HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-6, Page 5THE PuW4;lied every TUurAay Atoraing At the offfee, 9AIN-STREMT, - ZXETZR. —By the-- APY00ATE PQ8lJMHQ QQrdPANY TFIRbils Or SMSCRIPTIO.N. oue Dollar per anuum it paid ITT advance, *1.00 it not so r4a _f1p;t'09 Inserlwil for 'o" 11 -Wry de-Irriptim of JOB I PRINXING WANrl'al'It"In the flnest tityle,_and at ratm chequv-. Money oipd, eto:.. tQ bo wado Sanders & Creech of DRNTIESTS, Tetth extm-tenl ixhlomt m3F P;I", Or atkv ba'a e1ects ot etm zaneT%, wg 4 "ado Wa Dal 0. ALTON AWMXQ ONI 4X0-_% UUS 1R.4rgeous at iibtaraN Abo Pmt QridiEl , to Q1 MT.4%4 ti h Qf pm-th0li, 0=tUlenv 4 AW I THE $8034ts Book of MOO IiH Xl) 0MCF, XONT=AL c4pital Paid Up 6,000,000 Rca-k :4,700,000 A general RmUng busluess transmeted, Int ete% U most 14vorable current rates Allowed on Saxin6s Ban;, aecoxads wid Deposit Aepelp-m Coniniereial Letters of Creft aif; llabje It) Chin-,%, Jarau and otber forelgacountri4m , Tr4wAllug Letters of Credik 6, ued to travellers In, all parts of the world, T1103 FTSHE. Oxsxay. MAN.&CRn. F.F, 11=0=. ttrrr 07 CREPE" 1xisveam CREDITON: ONT. 'M S. CHISHOLM, I 4an- JUSUIX T -11"1110b I 1 11 % A 1 fly JAB. MURRAY Cot VA'.N'VFA(',`T17,REP*8 OV 'SILO RINGS I AN'D 4QEMENT MIXERS P %,Ve jjk%Vp for Fitle. D`C%QW,-0 of swifeima OptArto. w9w. Out. I Boiler 80 h. p. jobn D, Ivilean. 0.%-e ar"I Res",ft =1 1 Boiler 40 h , P. D114nee4a Me.. bo -,Slori 0.4t. SP,44 Mill 1.1 and I%W) to 4 1 Boiler T ngjne 80 h. P. 10 h.p. (!;%stiva.- of every, r1rass and Iron to or. Pipe and Fittings of -all 5jzes L-Qpt Constantly 141 stuf- -. F JAS# MURRAY& 0 tQ . . . ..... R,1111. L FFA IRI IM a Thelmlolsons f3ank (ChanCT0 Iq P443uwnt. IN15) Laborers' t XT Zxoursions U TANTE11 INVId tip Capital ............ om"WW*-W-"W" '90colld Class Reserve V 44 ............... 24W,009. will to vxn to eatiumas Call. r4a. in Atapholn, North ='. of JA8.811,Lto7r, 0USE1k,%L3lN'-1U0H1Jto wt —1-IMETEIR BRANC11— MOOSE JAW, 11SUMMi aud VORMTON $10 a-1111 On AVOUST 18th Irani Lotations in Outarlo. Main to I pal. Limett-ranolTruiali. Toronto to $axpla, and all ntatfftw NQorth 4-1 VardwrIl Jot. oild tts tol Witivilln-4 ful , %011 Iti, sold. zr# ga"ra rarawroat I'AT"t rates. 112tore to fillitir 41441 vit. num and As4tuilkoiA q* abfxe. Itputerasers M' _Ige Ag1anu1abt,,rvr4at UjunijwL4. priM40 built tuni ftvas,4 j.4 AL CA V. D. 111=10. I'diorr'" mill uoirlt notle"illian.;'Idaloat Ilawimill MAtIngQ4 a"'t 11"U"t 4*r`rZifl­d4- tit tt"' thi*1%.011 he lore.N Tieltats uot good on 11 Itariorlal tijultod?, Bicycles 1. to the a4cut. A. Ih NOTMANo wearestill in the 131cyclo trade AtA, Got. ll:L-m. Agtzst, Tol'ZONT0. urid this yearshow Soule line speel. mens. The CUSHION FRAME' is the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod. I , I dison nearly lost bis 4 yesight cox. erate. PerimenthIA'Ath The V. P. R. steallier Loke Manitoba Xwhich wasagr.ound off IA)ngueuil, wa-, New Pianos floated- Severttl'Xew Pianos just put in J,lues B. Glionna, a. well-kisowu stock -, newest stvles and the best, It-l1i.1ft tunsliqlln. ftu-nierIv resident In milk -OF. It will 1);iy YOU t%) see "10111- T routo, died tt Winnipeg - You will be surprised at the LOW PRICES at which we sell them. jessle, the nine -veal -old daugbter of, John Keall, 