HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-13, Page 61 .... _ ,t3 Oft
nine years, man and boy, aed in
his father's before hint, It is cruel
hard on both of us that he must die
by the word of ' any mouth. All be-
cause the hot temper that was al-
ways in the fatuity gat the better of
hint once too often,"
Cant, nothing be done?"
"Do "3;ou mean by my denying the
loots, lir. ?rotor? `There was not
a trace; of resentment in his Voice,
only solid deter/111140on. "Ihn.
afraid not, sir. I daren't do it. Z'11
CkFt1,l? stat w. i:Atut, t•ide=d by braiat or senses. The dies ,nQt be believed if I 'dial, Resides, as
- a 1 embodied spirit that can think 4013 knots, I have only told \vhat
t without blain tissue, see without ,mos dragged out of alto. I know a
\ot1ung easier. I thought I told €eyes, and hear without ears, is a' let 1haven't told,"
you affection for the a ites son the
sRgr greatest
f rosy tit, But I .ant not so sure that I ""I believe that,'" said ,Ardei
1 the tratnsference of life, the grafting abruptly, moving so that tee light
most intense desire to seen hill➢, lied of an old life on a young body, is l fen fun on his face,
volunteered his evidence to my so -o, imgossiblo." Wne'il was startled by .his sudden
r aeaads, instinctively itis eyes met_--
liciter, The Crown had t0 catcall It T're:*'ttr could only scion at Idea ,
from him. We knew of his having i with questioning eyes. Ardel's burning, gats and n ere r� _ , * •
caught and held byit. Their wills >;ti ,•e <' ,r' •
seen his master at Laburnb am Lodge 1 "•Life," he went on, as like the fi"
a. fortnight before they did. Hist of 1 is candle."Ile took a \saestletl. In \i'e°ril s taco there tvas 3 �` s5
,damethis a fl
statement to us is moz-e damning far n long wax candle en his }land as he .,surP ise at drat, which ; slowly .._. sP +4e-
than his e.\°idenee in court was. IIo spoke. ,,It con hafe no existence ieban,ted to fear as the spell zvorked •.
has lsept hae! several things that . apart from the nick and the woof, 19, upon him. Pear in its tuna faded�t Z�
tet! against the prisoner. } In fact, q nzay quench or shelter it, as x a\sag to unconsciousness. His eye -
my main terror in crossK saleillieg , t , hds dropped ove3 the eyeballs, as Dinky Danuthin—I tell you whiskey is bandy when you got the cramps, Cape Horn bas alweys 'keen rho
choose, 13u at Bost it can only , p y y goti y terror of sailors, Air, Basil Lull-
hlnz is Haat loos may blas€t Llama out" 'iburn its allotted tinge, and thus g tl1ottgh,ta shield them froth fila Rusting I atvlaizs-.- k es and crams i # hand when you've tvlaisae -
if he is pressed: , ganne swat wilt: like b0. and soul glare.
beck. who went round the Ilona irz
"'1 can understand that. It's 1 Ardel touched his foie l3a ad li isti .. . , .. . , , are sure to bring the results expect-, "•anionjon➢r><ter" and plat his ens
r i.--•spa➢1 hacker out together into dark -5 - . .g y „edg -id:sle , sl:tolitoWt ilieetito** ed an malting farming 1i➢enable, ac 'e c ➢z a oee isbow
d,,-inuab"y clever off letin, it I ant lows. But the 'tante may be shifted. wath lois fnger-ttps :,leela, ilea ,I , 1 ri ?t es one, U...., tel t
right hi ray snspieiou. Ow:a you r; taper r just kindled may take Sts sa,cl, in a low voice, taxcct the mttix hirast, by derelopin the xniz➢d. This cels to be kaacaciceti about in the cage
lead anal thDit tsitit Irina raourse➢i?" The t 1 c k n - -+•la back in his chair in aProfound '`` ti. « does not mean the ecquzring of a seas, During the gale of which lie.
- - !..light from the taper that bas burn -d y + R t llS tact amount of knowledge. A man, .
