HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-20, Page 7MTH
Their Se
tlanterie aceordi
liameet or pa.
Tieousena N in
by II tut. 3au
'Livorno.lie 9
desPatelx f
Rev, Frank Pe,
ad from the fo
pities iv, 3.
labored with ne
The cosispict
ehlircle have al
men, The off
of the churola
laege extent b
Opening the
triunfides, the
preechers auti
men; but ht th
religious lite tl
'workers have
the conseara
the hietory of
the women
have rereiy fai
of need.
It la the "W
pet goo." who 1
turlea has on
of religious etr
man behind th
home, in the Li
in the colottry,
the foreign us
the name of J
the world, It i
the gospel girn
annetest gospe
chum:hes the
purpose of thi
Taanly plea t
bends, brother
fainiiiee of 01
their positions
aide the* noti
tete and daug
:make the same
tor the men to
did Paul whoa
of bis timo to
who labored Wi
Nearly every
to -day is a bell
It is so with o
and agnostica
tioboPffla". but
olturehes, and ti
pit does uot r
minis -UT so fat
fidels and athe
concerned is pr
I behove that
to -day Is not
Jesus Christ.
peas $onto day
his Saviour
from sin by th
You Show th
most automat
you la vor,y ruw
ft believer in
divine Christ.
What do you s
posing you we
*fa transatlan
thin Courage
ling's story?
first cry which
come to your 11
e.all out at tbe
Mn God, help
were caught itt
western prairie
hours been awl
around in tlio
would you not,
faculties, moa
nieL 0 Chris
Now, my br
in Jesus Christ
to be saved by
your belief
life ? Wily are
to go and. w
Your slothful,
spiritual sense,
t o.ei e yourself
tempt for you
torence to your
it is ingrained
to devise a an
us should go
We -would nat.
moneber of that
Share of work.
refused to d
take him out u
trip. We woul
"That man is
and conternptib
apicable eldrikn
ness men COfl
"What shall I
into a busin
such and such
lazy. indolent,
Be will not th
Yet he expects
fits with hien.
uselests shirk.•
thing I despise
ing and sappin
:vampires th my
to sack out th
lemma victirna
Now, if you
pleasure and de
iness, how is it
to 130 yourself
Yon,my broth
Christ and hop
etern•ally saved
in common ho
that yeur actio
aro just as desp
ble as the sa
wincji you des
are practietal
'11 want to so
but in'the mean
irey mother, my
to do all my
ill the church.
Iola sickness
to come and fix
in a spiritual
am dead 1 wan
state over my c
pouted at the
have been save
words, I want
hope ef the tali
lifting a liana
clohe. one str
Masear's service
awns a stateme
1 mu
IS DB 11A.11161 1 n 4
and yet is not a Church Melleben. ,Y. Pa
go.re reedy to confeas hint in private
.convereation arid yet not 'willing to
PllieliolY ceniesS him as a churcb
member, though in that way yea;
Might helP the women' who are lab'
ering in the gosPel. In spite ot or-
thcalcoc doctrine I shrink from the
thought that you will ever be ulti-..
15,rretwel_rydecesrtrey:etdiees 13 ilite.thiezIe.0141;
church membership maybe the raea"
of destroying scores and scores of
haraortol souls. •
That cluirch tn. em. hership is 4 mighty
help to every man ia his struggle to
teed a truer. purer, nobler Christi:one
life th.ere is no doubt. Every
Christian in a better Christion when
he. with 4 13015r Purpose, gives his
eliegiance to some one opera and
allows his nenue to be placed upon
the church roll. You nu still be A
Christian and yet not a churchteet
ear, you may be able by •the -g-rae", 0 i
Of Goa to be a gQ04, moral, upright
Ohristion man in spite of Dever hay-
ing taken this importent step. You'
may hAvo mil A gospel hough)... up
that has helped yon,. hat whet ntout
that young eters 'who is watching
you? Ile has not yet p.ebbely cone
fessed faith in. God. Ile has had nO
seared, childhood, afe is looking at
yoe now. and saying. ;',Well,,. if Af_i-.
so.,An4,40 can he a good moral man
and not a. church member a guess a
eau, Pare you, oh. moral man, at.
w tti t b Y t malt st it a ex
:,i, nyou°k-nowe youLi/ : herd"
# to keep your Christian integri-
toe in' apito of 'all your sacred- pas.t.
DO yon feel that that ,young man
can safely run tho gauntlet of ain
oe you bola done wabooe the re.
etroming influence of ohureit mem
ship? Po it without a nahlio Profes"
sion of Jesus Christ before tho
church altars?
