HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-27, Page 4exetex; a, ate
Sandore Oeneoht. Yeecees.
VitritSD-S, VI, AUG Pt 7
The Reliance has won the two races
nil Sandy Hook against Sir Thomas
Lipitothe temet lea Cnta challeeeter, the
Shamrock. In both vonteets Otte
ehallanger was outpolinted, but she
geve the defentler ,AlkW ran in the
second.. The firet rave wee won hy
seven mintdes an ll three seeonds, the
send by One nalwate and taineliettet
eecoude over a thirty mile course. I
tear teethe as if Sir Themes will hee-
l.). go hate; to En,g114.4t411 a third thlte
nehapeatete newel -lir be has er-
eether elt arse when we hope the noble
tient Mil neve leeter leek. Snell I
;thing hepeteteel ooly at few dee, since.
O"feneeette t he Ironthaptalt woo
the lost Vatoe ti the Strathenee
emit earn:led rktvay t,.."zotadiizo
li-%1VVEST EXCURSIOnS. ralidli
The figatrea, it$ ferniehed by the Ca- . Mrs. A. Kilbourne ie reeovet•leer f • on
11(11 in Ptteitic Railway authorities, t,
show that t his ,years II:LevenexcarS- ttle egeets (It hel-^ l'ecent' "eicle"1" she
, leering fallen down statirs a few days
were ill 11111111/1.41;6 8111e b. behind toe
ago aind severely uruised hersteti-At
buit. The detailed reterns of the Co,
the teceet meeting attic., High Coert
are that from eastern Ontario between 1,0.F. in, Galt, J. Laughton ,
of ths
tarm, eonth of the Wain lille of the i
Toronto zurel Iting,etoto t heee were place, was appointed High. Setdor
1,,e'Sh tickets seed. front t he western 0o- tleadien Rev, Diehl, of Mee Critie,
Gaunt. Trunh fronatorouto to Sarnia, wns APP°11oted High Oratow-Rev.
1.901. The total fee the theee eeetue, A.Yearst, of Iowan, occupied the pal -
pit in the Methodist clonich on Saxe
ons was 0,235, Last year harvesters
eamihite.sh.Inteltett).oefartnesileiesti:noais .sotriets'e(ri ao duv:itsift..71I JRcu1 if,d( t).fnelooli°0:0t:ai
ex,carsions were rull , seenring 1,
ft.t.lortuir4tfig, 67(1, beitv,t411;11clle
' at Hawiltotatet tvetdo-Mre, P. 31c-
* enehlan, who hae bee u sultering beau
RAY,..9117, WITNY.:SS.
tile eff.mits Of a spraltwe ankle, le re -
One has only to :eked the ptetetettlingte etteeriug, -.1.1isees Beetle tool Bertha
,r any of °Or 'tuts v seen the evo Hallore visiting rritithis io London. -
druer atany wined trial te realiee the
the light rehte tnes
het witees. Out opt
theletvorLL beve to sift the
testintonY taut 40 the beet, they can
under thheireuttietanees, often express,
their copeletion that most et it is
met ruet worthy., Pereary is ;Omitted,-
: ott . the itetreeee, vold dieregord of
the teeth in evidenee. bezotning more
tton. 'We • find teattede the
the coerttoeta the same tentlence to-
varde *lase Wli
ile:0.s.- Ili advertise-
"' ittg, teitite as a agent viol -atolls of the
teetn f;pnld as ill t1e witnese luoteter
level lesee her etteeti neted ietateeman itt testo
nuttais givett tor 41 eanstderat
sittee thst e death eie (it- }h wes lon. and ...in eretiellt ;414'1/ Out Of
lo tate dere le ot eh 7-4 Y • E
i; aof the geteet •eettesnam and Ant; PAhlt hre Pod tills home lanreta
Pt lieu:ere ot Vie te he's token. Thae‘,e ' Ate;,jheteer t;reti:1,31,-?%.,11,L)%4T,--;
timee premier he b-:1thi‘ :oho. of goy. "ve:ti-Q yea." end win'tee e:ntey is 113F."
ern:aeon la some elatt ett years, der-
t1W girs)ater pAri aloe he
hept together a plrfy couaroseil
very diveree tiemente. Although he
never heeeme popeler hero as Dia,
reeli ellittletone etet he was a m•to of
1140titltited. ated mordi tonlities.
