HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-20, Page 1IXTEENTH YB Asit, EXETER ONTARIO TuuRSDAY AUGUST --• , 1903. SAND OR Earl, ProlYS eirsee: es -as SOVEREIGN BANK OF GANAOA4 1Ea.Z 011ec-T0110=0, Exetative Otilee--MqNiltBAL. ORANCItES RIMON Q01.INTY AT , creditim, Dashweed ienaiL Zurieh and Clinton Exeter A ,f„,,eneral banking business transacted. Farinere" sale no s collected. Loans made to farmers on theie oivana.rne. Colleetione made. SAY11OS DEPARTMENT-0SE DOL1411.1.vill giveyoa an wtecunt in our beehs and Interest added twre wyear in the prineipal, OlUdineri4 Statthary, SelMters. p. Kuril, Manager ,E,,:eter Grarmili AT WAItil General 1:arrantV faially. Ono to ..3aTaiipm., 11. Sabine, hidaar, U. 1E 'AN f.115.S. Niir STEPHEN:- er 'People, tri' lag shs.-end C:11414 C'.41.01 -ate. e retviaaidir s the ;,car. :s.ate salary rand Jess O. 1Vms. Trastee. I Creitiron. fkte. Tarentum, 211951 The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard Trotting Stallion Leads all other $201119115 hi Canada for siriug e add actioo for. read aad age pal. • Tarentarinhaa nog preduced three colts sitatvlig Uttar than- 1.161 speed,. one going a Wile in eintvret1iitn7tr1. e'.45.00 62A1fes4,.•"'in .11m nrand Ciretilt, Harry D. eanugencee the flrand eiraitt Retrait • in the e5Yttichampice ond ritereo gates eel sae lir the arid thea g,tisd dawn tbrat:4 eivroit through ether 1 Slaltes. Taeittma is the ode s;allim in Van - ell% has prodeml eldr phettautenally fast C4an.0 tn.1 tr., Otani 4.1ru1t that won se-Fdooll • l'ATY.ICX int re5 .".t1.413111.4air,t, LI A InWe 4t.MV:11444.:is Cetitc4 eliez.1 stanza's,tthea:es *J' *1 11;..zn• ttav.logg at4af'a Idilliglgt%ie 1414741W, tt:i+ t 1,70-,r4d 1.141-4 lio 'tad Jr4Ve thin ' sird.,Foihit.t. fait" la 1420.45, glans 116,:. 14.• iw 1.tai•naeli.-MaZer dy "1 taictT. 1iIrSes5 ith t7.4tvy, f;aui ROUTE!' • ses-so--Songli Tablierstaitti. Mato Ti'ssosv-Zuel, Gaeta Uri:dim oidlit. 11. Wrosrsm---Eviv:eir Funpulair l'iarmstr tvai 1 s1ealm rboantir ••:t 1. • 'scar Egnamtiville %V I1' Gio4411.1r, Faintars' ;•-•Pitmvni mares, erste insure; tvellt4.:A . 4 and etrusfard-bil tr.511cRi!,Vit1ii the to (arta,: z avid January bd. tted. liasrnt,u. . rtitt;,itif.,tto lardy pas1i.a. ca. atiliv.,q, ,•.A• I, • Eoositttllo„ Oat, 4,41....06W.104.0114.•1411110.0,11.111.1,3. TO LOAN. % l * udsfor la- sts:neut upon farm or village property, at est rates of Intare$t linegSoN Barristers, eta., Exotor. ELLiOTT tle41Ee4 Insundraid. Agent Fonts and village properties it:slight mut sold c reasonable tenors. Several el:verie,: houses for sale. I.ands in oll parts of Manitoba aidd the North-west far rale .. -We have Marge rintOilitt Of private fend to loau ou fano auil vtKoper:us at bov gat f Wets g. OLAblilAN STANtirliN. Harr -leers, SallitomMain st.. gretOnt AILII FOB; SALE. • — Th e undersigned offering for sale that desirable farm satiated in Csbarne. long 14111. OIL 2, mil. taloing lIglacees. Vrere 'NOP, 44? v.:Twit-1,S gOK1 tails louse. d.harns, tone truliil ant all. neeessar.v matatiMings; goad erehaul. twit goid nails, oral the .193c,c, vvvil ferrld wen %1I k:' 43:1 reasortk,le, rO,sys,zvni g,evit to buit Apply to If ha%.1.,95a,9./artor. , St. Joseph An electric reed is daily expected be. tween bele veal Heneell. If no bitch meters and the work progresses as . ti other welsh' in bt.Joseph it wi 1 likely be comply .ed about Jolly in t he year 2.3110. -School reopened en Moe. day mid teeeher end peps returned to 'duty with renewed S igoeaftee their reet. M. Corinne spent a few days in New York last meets -Ms, Fred Belanger wee m Heettolton on Imsinees for a few dive. last week. --The farm- ONfl tltis vicinity have ;daunt finished tenting their gram and are now busily engaged drawing it to the barn. _see Notice of By -Law. lee. Oliver Coleman, who has hen 11,---r!Dre Cliff, Via•sk VIS Cataft th(1 %QM tyr :140 erP,Vrt,) ta'r 1411V,phe 1udt1y gailirta6414 fICO, 6.11VA ildIrt, /and 60 441,11,t11.T.2.iit t11 o1d41.1071Prn ih• 4.1 1. irt ISATcr 6137 Liratse the Onus