Exeter Advocate, 1903-8-13, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR.
Montreal, ctaie.., West End,
Mount Albert.
Liofle qae.
A geoefot ail 13031110SS 1111113(11141
neat Eilete PO 1as:trance Agent
Caress and rill.%„*e. prep:ergs trovitt and sold on
reasnalrlio torois. Several lecuscs Or sale -
Panda in :ill parts ef Manit,ba and the Nerth-west
lioNES To noets.
Ver.. have a lat4e ainirnr.t a putat- funds to 1
inn fain ciel viltige rt.-in:eves at low rates of in
R.-,rzliFteni, elaliritorc,lain te., Exeter Ont
MOralf. T9, LOAN.
We have anlianited priv.kto Wain for in
vestipeut 1411011 -Wm Or village erareetyt et
107.7e4 rate* of itztereg-
Darristerireto.. Exeter,
Executive Oce-;IIONTREAL.
Montreal, Que.
st. Catharines,
sutton, ltue.
Waterloo, que.
1. WI Br
. Frank Portiee, who hos been in
SND1s & OREEog. Pro&
(Too lute for fast Ire ACCUMINT.,-.A. Sad accident occarred Quite a 11111111er from this vieltaity The . 'ee.es Dicker and Sewer.
Thresbmg has started. and eurnitesa a the benne of Mr. Edwin Harris on took in the excursion to Kincardine Loteline are the gawsts of Miss Lvdie,
report. terrain turning, ont wen, we Friday. Fist. it appears Mr. Harris I on Thursday hist.-Mrs,Siettoraof Eh. Mt1114.11111)=,- Henry Either, 114,pete, Is
are pit ._,141 to bear of 00„st returns._ was owing a mower when his eight-year eter and daughter, Fannie, of London, ;Wieldiest t fligh Coaut of the LLS,F.
seing. were; visitors a 4 Old ebild, Hann. who '14 P, playing/ En ' are viSlthrg the letter's towlei Mr. Jim. hialt Otis eek. teeing a delegate of
michno 4yRoartize. on TBendiwi_eles.', the Came in contact with the., ikadi-i-kiiieter Leo Stator), of Detwit.'i one Cuevas-Tile flax mill comet:vaned
srs, h Breen, J, oiFiourutsj, Brit
ii( machneT
. he ;tenses coeight hen and has been visiting, in and amend Sodom seatetin's tin eetting hist week.
.04 ar„ Johnston,Mt Breen, ..itto wheu op site wee found to have ; for a mealier of Weelse.---Mesers. Fred. :(1.aist of the Jealous who ;yea e wen nit%
12 4) B., 51 ailigsra2 one leg badly lacerated, end the other ; (i 11 and H. Allen. who have 1.,..eri"' tiro Hex, have eeturned to their
was visittn,g friends here for D. feW days siws cut colatph.tply oir fltai inches! visiting 1.4411lOn for a few re- bottle in .31uneetetown.-Mte George
cerrlie pot lujp)ve the aale, The Rile girl was i turned home W. Alarltle's neW divellitrg lia Cre•Iltutr
c wi; hop'se"to'see'llet„ ienwediately /carried inn) the house I Prouty of the firm of Proitty. & Eest is ailanciee completed. -Mr., mai
emend seine_eeeto shenett,U ie., witere medic:al attend:Mee 4.VOS celled, 7, carriage Inakeara Wayne, visited his Mrs, EA114)11));RI PATT:1174).‘f teturited
missed theolash town on Siatatrday.ss 11461 the little patient made etnnfors uncle the fore 4)4 4. a the Week-. -MIS- 7 tO &Sena. after a few weel,,s" visft.
atftize.nlitis phaerit,!Liihr tizer3t. titiljtivastri,peeestuel:;14e. wciTilh7t toe? litifthvi:ht olebt-,.7
Claming:tam speet Friday sei th friends omit gated. Her runny little- friends" week.
Clitndeboye.-MIss Emma Chutrunge are4leE.Jhy affected °ewe the thetressuag
ham retawiled home Teesday. after a accident, as elite was a, general, favorite
N 01141134 for lite nest two months, Vels,Int visit&111Ehioter with her went, wit4 3I1 We tenet She win get ;along
MeLeod is visiting ........I.4 '4 Detroit. a seritilis neeldent 1114p/U`11441. eto Sou- fothY Of the CO0111111flity it) this their
has returned home aistin,--Mies Flora rs.Yagele-Willit Might have proved all right. The parents have the seen -
1%3.1,.• Int the eitrps.
