HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-20, Page 8• For tender, perspiring or offensive. eet try Foot Ease, It always gives •elief. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. The repairs on the Exeter griet mill are rneoneong completion and Harvey Brine. expect to. have things in running vier lu a few days, Fred Sweet received a post carol of oweratulatiou front Iuspectan•Tom on ,'ednesday, ou his having passed, the t•uior Leaving examiaication. a thing not often done after one year's work, We join the Inspector in .. eo ng tatulat- Eng Fred on his excellent work, - Messrs, Rowland &Yoano who ave unlade aneinviaable and world-wide raeixa- rattan for themselves in theatrical cie- s, and who appeared here last wine to large and appreciative audiences nave been engaged to give t'vu per - Renames on thenights of ExeterFair, rpt, 21st and 22nd. 4 s a wave to be found at this Tailoring Estab. lishment. I; you are looking, for one. try us. One trial will convince you that: you cannot get better satisfaction for the sa to money titan we Citi give you, l; c ``in aait °1;:e110 AAL DOINGS,. I heard Foam neighbors say they were goiiag. Yon tonne to Exeter Fail Fair. Sept. 't-' '', The counter sehoaal reopened on ;4londaay-. In trrta weeks tete ehtlalren tan tete town will love. tri cormanenace a ' studies ata. • tl)enr„•n Mr. L. it ataly to e ve d as cable ,regi a s a . is .a.t uad.a ntiat- a ( 1 t sa , man , ing that 'tr. iced 31a , ft e niece, nortived in settee' natant wt1e tisc11, ,i;.A, peeing ng caalz+a:s mei ma, Lemon t rh ye noel rime, vee, English ` Slime} Fteela a,jm.ttinetaaamo, ))1',r'at 1teed, Sand. lav tete, lE netu. • Xi Seen., alai T;,n' o 1toa.11t as n ar.l425v:l Sine plant €ala i doa1•°igaa -„i aLl3ti `e„ftn•th San feam Mo Willioon WeetaoRt,t, Mr.I' ` cetera la,. -a tt`aano. Sia ``'1. (.;ttb:trltaG'5, P 1.s you blood thin and pale'- I)o you' sarifer front nervous or physicial debil- ity, nervous headache,. loss of appetite, te.le You will find Blind's Laxative, lala 4d, nerve and tissue pills a never tailing remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, dile,- gist, Exeter. - Price .aft per bottle. 1 i0 pills in each bottle. The regular 'meeting of the Sontb ilera'u Woanen's Institute will be held in the Ltlitaary of Aho* Town than, on F iday, Aaag, 21, at 3 pain. All mem- ^s ;,re requested to be pieseart as v • leaplartaant beakless wilt conte be- faor'e this meeting. Mae, ti)n d Sweet,, See'y-Treae, ''Ir. It:ayinend Pinson yesterday ire- elva J4 the lad iao'ws of tete death of the nt'aut child of Ar. and Mfrs. J. W. las' iron, of Alton. The little elated. li:arles Everett. was just one year old, lie funeral takes plaice to•day in De - 0 at, The sympathy of their many carts in Exeter is extended to the father and another' in their sorrow. lin nearly all sections of Huron and 'ex the harvest is ended, and t?t is net pressed for time .as he has been daring the past eh: weeks. The yiehlin all erops has been above the average and few bares are not well filled with the harvested grape. Threshing, is well commenced and the owinghtand spaoality of the grains are goal While aassistin to hill a beef last g e l t tDavisaxe N. G avreceived a5 week 1t . I re' 1 d , nee•. whit severe injarry to one of his Ma. Davie was tioid'ang the animal by r 8 rep?, vvinr'1) owns p:1SSe4l through a srlttg un the floor., when IAV $aanie nne.ana tete tope broke letter anal tine animal `srrn 1r,il at Him and indicted a very pnaaiaafial wound up nn laic leg. The unoyiui'y hos conlined lama to the house, Fee Best r.al alayn, haat he le fast sanpironv- ' nye The hoof not trlai1tl of 911, indi Mas, J,(. : St,thni x aiS 'at plateau lyiiag in as very ey et'it it' 9l t taaailit atott, snit -ring fr01U1 a alt igenate• airy G 'A a+ ,till iri►tat:atRYa1A v4 t1Yt• trowels. Pisife.a•,e,r Firth. of Toronto, will , omit at the home of Ma. David Mills over Snntiay 1io•st and will sing a solnn gg In the 1'rinit1Aerie^ii,ale leir le in theta evening. The low bills have baa4'n printed ast- Doi int ager ttft Siepl en ZL' Vsoortat Ag.i ricasttur.at gat i.'ty 1411 Show at Exe— ter on iieetao;,.8 .11.41 T(tv il,ay.:+aepteln. be+t,..ist annd;ithal. Willie Smith, son cif Israel Smith, whilepalaeying With tither hers. gnare ; his ankle asaevere *rein sin ll111Ioday last. . is a.0 