`Twice. lie ?tufts wd hinnseif , to a glimmer. and so I believe it eS cep. _,. ': tat ' 1i t is bead ?al e4 n th l:r➢dw=,, writes the decks were #u➢1 of iioarwr,
allee:¢ally nnxrnaas to see nae; to.ltelp is S hypnotism to struggle had :�i. a� a e h ssartae bigseers were cptmw>a€£ aAaoard„
o rCe rn the potter of o" ledge and still prove a dnsmel WI- � law Silent lasted - amid file lttear had tt difficult job cl°tom
tznP. a bo cotfr�, in the defer•. Ile and kzo loo the old for the young; i',
niy for a ne ntent" but it was lathe 5,04904140 APO l/Centel*, ,} ore Facts obtained to ever des
istieal il3➢ite friendly and trttnl¢, and u p , t,, life av;wbalo it Meted, At'dei men up the Writs ter the Due Mere t, `- c;.i, ., ing op the nt1t cn upper topers.%
-�-- -'
very question freely. and so slows. the tlttrtre of 1 f u Y ttearl. she 31ci be coluiaatcd, tie ➢ r
• tl I `lie made to burn lta�yoatd its norsnAl rector, but drops of sweat. stood out at the SOIL
, . ! lotion sot➢l;ltt out, thus detelolaing Which had Conte in as Soon ars the
rzetl, iri anticipation, everu device arca allotted sptR➢a." on his forehead, , , , , u process of true reasoning, out of LoitgollatstsiaiDs were fast. Then camel
of cross-examination, but could not t
i ver watched the scene with
� '"}� "" '" *"' " '' the teerifie Uusiness of sgtuariti la
q Ile lirsrlcc oil abruptly with a which come hidden truths �thach tend
shako his evidence in ttze least.'" !sliver. almost. it :seemed, or horror, interest painfully intense, the ZIllei iG ON TAB FA -1M
to enlivczl the minds to Actt,e ias►ts thtr yards, one of #1➢e ;ihea <lttngei "1 wish I could get a chance," Ar'- ➢ at tee owes thoughts. Quee'n'rr counsel in 1➢ant still revolt- There " C1'R,. oar praetieal restsoa➢ing, wend ttt.' +azts sit all ioUs \wheat a. heal sea del said. K c o ?ref daa,}*unen wife aro strpng rarr➢nin * h! tai. \'au Ire to blrittie, 'rc ver, fou fug against; bias grossly irregular 1 opposed to the idea of compellingsalvo .as tatoplaing stone i to the a�• �. �'aship➢liarhist
Ile spoke bale-unepnsciously, but zroeccslur whole watch tater Lista side While the
sieve started tate on fitly bobby. and:l , n g• e*, to \xpataen folks to do any of the tttinntertt of read culture,
the earnestness and confidence with 1 bane galloped stratglat ineos, from ^ "le be asleep, be whispered soft- : attMan . 1 011 antsy stay the Best of seed Qn men win at 'i'Sir1F an $he lar;0 w
Which 1' g 1 S' 'now c_attn, flat the drat T was about fifth on the b e, 'with
he s .stics<< lre'ttlesl. °1'retsn*r, zt #lis• Urgent X,¢iainesri in hand. When lv. it i if fearing tr2.tsalsaair hi➢n. place, that the, mask le top hitt , YOU
ground and reap most ,p
little, for Trevor was reputed to be . 'S I .s •' "So first,'" t1s•del answered, "that while lo th _ unsatisfactory results, ttl.ewise the, old Milson staging out on one elide
ser l see t u na.ttt i\eattl, a second plane, it tta not
one of the keenest cross-examiner; at '"\ilzat place n r• would 1 5e 't , ¢t eanuon shift beside his ear wonid ;a dos that is itt 1 stilt d t t e accuatauia#loofa of knowledge wltlae?ut of zee tta➢d lligglns on the other,
the inner Bar, p u a d hoe o z d ➢t y a! e o h
you best?"" not trouble heat uow. His will and tastes o1 a women, Z1 sever, the the cultivation of the reasoning, say's Air. Lubliocl:, We ltad beerdler
'"I slid my best, and #a:iied, he .• ➢➢>? laee�Raii flour: the sourer self-coaaseionsness are asleep, sand questiont is one that may easilybe powers will surely leave on almost taken two pulls at the btafco when
barrcat field. a our
huge sea broke aboard righi oover
sold short!;'. "I o
u can have your the better; here, r to -night, if post .every other faculty, of lois mind and debated faro and on We been any g'
chance, if You like;'" lsihle.'" body is my slave." timesp Tbe successfaal fanner slimed be the our heads, and bode watches were
Amis -1 ignored the first hair of the r , , .. "Iti it fair? is. it fair..A,reelt'" ask- that ofesta yethis indoer; �f etre being ¢lav° 4f no mall's opinioai* neither tavw4'lat sttl' their feet in °vary dire'"
I ilea it is possible. Ila2 �-af-�d ' it U fT 6114°411(1 be despise the logical eaunae- tisire,
sear¢tsitce� in the eagerness with *tlairtt ter a bang pause --'•do ;°ou tltiui. it;led Trevor, still doubtingly, Item merely because it meant a dii-
h:e caught at the otiI('I half- lis quite fair :'. del?" "Fair or unfair`.'• retorted the version front the ordinary routine cit geeeVes - 01 setencee allreeld ing• hints 'Wills"' Ifig dos and 1 reeei'aed flocs
"Igo you molly mean that? How) s whet , e • ' 'a'" other sternly. "I glum use my pow. bousewore. -under such i:ircuntstauc on every band, lief Should not fete, full iprce of it, ]•or' tame tilos we
anal when can 1 see the Haan?" hat Haat f,tri., : er• to 'the utterttioal. to extort the cs we do rapt believe that there could get that fronto Science as alts?\'s true meat let time I saw the great 1ais
is it quite fair to bring tide urian .
