HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-6, Page 8iways to bs fourid at this efailoring Estab- lishment. If you are /coking for one. trv us One tinittl will cow= you that you eannot get better ;satisfaction for t same money than we will give you. W. W, Taman, • T . . amimmoimiumws It 0 H- • TT'as Ile Dre eadM4014.1.1-7.9... You heav ibisaerietio tie cviy nuseeere denend 444 he kinil of clothes, they wear'. 'Hole .0 re 'T'ou DT.'sg 7 .be nit dinonel ana hay •snit taceee ti. order. new gee r4s V•41,.5,4744,1 81.05 for v ry swell Ladies" Dile Dongola lace and patent tie wart's. oots, extension sole Big bargain. Ste -1 For yettng ealves and •pige, young t urkeves and childree, English Stock Poodle just the thing. Gave it a trial. Seld be* C. Lutz. Exeter. Wm. J,MeNevine of Goderich but a former popular and well-known Exe- ter yoeng men, was the other day I married to Miss !Very el, Stok.es, an esticaalee young lady of the &nue own, The Anvocwra extends all ; lowso 'eU.wes and eongratiela- tions to our friend, , The granolithie walk on the east. side 1 Min street has been ceppleted front elr. James Russell's blackstaitle shop to the prairie school grounds, and workmen are now engaged in the work of putting down the piece from M eeseee Hawkins' store to Huron street. When completed the whole will be a ecided improvement. try, nervous headaeltee loss of appetite, is you blood thin and nate? Do you sulfei from nervous or physieial delel- etc.? You will find Mind's Laxative, dood, nerve and tissue pills a. never 'ailing remedy. Sold by C. Lutz, drug - t, Exeter. Price oti per bottle. 100 Os in each bottle. The Auvoceeree is in receipt of an notencemene of the in irriage a Mies Jennie Deewe to Mr. John llowara • both, n- Ontario, Callieoruite Miss 1 rw is the daugbier of the late Ea- red Drew and is well-knowo in steeial eireles here, leaving visited for several ries with her sieter, Mrs. Frank 'Kuigbt. i Mins Pearl Levet nof the Onand fiend , Park, met with a very painful Wei - dent on Thureiley last. She bad pro - n1 some kind of iwid to burn off on her baud and in shalt- iottle the cork dew out, a 4, tity of the sintents spilliug over iiiiittlS and face, burning them mite severely. :Air. T. Acheson, proprietor of the entini liana sueees-,ded _wine unex- planted:a' in trapping a. innSkrat in his Bar on Thursday last. A trap ad been set for ordieary rats and w the mnskrat got into the celler is somewhat of 3 mystery. It is nuppened nt it meat have made its way up the mall 'tweet; to the west of town, into le sower and thus into tbe oiler. It was let loame in the afternoon and the on.. given a rime nfter it, lant being on lend and out ef its element it was ly and quiekly eauedef. Pies tor Sete, I John May. London Rand. Smith, :;le. unbar of flue yetaing pigs for 94 ter Sete or Rant, Pi otust?ilatinse on flnvn streot,con- Me roam. .p1y in John ell. ane Proscr4 for Sate, „ F. !me house. Feeble and two lots on 0 linnet :et reel, the property of Mre Jas. 1 Inn in Apply to Mr. John aown, ilnet,in • 1 0 F. Mcuttors. MoitiltArttleNiting to attend tbe T. n V. pienie at GrAnd Bend un Thin's- . v, Atennst :Mtn and not wishing to their tiV. it rigs can be accommo- anvil bv paying a emell fee and leav- inntbeir names with the Secretary, etr, tome Anderain, who will give par- t itedai a Mute :Mont Conversation, i Tee ;4rt of ronversation is a meet deeindtle aemeleition. Although there ate no rules by IA Web one Can become i a. brilliant talker, everyone can ilevel. I op what talent leemay possess. There me certain eonninetetions to be kept n mind in pultivnting conversational powers. The requisites for iegreeable eonversation are dwelt upon in apaper n The Delineatorfor September,which Will he a distinct aid to any one 'Mai. tog to hurionn hie areomplisbments in 3 i we ;Hat ' ,est tittle- 'Xv 6 teeth t ye, man Sdienyoar grief by mining studies with t. No man ever round a good •exriree fer a bed The tight set t individnality is a very good watt. The darkest hour is when you can't litria 'your mattes. Eireatnens generally ditniniehes tbe *0 to Muer yon sgenee miles, but in te language not generally nritieretood. Contentment is better than riches, but get