HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-13, Page 5(Szeter acater
published every Thursday Morning at the Oftlee.
-By the-,
ne Dollar ie r annum if paid in advance, *1.5
if not so paid.
.4.0orrOss'Os.o4... Mo.troO cos ...Ilfoozo/Acsa.
leo paper kseontinued MARIO. arreamoes a paid.
Advertisetaiente withoutsp.ocieed direstions will be
Published until forbid mad. charged accordingly,
Liberal diseount made for transelent advertisemeot
loserted for bog periods. Esery description of JOS
PRINTINO teased out in the dnea atsse aaa at
eateergreietes, orapee, reenee for
advertising,. subseriptions, eta.. to be Made payable
: •
Sauders Creech,:
oreestonal Cards.
foiloMs BoRkof Carton
Capitol l'eld
A,gegteral Damian bosiness traesacted.
Interest at most fairorable current rates allowed e
Savings Rook accouots and Deposit Reeeipts.
CononercialLetters of Credit i•stsed. available 1
Japan and other foreign couotries.
Travelling betters et Credit issued to trarellers
ell parts ot the world,
TRW PYSUE, odexanal.
EX.1.1,F.BMW, arer Baaserias it Curer itisracror.
L PR L R.gt.
MAN, o.P.S.„ Mauer ;garbage
dareate Veiverkstia
' haat atex Fain. er may bad edee
mark. weas a:1e Main st
.-- *
Blames ow Revolutionisie Ratheri featCat DivileootiLls,aoyotfhc,Ethyr:7Wii:tts.aral, Vare
Than the Turks,
London, Aug. IL -The state a af-1,,
fairs in Macedonia was brought * ' Aug. I f.
prgmioi, B 1, 01I011c01:r8e4YeSheteswadAys, buntit. Th'i.,,,.,eettieuxg. Lull, iii eir I:1 lonraeori:z etilt.i;f:;1774.,:lke:t.'t..4
the llouse of c - °P 3111 Toronto St, Lam
a, ,..e t a lour de
laTe4he seid?w4 zaching the Government, 44r . th*r° 1V4S tle7'gre el - -31-- -4 4.
t 1.1,1..a.4rding the situation. The ronleIr's receipts- a---reeTigt e.enett, tten..t.
w_lei e. 0 give any satisfaetere aesur, newreilee eiereet sem, .
bst laireAltbiriitau:Qgeoall?1. ota°410:13a,:::riE,rurinl: i°00rfn: assuring.
e.g . ' 1 3t I 1.1,. inet ': 4 al: 41 it,411:1"tnelorwr: le 1 :a4bala:t r:A_‘,-4 e:0: I rsilt o a: iile rAes1 to15:1"ltele4' 'il:71.nuld4.4" r ea: I a::: . It ton.
e .1;'
suc,ess _, ...uer afenowledged the iu,' tug. oAt there (Trih ^-"-a' Yen?' little tie-
pean ,ii.,..____ _ et she . eritice of Euro, tnew--"ree•erhe -It 4:11:41: sn43441,1Pe 7
ofeEt.i.ra0s80:nua'urily9- oanalp"rica.nteQdt 124;11: ifilho: 3°4 Price 41.17° melurnle °x4 *he' mairk'et4
ui task. .• Pr* .1`. Liedsay. Onto Aug. 10.-Vletorte, cheeee
the plan recently designed by Russia Boara wee bele to -day. /Sayers Present :
aild Anstrie would prove the beet way, Fitageesid. Gillespie, Cook, Bolles' And
of dealirre with the problem. Be- Fla -Vella, Highest Klee IMO Wan 236e.
tweeo th: outfoxes delibemtely „goo. ' At rzeerold secured '.71W boxea. 41r.
nceendsebYoftliteltereglautsi°hnitsrtostersdthT*-eht- r"e"-like3ItAb°4S'44rd:T(1) 5eMii 443(774Wel82r4 495'11Yee4fat
toricel truth required him to say that.; .