314tenfility township. whilto sleeping, was killed bylightning. A' Organs of the Latest 'younger si,4ter, in the bed with bez, makes always in stock wasunha,wed. Seaforth: John Habkirk, proprietor Sewing Maehines ft. of the drays bad the misfortune to get his leg bralon Weduesday night. He We are leaders in Sewing AM -1 -was assist:iig in unloading barrcjs chines-tbe best machines that the I -wben one roll led on him. The unfort- d, produ es a e on our floor for unate accident will lay him up for V 11 igsp also repairs Need- some weeks. 0 r _ J.jj le-, e 0, all ki uds of sewing nia- chines, always on hand. Fall Pairs Call aDd see us if in need, Of Toronto ................ Aug. 27 Sep. 12 any of the above. London .............. 1. 4. 11-10 EXeLer ...... .......... .4 21-22 I .................. 123-24- S. MARTIN zW11,r,`-1b,P,,,.. . ........... Is 2b Blvth ........... Oct. 64 KIT kton ................ GO TO THE EXETER IOLLER MILLS Ir FOR PURE MANITOBA it I bave used Aver's I -lair Vigor for tbirti,years. It is elegant for a hairdressing ard forkeepirigthe CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR hair from splitting st the ends."- 'Gruene -, Orin J. A. unfaidei tfDrk,lll, BEST PASTRY HAIroosplitting, plits (Princess) friendships. If the hair- WHEATLET - I 1 -1 SpInting is cone on your akfast Food) (Bre, own he d, it loses friends A good, supply of Millfeed for you, for every hair'of mid, Chop always on hand. -iyottr head is,a friend, Give our Flour and Feed Ayer's Hair Vigor in 4 a trial and be convilaced tbat. advance will revent the it i.s all right. splitting. Jf Xe splitLting has,begdn it will §top it. Roller aiid. Plate griiAer irl, $1.60 a Loillo. All dfuggW2. -use to suit -cnstoiiers. If -your &Eig I$t cannot, surli'yo utl lis one War ondwe wil exTnr younbottle. Best" Add Harvey, Bros. J, C. AYFR CO., Lowell,bla Sa='Ossors to T. Cobbledick Son K MMA i RIOT IN, BUR FA ABE, SPERAD'd-'S CAF`Tbu .. LOST THREE CHIMMEN BY EXETER MARKET-&,. FOrt,741VO lt;Elieuis Were Placed IT der Arrost, BOASTED THAT H9 WOU-11 Buffal% N.Y., Aug. 4-A fierce riot MVER 13B TAKFN. roke Outin front of the Niagara el-i- VatOr On Ohio street yesterday. and as. A Member of the Northwest Mou a reriult 45 Italians are under arrest, and detectives are looking for more. For- POli" Force, Howoveri R no one was hurt, although , udoly tunatcly p1spc1lod the illusion,. i;coros of, shots were exchanged. The fight took place between employees of tho Niagara elovatot and Italians who are employed at Cie pL-lit of the )3uf- Ottawa, Aug. 4 -An instancoof cool- falo 'Union Furnace Co. XIM and prorilpfitudi oil It is said that the riot was provok- . the part of 010, Northwest Nfounted Policc , which ed by an emPloyop of the Niagara tle- has its ludicrous side, occurred at a. vitor, who called "scab" at the Ital- iens as they were pissing along Ohio small town South of QuAppelle, on the" trect. Carladtan, §idQ of the internationaij 5 . I I boundary. At the place in question D14D AT BRQCXVIW_..4j there arrived a desperado frora. United States, who rejoiced fit th the k , it co- Sudd'-*4 DOMiSe of Mr. Fulford-Rov, nomonif "Idaho, Bill." This ma ;P' , n Avas wanted in several Of the western States 14r. Sycamore to Leavo. for crimes of lawlessness and