Oh. meral Christian man,
not suppose that wbue you ace
side of church fellowshi p you VaIt
gem WO woMen who are
reau ea „,_ __ _ _. lab-
-ng in the gospel: lie horn agein.
me • a christieu church memhere
t - " • -- . ' - - - -- "'
ll' ac° Your name in big. black Ic"°t's
upon the muster roll of the church,
As a Christian, wearing the gospel
"awl' and Aghting under the gospel
standard. throw 'Y°13r tvh°I° s°111 °I/d
head. mto this chest struggle
agnfullt shl"
There is a •vory common sign upon
all the heard knees today, ,ia which
Henry George atanda With Uplifted
hand. saying. "I aux for men.* Te-
day, as awist.„ messenger. 1 ant
pleading for men. I want Chriwstolount.
men for gospel visitation. 1
Christian men for the prayer raeet-
'fig and for the cburch officers. I
want the Peters and Lobes and. Ilea-
thews. Bartholentews. Johns and
l'sSis and til0 TimothYs of the Pres-
ent generation, In other words, es
a Christian pastor. I tome te-day
and say. Oh, men mune of
I in the
oesus Christ. we want you to help
the women who are now laboring in
ur midst!" W111 Nall come and
0 .
give to us your gospel help?
V_n;c1 __..ill'ileineoll of alt His glory that
onght save Pa Rens wrath and
emelt ae, to ITis throne, and Whee
ais° sane to ata "N•lastaoever •tIty
Soul deeireth I will even 40 it fler•
th5' 0°111. 4/ xx. 4; a cor, vat,
9; Xner.k X, fit: John xiv. 1.3. 14;
1L -vs 7). When theee. teeo men, parte,
ed. tbeY lossed and wont unt4l Pavid
1.nrXclg4Tbdaedt. ,i(:4 -7c;. 44.,*yQ);114 roetre(wW4eloielpeactik;
ether it it lay in tbe power of either
to do it. Yet ell wea but the faint-
est saeijow as, tbe tow of Obrist to
, 18-a2. If..I expressly easounto the
-"stil 0'4"t°htehee,41% tt:Irt1'.1.giliZ atreo05e011111:
thou. for there is place to thee and
no 1/44 as IV Lord livetll'. 134 if
1 say thus lotto the young men. Pee
hold. the arrows are beyond thee;
go thy way, for the Lord hath
thee awann
, erilese verses tell bow Jonathan are
rottged D
to give avid the lafetMation
to whither he seas to return or
ltee for his life. Tho rest „ of the
cnapter toile of Jonothan'o interview
with his lather and the eltwouregtog
tidings he waa eampened to convey
to David. Saur's words to his own
sou and his attempt to kilt eVela hille
('vers 304%8) told too plainly winet
Pavitrst 10.t, Would he if Said got !dm
Jo ble polver. Jonathan's leaving
his tailier-e table and Mn eeasegiteet
foaling ehowed how deeply he felt
the wrarog don o t D " I If •
were as eeeeltieo etatorean'agg( ' wrong
sold or done to our Lord Jeotis
Christ and would refuse to atey in
the conlremy or those •who ill treet
- bt
Min, it would be only doing rig -
in Ills sight. In thes.o days when so
aeh shame and pt contemare belog
lterTed upon our Lord by proaehere
and proinseotie who poso as ma
frientie it is well to net as Jonothan
did to his own tether and refuse to
keep coup , with sa hu - i
arar . 0 espisera 0
God awl His word.
23. And as touching the matter
which thou end I hove spoken o4
hehelit th° Lord Ira butwecu tfle° awilt
Me fereenr,
Again as they parted niter their
--eh weepinc anonym „txt gr.
'" .4,Atainiat.wae` 217
'2,0s°r3,11184. on14.115104:41, ... so he re.sure
Liei..Lott_P_azi_eraei faitl!fuln!ss. And how
iiel.:.aft?orc may ao ray upon the
al n &mess of our Lord Jesus Christ
and Gol the Fath.erf Do we fear
. he trio s by the way? God is faith-
hil. WhO v411 not suitor us to be
tempted above that we aro able. Do
we fear thM sin shall conquer us and
eouutr tulisose.illoolion iBmitrihx?fut Join:wed jucuotntess
forgive US our sins and to cleanse
Us front ell unrighteousness is It tho
matter ot Idanteleesness• in the day
ot our Lord Jesus Christ? God is
faithful. by whom ye aro called unto
the fellowship of Ills San Jesuit
Christ- our Lord. Faithful is Ito that,
e olleth you, who also will do it (I
Cm!" :f" 13; 01' 9; 1 John 1" 9; /
Thess, ve 20. 24). 'When David
003110 to his last hours, his comfort
was 'the faithfulnes$ of God. oms
though my lionso 130 WA SO with
God, yet He hath made with 111,e a!!
over/osting Covenant. ordered Ut 421
1111 gs and suro" (II. Sam. xxiii ..
viA' ' ' ' ' "--"'"; • '• '
. 1-1--
- . M. ,
. an, ,loasasaa.aneensaia,afaara
• - ' y
. „
neaadache 0.,nonit inntant y yicaal
to the $iannitannnu.s... application of
hot watoe to the feet „end back of
the neck ,
A etrap of dezond or ieowel folda
several timea lefigtinvise and dikTed
in hot water, then aligh.tly- wie,ing
ut 'end applied to the r,eak of a
child oedema frotesoeute ettack of
memo, will lianally reliere th0 alarer-
er itt the ceoreo .of teo manatee, it
the 43enael le 1°44
A towel foldeddipped in hot we -
ter, qtitenly wrung oat, and aPPlied
over the seat of Pain will in
cass (exam:Ale= relieve.