both if you can, Tile only r4-11 with ome men is to tny and beat some other fellow. Don't regret the truth because yon do not like the Man WhO tells it. Some people think they need health when it is only energy they need. Mrs. Dtei Amos very pleasantly. en- tertained friends on Tuesday everting. The leellringers of the Trivia Me- Morial church will picnic at, Grand Bend. No person ever accomplished great things witherat attending to small matters. There is mere inoney lost out at the hole in the top of a manes pocket than any other way. When a. man has a good. piece of ad- vice to give he should first see that he follows it, himself. If religious ptejudice could be sold for one cent an ounce we would have many rich neighbors. For tender, perspiring or offensive feettry Foot Ease. It always gives relief. Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter. Mr. A. Q. Bobier will hold his annu- al picnic at Grand Bend, on Thursday, August 20th. The usual program of slants will be carried oat. Last week a roan got druuk and fell into the Detroit river and was drown- ed. That shows the evil effect of too much water after one's whiskey. People should keep their bills paid ff they don't want to be dunned,and their "bilis" out of other people's busi- ness if they don't want to be insulted. Da Ovens, of London, surgeon, . ocu- list and specialist, diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, Wednesday, August 5th; Wed. September 2nd, 'Wed., Sept. 30th; WecieNovenaber 4th; Wed. December 2nd. The Rev. Wm. McDonagh, of Strat- ford, occupied the pulpit in the .Tames street church on Sunday last, both morning and evening. The reverend gentleman although now up in years, has lost none of his former force and vitn and gave two excellent discourses. Mr, john T. Westcott received a tel- egram on Tuesday stating that his son, E1gar, who went to Winnipeg sone few weeks ago, is lying quite ill at the hospital in that city sufferieg from an attack of typhoid fever. His friends here shin wish him a speedy recovery. • • L..... The Fairest and best pickling vine- gars and spices. All guaranteed. Stewart's. this regaru. Special Prizes, The Sovereign Bank of Canada, is offering for competition at the Step- hen & ['Acme Pair to be held at Exe- ter on 'Monday and Tuesday, Septem- ber 21 and 22, the following peines, Three prizes of $5 each far the three best Heavy Draught Colts foaled in 1003, owned by one or more competi- tors, sired by the one horse. A silver cup valued at $25 will be given to the owner of the horse which has sired the group of three best foals, as described above. The sire must be exhibited to win. Competition open to the world. Heath of Mrs. Powell. Deathon Sunday last, removed an- other of our respected citizens in the person of Elizabeth Willis,beloved wife of Stephen Powell, in the 51st year of her age. The deceased was stricken with typhoid fever about nine weeks ago and after a brave struggle assisted by the best medical skill a,ud attention the disease sapped the life away. Mrs. Powell was of a gentle, amiable and kindly disposition, a. good wife and mother, and a true friend. Her death will be deeply mourned by her large number of friends. The deceased leaves besides a sorrowing husband a family of two sons, who have the deepest sym- pathy of all. Her remains were laid to rest in the Exeter cemetery Tues- day. Watiless—Hardy. One of the prettiest weddings, that has taken place in Exeter for a num- ber of years,was celebrated at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot Hardy on Saturday, Aug. lst, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 'when their daughter, Miss Lily A. Gordon, was united in marriage to Mr. James Wanless, of Duluth, Minn. The bride looked chartning in a gown of white silk Crepe De °hens over Taffeta silk, and carried a large Shower bouquet of lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss le.onie Hardy, of London, cousin of the bride, was gown- ed in a pretty white silk organdie dress, with lace trimmings, and carried a large bouquet of roses. The groom was •supported by Dr, leT. F. Harrison, of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. •R. H. Collins played the