HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-13, Page 8„- -oho neettereta.i•ni,eail• te,„„„2,re thheette eeedr-itirte t 4' —aiwv.s to be fomid aitrius faUkIring L Etab- For youthoceives end. pigs, yoruig turkeys argrehildren, • English Stoble ' Food is jest the •tbing, Give it a trial.. - Sold 'bye, Letz, Eneter. - • • . Harry Willert, 'of DesItWoOdt heal a fleet. Ofteheep paeturing on the part; foii a few datOs last weeke. -They • soon did the work.. a _.the lawnenoweri It was good her the sheep and geed. for the park. . Mr. W. R. Elliot•t while .1trealthigtin• iL horsetou the, Agrietaltural Groatotle Wednesdaty afternoen received a itaetr wound in :theforehead by the hose hicking hien It required several stitches to close the wound.. 137,7617ens, a Lotoaon, *urgeon. ()m- ist tied epecialist, diseases eye, ear, lnose and throat, will be at the OM- ittiereial Hotel,. Exeter,. Wednesday, ; Augnst 5th; Wed., September taind, -14 Wed„, Sept,. Wilt; Weal.. Zia:seemlier 4th; • Wed. Deeeitaber eind. Is you blood thin and pale? Do you tatter front nervous or physicial debit - nervous headaehteless of.aappetite. ether You wilt lind Bland's Lex:dive, ieton.d, Ilerti7P16.111d tissue pills a uever 'ailing remedy. Sold by CO Lute. (Image oiet. Exeter. Price 59 per tottle. NO ills in each bottle. iIit. IU you ar lei.tkit, for one. try us. tr'..al will convine you 0 -tat you cannot get Ile!rtersatisthetion tbr tile iin money than we win ..Ove you. W. W., Taman, M To, 777r74-n«.49,414MMONS 44=1,e TT S"il t ili pine evely deye :1/161 tiD4. +,1.1ton IIIkittla 6.2,0th thn'y woo. rsseel 4 it 6•110 1^ 44sUJ,74 4V644 t fici; An qtZig of • . ; 0 H ILO it Ezete On Toesillev Mr. Robert Sweet dis- esed of his boat and shoe mad harness thinees to Mr. G. Lonse ofGoderieh. Ir. House takes poqwssion on Mon - ay, Ategnet MIL Ile conies well ree- mmended, having teen in it similar ,;sitaes hi! (toilet iab for be pest leer ere. )Ir. Sweet inteuds gain; west the at gotaire. He bas hani in Gess here for etnne yenta and we W.' zee; y to lose bite. A bogo and enthusiastic meeting nets held at Kirletori on Monday even- ing faiv the Int:poen a forming 4 com- pany and everting a telephoue line ta Exeter to St. Mary& The follow. were eleeted toinileto—Presidenti lJi. 4riiaVjee Pres.. J. G. Jones; . 'Carte V.S. Treite. A. region , retain's. Pe. than.% *Jas. 31111s, Jae. Cirahaut, Woe Delbridge nod David Riede. David Penis was tilitreted to purchase material and equip the line. subjesit to the approval f the Beard of Direetore. There was stabeetibed at the meeting and e lhw iinaw an assured thing. An- ter public uteetlug wilt he held in aeon on Frialay. August 214. when e14"5k4 singed atteuth An monolog, if rot hieribio insteuel, genteel lit:tentedn was pleyed on Ibe teertenten orieards Totioloy even - ire iirtn-oen the Milo The gltate eonanetiv-,ell shark :at FtWeli Os 411 -iralt of night • eiiiiirtni with the lintreto at it tt. rOniri P4nrrt ta1 iinisit pzetty fatty wa% indult4.11 in, nun% to the amusement t 116. Inge netted of elatietatinn eat he end of the t-oe,c‘nd ,..61114-il onuceount of tholine49. the stand S nape+ feature te teeme wee that metnitere, ort • tit otetlify, ellental la• able to etate lot titer WPti, neither profetsional .4:ea1en:. BAIL itot f he game bot willing to it'3111. Wi'Ve P1111vOit"il with la -or lty the jot -voile bend contilstiug ie phew, eairoet, fifes tin-WiliStio. 6 e alum and bele drum. 'They did tette. to ate tweasion. 'Orb tt might have moved a vervser- eite ;eaeitlaint happened while Wank ;Whale. wife and Wilily were adorning rer fr tin tit e nal Rind on T1iri,1av evening Little Pigs tor Sane Mr. Jehn May, London Road, South, has a number of fine yonug pigs for 'Ottawa Property Ror Sale. Frame house, stable and two lots on Huron street, the property of Mrs. Jas. Down. Apply to Mr. jaw Doe ei TE:atitee0:):bF"erTqrizZot to attend the I. 0. pienie at Grand Bend on Thurs- day, August t37th„ and not wielding to d.origvtehtehi irn on ::::igws:Itubwe ;tee :roe= dated by paying a small fee aud leave Mr, Geo. Avdeostru, who will give par- ticular& d* e9C4o4tterroeetcell.ten1 a Reeve in ToWn Han, August 11, AR