HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-20, Page 5THE PubWhed every Thurslay Xorn�Mg at the Wee. _11"be A,ov�CATE Ptl$l I1$.H I NQ ($0MPARY, One Dollar per qnAlun it pd4 In AdYAAM, V not so. Paid. —TfM,,— MAROS 08001 DNA HPAI) OVF10E,.XON-TA15!AL C;Ilpllal Ivahl Up, .6, 0 9,00C A general ranking business trausfkfted. Interes a Qst; favorable current rates allowed C11 eavin�o 040 aeoo. tsarld eposl� Rec, � e 1 OtterSOf 'edit, LMed� -�IPL%Iable in C, aP3 an. ot er ore, countries. 14 1 tters of ued to travellers in All 1) r 1; 0 we - . TH FYSHE, a—q_,%jp a os Inserted for long pgriods. Rierydeseription of JOB F-FHj;BDFN', IN srEakoa PUNTIS70 tumed out in the fluest 43,,le, d t all, I xpollente rate�. Ckeques, 111011ev orders for s s �ripdoas eiZ, jibe In Q� 1)3ya e III! 1DREDITON, IONT. Sanders & Creech, CWSAOLV., Manager, plVa -OTIBR if. KlNsZfAQN. 4D.S.. 8; DR�� A. R. RINS, HAN, UP.&I FXD.$., Honor grOqato� of Z Tore"to lvaiverlKy. V% r% T's y DENTISTS I I I A L3 I Te4t&i extrxpted ivitkout any pain, cr znv h3d efrez!ts T - wg5; reef, U U and UoTal JAB, MURRAY & CO, QW431te of 04:qagasehoal of Prosthetic Dentistety (with bonoTable Inention') utiminum. Gold Ind vulc;xuito Plate$ M440 In 00 A perleVtV h4rnllffs 1- S I L 0 R I N 0 6 Offico one doorsputit stQ;V. zxgter. A NNO CEMENT MIXERS DIt, T. l?. WL&VORMN. I)IRRUER OF THE Cojjc�-g of ftystelans and Sumgeo" 00TArip. VA"e Ila Ve for 53le omee. Pash. WQ0.0at I Boiler So h. P. r. John A "Wilson. 0-111ee qndResIdewe, I Boiler 40 h, P. Qneens Ave-� Wnlftl Ont, $IWial AtkIlU00 I Boiler and E lsa . ngme pi;4410d�sp, notwoluell. 030,0houlp. 12,33 to 4 80 _h. P. I Boiler and Encrine 14egal. I t* 16 1A.P. Castings of every, DeScription it) Brassanit Iton to order, SRI,, Pipe and r. ittings of all sizes kept Constantly In stoel'. Farm. I= mon�v 0, Imp, Qfflm, farnwry 91,19ot JIM MURRAY 40K 00m G V I Ury 0 F IN F 'A N T I C 11). Windsor, Aug. 17.-Ellit, Rich of Stratbroy, it Pretty 11illeteen-v IELBROWN, Winfheloe& Limped Mietioneer , eor-olil Vtr tho Counties of porlit and 3fiddl;;ex. girl, with engaging inanupt"Z, is under, also for the town -hip of Vobarile. S;klc3 proulptky arlest ILE pullco headquarteis the self. Attelift1toand terius rtmonable. confessell ulurtlere, , gi, 'At poit ofte, wiwbelwx. i�� of her fell alo child, whose bod was taken front 3tbe river under tho.N�&cllig3ll Centrol (look e MOISOnS here this inurning, Where she had Th Bank thro*wnit. (ch"kTterej by Parliament. 1555 ) llem) 01111�e, 31ontrn, 1. DIED FROM LOCRITAW. Ayllner, Ont., Aug. V. -A slid and Paid tip Capltitl.. *­­-, $2,500,10 MIUS1141 death fron) I00kjaW Occurred Reserve Fund ........ __=0,000. thisafternoon oil Dingle street, just east of A'� Imer. Twelve days ago Mr.;. nearly throughherfoot. Tliewoundwasap. —EXE TER BRAN011— parelitly healing Nvoll, mid nothing Illore was thought of the accident un. Woo houni*�10 a.w. to 3 pao; Saturdavt 10 aan til Tuesday last, when site was not feel to It %),in. Ing well a;d came to town to constilt Ageneral baulcingliusinesstransacted it Phybiciall. She was then stiffewing Showats Xonpyaftnee,l to good Fannon at l0vest ratm doingfitirl-v %vell until to -day, when Sayings Bank Deposits froin $1 rind upwards reeelv- shoNvossuildenly taken with convul. ed, IntereatiiUoivedatlxlgbesteurrentr.