HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-27, Page 5THE exeter bructrattl pub1i4)el every Tlateaday :Oreille at the 001e.e. 44AIN-STRgET, ee. EXTER. e --Be tbe---- Ai:W.90KM Ftlat- Sit INCA. 00PAPANY TEka.L3 OF St.11SeltIPTIO,N. Que Dollar per Annum it pail. in advance, st.Sa not so pald. 45.0.Voutato.1.,14q qao. .,15.xtza14.,g gee. 14.toto. ete paper discontinued to:titan arrearaaes are paid. Advertisemente wiaboutspeceileeldireeteme %Nill be ubliebeel until faded 414 chat•ged avcealingly. iberal discentrat mate tor teauenent eilverrisereeras ins:zeal loterpariede des:alptien of Joie eueeereet: tamed oat in the thicA style, pee at. moaerate rates. Cheques, oreney ortl,to, al.., tar adear:,:itv„ subseriptions, etc.„ to hette peyable.1 o .Sauders & Creeell, vuopftlEvhis esstanal Cartio. • Teat MEN iZT Ewter. PM,4 R. GINS- A-1"Ii. Lase er,eaaleate oi Toronto VolveriatT. DEXTISTS. Lt40tit 001,' Val. et' ants egee Plea.'"o west elte Melo stree O. A,TO N AlelaEll.SON IfallaS Honor Oral:tate o1Tereat trate c take Calleaeei Dental Semeeps Oataltio. Graduate of Crap teakael et Priethitie 413 KO OREO HEAD OFFICE, NONTREAX: 441 X-1114 Up A • geeeeal'Oelleing business t einsaeted.- Intre.r. at UtOSt faverable steroid ratee ellereaal Sateugs Dank 4f:eel:Lets end Depordt. Cemaiereiellatterect Credit issued, ea-elle:4e ir Caine. -brae and .otlier forelgaecoutnes. • !Travelliire hettere of Cretin isieed to travellere it I parts ef the toorl,54- 6,000,00 2aoo,oqo F.F.21E FTSCIE, 6',5M.S.t, M. la, Srer nom:tea= l'ux.i• 1:0•4 OREDITON5 ONT. W. S. CHISHOLM. Manager. 1 it itayal . Peet g !stele mhootoom, t-lottl and It"nd nuke rooes mete te a a neatesttronuerpotssade, perfeztly rearadt iiesthe%ie used for paielese eetraetlea ef teeth. 011iegenedevreauth C4T1 re 9„ apse, E%e ivy. agettlene 14 T. P. 31cLAVI1111.1N, 31P1111111 OF Ti eallt:,:e Phyaielans lad &mews fintarle, PlifItialia Saracen Wad eitemettear„ Mem, Aistg. woothtlat. Jahe D. Wiliam. 0e asat Iftesislateta. o,3u Qatecus Ava..1.entiou Ont. Svaial tette:dies. paid tatilavaSes at wanton, oaleebeera la.•33- to 4 iousao o VAR tota, No:axle% t !Aims tar Flelavati Ban itot rates al haltered, CrXre • Cetiaaea,11,A,, USA El.1,111z nanaieTen, sotateeenet, 14(1141' ttil 1.0111, tormat4 vaial moo, 1133:: Aurt touters -- 11P.ONViR. Winaltelva, Atrilancer AA. erivat?,ea at Perth mil 111ildlettic allaoiarMatoundep of Voltarne. Salo prom* etteaded to and teons reocinaltie, Ealca atralk,;ed at Pest *Mae 1,17inialtra. The Molsons Bonk (itartcrol bParliatneet.1553) Watt aloatircal, Paid up Canita IRS 1 FA -MITERS OF L 0 RING AND NT MIX - ve for Fide 1 Boiler 80 h. p. 1 Boiler 40 h. 1 Boiler and Engin , 80 b. p. 1 Boiler and Engine 16hp. castings a every cOeSeription in Brass anti !ton ttt Order. Pipe and :Fittings of 1111 kaes latpt etniefatirtiFh teet: AJstMURRAY & CO. UM, 211951 Tlie Phenomenal Well-Brcd Staudal Trotting Stallion liaall5 ell oat: -a S:allieai Calialla far bithme. trisIM^ br/Not. %al 11444.tioi,liag-a7t,'!ea tog ruaol awl catti:1:xpellears. 7,1a,^41tata ts.iN WSW pi"nlati•Ca thref, relit ehlvqvg, lartte 0;t;'4st, yaw, golita a toile ictteeil. eleatv cattail an mer e'-.;:;,,nia Ustaitt-otien the Graoil !lawJk eaaattenata the ottani vilwatt, at Ittzrut. tot titi‘ trPottothattiterand Cone 1111411" ttait.e. at,61 5,0 tbott,14*-go.oatIte an21 Reserve Oast gav. tto-va tho Graol tbriorAbothrt, lara, ataitott Tarentatto tlbe only gallitea raq. aila that lam prallsoot a IA:, aliennatettalty ratattidt to !Welke opal ricettst, that Won nr^122111 tunnel: rg4 *'''.4 tau; in a rwe at ilt etriols 4 get4i4 41'.1:11 stanera allaptally 'AA% pettity ton hating eatt a reale at lkosta,esan, Itentwity, the inevereti exat Is thi% met Min 11..1c. Wry ,604t.. ttg, 5i4't."