Exeter Advocate, 1903-8-6, Page 2IIntaitsallMahalitttaelliallhatatailitailaWeidarelfiSfe” SteltinSattitataatieges - easiseateatisseetootietestesasettosiesatiessetsesseeetitteiseseassisieta, STRONGER THAN DEATH -iiiimitiaiikkommesomoot .A • RAINS 0 E F E CHA.PTER Va-Cont. - bout lealapast ten. or a, little Ilearc,r to eleven, so far as te-e A.a the hour. Miss Itebeeea wood returned. She linoetted at tiai bolieloor, ethich is at the side tat the Lodge. tender it remit; tettieity tuat.-e, special ititothie Ity ber- et -4f and leer Meet+. `Tatire was no atiewer. Agein nrot isseein eta 10azi31.: a4td, toetiier, siet could tear tati twitoett thritegts the siieat how*. Stia, nit anerette "Sate came to Saint, teat. to asittelfut of eteetee grova tatt wore. end taro; at -lg.:est tease Froze:Pi wieditto Wtt..-re tor rase; t.e-e•O't eirrocht anitei rt tet aro tirse, tote e • e, etiew eh Lie 71 cies t e.t.a attoset %ewe. gear ------------- 4`.- .r::7. eity itatt th-3 entail egie woad iieit meat e iit iste; est .1 tdigiter roses. boai ain otie tett ,',5jer5tha rift& it fiC5 aet it water:. hitee Ilislieetia la:7a :waited itit drowingerirent window. Be" thi 3,12.-:.07,:a ;L.. tow, 7,,,11,36s RettSna ti?Ate, imtto TiltalUg wait aiaein. She, itiiiieted on t4;41r-744-:%.,. ototy n few r'.q.Ctr.t1'3 Itth°4-41. w tali :adder it. Weevit itatha, tenti.„iiiesetatiaie vitae, it ie steadoirig it, foe ter taloa,. and c.„. nt411 No -a sfoint(4 ,S.11 ittrglOW4 Itt%! Ion Of tt;',t on- eery ei-xf,404"1 atoi his releatee "oar heir tte„,„ e„,„e „,„,„„ waleiti it I should esill for a veal rfl'31•:1" !et:1 Wundciv''i TI''4.4•""5/11, ere oirtative die:tee izail inegion, to ;Mott a Mite woe obtainsti make by Itite eitelliango invitt tr7„,t7 "It?, tiow streatiiitiesii tee ettetioei titieeti este ties wittei the itattie -Retort hitieva" woe iit ,eitatesit met wito and littet eapture mod, tviimont 173440 *Patc,nt to the at the loott sit" ,eiteiti "m00% witin&low era 014. mata /the wittia". -ill firma the *rata that held hila a donate it one will attend to on tito 11zQ {414wra a4111:-.:, 0114,7., ,prta t:,,,11114 tale anti stie fmttlia aer •44•4 int41) t--24` teeth -se watt (caught Maria ‘1/14, .61 14-4,4.0 anioh tom in athrs. I deinds mad at Me right aim.. ti1;4'11-111- rI '4"PI Inane (on' flier beet., with aer ovate liam-"i; 'manna tie* mountoiitesers allot have lam lettere are fano:toe who would hi w 110 gui'. g7a1"141'. out [(Ora ertieitiie Slat. waa rgigii d'`..d415V 103' th''' 3144t; 3" roster tithaitteil the right, of the Sal- glad to got their butter of e TW`4"e 114°;"1 110 :-V.,"4 to bikini I/4501440h taut sumo tittuat, tool Pati vw"it!;.'whija4 tor tif aforrereo to inipoee tattoo ups reseiariy every wpaii /provided et potation; %,,,4444. It.ok ,4"4!n414-tv:„ lint to4 atom iii :tato tottea ,itit ▪ 4,V44Wrztv t1.0;':1-1,- 4'4" .4'41: On 11PM aq401 Vonir5f,k titles 0i0 part wow uniform in quinlity. 0,4441 that ktZt1V inottictilate itinitosing thita eht 4 51, 111,,,, 401,14m slr.r mad woJ 1/"141. "'" ansl oreel If titi " tt'37t2 :144e,0111Without 14tV=„ nt -li , .4- hhuul , „Itteethiesoittsi the aite tittered a weed, ti-lise drop:eel to 3 4144 faint, 774 !frightened leek. but le wilt swear, teem On Ardel's handsome face ibeyond the possibility of 3atistake er gathered tho gloom that always felt doubt. that it was the face ef his opon him with the thought of death. too -aster, Edgar Wickham, the pris- altis no use, Trevor.'" he said or at tho bar." abruptly, -I cannot keep off tbe• !rilsub- A. thl wont through the court atJet.eany longer. j could not stand this startling denouncement. The 'another day lilt this. Tbat young P prisoner slavered as f-ont blow.filowai face is still before me; the A . i a i tb.eit drew himself um. and for a mo- ileao thought of it makes ow shim - :went seemed as if 140 Were going to ta." 