%teLs. sions'llaving three ill raVd succession, DICKSM; & 0.kttn;,a( X. A 11C and diedabont three o'o ock thisaftet Sol � ano." - mvesabu�sbasidand tw(; Itom. M.111ager. tiomi. Slicle obiloren. OFF FOR THE HARMT, THE� MAIZICET0. PIRIE, DEAD. - * , I , Vheat ;in 141t1c9t Detalls of W king th" !"t eve, ml� A nr ;1ex4inder P. P;2le'. e oj"o')z s of t: �0 and NUMBERS OF NORTHWEST IFX-, Markets Of TIZIPQria 'ller of The plin I 4.gs Bann CuRsTONISTS FALLING OFF. Monday Rviling, Aug. 17, 0 died at 10 Volock, justit week front Toronto St. Lawrence, Market. the time whea be 'fired the shot through his brain. ffe ha 1 4 1 . egaineii I RecelPt4 generally at St. Lawrencq� conscionsilqss SlIffinient Many People, Taking AdvantA of, Uarkof this inor " were Itgbt and trade to speak, bu ge v�g a Thenir n receipts a did not SAY all 'thing about ti) - tra pserit Clica t alllet. Vat moll , I p Ratts,_$pecial bushels. riled e 9- I 044 -Three hundred Trainq Y estorday Lqaded. buslipls 0914 At M%e to 3734-0 Per bushel, Dresie4 Hogs. -The movement In hogs, HEAD CRUSHED, To Plup� continues light, aqd trad0js Quip light-welghts are quoted unoll . t� Choice ingecl At 49 Toronto, Aug, T8, Tile first to $$.76 per owt, til l -About 2Q load a former resident of Elmwood, lVi1q) 4arvesters' excursion Hay, of the Can, , -a of new b sold wen Sound lastvareb, vva$ at P to '" per ton, There, was AQ70id of� moved to 0 adia to the :fering. Pacific Railw4y instantly killed this ,Etra,w-whtre was none on I afteinooll in all -Nor4hwest took and the A"ArMt atwidentAmtbe. farin of 1A7R1jv,, , G. place QuOtatiolis are norninal at p per ton, 3ix special trains, loaded with I Bell, a well-4-nown contractor oil the iarvest Vhc Visible supply, ollt-�klrtsof the town. At tluo renI-AWS QUO Root COMP00114, g ,ci4$,j1eft Ontario for Manitob if, .4. lit -w of Mr. Bell's re�&Ience is a, stepp, priv. 7avogite, $,v the 'Aug -19"01, I .great scarcity of farm �VbqAt ate roadway, Ts 'tile, 0417 gafe, :rQ-_b1# .aborers in this which leaas dolvii by on 'W�4ch wotnaA Province tile outcome porn 5,4;�S,QW 1g,7$j,0�a windingroutetotberiver. The road af the excursions this year was Pwait- Data .. .. .. ... 1,044M Is urteren. with trees at tile at) �qan, laepQnd lli4 the'4Q;m 0 ­ ". 141" M71%9 193%w t, gle (4 Unae of lzeea,l, -d w44 considerable interest, and while . 1. .1- *_ '31"'Jost every turm Right at e 3ro.000 191,(W g,6w,w of those w1lo left by yes- �Sbarp drop 1,41 *the road occurs Alul No. 2 the number topa Pre�unrfili In two dezca� Of )eat aecreased tile Past weelp 04i'm t: the ar below the first start of the Z -F rr teirday's trains -was f A inclillesome of the 1=4�r Jay's excursionists of last ye ats decreased M,(M b4shels. IS by far t��gt 4qm� the sed jkiiw) bu -wax-4 , ajj4 0 decrea. sliel slippe(I fox the borse ran it meac4ae known. Jecrease. was� not as larg , o, a. & year rvq'. ,e as some of, ag wat decreased busbols.", Half -svity down tile hill, when goiug at or sgevlal �45!,S-IQ Q.-grea the railway officials had 4.expeett x0fle speed, th Atroar-thne 49IMPS per Dqx� the three trairls Icavill& Toroato, were Witish cattle Malrket� W;M,�goa dashed lo. 1Adk,*-a*k your grugq�st for tOM e- The Victim's head was emish, C000tt Uoot VornVonwd- T_,'6 -,2l no, otliar �Ome, people, and those on two (.5pecial cable Peapatch to The 01obe.) ed to It pulp and wedged into tbe angle va all Pills. mlxtur�s ar-d i.m5muripps additional specials front 0 A London. Aug. States cattle, formed by t.b es It aw w1heel, 04 rilliA. on tile #,d; Can, ,bans eang, rolus. No, I And N - 2 nr6 z6l� 1 dland, brought tile 51 Mi 'Ad; :sheeP. 