- of ofct.stam, vom 1. urto /tarry P.. by Tan -Loam seta tnill'semi Malarlio:, 3rt Tawny. II, oulty AiJh mottry,stot.c zrai , and OUTR, : etesiavaseatat etitameee, Taraereaui a, :a illalte Wale. zeta team; t'rolkoe hialra weeee-,a V„, Ev.2 (t -r nirtialtlf MON'S &.e.tataKa. P.Ilrusrce, Tin colts - -Ay nay of stititt to 1122111U1wn,a; help 1:1•4..ail sta141^, Pantanit U. SAT! am-, 141-4 41 -10,1e; zillionth ale. 141221224222 2Ilna%(41 himUrte: MI btabli;..i.it•hr14 :hare by the mastot,atid ti native ••tail fi Ji .22.22.1 to„ mot ',qt21 I ot emioe.e mil: IONA, Itir,tcr#, cm:4km, vitAlthltsuathan, 1iAmondti1le, Ont. JAS, ELtaarr, :613:8EIZAL MANAORIt. EN.BTIM BRA:WU-- ereaaao Nut. to. 3 pan: Satardaa 3.0 aan ta 1 ext. Zi.gertez%ti banking letteinesstratrineted eteney met:uteri to pod Fannera a Want rate,. ttvi1)ls4 Itialt 0in:1MS/rem el nod viteaants marl% lnte.re(t•allawai 1lt toehestensrent rate& Mato Bicycles . 'We are still m the Bicycle trade and this year tehow settle 1111P- speci- mens, The -CUSHION' FRAME is the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod- erate. New Pianos! Several Nev Pianos just put in stock ; newest styles Mill the best ' makes. It will pay ,you to see them. You will be surprised at the LOW PRICES at which we sell them. Organs of the Latest makes always in. stock Sewmg Machines &c. We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines -the best machines that the trade.produces are on our floor for yonr Inspection ,• also repairs Need- Fall Fairs les, etC,; for all kiuds of sewing not - chines, always ten hand. •Toronto. .... ... ...Ang.27 Sep. 12 London e 11-19 Call aud see us' if in need of Eietev Zurich any of the above. seaorth Winghtun Ss MARTIN tP,Thc';'ig ........ Kirkton... .......... • Parkhill SUICIDE OF A ZORRA FARMER. Stratford, Ang. :31,-L, Bean was found banging itt the sheep stable cm the fat m of his son, John L. Bean, lot 31, Mt. 8, West Zorra,yestetday. De- ceased was years of age and was much re-pected. He was one a Zorrit's most prosperous and well-to-do farmers. For many years be bad been suffering from the effects of Amnia tism. Of late years be was compelled to walk wholly with crutches, and bit- terly au abscess had been forming in his back. There is no doubt his suffer- ing from which there was no apparent relief to be expected, unbalanced the old gentleman's mind. Much spline - thy rs felt throughout the district for the widow and family. GO TO THE EXETER BOIIER1111118 FOR PURE MANITOBA CHOICE 'FAMILY FLOUR (Star). REST PASTRY . (Princess) . WHEATLET (Breakfast Food) A good, ,,s-tipply of Millfeed and Chop always on hand. Give our Flour and. Feed a trial and be convinced that, ,it is all right. Roller. and Plate grinders in use to snit customers. Harvey Bros. succ..-3,rs to J. Cobbledick & SOB " 21-22 " 28-21 ." 21-15 25 " a() Oct. 6-'7 " 2 " 12 Gray 1 lair eteterMatatettieeMUSMItaataele "1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years. It has -kept my scalp free from dandruff and has prevented my hair from turn- ing gray." --Mrs. F. A. Smile; BiIlings,Mont. , There is this peculiar thing about Ayer's Hai:. a Vigor -it is a hair food, ' not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly turn black, ,!! look dead and lifeless. Butgraduallythe old colcr comes back, ---all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops falling, '100. $1.00 a wile. All exerelala. r If your druggist cannot supply Sena us one clonal, aud we eel eaPrus$ yon a 'bottle. B9.200.1200 and. ail e the IlaSZ20 of your nearest express naive, „ A cldr($,,,., J. 0. AT Int CO., ',or: ell Tans', THE ;MARKET REPORTS. 