Itot wader. If tat freelY bolt n't
hour before bedtime, ees QUO of tin
hest Peseo tsible cathartics ia severe
c°" -%°s of °°6-5t3°4ticifk' "191° it ha*
a oneletlijog enfect Keenan:
, .
d . ..
['vices •m Church an Religious
, ,• , . • - -- • , - - . , • - 0 ,
ork Should be Recognized,.
MT , , ' . . MMAT7ft77/C7X7FPF
.. , nTrAtEk
P. , M. L... STIO. la E. eeee .„ .--
Spleet Cak-Despolve ono level
teaapoths of eckla la ope, cup ee ewe,
• big water, add to one ones of zoole9.1
Ses, Add taeo tablespoons of siteat-jcialoW
• ed butter. 'Qua ineet tesiaeca. on' ''-oirmisat
c1111°044.m°0tu.elesilnee-qe .aeleadrtoorollea often,.
' A
alined V
nutmeg. ie; With tlareops.
of figUll' "d 414n :in gen' I'"'ara' Il -'4'*°
Vie oven moderato. otherwise, ta,o.
cakes- *rill burxt on e4°'0044 of tbe
ntolaiSaeo eland -
sweet porn, onko.e..aux one env at
nereseleced Witn one pup or, ttaar, ang,1
baslf r,A, ost 'PW aAand tnlitn513O0a
01 aalte alelet *era eggs light, witi
one enp of milk awl three OAS:poem
..t melted butter, -Stir this into
the 07 lauxteetala and teat. theft
stir in tow level teaspoor4 01 bake
1P powder end. balm twenty min-
"lea ia a 41CfdaratC4Y (04CIC alra*".
Thin C.orn Cat„..7e.oelf....ife on f
0 CP o
rol.acal with_ one4p4erter. cull; of
sogar, Mee exfp of dour rind oneahalf
leivel teeepoon of ealt. Peat OM
egg light, add one SUP Of Milk and
4 "4'14414 or "oiled hotter. *Slir
thigt 4111W17 tilt° !ho dry toeterlistaa
beat well and all four lewd tea-
spoors of baking powder. 'Torn in-
la, _ass..s., a.,,„,,„ • a a ., ....Amen
'''.'_ g.17.' •"'""vgiFf„ P°13" atm Per''''''''
auolle tateell. etebelltell.
eotiage Cheer.o..--trse milk OM
b4e4re.4 quiC•144. anti for this
rear cOttX05e Oheeen la kg Inetten
, 11 e
attta' When mode in the Mauler.
r tho milk inias earthen
"44 or AreeWviogs kotitift, and net
- where it Mil hoat gradually. It
$ well to eet tbo cr_oele on SOX00^
--ng thIlt w'rd"caP le.t an in91 /ram
et0Ve top. It at until the
' Ileat
+rimy eiC0404 a little more then holm-
Ve4r.10. then turn the curd. which
WA seParated. over la sPoontula to
heat fur about threcrquariens of au
110" longer. But all the *lulu be
that the whey does not maid,
Age WreitaattlV'dring"v4;641v"o'idtedbe. Priery ler
ptece of checeoeloth in a colander,
teetet in the coagulated milk, lie up
and drain our Alight,. or for SeVeral
hours. Dre%,througn a. ricer, seas-
b on with salt and add a little Sweet
cream: make into :tiny valtea or lit-
tie balls avid sot in the lee hest.
If it is remembered that caaein hat-
dons and heetudas lodigeatilde with
too groat heat st will be plain why
filo utex inlyit ileVer come near tho
boiling point.
Cream Plea -Wald 'two cups of
milk in a double boiler. 31 -IX two
level tablespoons of garnets:int' with
a little cold milk and fair into the
hot milk, cook five minutes; add
one -halt cup of sugar. Ileat the
whites or tour e stilt i sal
ant , r
into the boilleo igg3nixture take from
--- - - -- a
the Are aid flavor with vanilla.
Line 4 lone pie plate with puff
irowt.n atniilie ttio6Pt silizgl 11(611" A°v:411,ttita,°..
' . .
tiVO, Of this filling would be to us
the yolks of the eggs and then make
meringue which would bo poured
over the filling ami the whole set
in a more moderate oven te brown
meringue. which 'Woad he en-
tirely spoiled by a hut oven.