6%4; tmos e spok: up a rig I to In the D -Amb r t arm- was toro from tile V dv4.gk1st in ul 04Y U,41�1 -to !I , itgk4p fqjrl��vpt to about T,7Q.Q. On August ed many awity. while the- 0`4 ZQ Of last year, the day of the montroal Live ft0k, left arm _ was terr . feet 1)1�ath first northwest excursion, thcrt Werc X911tTe0l, AU9. 17.­Trad4,F, at the R4at� of vour.tiet, was instaneous. A QAo '42S passeligers for Winuipog, It wai , rn Abattoir Vattle Narkei iiag good, - a - Widow day. ur.0 Prices � to ad three daUghtersi SurVIV( , wc-re rair. �Kr& I @Q1 A Subject of comment it flu- station vattle-ftepolpt I VWz-rM_- I . I anlounted to 1, D head� 001 of the tragedy was Afty�fjve yeal-s yesterday that many of those who wero Most of which 'were of I; tilhiu,v advitiltage of the .004 WOW', Tho, of agq. cheap rates demanil for them watj gj)oo, 4a _ . a At nOO4 were in reality citizens wl4o, were not 100 remained umold. Prices ranged m.; fQl- intending to work ill tile harvest fields. butchers'. 4c ip 4%*q. gwd, Stratfill 41, A lig. 13� - couriltl -Ke.- l4g. Z%c to 4c. inedium, %o to 3%q, oinnion, A large number of the to 3%e. 4.motuiteil tQ Fall Fairs three IIIIA) :I p�4jj og were 4159 worinell, who had postponed 1Q0 bend. tile Quality bein Q-,;tly 1101; w4or and i7tas,41-Ily z -e 4ded Tito do f CO.nj- Toronto ...... -AuRX.Sep. I , :14, I'lt their trips to the Ilorth"vest to, take "'o". , itiand W-45 gopi$. and at noon 1,4� the hipi and back. 4 ;44 Adyantag@ Of,the cheap rates none Rmatile , d unsold. Poor a q_k go Loadon...- .......... 115 to ld 9 1 at �Z to, V3, And, good ...... . 21-1 ilk V;iip. ;ind tha TQ�day all, of the exeursiquists from. demand for eal - at ;3 tQ ;14. QoQ4. Zurich ...... little fellow, died float the igajuth.%i It. VeS. Shei�pr and lAmbs - roronto to Sarnia on the Grand Recelpts of sb�ep amoun, celved. led to W* hea4l, Trunk and all other stations west and tiloft of laniba to � h T 4 am ead. Ito ,sheep brought from ac to 3%v, jambs selj� Ails.;%, Craig ............. 29430) ing At $2 to V10, The demAn4 jigs g69c .1 Blyth ........... Oct. 0,7 nor"i t not, north of Toronto and C rdveW"Junctrion, will be taj�-en to tor export pheop. of bogs X "o CREDIT""N it ................. the west, The number Who parlici- amounted to 40Q head, The deinglid , , P3tcd ill tile trip. on, this d4y Ja�t year 9004l And prices ia4ed from olic, to u. _ Parkhill.., . ............ was Z4773, P, t Rijffnl_ ^q*i The territory front which yeqtcrda3�s V cUtIrsiouists A RgAt 8=410, Aug. Iy.- 'Vero recruited iIICll1qt3, 4AM h�d- -j__ 5ivision of tbe (44iuj 'I'runk north I IrOutO and Cardwell, All the� trains in the inc)rning br sters. and the first 10 Icft`o`i14Itt1i1`c1 ar North IRA), train a tt 1.4$ in the 10011- TWO Specials followed' There will not, as a tilAttcr oj jact, be au ing harvesters required from the c t by as is year as have been asked for,i in the past two years, One reason I for this'is the condition of the north. western crops, which are not as abun. dant, although with the increasesC, acreage the total yield is not cxpea-,d to fall much behind that of last year, There