.11N.- clever Illas-1get4le8t of all questionil
of .4 Want owla
r fo-pi wne 35 Its
4•io.a.rs:141 alt. party
e axe Liberahrnionials
pro:I:time him as a. nem of ttionbted
ability. to hes. hater dert leered very
little ;thertat the opirtIon of the people.
or wit 0: they retie ahout Ititn. As For-
eten 84,11.44tary W40.Q. often %leant misty
den tan eed Ity the. newep mere. when
larig:ned that he Wilt: 111040.i•tiffig
17.4411 When tht'rek trse
of evente revelled the fettle it was
fitani thet h:seent
id ed exeellent
xray that preeerved peeve and
it IN: Eoglioatrci pre-vage. Ile
Lent -fon, Aug. 22. -Lord Salishure-
died peecefally at 9,05 teeleck to -eight.
lour 48 hours it, wile See)) that the euel
was inevitable. Even the administra-
tiou of oxygen .failed. to effect this ev-
ening. A. few Minntee after 0 o'cloek
the torater Premier t meted slightly, tin
warde Ws favorite daughter, Lady
Gweoclohne Cecil, who was kneeling
beeide him, and then qeletly breathed
his last. All the members of his Lod-
shie p'family,. except. Lord Ittityived Ote
were at the bedside, Viscount
eranhowne, who nn', assumes the -title
of Marquis, of Salisbury, immediately
notified the King and Queen. the Prime.
and PrinW
eese of ales, ;tad otheth. in-
tending Lord Edward Cecil, the soldier
son of 1,00 S,hisbury, who is now -
j 1):1410. hk,e 1)34 t,tle 1111401.0w to Egypt, mut who was the only clexid of
lose one of his handsame black horeesi 1hr, 2,41.4°e's `tbsent iv°w. tite I14. th
a few tine's ago. The animals ran awes two.. -eeores of telegrams Of eoudoleuce
nod a stake ne w up and caught one in • Elrheitf.41;ehiseititrenattellt:tlheekideit e'ztZie
the Xmg
stela:telt ih-Ed. McLeod is
on a trto ar.4quis of Salisbury is given in the Court
ip different pts of "New Ore
ewe eh.h Alex, campeen iterenete Sunday. It runs as follows:
left Lett weeh be, Soper, Norte thee,. "Tile ling has reeeived with profound
ta, where thf.Av will spend acample of; tegret the news of the dth eaof the
months with*. relatives. -Miss Ethel14.11'115i "14 his 51'k/est).
Currie has returned to hm
er hoeh oteP deplores the lose of so great a
statesmanehemse Inv:Unable services
Haydensi,1110„ Mass., after an eeteed-
ea -telt .. tete . mitt to Queen Vwtorin, to the King, and his
Mtthet tilegladery.---John. Breen,. who c000lEY itt ti e highes'. otBees of Stttle.
has been oa the statrof u„unalesst„,„. which beheld for so many yeaws, will
at Silthtlett for stone time nosh has ae- !ever dwell jo the memory ot his fellow-
eil,tt,d it positiou Gm,d,r, et ..cortntrymen," Messagesof condolence
Sonis store , -Mr, and Mrs. eotoeoegen,; amputee; in at Hatfield Howe. The
and fondly have returned from their senates Windt' King Edward and
thneen Alexandra, the Queen of Porta,.
two months' visit to Dakota, friends. r • •
The meth etonmatreloteut needs to he A. C. Morrison, B.T.R. brakeman of k .14 1110
wit in more definite pr:ictiee in :211 oar Port Huronhas sold bis five:a un the I "4'veuees tvete to44e to the deaa
I.N.ntre Ito to hi5 brother, Geo. Mote statesman in the [Mrs of almoit all
beemese ;Ind sial relations. hat
use goods you elaimeil were
not, t sample, or that mistake in• an
rison,--Leslie Palmer, who bus been
. .