peesent alinutes of previous meethag read and eenfirio. ed. Cobbledick—Villespie—that the commit pay MO. of the cost of a 4 foot walk fano the north enteanee a Tex,' t Memorial church to school voom on Baldwin street. —Carried. Cohblealick Gillespie—that the street waterlog ea- ses -anent be twelve cents pee foot pay, able Sept. let—Cartied. Council ed - pawned to meet at caR of Reeve, Btoentret Clerk wee Vele the Tnitin. ero enterprishig eaten is a help t own. The more money be makee, use5 rethe het ter for the continue - A. place V? moot be built without 1• 1/Vtinllt to the eorrottuding comet ey. end a wieheawahe growing town nee it is to the intereee or ail to! triage enterprising Men in ail of life. Toa often, however, unities are ectnelly retarded in II "owth by residents of me:taiga p et.t progreenave movement. o lo weelth, but are afraid v t n the community he which ty ftv, ate t so Innen, AK' to The atuouot they pay in nixes thelr "ppoAtion to all pre - l'ho4roli s. v4 night n aitt•r in thuta It ie n d tit los 'At ;tot easy to ;Ind 463: ten VI lien a few raids to the east of 1t)li oever ki •he tiedim the the Melt theett Nitrite at Sodom the nu e e oleet- -7,z (heel.% it to h 61,6* et ^milled end fell, unto _Vita tei reit the eaaeo e the 444 ne it 4 hlolt„ ill a' slight IhdloW betweeu thing hi te r i. 1061611,4! titi; L'3.36 nitl the ft•nce, which are quite it windh a em nolo ineoet voting 4..1 Z'f* tV.1440116% ThO 1101$41,. N1,70,9 tolea t 'Pato that it yenta not poesiblv tight Web. But for the timely aSAISt- of boino famols, who happened along ehortiet efter the evident, the horse would have died, however, af- ter some diffieulttethe beast Was help- ed onte be feet, itilten it was found that no serious (Vintage was done. The horse was again Mu:hod to the rig and party reached town in safety. had the horse fallen a few rods to the west where the ditch is very deep, rig and occupants would have been dumped into the ditch and it is imposible to say what the result might have been. Chnlictime. The "Irish Thistle" Base Ball Club a Exeter, hereby challenge the "Du& fees" B. B. C. to play a friendlygame of ball, to be played any evening of net Nycvl; Qn the Tittereetten Gra:mitt Vundity evening next. When it tnen gets started down he'll find there are always plenty of men ready to grease the traele For tender, perspiring or offensive feettry Foot Ease. It always gives relief. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Mr. S. A. Stewart, while at Port Frank last week, came in contact with poison ivy and as a result is suffering from the eflects in his feet and legs. 111 thi' 1'i'7.1 iii.1 and 101.1`10t =7,7:attain man wbim StartII ont hunting for tamable t8 mot ty apt to have an (nee job finding it. Cuelinhere colleep•s graderttes and numerous (after green things are now On the market. The Main street Methodist church Sunday School picnicked at Graud Bend yesterday. The person who meets to getsome- thine; for nothing usually gets noth- tog for etenething. Mrs. W. J. Heaman very pleasantly entertaineti a number of friends on Monday uight last. Miss Fowler, of Toronto, will sing a solo in the Teivitt Memorial ehurch on On Tbrirsday afternoon the high wind. blew the smokestack off the grist Tharsday being it holiday there were no people or horses near, and no damage was done except to the stack. • Miss Fanny Bissett has improved . the appearance and comfort of her home on Huron street by having the house newly sided, the verandah re- paired and a fresh coat of paint put • over all. The atietion sale cif range horse held by Messrs. Handford & Elliott on Sat- urday last was well attended and the eotire number -20-- were disposed of at prices ranging from $97 to $151. They are a splendid class of horses and • • were sold readily. The laying of granolithic walks for this year has been finished. The east side of,Main street, south of T. Haw- kins & Son's store, was completed yes- terday. A deal more than the busi- ness portion of the town is now sup- plied with walks that should stand wear and weather for many years. Bro. 0. H. Merryfield, H. C. R. of the High Ciourt I. 0. F., assisted by Bros. Gt