Exeter Advocate, 1903-8-6, Page 3Ti
Ceylon Tea is the fines
Tea the world produces,
and Is sold o44y' l lea,d:
back, iMixed and rem'.,
Japan tea dri ce.. f y 'SAI da."' 02444 t
,a t AntacA,N TeNT4opoz4s,
Kano Ts the Nanchester of the
The recent extension of Britiis'j ad-.
ninistrative Authority over the
Komi, S.ttnena. and Sokoto districts
in Z.ortshern Nigeria has attracted
attention to this prosperous and
fereile country. Kano, whieii has a
bemired ed thiousand inhabitants, is
the metropolis of that part of Afe
'It has been calle=d the Menebeeter
o. the Suctann. For centuries the
,`la,usas, as the people are called.'
heave been the clotdr3asat+ers of north -
ere :Africa. They raise cotton. spin,,
the yarn, dye it with iraalino or
cadet, and then 'cv[•avo it. tart
th re is nut n :atone' In all e
c ountry. • The work of w�eeiviOr ins
dame on baud -loom.§ in the booms of
,,, the people,
atucln of the morocco leather eutnes
iron► Kano, and glia, too, in pre-
reofav d a and tanned by workman at
bootie. Their caravans carry their
goads across the continent to Alone
amnia, and thence clown the eastern
shore of the lied Sea even to ?derea.
'flee city has :been the center of a
great sl:svo-troele, for muck of the
work in the fields and practically all
the work of tra,n: ocetation is done
with the aw in enet+ of slaves. It is
said that not less than five loinntired
men and .women are offered for :sale
every day hi the+ slave )teens of the
ctrl. T41 i:� ti'atlie, and 74tl<f'el it
reit, e -ii be dabeli: het at • once.
The money of. the country is slabf-c +
and rennria erlreldzr; the slaver On* Elie
her bills mid the &belle the small
Bean. Weein the on'ner of a caravan
runs - snort of Irrarf'i ions he laws s
more and pays for tlae>Gt With alt
clove, toning his amigo in the
Menne '
Welt walls of Mud, thirty feet
high. remold the city. which le
fifteen auih-s in eiretimfe'eenre, The
largo area thus onritised wdd aceuui-
aa its:lacte not only the population, but
many big forme an well, on which
grain is rained end cattle pao-tured.
Thee the a ity in capable of whit-
rtnn4ing a long siege. 'The Dille*
have extended their authority over
the city and the ltturrounning 'tc:y'c'I-,
tory became the native rehire roe
eased to nurrendol: the murderers of
a Britieh otllepttl.
There are very few cleans,
;;ng operations in which Sunlight
Soap cannot he used to .advant:.
age, It makes thin home bdghi
awl ,clean.. :13
U ntil recently few people thought
of utilizing as a substitute the ma-
terial to be gained from water an" -
mala. The United States Fish Com-
mission has -Wien up the question.
and already proved that several kinds
of fish have skins that make excel-
lent leather for some purposes. Sal-
mon hide is found not only service-
able for boots, but among the I';s-
quimaux it has been used for genera-
tions in making waterproof clothes.
The people of the very far north al-
so use codfish skins for jackets. The
different skins which the Fish Com-
mission has found to he most prac-
tical and durable are whale skins.
porpoise skins„ and seal leather,
which dye in most exquieiite colors.
Softleigh (tender/yj--"Darling" I
have made up my mind to ask you
to become my wife. I know I am
unworthy of you, bute-e--" Alice—
lio"Say no more, 'Herold. I arse yours.
'You nnay bo unworthy of me, but--"
Soft lelgh—"But what, dearest?"
Alice--•"Iltilf a /oaf is better than no
The vitality of infants and *young
children is at its lowest point due-
ing the hot weather. More children
die in summer than at. any other
season. This is because the little
ones suffer more from bowel troub-
les, are nervous, weak, sleepless and
irritable. Prompt action often saves
il. valuable little life,and troubles of
e and
can bepromptly
is trend
cured by giving the little ones
l3aby`s Own Tablets, which should be
kept in •every home ready for emer-
gencies, These Tablets speedily re -
Neve, and promptly cure all stomach,
and other hot t
clotthen ail -
ments, and give sound refreshing
sleep. Mrs. P. Ferguson, 105 Mans-
field street, Montreal, says: "My
baby was attacked with dysentry
and was hot and feverish. I gave
him Baby's Own Tablets andthey
promptly cured him. Before this
he had been rather delicate, but
since using the Tablets be has been
better and stronger in every way."