wedding marches from Lohenerun and Mendelsohn. The cere- inony was performed by the Rev. R, J. M. Perkins, Rector of Trivitt Me- morial Church, 'in the presence of the imn3ediate relatives and friends- of the contracting parties, after which a dainty luncheon was served on the lawn. Mr, and 1VIrs.WanIess left Wed- nesday morning for Europe, where they will spend several months, after which they will reside in Dulnth, Minn. The well wishes of a large number *of friends accompany them. ,relerett, et ozai the country, change .to .cooler will b' Loedridgeathe tive-yearged sn o adveneing from the meet. tknd north, Mr. Iteeteet Sweet, herueesMakete 'met so, 'the t by the 15th andlOth most paree with a painful accident while at Greed of the .countey will heve felt 'the elyinge to armlet.* weather: . Therewifl• be preceptable reaction to tieing tem- nernient. falling barometee and etuFn ,tor doted inese andstorms on .and touch - leg the 17th and Utile followed by ann otteer retetrinte cooler, more plea,etint weather ahout thalOthjo 21.et If the preturbations of the Mar§ periokwhi6h eentral on the 20th shoeld take on the natureof violeet, 401°413401e displacenients-aa result rather.' to be. expected—the regular Wren, period extending from the .21st to the 27th wiltderelepsorne violent And danger,. ons West India storms. The Satiation , Wal be more eritical from the factit the mewl is in. perigee .Q11 the elet. new ou thennnd. and on the celestial Nue., to on the 24th. - The earth will ids() have entered its auttuneal ecenleoctitd at this time. Genera1 eterne coneitiotie evill develop over the ceuutey, and it -a land storms ot more .ot less intensity nearreasonably he .expeetedabout the 24th to 27U* If equatoriel storms ate pear in the smith at this time, reach, log regions as far northas our extreme sonehern .states. Plietiomenally - cool weather will foliate the storms Ovetall central to northwestere states. Such restate' need not be a • surprise to our readers. The.20th and Selth will being' reaction -to storm condition and more or less stornainees -and rain'wW reenit, in many localities. Rising hero meter and eleange to -cooler wether generally will mark the clositag hoers a the nionth. angin74704796217,4K1cningr,n4tira iffor - PERSONAL. Bend onThureday last, t he wheel. might easily have resulted in his death. It appears the little fellow was riding on the hind end of a light wagon, sitting on a box, and the driver, turnieg, out sharply to avoid a muct-hole in the road, the little fellow eves thrown from his seat unto the wheel of the wagon, from wbich he sustained paia- fnl on the head and face, the roost severe wounds being over one of hie ears, which required several stitch- es to elosa Medical aid was stinnuou- ed aud. his injuries dressed and the ht- tle fellow is now doing nicely towards recovery, but those present thinks it miraculous bow he escaped being entionacemeet. The Exeter Public School Board beg P) a immune that a lted number M' seats in the High School Depaetinent are now available for the fall teem, eh - plication for which may be made to the secretary, Mr, Grigg, The past Tcord of the boerd since the institu- tion of this department equalling, and succeesfailly rivalling many- of the old established high schools will be suffle- tent evidence that no mistake will be made by parents or guardians in cone mating their children to their care and that of tbe eteff. The board's efforts are being steanily directed to secure the highest effinieney in their high school work as well as in every derision of their public school, This i being done. not only in the Intereet of thew preaent but with the object of heVing our tows never lese than fuZe• ilina as a centre of ecineationel work and influence for this district. The Principal is Mr. J. 0, Flemming. late f the High School, GOderieli, Rotaluion Exhibition naea The Dontinion Exhibition days hav been appointed as followse—Thoreday. Angast 27th, and Friday. Augnet,230), preparation daysStieurday, Aug. 29th, Oilieial 0 enin Dav* Monde , Aue elth. Empire and Pioneers Day; Satur- day. Sept. nth, Commercial Travellers' Day; Mondey, Sept, 71,11, LINN Day; Tisenday.Sept.Stin Farmers' Day; Wed - twain