"1 crtnnot tat, al¢,t'trs� sole, of entarv,�. truth anal tie+vc the innocent. Con b° raised stn rc'asonztlt a O,iiO;tizl to odd ?int to shun :o-eaitnt ;:eler3ce; Ing =ASS a5 it reeved its foaming
Awn, an Sake pretences. to mane be- ,,i" _s tton3en erfo ➢i thi a or tillers welch has no .sound foundation and pop 11ip;lac➢' and 8iil l¢er above ten and
ilut I believe that the fellow would ono-. to trent hien, then to take ad -'neon hear rat.. be trent on, turn p + for s 1 b leads one astray from the tach ot', ' • whole
U44, at once if the were sent for, 1lca ' antag of his conlodenrt• to s➢¢ feet Ong to the u➢an that lay motionless it is accessary
far ovary+ member
of agood ; Beeg creek! ill toppled its liege
stili lia�a�grs Tait the pretense --if it is a -, b' . in the Cheri➢. iris face shining white th° family to work 'hard the ;eat' truth. Bear in mind that bc➢4t! eci�t➢- wei ➢at upon ns..
gars nteraCasnf tri �ns116➢hest3 tan ti➢r ri bion f tit a poet t •r tvlatel➢ trill lay . It➢a $ a➢ton serk.o tsiDl aaSten gat eat sloe resit l± tac+el;r d spawn mesal overtri"elawte4l
£" , velli Spu1 13a➢•e?" z1 the electric light, rpund tlhero a1s generally ift➢e stu
O �er•" .. tiling over rho character o the tisork 30 n➢attereS* sea tre➢l eSg wheel➢ cat #ire MI A➢ace11de, 11aua➢ag to th+ At➢•eaee;
by nota lite expression . of stolid dams :their anyone is cattle upon to per- et
teachings of *1e day, Bring ea cult!. with 3H otos "t➢eaa Qth. tinder water.
,"-"f'lout's a:
be anyway, 'Ire hates .•y%ell. if you don't feel at your- had fallen lihe a mask. Be wort, a y such p p voted mind to bear eta the 4�aer, clan^ , . g -r.
the prisoner. Twice to-dos 1 SOW ; "" loos:. ouster and cunnin form, end. under such circumstanceswith 1113. *e 1,1 above Any head. 1 eti
a 4�" I cannot of explain. " it fee uentl' happens that women work can the farce. Tho celebrated dimlu the tumid bundDaeg waiting,
1a;z6r ,1 snnoui*1erIng in his 4+y^'9 'when , "Then 1 **oat"t feel it. It dos' not "halt you hear' ince?'" me clear nett qr t ' Fp painter, '�uri➢er, was or¢eo n'91;ed, to, c, w ' were fills
be glanced toward the doe'I:, hurt ray mom of honor in the !rant.' vice reached his brain, where ren ld 'A her do the milking than, near aloes laic➢r 1 l new tc e A
not, bemuse the time required tc1 exidnln how lit, mixed his eol°1's in anti Il➢ga;ine.