tl With 4 epar.ain, it Was hat onion , • painful Dora qhe t'1 ,a a o to t ver e t . a tt ., a t yi • g tat ncil.a Sita fi :411 I). A. Rees reeeivc.l .118.atrrd ad the sad news of the da nth 4if his hither in : auvat Scotia. It lave, beim; at the fiend, :and the diet,aince to Nova Scotia being great. he wee unable to attend the Imimo d, The premises. lately occupied as aa, bank by tilt. Mtnlsons Bank people ,con the corner *if Main and Huron streets, WAS atft're. for sale by public auction on Saturday last. The highest bid was $S1il but was not accepted. Dr. Crone, of London, surgeon, ocu- list and specialist, diseases eye, ear, arose and throat, will be at the Com .•.a t mertni. l Hotel, Exeter Wednesday, September out. \Vednesday,Sept. 30th; Wed., 4th; Wed. December 2nd. The range horse purchased.by A. Q. Bobier while left standing tied to a barb wire felaee in the country this week got its foot caught in the wire and received a number of very bad •nuts. It will be some time before the horse is well. Mr. Thos. Creech, while rolling logs in the mill yard on Saturday last re- ceived a severe blow over the eye from the handle of aa, canthook. The blow stunned hien fora time but he soon re- covered and shortly after.was able to continue his work. Edgar Westcott, who bas been very sick with typhoid fever in St. Boni- face Hospital, Winnipeg, Man., for the past three weeks, is, we are sorry to say, not improving. A few days ago word was received that his heart was in a very weak condition. On Wednesday morning his father, by telegram, was informed that his heart was still very weak, hemorrhage had set in and the patient's condition was Very critical. We trust that a change for the better may take place soon. H o IV Was He Dressed ? You hearehisasked of some persons every day, and the answers riepend._on,thF.ta•,w ” of clothes they Wear. How are e 'ou_ 74essed When you want to be well dressed conte and have a suit made to order. All new goods consisting of Stating-5', Pcbl timgs Over coatimVis, Etc. ►.i TAILOR Opposite the E Pi u e I• Post orfCe Many EXeterites 4Ataave ton Uens:all aa¢ S today to- heaal tete Rt'v. J. S. Hen- ,la'tsapart jsz east h 1►i4 farewell z eranon. The x'everend gentleman exits ben the p rotor of the Peesbyterlaain. church there for the past fifteen years, and diming that than has had the conll- ti,.t:ce, rind love of, not only his own e,nragr'sa aationn,laalt of all the people with whom he carne in enntar tl i1r lien. derson and family left Tuesday for Nt'w Westminster, British Columbia. Mee, Geo. Armstrong, Heron street. t";,rht,d the great age of IMI years on 1s.►turdav laet. To mark the occasion her children, Mr. Irvin Arrnastrangaaud' :lits. Vanee..pit•-touted her with as beautiful easy rhair. :kirx, Armstrong it still very melee to get about out of doors as well as inskk'. Recent- ly several , t took, a ,rive of r b I. c vt a.al iu le, in { Y, t ae '.ti, t.t P ttUt[t and visited atthe d barna of het it ao1g1lt t, Mrs V ,voce, in I sboriae ttowan.hip. We hope be may live to see :tasty more nnniVt'rearies of her i,:c th. Quite a number of people from Ex- eter took in the I.O.F. excursion to Smola on Saturday. From Sarnia nnaauy of theua went on to Detroit by boat, while sante remained in Sarnia or visited other neighboring points. Among those who left from this sta- tion were, Mrs. Alfred Sheere, Nelson Sheere, Mrs. James Oke, Mrs. John Rendle and son, Harry, 0. II. Sanders, N. W. Creed', W. Taman, Dr. Kins- man, Mrs. Richard Treble, i*Iiss Violet Flynn, Mies L. Howard, Mrs. R. H. Collins and daughter, Katie, Miss Kate Bonthron, Miss Bonthron (To- ronto,) Miss Della Hill. Baskerville Brothers are busily en- gaged breaking the Western horses sold by Handford & Elliott last week-. Many and varied are the experiences with them. They were driving one up Main street Monday evening. The brute travelled very quietly until in front of the post office when it sudden- ly bolted and struck a horse and rig belonging to and driven by Mr. Jas. Ford, of Stephen. The force of the collision freed Mr. Ford's horse from the buggy and it ran down Main street but•waassoon caught. In the mean- time the other borse was attempting to climb into the buggy and over Mr. Ford. In " its efforts it almost com- pletely detroyed the rig and injured the occupant, who was thrown out