'break in upon the switch by eoutte °You think him innocent?" angry denial. don't think about that, I tel Vivian Arde1 turned his eyes' on Fon. 1 ordy remember thee he is in • - A FOR FARMERS 4- .... ilr' ?t t ,., Seasettable and Profitable 3 Mitts for the Busy Tillers eti Of the Soil. se ii•I t; i• itlatotfinitiatitifsaiitio*44iiite***t* MAN31NO OF A DAIRYMAN. i conadesice of WO Master. tba Kiss : tho witness iiuT3,b-fielot'XI)laeleuilill;a7dhobestt bts4iittrtzo.--tideTticC1tY titedanliltgoetr'Stamliincr fliitQcet gen one hard winter soon after 1 ialy euccessful dairy experietwe be- 4°11er at th*". bt•r• li..4`e rt.:. titi'esitbis'atsr,uplolifttred,thilt, to hint by Trevor earia to face with death, sweating the began housekeeping." writes A. W. •er of many of the i i as ier in the day. Ile saw o'houltilit- cold sweat of horror. At the sight Citeever. "Thav was little call for ..• ;iv z:114-tessolearg,,sxszol mt ittits ptlasitystehdewhoeotdweettinaz, aged. te,ides iteesiaares„ swat-100meg it huagination plays me a strange faroe labor and prices were low. 1 .tit,e tirst ordent titages of their ',i;lixall' I?" .1vatl g' eves tin(' a illra) i'onilii4;,,ing avy mouth. T te fo 0 of tit e man. : s I lace, ono look at the eoming 1 ve cheaply or run in debt, which 1 mo to stand in ' had little to do with, and had to 4 ft on w° hose, words life or death- hung. (Death out of his eves. At times Ids t, did not liOe to do. 1 had a cleence 1`11'sr tlie trial, then. for moderate mess of milk. 1 paid a to biro' cow that was giving a As Was perhaps isatural, the young -ado toe more than tine oreeston vent- " putty with grey beaas fer the fotorte" peat lox Ior het Lee,p- , :-Cot I ant willing to suffer. if it fug (1 do not rementlier iust bow 011 t1 1.4�1 voico of the Attornsw_Generai ito5ps mo to fop utal. and I believe Moat. but I did tbe and ;certain, ' • • * Then each Wag cevereti earl made air tight. After about. four weeks tlie eau a were opened, ar44. the cheese was tested. It was fourai to be ex- cellent in flavor and of StnOnV*. even texture. The cheese thus made has the advantage a being rindiess, Moreover. it loses no weight through evapohation or moisture. NOTES ON no FISIODIaTO. Pigs should be well but not over- fed. A good bacon pig of twelve !stone ought to be produced in seven months trout its birth. It shoula not be crammed, minter should it be halastarved, but fed steadily and regularly. Pigs fed steadily and iregularly 'will give tbe most setts , ifactory results to the feeder when weighed in factories. A hog witich has beet at any p:iod of bis lifit even though well fed af- terwards, will not do so. Feed three times a tday at fixed hours; never leave food in the troughs at - ter the pigs have linisbed. The ik•sh of the pots is soft and "flabby if fed 05 arewery or distillery waste or On turnips or beets. and in comparison to their ease their weight in the scale is nit:arable. They neav deceit e (the 1 tays by •*gtaites, weight. deceive the ecate- • low tone of alei. tali- .1 cati." islY family lived iargoly co the , It'd 10 4 P to Stoteat Witevii. Lae tSao:tier wos 1i , , , est , as he concluded hie speech. "You have found a wea1,. point in of that olio Cote through the entire aways tee :neat p,:t.Nr..r.:8 0;ta t . . , Iron." he seri& "I would ini the tirownis caee, then?"' i wooer IN t, i 0 . ,41 U1Qt ue st,, tt..a.ts ' I my dety, to the prisoner. •'1 hoPit so. 1 ettspmeed it. when Milk Waft EPt for the cream to Ileai rely et tat it- • .7 ..11. glvt,4.