HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-8-6, Page 1SL
EXETER. ONTARIO- TITURSDAY., ArGITS.17... 6, • •1903..
A .
scenthe Off.e--Mo.NTRKAL.
..stearaitaf, qua
tame% tete.
ireterfea, ttne.
1, Moent Anart,
Stenthiite, • .
Tarant.i, reforsale,4:
A OTVE01_130111i.i : Buinss irmisomeg m
ell OffaCiie,:i.
BLINKS -1f hinintrit
teal totes e ane ettereeteAgeet
rarasai.ieft7seeerrasztfas erraht cart sefe c
4.2Z39. 1.1W4'23R rtftwr:11U/17.133,..; 1'3 P•r.
14-47,1i fin all tiara's ef Nat:it:ea am, - :4:tette-a-rat,
Ecr save
'C'''""'"'"4""r4'''...rr"g,',P,,A,,,. • •
• . • •
-847•NPSR S. •'• .14• ;14E. 4..p H. PROPS.
Brinsie.y. Winollelsea i
A Miss LIZA(' Darling returned borne efr, Edgar Faneon was the guest of .
I after spendiog a week with. her sister Blies Blonebe Rooks at Eden on Son-
ia Trowbridge. -Miss idH
* ardhen y si
1;y. --Mr. Roy Cas oultice wthe guest.
• turned home from Parithill,---ttlies of Hate Beonia on hundaY.-Mr. -FL
. ey Seell went to London tie Satin day Brown, McCeintiek agent, eieltee, me,
where she intentle. spending a few days: , John Dhriiminithn
eillge Sly afternoo.
A tonher Atom these parts took. in ' -Miss Ellie. Rolonson ,is away eti a
e Old Hoy's reunion at Lendon this long vieit with friende tetstotToronto.
eeke-Mr. W - Amos spent a few duys -Mr, ()beetle °tulle& has become a
in Londou litst week, returning Men-
datie-mrs, MeDermot and her two ettied as one.
i sous. of Rat Portage, are the guests of
!Mrs. John - Ohtiel and
lethel Weir retnened home Tuesday,
and neer Parkid11,--Toninity Craven me4.,,;L:a'AvtiehlinT12„c-Z.Iall/TtginItoilttttlitutiige.°w01
teret,,t„ a mews, eiett. with friends in During the trait week several .DL 't1. bis neut. Mr% prest. town linen ,..i.net. tl;tin street. Thie will add greatly to
hits returned home .ttenn hie. visit to i °a'
TEL -many were siteprised to itt Allem eraig. - that, pottiou t f the village.- UM. Eil-
learn of the death of Mr. Joseph Ja- I ber end dattgliter, Miss Halt t. of erect,
„......m.„_____ __. iton, Sandal' ' at the parsonage hre.
cobs on Feitlav morning. He had not _-
-Mr. Hertillert. of Browre City.
, been ernenying goed health for soave Uensail ry,ttI mAch„ is . .Oing a few days with
them bee the eed clime nnexpretedly.
The' tlaY Previnus to his deet it he bad o,olit;$ Geetle KaiSer spent a few dap. frierids It - Ile tete, hie ileitoietaine
been laieteng, That weed 0 be went in Clinton doting the week. --Mr. Jite. ;Ind Qom' '.': •14," 'idveS tile boys a ewift
I bee esiteien„ In the newnitihwilen they 1 1,I1egielete1i, hit this village. bite pur. ride.-itfr. l'atl and Pandly hitve re.
