HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-6, Page 6Wat.
4o.e 013
eitia Wee "sees
CHAPTER V. to force the ebuttes outt let the, da
in. When does the trial Isegin?"
3. "Next iSetmelay, at the Central
0 Criminal 'Court., But have you ri
thing to say to fue now aliout the
"We/come, Ardel; never more wel-
come," said John Trevor, as hie
friend walited abruptly into his
chambers on a hot August afternoon.
The hiwyer was at his desk: before
L. '4
-with pameut hireges, which he
was reading diligeatiy, crossing and
Seerleg, ami undering with a
eturiarty blue pencil as be read. A
nember of briefs wero seattered round
or. tile talk, slone, end cbairs, the
reel tape strings still untied.
"This is a profcselonol viett,'" seid
Artists Kew you estate:ewe in taw.
etratt. Yen lewited worn teit ond
w-orrlea. eo I came ietisei"
"I nu?. vatteled." Tewor orsweeed,
.• r eiat s i,
n•N1 ens iest Wee edviesatis'e
feeer. It's a lever:int thin:Wei Otersere
imitee the t7,7.14 deeen oteette.
Bill, live get it Leedity
ttio caen of a oninito
Wei -Seam "`
talent, rapidly rising io her Profe3-
sign. She suriaced its triumObs for
his sake without a, Sigh. There will
be a loug corresponetnice before You, almost as violent regardiog the poor
om which eesu mear
may learn the tenor girl, notably by his old and faithful
and progress cif their courtship." servant, Robert 'Weevil, whese evi-
dence on another branch of the cas
here e
"It repur-
was a i'ustle oi Pleasant an -
is, as you. will presently see, of the
ticipation aniongst the ladies in the
„alai), as this anitonamcent wae most vital importance.
ade. "The letter 1 have read for you is
dated the Oth April. All that day.
is enough for y present
peso that their rearriagie was ar- as Miss liebeeco Blythewood will
tell you, the deceased was hysterical-
onged. The misoner was and is, as
Lave said. a intim of wealth; the ly excited. 1 assumo that the de-
gial was 4ra orphan. whose sole in ence in this case will be some theory
collie had been derived from the pro- suicide' and a 1 feel, therefore, con -
r Med la the interest of the prison-
fession which she had abancioned At
eis desire. it is right to say theer to make this point clear.
"On the rnoreane of the next day,
the 100 of 441, Miss lieseie
Sir Frederick continued:— "On
more than one eccasion the
prisoner Was heard using language
hinsoner meek., fitting. and eon gen-
"Nothing entil breve more ht.evision eee the convert of yucteaod complained ohead_
tf a.
san. Pcnt't overAverlt Tin ill's figure wife. He rented tat
for her oehe, wile sent ber aunt into the
ilea, end don't deepair. 1
snborban enta—Laburnhara Lodge .inss this trial." city for ai certain specific she was in
sho lived *mite the meta •
wycle later. g the -batt of uebeg, on the pretence
Irize.,n,,',7te Que(It , riuge, tvitit Miss Reeecce, Blettliewood,1
iu1:4;",,i7is%Ei 449r .—t:ITIY:te—eci7,1eia.1.1.4e'a' 19ta0 l'el. "lit- Ilts$ BlYthelva°4 wil"- But her mint was no sooner out of
that she could not spare the servant.
the cbief witnesses for the
...0 Ives At" e in-- ,
eigier. cf ihro home. rS a, half -holiday. Tlie girl left ixer
racoa Itza,.....1., exarzid,a1,„,i. and acot„ ga, tviiich, as the Crown allegas,
hitigeot, %seta a toiehati,„it ht forth -2,g, ! woe the eeene of the murder. , o'clock in the morning. Only one
person SaW lleseie illythewood aiive
'For the present it win sati".-xe fcw' 'afterwards,
-Tree otaniter
told .yon it,''
"'Nearly f.',rtr nal
Pon't you rerneredn5r?
was itist colaie,a• on tin?”.. lan,a-‘.
