HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-27, Page 1efTTEENTH YEAR., EXETER, ONTARIO, TIILTRSDAY, Al: GUST Iee, ' - • e - esee - -- Leee--...,,,,- -, „:„..---„:-.27.,..„.„ -.=,:„....„,--77.---,,,--,,,, 111E SOVEREION nil% OF CANADA. lif.`31 OL1' e--21:07itkiNTI), C‘,.....-.ntive OM *.-- -MoNTREAL. PRANf1ilE5, IN klEROiN cOEETT AT Zrziter Cf,dtion ,Pashwirood, Reuse:IL Mulch and Clinton. I A general banking leieiness traneected Faemele sale not' s c011eeted. etutl..14.14 a ....1c,olt,p,ry.s-ix t ere SAVISOS EIPPART441,8n---ONB poLLAD., 104 7.44-exel au evecent ea our elves eat tease -I, LinitilS BA isle to farmers ou their own name. Calleetions made, =lee tees: a wirig to the prif1.-4-41. 0 F. E. NOM et -es -er lee-ese esen la e — itt*..-nztass. . PIECE These goods afe in suit length. No two alike. Buy one atud be yourself. CARRICK TWEEDS, 45 inches wide, gronnie shadee of miry. green, marine. with 41.550r ted eoloring•s at 73 etc., Et paid, lie yards in suit. FLirKED SLITINOS, inehes wide. ground sluitleS rif brown green ond navy. with fancy tialtial stripes at 59 rents a yazil. 7 ,1,•41rds in suit. DIAM ANTE CLOTHS, very nubby, 32 billies wid4 . lorewn, navy, laleek anal green gr maul sluidi•P„ with white and . Mined dott log,/ at 73 cents ft yard. 0 yards in snit. DIAM ANTE SUITINGS, Vkith Zibeline 4 t -I.:4 11144's Witle* bLielk, locale trial tievy 11. 416'1. at Wee. a pL pie ara vuo..K Noppy. ciorns. elegant finish, %err new. 47 ilitarS wide. in light 44tV41 blown. ;sit. 65 yds in suit. PAM'S:- FLAKED elegnnt biairk. navy, anal hrown gmainds. 42 budges wide at 73 tents a yard, 05 yards in snit. CAN'YASS CLOTHS. 44 bodies wide, miry and Mire:: grounds. V(47 soft finish at 7,1 cents a y“ria. 6 !rams 10 -.oat. 27 1903 SANDERS & CREECH, Prop's :qrs. (Re) paresey and fanaNy, af- ev)31.41-iii . 1 til a terepending the anotth ith be ste- Arseetesseee.-Weat, ght here re - 01d liif O fer, Mre. feirling, at Grand Bend, 16.1 ; kophod jp aCtitll'ait Or prt)kibly fi..1,4,. f 1 Tneeday for her home in OttaWa. instant tic' 1.'-' i. • , erred -at Perehill sta- rt Ho after an extended visit in dilIerent /peals, 5fe. iiPli Me,i;.• Griitean had driv- 1 :gr. and :efts,. Peed Kay and child, ; tion on T.1,135,- ef last week. It op - parts of Ontario, returned to their 1 en to Pareleil to bid farewell to some i, -,,eee Jenne in ?node. ea, ,en umway. , frienae, w^..,, eseee leaving for elanito-,E ,t T -F, miss °mese? A. Homo, whn Las li ba. Mrs. e'-'eateau iieeenipailleo teem '„; 7 0 been vieiting her pereuts here, retorns ,1, onto the t: tee, end rem:tined so long I ed lest week to leirksville. Mo„„ where ,I thee the a, ;•1;t1 was in Mot Ion when, ehe,1 SEPT=111,0_,..R 21 atlo 22 19 03 ',...,,z11.!..gt .,?1,413 nt'a ,.,584. It itren i it ; .171:411:74 it.,It e. r. Mts. Geo.. Eaetei brook. Ilorou sto 'geset11.41444';*e'e.:.„.,'ficei„nlii"nEtleuolie.e;c*p.e.- wili6; Tr' w• ? nit p. ' ' ' ' - . - ' " ' Pez.• List Itril Ii•fermation e -in lie snared front the Seeret ery Tturned benne on elencley evening ,t.,'-d^coit,.„.,4,, , , and Wra.,,, tim,... t, re. ,,, 00441.4.uson, J'r., President .A fr IT,t1.4R. "Ebceter tom irialonton, whore trheY to°4 It' t how . *lee esarie der 31t was •te seiritaier cernivel, , urn se. . . .. _ . , „re_ _ ....._ eer., FianT FoweR, who WS ViSttee4 ., ,iorga fol7.,,,I. dose t-ilai.r, Oni one that they will not ; • e leis mother anal siesee in 1:tester and ; i Neleleule oN' eliccitttrirtna-eielz;.-41-5 OP' (4•1 'ATP. lieiteeact-t:;ijert7elttinetlientee 1'14 ti Beigal, ir,X"ircc-,i10 liN deat &es ns ! Sogiqm [Zit. pal,- twin w.ts retturnezes froto :,../aqtatin..t;ouu. days in Ottawa on , the Yukon on Saturday last. a, uneaten, of the Monnted Pollee in yr 14.0 ,,,,,Iir. 3410. roll. Jr.. splsoft Ptilatilerri.seli altieer.ie FilitliaNi% it 1...141.11) SHIA) 14411.. -Ar. it C.1%,:m tt ba4, opowv41 .. .. Stiladziit" if. L'f tin, rre.ithiR ;lel:atilt:4M - '4'4" '4'444)94 " "Sal' 16934 4" 414 4(''. 