Lexatonade..-Vor ono quart of lem-
onside take the juice of three lemons
and the thin yellow rind of one cut
ces. Put tlie rind
in Small pieJuice.
and one-quarter cup of sugar into 3
jar or piteher having a close cover.
neve 1410 four cups of water boiling
and turn over the lemon and stigma
cover at once and set away to cool
Sot in the ice chest before serving,
to chill, but do not put ice directle
MC* the kmonade,
Potato Sotifile.-Deat two cups 011
hot smelted 'potato light. adding
enough ni.111; arid not more than two
level tablospoons of butter to make
it soft. add the well -beaten yolks
of three eggs, one-half level lea-
spoon of salt and a dash of white
pepper. Turn into a buttered balt-
nig dish and sot in the °Len until
it begins to brown. Spread with
a meringue an•ade of tne enbites heat-
en stiff with a little salt and pepper
drop tiny bits of bu-tter over the
top mid set bac& in tbe oven, wind 1
should be mociera.ted. Serve in-
setantly when talcoa from the •oven,
tor it will fall as it cools.
leaner Baked Apples4.-Pare and
core the apples, lay theta in a balc-
in dish and fill eavh with augam
Stick a clove in each tipple and
cover the niah. Bake half an hour,
',ten renter% 0 ean C011 11111C
ti • 0 cover d t'
baking until the a.ppies are tender
db • dbt notT1
an browned u no broken. The
: e doponds
time of coolcing reall - deponde on
kinil of apple, as some VOA' 1
nook in mach less time than others.
.r th pplos p ii to a glass dish
aim e a u, i ,
, d serve with cream.
S'callotteid Se/Snore-Pill a battered
dish with alternate layars of flaked
cold or canned salmon. breadnrunibs
and sliced barn boiled eggs. Season
each laver •eilightly with salt and
pelmet 'anil dot .-tbits of h tt •
Pohr a cup of exclaim. NaMee over all,
' • •
Q13& theekly on top with cracker
mai set in a hot oven until
browne• As' all the ingredients of
this edieit 'neastenekerl, a bot oven is
mutat better than ate-el:neer (lama
' ' . - •
glIC0k1 as required- for the cooking of
. a illiXtime.,,,' • .
,.. .
Cl'e11111 U11111§.. --To 3.1111:ke thr• , C11 -11.S
the layented tin 'tubes. • &onetime§
, e lock a 1. d
ea.1Ied aiey ePale ks tare ese
R011 p.ofy naseo , ow good chopped
• •
paste thin allki. C111.1 ' in strips 'not
two inelies wide. 'Wend from
the email encl of tae tube and have
each lay oveteav the nrececelitia
. • "-• - ' lubes
one a very lietle..- Sot the
aceoee, a baning pan anel set tbe
r•rin in the oven. When the. earls
'• ' • ' '
axe baked a • deep yellow, t a ke f cone
the aven and pusli tile palete finent
tae tube, • Whon cOolod a 111tle • it
will come on. readily aticl without
breaking. ' Whio some ereR;111. S18001-
ee aria flavor it and 1111 tile clues..
" . ' - ---
. ,- , • - '
wfr.i.'a ROT la1eDell iniaT DO -
s'as • • - - , a •
.. .
Wien titien, drink 1161; Wat Or aS it
tonic. When . hot and thie•sey,
dant: it as a cooler, for it toyer
ritc,n vv., ni I'l I a. '
or to Act ettas ra,r"
r.. of Toron4,.. st the
: narieuiture.tittawadt
and despicable I do not believe you
have ever tally realized whos your
goispoi ehiatag 1144 eitolivod. Colne,,
me ana..
o be e true mon in the
spiritual as well as in the ternporel
We•Y, Conte ani take off your oeat
in holy enthusiasm. Do not compel
the women feleo of your .faetioca to
longer bear the brunt of the gospel
At it ill Olean:elle of the
Lord Jesus 1 At it now 1 At it all
the time I liettr tbe leee of tee
manllesa Chrietion meat who ever
lived, , This plea. be made to men ;
"Help those womea 1 1-relp those
wotilea 1" Help them U0W.
A strong, robust. manly man come
pels tbe odiniration of other men.
There ia a popular theory alarmed
that fi manly num can never fascia-
ate the masculine world as a beeutie
lui women cam But 1. do non think
that that theory is true. I know it
is not in reY own vase. I also
know it 48 eta true with many
my gentlemen friends, Often, who
walking through tho crowded thor.
. •
oughtares of Chicago. r have had
%flambee- of My family pay, 4/Did you
ever See a more beautiful face than
that ?.. emit, ? where ?.. / would
ask. "Why, that beautiful WOMUU
who was walking there with tilat
. „/
P.1411.” "Oh," I would answer,
did not see the woan, but I did
Eel& the mu. 1 was wateidag biut
very elosely. My 1 He Was a strong
inan. There was a something in
the look of his eye, in the sot 0
his mouth, in the strength of his
shouldtrs end in bis well poised,
sell confident wa3k that proved to
mo be was ix leader moors_ Men, 1
did not see the woman, but whet
dna spoelmen of a man be was I" I
bellow that the fascination %hitt a
strong man has upon me is the saute
vacillation which be has upork all
men except those mentni weahlings'l
ond maectiline nonentities who think
that the chief purpose for whivit a
man was created was to eat and
sleep, to de and undress, nod
,dreee again,
Trili: DUTY Or KW.
