HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-20, Page 4_
. .
l'N;gt,Cr: lie ... 4 ; Ex -Premier Lord: Salisbury,. the
tillkhlirCe ' ' ORBETT THREW
stateeinee is sermesly t ,
ill, Chi:zone Extend Warm Welcome to
Saeaders tte Otteeohe Props. UP THE SPONOE . i
1 v.t.
Thet S. fishing barki, the Silver
SPeity, got only what it deserved on
Wednesday, the lethwhen the Ca-
nadian revenue ontter Petrel poured
owe tweuty shots into the Anted/mu
vessel. Te Sliver Spray WAR poach-
ing me the Canadian side a Lake Erie.
The robber must c& tie the risk he
rens of having, a bullet sent ;after him.
if he persists in his work. Of eoorse
the flebeetnen oti the other ..ide of the
bike threaten veugeanve in one hund-
red difeereut forms eitt the United
States government understands the
agreement between their eountry and
Canadre regardeig, fishing on the lakes,
well euougit ii know that the ilei' -
men who violates the taw carrie-s hie
own risk. It Ss claimed by the Captain
oe the Spray that he was in American
wds.If he *ten make his tile
the tenet lies erith the captain of the
Petrel. We think, however, that the
coptehe of the veventie cutter new
whet he was doing, It is mit the firtt
time t het Ametleau boats beve Wen
eanght la the aet of poaching.
After nYer seven Feat s of struggle t
neeintein existence the London New
has been foreee, teem lack of sopport,
t et tse up shop. Every effort was ex.
liatt;sted to create 4 Held fop ;tli lnde.
pendeet lever in the eity of Loudon,
but the people of that eity awl of the
surrounding etnintry wonlil not have
It They we tan thorough gotttg
grit and tory en their Mief 1e, I Well
not hole to 5oppet t ;k paper of h. leveled -
eat vuews. The controlling spuds; tea
the paper 11111144 ialiqt,ike, in snii.
IttlFmez tit at there, W.15 cleee of peo-
ple hi the province who were indepeud-
Qnt pellitieally, The idea is onlv
111'„Vti1. The penile may tent independ.
ewe lint it I9 :1114 rah. 'Mien it eona a
to aetion they silp off the fence on to
one side or the other. We levee eeen
this over and over and have come t
cimsider the really independent man
as a usighty scarce ertiele. The news
made a breve fight end at timea Mei
excellent work'. We regret that it has
to go down and out as there Is Eta 60
mueh independence in the jonrnallsm
Centeln that we eon Afford to lose
Hon. A. ft. Weir, ex-minieter of rail.
ways. who resigued from the govern -
»lea t rather than accept the responsi-
bility a fatheriug the Senator Cox"
Gaud Trunk Pacific Scheantedenounc-
ed the government's policy in Parlia-
ment as one which was decided upon
while the cabinet were in a condition
tifehyeteria. He declares that no husi-
ewes nem would think of endoising t
measure of the magnitude of the Grand
Trunk Pacific., involving as it does an
expenditure of $100,000,000. Mr. Blair
scored Sir 'eNtelfrid Leerier for dating
to form such a wild deal on the public,
when Senator George Cox is the min-
eipal beneficiary. Right ou the eve of
Parliment, the ex -minister declared,
when all the ministers had their hauds
full and had no time to devote to the
question,it was thrust upon them. He
beseeched the government to stay its
hands for two years, and have a thor-
ough survey made before proceeding
with the work. Mr. Blair submitted
that. not only would the expenditure
reach over one hundred milhons of
dollars, but it would destroy the Inter -
colonial Railway in which $03,000,01:0
is invested. The project had been
broachee. without consulting any per.
son Who knew anythi ng about milroad-
ing and was an outrage. This is the
opinion of the one man in the Laurier
government who knew anything about
railways. How can the people accept
the deal in the face of such adverse
critieisin ?
•211.06.. 0111.•••1•0
No fewer than L250 Cenadians regis-
tered at the High Cornmissioeer's Of-
fice during May, :Tune and Jelly.
A new Trolley Railway has been
opened front London South to Lam-
beth. Although officially opened it is
not fully ballasted nor equipped.
At the Maskoka, Liberal Convention
held in .Bracebridge on Aug. 13, to
nominate a candidate .for the local
Legislature caused by the death of
the late Dr., Bridgeland, Dr. Hart, of
Huntsville, was the unanimous choice
of the convention.
efr. Goldwin Smith, the distinguish-
ed Canadian Publicist, entered on bis
eighty-first year on Thursday last.
