HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-27, Page 3THE BOIESTIO NOBEL
Cause of Unfaithfulness and Dishonesty
ha the Kitchen
mtg.** aecoroieg to Act ottee hate
lieeteet tieneeekte tel-ttie Wear on*
'rhausaad Iltua Udc C1 Throq,
by qlerrenee, et Os
veReetitieet et Ogricuteere. titteettlet
4 defAralch frout Chicago says
Mon of love raearia simply this: If
you love your servants, yen will take
theni into yeur life end make their
interests your interests, And by
yew loving them they will let you•
creep into their hearts and make
Yew interests their ieterests.
Oh, inistressest Ohhousewives and
bouseOeepers, in your dealinge with
your servants may you reveal
a gentle Christian We to
The housekeeper es thee 4oust& your housebold. 14 yoer prayers, le,
otedel also in the oeutter of syme your eensecratien. hi your family ale
Wily, If she wishes the ,eervants v tars, in tho purity of ereer IiE MeY
to be sympathetic with her troubles,. you always help your household sere
then the hou.selteeper must be were vats to lotele heeroad the grave and
pathetic with. their. Ehr kilowe to look up. Then. wizen your doe
X, ev. Prank De With Talmo& preach- ledge of her servants ought riot to mastics. through your Olerestian eit-
'W from the followieg text i Psalm be lieeited to their service. She a ile walk hand in hand with Jesus
moral. 2, °As the eoes 0 0, ismiden l Allotted take on interest in their per- Christ there will he DO "SerVant
onto the baud of her weistrese." sena), COnVerae and give themcome-
ouestione, Why? Them 4han bo nie
That tile o es it 1) r ae wew, as sel "Id bell' .ju t.1114r 1114rielaties' unfaithful and slothied domeeties
0 e ee e .
Trtals are the emorcon lot ot ceer Reuseivives and housekeepers, heed
race. The trials of the houeetola woo tho importance of Ceneeeretieg
will he all the easier to bear if tbe,yeer wee to Christ, not only for
housek-eper aud her sevant tueet lyour own sake. but also for the Sake
,the servant eau be negligent in her
ditee there is no doubt. Ttoe Psalm-
iaL as A spiritual diagnostician at
the beartes weakneeses, asserts it,
. figoratieelo seenati to piece tile "lb elooPed hands, each,aU
fog the other her sla'ter.
Mistress as a prototybefore bee
• thereesties. Tben. as ape youn.g artiot DUTY OF TKO
oroases the Sean to study at the feet Itocreopeahr God e vocal
'of your servants. Remember that
is far easier for you. te eomlnit a, sin
against those whoa you suppose to
he lower then you than it is **gains*,
of the old masters an sits day in Ilsatapatho."cao hreaa dawn many a: those whom you suppose aro above
"Sistine Itadoana" or a Pant Nero- t foteiven fzeilt too imOior.. Toe hoase„,ein against a km* !end oemember
paretit tO
and da' out coPYlog. 1104111°I's harrier i'ellieh-loolay separates the I Ve4"IL 1 "417 tar a
Aeflo'S 1,0St Stover" or 4 Reoliena" keeper is tte eervaiit"'s model. aiso it° defy a parent. It is eaeter.for A
"Paaceat Front tbe tros er . in elenotion to the home. Ile eera !king to do an open wrong to a gub-
4' Yhtehaai Aagela^F JF4gale244" vans will inevitably fail tie; app"ree. *ban ler 4 SUW/eCt tP ffagraPtbr
,tee peolumet raises the =Stress up, climth
e e digel.t. ania aahotty - of Tin against a And rententher
AA postal too a Miedel for the, damootic wrvice 'loess teeir moo further. that God judges our actiona
anoint% Deo in and day out the teetheS feel ihat the higtest ho -nor Jost as much by how we treat our
actions of the parlor are being du -
allied** in the kitelten. Adam
Clark. the great eon tor. in-
terprets Mooe words of my text in
ony wonian Mt have is to presbee cattle Re our mastero, our underlings
o‘er and dedicate her life to her 011 Our emPloYom our servants "
home. our heshende and wives. May the
name of home ought to have .Seirit inspire every housewife to liVet
the following Way "M .servents ifor every true houeewire cheroted holy life thet her vervante
look to their raositers ond inietresees
te cco beew tluiy do their work, that ;saa"4- il "gilt to uflhY her, lcee well l41ge Iler On a epiritual
445 May do it in the sameias her oramintoIhers need to sitell it. model and ran see in her face a re-
mey we correct game of theevils ;P 4,ran,:,;lal`IIP at "
galt "gilt tO fieCtIgn °C the loving smile of Jem
found in the kitehen by expelling thebo 1111041ell in tongues of flame. glow. Christ. who willingly became t get: -
veils; irraeticed ta the parlor. AR 4411g abolo ibo ilearthetone. It vont of all.