the balance of criminality lay rather; Driti'll Cattle Madc•-ets,
with the revolutionista thee with the '; c..401e0e4tAdr:, ta..47t stOaktkpm, 436wir To4.ratust 4,19size4
tiblPrf Balfour said everything poeeible '
4 No market to -day at Deptferd.
etuld be done to impreee the Porta. Montreal Live Stock.
villa the neceesity of keepang its trooes. Marftreal. Aug. 1.--Tret,41.0 eat tee gest,
well in hand. and every assistance ern Abettor Caede market was tor to-
nroadd be given 40 the Porte in ever- (lAdrotlf4 r::::.5 l''.1'74 444.
mg out tliat obieet. The Britieli moor aererele4Pfrai•71.2-T l'il t'ougtaheillit
GOVertillteill'5, PeliCy. Concluded Mr.,. dettiand for them W44 SUM atiel at weir
Bailout', was to ale 'Austria and Rtig, *0 reingitt4 tirkseld, Meet; NOVA an
ata in introducing the elementary prin.. - Igit9sr1;-fChiA4.e hnteitero`.OW•to 450:
ciple of sound government, whieh lot tri•on. virter9 1: P u4c414"h 4c t* ncl
the preatrit constituted the beet means neevee-neeelete ameunted to NO head,
of dealing whit the deep-seated evil. tbo dialhe telex me -win oenarrien. The
• demerit/ woe good awl et, rifoOrt nOitere-
45.4 PARIS HORROR. . eltacifePreite.11-' tg " °4c11' - 44"
matacd Wein: %%Xi a,neoek eoldato14 to
OM... i 4130ee and Lamba-Reeelple et liteeP
Meer actuate of Toronto Vniveraity and Dos
College et Rental Sorgetots of Ontario. Also Poll.
Oradriate Meng Sehael of Proothetio lkelistery
(with horeerable mama)
0old and velvete veto ireite 10 th
ueateist maneerplassible. A perierily rienale.
' atIlbetienSed tQC painless extraefloo of feeds
Office MO dear wreath et Carlin Brea tete. r.tete
T. P. Strl.falfilibTS. MEMBER OF Tit
LJ Celle*/ riersislayea wed Serarens Wan
Physician, Seraveu owl Acgainteur. OiDee, theta
weed, oat.
J'etam la 0Mee Resaleare.
nem Ave.. Lnation Ont. Ssecial attentio
diseases of wofeert. OasehOurts, 13,24 to 4
Intel:Sox & CARLIN% mut:incr.% soltlei
see Natarles. CnnveyeteT,Vre. G4411,11lItIlngr
Selivitas ItIn14vne remit, fee new belass a
ewes% =tele! Intettsi. IlTarea, Mak; saw a Dreier
I, IL easuaa,11.14, t, tt.ims
ur.ta, fa:UM% 111.teerare,
11 Olk•s. 'Wlateltra Llsroed Auctiosore
for (So Counties of Perth and •
at tortiro tosooltiii of trslrrars, Saks promptly
atteolod Mani tonne ressooalrolc, Saki arranged
at Post OlEso Wirslichts.
aeasearesoa-oorsa'enetee, _
The Maisons Bank
(muter -AA by Parliament, 1S,i1)
Dead Oillec.Meatren.
Pahl up Capital• • • • •• • •• . • •a2,500.000
Reserve Pond 2l) 000.
ExEuruit BRANCH --
thine 1 • st-110 a.m. to 3 pan; Saturdays TO t4.
to p.m.
Ageneral leenki ng business transacted
Money alliamersi to good Farmers at lowest rates.
Savings Dank Deposits from Stand upwanis reecho
ed. Intereit allowei at highest current rates.
111C8508 N. D. ilearao,
Solicitors, Monger.
We rtre still in the Bicycle trade
and. this year show some line Stied -
wens. The CUSHION' 'FRAME is
the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod-
New Pianos!
Several :New Pianos just put in
stock newest styles and the best
makes. ft will pay you to see them.
Yon will be surprised at the LOW
PRICES at which we sell them.
Organs of the Latest
makes always in stock
Sewing Machines &a.