1"/. i 101tt1 his netv dweetege-The neiny ' Mose Lye 3, n Ii tie (11,..1 k A ae teedese ;wise, lige c e tiaNe. of 14E41010D. whgli Wi4;..1 were (MORA t116,1tg the I leh, ewe fr:entls (P1 ,tz . j. (-0,11,0vaii will be • • 1 w , 1 . ;D ie V 113 ' erb.rsd,,,,F, Icor !Violet'," latert. she will t ha, twen eeeereee„. :Le m:Eii,s, (elven, wee ; reeiant. With Mr. Wel,,,s,tfiT 1110. no pleased to 'vain that :HO i$ 1VCOWering take a tWO 'Aline course in the city 1!.nddenp.. ,oih,,d ramie monday. owin„p nurse were instantly bora. mit i,oe from eie recent, 5,,,,t,e,„ i,. inness.._miss 11,1:ital. wo are an emery to leeeher, i'o ow 6,e.1 ,er,, .,,. -Jita,,e,e4, hey eetetheiesce. il boy 'se:eclipse], wititont inPr.F., 11.te I May Gill, of Exeter, vh.ited the :Misses anti her,Iwst 0,,,f flifIldi, wl„sb 11‘.,1' 61Ie' 7 Ma, Blain. -.f'ir ti •ar Desliwood, preeielt- 1 ti'414 Sig)"1 dirx" "1 144b ht- t''' NIt41''t14 11 few dal.'s th':,i wer4- -Mr. eess in tile prole -smart Stir 4.1118 C.4105MI. i ,,",„-i 4„ th,-, . vc,,,als.,,,...,,, ,,„ Q .,...a.... ,,,... ' dfirt Immo mom / 4.) flintim, vi t, t git41 Of Blake, prearlied a very in - Hee father ilecompanied her and will 1 ev'ai'n" T; 11,,` !i'l r, 1.1" '-'0‘;i4""tee e*e't was hitineilit4ely token to Ow under - g .4 • . Vi* 1,4 - an le M 4. . . torestipg and instreetise smitten in item" a few weeks with Ids sou, Dr. 4 in,,, nest s,„„ily„,..me. c hester stall, '• taking towns. the Methodist chureh herr 4211 Si$111411th OHL fli aill501111iirr* (AIM !itlsre. of (,,,,,, 4,4,000,43, la speeding. a 44,4,w evening. Ceutrallit ! 1101166,11 !; days unese' the perental roofe-Mr. :74amwwfRigirr-s,INezwergref 7'12 'TEPliEN _ ANA %OMIT 0 - -•'-lne eeeoltipanied ley Mies Messe.e. J. es te, etc-Doi:ell, lowilware DR. .1. W. ORDIE. Lily Meriablon and Jessie Orem, Os. Mereliants. have secured an expeel- Ve;;tr31Za ited. lo flee' am Senility. the guests of , encetl Wok -keeper. in the person of 411.7?*• helms ft to It+ 0.4.1.* 1 ii -t 2 or.4 7 troPa.' p.ina 51e. .141S., t5 iv'. ete-Mie and 'Mies, Wm. 1 Mr. I)oble. of Laanalon.-31ise Aeillie Ilrhit'n'"zze c'-'4r4w.-1r-4.24-141 "i433- 1.4-14.1411741N4/13; .1111$10rdez-ntri -flinly tiLed the.3 I' - 1 1 , . . r, gumilni Patio's who has been oti 44 Till'illt It) thinitm 14,..y 06,..13e4, 0154,. sstera two eiglilthi Louses:1'417.. 11.1:,tifitel: t".1 011r ge,411 it i tet j grill 11 '&94 ` 44:rla3;1614"!'12P11111t41411:- WT411511144.1.SP11342, 1 cfretletl:AdT%,104,11:t°144illiritint144,41,114.tun:141:4r.rehugvi: ing lier brother. Mr. Chas. ("caliph'. 6tim. of liniiii. ha...i taken 4% posiVion %10,' heothere and hes fetcher tlftVii, pa' ,i -e4.1 Thilinas Bagel; s. at Winghani en Mon.' te„,,,,eseee.,. day. .A.lig. 2I4h. 1).vezised had reach- s *'••"'""" iiillasit it/ the Stivearkin Rank. Ile 41W•1'..F and WADY ()INT BIM keii Chiang. fen: l.f.,4 41411 ii.145;kci.:.,:gTtiii,111.0111411:0744701:1!141 , Iii;e: 4 `It ,711 eigtotri: La 4314tat 81•.viui : q ,..1,iil,r1.14‘f y:uin.e.111. tit iiNlikr.auei il lid h.az ta ill! Fi cg`rlia4114:,;:a4141'241141, 41417iiiii14.1;_‘)cii.zilwk4 1:;:k tei,'"'''tsilitii: pt.' ;11.,* ,fs4Tir4;:tr,tehinpn14:;1111(47::::::_gpo 11:(ai.:1541138S;nt:111.411111i;.:itiiireitiel"4,it,::48::::tbriti.:;;nuoillin10,1,gitilltiti • 1 . • • 1 40;t4.tbS41.1.11;fo"ivaraitTnA.:1114..4:;:rt¢',c"414'41 t 4 14:eel". 5"*Itis;'6. Iti:::‘1. :IinaktleVi'l'inok:v.1-kev"f.14 47081.4.4t di 5111114g1 4-(14114.M411.FN.14'at:tng41;41111't%411:4:: ' i1/41,E14114114:11141414spIttioritt.?sriz.:11,4:0131,41:41anzgist Num 1;, ,IIII.,40144,4 tta, y.p..t. coo.' ill, but 444111.51 illI591 enterteined for his GOliferiCil winkle e est. Reaseeteeeed 4es...sr:Jae:ie., ; le eiaVere'erellaileve SiBitlay HOS triltirs•ed move thereon shattly.-Miss A. (le - (lo' litinPver this ;eelt.-31rss. Dor-a 1 " 4It' flmf"va 'Ir 101 nvIvssItars'Itta "n the Itiolgerville sidereal" to Alex. In- _n_l'Tentitt.1',.1%.1rlatirt,, 14:44;:itayileulg' Shtt• 3w17sYz:;. grain hie $tRild. Mr. Ingrain intro.