He hes been a resident of Toronto for
the past thirty-two years and during
that time he has unceasingly labored
Lor the elevation of journalism and
the promotion of public eclucittion un-
til his name has become a household
word in England, the lend of his birth,
In Canade, the land of his adoption,
aid in the United States. He always
speaks his conviction with frankness
and thereby gained man y enemies and
received ranch severe criticism, but has
lived them all down. With increased
age he shows no lack ot literary, a.ctiv-
i by ztnd in.tin tains the proud position
of eying one of the foremost citizens
oe Aineelea.
It has been definitely decided that ;
the 17031(1 Or the etakiStre4urt Gutirdsl' San leranetsco, Auetuet 14.-Jauies
will be in 'Toeonto during the at week ' 4. Jelieries, ebanteion heavyweight of
ot the Dominion Relidation Thhse the world. played wtth Jun Covbett
who have heeled the oanctsayi;that he.t'r fpr mewls and a half tie -night.
are as foe Allred of the late anGod- tune then Corbett's secouds motioned
frey's Bawl as Godfrey's was Aimee Ot J tO Referee Graney to stop the egbe in
the ordinary heed, order to save their Ma,n froOl rieedlez3R
I aftel..` the beginning of the tenth roma
e lc enisltment. The end came shortly
The fifth eongress or Chainbere of 1 when jeifeekes planted one of Ws 'ter-
eteneteree of the lerltish Empire open- Ilene swinge oh Corbetts etoniach.
ed iu Monteted et 10 o'clock 5foodeet The nem who conquered .john L. Sul -
morning. Ss hunch -fed of the euTt liven dropped to the floor to ttreot age
pronaluent melt in commercial 'Gird.. 6 otty and the memorable scene oe one
ht the empire are there assembled.„,i soli ity. when. Bob Fiezeiininons landt
'eels is the firse titete a ten g resee has‘, ed hie solar pleete mow was alinost
had a meeting outskie.of ttnieland ail ,Ifeetelieetee. This thee, however.. tette
it is h eoneettefon to the geeekt_nm's t) ; hett straggled to his feet, and ag"iin
the CA-numereisi i2 et or VP liana y ticed his gigantic adversary., with
the t she ehould he eheSeln 46 the, plac_ei beentF 4 moguenrs he:At:Ulm Jeffries
of meeting. One of the great; tnemes &wimp; ids tight aial again landed on
to lie discussed is,"Chantheatin's Fit Corbett's sten-etch, Jim dropped to
L"1I Plate' for A preferential trn e , the floor.. and then it, was th4 '41,,,m,.
titeougleettt Lbe entPlret U is 11°1 my” Ryan, seeing tintt it was all over
known that all the eommeteial laudies motioned to referee e.e . t9 SrOp
/f th,>•t•Anpuv all,' ilO favor %4preft;ren- 1 puitishntent, The tight tonight de--
Val trade,- 4 strong eestenttee et'°44 monstrated beyond all doebt that
this cougress wotallel votere a deterntin-Ileeettertee steeee „lone IQ his cuss.. He ,
tion that Parlietneut wield noe with- sheered remerteewe improvement
stmtd- Win $11eIli a l'evitalli"11 be re" both speed one seillt, Corbett, durIng I
coded? the first pert of tile fight. was almost
e e. opt -pointed. and the few blows that lie
landed on jelferles apparently were.
Timm or TH•NER'VE, .,..
Witlintit s;:. Jelterlee Wile never in
JI 1)1. aletord Cage': eve ims"e bettee condition. He looked lighter
in the -New York Times tneira,Ing. "Le about im his feet, and the frequeney
heard Or read for saint?' tinie„oPPttlem than IISital Mad the Way he mewl
right of Catuule. to exerci5e sine June. with el - ei b d
diction over fludena Idt,tY. ril, linfle! leads astonished everybody. Corbett.