We are leaders in Sewing Ma -
1 Boiler 80 h. p.
1 Boiler 40 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engin,
80 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engin
of every Description in
',ass and iron to order.
Pipe and Fittings of nil eizes kept
etmetatitly in %tilde.
Ruled in underground Romney ainoantea to No watt mete or nettles
erneineettg to eee. hegia. The Wiese
Accident. 4" 91,5 ee.eree re 1,e ft it ra re Waite eellireg at
ria. Aug, ex.---Plve men and two tamp, Tr we^ krOVO OftlOAra rer export
known to have lost their ! eogr7etralfgrali 1,44;4: rolltet,VIrr k.e4444
VeS in a fire end panic in the under.'mcgO tr‘en31 t9 4 14e"
ied portion of the Metropolitan: East Buffalo Cattle Market.
Electric Railway last night. It is h Beet lluffele, Avg. Q. 7, cettle-Rea
Jeered that Many more ?dished. WO" ce4P(e, 050 bead; easireelo maga soo
Id a ° e'kwrirttAl .011.17,1presarehing the „e
tunre.At /UAW 1(.1.O$ a.m.). Three to nit cw.,c4 MIA bolters. S4.00;
tVailiS were burned, and a felattld 47164 e‘ee4et "114 fee4"44.
a F3 Stoat ti Sbeifeeel, V.% te et; fecal)
AS fa of Vietims,
Paris, Aug. itte-Eighteetwo bellies geed t-. .-.-t, IVA a/141am to
eawil, batch' nteedy; soli:germ strew ;
bevy been recovered !rola the ruins of teeed__,.Peete eq,„ n't„
trams whieh Were destroyed hy fire t737B,Z3),
miay on the Metropeittan Eke- nee and Or to V- e Neter: heavy. ;3.,k
Reilwae:e The total illitlithor Vag.. Int4l11.. 15 entillIntig'.: .1.12 to 4'..;.Z.); HOLZ t;,:lO VIZ'
;6.410 #1,-M to 14,7,
stoKs. tu $14,4 alsirlsa. $5,174 445) akerp
and lanOta-leacelelia.7.(03 hol•S;JOarliriEfs
LLED By HER BROTHER. to eie lakt.er: ratued elrep higher;
angte taig ben Wall, el to 11.)41 a
45/44..„ shaQ 8, Accident N___ row Of fo.40. _Fearilllgs, SI tt tl1,75; weths
IIIIE0d. Oa 10 tt.
car tost, St to e4Wr4 ;.3-2.5 to ;Wel; sweet
1h IIL!sgs.sAnn mune. ased Chicago Llec Stock.
years, daughter of Peter Hume,' em, rit :,Art rOvF,eart;"411-a Itt:7I, m44
fernier living near Arkell, was aces:4' steam se to polS; poor to medium, $3 taw
dentally shot by her brother, George, 11 gig :Tract tate4.4.4;flee4e041.137 grttilirt
aged twelve-, yesterday. ett appears. Veto to V.34; in Oa 14.M; cattle!. tale
Vo 045; IreX1.5 fed steentaid,,Z to $t 113 -
that about a month ago Mr. Hume; vadderil, ot"irs* 11W 40 44°304*
took a shotgun out of the house for ItecelPt" rt' •t°4nC4t31)W. 22414.31
the purpose of shooting a stray doe eleattsteoryeinr.1419; strung tO higher, doeed
which had annoyed the lewdly. The" geed 141
cartridge missed fire, and he withdrew. lutztvir. 4,5.10 lifth/o 151u tur"`"
it and. placed the gun on a beam m bulk ot Wes at *clew to *.01 Sheep -Re-
tire driving shed, placing the unused.' Vallil:611.1T crtit.tv lafr°14 grulatthiptiscs.
cartridge, which he thought to be ed. t2.50 tO tl•Z: native latlabl• 13•4i to
uselese, on the same beam. The chibe" wt tern lambe, 241•9 to '54.
dren, Georg, his brother, Wilbur, aeed;
ten, and Ann, 6, and a little brother; Montreal Grain and Produce.