Nirtues aro not cloth** in broad- liaugllt to be spelled in a word oft
cloth. oil ientinioe nufaithfulneort •atvalt lPtlets• "°Pl'ortoollY;*. an. TRE Ruin A y
apd injustice do not, warm teem-2owneO word of nine letters. °booti1.
ees mar a kitchen State or center 'roe's- -It ought to be spelled in /4141"1"^ "V"' Lir
,ht a oteptd and stolid bead with two wortis, the one of eight and the
a. waltwes• cap or eeetle in the set-lother of three letters. "Inatern41
gib Lean of the girl a'ha, wearing ,Joy." It ought to be opelled in an
a rairseo apron. tolohei the babyother word of SeVelt letter;
carriage along the avenue. It the'rte." °the true wito otiould moor
tend of lizo llama *dotes lzor reo. hvoin to he anywhere but ondee the
vents to be faithful and two to her ehatiow of ber home. Rut though
then eta newt tilret set• ate eetrinpto Mane Andeation. *he queen of the
of foitieboluess. She treest he tone Artneriean stage, gladly ablicated her 5. 6, Thera aitowered 'Medd end
and kind and loving end Mile -Han- theatrieal throne in order to he 'said, * * * Who will go down with
iike to ber servant& and to all the coron of her domeolic fireside, a don.mo to Saul to the comp? And Ab -
people with wizoni el‘e comes in eon- gerotto tendency of this Age is foe WW1 Ereiti„ I will go down oath thee.
tact hi her domestle walli of daily hviveo and mothers to vavate tbeir [ After the pegoitig of Datid and
jelonientie throne,. They want to iJonathan in the at lesson David in
gactomiATE ataalasTy pRro hand over Hie lelteltere to their cooks, it dim time made his bettOquarters in
CEPT. [They want to leave their Midi -en I the cave and. liatiug Noe-
. ender the exclueivo control of the !eel his father and mother totder tbe
The lontroaverer is ter servant'fi itnrsee. They want to be Feparated 'care of the king Of Moab. he horonlo
model. That intones that 0:5 VaI5, from 'howof t he
tieSs matt be boned if sl 0 went% tiaor atom 'tda"ets1.'itett5` en gieemiat :eoPtaill aad 400 diotressed and
tor rorvanto to be honest. Plato.' an:'1'1ywont to he Mere diecontented men who withered onto
eibleated in everething on earth, „him. 111s own brethren were also
tho Philetioideer. Oftee tried to eon- imeept to the oid fashioned way of ,atattag thou (chapter14).
AUG. 30. M
Toot of the Xenon, L SA
oxol., 5-13. Golden Text,
Luke vi.,
v'ne :idea that an evil mans Hearnirg how to be it good hourowife ',Semi in his anger having. by the
# dcodo coolie cotwealed, seaSt and Jamb".
hand of I/aog, slain eighty-five
for a time. lie illentrated ids
thought by 11 e storo or the fabled HONORARIA.: ENIPLOVOINNT. Priv5tto Mdathor vseePed and told
.1 David. and to hik' nt David oathese
(lyes' wi.leh conld mate the
C3 it a d°sgrarni any uomorable weirdo; "Abide thou with
Woo tallow ito wearer invilible moo t Midi.it is.
for a leather to 1 Imo foar not; fur be Ihnt neeketh iny
10 the nahed eye, °Taus."' wroto lie seen wheeling her baby willow ofe seeeoth
l'tt HI' tte (Ireelo "the truly honest: elm ti st , „t • h thy bnt with ine
as •
oxIct be :would ne more to him
Moon- But 1,0 eloo monied.