- tto ith• public, if I wore to strain Ott I read the brief. The sight of toe' and from the cre.oin I learned how , I evideitee agoinst hina or etitploy nn y wits -toss ?sae confirmed my etispicion. to make butter. There were many t • it• i- e .7 tot ei. tit •d,,ezeii of tho Ad:ice:ate to exaggerate Trevor, 1 ars couvinved that man iinisio4cs made. but I was gYI zing Lie toittot-tance. The inetinetts oi Witiorii15 lei:et-hi experience all the Cote that was rtity for tr[z... "I had my doubt% of bita Pinata; viftre,th ,1:4r eu,selia lt4wn't 1",„1""r W"z! Oet W110 stauds there to -dee. led, his story is plain and el -r-_ and •stisai wairo Pato ter other lands .ot au> 4F,t,:.r.411z.g .an a Would frotn its. as t haze seid. so welt the ed-Obod Iiiimliasal cilito shisoutiiii. was i et- taps. 1 hove bad Pa ptvasant rt.:11t,41. facts ot the ease, tiore is no iist'd in variona wait's. as drink and _toe to oiseharee. It is my deo: &area to break isint ilown.' i for coot:big. I am satisfied that it set ttie tool -ore before yor,D,, n--- ' `I itore, is ono eltanete, I Balite; fiay 131,1^-4 realtai the value of reilit i eetaitetaing, lest aittitio riTet wo get to nataii, to biller" "aii =on ertieli of fooel. , r k30wn in zaittitee, That tinte °Carteinly. Bet to "'not aintee's experitinee etaried i et:elate-oral and shall 11•55511,11- °Answer my finr,stlionS far a Imo. Me an a dairy former. Litter I ' 51 dattharge, Ott the 1.,1-ideecc',. tot..tatc, iilie a good feitote, eon ynn Waal more cows; amtas confidence 1 • Nett ere attired be tae oath teenage a friendly, conlialindial ineiVr55 g31l5e4 and itto butter Ilet'altt-• in you u,ga terview with the wants" denitual. I tnereaeed tho dairy till I is: tae trataters of life and ditatiti fritoa itao he coritiuutd,) finally bought it farm and flu. elect: La, n•r', 40:0605.511 th To is 00 embed. in i end merle dairying the leading laIsi- " ' '','''' ' faithful distilarLPI Of prar dItY reef lite prisoner. if yeti con; 'cen- tre stai -ist Mtn, if ewe rettst." ita Tizent was a bole plettettralliii eneitinsient in Court tat he resuated tho lottado mouth and by readieg the writings POsitiOuti of suceonsful dairymen. I beta, faunal bis wet. • et -ides -zee was given. tlf`,5,o" it hi., 0111.5;10nd, that it is not rteceesary to depend on fitaltiottalille breeils of eOwS. 14411- iereutelita 15213454 IrteilON vsenr• depot -el pa of e nate in MorareO. ,.to _,„12.tr,t11....211h•.4 (0443441, ti.ltirtirsiultreapepicrsio.natu.:31ritrjil,e, :3;,,,,iitie,ortvtot:reaa;,tetio.,,i:liseattiezteitatitirin;tailenodo5atitt, alitthigtiligodenotrizaeefoorr.e Iw(h)rat‘i.rle, ea thoir FatarineS5 racertIvorn Moro. bos rast wen 5 titat it better for a. butter •ertoommmonro,-..t..mn,romm.wo 50tiSo 1 Was never satislitel toilets I thought nay butter Wee as g0041 348 TIVE .ABIONG THE MOO , retail be istatiti, F33 learned. from othere all I could, both by word of operietive taTimehil" la iiairennan to raise his stova. tberi to tialeatiaiitien that cona4 um -witted to, retain tits aleade. Iteistaitiepend on baying, I woold feel 3 to ;,trAffert 0441 04, 1•3S14,^. wittta ntan 34e, wise oresetriled tot a. iet nee a a lewd ate. tate site east Otto,' lite worti "doe-its:oh." tai461ll: leirioe5n1V, Weird 51}000 5.45-0,3431 i*L'55e. pri'yTtnZ,a. • t- they could pay aotnellong above 1/111'4!SPI1414.i v4'01014' 114'014 nablinT1 alueb tatiithla market prieeo for that certainty of Of viol .tv'een %vat hp, too noehrit • tissito-front the email mental ititiaind theatil,,eat,i, girl wereos„lotts-,i did not exert themselves to osalie ram Butter dairyiet, aimed taw 44 1341 r4. Iptitt;) Plit 115 . or the treoroccata teoveristrionl. Thi7 being well served 4,4'647 tittle WittOntr itoaahli weevil toi. Loa ens, O" rivan mail 7* 4"1":' 8" Mato captive enjoy luis shert 4'43z,-454 140 431433 thel fat of any land. alio taiutinilli; may • it otatatie floaw 34rovo 14Y th44 it,1t441107,4;4•041,Pitt W0r0 111'44'. pop moo oaho le to hie ti e tnetritor t." 0,4 t"t111114ittedte-i or elitottio hie r th" stoat, noarly inneh tnnin.rn !teen melted in the now wonder, eat lea' ttor etrotelioil prone on , • • iiitt„et mot wort,,,ct into nin unnrnEvn * ° 4 II) In °I rpr hineihnitt Ltr tinetitio tot the bode'. 