1 TOUR TPIROT,TCH CANADA, Wileat is ,Firmer -The Live Stock EmPire's Merchant PrineeS t Torore, Trade -Visible 8app1y. tQit4Ist Night Monday EVeping, Aug. 24. ToroatO, Aug. ea. - The spe- Toronto St. Laweeace Market, ; dal Grand Trunk train bear - Receipts were light at so Lawrence frig delegates t° the Congress ol Market this meet., )g. Tbe grain offering Chambers of Commerce of the Bmpire, amIsertuneatet_aTtslevetubnueasrheedts.bushaa or white aoth,, 'hi many iastaneea, their families, eeld at'elee Per biietel. to the number of two hundred and Oets-Two hundred bushels at old sold Ltaiioatt.00,,2e37:a per lerehel, arid ISO et new fifty arrived in the city last evening lor eeeed eionee--There promptly at 7 o'clockch ,. the time sedul- were few orfering , „. to -day, and trade was snow. Quotationa eta, -there was no atteiript at any are anehanged a ea.50 to 19 per eWt. for KeSePtf f.orinal recepti JO the CIIC VOt1 be- ebffia..4 cey--1(14 tow:est; fnew bar Peid at to mg reeerved for Friday night! when rer ten. the delegates return front Weir tour Stinw-There Wa$ none offerloan g, d quOtatiOns are unettam7,ed. at 33 Per (03. through 'weeter)2. Ontario. A, number of the reenahe s of the Toronto Ttoard The Supply. of Trade were, however, on nand to se,n4..e1Aus,„,„0-ke..e2 pseaenjai :dole tiillearni:e:egtoates,tral tiuheetingraceoted- eneee „, . A son, • reileala) 12,74.ticia ward tiotel, which. the laeauquartere oats e. 6.ittoote? 5..17a? of the deleaatee during their stay here. Rye a a a o 4.4449P-' ""•''"'" Dinner rnias served the delegates Varley „ 515,4.$) 2,6;1%044 . „ 102 Wheat. increased, the past week '24.1.t? -.1 14Cota.ety toon their arrteat at the hn- 3she3a. one devreeeed 38.0)0 bushels, teL under some slight difficulty, it and corn decreased, 2;3,00 bushels. ,A year must be aanaitted, ee, a disar- ao-o wheat deereeeed 1,51.11,00 eueatele. rangement of the engines which CheSe ftlarlmts. ply the electrical power. For a %Wile Linagay, Aug, 2;,. -__Too Alekorta oetento candles had to be brought into reeptiei- Citeese 130an4 met to -day. :W3 leoares to tion, and the dmegatee ate their (lin- gua boarded. The too rvice woo 01io- ner by carrlie instead of eletrie British Cattle ?gadgets. The beats were all right later in the evening, however, and none of the del- :Uve'T'al- AIM - 414er2wilt cattle* egates, une.er the circtunstariceS. were 12pz4 T.LZ.r.r_AIII:Aca.tft, WA; disP°se'l 10 make au:i. co:0-niaint• After , dinnetethe (Weerates aulused themselvte accordoot tee their inalividetal taste, and 144:ult"al Telma Stctelre eome of there etered for a drive rautenAtbreatti4useant.ti::.11-11Nconcitcale t sta5ttset ongle!: 1.‘,TeOptlfrIlit,013Itte 41T4!eae,atreasin.whitttivitevlehre. ay and prices were bad on mo Cattle--Itecellpts otnatnated to tzt tiovso head. meet of which Were et earanien quality. Tito demand for Mena was Slow,' -are-- and at noga Tilt remaievil eneold, Pricee GRAND TRUNK MRBTING, raeged aa rellowto-Ottolce touchers', ee to Cie: goad. Net to 4,i: suctilunt. 