Inland sen$, it is preposterous "to thlk really heamer thn hi:, ever. opptleared„ 1
f such it Iniglity body of water being Ile seerueil to IlitYt, 106tS001P of 15 (44.
hint to the largest of the ll'Ortd cl c.ci to hinomoked verv light. but sv,ts
asserts that Hild6mt 4.435'. l'elng tee in comparisou %vitt% the big limn oppitee
dused '`g3igs-, t4C' 1‘`ti="2 41'4 en-rtne,5e„8 time sued. awl skill doling the early ;(
'It Meg` eeogetqwe eitheA, "n" wc't't- pate or tile fight, but Ode may have
Hamilton, Aug. Mt -Every citizen
!` did hie or her hest yesterday to make
the first day of the Summer Carnival
ittost enjoyable for the thousands of
visitors, who have arrived or the icier
days' celebration. Hamilton ;lever
looked prettier. The streets are crowd-
ed with people bent upon making the
I1 cooldtiwbei%e:aeafexeltc.ant41,0104iia au Ay q;te;e14i4ayl tv,,I10-
o.ayed at the earuivel heedeearters on
leore street east and, registered. The
1 committee who have the arrangemente
i in., hand are delighted with the resits
; of daeir labors, which have extended
I; 4::::,..t- IA, ..twat will be their r4 -
over a peried of several months.antl the
indicathene -are that the immense 411P -
i Merchante and other* who have gone
i to a lot of expense fitting tip theh'
i Peentieee and homes are to be emigre-
telated for wItai they have dene in the
t?! 'ryzy of jtuttiaig the city. in holiday et-'
tare. idloge end bureeng are to be
Set.'n On all sidet.
The carnival eolore of course pre-
; dominate. bat there is a geed display
of recie white and hInle. and AllleriCan
;! flags are entwined with the UlfliQa
1.1 Jad; in TIPPOT a the eld heye front
11, tieroes the line. Everyone 5verne to
have had the good idea that what W• O'
rig haValti41“41ifintgle Clgediltlitt.clanntil
the Gore exterier are particularly at-
treetive, and this edds to the general
tractiveness of thiegs. Yesterday Re -
leg WaS 4011e by the citizene and
ROTS. SAVO in move around freely
meeting and exchanging greetings with
Tends. Beyond a laerOSSV Mateh 111
atter-noon end a rea5eed band colleen at
Dundurn Park laet nightehere wa5 eery
little to attract the atientiOn of the
visitors and citizens from the main
streets, which are overcrowded,
which auy reltenie Iota European pow-
eet understand what such Imatiu-s4 been (hie Jeffeela marvelons heti
means by reflecting ma the acceptance taxwerneut,
er to close the Mediterranean would
meet at the hands of the world at Rensall
and Potential in wArintaining the Polk7 spendirei a few days at her home here.
large. in view of the interests, actred Mies Annie Beek, of St. Alarye„ is i
if the emen deur, TO compare- the -Jean .11eArtIntr.of Londonds V1611Ing
11)1141,1t -I 1(1-11` with the Mediterranean her uncle,. here,.. -1)p, (limy, of Helena, I
and Caribbean se-ts in the twitter (If Mon., Is the guest ef Samuel Stnlitle„,---, 1
We miderstand thot J. E. McDouell '
conteniplates Wildlife a trhi to the Ohl
Cowin:), in a day or eo.-Atr. Alex Mc- {
KtliZie loft lin Nreek for Lindeay.
Wiiate he lies ft:temp a position in alum.
nees manufactory zee foremon.-31111,6
itose runghlut, who held A pasition I
as tie.id milliner in 1 ittehing. is
It frig et her home here. She was
companied lie lux Mend Niles Laura 14
Beeson, of the moue place. -George,
Drown attended the 1.0.0.F. Grand'
Lodge meeting at Hamilton last week. I
3irs. 1 C. Stoneman, itecompanikel by ,
her eons, Renaud Curtis, left a few ,
daysago foe Lunitetle She also ho 1
tondo taking a trip east to Perth. Tea.
gaols, Cardinal anti other placee on the
St. Lairrenee,-Will Moore, of Biel
luth, IR visiting under the parentel
roof, ofter an 4b5e1)ce of neerly three
yeara.-Mr. Frank Ruse itr,d wife nee
on a three weeks' visit to friends in
Ttironto.-Alr. l'Ven. Thompson, wife.
and child. of Chicago, Ill., are visiting '
!Vends in tome -Mrs, Aielville stlIC
continuee to improve. -Fred Boit thiem
of West Superior, is home on it visit.