violence, BTQ-Ckville, Aug. 4 -Last evening'at but be boasted that no Sberiff bad been &3o Mr. J. G. H. Fulford, a 01 r able to take M a r 'al, nQr would the -MOuUth sidgat, passed a .3vay suddenly. He ,ed Police dq, any better. One day. had not been well for Some, thne, but however, Constable Lett of the Njoun - 0, was 4ble to be about his r s dence and Dped into the bqaq was takdrig tea with the fainily when Cd pojice quietly slil gj where "Idaho Bill" was regaling him- he Suddenly leaned back and Zxplred. self With liforty-rod." and 'before the, He was the eldest son of the late desptrade knew, what had happenrd be; Hirain Fulford, and was born -near the xeccived the order, "klai R nds up," and town. Deceased w of as a brothozr INAS looking down into the muzzte of Senator FulfOrd. and 459, years old, lit his own revolver. Tbcn h;: wavlland- was parried in 1858 1 1 4N.liss Davies. guffed and mArChcd off to AhQ nc=st dall iter of th* late Mr. C. Davie* Jail. amidst the joers of the local poplil. of waston4s cQrnors ;and t4oy had 144a to Whom he hO ofton boasted six chil4ron, but "Ply Oft its living. of 145 prowess, The widow also survives. Yesterday Rev. J. C. Sycamore of The Baptist Church announced to his A TREATY OF PRACI% congrcgatkm that he bad accogled the 1 9411 to: Hamilton, and that is pas- povon,gWrea DesciriptiQu of 14fib , torate here . would CnEl this month. The i Land Bill. roarvt at his departurc is not confintEl tondon. Aug. 4. --Tb to his awn canaresq&a. for, while , e Duke al Dow ginitiendv successful there, he is a man anshirt moved the second reading of Of the PeOPIC and is univer4311y 40,5- fh* Irish land bill in the House of totaled. ... Lords yesterday. He urged the 6; ,mo arguments in favor of the n "gssi THX MARKBTS ty for passing the measure as worc prm- L:Rtcat InformaUlQn in R.g gard to viously uttcrC4 by Mr. Georat Ivylid.- Wheat, Market;% and Othon. bam. the Iriat scCimtary" in tho House Monday Evening, Aug. j. ot Commons. Tile Du%c dqCjvjr04j Tho Visible Supply. that the GavernmeAt was coilfidqat thQt' the expenditure of the 00 Aug -Vo Au9A*Q1 provided ill doe bill would be Tulme Ibm. Wbq%t.*..o` .6.4mmow 2=4 .0w auom_o Pensated Zar by econainics in the ju- 10,01ra ..... ..... C"'Aw 74=10W LZMalew oats ..#­ 211=44.00 051.0w diciul m4chinery and the reducing in We .... ..... ......... a0o) "Ac VO4C CxPvnscs, which the adop- 324irler ... now tbc moas"Pres 1w,4144 rcnder wizeat 1;e*r'eUm"io`T76'o' iii-it­w­' eeli; V54, 10- bushe'.9, a yem Ineft4ae4t PD554ble. In Conclusion tha. speaker 4' loustelis. dccl4fed 43t tile lioasa of Lordi I 90uld not 505tanti0y aher the bill, MontrcQI Live stacic. as adopted by tbc House of com-1 INIOD11Md. AUU, a, Trade at the F,,%,3tern 1110116. Without serious risk of 105ing it AU-ttolr Vattle itrh, j, w, I to -day., i V , 1. faIr altogether. The Iiiill was in the na- 1,d Trlet64 were about tbo tame A last I won oly. ktinuunted to t4) a treaty or intitrument of heAd, Eriest of w1deft were of fair nual- Pelee, aud although it u-0444 be rash Ity. The demand for t1jeju was rair, and to predict that it jvog'114 prove a f4naj atnooa.Xxi remalned uiir old, Priees Trans - settlement of the Irish question ser- 40; aved. 4V to 4f'k ed am follows:-Cholee, Imtehiom 4% , to "Milpt, to ealvps 4, 10445 alteration would release tile call 'j,* rRefflum, 31'C to 4'N tricting parties from the, obligations to sw head. tho quality WITS that were millitall undertaken. Never as good, bofar*, he said, Tiad th* representa- d. V Dor tives of the various interests concern- at 13 to f zTeep ed asked Parliament to sanction a t lambs settlement, the mlin principles 01 brought which they had themselves suggestel at $1. 