'1 hat n*n' ha', but be stick's dor,-a ...ft dn* *saline. It raises. niy curl- son a➢id telt-comic*Ua➢5nese no longer performs this labor effects thatmuch order to give tl.ealr their lastintf cit- Over t: �• rolled tAar•
gaits• to the pretence. Elven the science," stood on guard. s a e #5 t 1 feet, IIo "Plied: '"1 mix fl➢cit➢ with er and over the el a ro ":,
prosecution, I am certain, believe It ;; • •a +, ,'eating of the omen's bane who can • ,and hurled uta" with terrible toaee
ice. , your lawsci 5 conscience, +, SlOtvly the answer coma lance: 2 use it to advantage in the field or in brains. Thoughtful men knots that to •ninrat n" le ai¢iair➢-Utttclt, ane! t1 o
We tenet word to our saltcito3 was.",7�•nvpi; your .Artificial conscience, It 1m listening, \ 1*at. sio you wni➢t caring for farm animals. brains as well as brawn are required' 6
that he would ciente to ns wherever is contrary to professional etiquette; of � nu?" i17t°re dair,'ing is n3ada a Special- to make farming et successful pr —'
Gantt whenever he `vas tont for. and . it°: nut of the is•g3➢lair routine: tlaero l tvnrat to salt you about the Vit," a.s, fpr exaanaalo, where upward of icssipn, ^s; DR. A. vas raaZASES aJI
truthfully anewer any c
questions thetrial�at 3 :, p dl +. Ile tlto• 1► in all
1 ,ata no precedent for it, so your lett- 10 rt l�tlgar iVtcl:ham. .ten cosCwituo :kept, ♦vo believe that. � n J a7 ,» �'�i�A��� �i��� ..e riTis, •
t1 to ask him." ycr conscience is in trouble. But, q „yoc, yes; I:••dgar Wlekhnttl who tlao division of labor on tate farm work, llapiifl.+:aru * nethpds aro 11CP fs seat direct to the dt.esstc!
rad for biro at pace. Trevor. I we Cannot allow Corms . , _ � anut'dereil poor Bessie ]3lyrtitt+tvood. should be such that women should often found running on the farm. lest
mists Ws innee ee Mete
lar tat keep bias to his
Promise in ',eats to stand and l+tcced ;Poor I3ess•it•1' But I'll inks caro lio'1l rpt be obliged to do an of the tvhatevor is clone be dons well. Got ./ mos the ulcers, elearscAss[r
n d 1tetncrn this young 1 ," y rho best of everything within your
potecceatopsdrepOn su➢th•
tens lin hardly anticipated when mon and his right to lIvt+. I.ctntc;stvin for it. The voice WAS foll of milking. \10 buss this opinion oar throat and ras.r.ntj:care
hn Kate' zt•," Mize tiling squarely 3n the ince. Tod iznal bnity, but it had the untuistatl the fact that, if the cows have been
reach that will lido to inane your
CenkrhlustHa Fuss
"f'electinly, if you wISl3 it. But. s it, as you lawyers say, • a slab ring sof truth. properly selected and aro fed well, work etre successful, the best stool;, +: No. All dealer on*ntt:at.ty, Moo
pardon r y professional sanitti+, Ar-", m l obst Wee
- oodo, re(cll poor Bessie BI the- the willpaya ooa profit to their the hest areal. tbeak est st stool:, stallctaoGo»�oraatc, wezdQntt tw
del. T cannot fool quite certain that: lied in Amt. + tie do this fellow \\s.Cb',woocI➢" . Alda i and 'Trevor looked owner oxehough ono hes to 1*1ro do b The
t too hent ll fpr finery. -
yanr cross-examination will succeed evil no tvrcrnl, a other wry, It l►; 1s f at each other in blank d.isutn • .galla help to do the feedin and rankin . tion= us waste on many farms is time's my poor lame causal again?,
when aline• has so signally failed.' tri thiol, we vindicate los truth; 1- was truth with a vengeance. Y, li enough cows ore not on hand ranking.