the churchee in the 'tilted Xingdom,
lineman to os o (A. smee tt$ Inc( 1). There were iliall$,T ViSitOVS to the rit-
limo of Hatfield to.day. The pnrish
torah -ea of whtelt :coo took adv4itntuge. don, left last week for Wiarton where
"Th m Ault not b,ar falqewitneee. he will spend a, short thne,...-missx,317 vhoreh was crowded this mornino the
win iinne bee gone to Detrolt,,,,,,.,Harry worshippo•sinelvaling Vrentierigifour
pone. our woi knowolow pitwer,• the Earl and Conntess of Selborne, the
ilicRe Forecasts for 1has gone to Port littron. where lte fans• :711a441" 5061*668(1 me)8bet1 of his taw'
tly and household. The funeral has
secured a situation. His departare
-Her- Irl R. Hicks. of St. 'Anat. hits will be a blow to the inerosse dot as he been ntocisiOnallY axed for the end of
issued his forecasts for the month or was a reguior stone wall on the de,- 41,4,1te8 Ire!' to etasable LP:41 .2,41w81-.1 Cc'
September. the salient points of which. feuee„-Win, *run: left lost week foe elehto is ots ray li011le trotur*gypt
will he feund appended: The Orst 1Vindsor, where he will continue to to assist. The hfarquie of aliebtiry
storm phrtod for September is central work for the sidewalk pehsh_Eth (Roltert Arthm-Thibot OnsconneiCeell,
m the 411). extending from the 21711 to unky, s, solgaxe, jos, ponoldeon, PAY.. G.Q.A .0., 1002. F.A.S., D.
the Ith. This period embracehl
s oon in 31cAd-Vh
ams. A C..., -an Me John o C.L., L.L.De J. P. Baron Cecil)
apope on the :1641. fell on the Gth. and Leish,Donald Canteron,John Toppliog vas 1")r° in Hittnekl on Felmnater .
ott the etpettor on the 7ih.Sit.„Ins of and AllgtIS :tleHonald tool; in the flat, 183°, the 6"tuld son 0 the secant" Mal' 'VEr rn
approacubig change and storms will vest excursion to Manitoba, last week. quis and his wife, Folee8, heir* v v 4'4 4•-,
appear h.. 61 the Otel. weather Neill -Mits. F. J. Hutchins ond hliss theta ess711 11111.11twe G'I''"7")F66e• Ile was "lilt'
&TOW warmer hi the west. the haulm-, Robinson spent a few days in wood. ried in led/ to Georgina, daughter of
ter will begin in the saute rent. etoek darlog the weette-s. &Faison, ilon. Sir Edward Hall Alderson. a
• Several guropean and ii.tnerican governments have -made
comparative tests of alcoholic and lum-alcoholio beverages for
soldiers on forced march. These tests have invaiiably resulted
in the withdrawal of alcottolie drinim
during all strenuous work, chocolate
a,nd other sweet beverages being
given instead.
The result of these scientific re-
searches is applicable to the army of
feeble and overworked people seelt-
ing strength* Liquid medicines are
necessarily alcoholic; they merely
stimulate and their effect is only
Weak people ShOttid take S.
jA31-4S WA.RERS, which Ore a neon-
struetive and a tissue builder ; their•
effects are lasting. 1.1, 1 a permanent
improvement will yh follow their
steady use.
$ht jAtISS WAVERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nuturaent
through. the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accern.
plishes naucle.
"r consider Ei t,Janies Wafer* 4
Await eseellent preparation fOr
stetycs tate shalt recemes eon
teem getteralle."
Or. Thee. areelcp,
Potte34 8
Price in Camera: $1. 0;
Six battiee ter OM
St./Wan irafirSart :al a WW1
ter.Vcd,o;t0/40eamearousdeaeu re,
Caeltafading Menlo Meir peseige
a? PIM Melartaala a/Q4 reveal.
Trueredesiern award eertingtly:
Wafers. they are mailed open re,
ceirit of price et tee cattathen
branch St. Jane% Wafers CO. 010
St. estbetins fit.. Mutual.
.7*.M.MONOW,010.4,04.0100,4**Orrarassex,ar.:**4,..10."...w.emyarytwor,rogg. atr,ra,
fon. and eloadinese and raita will tone& who Came bete front Brighton about a
growhag, irt volume as they pass east- month ago as hanioe in the Standard
ward. and reaebing a culminating eris- an has resigned from the baules
is from the 3th to the 7tb. SerViee. Fie intends oing to Toronto
sva-. always a pp;i4.4.4 pahlikter lint never malty sertions on the Oth and
VP' ILeth for decided change lo cool -
willing to saerititv Foutialafr* rights to et. te the wog as these etorms pass
til"P'lle''S of Ihthhhh nti SdielturY eaetwatal. the 0101 cleming weatlwr
ladotee al to a cleat of feithrel and hon. •foiloWilig the animate to the extreme
oust. The change to fair and cooler
will be retarded until after the moon
paeees nerth to the equator on the 7th.