Sept. 0tin Stockbreeder -4 and Fmk (Irowern' MY; Thursday. Sept. 10th. American VieitOrn'1417,1 Friday, Sept. Mb. Sorietv Da"; Saturday, Sept. 12th, Citizens' anti Review Dny. It will be notieed that the Exhibition will be in full ming Iron; 0 a.m., Sat - satiny. Aug. 20th, to in p.m. Satiardny, Sept. 12th, ,Nlonniay, Sept, nth, being moving day. coarsen Preemie:gm. Council met at cull of Reeve In Town Ball, August 4. ;Misted., Couneillor Creech. Minutes aZ previons meeting ved and confirmed. Cobbledick —Gil- espleathat the following, certified etezy aecount be passed and °vitae drawn on Treeteurer for suute—James elbaek, !alma St.7.—c'u'rled. Haw. 'ne—Cobbleditak—that the followiug ecounts be paesed and orders drawn on Treasnrerfor narne:—W. 0. Rustron. sharping Bell Telephone Coe 75e.; S. liandford, labor, $1; W. J. Bisset n part salary, $90; G. H. Bissett. postagenn2; IT. Parsons, street nniter- ing to July 20, $21; Vletovia Attepttal, Londongiccount re-Geo.eleBrueea. eel); J. Parsons, Intim Selefehlte Joneseelielik S. Sanders, interest on Ilarding'snote, R. Spackman, bindware, ete., $0.51.—Carried. Cubbledick—Gillespie tbat this commit pay the Trivia .11e. morial church wardens Oin: of the cost of a (1 -foot cement walk along the ainith side of Baldwin street to church door, Carried. Conncilad4ourn to meet at call of Reeve. elst, School Children's Day; Tuesday, Sept, 1st. Press Day; Wednesdny, Sept. 2a. Manufaeturere' Day; Thuesslay, Sept Sid, Canadian Day; F'riday, Sept. G. H. Biesirrn Clerk. Sheave—Mitchell. A very pretty hue quiet 'wedding was solemnized at the home Of Jr, Geo. Flintoff, Clinton, on Saturday, Augnet lst, when 'Miss Ada Ethel May Mitchell, of Exeter, and Mr. Garfield Sheere, Of Brantford, formerly of Ex- eter, were united in the boly bonds of tnatilmony. At 0.80 o'clock a.m. they took their places in the parlor beside a bank of flowers end feriae. The ',dile looked 'charming in a gown of blue silk. trimmed with cream applique, with bat to match and carried a bou- mint of white carnations and maiden. hair fern. She was attended by Miss Hattie Flintoff, who was also becom- ingly attired and carried pink carna- tions and fern. The groom was sup- ported by his brother, Nelso n, of Brant- ford. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. N. Manning. Congratu- lations over the 'wedding party re- paired to the dining room and partook of a dainty wedding breakfast, after which the happy couple were driven to the station and took the 7.38 train for Exeter, where they spent the day, leaving the same evening for 13rant- ford, where they will reeide in future. We all join in wishiug them many years of happy wedded life. Hicks' Forcasts for Auzust. •The whole rhonth ef August willfeel more or less the influence of the equi- nox of the planet Mars. l'helelars dis- turbance will be central on the 20113, extending from the last of July, well into Septepaber. Regular storm dis- turbances will be due from the lst to the 41h of August. The probabilities are that the natural warmth to be ex- pected at this season will grow into a crisis of summer heat about the lst, 2nd and 3rd, td be followed progres- sively from the west by low barometer. threatening clouds and severe bluster- ing. A reactionary storm period exists on the 5th, 71h and 81h, during which days look for increase of warmth, fall- ing barometer and marked tendency to black clouds, thunder and storminess. These disturbances will culminate on and touching the &h. • One of the "heated terms" of the month will ap- pear from about the Uth to the 16th. At the beginning of this period the warm wave will start in western sec- tions, attended by low and falling bar- ometer; easterly to southerle winds will increase the heat over all sections east of the actual storm centre's. As the low barometer moves eastward, threatening clouds, with severe local storms will visit many sections, with favorable conditions for some gener ous midsummer rains.. A Mercury dis- turbance iscental near the centre of this regular storm period. This great- ly increases the probability of rain from about the llth to the 15th. While the heat wave and storms are still passing central and eastern parts of easessegsreoseteso Miss Je$510 Dow is visiting friends n Stratford. :Nliss Allen, of Stratford, is tbe guest of diva D. McInnis. Mrs, A. Cottle spent a few days in London this week, • IL Rinnohr is visiting her si ter in Hattie Creek, Mich. Mr, Jaiiies Creceb. Sen in visiting friends in EsseX this week. C. McCallum. of Buffalo, W. visiting his parents here. . R. J. Gurney is spending his hot - with friends in Acton. r.Geo.Onamore stient two or three if this week in London. Grace Rogers, of Instowel. is of Miss Enna. rollick. Now is the time to secure yoar Binder Twine for the coining season. 