E. Anderson and W.A. 13alk- will, of town, established, a court of Iady Polyesters at Farcmhar on Satur- day night last. The charter member- ship is a good one and with the excel- lent staff of offirers elected, there is every phospect of it flourishing court. Mies Elizabeth Wynn met with a very painful accident on Monday. She was standing on a box picking some plums when the box tipped, throwing her uport her face on theground. The force of the fall burst a blood vessel in her bead. A doctor was called and atteeded to the wound. A few days of qaiet will be necessary to avoid any danger from the fall. A. G. Its. Walters, Manager, Seciy. Scottie Aldir, Captain. Bank oltatitio. Mr. A. P. Smith, who has filled the position of teller in the Sovereign Bank since its opening, was agreeably surprised to receive word on Monday last that he had been slated to assume the managership of the branch of the same bank at Marmorat. During Mr. Smith's stay here, by his courteous and genial manner, he made -himself exceedingly popular with not only the patrons of the Bank but the business community generally, and his many friends, while pleased at his deserved promotion, will sincerely regret to 'learn that he is about to leave, as will also the many friends of Mrs. Smith, who has also endeared herself to it host of friends during het residence here. Socially both will be much missed and their many friends will wish them all kinds of prosperity in their new honae. They will be leaving in the course of a few days. Mr. E. W. Horne, account- ant at Milverton, will take the place of Mr. Smith in the bank here. 1. 0. 0. Excursion to Sarnia. Court Wingharn, No. 505, I. 0. F., has arranged with the G. -T. R. to run an excursion to.Sarnia, via Hyde Park on Sa turday, August 15th, 1903, rennet- ing Monday, August 17th. Mr. R. J. MacMath is chairman of the commit- tee, and his success in the manage- ment of former excursions of this kied is a guarantee that a pleasant outing will be afforded all thoee who avail themselves of the opportunity'of tak- ing in this popular trip. • -Mr. D. E. McDonald, Highland Piper, and Miss Mabel McDonald, Highland Dancer. will accompany the excarsionists on the trip and furnish music. In connec- tion wide this excursion an opportun- ity will be given those who desire it to spend Sunday in Detroit, going either by boat or electric railway from Sar- nia. Exeter passengers will: secure Kippen tickets, the fare being $1.35, return; children under 12 years half are. Passengers go by first morning train; returning, train leaves Sarnia at 10 o'clock p. m. on Monday, August 17th. See bills for particulars. Atinc The leter Public School Board he I to announce that it limited nanulter seats in the High School. Department are now available for the faU tem ap- plication for which may he mado the secretary, Mr, •atigg. The pa,,t record of the board shwas the insehtel tion of thle departratinn equalling mid stuUv riVItilitig Many et. Uttt,!.4 a !risked high 6.i'litt3IS will hi” sufit,,,,t tat evidence that no mistake will e byF8Vents or guardianS in int 5; theirehildren to their eare:inl • the stall'. The INPard's (Ovals! biln„T Etwadiii" ditwted hightlt efettieney in their high time weer' ;ea- Well as in PV44rFiliVklua This le Itriege done, not Moly in the inteteet of theta I preeent Cele. Ing. With 1110 Objell having toWti never lese than lunk. met ae a centre of educational %Vag and ineuenee eine this Metric:. Ile Princip31 is Mr. J. Ilentattitaie, lace ot the High tiebettl, Otielatiehi ute necuratten le lunch anaipatrd and jttqit 0' Mosome Annual LIneursato he!, 0 Thuraiday 13.4 proVill shi!rtiz,.3 and v 11, he added to history es One of the twit eoPralde Yet ilailerVilien by the tie, sande brethren. Eight etroiliee, 1111 1 with (wer five hmerred and fifty to to -sea peopte were melted on ititmg tbe line of the L., IL at, R. railway and whh'b,'tl away in the cool of the morning to Kinendine 'to venal the dey in one of the prettiest and most popular loonier towns on Lehe Heron. Ul seenuel bent on it geed time and towns, villages nod tams were ;tit be. bind lost to view: It was it lovely trip through the rich agricultural