waat ta orouse him. thee were hero. , eitasee too one ofty.aere farm 'if Mr, tamed lion ,efterspending ,some time
tie to tbia hien cat in death. Hetet Rieh, Hogg:141i. of flibbett, and will with Wood. Detroit and other Plao'
Neese wile the came ee the sudden ;r: do fell plowing', receitnng fall posses, O.-Thresh:Ng lute commit/wee in this
TO LOAN. t. „ Deceased ileis it „dee et men_ shirt next springheitir. teeorge Trott, lovality.-Me. WM. SiVillia received a
ra .1.s iknd was in his 730% year. He photegrittitier., hits gone to (*wind Bend • Whit hoot,. et, 'nine a short titne ago
V054 esi tolivate t1112114 for tu 1. til
i nage pa.eerty, et bis siitnLa illevii)4.3:.;:eleisilitit(,tizirligt..0,. :rill!: I, jt:e. , _wIne,ebrteNlyntheintedsekruel,ihntiastnvinnat..,Itegoers- Ilivoieteht I bwIlltinh;vholatirimt. ill:ilt t'iriti Itvocl;lit.tfairAlf"a;t1,431gsd
toweet 1
oohs had been c tretulter efeetiten, eene. . Meters. Jet: C. McDoneilduirdevate mer. i again. -Mi e til eery Keith has returned
eters., where his tomet,,,, wet,. ieterred , citants.---Nr, Weld Centelon has re. from her vitiF to friends in tierieh.-
on filinday. Welled from bbt tan to the eastern Reed. 0,M. itienk preached to hie an.
part of Ontario and gnetire province. gregation at 34.04111mq Stoutly At,
rsborue man, who has been in 1 teinoon..---ttir,. !trouper, seneth of the
tet ereene ct fan It'per. Clartitutt, !Cafe at a flteceet-ti Mr tat at-th.) l't!kit.'Ttttht"f4t;r9411;n.inittiettr of months, has i village. is very ill with not numb lio
thathltottt . ..--Ilcustiteht ileefs. eta -
WEI-WING BELLS.---Tite home of , "Idtilersilteatibills714:Tinl.tpin.ttLit'ettIttilshinagrt.‘ptrbio! i °ofnISTtilvien171.*- t ILI ri-Lt eiitldINWM itillinclieutt
eve .4. IL Rrown, Mitt.
J.31..'1 fni1 SALE. and Mrs. C. II. Hotetev wits the se ietor of the tiensall oatmeal millti, is year, but glir•- Ail( lingers. At time
i-iez, ,on t .._c• ittxne,.-: cs, :sae' 4 .. e. _ ..
:7,7i7;r4 ill44.,,,i7::.:1:,4,4y3.14.. ,g14.7 4,47.!i; 4 fil.:t;illt, :pi:jilt: ttAnt cgos es ?ILI 40: tnineli "44.,1:1,:ttitiee .- md,o,ri... oe tpl. i mi lalzeisiiiitIlitinsi a iee :1.'1411 11 4)341 tont;dt 1 it:114:i pinit.lens:t Ilentnieew. newel:41dt. tiinhtigeo ntwi. ; ,.;1,1,1tyie:t;t_eithlt tt70.1171,s.e.,:lialte'tlissni !adult )01:1,11cveLt4h4:4144r,
- - ,,- t tea. , tee ' then' 13° / li - 4
1'44 il f:. 'Ii!'n'n :here -wee aas4 zol 44 c';',. -4-11x Caltiwelt, of Berrie, Mendelestibeftil
t lo. ,n .-+.• FiiV,T 1111410 4 " lh 111 I It na t.
c,„..a. ,,,.: - --,5,11 fdi .45:71, WO ' /3* u VW... ar?..• , .
G .:1,N1 cmit cua ,,,,,:,,Z, 4,1041:441. nettforg, Man% living phiyeil lay 'Miss tt
on- ii ers eau he* an teatime leeve Tor SqUle
ort;4,.,, .1tat:o.., r,,,,,,..,,, gat. vr, ,47. Ada Ifflrney, the hate one groom l'ZiPpelt
▪ _A RCA flaqr '-1 141 Itadar ,:t41 mob of milt& ' lite in ee Ben hes 'tented hie leieiteee lIIstint Reid, -The Union 11. 11.
7titioJtIth ''''''''''t• . le:tvee deitoritttul whit 11.4welth 34° faint to his brother-in-law. Mr. Tim. nic on tit- 2,0th prannises to les a
- , gown wove by the young Itride wits44443 41 ter e tent) of Mon years, at SUraes ;.• - Dr. MeLelighlin spent 1
e1 10.41f- Wee% :Omitted with white ee.the : tea, ie e're,"te, tbe lent ratios go thts eilnesday in 't 1.