'We guarantee oin.‘ stoelt ermal to any otb,er twine of tbe same number of feet to the -pound. Don't neglect yone purchase, but call early. • We keep constantly in stock the National and Star Brands of Portland Cements, conceded by all competent jiniges to be the the market. The S, W. P. . Before, you begin to paint your house or anything else be stir to get the best paint passible for the money and at the name .time give :the hese setisfection and longest wear. We have the largest stock of hardware in town—Eavetrough- big and blinders' supplies especially. For Force or lift pumps call on us. T. HAWKINS & SON. ; . Moneur and family are enjoying weelkle outing at Grand Bend. Vellington Hera Is at present eon. ed to his bed Owning% latleSS. Mr. E. Beech, of Stratford, Is blink - g bands with friends In town. e, W. C. Ilitaton is spendinga few weeks with Mende in Goilerlein Dr. Silk, of London spent Sunday and. Monday here with:Mrs. Silk. Mr. Blitz. of Shreve, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. TA Vineetit. Mr. A. p. Smith, of the Sovereign Rank staff, is holidaying in Forest. Mies A. Oke spent a few days with retouch in London dining the week. Miss Jessie Creeeb epent a few days visiting friends in Hoven last WOOk. Miss Alma Dempsey. at Toronto, pent a few days with friends in town. The Misses Cobbletlick, of .Allsa eralgnwe visiting friends around here. Master Fred Trevethiek is spending a few weeks with relatives in Strath. ray, Miss Lillie Williams, of London, is spending the holidays at her borne bere. Mr. John Coleman, of Hensel], a for- mer Exeter resident, spent Tuesday in town. Miss Maude MeShea, of Newton Cen- tre, Mass., is the guest of Mrs, %A.R.% IleLeod, Mr, and Mrs. McPherson, of Poltner- ston, visited here a few days during the week. Mr. and Afrs. Fred Brooks, of $t. I'iho°mearsh'eare visiting the former's nth Rev. Peter Strang, of Virden. Man., is visiting friends and relatives in and around town. Miss Clara Cudinore is visiting in London this week, during the Old Boys' reunion. Miss Olive McDonald, of Tucker - smith, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. E. Homey. Miss Ethel Armstrong, after apleas ant visit with friends in London, has returned home. Mrs. (Rev.) R.J. M. Perkins and her - mother, Mrs. Russell, are visiting this week in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tait, of Neu- stadt, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. C. W. Cann. Mr. J. Bawden, of Ridgetown, spent the past week with his parents and other friends here. Mrs. Geo. &unwell returned home Monday evening from a visit with friends in Ingersoll. Czar Rollins returned to Detroit Monday, after spending his vacation with his parents here. Mrs. W. 3, Heaman and Miss Al- ward have returned from a two weeks' outing at Grand Bend. Miss Belle Dow, of Mitchell, spent a few days here this week, the guest of •her aunt, Mrs. A. Dow. Mies Berth:ice Luker returned home Tuesday evening from a pleasant visit with friends in Seaforth. Mr. Wm. Stewart, of Detroit, who came to London with the London Old Boys, spent Monday in town. Miss Vera, Snell, who has been visit- ing under the parental roof here, has resumed her position in Sarnia, The two little children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle are recovering from their recent severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Harwood and daughter; of Toronto, spent part of the past week in town visiting friends. Mr. E. H. Dyer, of Brantford, spent Saturday and'$unday in town, and is now takinc, an outing at Port Frank. Miss Ffoodie Ilyttenraugh, who