These Tablets can be given with
an absolute certainty that they will
do good to all children from a new
born upwards. They contain no opi-
ate or poisonous "soothing" stuff.
Sold by medicine dealers or mailed
at 25 cents a box by writing direct
Ito Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brocic.
w'ne, .Qat.
'like strangest Menagerie in the
world is on an Ohio farm. Through
all the gardens, orchards, and fields
ofthis curious place one
meetswild beasts of many kinds in-
geniously fasihioaed out of roots,
txunla;s; and the branches of trees.
It is a veritable toy Noa1t's Ark
grown up.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
KIDNEY PILLS,e'Ts' 'i;'3;` RE-
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the 'ens.
,There is only ono way to cure deafness,
and that is 'by constitutional .remedies.-
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of: the 'Eus-
tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam-
ed you have a rumbling sound or im-.
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed, Deafness is the result, and un-
less the inflammation cernbe,,taken out
„and this tube restored to' its normal
"condition hearing Will bea tr ecr io
des o r-
aver. troy
ed Nixie eases out of ten aro caused
by Catarrh, . which is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the mucous say
We will give,One Hundred itnor :Dollar for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh).
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh.
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F° J'. CII7adNEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
mall's Family Pills are the best,
l the:—'• I would not Marry, you if
I were to live to be a hundred years
old." Bert—"'Well,, I should say
you wouldn't, if I had a,r'iyfiaing to
lay in the 1^41sttter,>,• •
lTe Nod Backache and Urinary
Troubles for Twelve Tears Be-
fore he 'Used. the Great Kidney
Montreal. July 27.-(r., peciaLee
Ernest Grout.ele7i lbrbein street,
this city, is among those who never
let an opportunity haws to say a
good word for Doifil'o Kidney Pills.
he has his reasons for this, awl her
they are in his own words:
"I had been troubled with Back -
and Kidney ilsenac for twelve
years," says Mr. Grant. "My urine
wan very dark and high colored. I
would lose my rest at night on race
count of having to rise so often to
urinate. I could get nothing- to
help me.
"I tried several remedies, but all
failed until I used 1)odd'a Kidney
Pills. When I bad taken four boxes,
I was Ode to go to bed and take
nee rest, my Backache lett axe and I
was cured. It lies never come back."
When Dedd's Kidney Pills curt. the
disease never cornea back. They re*
move the cause.
trill for a minute an.d a quainter,
with twenty changes of note in it. ,
Some of the Parisfan ran.9tae/nen is
verve camel's flesh. The meat Unites
sienliaer to beef, though white like
veal.. The hemp is considered a
yet delicacy by the Arabs:,
"I'hroangi the streets of Berlin 'doe-
tor's' eisrriages nave the right of
flay, Even the Emperor's carriage
must pause -when a-doetar's vthicl0.
is about to ;out agrees its path:.
lin Iceland viten and women are in
every respect political equals. Tete
nation, which nuneberre about 70,-
000 people, is governed by rofnrt n-
tnti'ves elected by men mid woolen
t ogstiier.
7:t is esiitnatod that between the
ages - of twenty' and thirty a man
loses on an av,alrage only five and a.
bait days a year. from illness; pkat
between fifty and sixty lee loses
twenty lays yearly,
The largest Wilily in the woad
is ikat of the King of Siain, niitis.
11ie.3e+•'te. is €t r mvim neerried warm, and
has two otramial, wivot, eig$lsty-eight
wives of minor ot'itier, and Seventy-
two children,
It is said that the patterns on
the Luger -tips axe not only leneha nge
able anon,* life, but the chance of
the fingerprints of two nervous be-
ing alike is lens than one in sinter -
new lyfllioxni,
Voles is the richest part of Great+
Brittain in mineral wealtn'h. Ineglaanel
rretehicto o.nnuelle • about $10 to
Rath wxe; Scotland a little leer than
$l0; hut the j;vii uci of 'Wales',
oneo Amts to over $20 per faore.