penitent wben. David snared bim the *
forMer time (xoiv. 1,640), rfa vvao
=reliable towarOi Go.0 aTALI move
Stable, 4daoheellerit, self willed, not
walling tcebe _controlled by God and
eller/Wore controlled by the evil
3g-24. Behold, ao thy life was
much oet this day io, merle eyes,
no lot ray life bo nog% set by in the
eye0 et the Iota anti let Rim *alive
or mo oat ot all. tribulation,
revegetztel the I.orre's Timid
in Saul being placed bis power
? ‘Posa an how-, or until the Ipeopmo am;
eon- Theo. cool a little. mot rub;
On through a sieve. Season With salt,
_ 0•1‘1 . hot, and juet, before serving aild
POPPer and tbyrne or sage.
la, the vessel where the sauce will keep
Oup cooked macaroni, cut into Meolt
pieces, and tabl
eopoono ripe Ozone, -
************1 to ketchup or mode ineortoro and it
Baked Peprerso-Cut green pep.
In, regard to traking roan andi eters in hailvee lengthwise and ree
other things that we women do tbat!' move seals and cores. Cover witt
are not iteceseary, I HMO,: with 004 cold water and let remain for le
imiter in one of our recent numbero4 minutes. Ofeke forge meat as WI,
nnal titheo in his beirg kept froln *iota it is better to buy tbeto tefen't: lows : Ore rup dry bread crumbs,
theucleeng him. Prom his Ovra OX.: to work so bard to mote them, cup cooOed raineed balm Or the sou%
pevienee lie wineete. "The mat: Rugonaking was always too hard amount ,e eooked sausage uteat.
goide in judgment and the meeb
wall! tecela way" xxv.
9). Meekness covers so much
grooved and is so neceesary we'd carpeting that make nice rugs mica: together. vitt ee,eh luau ei tht
and, being Booed by Bis wood, we end can easily be tateil up Audi in 4 baking pan and pour over 1
must. be reteived With meekness,eone cheap. These rugs are light Ft peppers with the mixeuee, ley thele
melt take men as Ills yoke wto is.slooken. or wosbed, end in that re -l. pint soup aocle or meat gravy of
Vma ar4 lOwly in heart and fol-ilspect. are better than beavier °ilea! any kind, and bake for 24 minute;
lotv Wm (Vas. 1. Ole Matt. xi. 2.9). which is One moat point in their in a rather hot oven.
Itati4d's clecire for fall deliVerance
brirtg* to Daln0tckeso words of Paul. Another thing 4g4inst. making rugs] NICE FOR Troll! viv-vnIER.
•orta Lord toreat denver rao from and rag-caroet, is thet many gar-; oheae o-onoo aoTate, 2 e -cant cep*
every evil wort: awl preserveB ownts are used in them that woolfl mina cop croceer enrollee, to'' well
me unto leis loaverely kingdom, tO do sore:gone greot amouott of good. h beaten eggs. 3, tableopoon melted
III" for 444e. and I long ago leoroo, tablespoen toned. butter, a lath
ed, to buy carpet-reemmots insteadO molt ant pepper. Add few dropt
Jn miteet store4 theY have samples off of lemon juice if liked. Weed
le giory for ever and ever. ' It we do not tzecd them others do b 2 tell e
Awn: (KI Tire- oe 18).
2. Saul said Wend
Mewed as thou. my son Dovid.
Thoet ethalt beillh do greet things
and aka ritalt previdi, So
Paid wert on his way. and Octal
rofeirrod Ols place.
Bratoor Saul wioted what he sold
st lhoe-111 Wight come true or eot we
mom* MY. hut they did Mate bus.
for Cod Nal p000med it. mid
Thald wag Orl ar'd grew great. and
the lewd Grel ef Floette was with
and they who give to the poor lend 0' oeasotting to *mate. Mix tOorortiohly
to the Lord and hove the ,terOutisee tocooser,, pet, fir, hnoterea pod.
of being repaid ageire. think io;-desio, ami behe quieltly to a pelt
never knew an instence when a rlii.g:In.Z`fnu in a best .00eo. aeooe tha
or rog-carpet was mode thet did disb in widen was bated at pace,
not have SMOO quite good gar5e0t4 as it faits 41 epticup o otito
out Into IL
:oaphitt nrotiod the dish if Oa mono
Then Viere itre so mney things' lar outside dish is not at band.