& Tillie \Vital 4irie at tending the millinery retieleot..3 of tioi 6:onot_ ul the lewen triptedivi,i:1T114.entivi tnlill, 4::;e0.41i..--cir., riy 41.14 14,,,itL:ig, thew. _.mr. I.e. st,,I.4,., 1 teioll I.:1;1414'd. The l'itill IVilt) linlielt n titig lip a NM home on ito piii,pi,e, severe on('. lint '047 114414' damage has of Edmond ouripa, ic, e. 'About filar 1,,%44 ! r 0 u'Ill ', mail is viriting friends in Montreal.- neeuta. e, trili t It. att Co Ile VI i'll're / . , Wi.nehtisea Mrs. J. A, Smith (see Elhi (lodholt) who hit here over twenty Team ago to resh' • in Kansas, is at prezeut Therc' died nit St. J44154 h'- INVItia Link ea Atit. taiinraewis and in Loudon early Monday iuorniong wie Cloaaranti's Celebrated, French Black ike05S 400CiSa o "t l'linan'""75"'""wwn OM? SpeCielOg POPLESTONE et GFiRDINER, 46 One door north of Post Office. COPPLEY, NOYES & RANDALL'S Ileady.to.wear Clothingfor Men and Dor. 5rmsy TO LOAN. WO DOW. unlimited BrIVA to funds fOr Volt:snout *won taro) Air rit1eoe property-% at levest rest* or 'tattle/it. Dicase.; eata.ma, artrzieftr3.0te... ErLiter. Enxr...t• imiao•re 1.7..atr.2...n7blInsnratcf.Agflit rant.e Mai rntr,,r12:".4 1o:441ff owl sill en re3..54;aiJ.ntera.r. set eta [1.1113Mil t4i" tetsete, Eln cif alaitaa OT.11t14V Sortlette,1 CA -sale ONEY TO LOAN. WV 11:0.4.' lar nuiteitit of private funds to lean 5.4 kinj (VV/ pp/utiles at low rates of inter - (ILA MAN C.; STAMM', iste, Exeter Ont TESSIIER WANTED Fuit &S. 4, STEPIIEN. Male or Female, 'holding sePonti class cert1eate. the remainder of the year. Kate salary and Dimly to jotix 0. WEL% Trustee, tea • erediton. Ont. FAVAVTO RENT. 1011nrives in the vicinity of Faeter. Good frame izouse and two barns on the premises, alsa, a good or. ehard and a goad supply of water all the ytxtr round. buratliate possession ;oven tor fall work. For fur- ther Innitulars apply to Box 1.35, 11 4' O. pli131 FOR SALE. • The urnlersigned is offering for sale that desirable farm situacil in rsborne,..being Lot 11, Con. 2, con. Mining 100 acres. There Is on Om premises a good brick house, e barns. (one bank) and all necessary outbuiklings; good orehrtrd, two ,•rrood wells,. and the pine is well fenced and well underdrained. Will be sold reasonable, ressession given to suit 'purchaser. .Apply to Thos, Jones. Exeter. Notice of By -Law. A 13y-la,w to raise by way of a loan the suna of two thousand dollars for the purpose of building and furnishing a new school house and to authonze the issue of debentures therefor!' WHER,E4S 14 4* necessary to raise the sun; of two thousand dollars for the purpose of building and furnishing a. new school house; and in order thereto iteie be necessary to issue debentures of the Trus- tees of the Roman Catholic School for the Section number six in the Township of Stephen for the sum of two thousand dollars payable as herein provided. AND WI1EREAS it will be requisite to raise in eaelf year during the% currency of such debentures the several stuns hereinafter set forth. Therefore the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Sep- arate School for the Seetion number six in the Town- ship of Stephen, hereinafter called the Trustees,enact • as follows: - I.. It shall be lawful for the Chairman ot the said Trustees, for the purposes aforesaid, to borrow the said sum of Iwo thousand dollars and to issue de- bentures of the said trustees to the amount of two thousand dollars in stuns of not less than one hub, dred dollars each payable in font equal annual instal- ments the first instalment to be payable On the fif- teenth day of December, 1004, the second instalment to be payable on the fifteenth day of Dceember, 11)05, thethird instillment to be payable on the fifteenth day of Deceinher, 1908, and the foto-Ili instalment on the fifteenth (lily of December, 1907, and to bear in- terest at a rate not exceeding flve per cent. per an- num, payable yearly, on the fifteenth day of Deceni- ber in each of the years 1005, 1405,.1908 and 1007. 