?".1 '.4.2'.'.44 iniatdoe, is "eh -Rhea
t.1 1 m
L'sborUe ' e'en, , _ _itry Ellen Th.11WII,
jeft for Tool:Writ Sr AIM 1111,DITS411y,, vsliere
(1s Mr. ' ehe wilt nerfotati Elie ditties of
at• oldeet settlers of thie newel -16p ee, ••
...t .4 4 .1 4- t
liven 0,41g•.41, V) p•ty tttttutter% tit'Ow* 03 the isalie-ai Ctel"" - ”ettle1V
_etre John et. staties evh„ has hem day, It appeers Mr. Madden and Mies a 1 ‘t1
e .41 the„ my.. chmov,y phiajo Kr 41 sna Si:eaten
1 ef arm nod IhroWl the t• • • k
earait,Itaid.-attemesitheet has moven uninsured: 2.)1e. Mitch -lint rinekily held of preston is it;
ves.t.ng aerierendfether end tweaking It ee the . eitet m
awl berry pieging aro things. of the o it etan et) . Hodgms, fluttitio, N. N., is vegan moved to this townellin aver. Oft)* Ari Sulathty.--thar i- 144401
ises. hinw thp week. Xi% rct-44-. St let het' k ivied cold Joeiteiy, iiiitindetviapq 1)
visiting Ins parents here for the past K. Currie 'd'e"rin '111111/gun t tut
who passed to riewitid the Ulth '
two weeks, lute returned to her home Road whhn their home took ft:1'04 at
nere ;teetering real their -4.,1.'elru_*
fritSf.. f t.1,art ANL M 3°31 1. - Plarviz •
in I etrolea.-3Irs. J. T., Appleton, tte ela la sess (obit ethe , of A.lisie Craig, is f!Peeat'ed lugs 1,0411 de'1435ng om'n itippog; etild taate naerinatets. Mains
eitereiana, is here visual g nor sister, Ore:11.111111iS Oaf, hilt lqielaly 141 dirit e,"vzepets visiting frien,isaronnd betee_sueeJet, , tor tht, F2st sp; %I-m/4s ..aaspd ity ,l 4 win 14. very, 0,;.atitjui th,is rear. _mr.
into hie new tweidence.-Fles pulling onto the ion:sand hrong 14 the hors,' R.N.Jill.of this tilitce.--Miss3litud Fuller was learn in Wiateletawle emu
• • ato fWrie4S rat. tit.1114011,
past, and the sound of the hinder is'IPI:tites aroma' this 114.15)111 -'4.41 Years ego and bus he' a, einatinuotas win stela iigaiit 41;.7.3
ant wanted. Small family. One
40 rliRdttn. Apply I. ij. abine. 46
24 NZ., 1.9alli,n, oat.
e.:4"em4 cert?;:xnle.
rEm;zy,!,-,,,,;1„r 473, year. Slate. iotary real
Jr11N WEIN. TV)lee
1*V filar!,
FAttn For., KA
1 r eYsi 41231
fatniA .711..;:xona 4 esej 0,-, 14 is.:41 131, tAnh `.14
4111,1;af4 a
nal ail 1)rrt,,,KW
el)11:4714;11); 4.4441 or.‘itauf, tiro k-kx.4. otr.v.1
Clav OA- not 1.-sl4t2 .41,1 z4,4-1 o1.t4.,
Will ix, ,„40,31
Cut, r,
Voters' Lists, 1903.
tit :tionielpallit.y of the Township 414
Steltliell, Comity of 'intim.
MA! 1 leo tra,c,ralti
4 r ;`.1, :4:........... I in
40i4 47,- IV': A q.114,
t 7' it i„ thou thMot ifit sot
/tr:naut to t.',01 a alat4
it. itt 4 i'T:11 Itat lit RAI •
Li 'i;at' Vg(' 114P, fur anta r. .453
ouil at Min:Hpal
and the th.. Li a %%ail lit.4 i.,.z
etcli t,*3 341i 414 o4 J,4 .4.. D., rill, and
tviRtir* ee f rluowrftF.Ir 1;19 tip
on to eitorninetlio 16,7.nant it any tnut,sion • vr
oth. r krror.1. 1 mud thc urn,. 14) latio itiaucliado
to have Me t trirs t.inc,ited
nrsne limo% Te. Chrk.
Dafet .
Prnpetty in the
Villageof EXETER
119 tho County oi
The undersigned have been instructed to offer for
sale by Public Auction on
Saturday, Aug. 15th 1903
At tiro Ithar of 2 o'clock p.mo at thir
MANSION HOUSE in the said 'Village of Exeter,
the fallowing, desirable real estate and premises,
namely: -
That part of lot lettered "A" forming the north-west
corner of Main and Inman streets. in the said Village
of Exeter, in the said County offluron, consisting of
the old Molsons Bank property. The property, situ-
atedas above, is unrst suitable for residential or busi-
ness purposes.
There is eunuch material in the old Bank protases
te build two ordinary residences, or the old Rank
building reconstructed should make an up-to-date
business stand or an attractive and tentable tend.
went or tenements. There are some nice shade and
orniunental trees on the property, also a good and
never failing well.