that wo do that weary us anti are i itoo and cheese aamoateo
unprofitable, among which Dia,)? Int!, 3 eops mine in a actable bOiltr- Pir4
niemtioued leee-raaking, inechlOr over and most* bah eup beeh rem,
Lace fOr trintrainp Can he purA .0,6 To lk for 1 1 cm , se
1:leri thl. Score V. 10). 'Ile Ourpose shoed for a trifle, while oinne poor. feeozir soft, pp not Aer it until
rat il er
giro to roefortned, aotwel otooding boors and days when They ouglit tol spoon buitnr,„ ono levet tos,opoolt
of God eoreerning PaNid's nen slion tired. overworked woman will spend, done. nen add one rounded table -
all tte &Aires of (be eetnoy, even of be tOtttig cost and•reereation„
Spit4a Irjarleit. Sce lea. ix. 6. 74 r Dieciug patchwork linty he all rttn`dokdtetaasiltoeQsapnoonwhttnetneredePWl'oarlefey!
Rae 1, 82. 83. David aril Sault right when anyone lies eillt. me and * cup grated eh"so, ettir unto
eeelt goirg Ns own way neggests, wetted pleees„ put printo gingliamo it Is well mixed and let it cook une
tree only Iwo ways. -the way of ttee that Can. be purchaeed for five or six to toe cheese is mated. leave scono
patch work, etc, anti cook it ill the double boiler witlt
rifibteons the way of tre wiete4 cents per yard. or oven bee, are net:timbale mottle or small enpe stitede
ed. worth the trouble that it takes to. ing
get them together, unleos it int to og, in hot water, butter them light.
and On with tto rico mixtiare.
To 2}.: sAsz or stirryaEs. teach childreo to sew.
„/ Let theM stand In tbe hot water
In tal aPiniall it "es not pay fa' 11 until time to nerve, Tien itrveit on
The Betiolt Goveronnent Will: the tired llali•`-e-wiga ta laa:" and!1 Satan. platee and servo with Owed
quilt neo quilte; so Quo earl+ mole as: pleklee.
Strengthen Eoquirnault.
1 many puffs as oto wants to, and
rounds in EtlautiMOUlt, 4lafe 110 one, wants to, and have them as light,
There rit-e Malty tors going tize: have theta as light and thin as size .....--+-,........--
sTuncexi9gt orilvared recently about! and (Ida as she elzoosoe, mid tten 1
tho reported intentian Of th% Ad-: have a tight spread over theta alai
niiralte to reduce the eitation to a, and ibe ezwads are far mule easily ropulatioo. of Canado in the Next
eousentioorios canomand oaos a resent washed • 4 Twenty-tive Years.
letter from \Octavio, II. C. The The time was wiRen nA-orr. elem. Ilie inunigration officials are peo
ettange, in so for as on,, ilea I, cc._ giatee' jai 'had aia---he"ataaaaatiifiaro-at---eil. baps ewnewinet optimietie. but the;
have Matte COICUlAti011ai. and say tiler
tolled; has Ntrtuotty tato Place.. but that *hue is in tbe root and the population of pa Dominion is
A Rear Adndrolai station coils for; oomparatirea• few woman are ewe.. tato neNt twenty years wig ba I*,
Anon ye,eele, whereas treee are onloO ing Olteioteltes over the ironing- u
tlice flalehip Anipition (veld h will board, except for suck garattenta as ethweee twee4Y-lie and thittY atilliall
probable he leatiog for ltome next cannot be slighted; and they lave ""“*"`
There is the preemit popolatioloo
Sheorwoton, now on Ler way north. old time ecrobbing of elothea wash- with its naineal irtereasel
coaling °11l tta' Aretill1F4+ Willeh In which we can economize htren ti • esPellellY
montbl. the Mora and tho sloop learned many easier ways than tbe, there a
to do patrol duty in ate mating ing.414,:st gini there are many ways the hallall from tho Old World. and
font) tOe United Stales,
wert to Japan from here. lit'illi 'never it wo °ray try. 6 1 Which latterly bas amounted to
gelid:Weal the Condor, lost. at sea. oindaiesa there are a, great num. SOMething Me a guartor of a million,
was rover =coiled,, and two tor- per of owe woman upon the slat ill the ewe*. and which will soon
pedo doetroyers *mike a, third re- asa ataday, who nright have been reach half a million in the oear; and
doetion, there io. or there win be, tto great -
well and tams? if they bad taken
But while the deft has been not better ,, f ti t 1 1 1 1 rettotion in regard to Ittraiigration to
, care o • le r lea 1 I and eCOrt,•1
the Vnited States.
e •e iele 1 0 -e s a . mitred their etrength.