of In i thArond d dime for the pawpaw it buildiug turoseene a DI 4 I i,•11 h aan4 r *ter to. it o.fl ttr a. ta liit41,4 aun i the Tr r, Et of tho 11 I1,141 CAI iolr,e1 for the 9, 4on untalavire iu ib i.i.htp of Su Oen for tlIP C12:21 a two thotygonl dollars pa‘ aide cis herhi peas Mel, 41 AND WHEIMAS r{quIsite (0 raise in t all sear dant.; the eurreney 441 mull debentures the siaerti slaw. fiord:latter eet fbrth. Therefore the Trusty( id of the Raman Catholic Sep - orate Shod fur the Seotioa 111111111“1/riN ill the Tea 11. ship of btephen, hereloaltor called. the Tann:myna cis fellows: - 1. It shall ho lawful. for theehalonnu of the said Truster., foothe ravines Anemia, to borrow the 4041 5)4141 of No thotegand dollars awl to hate ate teatimes of the said trustees to the amount of tuo tboadand dollars in sums of not less than ono liun- dred dollars each 5)1411141110 14) four equal animal lestal- meets the first Instalment to be payable on the fif- teenth depot neeember, 1011, the second instalment to bepa.r.able on the fifteenth day of December, tee, themes! instalment to be payable on the fifteenth day of Depemlicr.1196, and the fourth instalment on the fifteenth day of Ikeinbcr, 1507, and to bear in. tcrest at it rate not exceeding live per cent. per pa- tient, payable searly, ()lithe fifteenth day of Deo:o- ber in caeli of the years 1901. 19050900 and 1907. 2. The said debentures as US prineipal and Interest shall be payable at the Sovereign Bank In the Village of Crediton. S. It shall be lawful for the Chairman of the said Trustees mid he ill hereby authorized and instnicted to sign and issue the saidl debentures hereby author - lied to be issued, and to sign the same and the inter- est coupons attached thereto; and the Secretary of the said Trustees is hereby authorized and instructed to attach the corporate seal orthd said Trustees to the said debentures and to sign the said debentures and the interesteoupops attached thereto. 4, There shall be raised and levied in each of the years hereinafter set forth on all the property upon ' 7, which the said Trustees have power or authority to se levy rates the following sums for the payment ot the interest and of the respective instalments of principal falling due in each of the said ye.ara respectlyely, viz; Year Sum levied for Sum levied for Total amount Interest Principal levied 1004 $100.00 $500.00 2600.00 a 1905 75.00 500.00 • 575.00 1906 50.00 ,,500.00550.00 1907 25.00 500.00 525.00 which said 901414 811311 be included in the respective yearly Separate School rate's hnposed by the said Trustees for said years. 5. This By -13.w shall take effect on the first day of October, -A. D. 1903. Dated at the Village of Mount Carmel in the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, this -17th day of August, A. D. 1903. Tiernan, Joseph Glavin, Chairman. Seretary ADDITIONAL LOCALS The Misses Ethel and Beatrice Quick of London, are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Jr., Stephen. ' We are pleased to stete that Mr. Jas. Weeks has sufficiently recovered from the pleurisy as to be about again.. Mr. John Habkild4; of Galtalately iiii employe of W. Taman, visited hererfOr it few days last -week. He returned on Saturday.. . The several delegates to the., Graud. Lodge of I.O.O.F. and the'Grend En- campment of I.O.O.F. in Hamilton, returned the latter part of last week. Mrs. Ed. Sherbrook arid daughters, Miss Myrtle and May, of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. 'Wm. Parsons, of London, spent Friday and Saturday zit Mrs. Brewer's. Mr. A. Chesney, who has been an employe.of Snell & Rowe for the past year, left on Thursday. for Toronto, • where he has secured a positiou with the Robert Simpson Cornpany. - Mr. Wesley J. Bissett visited with his wife and da ugh ter in Wingham from Friday to Monday. He returned 1V1011day 0301 ning. MrS. Bissett zoad Gladys will also return this Iry eek. coughs, coma, hoarseness. and other throat ailinents are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists L 511 an extended visit to friends lu and ;trowel tlillegteere left for his heme :0 Manitoba last week.