HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-13, Page 3OT -IT OP WORK, A laboring snare out of work and hungry. went one morning into the surgery, of a doctor, sat dOWn. and ,eked to have..one of his teeth taken out. The doctor opened the man's mouth and looked at his: teeth, but, seein nothing amiss stud : ""Watch is the tooth, friend ?'" "Oh, e'er a one you like, sir 1,. said the Man. "I've got nothing. for 'QM to do, so' I though I might no well get rid on 'eel,." The doctor did 'not charge his Patient anything for looking into. his mouth, but gave him a quarter, and told him to go and get his teeth sti job for one flay, at all .events. aQT W AT 9 ,FAA - go Vim, No Snap, No Energy, >vXsrtion Drer.decl ,atn,d Work.- ,Shuped, "Fagged right out." is an appro, priato way to express the feelings of tetany peoPle during the hot ,ammer months„ No strength, no Alger, no fnap. no aan'pition, too weary to work and too languid to take any keen pleasure in life, You need a. tonic for this summer fag. and the N•ery Rest sunuae>, tonia in tine timid Is Dr. 'Williams* Fink falls for Pale People. Esery dose makes new rich blood, tones the nerves, sharpens the aplpetite. etitrta,lates the liver and bapisa;es weekiwe€s aryl weariness, eadagbo, backaeltQs, laugher acid tbspslnats:ncy, The only tonic that Sart do this for yen is Dr, Williams' "Malt Pills. it's a waste of Tilney to 'experiment with anytidng else. aIr. Louis Poueet, Grand Etnng, N. S., frays; "I was very much nm down in health and "was weak and easily tired. Zly' appetite was variable, any nerves unstrung and 1 -often felt it complete indisposition to work, "iter trying several rnedleines with- out Vex -atilt. I deelrled to try Dr. 1l"il- Mame' Pink fills. and after taking a few boxes I felt, better than I 'had done for months. and equal to any exertion. I dont know anything to equal Pr. Williams' Pink fills when one fells fagged out." You ran get the pills front any dealer in medicine. or they will be cent paidat tie cents a box, or six boxes for $2.;#A by writing direct to the Dr. 'a1"ill'ti !•ediclrn Co., Br;ekvi'.Ise, Ont. Be sure you get the genuine with Orr full nae "Dr. \kflliarpns' rink rills for Pak Peo- ple on the •tvrarp!ttcr around the box. Results from common soaps1 eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels, Gil WOMAN: The London Express prints this poem. with a double reading. Read it as it stands and woman is highly flattered, but read alternate lines (one • and three, two and four of eaeb: verse) • and the sentiment is very Hauch the reverse: Ileppy a man may Pass his life If he's directed by a Wife; If free froze, matrimonial chains. RED 1VE5 ire"s sure to suffer for his pains. Na tongue is able to unfold 1;'1 ZNias.� The virtues- in woman you behold;' The falsehoods that in woman dwell Are almost imperceptible. Asst ter the octagon Vale t-, f: than by smothering the flames% by Woolen febries, This is especially apt to be the case if there isno woolen underwear to protect the skin.. The prevention of severe berm. es in the case of other accidents. often, Lies in one's having thought out be- forehand what would best pe done in case the need for immediate action should (Cour, On the oeeurrence of a severe burn every precaution should be taken to prevent the disturbance of the I,tprxaetl area from farther harm from rubbing or front stripping off the plastered skin. Ne 'raw surface must be Heade if that ,can possibly be pre•- ventedi. Clothing should :ie out away quickly but cautions.y. Patti t$ less severe if the wound is, 11re- te' test from the air. The most eonrinon remedy is the use Qf 501110 uuirrltating oily pre- paration. irepar•atiion. A mixture of equal parts of olive -Oil end lime -water is a good reanccly, os a thick layer of powdered starch. Pulverized boracie acid may serve oven better as a means, for preventing disturbance of the horned area and infection from the floating rgarlasrlas cif the air,-•ltouth.a Com,- nion. DRIsTS. Surface S'caould 1 e Plunged mato Cold Water. The ill effects sustained from a loam very in accordance with t u extent of the area involved, soul ac- cording to its location. Surgeons have come to :r'egar'd a burn of the skin surface as usually fatal when, its extent is greater than a tenth e1:' the body surface. Tater severest burns usually origin- ate