Intending' purchasers would do well to call upon
the undersigned as to tennsancl particulars. Inspec-
tion of the building and premises may be had on ap-
TERMS OP SALE -The property will be offered
subject to a reserved bid. Ten per cent. of purchase
money to be paid on day of sale, balance in thirty -
days thereafter. Other terms made known on day of
sale, or furnished any time on application to
N.D. HURDON, Esq.,
At new Molsons Bank Premises, Exeter, Ont. or to
Solicitors for Vendors, Exeter, OnL
Emanuel and Roy Jolleffe ACCOM•
panied Miss Clara Ondrriore on her
return from London, where she visited
during the last week. They will re -
'main a week.
Mr. Alonzo Krouse, wife and son, of
W.es b Point, Nebraskai are visiting rel-
atives and friends in Exeter.and Credi-
tors Mr. Krouse is a nephew of Mrs.
Wm. Dearing, Sr.
Mies Jean • Hawkshaw, Miss Eva
Buowning and Miss Johnson drove
over to Seaforth to see the lacrosse
genie between the St. Marys and Sea -
forth teams yesterday. • •
Rev. Dr. Hannon, who has been vis-
iting his Soh in the Northwest for sev-
eral weeks; r eturned home on Tuesday
last with every appearance that the
West agreed with hum •
Mrs Shosenberg and three children,
who have been visiting; Mrs. Shosen-
berg's father, Mr. Wee Hawkshaw,
for two or three -weeks, returned to
their home on Sfiturday. '
Mr. S. W. Broderick, of London,
spent Sunday withfriends in town.
At both •services of ,the Main street
Methodist ehurch Mr: Broderick sang
two much appreciated solos. • .
MrS. Welsh alld daughter, of Exe-
ter, are -visiting 'Sirs. Jos. !lengths. -
Mrs. F. If. Willis, who has been the
guest of her mother, Mrs. T. Morgan,
for the past few weeks, is visiting at
Exeter, f'. ow which place she leaves in
abbot tWo weeks for her home in
Springvale, Assa."-Parkhill Post..
Couglis 4.04144 !twirl:Olivi*. and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Crescleno
tablets, ten cents pot box. All druggists
404 4. the geeeie of aitid Mte,
now .Tittnes lIorrison has • Seales of Clinton, spent a to it 1 Y$ whidellt It° w"s 't 111311 etre tee Le wilt irtve i; 11.f tkr. 1/101-0
of 141, innipPg% Man.i home Olt a short ,nei,elalior ,ft. matt in tho tro1.. sow., ati4.4 mt.,. win Niv...01,4 3 :3. a
Zdzirle gen who of tile word. Ills wife wetleceeeed
had :1 rock well pot thiwn prom,
0 Thursday 11%.$ observed ltet•e as our
g annual civic holiday. 0141? number
took advantage of the cheap railway
esetweion to Kincardine. while wank
other spent the Slav very pleasantly' at
Mee John Preeter Ise itying ;
it front her mother.- Mies 111ickus, 4.
WellesIve i the gueet of Miss Emma
. . -• •itig; 1 ta iiig. 1,141..,
sehoienneete _The misses weneere, or I has hetet on a holiday trip to her home shout Ike icsso'44. ii" er" es t-1 84"11111 11-elr ("oared 1SO:in's new dwellii g is
Tortizato, awe visiting their e•ister. Alm her'', has "40111611 61 11a111111"11. -31r• ' 111s 11".3141 twt1"-11'h 'j.114'4'. 4. wh" lesi.14'ji 4 read • tor t he si del's. Thi.4 nansfitts atiiive.
P. Inintheeeswele reinhig ie atione over , Balls. of New Hamburg, is (Seeking in j on the hannestead and eithphen at Wet. l the tit st story 44, ,.,,ar. inhrt,.4,s fiajd5h.
et this %Ilion and the mop est,..p.r1 ?fr. liatit4411'S Fiore _pert*. - Me. Creak terfetkrtiltito Teii,4iiteittfzeg.hitilt(4%te,i,,,IPullzi..,iseellato. '.vd. fl.'.t't-dray 401141,,
Clint al good.. -Miss Etta Mantilla. %vital 10 ;Fling on a to Ishtt'41141.n•--. ' (led litet h eiday. Mr. Ilerry litewit of
different peints along the lake. shore. • titan alfeetion of the linahaliews N1146-Atr- thleilettei stgmeT
s taken sauldenlir o few thys wee fitaigine visetnee ber Feet In "ri , „
'4 4.4 J41014'il White, who hes been very 42140 ('-.441 Nt:itk4reaaVelingth4r3f.,111: siP4tt a fisw 41aFis here 4114ring I
CtIllt 171114
iil for some time, is tentwilesennee- stilt melee the iiest„ea eal.,.._11,4,,,, 11,1, the week.-'31re, h.:awned. of Isention. DR. J. 117. ORi'sliFe
, th... titeediarned ii„s retie -ewe front his teem" 1,11 4,,,, neve liar
hi..sitltbazr.ie^g._. o 3 1t10
i1' S13p1e1,n n7t tift..1" few di^ep# iil'a.te#*."*, l-aia1et
hi' hte lkesreeling a 11COS:ilit etod tfewavetie itlca• e 1 MiOf Ionhta le
.t,.Ao...' !
i14. OW -4i'4-44.41 11'.'41r4lrl themme
.r.o;,., -
4ii, g W
.e e
4 l.