2. The sold debentures as to principal and interest shall be payable tit the Sovereign 13ank in the Village of Crediton. 3. It shall be lawful for the Chairman cif the said Trustees and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue the said debentures hereb3r author- ized to be issued, and to sign the same and the inter- est coupons attached thereto; and the Secretary of the said Trustees is hereby authorized and instructed to attach the corporate seal of thC said Trustees to the said debenture'. and to sign the' said debentures i and the interest Coupons attached thereto. 4. There shall be raised and ley ed in each of the years hereinafter set forth on ail t ie property upon which the said Trustees have power or authority to Icy). rates the following sums for the payment of the interest and of tbe respective inetoin,rds of principal ' falling chie in each of the said yea11S respectively, viz; Veer SUM le0i.Va for Sum leideclifor 'rote amount, . Interest Principal. levied- ,. . a 190.1 :0.00.00 4,1500.00 ; S(300.00 1'100: 75.00 500.00 575 00 lidi 50.00 '500:00 :4.'50:00 1907 25.00 500.00 525.00 which said sums shall be included in the respective Yearly Separate School rates inmo,c.1 by the said treeees for said years. 5, 'Phis Dy -law shall take effect on the first .Itty of Dated at the Village of Mount Carmel i(t tlic, Town , ship of Stephen, in the COunty of Huron, this 1.7th day of August, A. 1). 1003. '.. „ .. .. At 1. Tiernan. "Jesepii. .61aVi'll., — ' Sect.tars- three •aveks ago Mr. Campion had what Wtril then considered a slight at - 0 4: gangitene ono, of his toe% whieb kept gratbrillr livreasing, re-) suiting in his, death. he Witti born in Ireland, in tbe late follies and came with his parents to tido cantrY when It where eke %hilted her brother, 5Ir. County for upwards of holf a centime', where he was educated,and afterwarils me mare Iry WV' r,..fl.rn't erLt.elatki studied law in the diked.) ialge Doyy, g•,earbr,:(4 r rah. 111 entit Thtz.o fi:eiti the present jndge of the enlIfIty. 1.11 welt.° aif trt4 -1 a rt.' 1301 (1).(1s matja'a .t.h(mt He was ealted to the bar in the early do or unary „tante tiow 13,„1,14.3mt on the road to., ?,. ie. Johnston left bete last week for Dash wood ward Es.n.r....,3161,Ada ne,Tiver has rt.. Rovouto, where she intends residing. mewl., 4* 4:1.411* from 14:14ton.mit.14. whow her eon having waned steady me Daum -This wi•ek it beinitileS oar sad e,„,...., 11. 1.1. sesio„e, ems et„.„.. %leo. ploymeet there. Moe Johnston, al- duty to mord the iliettli of another of gr.‘ii;:4.73S01,`,47Zeill'117.e.eilissaeLtreiiiiii., though not long a resident of our vil. our respected i•esiolents, in the Deleon her hie returned Wu e from 7arieh i lap. made many friends, whoare sm., uf Elizabeth I144 114141 eeherea wire Ingle chnd* 8114 resitleti 1141rou Eidier. for a few tlays.-Mr. 'ouzo liotigins has hail a handsome Ve CEDAR 1.1k.Tli FtEt KILLE. re• to hear of her departure. -Mr. .Tos. of Mr. Mode" Sehnefer. W1.10 died tii• Jilanee received the sail intelligence a the fondly re,. blen.-Te racial, last at thal few days ago of the deeth tif his broth- age of le yeare, 11 months and -,e'e' days. ..1.::11.‘4141,1,.11:1:3IXILI,IztfAC1vHttonittsilliantli‘1%;(11.... et.rogrfiNpVirtiyril:tSuitin Nt11.11e10‘6ceet",(.1(e!,(al t(iir (Loreiedig.;4(t.tY, Tarts: 48.4011Nati'ir41,;IroNgV.1:11(;it. Ndvaastwillotrenr lonf tt Ire , . „. „ .„., 7.,...•,.... --ii. • i;-•11.4.--wilb-ebuti, sair, ,11., through ark areident at t. Meows.= Mee, county Or Waterloo, coming here Jaehnston. of St..Looite Mleeouri. i$ vite ei kit her parents when quite young. ttnil4esizstiu.etitiittollii.e.! Lutilipn.ttl.Ittr: „till 'le fling her ntothi•r, :‘,Ir4. Httnit• "4 i'll- T1.. etes.asee hes been Ili dc.,,Hahra• ind -. eimaite tu cirautt now._ retiwneu irom *It'll' Ant r* .1g.tat sninie ion iieriee her avail! wee ea in ohne 1 -sed throu It the vine *e on er fyivulelfig.