are, too, very mally more hands ill Uanitoba Ind the T�rritories thN i,ear. a fact that will be readily aRpre- ciated when it is stated that tile 1-ana- dian Pacific tip to the end of July had .Sent into Winnipeg quite one hundred special immigraht trains, Last season eastern Canada iVpl)licd probably i8poo men to work in tile, harvest holds of the west. This year front 8,000 to 10,000 will probably be the outside mark. It has been found that with the demand for farm labor in Ontario at good wages there is less disposition for the young men to leave their farms here and seek work in tbe west. From Ontario the Canadian Pacift is running three excursions, which, it is hoped, may tal,*,e out front 4,500 to 4,8co harvesters. If these three, how- ever, do not gather in men enough then another series of excursions will. 1'. — A BRUTAL ATT.&OK- Bicycles! Owen Sound, Aug, 12. -The wife of A PAINTER'S FALL. In it highly respected Bay street resident to 'We are still in the Dievele trade Is I(luked ill) in thO Police cells tO-night Mr. I Brimmell of Lindsay Meets In and, this vear show some line sneci- charged With a most serious crime. With a Terrible Accident, at Chicago Live stock. I Montreal Grain and Produce, �kreal. Aug. 17­13raln_j%tvLrkot Ila oth for local And export trado, And are steady. 4Ne. 2 oats Afloat, 350 ; oats In store, nSo tot* local trade; No. ;, Ole 111911 and 7 , lo afloat ; N`O. 3 ex - trio gi 43c middle and Sic afloat. fee -ManitoUa -bran in 'bags, $17 to On In ruens. The OUS'11TON FRAME is day 11301,111ng, it. Nvoinan nalned Eimlial Boyce wits it[; her hoine on Bay Lindsay, Aug.. t& -Mr. John Brint- to $1.75; extra bags, si,m to si.oD:b'w'ln`­­ ter wheat Patents. ;B.SO to $3,90; Manitoba lirst the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices tuod.- erate. strept north, when it. woman, it stran- met]. painter, while at work on a high Patents, U.35 to $4.50 in bags; second Pat- ents, $4.05 to $440; FUNERAL OF A. F. PIRIE. 14 ger to bet-, but whom she af terwards scaffold inside Cambridge Street strong bakers', $3.60. Meal -The market for oatmeal Is steady. T.New Pianos identified, entered the house unan. nounced. She walked deliberittely up ' INfethodist Church, which is'being re- and prices range from $3.1.10 a barrel and ;1.85 in bags for broken lots. SeveratNew Pianos in to the Boyce woman Ind dashed tho painted, overbalanced and fell a dis- tance of twenty-five feet. His shoul- Beanp-Cholce primes, si,so to $1.p5. Provisions-11eiLvy Canadian short cut just put stock ; nowest styles Aid the best contents of it. small bottle of carbol, " ders were broken, and his head terribly pork, $19 tO $21.; light i5hort out. sig; com- Pound refined lard, 814,c to 9c- pure Cana - makes. It will PZv You to see them. hand, which bad evideritly been grei ` crashed. Drs. Clark- and Collison are -i dian lard, 9%e to joi�,, finest a'W,10�4c to You will be surprika at the LOW PRICES at which we sell them. ed asnn antidbte to the acid, she ri b- bed the chemical into tile wotuarisface in attendance, but hold out no hope of recovery. Mr. Brimmell is now lym.- 1111c; hams, 134e to 14%c; c, b . 