases reported 48 produced no precious metal. EDDY ,old, 48 gold unit silver, while only returned to Ills elinjaber, Convinced 111M." 11 Littla Comet" A Of his twairity, and believing that 'throughout the country whera tit!$ +Ivhat 1padis You, suppose", 8110 an I Hut 1�, CANADA 0e hour of peril was now past. great remedy bus boon used, and asked haughtily, "that 1 thought It st mile_ Lord 1�kyttletojjs gnests roulaissed. BrighVs Disease vanquished. nilytiling CIE0 J ' baboadoftbil list lot- all diseas.- . the thrositand luugQ. It acts like mugle fogetber to Await the completion of At which, lie shraulc back bebin4 In,.% in broaklu up at cold. A. coush Is slion Tile therajoinetor scale was reallyl ROStf-S9 t Ivi'O bas Made 11110sual j.,he tinia no ominously designatod by STOItY Or, 1318M.TtOIC, newspaper again, feeling as It be ]lad subdued, tflghtness of the chest 14 ralloved, Invented by S -,*Ir Isane Newton. Vall- preparations for a fine dinner) -"I tbo vUlon. A quarter of all hour kicked hard at 130=001ing Anil Allslied oven theyorstense of cousmuption. is to. rcnbol�t, finding tilat lie.ved. while in r",eut cases it may be ore intense tell Join' that if It" will bring Peij- )lad elapsed -they heard the valet A Berlin photographer relates a it. snid rever to fall. It is a inedicino pro- cold could be troated by mixing icelPIO 1101110 UuMPM1001Y to dinner, descend Irom Me inaster's roonn It cliaractoristic anecdote of Bismarck. tilpy must taho just- %vbat we havo."I pared from theactive principles or virtuas and snow, took that as his xero. and at ease)� was Just 12. Me lor0slilp's bell rtarly In the seventies the GerinAn 711ere never was, And never Will b!) 0 ,f miveral medictual herbs,and Can bO (10* for convenience divtoed Sir ll,aaelg 0110"St (,iVIvbltl!4 to put 114.1 now ralig violontlyt. the coutilany ran Ltiuiloror Asked lilin, to prepare an varsal in one reniady, for alt pended upon for all inilmonary com- scale by four, "Oil, that's �4 right', �Ntra. 33ludor., In a J)ody to the apartment; tile n,lbunt containing the photographs of to which flesh Is belr--tbo very mature 14:4104% 1,11a all old traveler; used to rough - Clock vxru�lc I tit t)ieIr entrance, and tl3o men who lied done conspicuous anyouradves belpir such that -%Yor4 thim, you know." jile unbappy lord Ifty V%ttndod 011 service in. behalf of tile oinpiro, in- germs of ottior and ilifferently seated. Gold, which is Always found Ili the lises rooted In the liviite'll of thikinietallio state, generally contains Raid's Upheot Lumberm's Filend Ing it jl"'� Anti ,tho bed Ware, them, Palo and lifeless cluding 131swarck and Von MoItko, lent -what would relieve one 111, Ili aild hts countenance terribly 04011- juter he had taken several pictures turn would aZ ravate zhe other. Wal some silver, and often copper also. vulsed, of. 3)Iqsnnrbk, be Said, "Tito Rni)por- ave,bowaveri f, when OTHING *Kl LLS u Quinine Wine 1 -4 or wanta me also to tako a life-size tiltaluable In a sound unadufterated 33Y TJ M- VOICM. 4 U.11 previous 1114. 