ci to Japan and back sirav. and
emming on etill,”
"'Oh! there bee Veen atlicernitient
iiiihearinizente wiaile tat erown'
tip mere 14,Prei
weir% not oh
ver tweet. Sett et:rime:hi tg'..9 tits!:
got cin my tierces, meal
eiedi 1 nerizetinies hal as if it
owle life 1 v. 1t4r...-,
...* *t. 'the helve than she gave the servant '
preset-tit:ion. and you will oleo hove
esi wee szcmgt a"ore ;vole a. InOdel Of Labundulin 'quite alone. That was about nine
wite- tereniesii oi-seares the; and that person, the
emit coorying the ;taw witiw iron to resesinalsir that istleisalliont cogent evidence willi 1 fear, coerce
-hr,74 foe -Lodge le a detached. twoestin„iti,, eit,:i.,:von to believe. is the unhappy,
ore irro wet t site to he ote bet 418 41Wil Jials11: 4"'":•11a'• :Qner tile bar. Of the interview
new the eistiry, " ;Yards ,sfr°12ila• 1"44'4. :b("tWee:11, tiVra we leave 3w direct evi-
lri thee tesera et cairn -es weer- t'n 11r+, U3111 044:‘ derne to offer. "What leappened in!
- .1te V;indow loneiy imetee iu ' the
teteis. tern new to 4. • .
Then tworea waere tbe ptiorgit
, or, a half tliot elapsed before Mies
' the ilee'S. reit ; eta:, .y. "'flee pro -wooer." Sit' I- rederieti cone _
" !inference ,
the prism:we with aa intcesie awinest- tetitoseii, At roe „ is t neeetrig- d
haN' that wets Wein tie oseo-
clarth.eca Blytheteoote's return, we earl
wiaciai, eat ta wite eer, ce for f -43t4 I/Ire'?"'f411,' !thity gather by inference. Ilut it is
o tire yoaag
„„-agifr of.
go -civil of it he twit-
eer toaC,s
care tien tet note
Gi re ea
enritseit Sot' 145', FD iettalittit on
iiatoteree, . auttinet tn hie op-
neithe timt titiit =4,7
Mo. 11...,:qp,lt,•w„.-F,9: Women, tetti, citot
want ail Lie Lei Otairta
Wee it is ittnei to !Veen it hy Wan
riaei of the teethe:wit it is
if les if, t1A•"
„him tirenii, tne S.344,:t VO:tee, coati , keg direetiy, to the door eleor and etrong4-a,of tratb.
as fate. in it care we caitaat lales au, way.
0 oat ef cat AZ oirv,ra areereat, Nair- (To be cont. lie.. )
In 14 .
Witt?. 34s 1-..;:nis aS its-Itz ty tiwpo )7Joilv9 away. But tp tio*
aigt*te T.t.r:,?!1 V4°•::;en list 41 or o I ei ifeetit ti thee'
I. 4-1
shiftc.fl his pc- '- a !toile ;lee! retie Conetantly -tow,etber. a
tne. woe, esotoo. '-i -• tustent with loeere, titter le
tra,11 in ids own tietitgins and ',ht.'s wfTe 441 Innueratts 10,4r in'
ierviewsi To 1.1iiise facts Ms Re-
ties% that les VAS Ur.c(121Eiri-iliS of tlie
interest teet ie. teas Wore et int a Iiiylliewoottwhose bereote-
ZS TO= na. 14111',TE
Can't Find Remedy ro
For womeaes triton ir.:aon /rznfl fix„.,,14d '44-14t. Will. 1 QM sec0re f„,r i r Ito Induntriel Slavery,.
IG5,331, evore iri The foresees yoar essiipothei. will be called mem
hirlette elector. ot ideie, inventor. , to Uehet's. Notwitlietanding all the critizisms
millionaire wits ore of the f men "The young file, as ete in., and orreliorative euggestitms that
aenitein vita etaid aleirapt the, strectegi, vieut to verities plaects of Prevall on serial reforat anions' the sought. When corn fodder is put
Seasonehle and Profitable
Hints for tho S'uoy Tillers
of the Soil.
• INA^R*****416*****wir..**94.4i
There aro few persons who quest,
ion, the Advises:3day of supplying
far e% mill:oats as near as possible
with summer conditions in the
whiter. As it la a, well known. fact
that grass is the cheapest food raied
on the farin for live stock it is but
folloiving nature's own path to sup-
ply animals with a food that is as
ntiarly like grass as possible cluriug
peried when they have to be kept
boused. In souse respects roots
come very iiearly filling the bill, al -
ugh the laboro t d vith
batulling the root crop is so great
as to almost make it int ractics.ble
to grow it in large areas. Next to
this comes the silo in which raoy be
placed green fockiers with absolnte
essuraince that they will retain their
succulencsr and leen out in good coe-
dit ou.