4G One of its stoutest opponents was P. ROSS ViscOlint Tlampdon, Liberal, who thar- T T"Qu 61. pricen ranged - kcterized it as thoroughly mischievous' around Ce. and corrupt. He said it would result East Butialo Cattle Market. in a land war more fierce, thus embit-1 East Butralo, -Auq. tered, than any whiell precedcd it. The, 110,T41; stElet1j, _tv, ororlme steers. Reatty; discussion was Concluded soot), 'titer, otloms lot to X0 . wer: i rune ateera. midnight. when the bill was passed to a second reading without division. BDISONIS EYESIGHT. Nearly Destroyed Experimenting With X-rays. "I XQw YOrk Aug. 4-ExPerimenting'. with the X-rays in an endeavor to 31 uttli" its TuYsttrious light in a' business way alillost cost Thomas! A. Edison his sight. While try ing the effects of the rays oil various objects, the strango light exerted its power on both lVr. Edison and Charles 3 DallY. an assistant. As M result the i noted Inventor's sight bas been thrown Out Of focus- While One Of DallVis anns has been =putated. and he probably Will lose t1le other. Mr. ndison began to lose his alght during bits experiments. 1 bui. on dropplingr tboxxx his sIght Improved. He 910d U-Exkr:_ *13xy left eye is Still out Of focus, and' I hqva Alinnt eirwn 11" -4- , to Chicago Live Stock. to to me 2L.-Proy. I Still belleve. however, that tha discovel-3- of the X-ray and radium "5 t ro h ea '4 0 gh *0 '_ "0' Porte 'nd Something In the Scientific field, llght'_ e it '5 el . '5 t "It tis Re Se she'l' Eit--dl Talk abovit danger of experimenting- *Ith fluorescents, why, bY assistari one arm I - o Ic. ,.tb. . . y to Iii IT g ga to ch ba5 bean amputated, and now they are auttIng eff the other bit by b1t. Only 6 4 r c o to ' f t. h .d, 3 nitt ll.b to ;6_.. to 1, . 3. to -day theY cut another chunk off. and the Poor man may die from the eftects. Montreal Grain and Produce. I am In tb" I did not co blind while e3sPerlzn=x­,cr with them. Montreal Aug S.-Graln-The local de- round Is steady,' but there Is very little , discovered many things of scientific value, but nothing that Would be of prac- t export In progress. No. 2 oats, afloat, Zu%c; No. 2 oats In store, 38%c to 38%c t1cal use. lt was the Dractical that I Nvas after, and that Is the reason I bad for local trade ; No, I peaE;, 61c 1,19h and Itle?afloat ; buckwhest, 48Y c afloat ; No. to work and experiment ItIl the time. The IJxbt with vb1cb I was experimenting 2 tr ve 9 east and 68%c afloat ; No. 3 ex- U' 710.y, 44c, taiddle and 52jjc to 52o was a most mysterloud one, SO Mysterious, afloat. In faet. that I Was not aware of what it was doling to my z1ght until lt became so N ,Llillfeed-Manitoba bran, in bags, $17.50 to ;18 ; shorts, In ba s, $21; Ontario bran, affected that to neglect the symptoms would ha" beer sheer folly.11 W 21.50 to in bul)c,. $17 to $17.5 ; shorts, ' 10 $22,50, In