14 a4nl) C9 TIM BABIES. half-length photograph of yo OdIn are, a reatedy for mati Y audL IENCLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT LIKE 44]c ty its vadual and ud,16DUS 118P, the ItOMOT65 all bard, soft or CILI)OU150d 111111118 "Spealing of tile huma'I voice, that case," replied Bismarck. frailest syl4tams are ledinto convalescence and hicinialics from haroag, blood VATIC, said the disagreeable man, "have 4 IV sleighing harness." hy the iniluence which Qui- I you ever thought what an indication one of the first effects of a hot. Mrur-t Put '011 1 t - and stresigGh, D M ourbif. splints. iring bona, sweeney, Allies. Wave, particularly In towns and cit- 'The Astonished plio ographer present aine exerts onNature's ow resto tives. I ns. sort avid swollen throak caugh#, oto. of character it is ? Place OL womOLU Ios, is a pronounced increase in the 17 discOvered that ULsmarck meant Tt relieves the drooping spirits of those It, tl'4350 by Uwe of one battle. Warcallt*&l deaths of Wants. r.,ve, his dress uniform, which -had so �vith whom a chronic istare of morbid de3 I he most wouderfal Blang"j, Cure evor I linve novel, seen, in another room, WIN e . 014 number of life is 4 lot ine but hear the tones or )ter I in the open country the suffering or ninny orders and crosses on It that pendency and lack of interest in �known. Vitease, and, by trall Ullizim the nervas6 volve, autl X eon tell what kind of TV La they jingled like sleigh belle. .11 % C as I the helpless little ones would move di8poses to sound an refres Ing sleep- �+- Dons vigor to the action of the bloo The upkeep of British roo7ds coits a woman fills Is-" the hardest henert. Stomach trouble do the countey over $1-8,000,000 year- .You are ant-irely riglit about FLY D 1. 1:2.1,1 �ron 'hiumer, "and 1 4 W t and diarrhoea are the foes most t L beingstimulated, courses tbron h Nxivs voR &norrmiS. Out.th; veins, straugothening the healti; is', lint," replied be dreaded at this time and every anty"alfuned is of the system, thprabj recently bad this very thing UlAni- mother should appreciate the neces- The ills tbat arlso froin excessive ung activity a necessary resulti tested to a, remarkable degree. A sity of careful diet and attention at -a,-* of tobacco are to be combated engtheningthe fraillf, and giving W tseful At All Times�ln wbiter or in wginan called on iny wife the otlier rhe digestive or4aus, whici 1; summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will tile first sign at these troubles. Vedi- in a now manner, which will have i narurall day, and, although I bad never seen d never be given to check the advantage of mot curtailing the mand increased sub,4cance-regUlt, iin. copewith and o-irtzoame any irragularl- her before, X knew by hearing her clan shoul orthrop & L.Villau ol OeR of the digestive orfr­,1s,%v`hicb change o advice of quantity indulged In. A Q&mnn oved appetlia. X diarrhoea except upon th a to the public theil of diet, change of reait ence, or variation speak just Nvbn:t she was." ist tteats the raw leal with tan- ronzo. have give They -What sort of A, woluan wtis she?" MT a physician. A diet Ilinited almost chew uporior Quinine Wine atzlia Usual rat% Of tern rature may bring about. entirely to boiled milk and the use nic Acid, ivMcb, lie has found,. m.akes lid, gauged by the opillion Of scisulistsi sboiddlealwaysiceptait )land,. and once inquired the disagreeable man, with ALLOR GG -S of Baby's Own Tablets will cure al- a harinlees compound with nicotine. hi; wine approaches nearest Perfection *I their beneficiafaction becomes known, no intense eagerness. 