Otherwise it would culminate about
the fill' moan ou the 511t. Weather
changes will emu in at lid succession
• annulate :dorms and equalle will he no- to study medicine. Als place here has
been filled by F. H. Feeley. of Lueen,
who hos hen in the Forest beaneh of
the Standard for a time.- Mies Emily
Tuck left Weduesdiay for Toronto. -
;Mee Minnie Levis is visiting' friends
in Port Huron, -T. Jennings left Weil.
»esday for NV iudsor, where he will he
eutployed by the Cederea Silex Ceeet
Mrs. Wm. Ritchie and Mr., and Mrs,
lihnite. are vielting, Mends in Listowel.
Sen. 111orlison, who has been in Ala -
barna and ;Mississippi for several years
has returned home. His impretsions
(11 8(201661 coaditions in the south are
not favorable. -Miss Mandie Beira. of
Fairgrove, Mich., after a feet dew,' vie -
11 here, left on the mem ston to Mani-
toba, where she will epent two or three
months with frieu(1e. Miss Gertie
Manning bas also gone West. We
wish the young ladies a. pleasant WI).
-31r. Thos. Grieve, who for many
years has been a Wasted and valued
clerk in P. Licisay'e general elm*, bat
Tuesday on the exenrsion for the
North West. He will l merit missed
• by the young people. with whom be
was a general favorite. All wish hint
soma in the gveat West which Of-
ferS 50 many Inducements to young
men of ability end pluck. -
est chttoge in local business eircles is
the sale by ThomaS Powell, of bis
well-kuown as the Powell House,
to Mr. Shoemaker, of Dashwood, who
was formerly in the hotel business in
Zurich. The new proprietor will take
possest•ion en Sept. 15th. Mr. Powell
• has condneted the house for mnny
•'years, and We understand that be does
not intend to leave Parkhill but will
retire in the future. :Iir. Shoemaker
comes highly recommended as a hotel-
man and. we are assnree by those
who know him that the reputation of
the house will not suffer at his bands.
WEnnexo Boerts.-A very pretty
wedding, took plate at the home of the
bride t 9 o'clottk, on Monday evening
when Mr. Fred Zapfe and Mrs. Mary
Jane Cameron. daughter of Mr. Wm.
Baird, Wes -united in Marriage by Rett
Robt. Alyward. The ceremony Was
performeh in the presence of only the
immediate families of the contracting
partieS and at the concInsion the cow -
puny sat down to a dainty tea, after
which they took the 10.29 express for
Sarnia and thence to Cleveland, where
they will spend their honeympon.
At the station a large crowd were con-
gregated to wish them God -speed • in
tit etrionrney, whin!) b -re eloquent test-
itnony to their popularity. On their
retorn they will take up their resi-
dence in -Mrs: Zapfe's home on Main
street. We join with their host of
friends in wishing th ern a Heel happi-
ness and prosperity.e-A quiet cherch
wedding took, place here .on Saturday
in St. James Cherch, when Frederick
William Clark, of Toronto, and -form-
erly of Ropboroegh, Devonshire, Eng-
land, was united in rnarriage. Miss
Blanche Rew Welsh, neice of Mrs. W.,
H. Welsh, of this place, forrneely of
elerton, ,Deyonshire, England, • . The
chremOnY was performed by the Rev:
John Berry, M.A.; in the presence of
n. few intimate friends, after' wbich a
weddi ree path*/ mad“heir way to the
home f Mr, Welsh Where a tempting
repast was served. The banpy couple
left the sa the evening for their home
in Toronto.
peblie eervants whom any 'natio
new wen qberi-,41 611771 pray Met to the
httest geneattious they may never fall.
Hamar sx.ria thlt Ar. CliNhals». of at this thee. Wu, we be !eve that the
Witneltato. will he the coneeeeetiee dominant mete 721 (1)0 weather will be
eitnilitlete28 Ed4 1141ron at the nest W44 VIII 411411'.° the aVerage. The Milt"
7.8 ,4,44-‘.•C Ilth are reitetionero storm days,
48.1 ahout which merited storm con-
* w ditiows will arise. An things m12sk1er-
TA41 1);1114411 trOttell a ;idle On Avg% ed atmospheric and reisnlie perfaulat-
tIth in two fahottes att. oath -to the thine tef wide end violent eharacter
woriti'm 'Neal down!: 14 eetetada The woehrrhe oreite natural any where
feeteet trotting mile hefore this was withilta weelt w ten days ot the llth.