A lemma being requires at least:
600 cubic feet of air space at night.
and the ovoid allowance for a pa-•
tient in hospital ie double this
amount. A horse requires 1.600'
ieilnle feet, or nearly treble what a
bran needs.
copis sdanetiu:es lose their noses
by disease .or by ucci'dents, and
have lost them in war. For
as pereotrs the most appro-
date organs die said to be nate
f wax, .and, the Lest on rest
mit $175, though a really good
can be got for $75. A no: e
raatcl(, of pngdeneeneine may be.
lnMight fvr VS. Noses made of Hato
material ere en:uiirlietl and are de
cepptiv'e, and for a .:poor men, they are
Laid to answer all the purpoees that
are regained, Waxer, andpaver no ies
are, Iii case of tliateare. preferable to
torose. made by the pleading of ideh
on the diem:nett part, for several
view! halm been known where the
transplanting of the ill oh on the
none has eutenge:ed men's lives.
eithuan.."Are you still troubled
with your neighbor's chickens?" Su-
burls --"Not at all. They are kept
shut up now." "Ilow did you man-
age?" "Every night I hid a lot of
eggs to the grass, and every .morg-
inif, when my neighbor was looking,
I went out and brought them in."
Tit -Bits of Knowledge Which Will
Be Found Interesting.
R women's brain declines in weight
titter the age of thirty.
Each inha'hitant of France pays a
yearly •ta:w of 8 cants on in a,tebes.
10 it, with nearly ton million
people, has only one lunatic asy-
Of the seven Pretieii+de'n'ts France
haus bad, only one has served a full
Rice is estlnmted to be bile staple
food of nearly one half of the tau
mean race,
The world is said to contain 99,-
000 locomotives, of which 56,500
are in Europe,
After 120 years of colonization,
A,iuistral.ia has a smaller population
than London.
The dykes which protect Holland
from the inroads of •
the sea aro
from 10 It. to 40 ft. in height.
England possesses nearly 15,000
convicts. Their maintenance costs
atmdut 0,000,000 a year.
It is estimated that between 900
turd 1,000 ships go no and down
the Engli eh Channel every day,
CaipitaI p`unisbment was abolished
in Italy in 1875. Since then more
dors have increased 42 per cent.
Tlie most expensive chair in The
world belongs to Oho Pope. It is
of solid silver ani: cost $90,000.
In St. Petersburg is the largest
statue in existeuce-'t hyat of Teter
the Gwent, which weighs 1,000 tons.
One year's dfrinic bill of the United
Ithrgdom would pay the rent of al
the houses and farms in the king
A calculation has been made that
$400,000,000 Of British treasure
lies sun]: along 'the .route from Eng-
lansd to India..
The catching of snakes arid the
collecting of their venom, which
fetiches $5 per grain, is a new in-
dtuelry in Australia.
A• notable discover',y of nine eacpedi-
lion to Lake Chad was a tree new
to srieancc, the wood of 'which is.
lighten than conk.
In a sentare inch of the human
spalp the hairs nerraber about 1,000
and the whole number on an ashilt
sjcalp 'leverages 120,000.
The • amount of gold coin, in ac-
tual eiroulatton in the world is es-
rn abed bythe Bankof England
t x of-
f,,cials to be about 865 tons.
Parisians smoke cigarettes made
of. the leaves of the coffee plaint:
Those 'Ohio have tried them prefer
;'therm to tobacco cigar cfttes.
A run was made from Pitt,.:bui^g
to New York—'438 1/Weil—without a
strop recently., the longest run of ,a
Passenger train on, recoi.!d.'
The deepest well in the world is
situated in the village of Sper'en-
berg, about twenty* miles from 13er-
1 n. It hats a depth ,of .4,;10'4 ft.
Austria ia the only. Empire, in the
wofrlid Which has novor WO colonies,
or e'en trans -marine po,mestsicl.ls, inn
any quay tar of the globe. -
The new mines " pumping scheme
for South Sfuaffo'rclshirr 'England, is
do ,1o:fled to release and render avail-
able for mining 40;000,000 tons of
coal now unlcbeu n titer
The canafies, of Gera �zny eXceI all
other canaries 'as sinige's. One has
been known , to continue : a single
arting Blue Ribbon Tea to Coiombo
When Brig Ribbon Tea is hermetically sealed -lead it is
carted from the upland districtsof the interior of
only the best tea grows . to Colombo, there to
shipped to Canada. A queer cavalcade it
snakes --"but it carries the =hest, creamiest, most
delicious tasting tea in the universes
CevicrikGrein° Should be Fift7
Forty Cent
t'aA at4aiiit r * "fin letteb
tent tee. 3dr. Stletwait', w.iti the
t anti toughest, I ever saw."