-- Misg Janie Stowart, who has been confined to her bed with it severe attack of typhoid fever, is we ore pleased. to learn eon- valeseing.-Mv. Alvin 1.Vorkman left Tueeday for Manitoba, We wish him btleeess.'Th*(sbing is now the order of the dale -Ms Jatues Turner, who had the misfortune to lose a 'valuable horse a few days ago, has pnrehased it flue three-year-old colt from Mr. Ran, of the Sauble line. --Miss Annie Con. sitt, of London, is visiting at her home. -Mrs. Caroettn, of Toronto, is visiting friends bere.--Miss Agnes Hagan, of Detroit, is visiting friends here. -Mr. John MeCartey, of London, is the guest of Mr. John Cochrane. Varna Mrs. Colelough, who has been ill for the past few clays, is convalescing. - Mr. Geo. Foster bad the misfortune to lose a valuable driver the other day. The aninuil• was pasturing in a field when it was so badly gored by a cow that it had to be shot. Mr. Wm. Pal- mer also lost a valitable horse a. few days ago. -Mr. and. Mrs. Stephenson, of Marlette. Mich., are here visiting their. son, William, who has been -very ill, but who is now improving. -Our old time townsman Mr. S. C. Rath. well, has sold ont his boob and shoe business in Listowel, and will again embark in business in Gorrie, for which place he left witlehis wife and. family last week. SAD DEATH. -One of those events which cause feelings of sadness and regret in the hearts of old neighbors and acquaintances, and of grief and pain to those near and dear, occurred on Monday evening, Augnst 10, when Mrs. Miller, beloved wife of Rev. R. A. Miller, the devoted pastor of Varna Cirenit, passed away after a brief ill- ness, having only entered on her35th year. The best medical skill was pro- cured and all that kinds ,hands could do was done, but Providence willed it otherwise and thus a bright life has been brought to "a close. Deceased was a daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Chiselhurst, and Was united in mar- riage to her now bereft husbalid about six years ago,and during their married life no couple could have been more happy. Last, year owing to Mr. Mil- ler's health being poor they took a trip to the West, both-reterning much im- proved it health. Mrs. Miller was re - „fined and courteous and was unceasing in her ministrations on the sick and needy, while her ever pleasing man- ner, cheerful disposition and 'kindness of heart altsfays rnade her a welcome visitor in times of sorrow and trouble, and in this way greatly assisted her husband on the various charges to which he was appointed. She was a woman Who earnestly sought to do her duty in every walk of life, and she leaves behind many warm friends and admirers, not alone in her own con- gregation but among the public,where she has lived, who will cherish pleas- ant tind profitable memories of their cquaintance. The funeral took place Wednesday and was largely attended. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the c:ornintinity. No written words can convey to them the condolence ex- tended in their behalf, nor will words (Ilford them any measure of relief from the severe shock and profound ti ffietion to whi eh they haye just been subjected. 1 .7.$It, Carmel Centralia The annual picnic connectioe With DR. J. W. ORME, Mount Carmel Roman Chitholie ch 'melt Cc'grar-4. grove on wailletzda7, g epterabee ease a e eseeleseesesa wee Lame zeioteutt will he held in Tinsotlitz-c"r8 t" aevat Ls met 7 Los eels log put foeth it, Make it a greater 4 CAEU14.1. sne- Aug, 120a, the interested. Binner will he served et 12 o*elock and w000eve wedditess took V followed by a good prrgeato ef pjaee-tVe-.111it,s7,17a-g-e games and sports. Leery effort is be- street Methodist ebureb, London, on eess than evee, parties being- Mr. Thonme Annett. of Ekftl: Township aud Mrs. Maey BraCefteld. Graft so. ef Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. FIRE.. -On Monday night the village AApnktf::,i:•twii'vEillextit4esinddesiiitvetilewntiseeeirst, The was visited. by the tire fiend, ;old sey- eral buildingvere hurtled as welt as - much other pt.opert3e destroyed, 80(10111 Among the buildings burned were: es Lily aud Vseitriee 'elertolden, The American Hotel and stables. own. Li 1, the attests a the misses ea hY Mss- Mravra.S's eamPheqs hlStelts (ereete-Mr. C. Btweford, of Loselon. , smith shoP and aweilleg.Soluev's oar" visite-1 a fe7.5,- ilays in Stidozn during ness shop, and Mrs. 13aircrs store and she eetess-Cteitea wamber trktall here dwelling. The contents of t1i4 1uId. iitL..