82 ale hy The pettedt eorered hy the .Mars.
* Raab and Venus disturbances, and all
itelieetions of approaChing storms
Istal Noethatte, Governor of Bern- eltould be paeaptly notteed and heed -
Wee), Is, been appt dated GoVerlMr-G011- 041. Vero high temperatures it follow -
h)7 theetrleat 06U15 at this tone,
net suddenly lento very enol -possib-
ly to the host line, 'northward. A
regular Vulcan storm period is central
on the 1311, cavering the 14t12 to 100.
The new moen falle ott the celestial
quitter on the 20th. beteg coincident
nab the eentrel day of earth's
egnisloX. and with moon at au
nAt14.. This 15 64180 at the center
of the 'Venus eiplinex. The strong
Mr. tiouraa, that ebtonie kickerals p22.)17tbilitle,4 are that threatening, un -
at it again. Tins time he kickeagainst settled, stormy weather will begin
some of the doing* of the Conetrees of daring the petiod leth 10th, and run
Chambers in Montreal, inregimng that into the reactionary petiod ventral on
Sots are being made against Canada's the tinth to rhel. 11 121111)7 aye ive storms
independencedo 7101. 000116.' in the time tovered by
* these two periods, there will almost
certainly he a prolonged spell a un-
seasonably warm weather, followed by
severe seismic shakes in many parts of
this mid other countries. 0:10 or two
extremes always results under such as-
tronomical conditions as exist at this
time -general and violet storms, or
the almost total absence of storms,
with a prolonged period of pheuomen-
olly hot, brassy weather, ending in
many earthquake and seismic dist trrb-
ances. We are inclined to believe that
the tatter will result at this time, but
it is one Of thnee peculiar problems
that no one can positively solve before
hand, in the present state of know-
ledge. But that one of the two ex -
(reams above w11 r ...snit is
a. fact that tit .y co,inted on. If
storms ate to be the rule they. will be
:int of the ordinary, on both. land and.
sea, and timely indications will show
that•such is going to lie the result. If
dry, hot, brassy weather should hold
for many days, its peculiar- intensity
will be rerwtrked by all, and at the
breakup, earthquakes, vicions storms
and change to quite cold may be look-
ed for. The last storm period for the
month is central on the 27th, extend-
ing from the 25th to the Skia. This
period has the combined force of "Vul-
can," Mercury, Venits and Earth, with
Moon at that quarter, soeth declina-
tion end apegee. We predict that this
period will beiag seties of severe
storms, and that the crieis of these
disturbances will fall on and tooching
the 23th ta 29th. This is also a perlod
in which dangerous gulf stbrms may
reasonably be expected. At the wind
up of this period a sweeping high ba-
roMeter out of the northwest will
bring. a severe dash of autamuutie
weather, with leigle horeat wintissclear-
ing skies and frost in many places in
northern and ccat rat stetes. Tbis fin -
sl culmination may not eh 1130 see,
t owe hefere the opening days of Coto -
lea but sneh change is almost a cer-
tainty before the end of the ffercnry
listarbatice which is central on Sep-
tember 3Uth.
;...ral at to ammonwealtb ..A.ostral-
i-,7„ ifl;e7 ....ROI to Lord Tennyson 1212(1
ratiost in December next,
w *
On Welinesti ty. 10111. Dan Pettit
breee the woelths 67.00211 for p were by
paeltne a nub. itt 1.39 at Brighton
newel-, The 2'e,,,m1 boats that of 1.314
made by Star Pointer in 1S9kl.
The Congress of Progressive thesoci-
ations ananimously passed a resolu-
tion recording its deep settee of the
valuable services of Mr. Chamberlain
to the cense of Imperial uniou, ex-
pressing- complete sytnpathy with him
in his efforts to put the relations be-
tween the colonies and the United
Kingdom on a more business like and
»taro equitable basis.