The ilrst advantage or the silo that
we id ar.ention is, that it enablee
one pet ist a supply of rougliege
. Di- there is my aorager of hav-
in, iodate tom ed by the frost.
Cent is a greet eilarre crop, and
when it is to be convi•rt.d into sil-
age it may be cut while the grant IS
in the gineed emidition. Indr.ed the
plant contains a larger per cent. 0
nutriments in this condition that at
other Vinea hence the ptiewitility
The iolvontage of feihling StleCialent
entA'age OlUring the winter need
era reely be ,i nc iit low el, "IliVatv'e all
are huniliar with its benereial effeet
ulain the. animal's se atesti teed itii
abilite- to iria1t. becf wit, it tbie is de.
'eared or milli when tale is the end
.4 iaditt itehi that gentlic teretieernint togistiter. itiet eio. laboring elaeara iteii tile dreams or in 4. Well elinctrueteil siloat tii("
i.,,l!ideinize, tetiotig ne,rtittier ;ley ilea is -,,,,—.01 steinri.lves roi yoteng i a ills the inatiern soriologi4-ts of liniet liens. Proper Seencin of 13;w exior, tlwro is
COP.,, ao3 , Za4Gl in, 5330 end 0 time, But 13 ::-.,° icilhervs. the pr-aleni of how Bel- ,Pas3'5illY le' -'n ltwn when it is heat
Th, ,Itt i t I 1 • -
ii^4!"-.q11 9-,4 4-44.'1 Zwrzela,;(= trot-- -----------eGenital ----------------------------,- ii es eetitheina fs reian,tin0 cent ' tlittt i i Ordlitiariiis raitt ieall, 4 ivtvi,
, ff„.-ANc.„ 4.4,9% 4 „. 3 S -4;n• thet g can supply de;ent emploement W.: an arie ot ieirtplan
Tilde to the awiet, fate Tritoiner ii3lo,„^ar Otet. leith II• to 1 Ti31 ¶jve LingdomPi only is no 10,4 thio 1,,74 3eziit4n
01,411,,3 41 it, Tot iieeo tete Loa , fore mei tiering her emeageratie wire setelotirth thoeitek of l'entisylvaniti. 1111611"s. ili"-4kl•'111::" 31(4
run cfcCnig roe,— Leif eitt, .tlze pritocer Mae- ea a WrIti 't 31 bill itS l'ionirodaliv5 metro wilco trA efi51143g4*s tot 3-4-1.ruut-,0 it
a sang oweeeei atoned; ,ftlioroeter wan rittowe repritiole" ; than C.Ceiti3Ohn prreons are lioetiiihet is all palatabie (331d is rciieleitil
ad,s, 47;1%14 li(z3',/ fa„1 Anein the Attoraseetticol sou tt for stock.
ineweite ate, its tewit tieet team:oda leer a eeteteent, ;NW ,14.401 Tr4)%or :14,4',-.• Undoubtedly outs girls pity their On? of the first diearivanteuee
VINet.ln tatAlt`rR fe:G"P paisw vory
grai.o. "1 doia't rearidor ot eon" he
sant shortiy.
It as horra•,:e. FA% n
tina.; of dootli is always liarrit.Te.
Wit such a death. in tin. itialFt 414
titarn.,ng the doomed man in the
loco with an awful certainty of its'
lie trate off arm:41y with a ninitH
der. his ttrong imagination liad:
mao t 14, ett .e /a a att,11.
"ran nothing be done to crtve;
"Nothing. 1 fear. Nothing, at
tioit cart do. I nave rate.
the care thorotighly. and 1
can find no hope anywhere. I may
Moho a Mat footy law point here
I there, but the chain of fieldmice
is as etrong oteel."
"You! You don't mean it. This
"Con 1 be of any use?"
thing is mit in e"our line, Aniel."
"Everything is in my line. especi-
ally wittn. there is a life to be
"Would you read the brief?"
"Certainly, if you will let me; and
X should like to be pracnt at the
trial, if it can be managed. Reading
Mien is mare 'in my line,' as you call
It. But / must not forget my first
business. Itie your physician emotes
now. Start ofi at once for a good
ten miles' walk. It's a pity you
don't cyek. Get the fresh air into
your blood and the Worry out of
your brain, and leave nie alone for
a couple of hours with those papers.
want work. You may lock the
door after you, if you like. I shan't
stir till you return."