Every true man knows that his
wife is not as useful and activo a
member of the Christian ehurch when
she goes to church alone as she
would be if her hushfind were ready
to go by her side and beip her in
her Christiati endeavor to spread tho
goepel. Tito innrltal ties aro very
sacred. They unify In more ways
than Win the twain who mice stood
at the nuptial altar. After a bus-
hand and a wife have been :living to.
gether for many, many years they
not only begin to think alder. but
also to grow to look. alike. I have
again and agein noticed the similar-
ity of looks which aro seen upon the
faces of aged husbands and wives
aw„b° have long lived side by side.
.441°Y bave unconsciously absorbed
parts or each other's Plirsical as
well as mental personalities. So
when a btieband is an irreligious
mall, a. uonelturehgoer, a scoffer, a
ridiculer, his sneere and shortcomings
have a marked evil effect upon the
life of the Christian woman who at
the marriage altar bus pledged to
hint her lovo and her life. She may
light against deterioration as she
will, but in spite of herself she can-
not be as good a woman as u sie
had married a good Christian man,
who bas been consecrated to the ser-
vice of the Lord Jesus Christ from
the day that he loft his mother's
home. *
Husbands, in VieW of this trementl-
ono fez t are you ready to -day to
curtail t'ci a t • .
• - grea ei or less extent
the spiritual usefulness of your wife?
A '
re you ready to curtail her spiritia
al influence crker the life of. her chile
dren because , ityr own spiritual life,
on account of your personal indiffer-
once and sins. has been depletea?
Are you ready for - the same sinful
marital cause to -curtail her influence
in the church and in the neighbor-
hood? Because you wish her to be a.
social queen are you more desirous
of seeing nr rrender the better
Part of herself to the service of the
world rffther than to the service of
her Divine Master?.
But 1 take• •
a step further in this
thought. Have you thought that
- -it
you may,. perhaps, totally destroy
your wife's faith in Jesus Christ?
Many and meaty a husband has done
before,d 1 b
. an per laps you may
doing this now. If you, 0 man, are
. •
indifferent to the gospel message,
11 b titer] al destr et
and ' sha e i ly eye ,
perhaps your wife may become in-
different about her own salvation.
Perhaps she may be willing to be de-
stroyed so that she can say to you
as Ruth of old said to Naomi: "En-
treat me- not to leave th t
eo, or o
me• for
return from follewing after ti ,
whither thou goest I will go, . and
where thou lodgest 1 .wili lodge: thy
People shall .be my people and thy
God my God." - I, once heard of an
African chief who came one day to a
missionary- and said, "alissionary, if
be all,
1 accept Jesus' Christ will I . -
ed?" "Yee," answered, the mission-
ary. "Well, missionary, as: my foe
ther did not accept,. Jesus Christ,
will he be eternally. destroyed?"
"Yes," answered the missicniary, not
seeing whither the question led.
"And my grandfather and great-
grandfathers, .are they all deetroyeci
because they diet not accept Jesus
Christ'?" "Yes," answered -the mis-
'sionarn, without thought el the ef-
feat of his answer.' Then the African
chief lifted high his head as he an-
ewered: "Missionary, I reject ' your,
Clu•ist. I do not wish to be separ-
ated even an' death from my father
' ' - '
I prefer . to be eternally destroyed as
h • t many d tro ri "
o is e ei.- es • ye..
alalmaie mEeneEpseeep
. ' - _ -, - '. , ,. •
Due I woula like to speak a word
before ,I close to. tbe good, moral,.
elill'igfi {In TTI$1.11. ll/t1(1 111,11C,f1, ill ' anti
nava Chicago says zen
Witt Talmage preenhe
:lowing text : Philip-
;lip those womn eVOW
in the gospel,"
Loos Pianca In toe
. t)ie
ways been Oiled by
;tive, personal WOriC
however, has, to a
Pen done by womee.
enroll of gespel
moos of the greatest
prgaoizere have been
e ordinery wollgs of
te consecrated female
elweare outnumbered
Malo WOrh0rs. Iii
Oa Christian church
,i0mhaerse, saS, a CjasP,
led %Ansa at -eniOTP-
!Man behind, the Kos-
or centuries upon cert.
o the greatest brunt
is the "woe
, gospel gun.. in the
Sureh. on the street,
in the city and in
dons who has enraged
MB Christ an around
s the 44woutail behind
* w110 has won the
1 victoillen. for our
pant. wiierefore the
s sermon IS to male
o the fathers and bus-
and sons, et the
er churches to take
in religious work be-
lona and wives. PIS-
'Item. I want to
kind, of 4 manly plea
work for Christ as
he wrote to the Men
4 qielp thovo women
ill ine in the gospel.'
matt in avier audienee
ever in Jesus Christ.
her elturchee. Infidels
kre still numerous.