• O'41 at all ttrOM alam 1 41 could ho '4,711 ";;;;;.t71".4.7.: g',1,14,1.--..;"„-„" ntZtb Probable,' inanY Years et ililtsaistiabberd:.:1.reci,nAttiait,ed410priiangutattillrlEIliallrist(4)1:elarrii,' Itiles:°tIthtter'alifft 1117.tt,sahetr,da0Y.ese,bi2 uk at tefiiir:ctIt?eni:4.14:0::11,t!;32r;ttiteidt:Stiillal:cris:
man Is the one who uould be bon- n„,1 vee,„a ,,e ateeee tee thou Shalt he in se egual sbould
dielionteit and las dieeitinerey never Ohio% e` re' • et• e nightpergitrUtione ere e0Vered 4hy the
0011.0rAlr 050 them for such a woman °Mal Saul sought Itim e%ery boon% offices mad Millen:ma of ear- on if lewg no*. lee 1
feeble -health and,
"lag" le then laut., widela ere abeittly having
Ise foinel out." But Is such a coa-1?" t *Mt U'r 18 a ntr tn"re •words,
tirfenzeo posaible 2 ti3Oo can moo , day. hut Clod delivered him not Into loin kinds are goiter up on ammo, sirc„ r. a moot dizeouraging We -A -laws
be bare tool los diehoetoty is eafela: to go -ton ealleiOnif around a Pet dog his band" (xeill., I It nut In the side of the hil*. and roaduiles aie
bidden ? The eyes of rivate, of nr to ht. *sf"„T drtIngWitil a twerity-fourtit chapter. as well AS in in #'0Urne conetruction teatlieg
S ithardinaten, of eneplyegooey if you will at the figure / eso
, are teen , ePeeti'e °Y side. t,,,eu alaY :oule
r sson, Sava th
is seen in Deo id's e summit. of the hill. Bore will
and • wale ..ee lIvor* than we hnow. buve - rower to do MO as be will, and in be located one of the big 9.2 guns. lOvery bottoe should contain a bath -
e:5 apt to imitate. 100, both the drawn. hut I SEWllnla P51-31. °II' each ease Da* id returns good for evil, coming from nagland, This Otte of • room. if you are buildiug a new,. the toecond Plum *Le l ontod States
geed and ti e bad. in that ore wives and MOthers, that you tan - David _having been assured by spies , ordnance is emelt larger than tho.onethe atklitionul eXpeme for a Is no longer °Mr' to absorb tlo
we onsitioer may taaCe deterioration power go, Your tionalltu to ninnorlate
, Chet Ohm! had in wry deed tome ill twelve in any of the forts Sure',good tub and the neves:sore* pionoai foreign populations 'which were at
through whole cirelea of his Wild itin" !uthilitS. of a doluvutle railing spin to seek hint, liming 8,000 romuling Etilminatult, few time are , fug will be a trifle competed to the ono Om that to Iter. There will he
lefolootte In the hoine, as in wee ' unlit you yourself .fully wallet that ! omen mon with him, he asiss for a only 6 -Inch guns. The log wino :comfort it insures lee family, en n,i a. reaction, indeed it. is emning, it is
to accompany hint to with their equipment, weight 3.0 i home: that is already built, Moe is I said+ already. 'Mutt will he the
intro, the esanooe of dishonesty ban the greatest wort, and the most lama svonnteo.
lermigeoer. Tile lee:admit wile roue which is to be found within the four ' 1
alwaye the tendency to recoil on the lorable work you van bave is that 'soars eomping place, and Abishai, tonsv and located among the roekel often a Smell unused room that caul consequence, VW,
on the top of the hill, would Inae alio" Sited for that impose. The; inualimots le? the hundred thousand,
Canada will got
tee con of Jeremiah, roomfuls. thing to caleulate
elestomers in Ws interests must not The houteekeeper is her servants.
littea at lila elertes creative; of tie i walls Of a eonseerated home. 7 14. Then said Abisimi to David, very commandiug position of the' floor Neon vrhieb the most of tile; and it is nu ease'
tioel bath deliwired thine enemy Into whole harbour. Ilut quite us int- fled -rooms are situated will be f011sid that in the next twenty years Oa
in their tom interest. If a farmer her love as well as lwr sympathy. eiet me _ navy in the fortifying of Esquiniault i eion isimuld be made for heating in i
oroeeo wilt have the figures indicated.
he surerieed if the clerks eheat, him model. Then she must give to I now therefore permit a move on the part of the the =nit conVenient. Some
felon . thine hand this day;
knowingly sends falee %%eights to "Oh, no," some housewife answers_ cluite WM, .1 ray Uwe, with
has been the purchase of a piece of 4 the winter by steam, hot air, or al
matted, and when 1 e is packing a "I could not love my oervents, X ' • - oorotarty between tte Lagoon and etove. There should be at least mums or PLOWEIRS.