between three and four years old, were Tgte4gt7A 0,Anuutbfl;itillittrati;
playing in the lans, When they saw- tor export to -day at Zr-. ExPort trade.
ac tredi.ge,sq‘uviitrirtelthscittouttgeroncititiltdertnf,ence. howevr, atin• wIalle demand ft)T lucid
„„ account le fah. rat IOWOr prktol.
oatn ratIcat, We; No. 2 oat; hi store. ESe far
to the driving sited to get the gun to weal trade; No, 2_ peas, Sic high and 71e
shoot the animal. He placed the afloat: NO. 2 SY0, 52e orult flfl War allOati
cartridge in the gun and walked out- )70. 3 extra ultra% tre needle mid rdo
side the shed, and began. He made :
an attempt to ,point the weapon at tis !thOrts 111
the squirrel, and in some manner the ' bran In bulk, S17 to ov.so; short;. VIM to
irt hulk: meetings. En) to
gun was discharged before he intended MA.
Jt The shot struck the child, Am1.1 toglille.r to Sao. stecording to quality.
lairsitannuPateaTn'AerLV agaaron;
who was standing a few feet away,' Mg
under the ritht breast, and killed her In Montreal on track, to $li.G0 for
instantly. coroner Savage was noti- etratght "41°3.8 htIrrel8 1 In bags. $1'7°
vestigation, considered that, under the '
fled,. and after Making a careful in- .1,,,,t°rsoila.s75ftentitFoiltIss'eltFaginottilizialoTilitottbaer
d pat -
circumstances, no inquest was neces-' eats, 31.05: strong bakers'. 13.4.5.
Meal -The market for oatmeal Is ateadr.
and prices range from $2.99 a barrel and
$1.65 in bags for broken kits.
LITTLE GIRL ATTACKED. Beans -Choice primes,$1.85.
Provislons-Heavy Canadian short cut
pork, $19 to $91; light short cut. $9: corn -
Brutally Treated by a Tramp, but She pound lard. Iliac to tie: pure Canadian lard.
May Recover. lusLo 14%c; bacon. 14a to 15c; live hogs.
Montreal, Aug. T1. -A crime cent- ea*antreeteharkilintrstinr; bog, "shiOxtilcereli:
witted at St. Lambert recalls the Col- Perk, ;18.60.
Cheese-Ontarlo, lac • townships, 34c;
ling -wood tragedy, but the little girl Quebec, 94'e to 90s-ce.
I Butter --Townships creamery, 18%c to
Victim in this case, although almOst
Quebec, 18c to 18%c; western dairy,
beaten into insensibility, is expected 14c to 15c.
to recover. Fanny Boissy, ten years Leading Wheat Markets.
old, was playing with other children Closing previous day. To -day.
near a small wood at the eastern out- Chicago Sept. Dec. Sept. Dec.
skirts of the village, when a roughly- 88214 18% .12% 85m.
dressed man dragged her under cover, Toledo... .. ▪ siva 83 sa% St%
Duluth, nor.:.
while her playmates ran terrified intoa4
St. Louis80% 82% 79% 821/4
the village. As soon as the alarm Detroit. 2 red .. 82 8214 82 83
was given, a search was made. The Milwaukee, 2 nor. 8014 ..91
Minneapolis 81M 78% 81% 73%
second, cum,
1VRI be TOM to tlalligis on Can. Pao. in 3fanito1ia
and Aminilaids, Wow% Southowg mad 'Anions's at
Winuipes 814r co
On...SEREST from st1tn In Ontario. Ma
Liner -4 tirand Trunk, Toronto to..tiArnial awl all
&Manna N'orth tostspf.N•stit ot Cardwell. Jet. mai
CI1hit Tomato en Siortit Dv Seelloni.
COL0000llomiroo•Ono• WOW.