&; al the religiuns meeting.beld in ings Nvere nearly all lost. The tire is roe r eet4e4 Demi hpinfany, SuPPosett to have ollginatvit in Qv ,;condoeted by Eider Ceeens.of London, abont the hotel stable. H114 ,_the PEr. FAriih addle esed the Le3glle for buildings were. nearly ell frame they , thy lase thay on stovety eyeasag ssee, 8,"04 w,eunt oP sw"he. The Mal Ile Let for Meeltotte Tuesday. --Miss tose and the amount or msttrallee are Nogg, saw sehow tesehyros bites; again 01 114ron's Mel 1- not Ithown. end s•!Itora has COMMeneetl, Varqubar. The threshers are now getting work , enough to keep them 'web -Harvest.' noels nearing completien. The farm. ers ktra all entilee, as wheat is turning wit frent SO to -IQ bushels per acre. Vol. Ward hes pnrchased a manure spreader. This labor-saving machine seems to he coming into favoreble pro. inmenee,-M rs. F. Coleman itrel daugh. ter. Miss Floreuce, who have been the guests or Mre,U Berland for the past few weeks, left last week for Only home m Toronto -Rola bewilmer re eently sold a flue balking mare for the handsome S01511 of*I'Xi.--M11. 1L Aegar loft as week for his home in Toledo. :gr. ma% valueron los greattiv beartti- fied tlae Eripmance of his Phtee by grading and levelliwg, the gmentle.- Seusael Speare. CroalarlYs IlaS been nursing o. sore foot foe some tune past, While splitting Itiodling wood one month* he got itt too big a berm the resultbeim; that the ax came in contact with the hig toe of his tight foot, cutting it Itattly. Althongh he has not been laid u eutirely, it bee given Inin considera de pain. e hope to eee Ithu around soon. Crediton At the request of a large number of our eitizen our City fathers have de - Oared 'next Thurs ay, 27th it., ns a Ci vie Holiday. The day will be spent tt Grand Bend and all are requested to go and Spend a pleasant day. -The eement sidewalk contract bass been lot to Geo. T. McKay, of 'Kippen. Work will commence some time next week. -The Bell Telephone Co. have had a gang of men here straightening poles and giving the line. a general oveehattl- ing. A new copper wire line to be used for long distance telephoning has also been erectecl.-Drs. Rolliesand mate of Exeter, and Dr. Heist per- forated an operation on Mr. Michael Swartz litSt Wednesday. The opera- tion proved a success and the patient is doing nicely. --Mrs. Eli Sweet, who took a sudden relapse on Saturday, is better. -A large amount of fax hill; been drawn to the mill the past week. --Tke roods have been very dusty and .causes 15 great deal of extra worry and work to the bonsewife.-Miss Evelyn Kerr. who was taken suddenly ill on Wednesday, is con valesci ng. -.A. num- ber of our boys spent Sunday at Grand Bend. -Miss Long, of London, is the guest of Miss Lampoit.-The Misses alma and Lydia Finkbeiner, enter- taiued number of young • people at their home on Friday evening, All had apleasant time. -Our peblieschool reopened for the fall term on Monday with a fair attendance. -Mr. Israel Smith, of Exeter, was in the village Tuesday. -Mr. Daniel Oestreicher has laid.a cemeut floor in his new stable.- The slaters have finished roofing Mr., C. Kulm's new dwelling. Mr. Geo. Holtzman and men are now busy .at the carpenter work. -Mrs. B. Brown visited her sister in Greenway last Sundey.-Mr. W. H. Wenzel attended the Ord Boys' re -union in Elmira last Thursday and Friday.He saw sever- al of bis old school mates, after an ab- sence of fen to fifteen years. ---Mrs. 