• the spear even to the earth at
barrel of aoples places the good rould sympathize with them iii their eon.d
once. and I wilt not smite lum the • •
Poison's Bridge, where large and :one Jame window that can be low- Some interesting etatietics in re-
nnet a lower grade of fruit beneath, Why, if I loved theta I sbould have '
e Having come to where Saul arid Ids erected. It would abnost seem that ' the loner rash should be of ground' reeeth.r.
the top, and the panes in. grad Ot° The e°1°I.S. of 11°Wer° w(111
I% compiled by a Cotonou
appleo upon the top of tire barrel 'troubles, but I could not love them. 1- - --- tune. modern magaelnes are sbortly to be. ered from
that farmer is teacting kis harm to receive them into the •hcoy or people were by night thee,
- flied lbein '
the intention of the Admiralty was ' toes:4. :eon* builders use •tiles for. -
4 -dentist. Accordirg to him., out of
bands to be deeeitful in their rola- holies' of my heart, I should in ono sleeping, and Abishai thinks that to make this stettion an ineportaut the walls, but if thee are too expow ..,
,, 11,000 epodes of flowers'. ;Oil are
Huns to him when thee. are gather- sense hate to make them part of my . thie is David's Cod given opportune b,se of seglows. "°3 yellow e°0 red 144
leg the fruit. Ho is teaching bis own family. 1 mono( place ray so, ity to slay his enemy, tend he wil- Furthermore, there are on band • for it can be washed when it needs
sive, waterproof paper is excellent, 4 sv°1 tee. ee• . o -- , .
1)1111., e2 violet, 30 green, 12 orange.
wen to lie as he lean iied And be dls- %nuts side by side. with my child-
' liogly offers to be the executioner. a large number of big guns in the 14 brown, and 2 black. lettithernorre
honait tee be was diel-erolt. 3f the :ren." Yes, My sister, you can love 1 bis same Abialmi wanted to take yard at Esquimault, which are al- ering sirce water does not injure it.
it. Linoleum is the best floor rove
1 he says that onto one species out
tresrdace as well as sympathize with your do- Shimers head off when lie cursed woes kept in stock for a pezsible A poicelain bath tub will not cost : °I everY ten has any perfume.
aank officials criminally 1
tt e institution's truet. funao there is mesties. You can give them your David and threw statues at him. ibi hostile contingency, and in the event eto a oire Among white flowers, 15 out of
lilely to come a time wlen one of heart as well as your band. You can it was also who delivered David of war it is said any ntunber of im- tat exorbitant price, la-
v 100 species bare perfulne,
titcg,e bank employees will default, make thein part of your household, from tlio giant Ishbibonob and slew provised forts well sheltered by the plumbing should be open. The!
time and is easy to keep clean. Al1 1 every
among red flowers 9, among green
'a and in the emptied safe of that You cau look upon your domeste
.c him (IL Sam, xvi., 5, 0, 9; xxi., 10, rocks could be provided on very .tub should be rinsed after each us-; -,
IS among yellow and violet, each 7.
p in the same way that King Sol- 17). Ile was a valiant, natural man, • short notice. In filet, the whole ing, and thoroughly washed once a ' ate" -
le. orange and brown, each 6,
e' bank the sins of that financial in -o Ito • - -
omon looked upon bis. lie was ver- disposition of authorities at home is week,
' .After the weekly cleansing •
. . - • • • I first glare e
and among black flowers, none. At
a these ii tures seem to
-Mehl; impose the most onerous obit-
mitione. tool whieb aro obtionsly de -
(0 loop aliens, of wItatevor
rondition. out of the country. In
st ti on will, like (Fe provei teal
chickens. come home to roost.