SII 4541.40 vet°4S441 aln:P.--Mts. 30111 4'449z'lzr i,
hit 5''14'.5''14'.1' itSegnew. hale. f'-4- :5 fe
hiemrlin'44.4 4e
$mith ien-:endng lsiiVa
e-MrWteThlilshn 4.44 ..'lb Mtt cit ' k1rlVt 4.4
f ( iaigo. III., 114.1V4.314P101111 44431144 i) 4.4.4444 4:11.14• of (44•40 I40 tho Kiiiv f1144A1411 f4/11V 1411444 -ii 015 14OW... er..47oi1f'
e,4Zmad teiltilwy bevy-Tiomany friteaties l'alriltM• Whra-AloJ14 It t" 144e4e 144 '.0-QVtot 110111:11VI‘'::414Wtt 4.45 LVI,tJOjt
, 6
0 m r4:149676N:41411,,:)t11,;;0e1.'V5'raeisinA
uth, wilt bepiebAltt 14.9411 (4441 ltErwinShattrisnnthiki;ltl,teeeur2leato Eine:arilin:en7:11-Nif4:.-mg:Ihe0-Met else.iZ4:i1i4444
is resiveringfront 5hPat.of l 4111 114411144 of bti 4)4411 41.' in ILInviiiide-.i.1•01:10:Ii1*,,4::::.1.e445:03;:31e2t. 41,c'::,:1:Ifsti:1v1,h:glai.mr(1
Mythstroltte-frarmak314ateMeltnal 4: t'oheve jnetaddfwti'1''11ere 11141 %wel. 3z-,,11„114:_:.1sn:oti,4•:t:?ai:4:ee:!
4(14." good ht.idtvetewith the hteeseit ite a mielernly conetenited $afe to MrWin Weal. ef Landon, spente:::tluaTia4.
;nal leper! the 4.14i.'444 and timidity both their etableliment-311`JOhl WeSeWeiliteslay at tlw leavt on fieh,we i..:eei.4.4,134t:
-4 very guild. loll is able to hp ato1M41 414;1111. after his Uri nsley. IA41'124-311" 113vPII.Y" driewtatiL - A matter Tenni here will
Goneo TO inietintee-At the lenient rvestlt severit 44. '4.Nalltaliof Dant" is away for twit 4$((434..'4$((434..'spent Thureley liere.--"file farmra,,,a „a to
eerned meeting es the priehytet.Fs the Etagjish Sitakesperean Selettalle ha* Ise e, se there will iierviee '1411' 1(111.* 141")" at. P"''''ett" 6"4151 end five X.rfltWe'4 10"a
110;44 1,1;411 4.'1eti.V4." 4.44' deciSion ot volt tore in Sipple's IND. -The cement m,•1 /prolog 1(44 tetiiiiv left eiesi, rang 4"4.5e14. ttav,tagi- ate woo.
. it .ta ( 1 1,1,,, ,i eitamoi t itt, w.ant itagq,., 4-t1q.0est,a.11. a elass lfl pItilatellt tot% 1.1° vote(' 1
let .,-aleryaelltitreh linittitiglFIN 441,e..*l.4t0iic'„-.' "we4ther is 1 f "i*v„ "i^'"4-iiig • t"h n.in 'end,.t-ine.- a'r'e ,.I,.epW14nttaihilal„ilg%ii,L.0oy1Mah1).1l4r14.vt.eHZ3a14t^tee.•,.,r',nEe'.E'rW. "n.1alt7,h4Ti,lt
1r„,Js.iii.,,,I,„„oo01 111-' '.III 5I4 4.4. •44'.#s =thouemiletelThey arti (ley fotheir Iteatiil it'd1)0ta.)'111:anIrtt: Ii1/4lLtheaE7' t; 1 tr
4,g;traingeran ivhadreeeived fram4411)•im4111411pol. nt tlw t11t1 WtrOtl•/l'lVtPtla'neil 1*W113111 t.!„'"1t,"/ t1"e2;'i''''1 1
'.414',441% itol.ia lumpitti-
sews (1441) 44 as,.stinineteattttweeandgive thntice it settelLindoltelitiws--Aiiiitilitilel tnants;Oing"thMa1""4 fUll-F1l14..:ily f4tp 4.441
pee44 114)'.$)4 her..44 4. t 2144' 4.h11` i1141","y '
w"re left 114'4014* e411"". y. ill e.i,sit Os. tire, See ratietieittieia es'eti
eVtAitity: at Mr. W. I. cotio-tt:i lionle ing "Illit.,i1 1.1;'3,f)11111711",..nt tilt'17,4,1",*''' ,:tt.otc r iSrtml In.e., tif 1,4i4.:art, w,to
ea t \law. ',yelling,- M1,-, HaIgles. tif ' ,:t11" l'hih. *,t111"1":41'wt° wa'j v"."1°1111 , lite vilisite Tueeilay. eithie tit y in:there
444(1 '44.41. le spending a few (lows here ot'r ulothiv 00TP tor it tow ttaYn laq ,; ria,t,.‘ esivieg qtp4,11, Nurtitt, G, .