14C to 15c, Itye hogs, $6.25 to 36.50; fresh killed aba'ttoir hogs, $9; American them were a number of people from 3 distance, and tl I ley included outside and. eves and then made her esea e at the point of death at his residence, clear backs, 43-76; clear shoulder nnrk SiR Kn f Organs of the - Latest ' * Stupia with pain, the woman groped Colborne street. makes always in stock around ina half blinded condition, and then with the aid of the sight of the 19 WHEATLET left eve, -%vbich had not, been destroyed FUNERAL OF A. F. PIRIE. 14 Sewing Machines &c. totally,came tip town and consnIted " pbysician, after which she laid the The Remains Followed to the Grave We are leaders in Sewi ng Ala- case fi, the l.ands of the authorities. by Many Frie nds. chines -the best machines that the trade produces are on ovir floor f or Tile girl will lose th!� sight of one eye and pos-sibly the sight of I oth, its tile Hamilton, Aug. i8. -The funeral of C j N your illspEdion ; also repairs Need - left optic is burned with the acid. 'lie late Mr. A. F. Pirie of The Dun- T les, etc., for all kinds of sewin- nia- B, I ailforthe release of the wcmau -Il das Banner took place yesterday after- D st chines, always oil hand. custodvIinsbeelinfusecl. She indirl- noon in Dundas, and a large crowd of D Call aDd see us if ii -i ueed of nalitly' denies the charge, and bet- I f riends C-11LID1,that she will prave : n sorrowing friends followed the remains M to their last resting place. Amon- INI any of the above. alibi. The afflietvd woinati, Eunu;i Bolee, has a lot g police rer ot d, ai d them were a number of people from 3 distance, and tl I ley included outside only recently %vab disch;irged froin the newspaper men. The services were Sp 0. NIARTIN, 11jercer, where sheservvd one year fir deserti!,,� cofiducted by Rev. William Clark of ce 9' �iccqssors';1o!.T� on , her child. Itisaswwedtb:it London, a relative. The followin- No :Co'bb10d.IZ&, b, "b" " I is guilty of the (rime w"s were pallbearers :-Messrs, John Ro�'s no GO TO THE proftipted by jealous motives. Robertson, propri,2tor of the Toronto t' no Evening Telegram; Andrew Pattullo, tir En -EXETER BOLLER LLS M.P.P., of the Woodstock Sentinel- 7Y2 I Review,, Hon. Thomas Bain, ex- 7% Spealcer the House Commons 7L of of ; anies- Somerville, ex-M.P.; T. H. A. s Begue FOR Clerk of the County Court, 6 Y_ - and F. D. Souter, Dtindas. 61/fi PURE MANITOBA My hair came out by the hand- 6s 00 FORTY WERE KILLED _s full and the gray hairs began to ne CHOICE FAMB"ILY FLOOR creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped & bair from com- Se By the Collapse of a Vessel's Upper -u*1 ­--axicario, 1OV20; townships, IOUc; Uebec, gvc, Butter— Townships creamery, 19c to kc; Quebec, 187he to Iftic; western dairy, c to 16c. Leading Wheat Markets. Closin PreVious day. To -day. Vpt. Dec. Sept, Dec. hicago ...... .. 83% 83� 821/ , 321,; ew York ...... :., 88% 881/4 Sil 87�j oledo .. .... ... .. 84% 4 $37/3 847% uluth, I nor 90�, 89% . Louis ...... 8137 85 etrolt, 2 red .... 8 4 �'-_ 85% 821 11waukee 2 nor. 99 .1 95 inneapolls 81% British Markets. Aver.Pool, Aug. 17.—Opening—Wheat ot firm ; No., I standard California Per- atal, no stock - Walla, 6s W_d to 6s 7d; . 2 red wInte;, 6S 5d to 6s 51/2d; No, I rthern.Z.