Oittoway t'Skets to 'alluttiptg olds' will be sold,
Atli a rertitirate 081o/1115g the trip, brtare mew
lb:, %stelae callitiefial cad. to (Slur isdats Ms.
oba and Assitilbeia as above. If ronshastra engage
fann lialouvrg at Winnlinv, prntitil surh tclzru
laborers will nork netters than ao daso at 1i:trot...tips
and product rertitleate to that t fleet. they Ire rao
tonal! to original oing tartpoint at ettl,t19. au or 1:e.
fore Nol, 39t1s, EXSI.
Tickets 'not good " Import:11 Lissltcd.”
Pcr further partirulaw aud tilltets apply to the
arest railway agent.
A. 11. NOTMAN,
Ant Oen. Pars. Atgent, TonONTO.
St. Thomas, Ang. 11.---A shooting af-
fray has occurred at Brownsville
which may tt rmitutte fiat:111y. While
Mrs. AVeaver and bet- daughter, Kath-
leen, who have -charge a the toll -gate,
Wert: Satiug near the table they saw a
rig approaching, driving quite fast,
with two men in it. When opposite
the door the men discharged a r evolver.,
the hall striking Xatideen, aged thir-
teen years, irethe bead. A doctor was
hastily summoned, and dressed the
wound, which may prove fatal. It is
supposed the men were under the in-
fluence a lignor, as they had been
shooting at random along the road
leading to tile toll -gate.
chines -the best machines that the •
trade produces are on Oilt, floor for
your inspection ; also repairs Need-
les, etc., for all kinds of sewiug ma-
chines, always. on band.
Call aucl see Us if in necd •of
any of the above.
EXETER 11011E11- pins
(Breakfast Food)
A good supply .of Millfeed
and Chop always on ,hand.
Give our ,Flour and Feed
a trial and be convinced that
• •I o •
olt is all right..
Roller and Plate griudersin
use to suit customers.'
Harvey Bros.
Successorp to J. Oobbledick & Son
• Fall Fairs
- 27 Sep.12'Aug. 11-1„
Toronto.... ..
Oct: 0-7
London ..
• S1'ingliam ..... . . .......
Blyth . ..... . . '
Kirk tou
" 2
"1 have used Ayei's'illair Vigor
I for thirty years. it is elegant for
/I hair from splitting at the ends."-
a hair dressing and for keeping the
J. A. Gruenonfelder, Grantfork Ill.
fiair-splitting splits
0 friendships. H the hair-
y spiitti-ng is done" 6n your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayr's Hair Vigor in
advance *ill prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it,will stop it.
sim a bottle. All druggists
If your druggist cannot -supply you,
send us one dollar and we will express
you. a bottle. Be sure and give the name
of yonr nearest express office. Address,
J. C. AYER, CO., Lowell, Mass.
PJvmpcmtn.nstipwns stepUby
cyclone. Hail fell to a depth a three
little girl was discovered in a pitiable
condition, where the man had left her
after having pounded her head 'on a
rock. She is now under a doctor's
care. A persistent search has been
maintainedto find the villain,' but so
far without succe,s. The child says
that she could ideatify him.
Canada's 'Foreign Trade.
Ottawa, Aug, 11.. ---- On the basis
a *imports , for consumption s and
domestic exports only, Canada's
foreign trade , amounted to $35,-
o7o,9$, x for the month of July last, as
compared with $2,330,369 for the same
month of the year previous. The im-
ports'exclusive of coin and W,lion,
werefor last July, dutiable goods, Sir,.
117,192 ; free goods, $7,597,392. In
July, 1902, the dutiable imports were
$8,987,688, and free goods. $4,738,80.
. British Markets.Ltverpool, Aug. 10. -Opening -Wheat -
Spot firm; No. 1 standard California per -
cental, Gs 34; Walla, 6s 5%d to Se 60:1; No. 2
red winter, 6s. 44; No. 1 northern Mani-
toba, 6s 9d to Gs 9%,d ; futures quiet ;
Sept. 6s 53/4d nominal; Oct., 6s 4%4 nom-
inal; Dec., Gs 514d value. Corn -Spot firm;
mixed. American percental, new, 4s 7S4d
to 45 7364 ,• futures dull •, Sept., 4s 744
nominal; Oct., 4s 7%d. nominal. Flour -
Minneapolis, 21s 8d to 9.2s Gd.