from scalding by steam, from explosions, and particularly from Clothing which has caught tire. The common use of gasoline, rrllphthns and benzine for cleaning purposeu, all Of which are highly inflammable. and 9 the vapor front 'which is explosive, makes severe burns from thein torn-- mon. onsmon. No accident denla ids more prompt intervention, if one would limit its severity, than a burn of any kind. The skin is able to endure momen- tarily the direct application of heat Of a degree very' heel, above what might be Wined destructive heat be- cause of the moisture of the epider- leis, which Covers the true shin more or less thickly; most thickly of course on the paints of the hands and soles of the feet. As soon as all .moieture is completely evaporat- ed, a high degree of heat causes the destructive process to begin. Wherever possible a burned surface should bo immediately plunged into water,, preferably cold. Water is an excellent conductor of beat, and is one most generally available. After the lapse. of but a few seconds from the timo of burning such a remedy will have lost its virtue. One in- stinctively applies this remedy when on scorching his linger he immediate- ly lays it on the tongue. The depth of the burn is thus greatly lessened, and destruction of the entire thick- ness of the skin is prevented. So many severe burns • have their origin from the kitchen grate, along- side which there is ordinarily a running water -tap, that it seems strange that the latter is not more frequently utilized. A flimsy cotton garment, for example, which catches lire Is extinguished by water with much less damage _.to the wearer CHOLERA INFANTUTM. Cholera infantum is ono of the most dreaded diseases of infancy. It fs prevalent during the heat of sum - niter in spite of all the care mothers may take to guard against it, and it - sometimes ' progresses' 'so quickly, that death occurs in a few hours no Wetter what care is given the child, The first thing to do is to stop feed, ing the. child and give himrplentyLol fresh air a nd purew. ater to drink. nn k . Gave Baby's Own Tablets to carry off the poison in the system. Do not "under any citc utnstances.give a medi cine to check the diarrhoea, except under the .advice of a doctor. By using, Baby's Own Tablets the cause of the diarrhoea will be removed, and the disease will thus bo checker) in a natural manner. Proof that the Tablets cure this too often fatal trouble is given by Mrs. Herbert Burnham, Smith's Falls, Ont., who says:"When my eldest child • way six weeks old he had an attack of cholera infantum and was at death's door. My doctor advised me to try. Baby's Own Tablets and in twenty,r ° .lour lours baby was better; the vote- ' iting and purging ceased and he re., gained strength rapidly.". { use-- :Keep tile. Tablets in thC',h0 their: prompt use;may` save your lit- tle one's life. Soldby medicine 'dealers or sent postpaid at 25 cents s'belt- ti,- writ -keg 'rho• DrWilliams" 111edieino`"Co.'. Brockville, Ont Ill:, DID'T GUESS IT. "Arad so you refuse roe?" "I must."' is because I ane poor, 1,. pry , that is not the reason." G"Be: atts"•;e soy family= is less aristo- r.atio thou yours. peelaalrs ?" "No." "I eve, You want to merry tufo," "No. l' have co such ambition." ib nt 1 Very strange 1 Then why it you refuse enc, ?" "it's herattete I can't bear the eight of you," IT REM LIKE A 111BARIE ONLY DO3?D'S KIDNEY RILLS ARE DOING SIMILAR, T NGS DAILY. muben Draper's Gravel Cured Three Years Ago it Sias Never Colne flack. Bristol P. 0.. Quebec, An liat 8.s- (Spccial),.-•Iieuhen Draper., well- knoren here, tells a story of his cure of a bad ceiso of gravel that would be considered miraculous if similar cures by Dodirs Kidney Villa Were not being reported almost daily. -" about three yenta ago," says ltr. Draper, "I was taken ill with what I thought was gravel. I was suffer- ing great pain, and the depths- sent ectarsent for gave me but little relief. Another doctor 'I tried failed to cure nap, and I was getting weaker all the time. "Then a man aidrviscd me to try Dodd's 'Kidney Pills as thoy had cured his mother, and I did so. In just one week after 1 started using thorn, I passed a stone as large as a annoll bean, and in four days after T passed another about the size of a grain of barley. That is two years ago, and I have not had any trouble since," Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all ail meets of the bladder 9hd urinary on gars. 1 "It's funny our minister never gets married,"' remarked the young hus- band, who had just 'refused his wife a bonnet, in his. endeavor to change the subject. "I think he'd make a good husband." "Well," replied the wife, warmly, "he didn't seen to make a very good one when he mar- ried us." A Cure for Rheumatism.