on- to the ground. After being helped to his feet he walked to a doctor's office and had his injuries dressed. After the horse had finished demolishing the buggy it raced up Main street with the brothers doing their best to stop it. In front of A. E. Tennant's the horse was brought to a standstill. As far as we we can learn Mr. Ford's injuries are not very severe. The Main street is hardly aproper place to drive horses of this nature. One never knows when they are going to be on the sidewalk with you or run into your rig, . or make a bolt for what. is inside of a plate glass window. Care should be. e ercised with such unmaun..ab a brutes. Ailnouiice t o`rit. Felin Exeter Public School Board beg to announce that a limited number of seats in the High School Department are now available for the fall term, ap- plication -` plication for which may be made to the secretary, Mr. Grigg. The past record of the board since theinstitu- tion of this department, equalling and successfully rivalling many of the old established high schools will be suffic- ient evidence thatno mistake will be made by parents or guardians in com- mitting their children to their care and that of the staff. The board's efforts are being steadily directed to secure the higheet efficiency in their high school work as well as in every division ,of their public 'school. This is being done, not only in the interest of their presentcare, but with the object of having our town never less than fore- most as ore-mostas a centre of educational work and influence for this district. The Principal is Mr, J. C. Flemming, late ., of the High 5cboo1, Goderich, A Record Sreelior. ' Cha1teti>rer Accented. The attendance at the coniine Fall The splenclid game put he the Fair, Exeter, Sept. 21- 2. To L E i . Members. Members desiring to.attend the L O. F. picnic et Grand Bend on Thurs- day, Aognct 27the and not no thing to Defiers. '''?, the Duffers, accept the drive their own rigs can be ra,ee:onanno- challenge a ml. are ready and willing to dated by paving a small fee and lean-- meet the challengers any afternoon or evening beforeAug.''rd, 1003. W. J. Carling • N. I), Hardie , Manager. Carptaain. An Emin©ttt Towusiume w InGht; at is e .A a G iss n u of 1 Joule - pendent the Inde pendent Oddfelbiw ail excellent photo- gr.aatnre of one of Exeter's eruinennt tmwinsnalen is published. We clip the following sketch. from the seine gamer; "Bra, Edw,-axel J. Spacktnan, of Exeter, who is just eloeing his terga of office as Grande Patriarch or the Grand En- caampment of Outerio, is a ince suc- cessfel Inei ehaiat, and ennadtacts one of tete largest retail businesses in Western.. Oi r` Joining" 1 ta ro, a n tine+ Order October 30th, tan, ore soon 1oec.-rtne as very aae- tire member of Exeter Lodge No. 67, and was but a sheet time working his way through the various offices of the lodge. Being imbued with the princi- ples of the Qrder. be early identified hintsell? with Patriarchal Odd Fellow her 21 and ,tine folltaxvann rizes,Fi"L; ship jointing Exeter Encampment No. her pand s of $e each, eg phe retire `33 ha MEay,3isit. in wink. lee Baton pror. best tdeaavy 1)rataght Colts furled in ped tures a Sas Iproficient,rai,in the b ysra•totts 1143, owned by one or more competi-' lectures and oanords sof that branch Sas tbo-.e of the Baal►ord'anarte IAA;] ;e, After tot , sired b):.tl e one horse. A silver filling the chair of Chief Potra:welt he coup, valued at $25 will be given to the owner of thehor'se atlrielt ltaassiiredtlro above, tf The sir+ ma foals, l hiiiddescribed win. Competition open to the world. a►, e. T. 17. Nears. - Any one wishing to spend Stn honor and a half profitably once in every two week woatld do well to join our 'i'ti peraanice Union. During the holi- day Beeson the ladies liaise faithfully attended. our Wednesday' meeting lie. tug 110 exception. Mrs, Gen, liaised gave a c,aretulty prepared Bible read- ing from I Coe., 13. 