'flare ie yet mitItor44,1,at nin; lheitv That fvetteti ,ttide With tiothing to eat and for city trivia toatonh. mita tar Aim PLOW -POINT PROVERBS. A mortgage. on the lariat is harder to aig out than o sed,of wise gless. Not every Urg mould Hatt Iit.01113 FO; and a lame ttORSto o /onto fernier. Wast.' lends to want, want leads to woo; hefore yOu Mart COnsider witicit why you go, A weak fenee melee a stench farmer. Dena 1-4 the atestaluntr eat up the tber ten. If yore have a jumping row, fix a. piekle hara.1 for iter .1141111) into, and she won't jump long. Rats in Iles crib gives the team pain its tile lila. Little, steels wane tail weeds; but tail weeds esake eitert corn. Ighow grNr-,-. and 1.-7141f•lattmjill 41140,Tio' ti farirer Kale on trial. liatet a cot for a rot owl the pig wal got fat. -Y •- To rim to yea • et Da Claw% One:rant is a e zinnia eat catielcie ante for cad; and every foon et intitica, It1taiugaati vraIrtnlinZtritm ofestware here mare nottel it. taettee 5 0 sin tia daiity rrt.es earl oat yoerrielste (bey Matt Fait; YO4 ‘4141113 azd CwIT tarli, .ny,t, coml. ine a bet. at .411 e erEetiereetelSeires&CeeTeteetOt Dr:Chasel's Ointment. =IV GRAINS Firtuzir A TONS rtu Property of a liTewlyt %or tottedition wato pet teirtio aii tip a. arm. as no fertility ie eolal in IiilUeovered inineral. Lewin- Ali 'Mete '.-P.C1s. aii: "ra" "ti th''' 114"""i"K iWt5 d'itiii" ratty antotig them, vsteti lo 134313 II -Tomas Cie wireltivs - be made to pay in relator young Alive to the public interee while!: 041 1' teli Iota of the evfoleitia w te 1 taz.. ,.1„44or oi tt.4. roam. tior4at 444 tt.;0 0 toe iiiiniitee ai Ippit44 Po:litti.t ittt.,1, titatrt, into story stzt;r4 tout yitttt tt thirteitetio lomat he woe left in eon- ror nom mod to contratitore toe tee no Profeenor Lienheeter has tuN ged at the N10041%11 Ifi*AOry :1314. Inv too„),,, Rtzti ithh„. , motile r imitortent pieen isritionvia ft 11..1i ; f t tat etiveral ilaytt 41 hineillese c011ete 4WC11- whomniti trade,. it 410.4,013 :,414111, 8011th Rensington. Loudon, ' • ,,,,34.4.‘,130. hatil lima- of Cho poor girl • le i'ota diatst evIttiniqr wan was. tined. mid it was intimated to hira 14,,4, jelic hhir hitheh holt ii 411111.1- teittrit meta-, elate. lie., ' , • -4" r , Pied the riniat Whieh• Woo a On- overdone. fer tho 1,011L011 that lart11- ilildharail winch unrolle itisaV ens are not, inelined to learn thor- JU41, glar'N sWIL.4'e are "inn littlit autism of radium salt, pf 14444A14 kly 3". .541 r 4 -5 iltpit4r ir,Nnit,or he had 343* 041 up a blank. '.415*Othat hitt pertel teaeieetaranee teoetit "%iota, nooto wonion M. crowd *a -1* t • , • ”ro. r 14 • ouglay ties tratie of Marl -Ming iirst- W4 rot ittfiliditnir 144 ;Lt.'. 1:4•114•VV414 ‘1." 14r.a" t" 5'44145174 VIIII'-I mon reeteable that of 1/10 haitleea ales better. blow that sem is 1441,410., flo tit ...sr,. tor,,,pf Dv, 0, II!" 14%1. aloe useittviattito il4d Wit 11.'s. or thine to a means he woe alone hole • 4. tie 44 /MN eS that pity more than eommon lab - 84($:14;1::! (1,1 '7;1,14,0 1:: n5,,!:Iticr41 lit4:11,,,I.'1.14144111-4143141;411.:11 :1,1111111'%141r .ttat. Y°1;14721 41111:14v343:47:!.314:4`e:ialtliri lirra"1"13'3711tr; oLif. lliT•wsw tritlitZ3 all°1d let oreee am teie. X anot afraid *1. .1 thilli. WO had 11011er tuatourn now. httia,,hinhi, worth! in lam iiirn •,itor.ot441 W4Ei OM* tinto ° 'tint Of thP brigandS whose re- required, hot so it is in all Sitisinetto pti rs.44d 1910 ttP 341t#M4 , 14:mity front reale: eliteltarose Iota maite good newspaper reed- it is past four Welfare" . No other white man 110- ••st teetiontee 443trkm ropt, itricod I' 1 Y. I: No tete could believe the law was reo iota in reetett, eaars had*13454 nO tliat the gal wits quite dead. anon of the 39111`,Fe, 'And YOU CAW. IttIN east tee tone age, nany interesting stories