Liverpool, close -Wheat -Spot firm ; No
1 standard , California percental, Gs 84 ;
Walla, 6s 5344 to 6s 64; No. 2 red winter,
6s 4d; No.1 northern Manitoba, *Gs 9d to Gs
9364; futures quiet; Sept., 6s •514d value;
Oct., Gs 4344 nominal; Dec., Gs 5344 value.
Corn -Spot Brm; mixed percental, new, 4s
7414 to 4s 7344; futures, Sept., 4s 71/44
vela; Oat, 4.1 eeise.- value. Flour -Minne-
apolis, 21a 3c1 to 22s 64.
London,' Aug. 10. -Opening -Wheat on
passage firm but not active. Corn on
passage ,quiet and steady. Weather in
England, rain ; forecast, fine. English
country Wheat markets of Saturday firm.
Russian shipments of wheat, 872,000
The domestic exports last July aggre-u,el
si ; corn, 136,000 bushels: Danubian
a 5
gated $16,356,417, compared with
,r ' si,taimesastsi4os. wheat, 5270 bushels; corn,
612,783 fer the same month a year
98 000 bu 1 I
MarLane Miller Market •-Wheat, for -
Certain lines'of. exports show increases eiel nl, at 2...n advance of .4%,t1 ; English
of a notable character. Animals and Jinni. nrCo an steady; Danubian
quiet. Flour Tierire?Ocanfirm and rather
their produce are $4291,775 better than dearer ; English steady.
in July, 1902. Agricultural products London, close -Number of cargoes of
exhibit a gain of $1,195,104, and nlanU- wheatwaiting at , outports offered for
factures increaged by $331,896. sale, four. Wheat on pa,ssage, buyers In-
different operators. Wheat, parcels No. 1
northern Manitoba, passage, 32s: Wheat,.
The proclamation prohibiting the ex- parcels Xo. 2 hard tvintee, August, 29s.
Portalion of arms and ammunition to Parcels NO. 2 Calcutta club, passage, 30s.
Corn on •passage quiet but Stea.dy. La
china was published in The London Ga- plata YellOW rye, . terms, passage, '20s 3d ;
luly and August, 20s 41/24; Danubian, load-
ing, 21s ad. • , •
33oth Russia and Austria have decid.id Antorarp,
Aug. 10-Close,--Wheat-iloll-
to send hone all the , Servion officers day.aGzorot1
=,RPloin,,t,i,Ainerican mixed. 9.2fr 2o.
swaying in their military11,00ls. Rue-
eapolle, 27fr.
sia hUs fiarbidtleii her offIcera 22,tr 4pev Nev. and .1b.,o21fr 700.. Flour -
either official or social Intel course with Tone week; Aug., WI. 10c; Nov. and Feb.,
9 2,81:jortar861sr_e,. dlote.-Wheat-Tone weak; Aug.,
Sorvian ofecers.
13r8n1r00-d, Ang. Snider,
.the ten-yeer-od son a Charles Snider
this eftsoet with a serine
dept neerthe Waterons Eogirie Works
yiarde laat .night. While eogaged.iu
.play with eeverel otherboy.e., his foot
became ,caught between the rails, wed
he was run over 'Ily^ ShOnting ear.
'PIO-tea was., .afterwards aniptitated,
and the •yotith le noW etrogeeesing fee
••tiiiv at the hospital.
. KILLED AT 044'11%,'
Galt, August 11.- John Pollock,aged
abont fee, at moulder, wan instantlylkill-
ed while at worl; 913 the mouldingshop
of the °oldie 4i; McCulloch Conaptury.
An iron chilloveighing hetWeell two or
three, tons, was being placed ill a pit
111 which 31r. Padlock- was woaling
along with two others. When the nide
of th-e pit gitve wa,y with the weight
of the chill, which fell upon Pollock,
ernsbing ills back and skull. and C.4.13S-
instant death. Polloele leaves a
widow, five ,90IIS and one daughter.