'Wm. Young, of London, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Young. -Mr. Frank Smith returned to Toronto on Tuesday, after' a pleasant visit here with relatives. -A. Syrian peddler's horse slipped his bridle at Fritz's ho- tel last Tuesday and took a lively run through town. He was caught near the fax mill, none the worse for his run. -The followieg are a few of our people who left for the Northwest, Manitoba and Dakota last Tuesday: - Frank 'Sims, Jos. Edwards, Robert Gower, Jno.. Finkbeiner, Ezra Krein, Wm. J. England, Russel Huxtable and Joseph Si ms. -Crediton prides itself on having the champion horse shoe pitch- ers it the county for their age and we would liketo receive a friendly chal- lenge' from •any four in the counti,. whose age' ninst average not less than 73 years. - • ' PRETTY WEDDING. —A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the horrie sof Mr. Christian Beaver, on Wednes- day, • 12th inst., when his eidestslaugh- ter, Miss Melinda,' was married to Mr. Harry .1. Dyer, of Detroit, letich. The ceremony was perforined by the Rev. R. W. Kiiowles, pastor of the Metho- dist church, in the presence of the im- mediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride,' who was prettily attired in white silk and carried bouquet ofwhite roses, was assisted by her sister, Miss 13etdah, who carried a bouquet of pink carnations, 'while Mr. Ed.. °rocker, of Toronto, ably supported the groom. After 'the ceremony Mr: and Mrs. Dyer left with all the good wishes of 'I•,be assembled friends for a trip to Niagara Falls, the Thousand and Islands and Watertown, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer will make their futbre• home in Detroit. We wish thema long and happy married life. Stillz is visiting her parents at INew„letry.-Uts „T, M. Gibbs Is holiday- ing ,Atin Mielt.-P. Linden SPetit it few days in Toronto last wee ott bit -mess.- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Haw. y, kave retureed home from North, Delrota.-Itev. J. NV. Andiews, who has teem on an extended trip to Maui. tate has retureed.-Miss Annie Le- s -ea left Monday on it holiday trip to Manitoulin Island. Lake Heroin -3,116s Knapton 19 visitiug friends in Fort Beeline -Mr, MeTavish went on it few days trip to Northern Ontat lo. re- turning Sat atilay.--Mrs G. MeEinnon Left Isst wets for Vaneouver. B. V.. 1 where sly %yin visit her ;Lowther. Mrs. Ilsilt te-Meee May Quatry left Satter - day for Chatham to resiune her (hides ' as t*. 1i'* iazir that IthiCe.-Mr. E. A. Htunpluies. musieal instruetor in the Ont.erio Institution for the Blind. Bran tf:nd. esided tat the organ he the Methodist elnuth Satnday.--Mr. and Mr. J. Os Rie-sell atal son. Doug - have returned ream their trip to Torouto. Hamilton. St -Catharines and other Vi'llson has return -1 ecl from his trip to Port Sanfleld. Mite- '1 koktiowliere he spent a eonpleof weeks, Zurih Mies Etta Hartle:la who has he very ill, is rapidly improviiig.----3 r. Chester Steinbach is home from Wat- *rim-awhile be inisblVII the 11.1St year. --The sehools reopened on :numbly. - Ma, %ea, ri,41111it. 111V4 tbr 4.0:111.11/ WOG NI' n new house, on the lot he res centiv purchased from Mr. 11, Lipp- liardt.---A monitor of people are get - Hug in their winter supple of coal. - Mr. Harry Wehet 110liailying with, hie parents near Berlin.-Mre. Ztreetie Ilvadtt01, a former resident of this pima* but now of Manitoba, is visiting friends heria-Miss *.thinnock, after a pleasant visit in town with her friend, :Sties B. Steinbach, returned to London Wed- nesdav.-)Ir. John. Weseloh, who has been 111, has sufficiently recovered as to he able to take a trip to 13erlin.