-Niefiol Murray, of Manitoba, is home
visiting his parents. Win. Shiriety Is
4160 borne for liclidays.-Mr. and Mrs.
nut ionaljoriedietion is grossly mislead -
lug. The Mediterranean and eerrilhein
seas are each of them tendered by ter.
ritin7 owned by eight or ten different
nations, and in the nature of _things
theeseas must in+ opon sets; tint en
all sides the wider of Iludeon Bay
toneltes Canadian territory and no
MLR SAM $1711/3 TO WIN,
A Waeltington special to the ('hi.
yogi) Post seyst I" The administration
is confident that the Alnskan bound-
ary commiseion, which le tO meet in
tomdim T11:wet/4y, Sept. le will eettIe
the Alaskan boundary dispute. The
American ease has been prepared so
thoroughly for John We Foster, the
rnited states canned. that a deefelon
in favor of the United States probablY
will he reached. But. should, British
prejudice force a deadlock the United
States would Ittee nothing. In fact, it
is the purpose of title goVNIIImerit
should the commisiou fail to settle
the question to mark the boundary in
necoRiaueo svitil the American con.
tention and stand by that toorkiug."
This is striekly in accord with the us-
ual spirit of som oism" 'prevalent with Arnold And children, or Itemisers are
tht people of 4 ulted Statee. They bere visiting Mr. Arnold's parents. ,
iek gond earn to ;Wolf% sock Men* MSS !day Ilfggins, of London, Is bali.I
who, under iro vircumstances, would daying with her aunt, Mrs, W. Ca
eonsider auy clairn but their own. Amis. -Miss Lynch, of London, Miss
Failing to get what they want through Hodgins. of Toronto. and Mrs, Mad-
e. OammisS1011, thee* think thoY eon gins, of Liman, were the guests of Mrs.
to.t,` it in another way. Perhaps not. O. McDonald for a few days during
* the week. -Miss Silvester, of Detroit,
"ttinatlee" cup has been lifted. For is visiting friends Howden
the fleet time it has taken five races to and Mrs. Ferrite, of Caledonia, vent It
decide the issue. Every day crowds of tew days he". Dtst week%
keyedom enthusiasts surrounded tbe Rene .Mit. HENDERSON'S V.A.11ENVEIL.
newspaprr offices. Those 'who could, -Rev. J. Henderson, pastor of Carmel
watched the great battle itself -that Presbyterian church, prenehed his
farewell seruion, prior to removingto
New Westminister, at the evening
service on Sunday. He spoke with
much feeling, and members of the eon- •
gregatimi were correspondingly affect-
ed. Although still a young :man, thi
pastor has seen those who were not
bore when he took charge of the work,
smile .fifteen years ago, grow almost Ed
young manhood and womanhood, and
after so exteuded connection, it was
only a clear sense of duty, be said, sup-
ported him in deciding to take the step
he was taking. During his fifteen
years stay the reverend gentleman has
endeared himself not only to the mem-
bers of his congregation but to the en-
tire community. He has labored earn-
estly, feithfailly and with marked i1 -
ti in Hensall, and the church
is in a better enaecial position than it
has ever been, while, what is more 111,1 -
portant, the spirittial condition nf the
congregation is thoroughly alive, and
many of the members are doing their
duty. He. Heuclerson atid family left
Tuesday evening for their, uew home
in the West, and the people of New
Westminster have secured a. thorough
gentleman, and ti man of much force
Of character. The best wishes of the
whole community follow them and
ni y they meet with much prosperity.
le as lunch of st as they could see -from
the shores of the Wald or the decks of
steam and sailing craft. After the
two races, both won by the Camullau
boat, nobody dreamt of such a thing
as the Yankees taking the cup. It was
like a miracle evbe», with a new skip-
per,the challenger commeneed;to show
her points andotook the next three
yaces from the Canadian boat in
straight heats. After the confidence
"Stratheona" bad inspired. defeat was
a rude jar to Canadians. Thelastrace
with two to the credit of each boat,
was full of ginger right up to the win-
ning mark. But the Yankee's early
and steadily maintained advantage,
though at no time decisive, prepared
everyone on the last day for the loss of
the eup. It is not pleasant to be wors-
ted but there is some consolation
in having been fairly and squarely
beaten. .Both the efrondequoit" and
Captian Hannan, her skipper for the
last three races, are deserving of their
laurels. "Irondequoit" ie a good boat,
and Captain WithOlit dis-
paraging any Iocel ynchtsman, probab-
le; the best all-round racing man who
ever handled the tiller of a big yacht
on Toronto waters, To have done
what he did proves him such. Suddenly
called fvorn New York, to save a des-
perate situation, be jumped on a. train
there at night, walked from the train
next morning to a boat he had never
seen before, on a sheet of water en-
tirely untlietailiar; yet he sailed her
without error and covered the coursea.s
if he had already been over it 'score
of times. In his three days in charge
ef "Irondequoit" he was Skipper Jay-
vees match at every point, and having
probably the better boat of the two, he
won. Canadians never relish defeat,
but there is ,.no occasion to he cast
down. Roehester will find it no pinch
to defend the cup and next time it is
sailed for Canade may have a better
boat and better luck. '
Comber, Ont., Aug. 16. --Engineer
John Baker, in charge of an in coming
west -bound M. C. Re R, train this
morning noticed something wrong with
his 'engine, and in attempting to climb
out, of the cab to right matters while
the train was in motion, his foot siip-
ped, and in clinging to his engine by
one Eland his arm was dislocated at the
shoulder. Though It heavy man, Mr.