•-Aire• 1‘.5 'M' .1 '41,1;1 " 11,ne i 4.nea•th Z"4.,bali 1. 1 .11.01.111S f1.41t1 tot. - oz.* nt Mr J. r Stimemetee.-elieeee Jee- leaet ttilexpected. eles. Selina ft. r WIN +-day (Thursday i is teivie holialay. - . • ' • - • ,,, are all ;.;ollitt to Oven(' 'lend. me 1101 and Lena Swan, of i'(4 *.I11*). highly respected for bet. wino townies 44 ,....0,,,,, i.,, , 211.4, .1, %I.s,, old, .,,sti,u,s., 110 ViS)tirlitt at, ,t1,!eir honie here. Or. en414v.r 14 .14 frie.m..., wig he deep4. •-• • 4--.1••••••:,' • 7 ',., - - r ..i. t alltlimp, of 1 ivertoe, lois !melted grimed to bear or im, 6t,ath. iier ltt- nyvkt tue 4 ,i.iis,y -Nine in, our id gi : Ili; ct.1:44%;.14:Ilete, II; iietilnlibi 1 tg.g. N. : it spri it,. .,1 ,ezu, if, ,e ti, ti ..: k, tess(%.ii:t4t;titsil ,I z1414:t,:sti 1 11,:::itil, 14:110!):at,`:::;s: ,":::11,Ne.v1.41Pils1;„; til,.?!11.1i:g(Nle:efrelesei.i1:112;13filri :1;d: ill rill; ne4,,g'.? ol.s.te(1,1;.1;':::112 i so til•til..(sltit i !at ttl Lee Iftint be rezii•i ,„ . , , ,. „, largely attended. diet had a praemee this year ir is a , Da i ttp. of %Wet Superior, is vieitince ineetiwr. oar ht,a8s hand Nos in at. more, who had the misfortune to get 1 • • th I •• • . • t i t' t relatives bere.-5Iastee darnet ('18.c. Moray luta ice and rendereo several lint' se. 1 his leg broken some six 1.veeks Miss Jennie ShNipard is spending a ctions. Om• boys ore certainly do- l'IM 16 ahle tO $1t OP now, 5 -et use the injured limb. -Win. Trott Messrs. Gilbert Grieve, 'Sudan Grieve but cannot fileni(vi dizt, :ye; Allia•xlriisforiellinultsvolueacT:ebtilifdoilli,o,e; g well and deserve the thanks of the wn for the 1 iro t i t Ting to 1 !e 1' S II I. '1 - c 1 and faintly lInVe removed to Steiforth. --The friends of John Goetz will regret wells put down recently by3. jermott. to learn that he is very ill at Winnipeg. IMtnra. oRtehle: Si stet:pi:oh:1:db:: Cat: bi,e•eatul et jelly eedd Bank here for the past six months has has been paying teller in the Molson's LEAVING- TowN.---Mr. Hickey, who hbeiss hIc.ietsiiszaectrc:etdeliliii.ituigient.ilLeicik)abktiterhee; SI'VetItti s and ce teitet1 a Queen'e ctn.*. le Ograd rend. sel. Aliont,13 years ago and up to a In few weeks before his last illness he si Faun ror. was acAively engaged in a large law 4111 Ti* ntairr.ioll 2.4 ar‘r:H -. at ik,14.01,1e practice in Godeeleb, which his prowl. N‘. ?.e.eze Una La the T...r..1.p /whit. fee: nenee at, the bar k.ieenred to him. In e.o. arr • tsar' t 1 tC- religion he was a CathOlies seal in poli - veto ciee oie L; W..% +falling. ties ‚44 44. an ardinit toihmieving t batik barn, inifilvit.ent.latig. DI nem of ko-el harduo, ba*h, and d aert of unitard. The supporting' of the Conservative party. m :me etwell kr' '1,1 Will &ANA Thi* is one of the 43 l farms stri,lan tounthip I411 )14.7 sold le:Isola:ilk with vro teem Possemion given to euit purells, tr. 17VV tallier earth ulari op to 11AEL,111.11.T4 411 Credlton, Ont. "ABM FUJI SAI.F.. • NM= • I Kippen ha Mr. Alvin Bell, of London, spent a ai few days here lost week. -The many tt, friends of Mrs. Gilbert ;SleDonald, of hs; Stanley, who has been ill for 8011.10 in The undersigned offers for sale on easy terms that Wilts, WilI regret tO learn that she is to desirable mestere farm situand in tbe Township of not improving as rapidly as her feielide Stel4b", 144°04417, (1.4m• 15' The fm7111 Is All would 4484144 44. B. Kettlei.011 ia en hen divot the quiet evenings. -----.......— cicatvd. well under dnuned wall tile, and as well waternbconyeniently slniated to sehool,and Isabela Visiting friends in Clinton, -.11r. Geo. Luca». three miles free the einsee ot Dasinvorid. There TttylOr was in Toronto hist week with are fal the prena dt-es goodm frae dwelling, first-class bank bnn.„. &max ow, thm. a vad att a load of fat; caM ttle.