Stunt Unite•'"""haat, tut. Was
that boy teen loitering again. I as-
sure you. riraa"nni, when that joint
It°ft the shop it ff^ae the waviest lite
tie ltof lamb you could set eyes
on, tins: I gave him strict oraern to
deliver it at once. became yen want
ed it young."
$50.00 To California and Return.
Via the Chicago anti NorthlWestern
By. First-class round trip tik.lieta
on sale from Chicago. August lst to
lath, to San Francisco and Los
Angeles, also to Portland. Tacoma
and Seattle. Correspondingly low
tea from other polnt:s. Favorable
p -over privileges. Return limit
October 110. 1903. Three trains
daily from Chicago to California,
through without change, with first
class penman and tourist sleeping
cars. For special folder and all In-
formation, write B. U. Bennett, Gen-
eral Agent,. 2 East Icing St., Toron-
to, Ont.
O, C. RICKARDS tc, Cor
Dear Sir,—I have used MIN-
ADD'S LINIMENT in the livery
stable for over a year and consider
it the very best for horse flesh I can
get and strongly recommend it,
Livery Stables, Quebec.
An automaton manufacturer rec-
ently made a toy tramp --but it
wouldn't work.
For Over S- ixty Years
Idna. fVrssinves soorieIso Sva,un• baa been tried by
m ttonsof
mothers lerr their children een teething.
ata. on
i ns the 'oma. allays
I ind coon theregulates
t eRhP
I. the
s a and
stomach and bowels,
beatremedyrion o on e ,
iteatremocil+for Dl,rrhaa. Twenty -fire tsars a bottle
ask Sala la druggists
Mos. W nciLO v's Saorxise Smut" 7.urs 3.73
Fred,—"Well, if her marriage is a
failure, she will only have herself to
blame." Maps—"Ob, she'll have her
Do Not Delay.—When, through debili-
tated digestive organs, poison finds its
way into the blood, the prime conside-
ation is to get the poison out as rapidly
and as thoroughly as possible. Delay
may mean disaster. Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills will be found a most valuable
and effective medicine to assail the in-
truder with. They never fail. They go
at once to the seat of the trotble and.
work a permanent cure.
Fifty dollars was -recently given
to every Russian soldier and sailor
now on the active ,list, who served
in the Russo-Turkish war 25 years
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder dusted ' in the
bath, softens the Water and disin-
The largest carp- et in the world is
40 ft. in breadth, and contains 58,-
810,000 stitches, ` It took the time
of 28 men for 14 months. It is now
at Windsor Castle.
I -have you triedIiollowey's Corn. Core
e ualfo • removin thesetrouble
It has no q ., 1 �
sonde exoreseuces, as ln:iny have testified
who hove tried it.
The ocean is the only power 'of
earth :that can make a woman in-
different to her personal appearance;
Sore. Feet,.—Mrs. E. J. Neill, New Arm
ngh, P. Q.,- writes: "For nearly six
months I was troubled with hnrnnp
itches and pains in lay feet to snoh acn e
could not sleep at night and
tent that I r
tis my feet Were badly swollen �I could
not Wear My: boots for Weeks. At last I
got a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Bclectrie Oil
and resolved to try it and to my astonish-
ment I got almost instant relief, and' the
n i bottle accomplished a ponied care.
A man doesn't love a woman to
distraction if he doesn't write letters
to Iiei that will bake him blush af-
ter he is dead.
� f
Miaard s Lias► ei�t taraS � adru�rl
Should be the motto in purchasing household artica
mere e. te.ially in woat:mnw=are.
A Small Pill, but Powerful.—They that
judge of the powers of a pill by its size
would Consider Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills to be lacking. .I5 Is a little wonder
among pills. What it lacks in :Rile it
makes up In potency. The remedies
which it carries are pus up hi these smali
doses, because they are so powerful that
only small doses are .xe uired. The full
strength of the extracts is scoured in thl
form and do their work thoroughly.
Suitor—"You ,are very bard to
please." Widow—"Well, considering
that T have been married six times
and was unhappy everytimeu ,r
ix no
weeder." Suitor --"No matter.