Baker menaged to swing himself
aeound and with the as,sistanee of his
other hand climbed into his cab again.
The train was brought to e stop here.
A doctor was summoned ancl the in -
Piped na‘tn was fl ttended to.
Kingseon, Ang. re -George Rowley
the defaulting manager. of the Elgin
Loan Company of St. Thomas, who is
confined in the Kingston Penitentiaty
cennot possibly' live, it is said, to com-
plete his sentence of twelve yenta He
is a physical wreck and scarcely able
to walk.
Comber, Aug. 16.-Elenry Rhodes
itnd Jake Dorsey two femme of Roch-
ester, quarreled over the ownership of
some stones Saturday afternoon. The
former struck the latter over the head
with a stick. The blow was a severe
one, 'Dorsey lay for hours in a semiconaciqusstate. Unless complications
arise Doesey will recover. Rhodes is
a man over sixty years of age, while
Dorsey is on the sunny side of forty.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:I
to successfully used monthly by over I
0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotion.itoot Com. ,I
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
linitations are dangerous. Priee,ldo. 1, $1 per I
bet :No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box.
1 or 21mailed on receipt of price and two 8.eent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
land 2 sold and recommended ey alt
responsible Druggists in eanado.
Henry Campbcll'e Scalp Tom Off
Theis, Thompson's Back Broken,
Stratford, Aug. IS. -Henry Camp-
UCti911 employee in the G. T.
,yards at Atwood, was struck by a
$,rfir*. there this morning and received
reptetes which it, is thoUght he cannot
$441M -07e, He did not hear the ap-
proaching train, to which his buk WAS
turned. His scalp Was almost com-
pletely torn off, one of his legs was
-broken in two places. and he received
internal injuries. Campbell is about
filt.y years old and a married man.
'I hennas Thomson. SCetiC0011130 of the
G.T.R. at Blyth. was removed to the
hospital here yesterday with a broken
back. He is in a critical condition,
but slight hopes are entertained for his
recovery. He was riding to his home
on the waggon of a merchant when
a bolt broke and the waggon tipped
over. Thomson was pinned under it
and sustained a fracture of the spine.
lie is thirty-five years of age, and is
unmarried, but is the sole support of
his mother and sister.
Terrible Stories From Various Parts
of Macedonia -Females Slain.
Berlin, Aug. Al According to a des-
patch received by The Frankfort Zei-
tung, the river near Monastir, Mace-
donia, is full of the mutilated bodies of
women and children who have been
massacred by bashi-bazouks.
Sofia, Aug, 18.-A despatch received
her front Vsku'b says that Goo heed-
bazouks, under the -command of Alban-
ian chiefs, who are notoriously cruel,
have pillaged and destroyed a number
of Christian villages in the districts of
Dcbre and Okrida. The Turkish au-
thorities, it is added, connived at the
outrages, and furhished the bashi.ba-
zouks with old uniforms, so that they
might appear to be regular soldiers.
Constantinople, Aug. .03.-A despatch
front Salonica says two persons were
ed a number of people were Wen -
ed and several cars were • destroyed by -
an explosion which occurred yesterday
on the railroad between Antatora- and
Constantinople, Aug. 113. -An Imper-
ial irade has been issued'Calling out
fifty-two additional battalions of troops
(about Atm men) from the European
Provinces of Turkey, in consequence
of the spread of the insurrection in
Macedonia. These troops comprise
twenty battalions of reserves of the
first-class from the Adrianople and Sa-
lonica army corps. The balance are
reserves of the second-class.