bulk ; middlings, $22 to $23 rimouillies, $23 to $20, according to qudlity RESULT OF KING'S VISIT. Flour -Manitoba millers are again quoi_* Ing the same prices on, flour. Quotations 15 In Montreal, on track, $3.50 to $3.60 for Archbishop Wal --h May be Appointed straight rollers In barrels ; In bags, $1.70 Privy Councillor. to ;1.75; extra. bags, $1.5D to $1,6D. ; winter wheat . patents, $3.80 to $3.90 ; Manitoba I London Aug. .4. -According to The first i)iLtents, $4.35 In bags ; seconds, Pat- ent, " 05 ; strong bakers', $8.45. Chronicle it is not impossible that the Aleat-The marIcet is steady, and prices range from $3.90 a barrel and $1.85 in bags King's visit will result ic the appoint- for EL broken lot. inent of Archbishop Walsh of the dio- Butter-TowilshIps creamery, 18%o to Igo beet 183,fic : western dairy, 15c. cese of Dublin to the chief Privy Coun- : u C ee, e _on SV c for white and 9a cil. Hitherto no Catholic prelate has been the Council, tarlo, for colored; oilknships, so; Quebec, 8%c. Eggs -Candled selected, 16c to 17c ; see - on but it is said to have been a cherished iltealn of Lord ondsi 14Y2c to 15c ; straight receipts, 14o. to 14%c; No. 2,.121ha. Beaconsfield to have on the Council a Beans-Cholce primes, $1.80 to $1.85. prelate Possessing the confidence of the! Provls1dnEi--Rmvy Canadian short u pork, $19- to $20 ; light short cut, $1c9 Irish people and the. Pope. comp.ound refined lard, S%c to 9c; pur C, le to 10p; finest IaTd, .. Ian lard, J01/kc to 111/4c; barns, 131he to 141hc; bacon, IN -MACXENZIE'S, REBELLION. 14o to 15c; live hogs, $6 to $6.15; fresb Wrn. Duffield, Who Died at Guelph, Itilled abattoir hogs, $8.50; American clear bacIcs, $19.76; clear shoulder pork, $iS.50. Played a Part. Le-;itding Wheat Markets. GUel hl Aug. 4-Wra. Duffield, one Closing previous day. To -day. Sept. Dec. Sept. Dec. of the pioneer settlers 'of Eralnosa,died Chica-0 80% 813'X 7MIL 80%, *.`-14 at'the G'neral Hospital ort Saturday e New YorK 8,17/a 841h _85% SQ4 Toledo .. ..... SOTj 2% 1 evening at the a -e of So. He is the Duluth, nor. last"of a family of Duffields that carne St. LoWs 79% 81% 797/8 82 _ Detrolt, 2 red sil;i 81 82 801/ here in 1832'- He Nvas a fine speci- mflwaultee, 2 nor 88 .. 88 Minneapolis 7S'h 78% 78% 78% men of -a Yorks hire iafan, and, like his brothers, who have predeceased him, British Markets., was fond of the rod and gun. Dc ceased assisted in carrying animuni- Paris, Aug. 2­0p.ening-Whest, tone flrm; August, 23f 45c; November and Feb. ,,cken tion during the time of the jyj. rebellion, and had "OW es-, - bfic. UK ruat:V,, 22f V4auy, tong firm; A 31f 70c; xov bLnd' rebruar ot :AK'sat zie a nar Par clulet, .41.gust, 221 cape [le 11,111es EI from captUre. -'Mrs. 46c;' XDvernber and February, 22f 45c, daughter 1-1.11ortop, and a son Flout quiet; August, W 95c; November Ch, ,rles, on't4e old homestezia. and February, W 356 c. 14 CIIANURD F,40H WEDNESDAY Xotber's Letter ;,#d 094tributign %or 'ibe Wheat .................. 07 io rree Consupuptive noopital,. Barle)r ............. .3.8 42 Ths,6t 11040 touch of Uaturp paakeq, the q4ts .................... PeELS. ............... 9-9 69 M W W4010 world kill, 11 is being shown by the Potatoes per bag ........ , 1 _ 5, 1 '.0 444 Piraqt,104117 help- I" er ton ............ 