has been the guest of Mrs. E. J. Spackman, returned to her home in London Satur- day. • Win. White, of Messrs. Hawkins & Sob's Hardware, returned , froin his holiday trip to Gananoque on Satur- day. ight fr wee to LATEST AHD BEST. m the Old Co intry, Never have we had a more complete and Vali mid see them. elect from, Staples Our Staple Department has some special values in Towelings. mud, suumr.cgos or heavy quality, soft finish, kW weave, GOOD VALVE, WHITE QUILTS—choice of several patterns—designs front best Meesaillea. Oxforil 4hirtings. Cottotten!. and Cottonades. Crockery Three eratee of en-ockery have arrived, Latest patterns in Dinner and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Etc, Complete Range of Odd Pieees. Good values allvays to be found in ils department. ns- Wearing Sale of White. Waists -41110 go at :Cost Our Boot and Shoe Groceries Business still boorne. We handle Choice Teas and Coffees. the best manufactureil in the'Annan-. ;! Canned Fruit% Canned Mean, - such as; The SLATER, The EMPRESS, The VICTORIA. and The INVICTUS. ices always reaenuable. Pscides, insure,. Lan. A big stork of Brenkfast Foods which consists of Foree, Vim. MOW -Vita, 'Swiss Food.... Shreaded Wheat, Grape ,«S'uts and Trisculte. Always fresh and wholesome, Sole Agents for the eplebratcd W. ii. Saraltbrais ready-to- wear Clothing. They lead them all for Value and Durability. E. Flimituto anG Unflrt MMOT..,1"SMI Mr...40C1C InALL AND INSPECT some of the Feuniture exhibited U at the Furniture Exhibit, Toronto, We are baying onr orders filled early, and can show yon the new- est designs on the market, itnd defy competition in Prices. As to quality—we lead. W. C. HUSTON Opera House e it° .01•1•111•1=4.110.11111111111014011•• Practical Embal er,, What are you looking for? Is it a nice piece of Furniture? If so don't fail to call on us, because we are headquarters for anything in the line of furniture. Qur Stock is the largest and best, assorted in the comity. OnrWorktnanship is the very best. The Design and Finish is the latest. The Prices are the lowest. WE 'WILL be pleased to show intending purchasers through our large , stock end quote our prices before placing their orders. WE GUARANTEE satisfaction with every article w purchased from our store. All kinds of ORDERED WORK, REPAIRING, 'UPHOLSTERING and PICTURE FRAMING done on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors. ROW E dc ATIKINSOIsT R. N. Rowe's Old Stand.. Mrs.' Fred. Dunsford and daughter, Bernice; of Cleveland, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Dunsford, Step- hen. Miss Emiline Howard, who spent the millinery season in Killarney, Map., returned to her home here Monday ev- ening. Mrs. H. Windsor and daughter, of Brown City, Mich., are visiting friends in town, the guests of Mrs. 'James Gonlds; Mers. T. B. Carling, Fred Hawk- shaw and Percy Browning attended the Old Boys' Reunion at Loedort Monday. • Mr. Rcbt. Freyee -after' a pleasant visit with his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Week, at Poplar Hill, returned home Saturday. Messrs. A. G. Dyer, J. A. Stewart, E. H. Dyer, N.D. Ilurdon, F. T. Knight and Masters Frankie Knight, Douglas Stewart and Dyer Hurclon are this, week taking an outing at Port Frank, indulging in, theIsaak Walton pastime. Yr2 ;Lie ' Mr. Frank Sweet, after a two weeksj stay at his hoine here. left Tuesday for Tlaedford. ' Mr. Herb Walters, who has been en- gaged in Sarnia for the put few weeks - returned home Monday and intends remaining. Mrs. B. Cunningham and family, of Khiva, spent a few days in town dur- ing the week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Yager. • Mrs.,T. Roadhouse, after a pleasant visit with relatives in Exeter and Cen- tralia, returued to het, hotne in Kirk - ton Sunday. Mr. W. Shosenherg, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday with his wife , and family, who are visiting at the Commercial. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Rowcliffe and child, who have been visiting friend's in and around town, returned to their home in London Monday. We under- stand Mr. Roweliire has some inten- tions of moving back to town again. A dditional Locals on lst Page,