3c to Zi4e; eonman, o eam-ite, T12.42'501S.Four ma- r Cent, eeipto antounted lo :NO head, the ottailiyi Voted. geed. and at poso none moolued unwald-; London, Aug. esee-A special meettn beam mostly fair. Tito deumnd was poor stock sold at Z1 to 33 each. land ... good at 33 to 02 each. Good deinand fOr Of the sitarehollers of the Grand 4 runk ,calves. eateep and larebo-Receotte et TA .1 , .. company oe. Canada was sheep automated le fee bead. theea Of 401 s‘ai larehe afiaolintit,:g ta eo) head- The steep held et tee Cmnoo Street Hotel Drought 3c to .ifto. iambs sellitig at 33 to ., Z3 each. Good demand for -shippere" natter the PresidellOY 0E Sir ebeeet U0125-Reeeleta of has amounted R-.. _ we -t, ere the to a bead, The demand wo.ta sier4v. an. 4,Charles hcr' a ' 11.4 Z.n 3" " rico ranked from Go to 614e. . ith'' assent of the shareholders to the ac - Rest Buffalo Cattle Markets. . H. eePtAllCU Of OM X0%1140113 Of the acz Rest Regale. Aug. eteacattle-Reeelete. Passed at tbo Prowitt 'esst`na or the heodi g000l 0•Ittlo utr0031 erutoofft Dominion Parhament, anal the passage teel ati/eeltelQ.towterbinireihrresdlethretP, IMAM: of a F.es4"4"4 Patharf.Re the 4irec' cows and heifers. W.,3 to 494% ee.ai tore 10 ereatd tesue 01 4 per cent, to Zit attackers and fectlept, 31 to 3-19): guaraiateed Stcek under the powers of stock heifers. 31$6 Z -T1,14 frea5:4 MAYS nat. Sir charks Rivers \lateen meads,: orelnaere. geed delnariti: ate'Ongt ••"' vta choloe. Ti5 to n; reollem ao outlined the reasons for the act, which saltle'e*tpltet4. eeescritecgarrreTlarkotteorW.at Prwiaes 1'1311212 18"ease *1' the 4 per lioaeoltecelete, ra,coe awe; aetaea; vent. guaranteed stock from the pre. neavy. /40 to 11.I.S2. mixed. $S to 14.10; sent authariaed oftIOulit £5.200.000, '4 *12 -3 ;.-,230 IrSThe drectors mom- ;:ggarr"-nstoge''tt1,"aea;eaa10ayiremended the acceptance of the proposal, Sheep and lautheAtecelpta. 20.e00 heal; to enable the capital expenditure of the Itrob.afearlhetr:14h7,,e,_yetteatirtleigkl ningiboto.$641); company to be provided! as was found ,v%iieetolapeiteui. ixtle ine,meazio etair, :0.26 to etLeo; necessary, without hating recourse to ..• j. the issue of perpetual 4 per cent. de - Chicago Live Stock benture stock. as heretofore, the.reby chtecom al._eattie_Receivis. obviathog additions to the fixed inter - No; toe to iso muher; goon to Khoo est 'charges of the etwuP4115.` The atoWeir.tiWto 13.W; poor to tee:ilium, at rectors felt that it Was not desirable, "elmra owl feeders: $2.W In Sir Charles expInined, to create more *deg egot s an(o) Irloceeer;a' 1141.100% e're;' fixed ehargee, and the new issue would eatvrs, 42 to Teat; Team steers. 33 to strengthen the junior sectiraties. 14.64 weatern were. 13.23 to 111.13. XIos Theresoluthr wacsadopted with but-Receleta 20.2140.y, 2iL00; to-morow, 2 OW: 10* o re Mter; relxed and oi,ssenttene Nore. era'. 310 to Rood oholoo Wm: There was no mention of the Grand 33.43 to trhtid; rough lteaaw. 33 to Isoal Trunk cfl project at the meet - nut.",, $3.60 to rfaa.:tli bulk or 22122e5. at Mee t„, to .0.70. Sheep-Weelpts. 1:3.{f0: elluV"* o to sheep and lambs ateady, others lower good to choice ewenera, e KWfar W. C. CIDWELL, M.P.P., ILL. etotc $1ztu nItive taw" 13.10 to rim. Montreal Grain and Provisions. Suffering From Dangerous Attack of Montreal, Aug. 21.