'fitalling the use most any case and keep baby in A, sepaxwbe process, d lUtIMMarkAL &Ildra-gists sell iL one avill be without them. There is no. Ayby," replied 'Von Bltaner, com of mariorsan, restores flavor. thing nauseating in their strneture, and health. Mrs. W, E. Bassani, of the most delictt�e caa use them confident. placently, "abe was Scotch." Xingston, Ont., writes: The inventor tested the innocuous- Chemically pure ifon does not exist ORANGES LEMONS "When my little girl was about nOss of this product on sundry SmAll contmorcially. The purest Irons are We. have Mexicans, WE three nionths old she suffered with wild ardsuals, and henceforth no one those from Yorkshire and Syvedish POINTED PARAGRAPM. H AV Z need be car0ful of his dail ores. California Navels� THE vomiting and had diarrhoea con- ance of, Cigarettes. Barn 'diplomats handle the truth Valencias, and stantly. I did not -find any medicine with efere. sevilles. that helped her until vrobegan giv- 4 1 30.4LIff ing her 134by's Own Tablets. After GREEOZIAND UILLIONA.TRE. As the hod -carrier goes up, so goes Child$ I Was Cured of Acu te Bronchitis the house. womans % Carload every week. All the above at Zlving her -the Tablets the. vomiting . Xr. Xor-Ko-Ya. who , has YA*no There is no earthl hope for the market prices. We can also handle your the colivinerce of Fa4§t by MINARD1.03 LINIMENT. 'man who boasts of is failures. Play Butter, Eggs, Poultryp )md diarrhoea ceased and she began polleed all W0111 to improvo almost at once. Since Baillinsland, is Pierpont Morgan on J. X. CAMPBELL. TIC has a fleet of Day of Islands. It is usually the Idiot who 'rocks ple Syrup and other produce toadvan- then whenever her stomach is alit a sknall scale. Mal Of order or she is constipated ' we fourteen Vass . CIS and -his fortuno ' is I was. Cured of F acial Neuralgia the boa:t that lives -to regret it. tags for you. give her the Tablets, and the'result v glued at 115,�090,.whicb is equal jo by MNARI)'S LINIMIUNT. A man tBsually makes a. -virtue of As CAMON COMIUMSION Co" ILIMItset With the Is always all that we desire. They a jrAllion in a less simple nmun- WN. DANIELS. t),e moa'ns lie uses to eone6al his ftr. West Markot ft.. TOLCONTO., co -1 N. S'L -,s. - .. . . - Are the very best -medicine I have ity, Illis luxury silipefies the simple Springhill, fatilt New Century Bali Bearing �er used for a child." Qrebnland6r. He even lives Ili a I was Cured of Chronic Rhounia- It isn't always cominion sense that Baby's Own '. Tablets 6re'sold by wooden liou,se, and possesses a table tism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. counts.; Rometimes it's the uncom- Washing Ma . chille I AM HELPING a -Vin lami). Xor-Ko-Ya re. GEO. TINGLEY. -ind. all 'dealers in .,medicine or will I)o and a� par inpil. k and a couple of five year old children cently� celebrated tb6, fortieth anni- Albert Co., N, B. -it postpaid, fit twenty-five cents a -efore the�washlng uted not stand ovir. sei voTsary of the foundation of his bus- Some ni-en have to go broke b Five minutet t6 a tubful aud, you -;vill ONE UOUSAMI) box, by the-. Dr. Williams' Medicine Uley . Ivill � attent'Pt to break theln_- Yciing Elan and woman Company, Brockville, Ont' Ine-9s,'afid each eMP106e, wits given baveno ure for wash boards. Itclean- .7-59 sel-ves of baA,habits. ses lnrfectly'. a glass of cod liver oil with which Vowaivrkot afford to be witbout iL To prepare for a 110st Wdmell call pIf 1.1p witli a ich bett-ai LEPERS OF NOLOX-Al. �to dritill. the )1c9,lt1l.,Of his 0111-ployer. The popul I ation of 0.reat Britain good deal in this world if their liiis� Order through your dealer. lVe will in i, osition than I has doubled in the past,,,58 years, bands will put up for.A. niall you a, booklet on applicatiou. Eold by hand- _Tt was doubtless front China that Notra X'JUSO.tting Pill. -Tile exelpient e Inan the Doswrat. AFG. CO., Limited ling for theni -lawalian of a pill is tlie, substafioe which enfolds and at the present rate of increase WYien