. * *
In view of the short frnit ertm 'there
is likely to be a good demand 83 Brit-
ain for boiling and cider -making tep-
pies. The department has hecelhed
atevices from the Canadian High Cone
miesioner in London to the effect that
-one firm would take 5,000 tons of each -
of the above sorts. Mr. Moore is now
in communication with the leading
fruit shippers to ascertain whethe.
they can the order. The possibility
of shipping cider is also being investi-
teeted. A trade of this sort would af-
ford facilities for selling co advantage
the immenee quantities of cull apples
which now go to waste in this coo ntry.
'"1 can't give yon a divorce -on -this
tiled of testimony," said Judge Tuley
to Anton a Kroll when Kroll attempt -
to secure a separation from his'Wife on
the ground of cruelty. - • •
"You say your wife struck you. Why
didn't you: slap her jaw? If you won't
proteet yourself when Your wife"•at-
tacks you you can't expect a court to
give you a decree on the ground of
"1 don't think it is a man's duty to
strike back at his wife," Said Kroll.
"A Mall is not, bound to allow it wo-
man to strike him," declared judge Tu-
• ley. "Besides, a woman is supposed
to belong to the weaker sex."
• "1 suppose he could protect himself
against the attacks of a man," inter-
posed Attorney Keough.
"Well, why not woman,. then? A
man isn't much who en:nnot protect
himself lg tITJSt the attacks of a wom-
.an,"said Judge Tuley. -:Chica Ohron-
IC I LADIEsj:tredgr.
R ohn jtIt!!"epoolf,`„"h'gaerlf.4
Ca0115, colds, isolvgersess, and other threee PENNYROYAL TEA.
mivionts ace cpiir'kly rf,l:oved by Or( Every mother and iaclY should use it. tised successfully by thou..
Inds of ladies, eIc.,s,ze for sale by all Doteelsts, or direct,
t1 £fl cents por box. Al1 cll c , or , ,
SCOTT'S •EMULSION serves as a
bridge to carry the weakened and
starved system along until it can 'find
Erm,support in ordinary food.
" Send for free sample,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
1.; Toronto, ^ Ontaris.
sac. and p.00 ; all druggists,.
Itat on of the Excheepter, oho dud ut
IWO. Lola SaliShary was educated at
litton and Christ Chureb, Oxford. He
WaS elected member for Stamford for
1$13-1S6N. Secretary for India and Pres -
Went of the 'Indian Council 1800-07,
18744* special Amhnstodor tor confer -
Mee at Constantinople 187047: plertipie
tentiary at Onngrees 01 BMW 1878;
First Lord of Treasury 1.830-.S7; Seere-
tory of State for Foreign Affairs M-
N% 184.88, 1887-02. MO; Primo Minis-
ter, 184.83. I.880-1)2 and 1803-1002. He
owns &mot 29,3110 acres. His childreh
at 0 Lady Beatrix Maud. now Countese
ttf Selborne; Lindy Owendolen
.f.tmes Edward Hubert Cecil (Viscount
Craft born(), Hee. Lord Rupert. Will bui
Ernest. Cecil, Lady Florence Cecil.
Lord RAU. Cecil, Lady Robert Veen. ,
Lord Edwaill Herbert Cecil, Lord Hugh
Riehard Henthcoto Vei1, LP.. and
the Hoe. Fanny Georgina Mildred
Cecil (deceased.) Lord Salisbury's
seats nre Hatfield House, Herts.;
mer CastletNenti Manor House, (ran.
bathe. Doreetshare; Beaulieu, Ville -
(rancho, Zilce,
miss mat Eggart, visited her par. '
ents last Smoloy.-Miss P. H. Tufts,
teaeher iu S. S. No, 10, Stephen, re-
enmed her duties on Monday. Miss •
live, of P6Uk11111518 teaching in S.S. No. t
14, MeGillivary, and in the new school
KS. No. 18tiles tintIon is Watching.- t
tare. A. McIntosh nnel children hove
retnrned to their home in Port Hum
after spending the holidays with rel- •
ttiveshere.-31r. 'Wm. Whiteside loft
for Manitoba, recently. -The amine) I
Harvest Dinner under the auspices of ;
the Methodist rhumb is tn be held on
September SOUL -Rey. Abe and Mrs.
Holmes and sons, Eddie and Harold,of ;
Grantnn, visited friends in this 0)0162-
Monday and Tuesday. -Mr. A. M.