A. step further 1 If a housewife
will bid her waiting maid answer
the front door bell and tell Ihe
*would be caller that she is out.
elien slie is in,. that nestress is
teaching her servant to be a liar in
all things as well as in part. If a
.wire is false in her dealings with
her grocer and butcher and washer-
woman and false ill her financia.1
dealings with her servants, she need
not be surprised if the laundress
steais the stray handkerchiefs and
nolla.rs and the cook sinfully wastes
the butter and filches the cupboard.
and• perhaps goes so far as`'to sell
the potatoes and the eggs. If a
housewife, to protect herself, is un-
just to her servants, - and turns
them off at a moment's notice when
she is.leavingetor thehbotintry vaca-
tion, then she' should not .gruntbre'
...if hor servants treat her in the same.
Dishonesty is contagious. Dishon•
eety is an immoral germ which is
apt to spread through. a 'whole
family as the diphtheria -germ often
in the olden times used to destroy
all the children of one household.
The Sinful plague of 'dishoneety and
untruthfulness and unfaithfulness
does not always enter a. home by
the hack door. 1t is sometimes
cainfortably installed in tbe bondoir,
long before it appears in the ser -
'vents' quarters, and its first nap in
housoleald is taken upon the par-
lor viola and not by resting in a
kilohon chair. The mistress, in
spite of herself, is an exemplar -to
' the domestic. Very often When the
housewife is finding fault with her
Qteaw.gnt she is 'denouncing the mal-
t:Wined re:Sella of her feWri evil. life.
but did not seem to know much of
tho gracious long suffering of Jeho-
9-11. David said furthermore, As
the Lord liveth the Lord shall smito
Iiim or his day shall coine to die or
he shall descend into battle and per-
ish. The Lord forbid that I should
stretch forth mine hand against the
Lord's anointed.
Such confidence had David in his
God that he coultrleave every one
and everything in His hand without
anxiety, sure that the counsel of the
Lord would stend and the cotmsel of
His enemies be brought to naught.
Therefore ,he cauld say, not as a
more theory, but from his own ex-
perience: "Fret not thyself because
of the evildoers, for they shall soon
Pc cut down like the grass and with-
er., as, the green herb. Rest in the
Lord and wait patiently for Him"
(Ps. xexvii., 1, 2,:7). '
12. They were all asleep, because
a deep sleep from the Lord was fal-
len upon them.
Delved s sugge,staorf to Abieltal was
that they take the spear arid cruse
from Sours head, which they cad,
and going a good 'distal -tie .atevety
celled out to Abner, the captain of
Snaq'S host, that he was a valiant
Mani, btit boa not 'taken good care
of hes intestate for be neighet have
been skein by ome wb'o took away
the opear and cruse from blo =tu-
tees bead, The reason of their
beirg able to do this was that the
Lord bad caused speicial sleep to
mime upon theme ,
211. Then sk'aii'd Soul : I have sinn-
ed. Return, my son David. *-* *
BOOM, I have played the fool and
Move erred exceed/al:0Y.
Dexidrs kintimese to hien %velem he
lead hem in his poever seern0 to have
belly painting the ideal condition of
his home when he wrote, "And had
servan'ts born in my home." That
means, as I take it, that the ser-
vants were part of himself. If any
troubles should come those servants
would cling to him and lot,e him on
account of the love evith which he
loved them. You can learn to love
servants just the same as your ser-
vants can work for you from a high-
er motive than that of getting mon-
ey. They can learn to love you.
Prouseivives, if you .will only learn
to love your solvents and make
their interests' your interests, that
love would be returned to you in a
thousand blessings. We can provo.
this by the •sitVer cords of 'affeetion
which bound tome of 'the southern
planters to their black slaves. Did
not -those' slaves return tbeir mes-
tere' love by aoplele devotion?.T•here
Was xnany and many 'a. woman in the
south who, after her husband had
been shot in the civil war, would
have starved to death had not athe
strong limbed negroes who worked
for her as "slaves of the law" con-
tinued, on . their own free will, to
work for her as "slaves of love."
There was many a wounded Confeder-
ate' soldier who would have died. had
not his body servant, who easily
could have escaped irfto the north-
ern lines,. gladly and willingly and
prayerfully nursed him back to. health
and strength. There is many a ser -
Vara working to -day as a hireling in
some home who if she was loved by
Tier mistress would return a wealth
of affection and devotion such as she
herself doee . not believe herself cap -
OW of giviag. Tlie true interpreta- fonelteil his Nerd heart anti laa
now to augment the militai y forces,
and not to increase naval ones. It
is reported that another company of
Royal Garrison Artillery is to be
stationed Dere, and the fact that
Major Gurdon, of the Artillery arm,
is to succeed Colonel Greet, of the
Royal Engineers, who has been come
mandant for years, lends color to
the probability of the artillery
branch becoming the stronger of the
two. That- 13ritain has been watch-
ing developments in the Far East
closely* too, is indicated by the AUDI-
erous quantities of stores being
steadily consigned to Esquimault.