-r. Robt.Thomp- Mr. Wm. Donevau has gone to New oreilard mid ether eeei„iew.ce. The ked in in a 0.01). Of the London Road, bad the nes- Ontario. -Miss Annie Bitrrell, of St. first-class state of cultivation -ht faet it is one of the rortune to lose o. valuable young mare best farms in the township. 14'11'1125er can havells a few days ago, bowel trouble being own time hi/taking rayment. For further Indica- the cause of death.-leles. IL Shliffer, appll to t it nut migned. John seam -doe who underwent a very eritical 01)0111.1- 01 net- tion at Clinton hospital last week, is, we ore pleased to learn, getting along ADDITIONAL LOCALS as well as eart be expected. Her many Bank staff is acting as manager of friends will be pleased to hear of her their branch here during the absence Mr. Fred Marshall and sisters, of eomplete recovery and see her home of the Manager. --Mr. he H. Willis and Kirkton, spent Sunday here, the guests again soone--Meseer Willie Glenn, Mr, Geo. Willis, of Exeter, left here of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. II/Leawoodwho 1)35 1)544,0 spending his vacation at last week for the great, Northwest.- the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McGreg- el Mr. Fred Dunsford, wife and child, or, left last week for Hansen, whence es together with their friend, Captainwith his aunt, Miss Annie Popple, re- L Non, pturned to Cleveland Friday. turned to his home in Toronto. --The 111 Miss Johnson, wlo has been the fine weather of late has been a great To guest of Miss Jean Hawkshaw, return- boom to the farmers, who in this vicin- lo ed to her home in Seaforth Mond'ty. ity, are nearing the close of one of the da 'Mr. F. J. Delbridge reteenecl Mons most bountiful hervests reaped in the le day from a, two weeks' liolidey, spent memory of the oldest inhabitant 11 with friends in Toronto and Hamilton. A an Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, after a week's visit with Mr. Baker's parents, Dr. Buchanan arrived home from th returned to Detroit Monday merning. Chicago Thursdaye-MissLizzieEilber, The Misses .Teffery, who have been , of Creditop, spent a, few cleys here te the guest e of Mrs. D. Johns ' for the . during the Week with her brother, th past month, returned to Toronto Wed- OhriS.-Miss Nettie Well is in Toronto so nesday. ' - , atepresent -Miss Beatrice Steinbach hi Emanuel and Roy jelleffe, who ha'*e. is attending the millinery openings at fo visited Miss ()Wet Oudmore for &week, London. --Miss Lydia Moist left Mon- .T returned to their home in Loudon on day to attend the Y.P.A. Convention te Thursdity. .. P to be held in Hanover. -Mr. ' Chester ce - -. Mrs. Sohn Whitlock; .and daughter Steinbach left for Waterloo, 5.atiteday, El I. after a pleasant visit with his parents Miss Martha, of Stratford, formerly or Beater, spent Wednesday with friends in Eketer.. ' , „ ' namths.-Mr. Wm. Reid, who emi- been transferred to the Exeter Branch, grated faun Ireland to Ontario some Johns, is the gnest of Miss Belle Mar- During the time be has been among is spending her holidays -at her- home gentlemanly tin. -Miss Edith husband, of London, us, Mr. Hickey by bis plea". and Years ngo, end has resided in MeGillivs manner, has mmle hine. apyea,t11;eeisIt.a\enielelitaiisisaittriit Sintetteene,0071.- here.-Mr. F. B. noltbse wife and self popular with the patrons of the child t're on 0,10 extended visit to Grand bank. Me. Martin of the Exeter try, left is few deeee ago for the Emer- Bend. Mr. Deacon, of the Merehatite branch has taken Mr. Hickey's place ttd Tele, whetea he intends remaining. here and comes highly recommended. :it B. eitti.itdhaltm!sitiOleste.arnfSiLnnitnlidenrus, and d GONE WEST. -The followieg per - Mr. elei.beet G. Thompson, fornaerly of sons left on Tuesday, Aug. 18th, for McGillivray, but now of New York, the Weste--31iss Etta. BalIantyne to her after a. pleasant visit with Mende here Brookdale, where she will join and at Grand Bend, have returned to their respective honies. , le Lloyd Fox has accepted a, position