, and fin Da 4r0-11114 sitirP"n11,1,nil 43; ve17,,P,L4:1' ' iteighitilt !toad, Ittall Mr. £-' 41 .k110,1Y4._h?
, ty appeat'aum, TKO OffnalatIng ewlii,,- hos a gond tenant. Rumor Ras le toile Mtmfortit
ar, I Clali V -14"“,'T "ltr Ike EN% ' ZT"' ' M1,het Flov,, Ny..,..H. Vaopv. (It'd tht" "P. Mr. Bell intends hiking it rsitlon In Feere elentnnitet -A most distres-
hiersetW3P:r, 61,1-• '''';'s-11-)111:4.' an hatot Of toe Visa:iv emote. Moaner. i . in, ei,,,,e,i„e h Re,,,, ay., -.,,,,.., ee se. MHO' ;hid fit hd oteitiont haf itt'Crti no
Immediately deer. the testenuoliv the " ii;;:-. ol;;;;:;1'1': ;111^0171`41 L'h.,-It: isheF have the twill til. Mr.,. Wm. Aittitontrot lot
gee i. se 4 tt,L7 :4-4, ' lattli5thr $41$41Q ttaill hot' worthy line-
^ WW1 W.t.re egulageatItllted. after niece
, e seetwed the eervices of an effleient and 291 ohooessit'a 5, MeK11112P, 021 Vlore-
- Allied workeninte.,"..311`;:. .141121) Jones, teliel'im,c1,1,1111ge a-a.tiam he? seet'all sal"'
. they. elt eat down to a well proeitteitto.„0„„ „ t „ .„,e.,,i„ eine,.
pitralvtle etrolie, is Still in a very 'Weak i
a . 0.4141. 4 -oon.ov o,o4 olo, yi>ars of Kr., wits „a.
Irotas' lasts, 1903. and il tieitily tipread table. As .11e. and lai "t"'"""wo.' "7'1" '''''"-"" ':i''''''''''" - trIOSt instalOiy killiel. The eirenno
„ ettietpairate of the Tovneship of iltitece.ite411111117itittjtetltve4:'y ire?tir.rtPesilitflittlertet .44;11,1al!liaa* 47114"a. t /1"tOrvIal?6144r Wr7.fe7g1trit.4-' -7;1111gItkee Iletihvilt:anst t'ilitte-
Stepneit, Cennty of Mune the lieet wisitee of the whole eotunin rd. tepee wine t i 0 to eels lehte. de totK nig a, load of nate to the letek field of
het. e. el: w.f..; ,..iaa that I LVio MMIVaZtVini in ty for their :Menet May they havel sit:at't.r.',t, 6 nt?Wri: "4 t.ltt." Ith, 1;44_1'13 the one% tine while going down n, wil
`4•,,rir4"Th`t 4."1 '9 : 44 . tht* ClinV4'iStr bleitsing resting on them, 4as Vkn" as tnn 4. flnen nt P n nt t' the horses Railed to trot, and tieing
• - it est tt- te t. -t t e. eae etei totteete te. i Rev. J. G. Stewart, B.A.. of Knon unable to trtate them, they meta etartt
ed lotto a env. The unfortun-
ate lad was eitrown olf, and the beek
wheel. wits enpuitetd to here peiteed
over him. -smelting the base of the
skull. Poeithei thie, Ite received sc.ver-
citizen of our lettle hurgh and is now
Dash -wood
- To LBAN.
e ft,ece taae-t rthatc
ce far ;oat 1'4.Z31 2118
Otteettee seatearttn,
atieneet, seneetintieei
a OM
eFerF day Olar.0 wad eaaer work-
The Council of theTowuship of Ste
hem convened in 4. 141 Town Hall.
item, on Moaday, Augnet a All pins -
mit. Minutes of previous meeting I
read and adopted. A udersotee Webb ;
that Alex. Bavelle he appointe4 path.
master, Doeision No.07, for tlie year
1052, and have the unperforated Ste -
tete labor for tha year completed bet
fore the let a October next.-Carrieil. ,
Autlereon--Webb--thitt a Ilet-Law be
passed prehibiting the riding of bine-- ,
elee or.. side walks in the township. "
Yearty--Weierth-ite amenduemit elett
a By -Lew be paesed proltil‘iting tlta
riding of bicyclett only on plank awl
cement waliie and tegulating the rid -
big of snob bicycles on gravel evallte.