OW IWO not In our
lo VOIC0 from the pule
their ears. My
as preaching to in-
:Ms and agnostics is
Laically ended.
ovonY 'man in 011oncil
only a beliover in
out that he also ex-
to receive 'Christ as
nod to he redeemed
o atonement of the
;AVING rovira.
a fagt involontarlly,
ally. I can pr . t
' Words that you aro
ie saving power ot a
I.row do you act ?
ty in a crisis? Sup-
e swept off• the deck
tie steamer like Cap-
,us in Rudyard Rip-
.What would he the
would involuntarily
ps ? Would you not
top of your voice,
.r. supposing you
a: blizzard upon tbe
After you had for
adoring around and
ivor deepening snow
with your benumbed
n : "0 Christ, save
„ save me 1"
Aber, if you believe
and hope some day
birn why is it that
ocs not "affect your
you not man enough
)rit Is his villeirand ?
lazy bolas. la a
ought to make you
and have utter con-
, ,sust ea/0ns in re_
^oll'uroh.- you know
in every manly man
lrk. If a party of
eutting next summer
aridly expect every-
party to do bis full
If one of the men
i it we would never
pon another coati:ping
i say to ono another:
o good. Ile is mean
Le.. He is a lazy, do-
' I have had busi-
te to me and ask :
Jo ? 7 ,: •
baee entered
ss partnersbip with
t man. But he is a
. useless dead weight.
ink of work. And
ree to divide the pro -e
, He isJ- a shirk a
And if there is any
it is a shirk, drahe
r my energies, as the
thological times used
i life's' blood of their
n IN 11,ELIGthN.
despise a Shirk in
n• shirk in . bee_
that you are willing
.e. shirts in. religion ?
u-, believing in 'Jesus
ing some day to be
by his 'blood, , ought
iesty..ta fully yardize
is toward the ehurch
ieable ,and contempee-
:eking characteristics
pine in othees. •You
saying to Yourself :'
le day reach heaven;
time I. want my. wif
sister, my- daughter,
eraying and working,
When I am iu ma
want their minister
things. alt up .for me
0059 And And when I
t, their minister to
asket that I have re-
eleventh hear and
l' all rig•ht. In other
. .
io win every joy and
. ,
gious faith without
for °heist, witheut
•ke of work,. in • the
..O -.
Ole rev brolliete
3 ee 4.1, rt I, ;,-, ,..... ...... - - __
There is no elomeatk remedy that
so promptly 5145 short gen-0010e
or the lungs, e0ro tivioat or eaeo,
iene e
I hot water when ep.plied
lirr°4tP-flY •alld 14Mr4?"-gblY"
. ,inet Cora has been largely
superseded by th.e caPrI04 products
axe eti uany'ureter
yet .here ' '9 La-- who -1• • •
i to prepare tbe dried eats' le or 1 JkO
/ de get ep,r- a t'ea dc'pe- ' p. 4 paeA-Via ;au'
1 OiLoa 4ato- cans tO"ho- 40,-htaiaed at
iaa'-eigi -gO gror- - --tri*". - - Akio.' -lin- - ee-t-
oru if,4- - is- -ieee's,ea a, 11.: s''ne,c-i
ctineas At If*OrMtlab-7110 U6e. rii'et Oeerilipe.
holt as it tor iaviettiate eating, ewt
front the gab Aod dry in a moaarau
. without KW:citing'. The Teal
art of making .dried corn goo. boo
th.o preparetant for the table. To
rcaeoos it ;4 f.o uta,ka it tough, ,soak
it in moderately warm waxer until
l, bolt
t beeentesae, as when elit frOut
the cob. then let it come quickly to
a boil; take from the Are ata.,, once,
efeleoll to taa-ta, and serve. Two
thre0 tableapoonfula Of cream.
110,provo it greatly.
Litt/04ga (We dry_ white lea(1)
aimed into pure glyeertile until the
mixture in of tbe coealeaeney al
dough. eastaas a cement that "oats
tho aetion ot tiro and water, will
cement metal, and mond laus Team
in eaticepans and kettles. At leaot,
eXers as emiongo.
%hen the inside of tne teapot bee
oTes2 Qednifauetsolooretdeopdtait Ina leto.utpille vopf
1 mu" i wittar. and set on the Moan tO
boil, fal about half an how it
slundd he ready to wash in, wale
scald in dear hot water and put
ftWo.y fOr MO,
Wtat.fliffig fioda, should never bi
used on linoleum as it attacks the
paiot and oil with wbich it is Anishe
Ann Twoniesilesesonapit.umif very dirty, waldt
water to which
a little turpentine is added. then
• rub with a flannel rag dfppad in •
equal pirts of cotton seed oil and
faierp vomits..