- Mr, John Foster is erecting a hand- some and commodious brick drive house and stable on his premises. -The many friends of Mr. Harry Drilln be pleased to learn that be is progres- sing so favorably thathe contemplates being around in it few days. Rethinks be will suffer little inconvenience from the effects of the tramping he received a short time ago. -Mr. Rueben Ha- macher has disposed of his property here to Mr. John Deichert arid intends removing to Pigeon, Mich." where it is rep9rted he will engage in the shoe business, in company with his brother- in-law, Mr. James Laidlaw. Mr. Hat- inacherhas been a model citizen and his decision to leave will be regretted by his rnauy friends. -Mr. Sam Geiger, who has been with Mr. J. Merner, for the past three or four years, left a few days ago for -Gretna, Manitoba, where be has accepted a situation in the same calling, at it decided increase of salary. Sam was'one of the boys of the village and was universally liked by those who knew him. His many friends here wish him every success in the Western Pro- vince.-Alrs, P. Beuders's sisters, who have been visiting her for the past few days, have returned to their home in Toronto. -Mr. Fred Loth, pf Franklin, Pa., is visiting friends and relatives het e. --Miss Mina Doan has secured a sehool at Wetaskiwin, Alberta, N.W. T., and will leave on , Thursday to as- sume her duties. It was thought she would -act as assistant here for some time, but the compensation is so much higher in the west, that she wisely de- cided to forego the pleasures of home and friends and take her chances among the hustlers of that nei,. and prosperous country. She will be situ- ated about forty miles from Edmon- ton. 1Ve'join with her many friends in wishing here success and a pleasant trip to the scene of her future labors. - Mr. J. R. Eckstein, of Jackson, Mich., is visiting his sister, Mrs.Moses Geiger, and other friends here. -Mrs. P. Koeh- ler, and her mother, Mrs. David Ruby, and Mrs, John Trumner, after a pleas- ant stay with friends bera have re- turned to their home in Cavalier, N.D. -Mrs. Geo. Pfaff, after it three weeks' visit with friends here, returned last week to her home in Pigeon, Mich. - Mr. Elias Weidman, returned to his home in Berne, Mich, after a visit here with his father-in-law, Mr 5. Mar- tin. -While Mr. P. Koehler was deliv- ering wheat at the mill a few days ago his team got too near the edge of the platform, and tunibled.over. Save for a scratch which one of them received on the leg no further injury was clone. -Mr. J. Dennis@has moved into Mr. D. Steinbach's house. -John Koch, of the Babylon line, and one of the oldest set- tlers, has passed over to the silent ma- jority, at the ago of 75 years. Deceas• - ed leaves a wife and grown up family to mourn the loss Of a kind husband and loving father,. STEPHENNE. ETT: 'TER ONTARIO SEPTELM3E11..21.,zirlp .22, 1903 - Prize List and Infermation eau Ite seen/eel from the Secretary, hn Afliso,jr., President A. (1. DYER Vzeter 1$04 -field • Mrs. Fred Luxton left on Tuesday , Miss Eva Wallis is now =ling as Leveling for '14 00 Ass.11„. where &lain toa Mettladrat eheeek,-ale;. she irtteothi visit-Plg for several weeite- di -kw Smith and her aunt Mrs. Ewing The anne td tilCaue of the Lu. n Snollay rem tu.41 iitst alit4 ple4w4ui -4, 1(11 will he held on Set Oars` „ t.0*) LI' nuattitie tette through Great Aug. ...u.1.1ritain mei France.--Mitetee MurdOek Wbidtlint vieitiug his brother in Mr. IVellieRgfolir SitenTt;1 entertained giodzed conneetitto with tbe Meths „ tleveland.-A. Lathes' Aid leis been or- a number of the young people around oak, Otweitisel've%. Mrs- JAWS Mes here et his home illenday evening.- Ciert tee. Mrs, J. Snell; Secs-Treaeo MISS HollY Martin, of Lucite, is verge. Miss C. Pereons.-Mr. Edwetd Motley iMnage41471 . 1:1 Awliltibsote, PI shel Ibvretlknbleitvtt it14:111•111114: -14 e•i t ea. it; 4141311 144 supplied the appointineute of Rev. Mr. John 11. Elliott, who have been on a McKibben on Situday. He proved him. Mei:seta etey hem left Thureday for elf a very worthy eltbstitine bY his ilhvir,howle to srat-M t Its ies Doily Pae. very Impressive ement.---MISS Ken. S‘t.inis eft on Tuescley fur Maetionald, uedy Is the lilies!. o esf Mrs., John Lewis :Nan:- where she will be iteitediu IOUs this week. --A. number of our young liege at the Imam of her beother. Mt. own lett Tuesday for the VS est. NN e 1 iUlU,.ls, areoes. to .1r. NNT 114. 