Fences, gates and general' tbe ring -Dolt,
' b ' lie is, as I believe hon to be, a mall- g
**Cross-examination:"" cried Ardel `gitant perjurer, we detect -h per- mall -
But the passions of the sleeping juetlfy hiring .tile extra halls for conditions about tiro premises, by be -f I hung to the race until the wa-1
in eurprise, ""I don't purpose em -jury and save ins victim," the 1 el man were stirred, though his will milking and caring for the dairy ing neglected become the adage,sourc� of ter tore it from my grasp, hmull
ploy.ing any crows-estuzaination. I t . Wept, and 1115 'thoughts showed products it will usually pay to snaky much lose. The old s1 i ntvny I went, final my !tend up. theft,
Trevor could find no answer to . g stitch in tine staves nine, is as true my feet, a plaything will pluck the truth from his heart this curt reasoning, though be Still lthsazn>;tttvas in words without further a little extra investment, so that Y p b to the whim ofQ
i g **Yes, maximum profits will be derived to-dos as it aver tvas, A little thing the wittcr.
by a mutt gafclner and more certain sgtanmisl3 about the task set. questioning. les, 1 call .it ower attended to ea the nick of time, arid, It hashed me round the Batch,
prole -3l process that cannot fail. luno Lawyers have so of into the- del.'"the voice 'event on; "just as from the outlay for labor. \\e hope
"Yon mean hyjtnotiszn. Ardel?" t; much murder ass it hputsincerely that the day is past tvlren not put off until the mori�o\t+, re- i elk red me .against the life -rail, and
''£ do mean v liubit, of platting the guinc accordiall a the pistol it is considered necessary for women turns many fold in the end. s•ailed rue into the scuppers. 1 got
hypnotism. I will to the rules, they persuade them- to the
poor girl's head stud pull4+d y Third. Be honest and truthful, no i
rna a t11 tnitla lay his Very soul { floc trigger. Be•drove her to leer to grind away from daylight to cntaitgled and ditscnt3tnne tvltia
wives it is hette'r to lase by rule dark, Let thaw manage as best one can. afford to be otherwise. fan other human bundles, and never for'
naked before us, with whatever lies'�i'hnri win without it, no wetter lanes own death, and it's God's justice ho the may, the forenoon on the aver,' is said to have been made upright a second could I got my head above].
and piottings may be hidden their,'" `high the stake's, shooid dio for it, Igo broke her age farm is pretty much occupied, but oftentimes by the practice of de- water•,
"But eon you do this thing? .Are i Not without a half-conscious hope heart by 1118 troaalaeay; a girl that d phis Uetn the cash, two full 2➢e ccption he becomes fearfully twisted, At lest the water began to run ofT,
you quite ~tare?" :that he uoultl not cone, John '1're was a thousand, banes too good for lieve that th y have the ri Izt to a' a crookedness that is hard to c1is and X found aizyeelf sitting up with,
"Sure as a long unfailing •experi- ;ver wrote a brief note to Robert the insolent, cold blooded puppy," greater onion of the afternoon and peso of. Live so that men will my head out, I lay to the stat'-
ence ran make ane, I never yet met:lls•ov.il, which was delivered by Aire "'flaw be bates Iain!" raid Arde2 av�Ing to devote it to reading, soli take your word, as quickly as they board of the main -hatch. Close tor
nzan, *soman, or child wlioin I could idols private hansom; to Trovan; I told you so" B al duties or some form of diversion will your mond, ane in the scuppers lay three ?nen
not constrain to unquestioning abedi- nut he came. i'n an hour the loved the girl Bessie Iliytlietvoad that will enable them to keep in in a tangled mass. Mixed up in fifes
mere. I can force the very, soul, as -hansom was back with the man in- }nansel1, That is his secret. Theme touch with the outside affairs of the KEEP IMPLEMENTS BRIGHT. life -roil were two snare. Another
you 'would Call it, (roan the body. I ,side. \tlzcn he was ushered ante file is the devilish, raga of jealousy in world, 'To grind away laboriously The good book says the merciful lay gasping on his back under the
have done it for a brief space, leas- ,smoking-rooum, evilere the two frieruls his voice." from daylight to dark during the en- nam regardeth the life of his beast. break of the poop.
ing the husk pulseless and lifeless. ;fiat, he looke+1, if possible, more stole' Then in the sleeping mmn's ear he Tiro year. means a stunting of the Notably is the decree in this regard Above the gale 113eard the mate`s:
Trevor half forgot lois case* fasr;in-said "'Wiese hand fired the shot?" intellect and surd 110 man would apparent an the user of implements on► ,
,zd and coinjtr➢sed than he had looked ' y Voice, Ifainbrace there, Ile you
ated by the intense earnestness of in the witness -box. . "ll`ow do I know? what do I care? wish his wife or :his daughter to bo- the farm. Imagl3io the difference ill gei,l" +
tine other's face and voice.