4committee was appointed to provide conveyances to take all deleates and members wish- ing to attendthe County Convention to be held in Zurich on the 2.1th and 22Gth of Aug.The names to be sent in to Mr•s.1laisdille or Its. H. Hooper. cainaptnents, It is regretful that,. m aa. not later than Thursday, :Nth. The fear weeks. sca efficient a Grand officer ipllnxvin; n'eSanlaatiota was a}uloutittosl n' 111.115ttan,tsief a d from his ra rccessf+rl anti adopted, to t,.e forty arced tea tine* wore;, Instils he hoes become well ore .tion, t'htis. Fitep;atrlek. Il;. C. "Ile- asa►inted with the various routines to solved that we. the itiertabet•s of the, x,-L't h lois otlit'e has called hire, bort five hope he may he ,spear .t fete 1181.y year's tar he an media band in. the future ad- vaatisellie it of prtal;ressit a Odd Fellow- ship. Vt oe e4atogaetialate ilea on tine very sancyesefial term he bane hoed as Grand Patriarch. Pakfers and Buffo's Baseball "()hobs on 'uaesdaay evening, Aug- lth; hats pro - rotted as challenge from the Irish. This- tle Baseball teams of this village to the mg their names with the Secretary, Mr. Geo, Anderson, who will give par- ticulars, Sad accident. T ;r,PeerMa%•Sr, fL M t i a sbo net with a very end Accident about ac week ago, Ile was helping :to put up a gaal- vauiced wire feneewhen a scale ilew off the xvire into his eye,: Althaaagb painted no serious consequenrees were anticipated, until some time after when it was fonnd 011 being examined by an eminent eye specralist that the eye wooed bane + to be re-neeved, An application is now being Applied so ins tothee}s b ill ' f> la l etre taabing out the bell. Sincere y syn pathy is felt for Mr. Moir' in his of lietion. Special prizes, The Sovereign Bank of Canada, is of"rering for competition at the Step- hen 4 t sbcrne hair to be held at Exe- ter ou Monday and Tuesday, Septeni- was for many yea re at• representative of Exeter Encampment. Rettig as Pa►t- elerch in wltotra the members of 'that (viand Body placed the greatest eott.', faience. he WAS elected to till its ipaport- ant ofiir*s until he reached his present distingtiisl►ed position, that of Grand Patriot ch. Bru.•S,paackni.an liars been most zealous for the welfare of thie. hisaneb of the order and since occupy - hog the position of Grand Patriarch Iris spent uaitcla of his thee in visiting. the several Encampments ttnmighnnt the jurisdiction. Asa result of bison - thing ef'forts tnaany of the camps have 811111(1 numerous members. and All have been greatly encouragedto go on. His tiiaal disposition has worn for bixin the piig.Iiest esteem, and encomiums have been showered uponititfa all Eu- , of Exeter. heartily day:at:, move of the c:lgarettt• aage.lirmlt 1:ixo, because we Inc ASSelled ft'oni 'Mt ees- ggo_t•riencte theft, it is absolutely atsela-da. °lteseeforc we ask that the roomette - tine. importation end ,vale of the r,"ie- arette, nude nap, ani' otho:rwiiae, he pnaa. Whited.” Signed c. L. Sp acktuaan, Pass. I . Elliott, Seely. Seitroot Uasrd t 7atattaii, Speciatl meeting of the Board held ire than Town Hall, Monday, July 27th. at $ pan.. with all tlic'ntlie.S present. The following is the order of bnsiuess dally saturated and approved.- Per Ii. Beth, ton, that the @ennueniticaatrottfrom )11Ms Vosper be held over for caonsi1let:4- tion at the next meeting of the Boat41, Per W. J. ('ailing and (v. E,acrc'tt, that the claaestitan of teacher's promotions and the engagement of as Jatnietr teaatrlt- ear he deferred for one week. Per 11. Huston and W. 3. Carling, that G. Eaaerett and the chair be a raminittee to famish as suitrable recommend fair the retiring Poinci tat, Mr. II. 11. 1.n- detson. Per W. J. Carling adjeuirn- .A a is t to:Monday, ti nava t t . u, „rti a .at,r 111. Aug. i,rd. Per IL 1Inoten acid W. 3. C»arltng that Miss Pringle be promoted to the charge of No. 4, at the .dairy paid in that. department, Perri, Mar tin and J. Evans, that Miss Cowling be promoted to the charge of Miss Pring- le's department. Per H. IitnSton and W. 3. Carling that Miss S. J. Irwin be appointed to tbo charge of No. C Per J. Evans and IJ, Huston, that the fel- lowing salaries be paaid in the junior Department for the ensuing year: -- .hiss Vosper, $100; Miss Pringle, $300; _Miss'1.Valrond. $300; Miss Cao ling, $250; Miss McCallum, $250. Miss Irwin, $280. Per. W. J. Carling and S. Martin, that the vacancies available in the II. S. Department be advertised in tooth lo- cal papers for the ensuingtbree weeks. Per W. 3. Catling adjournment: Aug. 17th. The following is the order of business duly submitted and approved. Reports of Committees: Unfinished business, cleaning of well, etc., cutting of hay and removal of decayed trees. Per J. Evans and