700 800 114 lettorsthat Are being received in re- Faltillnex-Cwt., roller.... 10 200 q'Ponse to the, appeal to furnish, qulqlkly Butter ............ . 15 is the, now Irmo Consumptive. Rospital, the first Virgo ConsEimptive I Qspjtal jA,&rA_ 1 ...... Eggs .......... Live hogsi 5,3,5 aricA. A few 447s, $in", Sir IviiIiam , . R. 140redit x ,.. per e-.yi. I Dressed Hogs ..... ..... 8hlrtlsPerewt 770 7 3$ who li4a liia4ly co4seated ......... Bran I 'co to MQlvo sl0soriptions for the hospital, per owt ........... 10=41 in his =All ai letter from a mother 14 Ramiltou, wbiolx reads ---41 The ea­, COWS OU013 Root OinvoutuL closed tbree 4ollArs lig Qk contribution to 1jadies" FaTerite so the *01V safe, rpla,6# ono dollar for each of tho three children ean depend AU nip, 40im I lmve lost by tbot dread disew,." And OriEe at need. 1 .1 Prepared " In tyro degrees 04 AR over the Domiuiou famillea are streagm No. I And Nq. zi being broken up hy this terrible wbito Ig by far the best; 491t* Plague. Need we wouder tbat those who unown. 1 No. 2-ror special eases -10 a 7" 'IMVO lost Iove4 ones should Qoatr4bute. of, gtivp ger -4hrge 4011Qrs per li_ox Aboir rge=s-mueb or little -to 'brlug -,i* -your driEgglist for Co It _V 14QFO and he'41th to other$ wbo are sufier Pas; in V1110. zoxturq's an4 ImItAlons Ogg 1 m I Qqd XQ. 2 are Jug in R44 WAY, And wbQ40 04%0 =XY repopttReadeolt by all drug 95ta to tho TW become hopelgsg it help aces Uot Como: =Itdo-n of Canada. Mailed toanv qdftwa onmelptq. r1ce and -four 2 -cent -po4,tap At =jw ceitial"guy. , #1 .1 - Pgj Eib Wxa4xQ*; not your loft baud kxkow what tbo right b%A4,, 4oeth," v4rltes Mr. W. J. Qaae.._44 Ea. oloied fAnd Z1.0 fqr the *oe 1Tqsjp1ta1,fQr 0 I would llke* XUA it I R E D 1 T, were 014, 'Woula ajvo you Mot or 1 makeoue of On to, give 41,ow each, but I am poor. Thovgh vory poor.bowever, I iTOLLER MILLS11, cauuot relsiat your spodal apFQ41, Ault eA-M-05ay 4051M thilt, yalt will Imn bwf a All tho calk you xeq=.Q.11 We are The nowbuildinp,*,ro glymg excellent the trustees aro, izuxloua that tbkoT should j satisfadtion since Re- modelUng our null. 44 tut xa 51aousa 1 0 =440 to tbo dallr and pressip, % V-preMs that sm o CQ Wing to them for a4mittrmte. C94trilOutiqua mwy. GRUSTINex and CHUM.* to 1wout; to Sir WM. R. Xoreatb, vhlef;; J140iie, 4 umport MO., Toronto 1 W. J DONE PRO'.NIPTLY. Gage, R51,4%.proutift wint. TQx04tQ;: or to Thi) X&Uoual Tmt Co., Limitiod, 010444. . 1 0 Tko"U"'r# 22 Mug St. But, Tf mne %Olt bim thAt 340 inlight bxkvt beoli barpler with 11c:Rat otber woipgaip outland Cemeut :00 =AT Agree witb 'you, D=*% IMP& $140 ulqrsorrls mongtonioul null Ant ;L6,11 'We have Imst rpoeived a 4juan. Mors plea&D men. My 44 the N.'st glailo. cif Plitt- Doa%wben courting yon,r young=311, GUET so late that bis inkabor Is 01, 1 iind Centont ft)r prt­o aa dulivol.r. to elect you forell.4y. 41R)d choth to loo ii0e. Don't Insist on having the just war& Ciao he had at elther Vivilt I alia or Romilnuter thm Is 00 tra4loonal proroig, I -Neter Stdreljollse& AUTO of the husbriud. D011% Imagine Your bustillud will bw JUL-Aseil to heAr ot tbo daya WJRQU Tom, wore eowIngyourwild axi% Wool Wanted PAPER PULP FOR LEAKS. 