---Grai11-Oat9 are on Congestion of the Lungs, the early side. The market is quiet and' steady. leo. 2 oats atloat, Me'' No. ads' Lanark, Aug. 2.5. -NV. C. Caldwell, In Mare, .11%e for local trilde:trPou3(for North Lanark, is danger - 51c Idol: and 71c afloat: NO. 2 rye, (laev ots - and Wie afloat; No. 3 barley, 430 1222214115 ously ill at his home, "The Hielands." and 510 afloat. Milireed-Afaniteba bran In bags, SIR' Last Thursday Mr. Caldwell and shorts in bags, 313: Ontario bran In bunt, party arrived home after a three weeks' eimmorutemee,le 1413 lottlolitiv,,Vdadleellolrglzirg- to° tijour in i New Ontario, and on Thurs. quality. It he was taken seriously ill Moue -The market is firm. quotations with congestion of the lungs. Absent In mmtreal nn ty4wR: 83.53 to t3.05 fin' members of the household were sum - straight tattlers In barrels; in bags, 31.73 . to ;LAO; cora bags. $1.60 to $1.63; winter 111085d nome on oatureay. His physi wheat patents. $3.30 to 33.90:- 31sult4lba cians entertain !tapes of his reCovery. tirst patents, 11.35 to $1.50 In bags: seeendi patents. 31.61 to 14.20. Oatmeal -The market is steady and , prlemn range trove 31W a barrel and -$11.1:4 TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. ln bags for broken lots. Benns-Choice primes, 11.60. : Ottawa has been created a new military Provisions -Heavy Canadian short c.111 district' ' perk.. 3112 to Pali light short cut. :OS; 0018.-, Chief Xustice Dubuc was sWorn in at pound refined lard, ra. Sc to 9c; pure Cana-' dtan lard, 614c to 10c; finest Ird, 101,• .„,, , ,ist to, " floe; bams, eatee to 141S.c; bacon, 14e to Harry StIrton, a Frankford boy, Ve2 L'0; live hags, 5123 to 36.60; fresh killed •-tin over and killed. abattoir hogs, 39; American clear backs, • 313.75; clear shoulder pork, 118.50. Eggs -Candled selected. 170 to 17iaci" The HamiltOn City Council passed the No. 1, 15c; straight receepts, 14e; No. agreement with the Bell Telephone Com - 2. raeec. pany. Cheese -Ontario. 101:ee to 10Kc; town- ships, 10c; Quebec, 9%o.The bye -election to fill the vaeancy in Butter -Townships, creamery, 19c M Argyllshire, Scotland, takes place to-mor- 18iie: Quebec. 18eac; western dairy, 148 :Ow. to leo. Liverpool, Aug. 24. -Opening - 1Vheat, ' ammunition to China, prohibition on the export of arms and I A German Imperial decree removes the British Markets, spot steady; No. I standard California. per cental, no stock; 'Walla, Gs alhd; No.1 Miss Annie Hore's action for breach of 2 red. winter, 6s 31/2d; No. 1 northern Mani- tember Gs 5%d value, October es Pad promise against Rev. Thomas aeoghegan toba, Gs 91ed to Gs 1021; futures qtnet. Sep - value, December Is 6d value. Corn -Spot of Hamilton has been settled. .. steady; mixed American, per cental1 , 4s Durin,f July 57,533 immigrants arrived G%d to 4s 721 for new; futures dull. Sep- 1,n the :United States, more than half be- tember 4s 63ed nominal, October 4s Gerd ' mg Hengarians, Italians and Russian nominal. Flour -Minneapolis, 21s Gd to Jews. 22s 1121. I, Liverpool - Close -Spot wheat steady: T joint W. Noble was committed for trial No. 1 standard Celifornia, per cental, no ! stock; Walla, Gs ,1,6t1; No. 2 red winter, t at 15arailtaa 00 a charge of stealkig S2'13°0 Gs 33a41; No. 1 no. thorn. Manitoba, lis °tea ; from -the Canadian Express Company. of to Is 1021; futerea easy, September Gs 6%d. I which he.avas cashier. • 'value. Corn -Spot steady; mixed Ameri- Walter 13. Spars. was senot teed.to two October Gs '621 aominal, December Gs 6½C6I can, per cental, 4s G%d to 4s 721 for new; years in' the penitentla.ry by Judge Snider futures dull, September 42. 