'By the ,request of the authorities,
the slepping clerks de ii.et put them'
in raanifests, so that 'the public lia.ye
no knowledge of their resa extent
On a recent occasion four caeloads
of lyddite , shells for fortifications
etond dciwit on one ,trip of the .ferry
Steamer. •
Usually the right, side of the mar-
ket is the otitsicle. •
A wine man knows all he tells, but
he' never tells all he knows.
A -woman loves a man. propora
tion to his ability to melee her an-
Any man who at enipts to dodge a
bill collector is apt to he found out.
If there is anything more pitiful
than an effeminate man it is o mas-
culine woman.
In England' a candle:late steads for
office, but ie this comAry lie has to
hump himself and run.
Every woman has an idea that her
husband would never have amounted
to mueli iE she had refused him.
Most men spend nine -tenths of
their lives trying to accumulate
enough money to enable them to
werid the ottibr tenth in comfort.
teat, p isi be complete, but anyone who takes
boiling, dissolve a tablespoonful of
borax in it, and pour it through the trouble to add. those wnich are
the drain. pipes. This thoroughly given m regard to the colors ot
purifies thou. There should be a flowers will find that the 1tAtoak
cupboard for towels, soap and other amounts to 997 and not to
things needed for bathing. o. wire Consequently it is evident that ii)
speries there are three
sponge rack fastened to the wall
°wvheirth 1nasgt0, ' be of some extraordinary
colow.• since. they are neither white
nor yellow nor rod nor blue nor
violet nor green nor orange nor
brown nor black.
will keep the sponges front becoming
sour and moldy. Ilooks for the
bath robes, a wash bowl and piteher
and a foot tub will add greatly to
your convenience -
Tepid baths are advisable for al-
most everyone. Hot batits are
weakening, while only the most vig-
orous ca.n endure the cold bath. It
hshotati lie of daily occurence, and ir
taken just before retiring, it is one
of the best reine'dies for insononia.
Make. a nuniber of cheese cloth bags
-about .eeoen inches...square, iill them
loosely with oatmeal and put in a
slice of good soap and a teaspoon-
ful of powdered borax. The small
pieces of toilet • SORp that accumU-
late RO rapidly, may be utilieod in
this way, E. J. C.
I.Pried Peppers green pep-
pers crosswise, reineve ail seeds and
seek the slices for half an hour in.
cold water. NONV'dip each slice ill -
to Vinegar, teen into flo,w,and fry
untie soft in hot butter 'or dripp-
ings. Sierinkle the slices with Salt.
both before end after tuening. Serve
witli•cold.eneat 'or eash.
.Geeole Relise :-Cook• 8 table -
21)00u8 chopped green peppers and 2 wouldn't care to break the
tableopeons cheeped onion in a lit •
lila Melted butter until they tirC R, Permanent pasture increased iS
delicate broom. Sprinkle ,over this area over 100,000 iitires in the past
OM flour. Add 1. pint fresh oi year in the 'United Kingdom,' .wIdlet
c an nee to mat oes and 8 cups b r own the 170 was 0 drop of leethe roe in
sotip stock.' Let stunner for halt the area .under erpps.'
The little lad was one of those
picture-bookboys with a velvet suit
and o knack of hitting old gentletnee
behind the ear with a bandful oi
mud and looking like an angel all
the time.
He was out visiting with his moth. -
or the other 'day, and one 'oe tho
dies she took bile. to see was :gretteiy
strtiek with' his golden curls.
You're a -,yery pretty little boy!"
she said. • "
"Yes, ma'am'," he .egreed.
''And, as I have no little boy ol
iny owe, I -think I shall ask your
mother to sell you to me. Do you.
think she will?"
Pc replied 'proinpt-
ly. '
Why net?" queried his admirer,
"Don't you think 1 have enough
motley to pay for roil?"
"It isn't that, ma'am , ' ' said I it. tie
Lord leauntleroyi "but you see there,
are five of us, and I'M sure she