dietrict of Huron and Bruce eountiee, that are noted for thiair trehnees, fertility and beautiful favms. Kincardine is reached and as the ttain pulled in the Kincardine hand struck up a lively alt' and stnin the (11:0111Ainli5tS Were Ming- ling with the hundreds who had gath- ered at the depot to greet them, the whole making an immeuse mase. The large crowd moved in groups, some taking in the sights of the town,which was embellished iu bunting, flags and other gay holiday attire, while others wended their way towards the park which afforded every accommodation for pleasure seekers. Much to the dis- appointment Of the IllaiithittO tif the atre cursionists the announcement was made that the "King Edward" boat, booked to make it trip on the lake, was swilgo§ta,Yeil at Parry e, (mild. The committee in charge at once endeavor- ed to relieve the situation by wiring to Goderich for the Pittsburg to come np and make a trip, but the hike being very rough she did not land until rath- er late in the evening and the storm not abating it was deemed advisable not to make the trip, hence many were disappointed, hut who knows it may have been h blessing in disguise. A. baseball match was played on the park between • a picked aggregation from Exeter and a like riumber from Kincar- dine. Several innings were played and if tbe gami e was not nteresting from a scientific standpoint it was for amuse- ment. The lacrosse match between the Kincardine and Clinton teams was fast and exciting enough to hold the crowd, but from the outset it was evi- dent that the home team could play rings all around their opponents and as a result the score went high in Kin- cardine's favor, On the whole the day was most pleasantly spent. At 8 o'clock the train pulled out for the return journey, the passengers 'carry- ing with them the warmest feelings for the good people of Kincardine for their hos pi tali ty. V Mr. L 11, Dielesop spent a few days in Louden during. the week, Mr. Taylor, of Wyoming, is the gaest, of his exude, W. G. Bissett„ De., IL K. Tdyndtuan was in London business on Cole holiday. Mr, Frank Smith, of Toronto, visited `los brether. Ierael, this week, Mr...Drew, of Londoo, nephew of Mr, Wen. Drew, is visiting in town. Mr. Rieuti Bissett. of London, vis- ited here Saturday and Sanday, alri3. F. Greenwey, of ,Oryetal City, 31an,, is the gueet of Dr. Rollins. Mr. Ed, Orocher.or TorOiltO, is spend, ing his holidays et his home here. r. Geo, Hoskin, of Woodstock, is. renewing aequeintances in town, Mies V. Cook, or Hensall, vlsited the Misees Holland in town this week. ?Mien Fowler, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ft "W. Gladmani Mr. and Ms, Lab.Stanley, of Lnean, spent Sunday vvith friends in town. rilss Bert Johnston, of Seafoz•th, is the guest of Mies Jean Hawlishaew Mrs, W. Westeott and children, Seeforrh.are vieltiog relatives in town, Miss Ramey Sutton. of London. is ilsiting her another, Mrs„ \V„ Sato; Mv.lorank Tom. of Toledo. Ohio, visit mg relatives and friende Ln town. tout of Detroit, is visiting friende in 31to, R. Herendeen (nee EV00 New - Mr. Rielo (Miley left Wedneeday evening on am extended trip to the coast, edliflt*:oaNuelsaneT4tthYetn. 181:elisfet-enntYaggealereor. f toomme. Mrs. IL W. illinee y and children, Toronto, are the guests of dire. James M.M4117;):1; tl Mrs, Silas hiodge, Winni- peg, Mane ore the guests of M. P. Rhyne. Mrs, Seekell. Lention Road,, north. left Tuesday to visit, her deughter in Tointo. Mrs. Bark. of Maneettuni. Mich ,. is here visiting her parente. Mr, and Mrs. T. Dearing. Mr.Jantes Weekes is coufined to the l(l3,e 1L ent a severe attack pis'. 3tte, D. A. Raise ts visiting her son, Wiii. at Clinton* while Mat Roes le at (I nand Rend. Moe This Oke left Toesdasy for taintsWed to viit her nephew. hlr. Oren Shute. Lieense lospeetor liellatititine, of teefattilto wee in town tan olti trill duty Wed neeiley, Rentbratto of Toter -ha ie visite iota her aunt, Met. Conine and 3lise Nide Ilantlaron. 