6%d a°1ciacia of I-Jeri:11ton for stealing from the Robert October 4s Slid. Tolour-Minneapelis, 21e 1 Ray 0.6m.pany of -Toronto, 621 to 22s 9d. • '• London,a Aug- 24--°Tening-W1ioat 00 At a meeting of the G,- T. R. share. passage, less offering. Corn -On passage, quotations nearly aal show advances; La 1, a°1ders ,the proposed increase from R5,- Plata, yellow,%tye terms, August„ 20s Id. i120,000 to ,e10,000,000 In the 4 per cent. Weather in England -Clearing up • after ' auaranteet1 Stock was approved. try wheat markets of $aturday, quiet. . JaMes' Hartneya Manitoba. • Gov - rain; forecast, unsettled. English coun- 1 M_I. ., Monday's Russian shipmehts or wheat, ;rnment immIgratton agent, estimates the 1.696,000 bushels; 'corn, 100,000 bushels. Dan -o1 :abler: shipments of wheat, 816,000 bushels; , ivesterli wheat crop at between eighteen corn, 784,000 bushels. , 1 and tvienty bushelsto the acre. . London -- Close -Number of' cargoes ce,31 whea.t arrived off coast since last report - - Protests were filed in the Manitoba are: -'Wheat on passage, buyers indirfer; courts agaiiist James John,_son, M.P..rafor ent operators; wheat, parcel No. 2 hard. rurtle arounta.in, and J. if. Agnew, M.P. winter, passa..ge, Hs 921.- Corn -On pas- P. for Virden, bolh Conservatives. sage firm but not active: corn, parcel . mixed American, September, 21s 6d.1 'Articles incorporating the Pan-Ameri- Mark Lane Miller Market --Wheat, , an Rellriaad Cempane which propoeea to foreign firm, witb a fair business; Eng--; 2 ' - lish stead.. Corn -American firm, with nonstrtiet a lirie from "Hudson Bay . to a fah'', business: Danubian steady. Flom: Bu'A enos yres, were filed -at ,Gulbrie, --American quiet but steady; English firm. Wheat, parcel No. 1 northern , Manitoba, passage, 82s Id; wheat, Parcel:I His Honor the Lieutenant -Governor, No. 2 northern Duluth, passage,3s ' ' Au,gust. 32s 9a; wheat, parcel 'No. 1:-haDraci ' ‘vith Mrs. Mortimer Clark and faintly, Manitoba, passage, 33s 3d. old ercp. Corn returned yesterday to Toronto after a 1 -Parcel Galatz. Foxonian, Passage, 224 Hp te•Loedon Eng. lasting six weeks. 3d. .._ 1 , , . ' ' - I Antwerp,- Apg. 24`.-elose-Wheat, sPina The first day's play in the interns - No. 2 red wintee, 1.67efr, corn -Spot quo- tations, ' American inLeed. 2.2fr. Flour- tienal cricket match atkToronto was spot quetafrons, Minneapolis, 28fr. i disastrous to the Canadiln eleven, who 1 Paris, Aug, 24, -Wheat, tono ilrrn; AN- vere all Out in tiatir first innings for 47 gust, 22! 45c; Novee- 1;er and arebruary, , nen et mf (Se for runs. The -United States, team, made. 211 cse moor -To -12 August and 28( Ole for November and i6y runs, and had scored 5; for three , trebuary. rFrench country markets quiet . but ate4,uy. tvieltetS -when time was' called.' WO PEDTII SUICIDES. ALFRED HUGGINS OF MORE - TON SHOOTS HIMSELF, Mrs, Winteringbam of Logan TOM).* sip Aged 8e Years, Takes Paris Green With Fatal Effect, Fetratford, Aug. en -Alfred Huggins, hotelkeeper of fonkton. took hie life by ehootiog himself on. Saturday. He tea home in the morning, and was eeeo entering a hash by a mart plough- ing' ht a field. Shortly. afterwards the plowman heard a slltot, but paid n attention to it. Afterwards a party organized to find :Air. III:galas and ;Ley were directed to the poult where the shot was fireel. and Nog- gins was lolled dead, with a eevoher an his hand. The euiekle was a meat deliberate one, as it is reported he had a bottle - i of carbolic acid n his pocket end he bed dreak a portion before shooting himself. The general 0,2:ti- 2e that he became depondent over !ling his hotelprooerty, which he sit to get back, but e011ad not. 2eIrs„, AVinteringlaaan of Logan town - 312i2 died Sunday from the effects of a dose of Paris green she had taken --tia guide1 intent thet morning. The v man was elatty years of age, and he.