Wilson very acceptably filled tbe pul-
pit in the Methodist choral last Sab-
bath, the pastor, Rev. Thihandean, be-
ing absent conducting the funeral of
Miss Neil at Mount Pleasant.
Brinsie y.
The sympathy of the neigborhood
was awakened this week by the death
of Mrs. Albert Bantine's youngest
child. The babe sufferecf greatly from
a severe sickness for only a week and
at last foond sweet rest in the long
sleep of death. The parents have the
sympathy of all the friends in their be-
reavement. The Rev. Mr. Knowles
preached a very syinpathetie sermon,
and then in the midst of the'erowd nI
aquaintaeces, who had gathered to
pay their last token of respect to the
beautiful child, it was slowly oud sadly
laid 121 its long resting place. -The
Rev. Mr. McKilibon is expected to be
on his own circuit next Sunday' again.
--Miss Lizzie Darling and Mips 'Mary
Amos are -at present camping at the
Bend. -The many friends ,ofElmer
An.) os unite in congattilating hint on
bislate examination. Beinsley is..be-
coming a great educational and musical
centre.- Mr. Deibehas returned to his
chnrch circuit again af ter a eh ort visit
with friends. -The. holideys are draw -
:41,g toa, close end our studeete Will
soon he taking. their depitrture from
this borgh.
Windsor, Aug. 21.--,VVhi1e .working
for the W. J. Pullixig La -Maher Co.
in the M. C. R. yards, Windsor, yes-
terday afternoon; Robert Harsh he,
of Leamington, son of Robert Horst,
keeper of the county house of refuge,
was caughtbetween two freight cars
and so badly crushed that he died a
few. hon rs after, in Botel Dieu hospi tal.
Coroner LIBeil0 may hold an inquest.
Hurst was unloading In tuber from
freight Cfl and, the fore etel of the
'train had been unhitched and drawn
faeward to give Hurst and hie compan-
ion a chance to drive hetween two cars.
Hurst Was passing through the open-
ing when the front part of train back-
ed -catching the -young • innn between
the huge iron drawhead,Be was 50
badly crushed in the aildoinen' that he
was almost cut in two, Hurst Was 26
‚It (15 old And bad 'been • in Windsor
, , „
„miry teW Seli..
lz itittia
4 :aIP 4. 0
S414 11 it 1 1 VI 03 I
Entre s Clue September lOtl.
An exhibition of melt. Rivgzer and 'sum, tlhao vez,,,4-r, A $711,20147 may of
attraetions--Tony Rytler's itoope of peillarilibur 3h726liei 6=P4a.
14108 M8061*,41516'4s horn n, atio ly lags. ;I41 the 1 14 VI,10144p4A.
An1'J6*1 '82 *4.7. Aerafitti to he hod. Iftittevent rtfrg raswelsoaktg:
With =mu* Bomhardpaord of Alofinitalia," a Meat tritilup:t 184,40 Pit
pri theebny.
Extra 10671876 67.4771 Speelat rate.; over 2211 lines. Prizo rt -4 and PIA ralgtuao
en applieation.
Lt. CoI. W. M. Gartzhere,
J. A.1 :3es1
No natter kow latireyea bare suffered or hori barb:treacly yen Inwitbeen treated by
surgeons. by cutting, stretching and butaitur, we snit you 20 istVeatinatQ Oar law
lIETIIOD °fearing It. Our treatment is original 'with ourselves, and is the result
of 33ye1Ir3l experience inthesetpecialdiseasen, Thestrictura tianue Intim canal 141
Datatessty absorbed and henna r..usoved forever. Au? discharge, N71.11C11
companies (Arleta re, di saprears.the lliflitUlCd torface in healed tte, all acalding and
burning sensations cease; the Xidneys and Bladder become strong and normal, the
sexual organs regain vigor ond vitality and the patient feels= though life vrere
'worth living. diteases are treated under a
PT sirivs GLIARAN2TEE 1,70 PAY.
01012 SEM' METHOD TriCAT2Al2NI1 1l1 cure you,6616d ointment=
of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, Om blood puriLeC so that all
pimples, blotches and ulcers heal Isp; the nerves become strong as steel so that
nervauaness. bashfulness and despoudency' disappear; lito eyes become bright, the
facefull andclear. energy :eternal* the body, aud the moral, physic:arm sexual
systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no nterevital waste front the system.