parents; Miss Nicol, Clieselhurst, Miss operatoe Hanover. -Mr. G. A. Phoebe McTaggart, of Rodgerville; ee, of Covington, Tey., is visiting his Messrs. Frank. Essery, Gid Hobkirk, other here. -Miss Irene O'Neil, of Ralph Drysdale, Ed. McTaggart and vonto, who has been visiting here Wellington Fee. The following from r the past two weeks, left Wednes- Stanlesa-Misses Annie Cameron, Nel- y for Toronto. -Mr. Jas. Anderson lie Gemmel, Emma, Reid, elaggie Reid ft last week for the West. -The Ben Letitia Foster, Messrs, Hugh Cameron, ur Baseball club of the Detroit Clay Torn Gemmel, John Foster and A. mateur League opened their Canadi- tour in Lucille' en Monday and suf- Hoemes Tetnne PASTOR. -On Mon - Thompson. Zurich fered their first defeatat the hands of day evening of last week Carmel e Liman Irish Nine. Score 7 to 6. church was well filled by the members KILLED BY A Tnense -The sad in- and adherents, who assembled to do Iligenee of the fatality which befell honor to Rev. S. S. Henderson prior e yoangeet son of Mr. Jos. Thomp- to his leavingfor the West. Rev. Mr. Ti,Settee lite, was received here lay Sewers, of Brucetield, moderator of s relatives on Wednesday. The un- rtunate young man was Mr. Wesley hompson and was on his first trip af- r the trial one, the sad accident m- ein in the G.T.R.yarcl Fort Erie. e was breakman on the head end of a BIRTHS, ROBIER..-in Exeter, on Aug. 21s, to Mr. nett Mrs. Shirley Bobier, son. MULHOLLAND-in Clinton, on Aug. 16, to Mr. ancl Mrs. John Mulholland, -a daughter. EGL *'D -In McGillivray, on Aug. 16, to :Mr. and Mrs. Mathew England, a. daughter. AneriTaeas-In Lucite!, on Aug. 17, to Mr. aud Mrs. M. li. Armitage, a daughter.. eight train west bound, and in pass- able worker. Mrs. Henderson was then II between, the cars. Fully eighteen read an address, whieh referred in patehee an when West of Amigari station. the severance in relations about to take g the \letter tank near the diamond, called to the platform and Mrs, Carlisle eir return, and found him lying be- With A beautiful silver tray appeopre the train missed his fellow break- end missions and the great regeet at ‘veish: of pailful. d a lock out for the missing man on the society, presented Mrs. Henderson er him. The train was being assist- accomplished by Mrs. Henderson as d. The breaktrein at the back end years, her great interest in the society d the men on the assisting engine place. Mrs. Buchanan, on behalf of 13/Nosvie.ioep-ee-e*Wk,Nyi°°w.s:TRE-de:liartAdhlelTgleensBeteis8h'wopat, twenty cars and two engines pasted touching languati,ce to the good work pp the hill by an engine at the hind President of the W. M. S. for eleven sloottbahmo.kesBe Berry, romer10;11A') t.oP):.B'iro.kDBle.iilaLopeilh'eYed.IIRNeevwv: ately inscribed. Roy Grant Bender- B.A., LL.B., barrister, of Edmon- cellent qualities of the retiring pastor, prayer. He then delivered a very tact- ful address, referring to the many ex- zAr son was then presented, 013 behalf of ton, to Thyrza _Wooster, ' opened the exercises with singing and as a preacher, leader and indefatigu- Presbytery occepied the chair anti Rey. and Mrs. Doherty, a, daughter. DOIMITY.— ILIIenRilillis,so.n Auge 17, to to lary Jane Cameron, bode of CLARICE-WELSH-AI-lg. 13th. at St. a ga07' . . "- Y B.A.; lat:a Aueust 17, by the Rev. Robert Aly - weed, B. A.,Frederick Thomas Zapfe FS-0,VAIBRON---At Parkhill, on , the Mission 'Band, with a beautiful of St. Mergaret College, Toronto. silver bougliet holder. Theropsree,seEntttaa- CnAent2isTuesttels8-, h -.BELL.