, .,. . , , . .., .. . i,.. ... .,,, 64,4....4 41,, 401 34 e4 •
110 a! site is it iroolnii:Peper.
• , .... - • • . .
- that' rtiou 12 W141 11.,,, il'ir'Z'," 34.4 Dittellt hinter
tele to ilia .... .iii L ,,.0 t a ,ii•teal, --Site Jelin,
et Senn it 'Is 4.,411: 1,,ei.y i i".11,. :IiititiT. ' Tile
3IcC4Illivrety Cott noi 1 „. /It 3.143 34,! . A 1 at I I' - ° 4731 ell'ICI , 'I r .
After '1i9 **4.i'.84,44 exereieee the imehtees smailer appearance.
p irt ef the meeting was taken up, in ----- - ece--- -
etettel then reewenizing the strong -
„ Pl Mr "Larry li,?"`ein1111.1.4.,,y. Ivies itie
(.4 4.44)4-5 of the ‘1, tee., awl the special , ' ,, e : ,... .
neon seentainge it ael,'," WeeKS IVO II 1116
114",i1, An. alliVe. 4)g41440.4 44.441 (+meth t 0
etrents here, left Nlianday for Wield-
, the c.00Pti:4. ttr -Which Rev. ilendertion Grand Beitli
work, that while repeating slier:aline .
. with the conga...at on here, where h„ peg.- 31r. N.N tu. ImIlm atul Ray Feat.
had livtql rot, ,0 mu/ Still. Of 1.:Neter, SVC lilt $11.141.4 lit
' etived so innell kindness and enemata 31P* Sh1111"4111'"i"r1"f4)Vd' S4411"
:agionent, In• had deenled to aweept the e„. „. g 1- shalt itivett has retitentello Sarnia. after a *melt in Toast 1 all. itlettillivtity. Aug. letetiet, mime nee tepee teie teeats
11 iti 4.4.4 4.11)1)4.44.14 Rove Mr. liatev- tui.'s*1 "'e 111.e( i"1,304.11,11h has' 1)'44'n v6 I ViSit -Miee Violet \4. *1* Preeteat, M. Miller. reeve; In Deranis the mi.
ere, of BraietSield, veils then eleeted 1111,4; 114411.11111,11401K4 'Sat- awity ou ledSlaywienliss II. litiainitte, Mietitteiew MA ou ot "rum
MaltkratOr of Carmel ehnrent seseion, 111'"HY'-*"." "1"11h'Is 11 14((14'1.4 who Lewis entertatieed. lamellate- id yoting idaweilia tour •filtire. Mitalitt•e 441r levet,. none ee1411ew,
has been here returned to
• J. Ituu 11., ,it.,11* a fon. ct-tvz3 121 *W1,011, I )..t411 nr.ti tO) Tor etto Tivittrior..„ 4 t 3 , • „ .1
inndon tine wilei..-Ilin. Mr. Mel< iii -1
hen til la,. away for hie latilLiayte anti
Mr. AlliS4111. 11f Hyde Parke prietehes
mixt Siintley. , iiiNi;• II'l!,#. VP/114.WPil 4tc-
4 It 1114 114' 114.1 4) 3m111)14 y. -.1,1t 4,4,4 hi,°a, ( Onirell met ion quint to ;Aileen*. 1 34414, 4tott)f ,'Il:^=f "ti4111 The Slieetee
during the vatetriey, and other matters I ei(511114)11144. t„
or business were dealt '.•1 4.44. Rev. Hen- ilst:1 2°11,1,1 av.V8 V11( 114** -
demon will preath his farewell sermon •" '"thtP1.)Vent 11111(141Y
-Mrs. Moan, who ilt114 been visitin
ou Sabbath, August Ilith, and the foh friends here for a few day returnet
lowing Sabbath the pnlpit vvill be de. to her home in Exeter Mensukty,---Mi
Snell and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Moncur and family, who have been
camping here for the pest week, have
returned to their homes in Exeter. --
Mr. Parkson and family arrived here
Friday to spend a few weeks.--D.Ross
of Exeter, is spending a few weeks
here for the good of bis health. ---Mr.