—The intrusion of uric acid into the blood vessels is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condition of the liver. Any one subject to this painful affection will find a remedy in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Theiraction upon the kidneys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restoring healthy action, they correct im- purities in the blood. Women envy a man When they see the contented look on his face as he carelessly poses with his hands in his pockets and whistles. I was. Cured of:'painful Goitre by lif'INARD'S' 'LI"M1 -MONT. D ARD MdMULLIN. Ohatham, Ont. .• 1 was Cured of Inflammation b; 41IINA.11.D'S LINIMENT. MBS: W. w .TO.I NSON, N t alsh Ont. • Neuralgia Iwas Cured of Facial l�euralgfa, 7-,y T'- �1A IA + N MLI RD'S L 2n11{17 T. J. H. BAILEY. Parksdale, Ont. 749 The Amateur Lecturer : "My mis- guided friend, do you not know that success is only achieved by hard la- bor ?" Roving Ike : "I done six months of it at a stretch, an' come out no richer'n when 1 went in."- They Cleanse the System Thoroughly- Parmelee's Vegetable etable Pills clear the stom- ach bowe1es of bilious matter, - caus- acha excretory vessels to throw off'. impuri- tiesetc y puri- ties from the blood into the bowels and expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain or inconven- ience to the patient, who speedily -realizes their good offices as soon as they begin, to take' affect. • They basin strong recoilt- mendetions from all kinds of people. In woman', heart you'll see appear Truth, darling of .a heart, sincere; Iiypoerisy, deceit and pride, In woman never can abide. Deafness Cannot Bo Cured by local applleetioras as they eannot reach the diseased portion of the ear - 1 fere is only one way to cure deafness. and that is' by cm-isolate:mai remotes. Deafness is eaused ey an inttaiu-edl eon* dittos of the mucous lining of the Vas- tachiaP Tithe. ltilien this tette is fraftatn- ed you huve a rumbling sound or lees perfect hearing, mad when it is entirely Flom& sleafneerrs is fhe result, and ne- less, the luneennmtion caro be taken oet aiul. this; tube. restored to its normat coracixti,an. hes.riew wilt to destruyeat fore ever. time cases out of ten aro caused by Catarrh. wiaich is nothing but an irifia,rted corrttttioa of the rieueous scr- vices. 11,e will give one fluttered Donors for atny case of Deafness tcausnd by catarrh) that catuaot be cured by Hein) Catarrh s=ure. berth for circ ,fairs free. b°. •a. tetltaNI. V " (h Togo,. Q. Solei ti 1rxggists, Tee. Ilidi'a by_ 1"alts are rho beet, erasx s.* liforcer : ""it} von ever have experience with a; long -tester'?" We tell "Yes. i've walked the floor ruany a night with several of theirs" Per over Sixty Veers Alas, Wonueees ilaensure Avner ism beni hoes) bf mimeos et loonier* for tt}f.r children while carafes, Pee-3ANi l.li? ,-h:1 ref too Oise -ems, 44pp-sn. elms *lad Ode. reyylstesttesleto ch cae3 basals, sed is fuse best ramal, ter tlt,,rriner, 'esentetine oohs a beth" ',Atter,A" Mew. �ih »itoii ea i t3 a r," ure t Greene 1 "ITow 'lid J ones come to marry that red -beaded girl ?" White "Poor ,Tones didn't notice it; llo its color blind."' CLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT IC - aaTes all hard. Batt or ctellouisl lams* •„. ta,oanlsboa from herait"s, ls".oad *Win. «.1 ''•c. splints, ring tone, sweca:r, stftles,. ,::t;a, sercand swollen throat, ceutih , i c. ilaveVie Q7 u,o of one tants. Wsrratreed the most wonderful woaiislt. Curs OM nat9WA, 110T TO Iii: SCARED. Papa Mending wens a pretty sharp eye on Ms daughter Mary, and litany a would -he lover llas taken a walk for a few minutes' conversation with the hard-hearted parent. "Yoll seem like a nice young num. and perhaps you are in love with Mary?" "Yen, I am,” was the honest reply. "Haven't said anything to her yet, have you?" "Well, no; but I think she recipro- cates ley affection." "Pees, eh? Well, let mal tell you something. IIer mother died a tuns, tic and there's no doubt that Mary bus inherited her insanity." "X'm willing to take chances," re- plied the lover. "Yes; but, you see. Mary hns a terrible temper. Sho has twico drawn a knife on me with intent to commit murder." "I'm used to that—got a. sister just like her," was the answer. "And you should know that I have sworn a solemn oath not to give Mary a penny of my property," con- tinued the father. "Well, I'd rather start poor and build up. 