1 arlrer, wish them sueeess and hope they will tormerlY of flaYtiela_ hat tiew eepros. return with the cold weatiter.--Mr. Peraus termer of neer Milton. :North alrebtieKneit;visieunidclet(11.17153sigrui, cotr,stri,;:;02:11,41). d 111141 41 )41144t%(' W411 I'L' 113 itti:fie.,-w:541sisteheFitgirtieensi;e0Oillurille.toz.14;fir taltt:01117:11,,Ttlit 41111 ittuelt:Iyassu,',111 nal telt:teowoetrs. smite Is r. Mrfa, Themes (Meet, Tisecturgregation tesesste very !emelt Lamy stools= spent her removal and a few evenine, ago g's two weeks with her 4,o% Mrs. lt„ , Logo nntalter of the members met to Watson. -Mrs. WelS11 retlartlekil hetet% Ittlothet:s it'esidenee and after 44 few Tuesday after an extended aisit with :louts tt"etait ChM attil annisement, the her grentielatighter. Mts. E. Sleek, of 1.4/Pilstts114714,itivtLits„aeglezelwtt."PaCi?i,rxst ir.wossrlean Iti!lytttDelit;11-3/.1::41(ei.4;4016s.,B01.4fAsItntatrittes= address. and 111es Clara Erwin pre. spending few days with reletives seettea Mise 1u 41;'- with a half diiiatsa here. --Miss Ellweoil, of Liman, le the Sliver .1L4es' Bald tot 1.7, butter knife, pee, a eeeF pleasant evening. to st few MIS pleaSd nay pthed. Rev. .11e, guest of idles Watson. -Sfe, ,J44., 4i Awn and ereava Mist; Passsonts lit the rtilltlg fosjit$ Of this place on WI. Snell respotid.d witia ftIV welperessen day last.- Mrs. Gilbert, or Moray. paid vet:1'Mo. After I prepar. a flying visit to aequaintences here on 'ed ‘1,1F, the icalies. retilt190d home , . , Tnestlay. -rite Brinsley 91'1443o1 has re- Weh l'avaseu with lac' evenings etSloll- opened for the fall term awl the new runt: teacher, Mr. Lean, has st»tuneueed his I‘!teslvt‘%I111.:l”I b(nleifterai801ZisitI ThaeStiaV WaS 014terve4 here as civic brother at Shipka.-Miss Mildred Cote holiday. 14n,11evitoole reopened on bett has left to resume her chafes as Mittuley. Village," town and eity teacher. September 7th. sMiss Irene O'Neil, of schools resume Inesnese on Slondey, Grand Bellti a`sirotittev, is 1. reivotis it; town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gill spent Thursday Mrs. T. :Morgan spending a few Exeter., -Me. and ..).11`..1. Cilieve, of weeks wIth her daughter. Mrs., II. F. Exeter, who lanes been here attuning, Mathews, in Chicago. IR.- Mr. A. L. Edna Heade), of Detroit, 15 '.l'iling rote *led to their home 44wklitz(,let tilltk:fhtasOiste(Fnatriedpo: gfoOnrallstylloboll:_gi her aunt, Mrs. E. Beers and Mr. It..lackson, Who wae here attend- Biesett,of Exeter, returned home ing the Amend of his !nether, has re - .Monday, after a '1Veelt'S outing.-Mts„' turned to ids home itt Port Coldwell. (';;;11p, of Berlin, left Tuesday for bey Srlienesem,-.Mr. Wm. Armitage, home, after spending a few weeks who lives la the *teeth end of the Dati)imn.ene a ut eat leangi einglaV hglol %I:et st ;81 1•17411rgi ellatnottiei ttite afreinwp ehrs. family, who have been here for the home to see a man crawling through past few weeks, returned home Satur- the window of his dwelling. The man day. --A vevy enjoyable concbeointrassi4s 17aansd.holdminr.gAarnilliguhlgtee.dsenlizaetachwitia his given in front of n Mr, Levett's hy honse on Mandate, evening when the the shoulder aud inquiretilitslwitLaditnyhtriewitdvitaehrs some very clever feats. Messrs. Squires, of Grantou, performed bdthuarizagttset,hnbeetratetiteiwisheedrrieatrillapt000tnibluit Mr. A. Cgtanttanox DAY. --Saturday last was given up to sports and amuse- who made his way to have the marl inents. The morning was devoted to lacked opt but by the time the con - aquatic sports as follows: -Men's boat stablearrivedmon, l‘atbssimootkininhgAtodr ttesnlhes pell. lodging otiplunderiearrieda small bun- dle and an umbrella. , DEATH. The cold hand of death has again entered our midst and another home is robbed of a, dear one. This time it being Sarah Jane 'Wheelen, be- loved wife of Mr. Jno. Jackson, who was called to pay nature's debt on