Powell. of Detroit, and Mr. King, of
Goderich, spent a few days here last
week evith Robert Sauders.-31isses
Tillie Yager and Nettie Walters re-
turned to Exeter Monday after a.conp-
le of days' stay here.,
elated vacant,
Mr. Cecil Atkinson has pnrchased
the draying business from Mr. A. Issite
and will conduct the business of same
between here and London. -Mr. Ar-
thur Brake, of Chicago. III., is visiting
at the home of Wm. Elltvood's.-Mr.
jas. Park has purchased the residence
of Mrs. Geo. Garbett. -Mrs. F. H. Wil-
lis, who has been the guest of her
mother, Mrs. T. Morgan for the past
few weeks, is visiting friends in Exeter,
prior to leaving for her home in
Springvale, Assa.--Mr, A. Smith, who
has been G.T.R. agent for the past few
months, tenderedhisresignation, talk-
ing effect Wednesday. Ithe Smith in-
tends leaving for Wiarton, at which
place he intends embarking into an-
other line of business. His many
friends here wish him prosperity. Re
is succeeded here by Mr. J. S. Maguire,
of Shakespeare. -Mrs. (Da) T. D. Orme
is on a month's visit to friends in Owen
Sound. -Mr. Geo. Smyth, of Edmon-
ton, Alta., is renewing acquaintances
here. -Mrs. Quackenbush and child-
ren, who have been on a three weeks'
visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Morgan, have returnecl to their home
in Mt. Clemens, Mich. -Dr. Patrick,
N:. L. A., and family, of Yorkton, Assa.,
are the guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Patrick; also Mr. Wm. Lyons
and wife of Duluth, nephew of Mrs.
Patrick and Mr. Walker Smith, of
London. -We understand that Mr.
Wm. Tier, M. A., formerly oue of the
H.S. teachers here, but on flie Collegi-
ate Institnte staff of *Clinton the past
year, has beenliappointed Lecturer of
Mathematics in Manitoba College,
Winnipeg, which position lie accepted.
Mr. Tier,. while on the teaching staff
here gave -the utmost satisfaction and
we have no donbt will in Winnipeg,
and he is tobe congratulated on re-
ceiving this appoin tm en t. -The Misses
Maud and Gertrude Patrick have re-
turned from their visit to West Wil-
FittE.-At two o'clock on Snnday
morning a disastrous fire destroyed the
two large stables and driving , shed of
the Queen's Hotel, E. Carrigan's stable
and badly daroaged the training stable
belonging to Wm. Reid in which there
were nine valuable hoeses. All were
saved with the exception of S. McCor-
mick's driver, which was stabled in
the building in which ehe flee started.
The destroyed building Were the Pro-
perty (If Mrs. O'Neil, Toronto, and
were insured for $400. Wm. Fogarty,
proprietor of the hotel, lost the con-
tents of the stables, amounting to $150;
no insurance., Mr. Steid's property
was well insured. Three times the ho-
tel itself was on fire, else the rear of
Wm. Diamond's residence, but both
were &teed ,through the efforts and
prompt work of the fire brigade. The
origin of the fire is a mystery.
SPORTS. -The annual sports by the
campers will take plate on. Saturday
next, August 15th, They will consist
of boat -racing, double and single sculls,
for ladies and gentlemen, diving and
swininaing contests for both sexes,
lady Boating contest, etc. The sports
take place 113 the afternoon. Abonfire
concert followed by fireworks will be
the order of the evening. In case the
lake is too rough to admit of the water
sports, flat races,juniping contests and
a game of baseball between . the Mufn
fees and Duffers will be played on the
feothall grounds.
(Too late for last week)
Mr. Tames Brophy, of Greenway,
spent Thnrsday here with friends. -
Mr. ;Wm. Balkwill, of Exeter, spent a
few days here lest week with Mr. Gill.
-Mr. Heywood and fitfully. who have
been camping here left for their home
in Exeter Monday. -Mr. E. Gill spent
a few days in Point Edward last week.
Mrs. Tihu. Oliher, who has been in St.
Marys visiting relatives has retm•ned
home. --Maurice Brenn er, who has been
in Port Huron the -past week, returned
home Tuesday. -Mr. E. Zappe from
near Zurich. spenISSanday here. -Miss
Ida Gravelle spent Sunda Y' under the
parental roof, -Mr: and Mrs. Standev-
en, who have been here camping for a
month, ret urn edeto St. Marys Monday.
Mr. Sam Latta, of London spent a few
days here during the week. -The Hen -
sell Band picnicked here on 'Thursday
rendering several selections, rnuch to
the pleasure of the campers. -Mrs. V.T.