'There's more romance in it, Mr. Bending," continued the loc'- cr. "I've heard all this before, and also that you were on trial for for- gery, had to run away to Anterioa for bigamy, and served a year in prison for cattle -stealing. I'm going to marry into your family to give you a decent. reputation! Them -no thanks--good-byel "' "Foiled again!" muttered the father. "Sure," said Patrick, rubbing his head with delight at the prospect of a prosent, "I always mane to do me duty." "I believe you," replied his employer; "and therefore I shall snake you a present of all you have stolen from me during the year." "Thank yer honor," replied Pat; f"and may all your friends and ac- quaintances trate you as liberally," Mrs. De Platte: "Dr. Knowall says milk should not be used in large quantities, because it makes the hair fall out. Do you believe that ?" Mrs.. Suburb' "Dear me ! It might be. Our cow sheds its coat dread- fully." Lifebuoy Soap --disinfectant — is' strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against infectiois- diseases. The lover ° who . is- fired- with pas- . ion for the daughter is often put out by the father. • There never wits.. and never,, will .ht s, universal panacea, in one remedy, for all Ills to which flesh is:heir--the very nature f manS curatives being such uch that were thegerms of.other end differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the atient—what would relieve one ill, in turn would aggravate the other, Wei have, however, ni Quinine Wine, when obtain able in a sound .unadulterated rate, a remedy for many anti erevious ills. y its gradual and judicious use, the frailest, systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qua• nine exerts oni\ature's owl restoratives. t relieves the drooping spirits of those with whonfa chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in 110.i 13 ac disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing . sleep— imparts vigor to the, action .of the blood, which being stimulated, courses thronen. out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, ,thereby akin activity a necessary : reset 13 and giving lif frame, y snaking the S frett"i theniu l3 g na turall ,� .l It avec to flea dt�,estye organs, einttnd increased s bscauce-result,' iter Nortliro &; Isymct,tl 'o) roved', ecice. P PP 'DrOlcO have given to the P u u lzc th eli uperior.QainiuWine at the usualrate; •imnd,$9gCi )y tbe Oplnion of .seien1lst • Usti wine -approaches .mpaIAL,hCs tieeeG perfection el nn il srlet'*11 drangslasell it. Each c ,est of Blue Ribbon Tea is with lead. — the tea poured in and a sheet of lead placed on top and cored clown* No air or moisture can possibly each Ribbon Iue ey on Te Th D are retained a so- utely unimpairect. The richness, delicacy and creamytaste all there to cheer and solace every moment you wan * Dlacit Mixed Clay ion Gree IForty Cents Should be Fifty 11uws--"Does your slaughter Mitts onthe piano?" Old Fanner tin tones of deep disgust)—"Nu sir. Sho works oak, it, pounds on it, raked it, scrapes it, jumps on it. and roil over it; but there's no play :thou it, Sir." Niinard's Liniment Is used b Physician Clarence (cautiously.): "Would—er. —if I were to ask you to marry Me -- ere•would you be sure to say 'Yes'?" Clarissa (also cautiously): "Well. if 1 were to say 'yes'—ere• would, you be Elbe to ask. me to—er —marry you ?" Ask far MInard's and take nu other, 71trs. Them : "That girl broke only one dish to -day." 