—ranitoba, 6s 9$4-d to 6s 10d. Fu - res steady ; Sept., Gs 67/ad value ; Oct,, nitnal ; Dec., 6s 67Ad value. Corn—Spot ; mixed American per cental, new, 4s d to 4s 7%d, F utures dull ; Sept., 4a AVO like best to call scom MIULSION phaticall), for perfoct nutrimm. And yet in the mat In- appetite, ot aer ej mz iA giving nw,7 a stretigth to the tissues espodA�Y to thit lwrves, its aWon ti f of me4icine, ' "kni for free IAMP.10� Twon NCOTr soc. and $t.Qo. all BUSINESS CHANCE! Having purehased the buslne&i4 1 of Mll� Robt. Sweet and taken pos- session I ant now open tot, business and solicit tile Patronage of the pumhasing pilblie. Boots and Shoes We carry it foll line of all, kinds of bouts Itud shoes. Harness We havo also a first-class stnel, of light and beavy harness, and we pay particular �Ittention to re. pairing. TRY US AND BE CONVINCED AS TO OUR BUSINESS DRALING, G. HOUSE. VWArAA1 rh IbLbl We are gi pug w'wiellent 30�fadtion es!nee ite. modellingour mill. GRISTINClaaa CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SWEITZER I I'vo have just roveive'do gimirl. tity of the be'st glado SIT land couleat fol- presplot flelivery. Clottl Kirksto he rtfirriwd firw*. Can lickbad at either 0-istialiJ tv Exeter Storebonses. Wool Wanted ") Ills. wool vaialed, for ,which the, highest maiket prico. will lie paid. Rveelved lit Exeter and Ct.11- tralia, Warellon8es. Jos. Cobble"d3iclir. THRILLING EXPERIENCE Of Motorman Waldenj In the employ *f TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. DID NOT WANT TO GIVE UP WORIC BUT WAS FORCED TO DO 60-TgLLS HOW FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS HE HOVERED ISETWEEN LIFE AND DZATH, TREA-raD Sy THE BEST PHVSICIANS IN TORONTO AND 141S CASE PRONOUrzclejo So SERIOUS THAT HE WAS ADVISED, As A LAST RESORT, To USE THIE DIL SLOCUM TRFATMENT-IS NOW IN GOOD HEALTH AND SLE88136 THF D" HE HEARD OF THIS MARVELLOUS REM111:13Y. u nomInal; Oct., 4s 7%-d nominal. F lour Mr. Alfred Walden, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, Nvlio After using this valuable treatment for some little dinne'apolis, 21S 6d to 22a 9d. : bas been in the cmploy of the Street Railway Corn- time, the cough stoppod, pain in 1�ft lung ceased, iverP001, �01015e.—Wjieat—Spot fIrm No. gaanty for amumber ol'years as motorman. informs us appetite improved and nig-lit sne-uts ivere checked; tandard California, no stock ; Walla, 68 he had an attack of la grippe, fallowed by and in about tbree months he was able to go back to d to Gs 7d; NO, 2 red winter, 6s 5d to, 6S typboid fever, and arter inany weeks of suffering it work, feeling as Nvell as ever. ha to resulted in acomplication ofthroatand lungtroubles. When intervieNvedi AIr. NValden secmed to be in d; NO, I northern Manitoba, 66 91 10d; futuz-es quiet ; Sept., 6s 6:yLd value. During this illness he was under the care of one of the best of spirits and expressed himself in the rnosb t.; GS 6%d nominal; Dec,, 6a 67/sd. 'Cor� the best physiciang in thits city, wbo pronounced it a grateful terms, as he consitiers biniself completely pot firm;, mixed American per cental very serious case and advised him to stop work, cured and in the enjoyment ofgood health. W, 4s 7Yzd to 4s 7a/,Id; futures quiet which he Nvas firially mmpallcd to do. 