When Trevor got back with bright
eyes and clear color from bis walk,
Arclel was not at the desk or papers,
but leaning back in the great easy
chair, motionless, and so absorbed in
thought he did not hear him enter.
"Well!" said the lawyer; "have you
found light?"
"A gliramer; still, T may he able
' titesiou aishan .14 ig caadetral the tile tete of the raio that is genereliv
I Vie horn ore tiworn without a. ideas 1443 MS bead in fall Oozletarrowe- ' e
pinwr 114t.;,olnfr Iii'att„ gentienten, as irnfotir ..nat-ly art of employing the wooter nwatierfea is it5 Cost. together
3 3 -No gii4aty*' tOo often happente the neer- ten tot diongiwinio and fit.rermous labor in yl,„iflY tho„ ouf141Y far equlinnent for
then nr.ow:y soetionle tee !Pee iteelt away. eie heete 6tgl)terrara.an ftalisTion. jaq the toe fodder end aloe the, frOft
:Attorrary-akti -rah Sor Prollerieh l'er- at Lint neglePtIni, then unhind, as Belgian eceinuit girle nod farmers' -41r titoring the eroP onldiallY. nthille
3';'f.4-*Itt tili!-3 oi-,041;1q otattiment the Mateo love cooled the gki^n, daughtera have pawl them air tanny ling corn fodder v.doen it iil in a sue -
for the Crown. kindled to a fiercer flame. Sh.• was years: netertheless. the girls at !u1";tt rottdillee alwtWn la‘olttli a
Sir l'roqh'ricl: rercival won the quiVii-teuirereit, an wen ou warra.; work in the mines inahe Nod of /large onward, of labor, and cm euf-
infest daneennie of paw:ea:nom Py hearted, awl tardotibteilly anewye their sympathizers and seem more gelent Lela can scarcely lie olvtained
weitein Of hi!, trarrfarent impartial- walii9 and lettere evt, thip ..tega 1. than FatiFfied with their miwereble lin fuenY sentOnf. this item alone
tliat must be reckoned with be -
a prInever irh
ateinct i-oner: nk thed I have already Enid. yea win have:,ily Kirlionge It for the position of a
ity. Ito never proimed a point liasfill between them. Irowev.r, as! let. None or them would volinitari one
fore one involves himself in the es -
a noiat in his fa‘or. /10 deeply the corrineeentlefiee Wfora :rata and s"%rvant girl. VornidallIte neldorn ,felline of constructing a silo. now.
mlvo the tonal fair play. IIe le,
Is- front that, And riot from any arise front their lips, no inattcr what ,tIvero t..1113 fneY frequently be' over -
them toil their own ntony and maim obtervationn of mine, your eitialue grave definer the cloy's eliere of work -amine oy u, number of neighbors Coe
their own tirguments. lie never tiOttft 211Ubt he drawn. way Involve or to wbat wretched ing. together and filling, the silos in
,prwfvuted a num Wlit1111 he dill riot "There lo One li,tter. hoaVever„ C011tilti011 Of servitude they suay be 'the cenunitnitY rellretutivelY. ft
!where lc) Le guilty. and lie had a which I now hold in ray hand, to reamed.