There's luck in odd numbers." Wid-
ow—" "Welt, as you're so persevering,
I suppose I must, but 'Us the last
Itmay be only aitr flung cold, but nag
mot it and it twill fasten its tangs in your
lungs, and you will soon be carried to an
utntmely grave: In this country we have
sudden changes end must expect to have
coughs and colds. We cannot Avoid them,
but we can effect z cure by using Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the medicine
that has never been known to fail in cur-
ing coughs, colds, bronchitis and all af-
fections of the throat, lungs and chest.
's°hi AND
are the goods it pays the housewife to purclaade.
"Just as good" nrea3a;9 taking chances. Insist en
your dealer supplying youwith.. those bearing the
name "Cane, Newuaark et", --popularly priced.
"You are the light of my life!" he
protested. "Candle, kerosene, gas
or electric?" asked the practical
girl, for well she knew that all lights
aro not held in the same esteem at
the present time.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes, from horses, blond spavin,
curbs" splints, ring bone, sweeney, athlete
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, ow.
Save $10 by use of one bottle.. Warranted;
the most wonderful"Blemish Cure ever
BRA a$.
in Edward
t� Naiidllght„
"Mico" J s�hes
u Lithe Comm"
The aggregate weight of snuff con-
sumed in the United States for one
year is 18,000,000 lbs. Snuff -taking
is increasing ,in that country at the
rate of 6 per cent. per annum.
The Bishop of Mackenzie River, in
NorthWost Canaria, who is at pres
ent in England, gives an Inter-
esting account of his Arctic diocese
Although the bishop's jurisdiction
extends over an area of more than
500;000 square miles, the population
is only about 5,000, and consists' of
a few white people, some half-breeds,
and a large number of Esquimaux
and Indians, In the northern part
of the diocese the sun is not seen at
all for two months in the winter,
but for an equal period in the sum -
mor it shines all the twenty-four
hours- round, Some of the mission
stations are 5500 miles apart, and to
visit all the statioiis and to return
to his own residence involves the
bishop in
br a journeyof 4 0 r '1
I , O U ni cs.
p�9raurd � Li�iinl.at �elievas Neuralgia
Mrs. Bonier : "You can't go Bonne
whileand have
it is raining. Stay
dinner with us." hale. Witless
"Oh, no, � thank you. It isn't as bad
Pale sickly children should use . \I he,r
Grave's Worm Exterminator. ornsar
one of the principal causes of sintering in
children and should be expelled from the
Somehow the man who offers bar-
gains manages to acquire wealth fas-
ter than those who are always look-
ing for thele.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc,
Your Your dog , was trying to
y g
bite mee sir!" Be (lifting his hat)
"Yes, madam; he has a sweet
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Mother—"Why, Johnnie, what on
earth have you been doing'?" John-
nio--"•.taight'n1 And 'you owe me
fifty cents on it. You know that
tooth you was going to pay a den-
tist to draw?", "Yes." "Well,
Billy Biller knocked it out."
It's worth
Ten cents
to clear your house of
flies and.
Fly Pads
will do it.
FAT S elkltorsofNN anada Tufo9_�
To 4no
wrap f5r ir(ie'}d=ieq:
r -enw
o' v a"ff O .
-r' WINOS.
17 `: Fr
. , ' 'a?} ' fly - Is'
P! f
rrc'C i»
What Lu k
Libby Luncheons made ready in a
few moments.
Veal Loaf Potted Turkey
Deviled Hahn Ox Tongue, /lc.
Quickly made ready to serve.
Ara U. S. Government inspected.
Keep In the house for emergencies—torsup-
vi nt When
want something good a anytime
Bandannas illnstratod booklet, "Good Thi npato
Eat" sent free. Seind fors b. stomps for largo ytlaa
of the world, in colors.
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, Ill.
We have Mexicans, WE
California Navels, HAVE
Valencias, and THE
Sevblles. BEST
Carload every week. All the above at
market prices. We can also handle your, ,
Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Maple Syrup and other produce to advert. 1',
tage for you. 84
gor. West Market &t., TQC Qf TO..
It scientific principals count for anything
the patent inflated air pad truss s ,cold be a
a o
u 1 o_iti
success. It holds the'parts is s o p a
tbatwitb fair play they must heal, It is light
land comfoQrtable to wear,: and four confideno _
la restored the moment it, is aeiuetod,
Pay o
it onl from the Belt and Truss.' •
Mfg. Co.., Hernia Specialists, at3$' l padin>i!
A.vo,, Toronto. Write now.
T - IJ U :k39
i 5UE NOIC"