Take a pirsee tat the same wire ntate.e.
i 1
a enneSgh lard_ er th)111t_h„e Place to„,111.
seri novo to ettiote. lor ecengiu the
co * bleb. Bend the fringen 50
nag to stand out at riga angles
with the netting. Proes this pre -
Pared Piece agafist the Part to bo
mended. so that the fringes will IWO.
bade to its other side. whoro Lima
i b b t d t I ld Th
nerty (3 on own o hoId. tis
- the rent is mended easily end neat-
AUG. 2,3.
It Always Has a Market Value inUtC
the Commercial World.
no ordinary transactions of the
bueinem world may be characterized
by selfishness, but there is a certain
integrity demanded in order to ream
permanent success. Rine -tenths of
business is done on c.rodit; men roust
be able to trust in each other's bon-robysiciane
'bstsr, on tbe average. Otherwise
commerce, trade, aud industry would
shrink to a very small fraction of
its present size. In spite of the
individual's disappeararce in the
indwitria1. combine,-
gyeat. it
twos, it remains (rue„ think.s a con-
temporary, that aaraetet Is as int-
portat?t, at it ever was.
"This is particularly true of the
men at. the top," says the paper.
"Every corporation takes its eller-
acter laagely from the men who
control it. Its standing. in the
market depends not alone on its
earnings, but even more on the re-
putation of its management. One
of' the greatest capitalists in the
world said only a few days ago:„
•jerest°" Pin their faith to ton
men at the top. They may be said
to invest in aharacten-othe character
of the Men in control. Books may
be manipulated and reports and
statements `cooked' so as .to tell
this or that story, but character. in
the long run cannot be made to
really '
appear different than is,
and the standing of a business is
largely .dopendent on the character
of the n e 'direct it."
- 1 ri who
"Hare is practical testimony front
. •
a practical roan of a practical truth.,
- - • ''•
which is often lost sight of, but
• • . . • ,
which is, neyottheless, of the high
est importance, an'd eSpecially at
this - time. In commercial life,
therefore, Character still has market
value. It is an asset worth more
than main, intagine. Ike° ability
may achieve mach. . Audacity' 1.1.LeY
sometimes worl- maryele The 'gam-
. s . - '
bler may at . times control the mar-
kets. ii in n ss earn, r
The ele-.-- -°---ea---- 0- 11.11111-•
ey is a tremen.clous power; but the
highest Suncess • in the. conoriercial
world is possible onl to the m
. p Y • ail
who to ability and 'enterprise adds
character." . •
. •
Text of the Lesson, I. Sam. .,
12-23 Golden Text, Tirov,.
xviii., 24.
11-1.3. If it pleaces my father to
clo thee evil, then I will show it
thee and send thee ave3, that thou
innyeA go in peace, and the Lord
be with thee.
In former yearse-ISSO and 189er-
we had studies ia tint opening and
closing. verses of this chapter, and
we I a a contral/ 0 n. ,
are reconetneuded to study the whole
chapter, 'which is the story of Jona-
than's love and faithfulness to
David aed their separation Dec:twee
of Saul's persietent effort to kill
I/avid, As Saul's pernecutions of
David increased David one day said
to Jenathan, "ins the Lord liveth
and as thy soul livoth there is but
a sten botween me and death" (verse 1
8). . Jonathan could not bcUevet
that his father really meant, te kill
Daesia, . and so he saki he woald
sound his fattier and let'David know,
and that is where our lesson to -day
begins.. Jonathan ole y calls
God to •witnem tbat whether the tid-
begs front his father be *mod or evil
he will surely let David know.
14, i 5. And thou shalt' not only
1 1 t I 1' • a
w at e ye tee s ow nie the kind-
ness of the Lord tbat I die not, but
ti shalt • ff th k.•
also thou unot cut o y end-
noses from my houee forever.
Then he speaks of a time when the
Lord shall have cut off all the en•-
mi s of Ill 'd
c avr front the face of the
th At their last meetin Jona-
eat • g •
than said "Thou shalt be kin over
.,..... a, 1. g ...
Jee t, t XT 17 ne '
_ _tie. _ eeedi a 1). . evidently
behel eli Go and loved and 'honored
him NV loan the Lorddelighted to
honor. it was, not merely kinelnese
that Jonathan askedof David, but
the kindness of the Lord; so after
Joeathan's death we hear David. in-
-uirin ,. "Is there yet that '
n• is
teft ofthebou I S TT; that 'crumbs
show ..51e , . e_c ° 711 14"a
. /I:* 4,,li.r(11.-1.e.s.s. or ,Jonathan'st
.11-, Ecei not I may-. SheW the
itandnees of God unto lam?" (II
aat, , . . ... _ _
''''''' a. IX, 1, :3 ) Weien .we ave
•learned to know • -anci enjoy 'The
, . , . .,
kmdness . and love of God our Say -
. a ... . •
tour (Tit in, 4), it should be our
reatest (Tit,
to show y o k
g. . . e . • , . N. r ma e
known that . loving kindness to
othera oven 1 ourif o
, o o enemies 1 e
have any. ..• •• .