401) Ito'. wool wrilted, f#.r PAPer PUIPIS0,40 *fthe most c9efttl whiell the higbest, 111alki-t 1*110.0 W1014's within the mach otmauldud. will lick paid. q 2dixed with Clue and plastor ot parls or Partlund comeut, It IS the bj'st thinf Received it fttler and 0,n - to stop cracks and bnniks In wood, . tralia Warobouses, Pulp pnper and plastim WOW should be kopt 'Within tho zeitch of every hau-se. Jos. Cobbledtiolk. _21 a painful aceident at tilt- v - ligine vllxkw of timbor ivith a inaehino, N011411.1 pieea Mother's Ear OnWed""'Y" 1 broke off, striking hini on thefave and A WORD breaking his; jaw". nURSINO AN IOPANr, AND M 7,HJT M*NrHS rMIAr 'rMAT "Cawkins alwm-a tilmi I& NOktile fanx- IOU SCO'rTIS 544ULSION tayver teviothoebailml 111ZA--' e, SUPPLIVS THO ZMRA arnexcro AND afmid if le doesn't lie miglit run over NOURISHMAIC41tr so Me le Pon FS CESSA)tV Pon JoPce of theul by "Life' I'llatlier absenl,-=inded, isht lie?" "ni- Rend for free simple, tremelyso. Why. the other night wlien S OTT & BUIVNE, Ch.-Misll. Tortinto, he gothome he knew tbere was some, 50c.and P.ov, all dru,-, sis. thing lie Nvauted to do, but be couiann IR4 remember what it was until he had sat up !over an hour trvin- to think?l "And lid he finally rem Ner it?" "Yes, he Toiatirea coldinazilght-UseVapa-Creso- liscovered tbathe hadwanted to go to lem. It has been, uged extonehely during more zed early." -Miladelphia "Press:1 than twenty-four years. All Druggists. 36th Atin-nal W W S i E R Ni.1 FAIR j LONDON Sept. 11th to 190, 1903. Entries Close September 10th. An exhibition of incrit. Bigger and better than ever. A splendid arra'y of attractions -Tony Ryder's celebrated troupe of performing -Nonkeys-Bal- ]non ascensions, a parachut6 drop from a parachute, and the best G3-mnastsi 4 Aerial Artists and Acrobats to her had. Fireworks each evenintr coneInding with "The Bombardment of Alexandria," a great trittinpli of modern pyroteohny. Extra trains and Special rates overall lines. Prize liAs and prograwnte (in Application. Lt. Col. W. M. Gartshore, J. A. Nelles, Prcsideiit. Secretary LEARAD T%0 AK w, I 1 -0 74 , NN M aft ft aft A G S a allonsu lie t I I THOUSANDS OF PERSONS ARE HASTENING TOWARDS THEIR GRAVES AS A RESULT OF THIS DREAD DISEASE A cure is no -,v within the reach of Pul-M.o,stands alone -the use of any every sufferer: other medicine as an assistant, is not "'E.,cessary. Eat, good, -plain, noutishing get plenty of fresh air and out- oor fbod$. d' L - M e% %j exercise, and use Pul-No as directed, if used as directed will check tile progress thatis'all-Nature Will do, the rest. of tbi§ fatal diseas I e and restore the afflict- . Pul-Mo is inexpensive, beink sold by ed to perfect health.. Do not go,to Florida, druglgi sts at $ x.00 per ' large bottle, or, you Madeira, California, Mexico or the: Rocky may procure a sample bottl for x5 cents. Mountains. Remain at borne wdh friends If your druggisf has, not got Rul-Mo in and hoine comforts around you and use 'tock, al sample bottle will be delivered to I Pul-Mo,. which is the achievement of the any address I I I I . ­ . I I I . i century iin niedical'science. Ful -trio is an FrZEE OF ALL'OHARGIgIN absolute cure for Consumption, Throat Address all letters to and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds and. all The Put-Alo Co., Toronto, ont. other corisumpCive symptoms.