The antendinente unseat -deal by a vote
of the Reeve. The lot/owing orders,
vere passes:1,1-Z Whittaker, eititritY
:Mrs. Suede, $0.59; Mindeipel World
drainage Blantis, $1,59; Expreei Co.,
exprees on Voter:: List. Men George
Orituge, gravel. top.a2„. 1)41yie. 1-Qp.
culvert, el3; Fintheiner, contents -
slim work. CALI $O.:19; S. I91.'1 i'(1431.
gravel rontrect, 1AR.. $2.511; pint
ting in box and gaitling St; A. Motel.
son, hnrying yearlim; et.eer, We.; 'Tens. 2i
tees 17.8.S. 'No. 18. on SM., 67.;
Theta Weide repaieing bridge.
Courted ndictorned te meet again ,
the Town Hall, et...dirt:in Montley. 1.
Oish tith, at I p.m.
llenry Either. Tp, ciork.
74::te Frlf
ta,:i 0,„ ,-, 1 ,,) 1,, 41, , N ) l'il4SL:tlili`‘ ti '4, t atillAtik 41 01 1 eluireh, Lueelon, anti Rev. tilte 'itlefein,
e int, a.:11!;; tw I 41. itatinleat la .11 ma, aalea :AIM *(4 i'Ael, 4)1 149nton. lq Nmi., ,4 ott Thinnest spent it few days with
""----` - , setae -....
Keit 1, clan of St. .letalretets eittweb, Cat:hang-
re .a et tete 1 I ' I 't s 1 w a M .I -
'•w• 4,t1'.-'., ", t - T.( r waiters 19 the .... , . ,.., . ,. n ,,, , . . i (I 1111 III S WI MU 1131.--, . , . 1. At'eltly
-,--4,! V,:. A Cr,: piaci at 114S,, ,E,'(N19 it ing friOntiti 111tnen.- NI les Ida. Well ertiteide hk.ee etertne. tie. weeitt.... ulster
ree.‘iii , inetettitillii It tetelegeitt,.4.1nsave nni,.i.t.tlitnaterta. ie. ell. a rtlitit. .tot ft:fp:MIS in nn,Torin,ttot,, I. tereith twee, nt 1.zetteetteete,inte ymis,4%brtg d ,,p411.b 1 tu,,,, ILI mother
4.aat:,- 071;1' l * i , '^ ". ' . . ''' ' ."'' .. M..' ,.k't ." XItIS gement:treats". ate. fine Airs, el. ....e. . " ' , . - .** .. " g i
t4t valit, ivat..4i•Ite 4 Itohner, ttf Waterloo, is the guest of .. eivment.,,.....mte ettetedt etettioinent. ee little brotner. woo \vete 3,41 4441. be.
4 "r""r" `" n''. "7-'4 ri ' her
daugthst.er, Mr- sJeo'than '(1, '.t
h'"t -rd aNestgle It1 a1•8spnt1alg renw 't aa. a ittorerditind on foiindv0000"v,,.re eye14wit,neaof t.
eaTet 4.13"E?.4IlltI111d:l'l-D^'stthehomeof 31) '11. TMetle- ram'ttn"ata'•41,rns/*"ea
• Jis1Itessietfe1.1ittht:.!‘:. ritre--- mcet-ahe 10311u,,co13b, of Mai- ers044* Will) were Wnrkingin °in ni
MiesNetie Wells has returnedbtebawere visiting frieds here last his 't
fields close by, elso saw tint acci-
Rodney tend intends remaining here; week. :trete copp wets the yonngest dent alai hurrietst to the relief of the
for a tinte.-Miss Amy Steinbach is (laughter ttf Rev. S. Achesom a formed. boy, lutt 1.4. that tittle life Was eXtittet,
death having apparently been instan.
taneons. Dee 'McGinnis was innuetli-
untiy sent foe, but could do nothing for
the lad. The sad affitie is it most severe
blow to the widowed =thee as site
hes not only lost 11. gond and: dutifill
son, but one of ber chief suppoets has
been removed. John was an industri-
ous and hard working boy rind was
respected by his companions and neigh -
bora, and the sincere sympathy of all
will be extended to the bereaved moth-
er and friends.