16 17. And Jonathan caused Dave
. ' • • . . .er
id to swear again by his. love to-.
yard' hit I • 1 ' 1 h' 1
.\ - . n, et he l oved lin as le
loved his own sou,. e
I have Quoted oertly , from the
• -- ' •' '
margin. That Jonathan loven. hire
as his own soul is written again in
1. 3, where it is also said
that .the soul of Jonathan was knit'
Ivith the Fenn of David.. In his la-
mei:ital.:ion over hini be. said, "Thy
• ' •
love ,ta me wa.s wonderful, Paseana
.thalove'Of vo.raen" (II Sam, a 213),
The COOdOCt and. IVOI^CIS of 'Jonathan
are all so suggestive of, the greater
love of e greeter King's Sop, who
ilnye 14-11i1. 'Fria. ',•-•,1 1n' nlira nilrl ciftrin.-
Great increase of Deaths rrom the
Por salne years past
have been sounding an alarm on the
apparent rapid increase in tamer.
Their argument is based upon the of -
tidal mortality statistics of various
countries, which seem to show that
the number oil. deaths front mange
nant tumors is becoming. greater,
not ' only absolutely and in propor-
tion to the increase of population
but also in proportion to the (kettle
front all causes.
Thus in England in 1800 the. death,
rate front cancer was nearly sixty,
!eight per one hundred thousand ol
the population, and in 1900 it was
almost eighty-three per one hundred
thousand. The ratio of deaths from
cancer to those from all causes in
persons over thirty -live years of ago
was one out of twenty in 1890, but
in 1900 it was one out of twelve
Tito publication f these figares has
. . • • °, . - •
cr d i i lin oi teat uneasmest
eate a Le g g
in Eneland, and many tbeories haat
' `
been put forward 'to account fru
them. But as a matter of fact, Oa
is probably not so bad as
appears to be. Figures are no-
toriously misleading, and those 00
the' prevalence of cancer aro doubt-
less no exception to the rule •
In the first place, vital statistics
are becoming more accurate with
eacil Year, and 'fIgures are now ta-
turned from places whence none .catne
ten years ago. Again, physicians
are acquiring constantly greater ac-
curacy in diagnosis, and many deathe
whi,ch would formerly have been re -
till'Oed as from some other cause are
now put down to cancer, kno-ther
fact which softens somewhat the ter-
raying aspect of these statistics is
that the general. length ot life is ea-
creasing, lead therefore more people
Ova ea 1•11e• age, at Which cancer com-
monSy appeara '. .
These .facts c anno t , however, ex_
plain. away all the figures, and it is
uncioubtedly true that cancer. is in-
creasing more or less l'a')idi V But
, . , .
there, is a bright, side to this, as to
nearly all things, for the very fact
f 'lc* s 1. • 1. 11 all: -
o its 11 tea. e -las c 1 awn le Len-,
t• 1 .. , VI . . - .t.r, I ... • ail
' )033 0 . SC11.11 1 lt, la \ OS ,1,21t.ors it) a.
c 0 tintries to cancer, and each is v -
• ..11 tl i I • I I . '
in wt 1 .ie a ier iii tie a•lemot tof
• • . . "
solve the mystery of the disease end;
to discov r a 111.111S tO abate
, „„e e '' 1 ' '
'''''''''''. .... , A,
-USEFtrl'ANEas an Lizyr•rErx,S.
The leiter E is by for the moat
userul ill our alplitilica. 10 every
• . . , •
n000 leaeos need 3..i7 are 3.', s. 0
)105CIS neXt place, occurring eevaity-
ea: tanes 10 0301 1000 let:eerie-Q. -
X, alai. J each niir ea onee iti 4.
1.11,,,c2rinr1 Int.
„ .
.- .. , -• • . • •
• • •
A pianist m these days.has to eul-
eivate the s s t see 1 a00
eye o a o ,-.1
slots in one indnute, the Reims to
eke a. . l'a and the
rn. -,000 movoraen . , .
brain t a• . • •,• •
o uneleietana all thee°, signs
as well as direct all these inove-
. ' ' ' • ' . •
manta In playeng Webee's "MOto
perpetuo" a pianiet has to read 4, -
r.' • • • l' •
041 noes_ in less .than ,f0111 )1 tinutcs,
or about nineteen_ .1-set...set:once but
the eye can only receive abotot ten
coasecutive impresaioee per 8eco6d.
ao that in quick neesic it seems
that a player does net see -every
note singly nut, in. gaoupe nrobably
• . . s e'
a bar or -/11.010 at one VICIV. In 'the
secood, set of Chopin's •"Etede ' in
. „
le minor" it is 1 -weasel -try to read, ae
Many, as, :3,950 Signe in two and a
half . nunutes, or about twenta-six
,,,Inci vsn, c.nr,r1 rl