to loll 03 143 11J4tly gatl'iwtis 174144a ri teon 13.1 11.1i I if/ zealot. Ile* trelitaltione Hon II crierai "Co 1 t 11344 Iowa antem, alaittly irate and tom On sn,r, n..141 iajw%. ot (NA. Met!. 42 mot WV0Ve(4:110 eouhl only dila" wtorh witlism• trativ ,rat 1144 on" word initaatee eta von la eta:Amite it to Ley beitaii whielt Leif a item to of the ltv- :4 41. WO ten Ye% nerinista foe the police. ,bos lel- ly vomit to the laiowledito of • eitateleusee 3 way advisahtit ar Comm, W 443e11ed for 34. at this maw to ten you from the oitriees until Id:. inIvrvitm nottathing tatotet tie. vieetteter mei ,"wiih the tolislter for the •Proihs'e- anteasilt ;as 01 this Mr. litauert Iht two. vit, who. as ytal laUst r, ;: "'Nora it ha happened, and this prineipal evidence for the prosiau-i will 6, cotointied by the olle•r Wil - t03*. 11.1 has been for scene yeatti relate, 114311 about a 1.2143a13et1 yards past iii the service of the prisoner ,froin the ;tate that Lads fano the at 1.1". flan I 1041443o titot he was • Lawn of taliurnbain Lodge on to the previously in the 503;le.'of thoi Mole/wad. there Lad 1194414 a Emig prisoner's fall, r to the date 03 , stoppage of tate trometar by Which his death, lait of tais I ens not Mr. Weevil wait traV.61144g. 115 old certain at tho moment, and it in not lady had kat, Ler 111t54.44. aria en•a- material to the rave. You Will 11017 ted a disturbant•te During that readily understand with what diffa!stoppitea Mr. Weevil, front his place culty the prosecution sueceeded in on tou of the train, saw a man come extracting from this witness thee out. of the poreb of Laburnham material evidence which it is my Lodge and run rapidly down tho duty to lay before you, and the re- lawn to tho gale. When hp reached membrane() of those facts will help the ttate the Irian walked, though you to estimate the amount of rrp- still at a very rapid pace. Ho denco with which that evidence is passal by the tramaar on the mune to be received. side on, which Mr. Weevil was sit- - "The witness Robert•Wevil on- ting. Mr. Weevil saw bis face dis- joyed in very unusual dearer the tin.4t1V4 it was very ralc and had a omen Have ney Iease rinel Often Make -the Mistake of Attributing thQ Resulting Bar;kache to Other Causes Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills Many women have kidnv disease scores and 'bendrede of statements aud do not know it. They confuse which are received at those offices the symptoms of kidney -.disease with from reputable people in all walks of those of ailments of a fenainine na- life. • ture. We would warn you against Mrs, W. Wilkins, Mary street, this danger, as a few days' neglect Belleville, Ont, states:- "I suffered of kidney disease may mean years a great deal with pains in the small of suifering. of the back caused from kidney Pains in the small of the back or trouble. Whenever I stooped I could weakness and lameness of the back scarcely rise again, the pains were are the most marked symptoms of so great. The disease beeeme so kideey diseases; others are loss of severe that it affected my general flesh, dry, harsh akin, deposits in the health, and I was becoming very urine, swelling of tho feet and logs, much run down. Since using Dr. severe headaehes, stiffness and sore- Ch'ase's Kidney -Liver Pills 1 can say ness of the muscles„ rheumatic pains, that iny trouble has entirely disap- sold chills in back and loins, scald- peered. I can speak in tho highest ing, painful urination, weariness and terias of this medicine from the way despondency. It acted in 11413r caiso," There is, we believe, no prepare- Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, ono tion extant which affords sticit pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all prompt reliet for backache and the dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & CO. (Swett" closed the performance for the data and 1140 CoUrt, emptied It- hielf rapidly. and the prisoner went Intel: to kis cell to keep company wttit deatlis CHAP= t VL naid Trevor to Vivian Ar - del al lust. They wt•re to dine to- gether at Arder's house, and had walked a mile of their way front coert In silence. "Well. 