While he and Trevor spoke to- Her own, I tiara say. But Wickham, coitlo inertly a machine fit only for the draft in drawing a platy all day I irked myself u dared and half-
this bo true Ardcl, then stinalcurse • Mini drove her to it, anld rho dail "tasks that re uiro ly steal through a soil in which elle plow will
drp p'
you must confess, for you have sat
JrSar a moment , atwe, gin- Wickhan shall Ilan for it." ` oxertiony task they woman should be not Clean and driving _the same the pad. The captain, who *vas Ott,
proved it, that there is a 14fe after tenticack in the shade, watching in- you have perjured ours Itobliged to do the Milking or not is through the soil in. w2iiclls it floes ,the poop, . seeing the thole of his
death that the soul can live severed • . supIliface was pale to the ha -ng -Mill?" p ] y e to a through
subject that no doubts owes very clean. The ditTiso in many in- ship's crew washing about the desks,
• "}fps with suppressed excitement, and,t r dashed down to the deck t3 to his
from the body." his eves glowed like a cat's out of A low, malignant chuckle broite closely* home to many of our react- stances is fully .i0 per cont. New p
., era and we shall. bopleased to have if the raan who drives the plow has waist in *eater, went to the head of.
"No, Trevor; there is no thought, the gloom, as if fare were kindled from the lips of the sleeper. Itthe brace, and cheerio us on and
memory, or consciousness outside boliind them, was well done. Judge and jury those \who are interested in it give anion it reto rust, and if thisocon- g
the body. In the interval I Have -This is a bad business, Mr, Wee- swallowed it sweetly. "4io could allow is responsible for the extra shoultzg t vs ton ownis singingout
an expression of their opinion g g g
$through these columns. weight put upon the horses. Ofsoon
Spoken of life issuspended. It is a sign" Trevor began, a little nervous- doubt the word of the simple, faith- course it happens in same instances No one was lost. Such is ]yl ov
pause of blank oblivion. This is ly a ful servant who was so sully to inert MAKE FAR, i7NG PROFITAI3LG, that the condition of the land in dance! \1'e ought to have been ]till -
not hearsay merely: Y have tested it •"/! very bad business, sir," the his young master?—}lis sweet young
Uy self -hypnotism. such that no plow will clean. lt'hen ped; we ought to Have been washed'
ypnotism. There can be no other answered, with a side glance master, who }sluice the heart of the Much has been said and written it is so the responsibility does not overboard; but at sop Providence has
thoughcent t; or motion, orrough the tanism. pro- Mr. Trevor. I was in his servicescnsation ex- at Ardel; "a heart breaking business, best Biel that ever. dray breath, and upon how to make farming pro -
rest where it did in the other in- constantly to intervene, or no sailor
struck the faithful old servant across pro-
fitable, the work pay, and above all, would live long.the whn pak stances.
it. 1
face thinkeI'vehe col3iedared evtoen, stvietli him of the home happy. In reflecting over
this matter there seems to come to
at last." u5 a few principles which if applied'
"Get the facts, Ardel, from him,"
whispered Trevor eagerly, the law- glanced at it, and then I knew in
yor's- instincts now keenly alive in one moment how her death came,"
him and his scruples gone, 'Mei?" '
"'t'hen you climbed into the win- By her own hand, my poor girll
dove at Laburnham Lodge, what did by hoe own hand; but he drove' her
And aft the Torturing and Disfiguring Itching Skiff diseases are—Y°really see? gi3eried Aldol. to fir.." •
What 1 swore T saw—poor Bessie "�'�i t was in the• letter? Can , yon•
Compelled to Yield to Yield to -the Extraordinary Antisoptio, • 13lythen ood , lying dead on .the car- remember?'' Trevor ` was 'writing
Soothing; Healing influence of pet, her golden curls ._ all dabbled furiously:..