COMMITTE•13 sriciug
AYlaner. Angliet a -Alexander Mae,
shall, a well k Wilde end highly respect,- f,(
ed-fartner, who lined on Talbot street.
abolit a Mile west of tide plare, cam
mitted snieltio this morning by shoot-
ing billieelf with a revolver. Therash
act was committed in a corn
about a half mile eolith of his home,
It is stineoeed that he gret took Feign%
OS a bottle which had contained strycin
nine was found near. the body. A bin -
let wound in the heed and a reveled
lying near teld how the act was CM*
mitted. 31r. Newhall was a welleto
fernier, aud 110 CRAW ean be itesigned
for the rash act. He leavee a widow
and three daughters.
efIA.7.i'VED EACH W,E:1:1`aTE.
Wheat.....„t7 7(/
l3arley.............., "-ea '
; - ......... tee
Potatoes, per bag.... , aZe 1
Ray: per too ......-.. eat 8 00
Flour, per cwt., 3 0,5 14)
Butter 1;3, .14
Eggs .. . ...... 1:4
Rides, per 100 , .. .. Co 5
Live hogs. per ewt 0 10
Dressed 1-10W.•:- - • ^ ^ • - • 7 74
'Shots per ewt
Bran per owt, ..
'Wood's Xneoseeleoelluei
The enet rent* g
IS On (uu slU eo
/SSW ace rella
preparation. Ras been.
PreeettlsOd and_ ..S4sed
ever4Isears. 4149rPal
tsin, the penateon
Vanade sell and
nameed es beiog
Retort, nits; onl.Y Medicine of
$tslitind that ea:nese/id
gives geiveasal satisfecgeo. It preMntle and
per-,pm.ntly cures ail tirms et 21.cryous
afas. „aealeaeme. epereagorretro. Terepereeeta
and Otteitegla of nbriAetleMosses; thse. excesos*
WOO rOacco, Opiunat or Dffnisstotats, .3;festat
'Rona Warm. ell et *Van /Rae to eefterree
; /newer, cenitareetine end ea Eartir Wares
j Pilea L s,r PeCiaade or six ter*. Orte
Ptertiereeler-4 cure. Malted peorePti ett ro-
WASICP41C4, ABild for fgeeilauPEUtet- Addree0
The lqoeet CoeaVettle,
ificudionINON Cane%
weeds .4a gZe;Te7 17/17S,
log esti Pam
Dutton. August 1L -Frank Raise
a farm laborer who has for several
yeosts been working for R. 0. Garbutt.
a farmer reskimg three miles west of
Wallacetown. WIS killed While at work
this morning. Re wes sent to mew
hack some oats, :led when Mr, Garbutt
went to the barn about ten ertieratee
afterwards he faun() Baleen lying (lead
on the 114, a1 the font of the ladder.
IC is eimpaaed thee while as -reading the
ladder lie mieeed his nutting RIAI1
to the floor, tt1lght1n 1431 hi* iteAti.
Tho skim is badly entslicd.
Dundas, Aug, 0. -A. F., Mae. telltale
mid proprietor of the Doindee Teti
Banner. is lying at the paha of opaah
at his home here front the (-Mete of a
Itullet wound in the bead, The tevie
ticeinred Montt kost, gOgfg,t sot
Mr. Pities home, the wound beiug
self inflicted. The townspeople in PItt.
dumiefonuded this motenine. when re
Ports of the ;Weir wore eirculeteil.
Mr. Pirie nen sitting with 'WS e4/910111.
Mr. Rubinson Mica file:envie time and
len him to go up -stairs for a few min-
utes. Shortly efter his eonein beard
the report of a revolver. and rushed
up stairs to find Mr. Pirie lying un-
coneciene, bleeding from a %mond in
his head. He immediately stun named
assistance. By the time le returned
Mr. Pixie eves etanselone. buthis replies
ti) their questions plainly indicated
that Ile was not in Ins right mind. Me.