W. Hicks, .ofMitchell, has purchased
Lake View from Mr. Watson, of Park-
hill, and has been making a few alter-
ations in the same prior so the arrival
of It reverend gentleman from Mitch-
ell who will occupy it for the balance
of the summer. -A certain Grand
13endite, who was delivering ice on a
wheel barrow the other day, dropped
the barrow to watch the digging of a
new well. When he had observed the
operations for a few minutes he passed
the following reniark, "You could get
*eocid price for that sand if you had it
inSt. Marys." Another marl standing
by, answered hint by saying you could
get a still higher price for that ice if
you only had it in a certain place that
the ministers keep telling us about."
There was no further discussion upon
the subject.
people at her home AN ednesday even -
tug. ---Our seined hooey is tialaug on a
totrprisiegly pretty appearanee, *he
improvements maae lw eeh painting,
The ROW teacher wia and a (diem's;
welcome. --The Pierce family returned
feom Niagara Falk on Tuesday. -The
old. proverb used to be "let the women
keep silence in the church," hut it
could 44,4011 4.14, applied to the boos here.
Mrs, Darling waS visiting in London
township last week.-Mtss Ellwood, of
Liman, is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Cor-
bett this week. -Miss JuliaBloonifiehl,
of Denfield, was renewing acquaintanc-
es here last week. -Mr. T. Morgan is
veneering his house.
Thos. Magladery is recovering from
his recent illness. -John Leonard left
a few days ago for Muskoka, where
he will spend his holidays. -141r. Niles
Jackson left on Wednesday for Toron-
to. -Miss Mable Donohue has returned
from her visit to London. -Messrs.
IL Laughton and Sohn Jefferson left
on Monday for Galt as delegates to
the High Court LO.F.-Elnier Apple-
ton and sister, of Cleveland, Ohio, are
visiting friends and relatives here. -
Mr. John Grieves spent a few days in
Mount Forest during the week. -Ow-
ing to the precarious state of her eyes
Miss Annie McKenzie has resigned her
position with A. J. Garden & Son and
has gone to her horne in West- Wil-
liams. -Miss Olive McInnes, who has
been an employe of Ready's Shoe Em-
porium for some time, has left for her
home in Flint, Mich., where she in-
tends remaining. -Mr, Frank Hall, of
Kingsville, is now dilly installed as
clerk at the Royal. -Miss Melissa, Baird
who has been in Bay Oity for some
time, spent a few clays here at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Baird, and left again for Innisfail, N.
W.T., where she will make her home
for a year at least. -Lee Wing, the en-
terprising celestial, who has managed
the Chinese wash foundry in McLeod's
block, has pulled np stakes and gone
to Stratfoid. Two new hands are in
chare,,ee bei -e. --Mr. and Mee. Thom and
oleild, who have been visiting the lat-
ter's parents, left jest week for their
home in Innisfail, Alberta. -Joe For-
rest left last week for Manitoba where
he intends remaining for several weeks
and will take in different places of in-
terest. John Newell accompanied him
and will remain some time. -Miss Til-
lie McLeod, after a pleasant stay with
her parents here, left last week for
Birtle, Man, where she has been re-
siding for the past nine or ten years.-
Mrs.Rigsby is holidaying at Norwich
aud other places, while Miss Winnie
Rigsby is on afewweeks'visit to friends
in London. -Miss Kate Watson has
gone on a few months' visit to her
brother. who is C.P.R. agent at Pinch-
er Creek, 13.0. --Rev. W. Rigsby has
gone on a three ,weeks' holiday trip. He
will atteed the Old Boys' reunion at
Hamilton atid visit at other points. -
Mrs. Phelan, accompanied bylaw tin ee
children, is visiting at her old home
in Belleville.
as 11111 11/h HAI .11/111X1‘1t anS wheve 19 1104'11 VIN1tOlat 010 Owe
signed. Hotheins- Mnwson -tied this ite hie ;Stela Hthad a see y 04' iNallt
Mitten, In sru,nitethY w, ith, t41" timpani' Awe hie rt•titru iteme 44,'44as
press end place on record the sorrow the 41(104)4.. sho were horn in Balers -
et" z PlatiVCS alltt trieuns trec.lre tit ex- been new letsy itetaverhig pinu.tiums,ppf
they feel and the loss they hare sus- bromb and still have 41 Wat III spot in
Wined ba- the death tie Alexander their heart for Umlaut' of their fathets.
Smith, the genial, accommodating mid Mr. Ihtist still Maims that tingles no
efficient Treasurer of this township, illig:Illititeehl.Twinaes..-thStl.tireuentsetnnfigilshienec,tthee.
levnirirfeaslittlitifsnralleYtligeonfigtebueti&auTieitl°atubd" er, Satrauel, on Monday. -Miss Mercy
eti°eisillonfaltiliistoY01Pceert.,(111Ticletalittlht let IcLrott.°0"fstlitlis' en ts, and Mrs. Robert Sweet.