The various orrana become natural and manly. Yea feel yourself a man and knew
marriage cautiotte a failure. We in cite all the aftlicted to con snit us confidentially
and free of charge. Eon's let quacks and fakirs rob yea of your hard-carned
dollars. WE WILL CURE YOU 02 NO PAY.
uhatnath DISEASES, age disett%es pecnliarto men and women.
CONSULTATION FREE. 13001(S FREE. (Illustrated).
If unable to can, smite for Quarriforr aterrh for Homo Trerafmant,
148 Shelby St., ETROIT, MICH.
21 Venire in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Saab Securtty.
AliIiMe/AMAPIANd. AZATOA•0111MOAAIM*S41.1.A.A.,,,,AAJAI, 0. .4•A•AAArAllAA0A•PA 4.41:1A,
W. C. T.11, Notes.
At nne time teeny eon viers WQ11,
ployed tatildiete high lead's 9)2 nel
the prison walls 616 Portlaind. t d e --s
posted n hove then., with footled :tans,
watched 'them th pi v.' Five'Vy
briLlk le id. rendered their escape more
inwobsiblt-, and, yet.they theinselYes
Werti laying thein. So each sift. eon, .
nitted make it hard. r r i I
Lielffes Fit curoforEpllopsyand kindred
affections is the only successful. remedy,
and is nowusea by tho best physicians and
hospitals in Europe and America. It is
conildeutially rcconunended to the Alltict.
Ifyou suffer from
or leave children or relatives that do et1. or km* a
frie_nd thatis afflicted, then send for a free trial bottle
wheu writing motion Ws
and try It. It 17111 be smithy mail CUDE
thIngelse has failed.
prepaid, itlascuredwhere every.
paper, aad give fall address to
THE LLCM CO.,I79 Ring street west, 'Toronto.
1 . ,!, 11, .
forthertsiii, 111010 (16(11 'n 11. L 1.14.111,4bi Olt
'There are twat principles that
.to t'ne appliention 2lof41ul 16111,.
first 0 clteris.b no I eiblt.
that c.otild not safei's 1,y
those •arnund -us, snick, we all lihow
thetwe shottid like. to ba this tei 1 -
'tied by' good eXample in onrfellowinetl,
scleppd thought, is 4.•xii.f.e.6.sc,t.6 i(y
Harlan ;Page,111 hle
eirikStiii.n 0710 be w:15, folloWi'oa
words: fhall 1)66 if theyi.t wuf 1:o
otherone Phtling these 2(66)
tfq.,,'etin.f..., we hove he two sit's; of ;1
riangle, hi r.,11 the third is love, the
love if „G 6606o8tl in- the hesi t,
walsing it mellow :ind (Ninsiderate.
i hose:00(6ml us. The 111,1o1;... habit iln.k1
0)6 toh;o:co'h;Wit (.110550(.1 by scion -
1.1610 men, ihnong the 1110:'..i.
26011S t(i hoy 11-(1., youth' in
the bewildering years (n' the first (rm
$e.e,(Md decades. ' Young peny.)li, Vivo by
It if thoiv i i':1 -kl.em t
native ;lir. . No (1)7 4,2) pers On AV 110
tell igen IA V 1000)615, lives 011t the
answer- et I set c.xiin.ples to , the inno-
r...ent, b0f, 110,.(1 I he mita Light
by toll, (Nv)ng. (1 lit, I ..tre`"'1;1;..ely•
cause their,ynnoglifeinetts to combu•
911 ttli3.1'11(;kS. 0rt'1811.--V1'ilt1606 \Vil-
A man never knows his friends tine
il that "touching " period of adversity
hes artieedi,
thep wiee speculator that knowi
his own broker.
In the "sbow" of 'Vanity Fair"
woman who thinks should be given
the "bluc" for "performance only" -
conformation and style'' don't cceet•
it her clase.
• Facial maSSage is a -popular treat-
ment for wrinkles. I know a better-,
The "summer girl," like some ex-
travaganzas, is not always gold ba,
etc -use she glitters.
Flirtation is to love what a profac
b to a novel.
Verily a kiss through a veil is liko
unto charnpagne througii a straw.
I -Te who fradeth aa American wit°
findeth a good thing -yea, and a cost-
Courtship may be termed a b. -;an
knot that marriage pulls into a hard
knot, and, occasslonally, a very ha.'d