* wallowed eituagit poieon to 1;111 half timten persons. ft is believed the ased had become despondent ow - to trouble. Playstetans were promptly called, and the patient. had I1Q been younger, might have move ered 126 a result of their efforts. She leaves a family of SeVen, Of whom four eons live in Manitoba. The threceyeareold eon of Ham, Pad:ham of Downie township Was Sun- day kicked by a horse so severely that his Aid/ was crushed in, causing paralysis. The child is in a eritizal conditton at the Stratford hospital, MR. TREADGOLD CALLED. An Outline of His Water &ammo Pre- sented. Aug, 25. -The teking of die evblence of Aug, ea. --The taking of the evidence of Mr. Treadgadd, called by Dr. Catto, proceeded at yesterday's sitting of the 11111145i011 ioquiry. Counsel tor the Daudet Trade, which is presenting the ease against the cOncessgents, distinct- ly repudiating calling him, and saying thet his calling wee not In accordance with their wishes. The opponents of the concessions are much disgusted with the actions of Dr. Cetto and Mr. Clarke„ which are, they say, greatly damaging the cause of the people, Mr. Treadgold proved an admirable witness in his own behalf. At the request at Commissioner Judge Britton he outlin- ed his water echeme for the first time. It is, indeed, en enormous affair, in - waiving an initial expenditure of quite two millions of dollars, with possibly GBISTING and CilOPP.C.,,;,(i s much more later. The echeme con- sists of a gravity system to diyert four thothand mehes from Rock Creek, diviled between Hunker and Donanza, as far as the forks, and covering all hills and benches from the latter furies to the mouth, also a pumping scheme to take eighty thousand inches from the Klondike at tile mouth of Bear. Creek and carry it ill four miles of flume at cost Of a hundred thousand dollars initial cost ; to generate three thousand horsepower and deliver by pump an additional three thousand inches on Bonanza. r, Treadgold said he has already spent upwards of one hundred thousand dollars to have surveys made by Sir Thomas Taut:retie. EXETER 1111,47 CHANGED EACII W E ON LS D. Wheat... • , • • . • Barley.- - . .. . . . . Oats.............- ..... 20 28 GO CO Potatoes, per bag . 1 e0 1 CO Hat% pee ton... ... . - , - 7 (e./ 8 le) Flour, per cwt., roller.- 2 10 Butter........,, , ,.,,,„ 11 Eggs....., ., ....... . . 12 Hides, per 100 lbs ......, 5 00 2i CO Live hogs, per cwt Dressed Iioge ..... ...- Shorts per ewt ..... - .. . Bran per eavt . . . . . . . 8 00 100J SO 12 tRIZ.0 To health and happikess iSoro,Ttaln..4 as 117,:7 Ma ever 23112122 t1; -:e aerecereoaao, It eeneee lanae:;ea ie t, .2 tgure4 the §tie, 1111411: Care rcernbrane, was.tee the eteeeltee, en'oe ens the bones, reicete the rote:: of tioutrtiopittotti7irte. 121. el 6.p uTwo et myetetOren kitc,74 w47,e4ke grin dee;.-r n.J o1 tram voItrz to st.it.961 ter tooe re netee Obekroodis rant:eedoeue ecnte mos reeeeed tree semtoo ( e Leo, t, tenon eivting teem nr-,V3 the ablildrzt Imre skormt tioo7,s.,sol will rid you of it, raeraery aud eaanentiy, no It bus rid 14.ttegatiOl1. WOOT•s, jiATito°%Protitt4E°44410717::0010714:1.40* 1321:17; FiCai41110 ttyl, 11225 Ryer 40 seam. Alt am, grt.„4.1tatdaboDes,r1tIla resemeteud as Wing ithaeotie°44trtbrarheurresi4440r elece Universal satistracaom lt promptly awl pertattReatlyearel all.ferma et Ftnsito pat- 'wfi'doferi=ghtfuttr:("a71 4raP*4.4`111 are% "-Zee Ceetraf. 