with plood." ".I can remember every/word. It
i The voice faltered, the hps twitch.- was'very o shoat:=-']tiy Sweetheart, 1
DR. G ASB ,_. 1 T ed; plainly the ghastly sight was forgive you good-bye. Life is,, not
® again before Mtn. worth living without your love, I'm horribly else did you see?" horribly afraid of_ death, but it is
With. the 'single .exception 'of itch- " "I' was ` so bad that I Would get A revolver lying on "the floor 'be ; better than• this minesye. That wits
ingpiles there is no form of itchingu at night and scratch zn self until side
-tip !; y all; it was enough. Al that "mo-'
dein disease so extremely painful and the flesh was raw. and flaming, The"r+'i? ?'evolver?" rent my rage mastered* me, and I
distressing as eczema, or Salt .rheum, toatui•e I endured is. almost beyanii Nd Iters;" swore he should die, and'he shall.,
ais it is. sometimes called, A little. description, and now ,1 cannot saj, `quick glance passed between Ar- The whole thing came to me like a`
poison tion a sock or other gar- anything too good for Dr,. Chase's del' and Trevor, who had seated hien= flash. I had my master's revolver
nient is sufficient to give this dis-. Ornament. It has cured Wien and I self at a tt't+iting-table. in my pocket I had stolen it and -
ease ?beginning, and its fires burn recommend it because. I know there "ITers'? do you mean bliss Blythe- practised with it. I meant to use rt
and eage with such fury as to al- is nothing so good for itching skin." wood's?" if he struck Inc again. 33ut the
most drive one crazy.. Only persons;, There is enough evidence in these "Of coarse. A pretty little thiaig rope will do arty work safer and sur -
who have experienced the frightful with an ivory stock chased in silver. er .
itching, burning, stinging sensations offices to convince the mbst skeptical T had Seen her play with it a titin- `'That did you do next:?" The
of eczema can realize the .miserzes..;and P?'ejudiced:that Iir. Chase's Oint- dred tan.:?. Site used to shoot with question was shun and stern, The
which it brings and the disappoint- anrnt is a positiveh nalid e thorough cure it' on the lawn; it made scarcely any "'What
c1wae ohcciently,—
ment which comes with trying in for eczema. :When the disease be-
comes' chronic and set it is some -`report." "I dropped his revolver an the
vain to find a cure,Go on—what did you sec or do floor, slip
Mr. G. E. McConnell, Engineer in times necessary to use ten oz a dor- y slipped tiers and the letter rte-
7%leury's foundry, Aurora, Ont., en looses, but cure is 'certain if the. morel hind a i•ow of books on the, cabinet,
states: I believe that Dr,; Chase's.'treatment" is. regular " and persistent. 1 took up the revolver; one, of the and was back at the window. in a
picttnzent is worth its weight in goldC'There is no experimenting when you
had just been dischaagcd.'- inoirawnt.'' "
For about thirty years I was troub-::u ,c Dr. Chase's Ointment, It. • has as it warns as you' swore?"' "Was the body still bleeding 'when
led with eczema
and could not ob been tested and proven in thousands No: not Warm, but fouled. A you entered the room?
tain. any cure.: I was so unfortunate of cases of he most severe •form, small table had been overturned by "i did; not ,notice."
as p have blood poison, and this can depend On 'It absolutely. the girls.fell; there was a paper.ly- Yott. swoie it \las."
cicceloped into eczema, the most Sixty cents a: box; 't all dealers,: or ing on the Carpet. It Was am tti;;in- I thoLfetltt of than afterwards,"
c!aeadFrl of skin diseases, Edmanr;ozi,.73ittes.Sa CO,, Toronto.:,,.- islzed lctfor in her *arztiizg. 7. just ' (To bo coutinuo(1.)
Tho sante principle is illustrated ie
the use of almost any implement
that is used in tilling the soil. Earth
will clog upon the teeth of a spring
tooth harrow under certain condi•';
tions. 11'lien' it does the harrow
draws heavily. Tine sande is tree of
a coninion barrow or of a (Use hare
row. When the harrow or tee'
works thus. it is a good plan to;
keep in the field a spade or shovel
or little trowel to aid in cleaning
the implement.
This can be done at the turning
Place. and while the horses are got.
ting their breath. An active man
who is intent on doing good work
will not grudge the labor of time
cleaning his implement frequently, R
will add 1narnensely to the ease with
which the work will be done and
also to the etfieetireness of the work,
Even a *seeder may be made to rain
much easier by occasionally tailing
the earth off` the rim of the wheels
when it adheres to the same.
Itchi ng,
urnbig Eczrna
Jim Dumps asserted, "Too much meat
In summer causes too much heat.
ee What shall we eat all summer long
F.'''. That, without neat, shall keep us strong,
And in the best of summer trim i''
Why, 'Force,' of course," laughed 0 Sunny
Exeleidoa Chops and Steaks. `_.}
"'Ferce' is a regular breakfast food In
my fetidly to the exclusion of s -,a or chops,
the old standard. A. ANGER."
?W -1s9