S. Martin, that the following prepayment be approved:— W. Bissett, on account of cement, $1; Per G. Eacrett, adjournment. J. GRIGG, Sec'y. Discussion. Waxing warm. Much discussion has takenplace of late among our citizens regarding the question as to what amount of gain a man makes by paying cash and ,get ting a 5 per cent. discount instead of giving bis note drawing 5 per cent. in- terest and payable at the end of one year. The discussion arose in this wise: Handford & Elliott advertised a sale of horses. The terms of the sale stated that a man buying a horse might pay.for it in either of two ways: by paying cash and being allowed a dis- count of 5 per cent. or by giving his note bearing 5. per cent.. interest and payable at the end of one year. To the casual observer when questioned on the matter it seems an easy thing to decide which would be the better, why it would be the better, and how much better. He lightly considers and gives his answer. No sooner has he done so than a storm of eager lis- teners begin to throw arguments at him promiscuously. Unless he is cer- tain of his answer and ready to 'back it up with good solid reasoning he is soon lost in the vortex and does not, know where" he is. It is an easy, matter to tell that the cash :payment is the better for the buyer and why it is the better, but the opinions differ greatly as to_how much better the cash payment is. Those who have argued the question are divided into two parties. The one party claims that the buyer saves`five or nearly five per cent., the other that the buyer saves ten or nearly ten per cent. of the purchase price. It is a knotty question in which our best men are at variance in giving a solution. One laughs at the reasoning of the other and the other at the one. Yet no one has succeeded inv' sol m the of to f; point the satisfaction of all those who are open to conviction. Can someone do so? We have no doubt that a satisfac- tory solution would relieve the minds of many who are particularly disturbed over the matter. SONAL. aelteitiati.06L' Zia Mr. W. J. raatiisaat ava'Sin Lunt on Data' Toodaty. :Miss nettle Sweet is taniterlug fruit ata rattaaek of Intim*. Miss C"ulberrt, ofLoudon, is tbegnest of Mrs. (.eo, Crawley. Mrs, John Sanders, of Stephen, lr' visiting friends in Gerrie, Me, Goodleon, of Sarnia, spent Sun- day with friends in toxon, ` Miss LOG Trcv:ethiek spent is few days in London this week. Miss Ltlla Dow, ofLondon, cis Cil guest, of Mrs, .p'. W. Collins. ,. returned Aquae i it i a , l cane eat 3 t i6t% S 1 t to Thomas on S atirday evening. Mr. Wes. Saudis, of Chatham. sin town spending a few 'laden., Mr. James Walters is in Toronto and Ilumilton on l:oaeainess this week. Tho Misses Leopard, of Parkhill, are the guests' of Miss Ethel Farmer. nierr. Miss Edna Davidson, of London, is spending a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bayley*, of Lon- don, are visiting relatives in. town. Miss May Armstrong is attending the millinery openings in London. Mr. Fred Gould, of Seaforth, is spending his holidays at his home here. Miss Carrie Dyer left Tuesday' to at- tend the millinery openings. at Toron- to. Misses Eva and Tillie Baalkwill are visiting their sister in Hamilton this week. Mr. Windsor, of Brinsley, is visiting his daughter,, Mrs. Geo. Snell, Huron street. Mrs. Wm. Hill returned last week from Hensel', where she has been on a visit. Mr. 3. Charlton has about recovered from her recent severe attack of utumps.- Mr. F. L. Rollins, ofColutnbus,Ohio, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. F. W. Collins. Mrs. Geo. Angles, of London, is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. John Sanders, Stephen. Frank Dennis left on Tuesday for the West, where he intends remaining fora time. Miss Bessie Welsh returned to Lon- don Saturday, after a visit. with here parents here. -Mr. Jas. Bonthron, who has been visiting relatives here, returned toTo- ronto last week. • Mrs. Ed. Sanders and son, Eddie, of London, spent two or three days in town this week. Mr: Harry. Baker and wife, of De- troit, Micb., are visiting Mi•. Baker's parents in ton n: Mrs. J. E. Barnes, who has been in Detroit for the past few -weeks, return- ed Monday evening. • Mrs. N. McAvoy and son, Clifford, and Miss -Anne Sanders spent Sunday with:Kippen friends. Mrs. Samuel Sanders, Huron