'whet do you think now?" "Let UM have 'your thoughts first. You know more of such matters than X do." "It, is a. hopeless case. In till my experience I never knew a 045e so hopeless." "But the witness Weevil, what do you think of hiro?" • Itis penteinal tuiventures 4344 I1ittrit1. IItt first brought himself into m- ice a few years ago by his venture- some journey in disguise to the chief town tit otte of the fanatical moue- tain tribes, Wbo Would have allied hint without any preliminaries if they had euspected that be waa white znau. At that time be latere 3t0 Arabic or any of the native tongues, antl hough his shin was stained to the proper Moroccan hue, and the native costume sat welt upon bim lie would not have been able to travel a railo among the mountains if be had not pretended to be a deaf mute. ire had with hint a faithful young na- floe who carried on his conversa- tions for bina When approaching the town which no white man had ever entered he passed two men on foot, who decid- aThere seemed to mo to be some- ed that b • was a white man, and think repulsive about the man. It when they reached the same place maa be my keen interest in the pHs- a few hours after Harris' arrival oner made nte feel so, for the manis they lost no Unto in spreading tho evidence was fairly given and had news that one of the hated foreign - the ring of truth. Then, you see, it ers was there in disguise. The re - dovetails so perfectly to the rest of port caused much excitement, with the case. I can find no flaw. ant the. result that in the darkness of glad, anyway, the court adjourned night Harris, who had been rodis- when it did. I had not a, notion guised as a woman at the home of how to start my cross-examination, his servant, stole out of the town and a false start with such a wit- and made his way back to Tangier, nese would have been fatal. Now, traveling only by night and hiding at least, I will have the Sunday to in the forests in the daytime. think it over." Harris has spent a long time in Ho forgot, in his perplexity, that Morocco -and probably no white man he had asked for Ardel's opinion, is better acquainted with the natives and for a. little time they were both and their country than this adven- silent again, each busy with his own turesome European. thoughts. With a quiet, sido glance, the doe - tor noted haw baggard and nervous MORE WOMEN THAN MEN. his friend was, arid he dexterously The excess of the women over men sot the talk going again, this time graatually rose during the last cert - keeping clear of the trial. In liter- tory, but not an proportion to the attire and science Traver was well increase of the poradation. There abreast of the ago; Ardel fvanco of it, Soon their conversation e now slightly over a million more ar in ad- ar absorbed than.. The latest novel; women than.Men in. England, More Blalo than female children are born the latest play; the latest manual of and up to fourteen years of age sciencee-all these things those are more boys than girls, but touched, lightly or gravely. In ttliila°Yt beyond that ago women are in the greatest of human games of match- ing, contrasting, and interchanging raajority. In Boin-nemoutb, out of a population of 47,000, 30,000 are thoughts, which is called converse- women. tion, the time wont by swiftly, told * :4 tbe wretch pining alone in his cell, t'Miss Ethel is a long time coming with horror-1,aunted oyes fixed on down," said the youth to the sea tile coming doath, was more than vant, after waiting some tirne for half