31e. Joeepla Lautlartaitt and two sone. .f altruniestilte. are vieltiug Olio form - di Reroute here. Mise 1,Vilitie wipe hoe been the guest .Mr. iilaineoto tret return el to her stone in Parkhill. Myz. :deco 1lat14on, of Wayland. ' vieittng her perente. dlr. and Mi.. R. Ilathineon, Mr. Ft anti TovItue of \VI nnipeg,Mane spettt a. few &we with frieude here during the week. Miee Minnie Taylor returned las week front Mount Forest, where She visited for two weelet. Nelson and Aspailla $hePre attended champloatehip game. of laterosse in St. Themes on 3I11nd8y. Mr. anti Mr, P. Moyne attended t funeral of the latterfather, the late Johnstou at London, Miss Ilan returned to her home in Brantford Tneeday, aftee a pleasant *Visit With Mrs. (l)r.! Aos. Misses Georgina and Bell Knight, of 'Merton, are visiting friends and ti's in in and around Exeter, Missee Bessie and Polly 'Welsh, of London, are spending their holidays with their parents in town, Howled Powell, who was here at- tending the funeral of his mother, re- turned. to Toronto Monday. Rev. Strang occupied the Presbyter- ian pulpit on Sunday morning lasnand Iterit Jae. Birr in the evening. Miss laielva, B. Rolland, after a pleas- ant visit with her parents here, return- ed to Lowell, Masse last week. Uri and Mrs. Frank Oke and family, of Toronto, ere visiting Mr. Oke's grandmother, Andrew street. , Miss Lillie Clark, after a pleasant visit with friends in and around town, returned to London Saturday. Miss Roxie Ettorett, who has vent the past month in town, returned to her home in Brantford on Monday, Mr. A. P. Smith, after a few days' visit with his parents and wife at Forest, returned home Thurslay. Mr. jarees A. Sanders,, traveler. is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanders. William Anderson was off work for a few days with it very sore hand. We are pleased to see him at work again. Arr. Alvin and Miss L. Westcott, of Seaforth, spent Sunday as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ,West - colt. Mrs. Yager and Miss Jane °tinning - ham spent a few days clurieg the week with friends in Olandeboye and ' Mr. Harry Cann has accepted tbe position of bartender at the Coanmer. cial Hotel, Mr. jolter Mallet having re- sign -ed. ' Xis. J. Bawcien and little daughters left for their home in Ridgetown Wed- nesday, after a pleasant visit with friends here. . Mrs. Frank Woceis and ,two children, -after a two weeks' stay at the Brenner House, Grand Bend, returned to town on Thursday. Miss Violet Jewell, who bas been visiting Miss Ella Shapton for the past month, returned to her home in 'To- ronto Friday. - • Walter Morloclo who has visited his mother and sisters here for the past month, returned to Columbus, Ohio, on Seturday. Dr. L. Penick, of St: Marys, who i has been visiting n town and camp- ing at Grand Bend for the past two weeks, returned to his horne Saturday. Miss Addie Seek ell, SOO has been holidaying at her home here, London Road, north, returned to the Alberta District, to resume her duties as teacher. I FEADViSrennAMEAMENITfiziNminwmtvatz i illiEUNERiehkeitMangilkniiittaAlx011 PERSONAL. Mrs. Levy, Huronatreet, is visiting in Seaforth. Miss Amy Johns left Saturday for Woodstock. Miss Tillie Yager is visiting friends in Clandehoye. 'Miss G1adysl3issett is visiting friencls in Winghani. Miss Cirace Cudmore is visiting rela- tives in Wheatley, -Miss Gertie Trevethick is visiting friends in Cromarty. Miss Eva Balkwill is visiting friends in Port Huron, Mich. Aquino, Sheere, of St. Thomas, is visiting his parents here. Miss Leila Cooper has gone on a month's visit to Wiarton. Mr. N. W. Creech, of Brantford, is spending a few days in town. - New is the time to seettre your Binder Twine for the coming season. We guarantee our stock equal to any otber twine of the saute niuniaer of feet to the pound. Don't 'neglect your purehase, bub call early, iements. We keep eartennatly in stock the National and Star Brands of Poodiand Cements. conceded by ail etbe eametent judges te the market. The S. W. P. Refore you begin to paint your bootie or anything else he sure to gee the hese paint possible for the money and at the same time give the best satiefaction and longest wear. ardware r, We have the largest stock of lit ware in town—Eavetrough Ing and builders' supplies especially. For Force or lift pumps cal on us, AWKINS 8z