!sometimes happens that •just when
wallet tail wax ne anhoceeitig his own tthieli I Mutt entroat Yenr earnent The mines wherein so many ,young ithe cora is ready to ho put into the
beta vu Ole jury. attention, co vital is its importance girls are spending the . best days or silo tbo
•••Ily Lord and Gentlemen of the in the o`ase. It io o. letter from the 'their youth aiv indisputably the WEATIIE11. IS NOT SUITED
Jury." the Attorneptlenoral began, ,murtiered girl, apparently written in deePest, in the whole world, ammo for this hind or NV01.14 And aft a. re -
z' indeed a terrible caarge that reply to a conmeinieittion from therenelung a depth ef 4.200 feet, and sult it is not unconunon to find the
,we have met to investioute, and not prisemer desiring to tweak elf the en- thezr interior is insufficiently venti- matter of harvesting the corn crop
lightly to be believed true of any grigenient. That titiconnwit is not lated: the air is impure, the heat In- delayed to such an extent that it is
man. It will In A happy privilege forthcoming, but it ie only fair to tenfe, and highly eNplosive from the not sato to convert corn into ensil-
for you if you can it the prisoner the prisoner to say that nem the re. numberless crevices, capable of trans- age, ma's didieulty is liable 1.0 be
free by our verdict. No man will ply he teems to haw offered to maim farming hundreds of toiling bodies met with in the case of wet sea.-
rejoiee more than iinyeelf ehould 1 very generous provision for the jady ,into iuldeso inaesee In an unexpected
fail to convince you of his guilt. It as a condition of his releare. moment. Numerous lostanves of
is my duty 0t1y to set the facts "Her letter to which I
clearly beforo you, and yours to red was found torn to frugments
havu refer- sugr'illedierttheer: waroorn0nhyreat°1;1edelmfortu-
considow and &Tide. The responsi- the prinoner's waste-pnpiet lineket, It nate tiering working time are
batty of that decision is yours, not hoe been most skillfully put together ramie of blue linen of the lightest
by an expert in those minters, eight and consist of large panto -
"The prisoner at the bar is young can prove beyond doubt or ques- loons, tbe end of these bifurcate gar -
end wealthy. M3. has known how to tion it is the handwriting of the inents being tied around the legs just
enjoy his wealth, but there is no murdered girl. above the shoes; also a jacket
insinuation here that he has b d "Da r i tl
it. Such an insinuation would be you be so cruel. In spite of all. I its muscular strength. The hair is
love you better than iny own life.
Lot that be the answer when you ask
inc to give you up to a rival, for
I'm sure some other girl is at the
bottom of this treachery of yours.
How often have you sworn that you
It was an honorable love he pro- loved me, only me, and told me
ssed for her, and it appears to have must never doubt your love. I can -
been passionately returned by the not think you were a. liar all the
object of his affeetions. From brat time. If you ex-er loved me, your
to last—I wish you to understand love will come back, and I will wait
this—from first to hist there is no for it; yes, I will wait, But don't
hint on which even malice could fas- try me too far. will be patient
with you, and loving with you, but
I will never give you up, never. I
would sooner die; th ti
a use r ng ev (it runs), /Tow can e n iebody can freely exercise
false if it were made.
"About nine months ago he was
captivated by the personal attrac-
tion i of the ill-fated Mfrs Bessie
Biettliewood, for whose murder he is
now upon his trial.
Melly enveloped in a handkerchief
thus protecting the head from coal
dust as well as if it had never ap-
proached a coal mine. The whole
outfit costs about 70 cents and is
ten against the honor of the neon
ox -
the virtue of tho woman.
"She was an actress of undoubted
Weak, L
tilio Crow Up Frail of Body and Exhausted in Nerve Force Aro Won.
derfully Benefited by Or. Chase's kieruo Food.
It is a, puzzle to many parents to along under this treatment."
know just what to do for children Mrs. D. Aedies, Brandon, litan.,
'when they get pale, weak arnd lea- writes 5—"lily son, aged fourteen,
guid, lose their appe.tite and, ambi- and little girl of three years, were
tion, and seem to gradually fail in both stricken with St. Vitas' Dolma
'health and strength.
)•• There is probably no prepare.tion
more effective for such cases as this
than Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. This
great restoriative is mild and gentle
In action, and yet powerful and cor- try it. The boy had lost eighteen
tain 'In its upbuilding effecte. It is pounds in two niontaa, and could
eepecially snitable for children and scarcely take bold of anythieg. The
The doctor told us what the ail-
ment was, but coutd not kee.p them
from getting worse and worse, so
tv'hon I received a book about Dr.
Chases' Nenive Food, decided to
eirciorsed by a great many gratetul
, Mrs. George r. Brithin, Lake St.,
Peterboro, Ont., slates
One of ray children, a boy of you womid never know there had
shout fifteen years, did not have been ant -thing the matter. The boy
good health for a year or more. Ile has gained twerity-ave pounds In
ieePled to have no energy, was Weak weight. I am very th.ankful there
and languid and stiffened from ner- saoh a medicine on the maritet,
voesness. The elocaore said that he and that I happened to got the
mas growing too fast, but We be- iittle book just when I did. It jest
:aerie alarmed about him, and began ceme timo though it had been
using Dr. Chase's Norma Food. sant on purpose,"
was not tong until we noticed a Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 50 cents
;real ebange in his condition. His
appetite improyed, he had a better
tolor and soon became eteoeger and
Svelte -Aar. We is still using the
titeevos Food, arid we are perfectly
little girl lost 'the power ofther ten.
gue, and could ecareely weak,
"I now take pleasure in stating
that they are both quite well, and
a s nothing—I
would sooner see you -dead. Don't
drive me to desperation. The offer
you make of this house and an in-
come to keep it op I refuse with
scorn. I won't sell my love for
money. I hold you to your pledge.