Sat- urday, August Sth, in the 70114 year of her age. Deceased had. been quite poorly for the past year and for some thne past had been hovering between life and death. Her condition it few days previous to her death was some- what improved, so much so that her two daughters; who were visiting her from the West, started on their home- ward journey, but had only reached Brampton, when they received the in- telligence of her death, returning at once to the village. Mrs. Jackson was a life-long resident of this place and was the most kind-hearted of Women, and one to know was to honor and re- spect, and her sympathizing and lov- able nature won her many friends, who feel that they have indeed lost a dear friend and neighbor. The funeral took place en Tuesday to St. James cemetery and was largely attended. The bereaved ones have the sympa,thy of the community. race. -M. Parkinson, Toronto; IL E. Huston, Exeter. Boys' swimming race. -Gordon Hanson, Montreal, Ralph Trow, Stratford. Ladies' Floating con- test. -Miss Irene Gras*, London; Miss Elsie McCrimmon, London. Boys' Boat Race. -Stewart Jones, London; Gordon Lama, Strathroy. Men's Double Scull Race. -H. E. Huston and E. Farren; Dr. Hicks and Geo. Has- tings. Ladies Diving. -Miss Elsie Mc- Crimmon; Miss Pearl Steinhoff, Strat- ford. Boys Diving. -Gordon Lamont, Gordon Hanson. Ladies' Single boat race. -Miss Evie Huston, Miss Sean Hicks, Mitchell. Men's Swimming. - Harry Powell. Yukon; Gordon Hill1- son. Ladies' Swinetning.-Miss Stein- hoff, Miss Gray. Men's Diving.-Robt. Ford, Grand Band; Dr. Hicks, 1Vater Tilting. -Dr. Hicks, Harry - Fowell. Special prizes were given by Mr. Ar- thur Smith, of London5 for water tilt- ing. The afternoon sports were as fol- lows: -Girls' race, 6 years. -Minnie Ridley, Marjory Huston, Exeter. Boys' race, 6 yeers.-IrwinErb,Berlin; Fred Walker, Wingham. Boys' race, 10 yearse-Carl Erb, Berlin; Geo.Brovvii, Mitchell. Girls' race, 10 years. -Anna, Dow, Exeter; Jean Hothain, St. Marys. Boys' Race, 16 years. -Gordon Han- son, Stewart Jones. Girls' race, 16 years. --Jean McOrimmon, Winnie Huston. Ladies' race. -Jean Hicks, Mitchell; Mrs. Geo. Hastings, Park- hill. Fat man's race. -J. Shepperd, Henson; R, Jackson, Parkhill. Lediee nail driving, eighteen entries. -Violet Elliott, Mitchell; Mrs. Hotham, St. Marys. -Men's running race, part of the course . to tub filled with water, catching small live fish with bare hand run ni rig' to winning post. -H. POW ell, Dr. Silk, Ladies' ditto. -L. Gray, V. Elliott. Baby show, five eutries, Robt. Sanders, Exeter, Judge. After a close examination he decided to give the fol- lowing first prizes:-Mildrecl Walker, Wing -he'll; Gladys Brown, Mitchell; Harold Partridge, London; Marguerite Carriere, Grand 13encl; Itugie Nichol, Mitchell. Blind pig race.--Tommy Balman, Exeter; S. Jones. Boot and shoe race. -„L. Jones, London; Gordon Hanson. Men's race, 100 yards. -11. Fowell, A. Farrow, Stratford. Ladies' pea, nut race. -Mrs. Hotham, Mrs. Hasting. . Men's long distance. -H. Powell, Rev. 11. Saunders. This cel- ebration closed with concert on base- ball grOuncl around it hugh bon fire, followed by a magnificent' display of fireworks. The fireworks were in charge of Mr. Arthur Smith, London. HAY--It1 Kippen, on Aug 16, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Hay, it daughter. Iliaboaaer.--On South Bomadary of Hibbert, on Aug. 94 to Mr. and Mrs. WM. Hodgert, a daughter. BELBAcK-Ill Rodgerville, on Ang. 12, to Mr. and. Mrs. Edward Belba,dit, a daughter. - MAREIADES. ANHIeTT-GRAFTON-At the Welling- ton street Methodist parsonage,Lon- don, on Aargitst 12, Mr. Thos. Annett, of Ekfrid township, to Mrs. Mary J. Grafton, of Centralia. DYER -BEAVER -At the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. W. Knowles, of Orediton, on Aug, 12, Mr. Harry Dyer, of Detroit, Mich, to Miss Melinda, daughter of Mr. Christian Beaver, of Crediton. DEATHS HARRISON-In Detroit, on Aeg. 1811, Charles E erett, infant son of Dr, and Mrs. J. W. :Harrison, aged I ,% year. • .