1,741,2 tl'it WenZialOr allrraFx:44Elfor 41;=1.0 17444 PtettF,..tliZ Vitt etirt!. Matted eramnty rti* rico nadatge a f fitt Cote; of prim. 04 tariztoottee tztooeltkat,4 AdZal Woad Company, 1 lara leata: CREDITON ROLLER ,5 CII*Otnt.W4Oaat3fa*Zr,itref,41: We are giving ezoollent satisfaction eince Re- modelling our rail ••••••••//100I SALISBURY'S FUNERAL. •••=to The Anangeraents Have Now Been Completed. Hatfield, Eng., Aug. 25. -Lord Salis- bury's coffin has been finally closed. The servants and family will act as hearers at.the funeral, which will occur on Monday, the erst, when Lido. - Col, Lord Edward Cecil, Military Sec- retary of the Egyptian army, and fourth son of the deceased statesman, reaches England from Egypt. The funeral service will be held in St. Etheldreda's Church. The inter- ment will be beside the body of his wife in the private burying -ground ad- joining. The ceremony will be mast private. Simultaneously a service will be held in Westminster Abbey.. 11. S. Ambassador Choate tins after- noon telegraphed to Hatfield express- ing in behalf of the American nation sorrow at the death of Lord Salisbury. FOR JEWISH EMIGRANTS: Britain Offers Territory in East Africa. London, Aug. 25, ---The English Jews are deeply interested in the antounce- ment made by Dr, Theodore Herzl, President of the sixth Zionist Con- gress, at its opening Sunday, at Basel, Switzerland, that Great Britain, in view of the collapse of the proj e.ct to establish jaws' on :the Sinai pm - insula, had offel-ed tlie' Zionists a large tract of territory in East Africa for colonization by the Jews, who would be, given an, autonomotis government ender._ Biate.611 linty While some opposition is expected, they believe that tile con- gress will accept the proposieon. Lord Rothschild said to a represen- tative of the Associated - Press :-- "Fearing Jewish migration from the British Isles, the Government has offer- ed a tract of land in East Africa to Jews emigrating there. They will have only the rights and privileges of British subjects, the same as their brethren enjoy here and elsewhele in the empire. • The Jews are not aware of the ex- act terins of the azoposal, but tile ma- iotity of English Jews are said to op- pose its acceptance. The United States imported ,tetly $260,- 000,0e0 worth of material for use in menu - fettering in the li:;•e,a1 year Juea closed,. Ca , , , . . compared , with 3347,000,0W in 1.8e8. DONE PROMPTLY., 14. siAtErrz Portland Cenie. t 'We have just rave:yeti a ono- tity of the Lest pe nth. of t - land Cement for preeent dolievry. (Moth Siteks to be rout mei 1.1 Can be had nt eh her Cent 2 241;4 or Exeter Storehouses. hoi Wanted 1)01) lbs. wool wanted, for which the higheet market priee will be paid. Received at Exeter al (1 Cen- tietlia 'Warehouses. Jos. CobblEdiek. BIISINESS Lou. Fla vi ng purehased the linsi ness of Mr. Robt. Sweet and taken. pos- session I sun now (Teo top hoseuese and solicit the patronage of the p urehesin g publio Boots and Shoos We Carey a foil line of ell kinds - of boots and shoe. Harness We have alsei a flest-elass stock of light and heavy harness, and we pay particular attention to re- pairing. TRY US AND 13E CONVINCED AS TO OUR BUSINESS DEALING. G. HOUSE. SLIPS OF THE TONGUE, An embarrassed minister gave out, the first line of an old hyrnti in this, atlaY: "This world is all a floating shoe." Realizing that he had made a mis- take he tried to correct the same and said: "This world is all a shouting flee." The cont Teflon laughed. Tfie dominte, reaameing in the face, near-. Jy sliouted: "This world is all a sheeting flow." 'Another preacher read a notice of a church supe'er, of whiab, `"tteer dough- nuts will be given?' Ile meant dua notice. s It was an English curate who saidi' "1-Iere begInnith the fifth eleapten th-e POO ef BeoteroueraYs!' •