'Wbat the Dr. Slocum Remedies have done for pt., 4s 7%d. value; I Mr �Valden heard ab6ut the Dr. Slocum Remcdies Mr. Walaen bas also been accomp!Uied in thousands Oct., 4s 7%d value, �Ild �onlmenced their. use and after using them but of other holieless cases, which testimollials Nve have our—minl�eElPolls, 21s 6d to 22s 9d., for a few N�ieks be notic 6 Ing out ana restored the color. Dec passage Gray, No. Salem, Mass,. Hel-,- for- Fin' -w-1 A Q A C611 NVI MTs. M. D. ky BEST PASTRY There's easure in U6. � . . - Pa. terrible accident - occurred o'n Lake Wn da, (Pvit�cess) such A prepani- Tykojarvi yesterday. IThe upper deck wo of a vessel ' conveying people from coi WHEATLET .6ffering tion as Ayer's Flair,Vigor., church collapsed, ;Ind 4orty perSojIS bu (Breakfast Food) It giVeS L to. all who s U e it re dro,ner or killed, and many W er-1 others were injured. Me 'A -good supply Of . Alillfeed S�ch S�atlsfaction. "Ille fin ter aild Chop al,�ays on halad.',, hair becoines thiAer, Train Fatality, in Saxony. eel agi Gi-ve oiir' Flour and Feed longer, softer,'ilid more 'Arid Zwickau, Saxony, Aug. 17—A pas- ste Senger tr . aill was defailed ta-day be., av, a tri�%I, aiyd be 6onvin'ced tbat� glossy. yo� feelLso, lu tween Rothenkirchen And Obei-Krin- sco itz, Three,' ki it i� all right. securd in usinar SU h nl' C persons were ed and me forty ured. Roller and -Plate grinders in old and:reliable: prepara, we,re1rij 20s to., suit c 11on. $1.00 a bDi m� A 1�4r 6 I H Ing � � Attending Army Matioeuvresi d cafinot smPly, 3,on. if Your r send ... War; ' I -us and we wi e b .' 17.- -The C�ar wil St. Peters urg,' u k to.Lel� an, Czarfiia:h I ave Mft'St,� ,atvby Bibs �1­1_1� younbottle. Bes, a i oth Uft I of'70111"nearpot exp S 6.1 J.C1 A-1 0 1 .1letersbUtg atfctid �ihe:artiiy: in the Vl� Cal n 'ity of Psk"o 6" i"'I coi 9' �iccqssors';1o!.T� on , well ' '- � I I , 'L ;: _;_� the'Town,-' I Li �of ., I'L ' ' ' I I'� ' ' ierc;: :Co'bb10d.IZ&, b, 7_ . - ': ":, :%try Inarkets of Sab �W_h at on. Da e -12eat on c I a grea mprovement. oq, e. ,els Kar mth& in-AlIew Discover.vlhat Cures Consu'mkim, Corn on 1. Mon - r Thebr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cure for Humanit 's Greatest Fall. English y [AS, quiet Four Marvellous Free Remedies for all sufrerers reacting this Paper. New Cure Lge, bu I y� for Tuberculosis, Consumption, Weak, Lungs, Catarrh, ;and a rundown SySterrt' "4 I hard Do you, cough V Is your appetite bad? 4 pa!3sage Do�yout lungs pain yotlo 0 .1 110W Are y ur lungs ddlicate?� '14 s 9d Par- Is your throat s.pre. and inflamed? Are you losing flesh? im, �,pass- -Do, you spit, up, phlegm? Are pale and thin? t, YOU OV6 tt., Does your head, acheil Do you lack stamina? he , , I I Calcutta. These symptoms are proof that'y6u have in your body the seeds of- the most Aug- 4ange �consurnption. . , rpus malady thlat has� ever devastated the earth-, northeth' ou are invite d to. test what this system will' do for you, if kou are sick, by 3�,,Sept.,, writing ; f.�O r a FREE TRIAL TREA T I MENT -F orei, I I ' , � .1 �Ur h firm i and the Fo 4.P_arat,ona, wal be forwarded you at once, with complete directions fo I r uRL. .an grin, Tb6 Slocurn' gy'stefil 'is a positive cti�e rot Cons I�M�lon, t1lat trost lns;dious disensp, andjor all Lun steady4 Troubes.ani Diso,�d6rs; 6ompIicjjt.e4,:by,'L S I ,Cougbs, Catarrh, st ma, lironohitis�ang pf'6d; `15eart Troubles.' oS lesh "a S' )ly N,�Lri'te to the T. A. Sl&,�ril Chernical'Ciornpaty, Litnited� rJ9 Icing Street We . st, Toront 6;;giving Ush, Pon 0 00 b p�d -,vrbss.ixddress,'.1ind the free medidiae (the Slbdurn Cur0will �e romptly se4t. i Tempos in Canada g Sldcm�s froe' offier in Ant�ilcan, pAyos w4l p6a qjn �'or� t d f IWI