'licks : "How did that lutppetl ?" Mrs. Hicks :. "It was the only one left." There is danger in neglecting a cold Many who have died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure. followed by amid which settled ou their iuns;s, and in. n short time they were berried the skill of the best physician. lied they used Nickles' Anti•Consuml1ttive Syrup, before .it WAS too lute, their lives would have loess spared. This medicine has no equal for miring coughs, colds and all affections of the throat and lungs. Take the Backache nut a " Cleaning, They are absolutely the beat brushes honey can buy—the be made—backs do not warp off bristles do not fall ottt I3oecklfs Scrubbing Brushes. . Your grocer sells thein. None Genuine Without HRme "Bosokh" on hack: of Smelt' Shopkeeper—"What can I show you, sir?" Absent-minded Professor —"I want—let axe see, what do I want? Dear me! I can't for the life of me remember what it is 'Nell, well, it doesn't matter; give me the nearest thing you have to it." Few Flies Last year No Flies this year if you N230 Wilson's Fly Dads PACTS ABOUT GIANTS. That very few of the giants who have ever lived have been healthy or well-forxned recent researches prove,beyond a doubt. All we know about Goliath is that he was very tall, but in the Second Book • of Kings we read about another giant, who had more fingers than an ordin- ary human being, and, according to 'modern scientists, this is invariably a token of degeneracy. 4arcel Don - nal •saw at Milan ag iant who was so tall that hisbody riled two beds at night, but whose legs were so weak that he could hardly stand. up- tight. William Evans, the gigantic porter of` Charles I., ' had little strength, and Cromwell's porter, an- other giant, ended his days in .a lun- atic asylum. Dinally, O'13ri,. , the Irish giant, has been described as "an enormous sick child. . who grew up too fast." Boothby: "What are you thinking about Ethel? Miss Wbarringford "About our wedding. I, wanted to ask a favor of you." Boothby' "Any- thing, dearest," Miss •Warringford; Nell, I don't want to change my name to Mrs. Henry' Boothby, I. want you to change yours to Mr. Ethel Warringford." i t Hcy e int in he s Lem ads � t icor 4 Kelp • CUR BRANDS. KinEdward tfVi4 t' Little Comet" Nothing jolts alovelorn youth like asking for a girl's hand.and receiv- ing her father's .foot. Tell the Deaf.—Mr. J. F. Eellook, Druggist, Perth, writes- "A customer of urine having been cured of deafness by the use of Dr. Thomare Eelectric Oil, wrote to Ireland telling his friends there of she cure, In consequence I received an order to send half a dozen by express to Wex- ford, Ireland, this week." Mother: "Is your teacher married, Ethel ?" Little Girl : "I think so. He always wears the same clothes." Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend "Titus, you were talking in your sleep last night, and you frequently spoke in terms of endearment to a certain Eupheania. Who is Euphem- ta?" t'Wby, my dear, that was rn,y —my sister's name." "Titus! your sister's name was Jane." "Yes, dear, but we called her Euphoria for short." Easy - Running Bali Bearing. New Century Washer. lj Runs easy u tis ball ..))) a because f I.• b bearing!e' 'Washes all clothes clean even the heavy ones Mor- i oughly - even the dainty ooes mthout harm. ,f �t1 Aak�your hardware dealer W 1 /. \ show it to you or Bend t for booklet to �. .. `. 'ThcDowswellMrg.Co.,Ltd . , i{ e. `•�r Remittee, Ont. �, If scientific prinoipale count for anything the patent inflated air pad 'trues should be a. seems. It holds- the parts in such positi ,u that with fair play they must heal. ' It is linpt. end comfortable to wear, and your confrietee is restored the moment it it adjusted.. You can recnro it only from the Belt- and Truss Mfg. Co;i, hernia Specialists. i33/Sparl ne billiard Tables Tho "lost at the Lowest Price Write for Terms REID BROS., fi� !f g Co.'y 753 tams it. W. ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencies, and THE Sevilles. t4 BEST Carload every week. All. the above at market prices. We can also handle your IButter, Egga, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan. tage for you. ON DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited., `Oqr. West Market it,. TOt:ONTQ. 1-45 Good Things to Eat on the Lawn Potted Hero, Beet add Teague, Os Tongue (whole), Voal Loaf Dcvifed Sam, Brisket Beef Sliced Smelted Beel. Alt Natural ` Flavor Foods. , Palatable and wholesome. Your grocer should have theca. Send fi' o2o grecreTor rdbh '.bl Atlas of the o g lltuko Good wool . $rt t"- o booklet w to things to Eat"-�ec. Libby,•Merisill S. Libby, Chicago. T N 1 rite now, ISSUE NO, ern. Ave,. x o w' 0,, _.. _etas_