--. dinarkL,o7snidroiRearorn tionDavis wasvisraudtdgealnlytipVpii?ospsireiate \address. Christmas, of St. Thomas, to Miss Rev. Henderson was then invited to Minnie Bell, daughter of the late the platform when W. McKay read a Win. Bell, of Exeter. .. wee worded address and Mr. W. Bell De..7HS fr here. -Mr. P. Sipple and daughter, in Miss Ida, spent a few days in Hanel- fe ton last week . --Mr. and Mee. Henry or ov e.n of 141 au ha th teveen the rails a feW yards west of the Mr. Norman lioltzmen, of the Herald tank. One of his legs was severed and staff, is visiting friends in Che.sley and his head badly crushed. Soon after other points. --Miss Clara. Telopp has the freight wept west Ms engine passed been again engaged as assistant in the over, the same track to the north yard public school. She is well liked by and must have also passed over the ere the pupils and fills the bill to the sat- fortunate Man, Who was more than isfaction of all concerned. -Mr. Chas, likely, past all suffering. It was Brown has severed his connection with thoughethat the water spout of the Miss Laura Gret,o-ory, lieacl operating the Preeter establishment and has left track aught have hit Thompson as he handed the reverend gentleman a beau - Mr. Fleming, the new, principal of Gest> and Mr. and Mrs. Ohas-Greb and the Exeter Puelic.sehool was in town eon spent *.few days in Mils -atop last last week.' Ile will move his 1 iInIIy week. -Mrs. Chris.. Schreg, who has here shortly-- been on the sick list, is recovering._ Mr. OreiePowell vettened last week Mrs. Bicker, of Tavistock, is Nestling from a trip to Brussels, Walkerton relatives in town. -Me. Milton Wis- and other places, with Mr. Kuntz's mei!, of the Babylon Line,lefe on Wed- trOttilag horsenesday for Saginaw, Mich., where he Mrs. W. H. Verity and children, afintends remaining for some time plea sa t visit here with her moth- er, Mrs. It. Pickard, re tarried to I3rant. ford. Thursday. - Mrs. Wm. 1Vestcott and twin sons, who have been visiting reletives hero the teist three weeks, returned to their home in Seaforth on Tuesday. nurse 10 tbe City Hospital, Toledo, is town. Besides being popular with all was passing an top of his train, but tiful cabinet of silver, containing over visiting at her hme'here. Miss Greg- classes he WaS an all-round football upon examination the spent was fonnd eighty pieces, and elso a purse of gold. ory leaves Saturday for Toledo. player and will he much missed in that to be high above anyone's head. ''.The Rev. Ilenderson was unable for a min - Mrs. Geo. Renton, who has spent line of sports. -Mrs. J. merner is visit- poor fellow must have made a misstep lite to give expression to his thoughts, the past month, the guest of her sister, ing friends in Detroit-.-Mr.P. Lamont or slipped and fell. No blame car be he then thanked the donors from the Mrs. Cr. SontbcOtt, at Grand Bend, re- spent a few days in Toronto last week attached heanyohe. The body arrived bottom of his heart for the beautiful turned to her home in Brantford, Fri- 011 business. -Qdite 11 niumbee left on here on Wednesday 2,rid2 Was taken to clay. Tuesday, Attg. 18, on the harvest ex- his father's home. The f (Thera' took cur Mr. Wm. J. Westcott, of St. Cathar- sion to Manitoba, anmmb u g - piaee Thursday and. was largely ale Ines Sourced, forineely oC the Seaforth ing Messrs. IVes. Merner. , John Gies, tended. The relatives ancl feiends have eun- spent Sunday in town, the guese Louis Prang, Solomon Jaeolte, Aaron the heartfelt sympathy of the whole of :dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ilazzlewood --Traereber, Wm. Oswald, Philip Haugh community in this their sad bereave - 1 other relatives end Miss Mina Dean. m and generous gifts, and refereed brief- ly to the very pleasant relations exist - mg between 'himself and people for fifteen years. The ehairman then made a few announcements, after which Rev. Ifende.rson pronouneed the bene- ent. diction. • "- • , ' . ' ' • . , , • , , , • , , ROGERS-At 1Viii,gbain, on Aug,. 2,1, Catharine Smart, relict of the late Thomas Rogers, ii,ged 85 yeaes. STANDIDRY. -In Exeter, on Aug. 20, Margaret leaetwooci,inftint daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,1.G. Stanhary, aged 1 mon tbs. SCIIAEEER-In Dashwood, 26, Wiltlfelig, beloved wife of , Daniel Schaefer, tiged 4,5 years, 11 raonths, (lees. ; ' 1 tr.