SON, ACKIVIAN1_ NEW FALL OPESS GOODS! LATEST AND LIST. Right from the Old Country. Never have we had it more co p e tuck to select from. Call and see them. Staples Our Staple Deiurtutent has sante epeelal values in °wading% TWILL SHEETINGS of heave motility, soft their!), Oran weave. tiOOD VALVE. WHITE WILTS en—Choice of eeveral rattVrus—dessisns fa nu ay-odle. 0101118, 0:aural Shirting's Cotton9. C014 Vat to:lades. Crockery Three cottes of eroeltery have joet arrived. Latest patterns in Mauer and 'Tea 'Sete. Toilet !trete. bite. : ttempline Itestitta of odd Pieses. Goad values dways to Ink fountl in this department, Clearing Sale of White Waists All to go at Cost* _ Our Boot and Shoe umaysi sun boom% wo handle the hest untnilfaCtitrea in the 6'313011 t')", such as; The SLATER,. The EMPRESS, The VIt TORIA. and The lxvicrus, Pi'kos always reatemabbe _ _ 6 Groceries chidee Teaq 01.41 Coffees,. Canned Prelate, (Satiate)i Meats, Pir. • A big Mock of fitreaLfa-4 Foods whieh, otmeists of thane.. Vim. Malta -Vito, nude. Shroultel Wheat, Grano' Nine and Trieenite. , A.lways freelt and ntoile-Alme. Sole Agents for the celebrated \\*. E. Sandlbra's ready.to. wear Clothing. They lead them all for Vaittlit and Dnrability. zPVUH 3194.41.0•4_*. 2a1.410CaC. firiLL AND INSPECT 80111Q of the lituniture exhibited U itt the Furniture Exhibit, Toronto. We are having our orders fined early, and, can show you the new- est designs on the market, end defy competition in Prices, As to quality—we lead. Opera House Block (61 6 W. C. HUSTON :Praetical Embalmen What are you looking for? Is it it nice piece of Furniture? If to don't fail to call on ns, because we are headquarters for anything in theline of furniture. Our Stock is the largest and best assorted in the county. Our Workmansbip is the very best. The Design and Finish is the latest. The Prices are the lowest. • WNIUE WILL be pleased to show intending purchasers through our large v stock and quote our prices before placing their orders. GUARANTEE satisfaction with every article purchased from our store. •• All kinds of ORDERED WORK, REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING and PICTURE FRAMING done on shortest notice tit reasonable prices. 'Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Elown (Sc -ATI-Z.1178011 R. N. Rowe's Old Stand. Mr, and Mrs. Roger Crocker and son, returned to Toronto Monday, af- ter visitingwitle their pareots here tlie past few weeks. Mrs. Walter Andrews and children left Wednesday for their home in Pon- tiac, Mich.'after a few weeks' visit with friends here. Messrs. J. A. Stewart, F. J. Knight, A. G. Dyer and Ed. Dyer, of Brantford returned Saturday from their week's outing at Port Frank. Messrs. D. Mill and Wm. Balkwill are this week. Attending • the High Court of the J.O.F. at Galt, as dele- gates of the ,Exeter Court. Mrs. T. W. 1-lawkshaw and daugh- ter, Miss Myrtit, aftex a pleasant visit with friends in town, returned to their home in London Thursday. Grand Patriarch Spackman is at- tending the Grand Encampment ofLO. 0. F. at Hamilton this vveek,anclBros. W. H. Trott Aid R. N. Rowe,. are at- tending the Geand Lodge of Oddfel- lows, as delegates, in the same city. Mrs. H. Bake ,r who has been the guest of Mrs. W, H. Trott, for the past week, returned to her home.inRoches- ter'N.Y., Wednesday, accompanied by Mies E, A. Jones, who will visit in that city for soxne time for the good of her health. - Mr. Willis Powell is sickwith ty- phoid fever. Be was taken to London hospital on Tuesday morning. just one Week previous his mother was beried, having died from an attack of the -same disease. The syinpathy of the community is felt for the young man and his relatives in their efface tien. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury return- ed home 911 Thursday last, after sev- eral weeks' absence, the former having taken a trip tip the lakes, while the latter visited with her parents in Whit- by. The visit of Mrs. Stanbury was. tnore or less marred by the severe ill- ness of her little child and also the un- foz•tima te accident that happened her. mother, who ie- some manner broke ber arm. Additional Locals on 1st Page.