Sweet. of Detroit, i.s visiting her par -
resolution be engrossed, signed by the
members of this Ceuncil and the Clerk
ancl forwarded to his relatives. -Car-
ried. McGregor -Dorman -that the
Clerk is hereby instructed to draft a
By -Law to appotnt Alexandeer. Smith
Treasurer of this Township. Hodgins
-Mawson-that By -Law No. 0, 1903,
appointing Alexander F. Smith Treas-
urer of the Township of McGillivray,
as read a first and second time be now
read a. third thne and passed, -Carried.
AraWSon-McGregor-.that accounts,
araouuting to $255.40, be paid. Dor-
man--ilodgins-that Council adjourn
to Meet in the Town Hall, the first
Monday in September at one o'clock
Wee FRASER. Clerk.
tIa,y Council
Council met August 3rd. All pres-
ent. The following rates were striick
for the year 1903. County rete 1 3-10
mills; township rate, 2-8-10 mills; gen-
eral school rate, 1 3-10 mills; Zurich
Police Village special rate, 1 mills;
Dashwood, do., 1-10 mills and the
School Section special rates are as fol-
lows: -S. S. No. 2, $250; No. 10, $225;
No.14, $220; Union No, 13.-; No. 3.
-; No. 6, $325; No. 7, $675; Union
No. 9, $174,20; Union No. 16, $275; No.
8, $200; No. 4, $175; No.12, $267: Union
No. 1, $99.45; Union No. 15, $105; No.
11-, Separate No. 1, $605.58. By -
Law for imposing a percentage of all
unpaid taxes after the 14th day of De -
ember in each year was duly passed.
An offer of M. Jcihnston for the Logan
and Schwalm drain Debentures at 4S
pee tent was Accepted. The follow-
ing accounts were ordered to be paid:
E. Zeller,,printing re Schwalm drain,
$L75; Do., Voters' List; etc.. $51.50;
TS W. Farncombe, re Ragan award
$12; Do., re Munn award, $10; Town-
ship Clerk, re Hagan award, $150; Do.,
re Mutm award, $2.50; 0. G. Garnett, BIRTHS.
part payment, W. B. North, $200; S.
,Tacobe. hauling gravel and culvert, HESS, -In Zurich, on August 3, to Mr.
$21; Mrs. Aubin, charity, $6; J. Haug, a,nd Mrs. Ferdinand Hess, a Claugh-
two tile drains, Con 14, $3.50; J. Thirsk, ter.
grading N. B., $21; H Magel, team to
Clinton, re Mrs. Ilse and Miss Stork MARRIAGES.
and livery, $6.50; J, Weseloh, tile
moulds, $20; Division Registrar, regis- AeneEnsoN---ri oeen--At James street
tering births, marriages and deaths, Methodist parsonage; on Aug. 4, by
$15.89; M. Geiger, gravel for tile,' $20; Rev. Wm. McDonagh, Mr. Win. An -
j„ Dumart, taking indigent to Clinton, derson, of Detroit, to Miss Alice
$3; John Zettel, making culvert and Ford, daughter of Mr. John Ford, of
tile, $21; Bender and Foster, part pay- the Lake road.
ment re Schwalm drain $135. Wm.
O'Brien, making tile, $6. Council will DEATHS
tneet again on 1\101314y, Sept. 7, at 2
o'clook p.ni.
F. Hess, Tp. Clerk.
ACCIDENT. -What might have re-
sulted in a serious accident happened
on Tuesday morning last at Messrs.
Sohn. Kerr th; Son's brick and.tile yards.
The workmen were in the act of let-
ting a large mass of clay fall when an
immense weight of the earth buried
Mr. Chris. "VoeIker up to the neck.
Willing hands at once set to work to
extricate the.young man arid in a short
time he was released from his precar-
ious position. He was unconecious
when picked up and it was at first
thought that he was dead, but on the
arrival of a physician he was soon
brought around. He was at once con-
veyed to his home and after a careful
examination it was found that no
bones were broken though the young
man received several bad bruises on
the body. At present' he is doing as
well as can be expected and feels
thankful that he*escaped with Inc life.
A few weeks ago he met with an acci-
dent while playing football which ne-
cessitated him laying off work for a
few daysiethe morning of the accident
being his first day at work since the
first mishaps His many friends ex-
tend to him their deepest sympathy
and hope he will soon recover.
St. Catherines, Aug. 7. -While coin-
ing from the regatta to -night James
Ford, a young barber of Niagara Falls,
met. with a very serious accident. He
was standing on the footbeard of an
open car, and while letting the con-
ductor pass between him and the car,
lost his balance, falling off and strik-
ing a telegraph pale, inflicting a bad
scalp wound. The car stopped and he
was picked up and brought to the city
and taken to a doctor's office in a Car-
riage, vhere be is resting as easily as
circumstances will permit.
FuLLER Usboilie, on' August 10,
Chauncey Fuller, aged 83 years.