street, visited her daughter, Mrs. Janes -Hill, in Crediton last week. Mrs. Mitchell, of Watford, was the guest of Mrs. W. Trevethick for a few days during; the week. Mrs. Piper was called to London Tuesday owing to the serious illness -of her daughter, Mi'is Eva. Mr. and Mrs. P. McMartin, of Hen- son, made a trip to Exeter on the "jig- ger" last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel "Gidley, of Blyth, spent Tuesday here, while on their way home from Detroit. Mr. James Sanders, traveller, at- tended a ball given by the, camping travellers at Bayfield on Wednesday last. Now is the time to secure your Binder Twine for the coming season, We gnaarantee one stock equal to any other twine of the same number of, feet to the pound. Don't neglect your purchase, but call early. Cements. ,Ve keep eonstatttly in stock the National and Star Brands of Portland Cements. conceded by all competent judges to be the the market. The . Befoa'e .on begin to paint your house or.anvthin to get the best, paint posbee fr the money and at;t give the best satisfaction and longest, wear, Hardware else be sure a seine time We have the largest stork of hardware inn towns ---1 aavetr'on h- ing and builders`' supplies especielty. , For Force or Tarso pumps call on cis.. BC A WK rnr MILLINERY! MILLINEIY! WANTED: umber of Toung icy to lean Milliviory . QPliC4Miilla EXETER. Furnilure Opera ti►^r- ALL AND INSPECT some of the Furniture exhibited It at the Furniture :xi it Toronto. i ic , W4 are having our orders filled early, and eau show you the new- est designs on the market, and defy competition in Prices. As to quality—we lend. Touse Block. W. C. HUSTON e1iofl- What Practical. E are you looking for? Is it arpice piece of Furniture? If so don't fail to call on us, because we are headquarters for anything in the line of furniture. W Our Stock is the -largest and best assorted in the county. Our Workmanship is the very best. The Design and Finish is the latest. The Prices are the lowest. • E 'WILL be pleased to show intending purchasers through our large trtf stock and quote our prices before placing their . orders. %E GUARANTEE satisfaction with ever article purchased from our store. y , All kinds of ORDERED WORK, REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING and PICTURE FRAMING done on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors. OWE & ATIMISOIT R. N. Rowe's Old Stand. Miss Beatrice Friend, who has been. visiting her relatives for a few days, returned to London Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harris and daughter, Mrs. Eas- terbrook, are visiting in Hamilton this week. They will take in the street. fair while there. Misses Lille and Ida Johns returned hone on Thursday last, after a month's visit with friends in Toronto, Aurora and other places. Miss Carrie Davis. of London, is' spending her vacation withher par- ents in Exeter, accompanied by her Tittle niece, Annie. Terry. Mr. F. W. Dunsford and Mr. E. A. Noll, of Cleveland, Ohio, are here vis- iting the foi•rner's father, Mr. Wm. Dunsford, of Lake Road, Stephen. Mr: A. P. Smith returned from For- est TeesaY evening and Mrs. Smith, who has been visiting there for several' weeks, returned Wednesday evening. Mr.. and Mrs. Samuel Peuhale and two children, of Fenelon Falls, are vis- iting their relatives in and around town. They will remain some time. r Mrs. Remohr, who has been visit- ing friends in Port ITuron for two weeks, returned on Friday night. Messrs. Flynn and Easterbrook, sec- tion hands oh the railway here, were in Lucknow last week with a gang • of section hands from other parts, assist- ing in railway work in that neighbor hood's Ex. -Principal Boyd of the Exeter Public School, ;but. now Principal'. of the public school and .editor andro- I3anna prietor of the Moon in p , North Dakota, is in Ontario atP resent ,visit - big friends. During a. part of the past week he shook hands with friends in town.' ? . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Atkinson and. family, of Manitou, Mna., are visiting Mr. Atkinson's father, :Mr. James At- kinson. i William oa - ilhatrr street: Mr. Atl.insota bas "been in the West for fifteen years since he was last here. He is station agent of the C.P.Q. in the town. To all appearance the 'coiintr Y r agrees .with lum. Additi »ia Locuis on 1st Page,