forgotten. the young lady's appearance. "Per - It was a dainty dinner, daintily haps, he added, with a laugh, "per - served; and the choice wine put new haps she is makiog up her mind blood and life in Trevor's jaded whether to sec mo or not?" "No." brain. But the effort which Ardel said the servant, with an icy smile, had made to cheer his own friend "it is not her mind she is making told on his own nerves. They had tiro - got to tho smoking room and plun g - other distressing symptoms of kidney Toronto. To protect you against ed into the depths of two great easy disease as Dr. Chase's Kidney -I4 -v -0r imitations tbe portrait and signature chairs. The talk came for a while Pala That tale preparation is t., of Dr. A., W. Chase are on ftVerY intermittingly between tho puffs of thorouza two is ericleoced boo. their cigars, and then there wits W.- Jack--"ITow „do you manage to keert IrOur clothes looking so nice?" Cloorge-"I buy new ones oncasional- birt • yeIlow-broun ceder. One made fitio Iv pood sight to toto them. a few grata) such at; thaet are all that at to bo extracted, ata er rot elaboritIt the melting of extra good butter a'"I r01437 PrIX‘f"1" frill° 43 9i11oe overdone tor a, long tito,4 yot. the mineral pia lthlozole. two Imago But he who would sueceed louse of whielt. from Cornwell owl Bantle eati. tautly.. think and hit constant- !It"!t11"111132''' 41E0 311110e11 431 1114 ly striving to keep up to the high- • • Il eta, standard." at Nyasa will rithalie intotat IN a tionli bon, nhowitig the /ambition oro. oommi•••••••1 perty of lett/lima On Mho,: a Mutat teetptetwie mposaiwea ail TIN CANS, sloth 5.1 otze t•nd and peering 10, the wine* "Medium," in twilit al 1443 10345, Tho discovery of galactose as an mai h awe hem or iiitiot art rano agent for ripening cheeses, seems ei. to lie iiiieheettatel, us if a dull likely to lead to extensive ebangee lamp we 0 loaning taroehh puma se h cheese Making.. It was formorlY fact the leix is entizely (holt except supposed that both air aud a warm oie tate selationtitined ligitt front Om temperature were needed to insure tainereai t at tehrs h ;Iv I g 10,02! ProPer rifle/dog. It was found that painted with radium bromide 05 t material thexagOnni eulphi(1e 01 zioc) whielt ineonies hunitiOUS whes" a radium col:astound is near its this ferment Would act even below the freezing point and though de- prived of air. This immensely broadens the baso on wbich to wox•h, for it is no longer mammary to lutve curing rooms or uniform conditions. Neither is it 11e0ee53117 to hold to the traditional packages. The Oregon station has recently undertaken and partly completed some experiments that will have a large influence in shaping future practice. Under the conclusion that cheese will now be made in almost any form it was determined to can it. Tins holding from onr to five pounds were used, being first coated inside with paraffin to prevent taint- ing front the tin. Tlio curd was packed in the tins under pressure and was permitted to remain over night. TUE WAGES OF RULERS, A French arifitmeticime estimates the income per minute of some oi the chief rulers of the world as 3d- 101781 Emperor of Russia, atil; Em- peror of Austria,a'•2$.25; King of Italy, $21.75; German Emperor, $17.50; KiAg Edward VII., $15.25; Wing 03 Spain $13.25; King of Swede en, $9.5(); King of Davaria $8.75; Saxony, $4.75; Belgium, $1,75; Dens mark, $3.50; Wurtelnberg, $8.25; France, $1.75; Roumania, $1.50; Greece, $1.50; Sorvia, $1.50; United States 37 cents. Jim Dumps and wife invariably " Force " for Sunday evening tea, When cook went out that afternoon. " 'Tis but a saucer and a spoon To wash -a task not grim - And all are pleased," laughed "Sunny jiniSi The Beadyitoaerte Caul pleases everybody in every way. a7o L11O DO "We use 'Force, at home and like it exceedingly. "U. It Etieeirmins."