St. Petersburg, Aug. et3.-The squad-
ron of the Russian Black Sea fleet, un-
der orders to sail for Turkish waters,
consists of the battleships Catherine
IL, Tria Sviatitelia, Rostislair and
Dvenadzat • Apostoloff, four •torpedo
boatdestroyers, and six mine and tor-
pedo. transports. ,The squadron arriv-
edat Sebastopol yesterday preparatory
to sailing last night for the Turkish '
Mee I:Kaneda: $1.0.7
S ix bottles tor $3.tin a
When a baby is coming the ex-
pectant Mother needs to take speeial
care of herself: for upon her health
depends to a great extent the health
of the unborn babeif diet, etc.,
ete'l dC.) IS not Watched; the start in
life of tlae future offsxing will not
be a SatisfaetorY one. It is A mistake
to take liquid medicines at this time,
for they all contain alcohol, Their
steady use has the same effect as
habitual liquor taking, consuming the
vitality and hardening' the tissues.
If you are weak you need a ionic,
not a stimtdant. Don't take medica-
ted wine or alcoholic medicines ; but
take T. JABIlts WAFERS, they are a
tissue builder and a reconstructive.
ST. lomis Wioams help stomach,
digest food and aetets 1.1,e nutriment
through the hloed„ this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, deveions and
breeds the energy which accont-
plishes much,
41 love yawl St. Jetnee Wafere
ear Mire, NOrlebotter,"
Dr, R. y. gitietex,
Und011, 412X.
3114Ia frofenare nog a Tecr‘t
reinea": lat4fnummram;ficiaarpq•
9w4oncli1q frit ta Mew talffn4
f 1 fermula v,prn rtimot
Where cleelereereriot erlifrgttle
Wp,fers. tbey are ;nailed uponee.
cente Of price at lite Cavathae
bmagh: at, eaters %tee eflee
St, Clithulet St , Nentreel,
First in the field they remain, after
twentrfour years, the most Efficient,
the most Reliable, the most Durable.
There are no others "just as goodi"
Our ,treo catalogue wfl2 epi'4tz4
OM.. .1 okl
cat PC Pc8rK841A k&K
itis sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so many tnett of
our day and generation. At 30 thee feel SO; at 40 they feel 60, and at SO
when they should be in the very pilule of life, they are almost ready for
the grave. The fire of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is
exhausted. Premature old age!. No matter what produced it, whether
evil habits in „youth, later excesses, or business worries, the cute thing
for you to do to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood.
Donn lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden years
for you if you only get help. We can and will not only help you, but
cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous
and sexuat system has been our exclusive business for 'the past 30 years,
during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you
have lost.
It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthens the NERVES,
vitalizes the sexual organs, checks all unnatural.- drains and losses and
fits a man for the active duties of life.
CUP83 Guaff-angeed chr No Pay.
We treat and cure Blood Poison, 1.7arieocele. Stricture, Gloat,
Urinary Drains, Sexual Weakness. ICU:limey and Bladder diseases.
COIDISULTAVION FREE. et unable to call, write for a Question
Blank for Homo Treatment.
148 Shells.), St., DETROIT,
23 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Bank Security.
coast, under command of Rear Admiral nee
One Dead, One Crazy and, the Rest
Stanta Barbara, Cal., 'Aug. t8. -Miss
Katherine Grathwol of St. Paul, Minn.,
is dead, Frederick Lueders, an artist,
of this city, is a raving maniac, and
Fred Webster, Nellie Stone, Fred Gil-
bert aad Grace Porter, also of this city,
cannot be located, and at this time
mystery surrounds the whole affair.
The party left here yesterday. for a
day's picnic at the summit of the moun-
tains, which is reached by the Lacuin-
bre trail. Frederick Lueders arrived in
town last night and reported that one
of the party, Miss Grathwol, was dying,
but he was so exhausted none of the
particulars could be learned.
A party left for the scene and Lue-
ders followed them. They returned
at midnight with' Leeders, who was
found at the foot of the grade, a rav-
ing maniac, and who could give no ac-
count of the whereabouts of the rest of
the party. The efforts of the searchers
sO far have been fruitless in 'finding
any trace of the lost excursionists. Miss
Grathwol was staying in Santa Barbara
for her health and was only ee yeers
1903 TORONTO 1903
. AUO. 27th to SEPT. 12th
The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of
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Manager andfftattawilt