the office. seeks th these the diseases read to the I I[AhULTOK, ONT. l) redichtg aud makes up the i 11 will double again within 60.years­ ustially finds the path blaved so there ions tile JI)F ural condit I I" Islands, and the nat mass., rll,-tt of ParziielWs Vegetable that is to say, in lb6l W will be Arill be no excuse for its getting on Mail Lessons ISO and customs of the natives there - nde(l its to In-aserve,thei just under 83'millions. thp wTong trail. is so compou, r made it particularly fertile ground 111oist,ure, and the), can be cArried Into any "Oni tbe for the spread ol the horrible wlffic- I.,ititude W101 out 1711 IWIVIng their strellad). Contral ver's Dry Soap- (a powder) tion, writes a correspondent. The� Many. Pills, in. order to keep theni froni-ad- Use L Rel-lasTriedit.-IN.1r. John Ander Billidrd Tables h Business �Afigtare rolled In powders, wmcli prove to wwAi . woolens Atid, flailmels.- Kinloss,wrltes: "I venture tol'say few, i authorities soon, became alarmed at. iig to the taste. Tarnielee'sVege. you'll like it. any have received greater benefit from The Best atthe Lowest Price Celleg-e, tbold it was gaining among theuse of Dr. Thomas' 1",clectric Oil, than the foo , I'Le �ill., are so pi�epared that they are W.ATREL00 MXMORIAL. . Write for Terms TORONTO." ibe islanders, and various restrictive agreeable to th el most delicate. I have., I bave used it re-ularly for over 2neasures were tried without queces The French monurnent which is to ten years. and bave, reZ�'o�iimeixded it to FIF 10 BRk,) S. . 1 11 M . I T, I t� �f - I +.,.o il-o , Z_., M,f g a C."Y' Posty ii3 RIGHT, and Nve Pffially tho g6vovnnient decided to "You have had some experience be. erected on the field of watexio,o it su exers K.0 - e .1 want to starb another said . the inexperi- is now cOMP16te. 1� Consisk S 'of, an folindif, of great virtue in oas sofsevere 785 ErOng St, W. thousand upwra�d hi the set aside an island and.conapel -onchitl all with the 'fall' t bi s and incipient consviaptloti,". for the rernai)ider enced youth wiio ' bad been jilted; irn0ense eagle inoiinted on a gram e 11ext, MOil'11. �Wffl YOU lepers to go tliereL be oiie ot them I �ates "how is tile est way tO glet round Pedestal. of their lives. Upon my first visit, b are diccounted 609 for '!With your arms!" tersely 936 cases of polsoning aniong -2- next 01 days. Write to the i, ands'there were fifteeii hun- a girl?" British workman were reported last �l re lied the'Lold7timer. V70 UTM gottims: 11, lot�-Qf them V.hen no at Once f., P articulars,� dred patients, but that number 11as p Askfor Minals and take no 9 fE year. 18,19 �f these Nvere due to white otbor truab will o to Ila. Correnjimidonce D(,D't, bce3:� greatly reAticed since thell, and loa,d, 106 to pottery, and 49 to elec- thee g", Central Buslimap College, you what, Let's, found I That's 13 it a lo pad r s. ca 9 TORO-.4TO. It is generally believed. t.hat anothor tric accuinulators, o"r I i A an th" .11geo a Aval eL Or so MAUt x1r. utual admira 000 Vrench' vines yield o 'h got geia�,rmflon will sea the disease utter- a s0cifat)r fOr in play it ml e0 A at we)l; you 442 -ice adinire your tLge, only 400 g4llons of wing, ly Stamped out Oil the islaiids. for instai bc.,;t1fui .1�1-.01 orso vFh jou v, I rn Umble o fro while the � sam IlAt ii N RS � , �(roloksd was UG island' seiect(�d for e Y 01 S, and wh.at do you admiro in , e ma"aber at the Cape Vue Minid's- Unimoot In The Hellsol" NO, -03 nielp, 811&- ­Your good taste." wiii give 2,860 gallons. i lcpe� ro�tlemellt. It is )lot a