Pirie had been brooding over (ho death
of hie wife. which 'teemed eighteen
months ape itnd is thought to bane
eomethiag to do witii the attenq4 to
do {may with himself. Mr. Pirio IS it
well known newspaper man and pub-
lic speaker. lie had just Tel men d
few days ago from Manitoba, 'where
he 1VaS taking part in the election
campaign. The doctors give little
hopes of his reeorery.
Stratford. Ang. doable ;evi-
dent occurred ou Ontario street, this
city, and ats aresnit Mr. Jos. Trundle -
lies at his 110111e ill this city, with his
hack very severely injiteed, if not brok-
en, n tul several Intel nal injuries nerdy -
ed. the extent of which are tiot knowr.
A. milk wagon ava.e completely &Amy -
ed„ and a initycle utterly wrecked. Mr.
Trorublv is employed on the farm of
Mr. Chas. Fair, North Easthope, close
to tbe city, and draws the milk from
that distract to the local creamery. Ile
was delivering OS usual, driving a pair
of bronch() colts. Thinking to make a
short cut, he turned down the steep
hill beside the post °Mee. The horses
commenced to trot, and while trying
to check them the strap on the neck
yoke broke, allowing the load to run
into the horses, which became fright-
ened end started off 013 11 road run, and
turning cramped the wagon so short
that the off fore wheel was broken,
the driver thrown ont, sustaining in.
juries as mentioned above. The hors-
es with the remainder of the wagon
run up the hill, turned onto Ontario
street with the tongue of the wagon
dragging on the ground. in attempt-
ing to turn into a livery barn the ani-
mals encountered a bicyclist who uas
riding by. The rider escaped injury
but, the bicycle was utterly ruined.
The excitement created at the time of
the accidents was intense, and it was
thought the driver was killed,
giving ozcaellent
otion. since Be-
g our mill.
ottland Con
We here 11'1,4 1'011: f'k. -AI '41 ,irioti•
thy ot li Pot t.
told t'eturt•t for preaeot deLvety.
Cloth Sacks to Ise retirrireal free.
Om lee had ;at Maier 4% eat ta11.1 or
ENeter titotelainaee.
ool 1Nanted
ZOO. Be. svoe tt;ifls'd, for
Welt the highest :newt pare
wilt tie paid.
Received at e td een.
traliet Warehouse&
Jos. CONDI eclick.
Prevented and Cured,
Our marvelous tree remedies for ail
sufferers reading this paper. New
cure forTuberculosfs,Consurap.
tion, Weak Lungs, Catarrh,
and a rundown systems
Do you cough?
Do your lungs pant you ?
Is your throat sore and inflamed?
Do you spit up phlegm?
Does your headache?
Is your appetite bad?
Are yourlungs delicate?
Are you losing flesh?
Are you pale and thin?
Do you lack stamina?
These symptoms are proof that yon
have in your body the seeds of the most
dangerous maktely that has ever sieves.
fated the earth -consumption.
You are invited to test what this s; -stem win do for
you, if you are sick, by writing for a
and the rour Free Preparations will be forwarded you
at once. with complete directIons for use. ,
Troubles and visorders, complicated by Loss nog
Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and
bl.eattpTrowubi jes;
to the T. A. Slocum Chemical
Company, Limited, rro King Street West. Toronto.
civiog post office and express address, and the free
medicine (the Slocum Coro) wig be promptly sent.
Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free offer' in
American papers will please. send for samples to
Toronto. Mention this paper.
1903 TORONTO 1903
Auci.27th to SEPT. 12th
The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of
Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted.
Is addition, by order of'BIS MAJESTY' !HE ZING
ar We august mother, the late Queen Victoria, win lie exhibited FREE. 'ail well'
as by permissiou of the Dowager Duchess of Lrufferin and AVa,
And* pernassion of the Countess of Aberdeen treasures
Thespeeisi features, Including an entirely now spectacular production entitled
Wider the Personal direction of Bolossi IfIralfY, will bo on a scale never before
' ilitternpted at an annual fair in any part of the world. ,
I Seduced rates by land and water from ererywhere. Consult your station
RICP1.41111twist., 0...00g,
insug;sr ands/loam*