I will disgrace you before the world
if you dare to break it. I'll make
your name 3aughing-stock through
London. It shall be love or revenge.
Let it be love, darling. You will
never find another to love you as I
do. Remember how happy we were
sent ex 'orlon era two oe ate Sitio
Ines, nog 'Sawa pus .S.1130M. mewl
Inn titre eneapa 'mot oe ones. 'brew.
'poofi u 'seep pio escew 53
not so hard once. Ever your loving
"When the prisoner got that letter he
was at breakfast in his chambers, and
with him a college friend, Mr. Wheel-
er, who will tell you how that letter
was received. Gentlemen, Mr. Wheel-
er is an unwilling witness, to his
credit be it said, a most unwilling
witness. Ire has a harsh and un-
gracious duty to dischaege. But the
law demands the truth from him,
and in that witness -box you will
have the truth. Ile must tell you
that the prisoner was seized with a
sudden transport of fury when he
read the letter. Be egouncl his
teeth together, he tore the paper in-
to fragments and stamped on it, and
he used these words—terribly signifi-
cant words, rentenabering what after -
a box at all dealers, or rein:mu-won, warcle trenspirede-'That girl will
Bates Rt. Co.. Toronto. To protect drive me to murder yet.' "
you agaiest imitations, the por- The silence was like death in the
trait and sine -nitre of Dr. A. W. crowded court, only the scratching
Chase, the famoue receipt book ita. of the judge's pen was heard, as he
geneleleat heat he ts improving right thole ttre 05 everY box. Look a note of the fatal words.
sons. We know of many instances
where, under suck circumstances, si-
los remained empty aud the corn
crop fed as hauled daily from the
field. Where a silo is not properly
constructed there is danger of hav-
ing a good deal of the ensilage spoil,
which not only involves a loss, but
is a matter of great inconvenience
when one is building his hopes on
his fodder supply only to find that a
tem° proportion of it is spoiled.
However, where silos are properly '
built and the ensilage put in sirAnn AND suAnr: ALUM.
ly at the proper time there need be
but little fear from this score. i A man, white crossing a river dur-
The man who is considering the t• Two men w a it
ing a recent flood, accidentally slip -
changed twice a week. In full dress i construction of a silo will do well to ing
the girl of the Belgian Mine resem- 'ponder over the hints given above, in the vicinity, immediately pro -
in order that no disappointxneta
shall be incurred. In this matter
there is no turning back, because it
is otter foolishness to go to the ex-
pense of constructing, a silo and put-
+ ting in machinery and then allow all
to remain idle.
ous Blythesoocf dairy of fAtailettitfe
England, is good enough for use in
almost any longitude. The follow.
ing is a condensation of them;
Give the cows 2 lbs. to 8 lbs. of
coucentreted foed daily when on, the
See that they bave access to pure
water. That they are aot warriiiiii
by ales, nor over -drive a by hens. 01k
hunted by dogs.
Milk regularly,
Iusist upon the udders being wiped
dies», anti the milkers having clean
hands and clean pails.
Wooer mix the milk of a newly,.
calved cow, or a Very stale milkesis
with that from the others.
IIteep salt in the manger.
Always clean out the iinarger after
every meal.
Treat the animals with kindness,
they will amply repay it.
i Never dip the fingers in the pail
i 'Mien milking.
In winter never use turnips, or
grains, musty bay, bailey straw, 011
An execs:wive quantity of oil cake.
Select such roots as carrots, paw+
'snips ond turingolds. the best hay,
oat etraw, sweet grass, silage, oats,
;bran, middlings meal cotton -seed
Carry the milk to the dairy whilet
warm front the cow. It must netite
,alieteriel to cool before pouring into
the setting '.«;E.Fels.
Straka it corehilln.
Take care that the 'getting veeetile
omit the dairy row thoroughly sweet
,and clean, CUPd the latter dry, freo
irom draughts conveying foul smeller,
and witituut drains, trapped or
PlaCC‘ tile cream in a deep earthen
vassel, and when adding subsequent
timmings, stir and mix the whole
with a wooden stirrer.
;TV4t to the
prcyce Marar_
ne to a Gam, the sio
es mete:tat in ite
mien-I C-.,
iir eti &tem or h'o row. ointe
Tcrrimzrp eel nieteke
. . .
ft4rill3na, ettwee
ellitiehl with regard to di-
- lni? 13 t30, dywatun ef1.1;;A2T tlier0.
in and itnem:big the proportion 0
bsgiw, eforeli and protein. Ideperie
erne motile in leuglend view that
l ail roots have a tendency to contain
ran tiereee of taller. which 111 ilea( IS
evolutilieit, and o,017,41 Voloietie4 are
f3iii2OIM to eiratain water to a harm.
.ful degree. In the rout crops a mniail
aieeiation in the percentage of wate0,1
'materially affects the feeding vailue.'
an a ton cf mei Mud may contain
liceiCo os mut% redid matter ao a ton
of another eariety. It is an ad-
vantage PI well as a neveeeity,
(herefore, that the farmer ithOrtRin
AJVI WCight of the eolith) in a crop.
The epeellie gravity of the root. is is
guide to the heeping qualitieu, and
the aperific gravity of the juice la
it guide to its feeding quality.
Hence., when the density in highest
in both the juke and the whola
root, the value of the crop for feed-
ing is the groatest. The farmer ean
weeny sweertain these nuts without
the aid of an euperinient station,
but the atation ran astiet them in
arriving at a linowledge of the pro-
portions of eugar, protein and min -
r 1 niattcr eontahied, The pro-
portlon at sugar in roots is import.
ant, as the more sugar the greater
the value ot the roots as assistants
1» fattening the animals. 'rho lan-
- er who knows something of the value
of roots may secure a more Naltt-
able crop than contains a low per-
centage of solidand an excess of
water. and he should, therefore, en-
den.vor to become thoroughly in-
formed in that direction.
Wes a. bicyclist of her sex arrayed in
For twelve hours' work a day in
the mines the Belgian girl earns 50
A certain professor had a curious
-tendency to confuse the initial con-
sonants of successvive words, which
often landed him in trouble.
He was badly in love with the
daughter of another professor. His
intentions were obvious to anyone,
but, being an intensely bashful man,
he never could screw his courage to
the point of making the necessary
One afternoon the Professor drop-
ped in, as he often did, at his col-
league's house, and after he had
talked for ai little while with the
lady's mother she rang the bell for
tea. Thinking to give him an op-
portimity that even he could hardly
fail to use, sbe then said: "Oh, Pro-
fessor, my daughter is out in the,
garden. May I trouble you to go
and find her, and ask her to come
in and make tea?"
The Professor obligingly disappear-
ed through the French window, and,
after a little search, he came up
with the lady, who was alone, Be-
coming once mere tongue-tied, the
bashful man of learning stammered:
-OW Miss Mabel, your neother wisb-
es to know if you will come in—and
take ine?"
Atid she did.
A silver coin remains in currency
for an average period of 27 years.
—a -4e
Fihns of soap -bubble have been
'measured of a thinness of the four -
millionth port of an inch., ' -
cured a rope and reecued hire from a
perilous positiou.
Their prompt action was deserved-
ly praised.
Being spoken to on the subject,
the rescued man objected to so much
praise being given to one side.
"Don't keep telling me about
tbent " he said. "If I hadn't fallen.
they would never have been heard
A set of rules adopted by the ram- of."
41Pgasifetwers ....m0000nvosoncorooloroto
Jim Dumps on Independence Day,
Said: "Force freed us from Eng-
land's sway.
Now independence let's declare
From indigestion's tyrant snare.
Good friends, shake off this despot
'Twas 'Force' that freed your
",Sunny Jim.'"
Tho Ready4o•SerVeCercal eft
always on duty.
A rood fp* Fighters.
"It may interest you to learn that 'Force"
Is beteg sowed at breakfeet several times
each week to tho members of the Second Reg-
imout, N. G. Pe now on duty at this rolaeo.
, "Eons Bacovii."