Tarentum, 21795,
The Phenomenal Well -Bred
Standard Trotting Stallion
reads all ether taallinwo .1 a Canaria tor s4110.1 ex.
Mar 434A /I, ilkfiWittlIVITURI•tion ter road rand
e.:orroo 1 11
Tartuttunbas now morlatel three Mei sttouing program of proceedings at the sixth
tatter than ale spec , tem au.: a nilleutaale
alio 11now emend ft1. OM :::::1011/1.1 /1.W1
ale Grand CireuiL Harry D. e inutimiresthearand
Cirmit at Detre% in the $510,14 Chamfer and Como
taeree tit,atea caul aPro lu the 2.114.1543I 311442(23 144441
then gots down the Orautl Cireuit through other
lar -ea Mates. Umlaute it the only stallion in (54(.
344311 that has prodwail a reit telenomenally fast
(hought.) faeo the Orand Chalet that wen temnd
money in his seeoinl start In 43131134 at Memphis 30 43
1it111t:4'e1eve3 starters, anspeetly ones. Donne.
1.044 having -got a market Lexington, Kentnekv, the
lirtviou ttoek '2.W14. In this race Orin h., eti Lneau
oreastone, the sire of Ton:Morn, WOn Ut money.
11.13-4.'lo.,byTarentouro• Wan 24144 money, Maim. Hal mrs, J. Foreman je visiting weeds
in Weston. --Mrs. Wm. Andicott, af-
ter a pleasant visit with friends here,
has returned to her home in Pilot
Mound, Man. -Mr. Sohn Robinson, of
Philadelphia, Pa., is spending a few
weeks with his parents here. Be is
just recovering from a Severe illness. -
Miss Etta Stanley is visiting friends in
Hensel!, the guest of Mrs. Miller Ed-
wards. -The Rev. II. A. Thomas le.ft
Thursday for a short visit to Eastern
towns. Mr. Frank Powell, of Wing -
hare, 44 Divinity student, will officiate
in 'Holy Triuity Church during the ab-
sence of the Rector. -Mr. aud Mrs.
Alex. Leavitt, of Walkerville, with
their ehildree, Master Harvey mad Miss
Madeleine are on an extended visit to
Mrs. Leavites mother, Mrs. Culbert. -
Mr. Eslie (tinter, B.A„, has resigned
his position in theLucau High -School.
He has been granted bis Principal's
Certificate and is now fully qualified to
act as Principal of a High School or
Collegiate Institute. Mr. Carter has
accepted the Modern Language Mad-
tership at Mitchell at a salary of $800.
This is a big raise for him, kir 110thing
111 Of6 "than his -perseverance,- his dili-
gence itedhis success as teacher de-
serves. -At a tneeting of .the ,High ISAliatoW ESO.S.PK.---What might
School Board Wednesday evening, have proved a sad drowning accident
Miss Ida 111..Mara was en,giested as as- was narrowly averted by the heroism
sistant High -School teacher, 211*4. salary of a young man, who went to his un -
of $450 per annum. -Mr. Wm!, A. Ste- fortunate .friend's rescue, thereby say -
wait. has disposed of bre hereess stook ing him front a watery grave. A pie -
to Wm. Clark, of Granton, who tqok nie WAS. being held at Hayfield a few
possession on August est. Mr. Stew- days ago 444(1 :1 number of our young
art will 1111)4. 41 onto his term neallGran- people attended, among, the number
ton. -Dr. W. T. -Ban Ling has perches- being Mr. Wrn. Taylor. He, with ab-
ed the building on VViltiam street re- ers had gone in bathing, and being nn-
cently vacated by Sceli & Armitage, able to svvim, began to flounder, bay -
and vill remodel it into a dwelling; aud ing unconsciously got into deep water.
offiea-The Standard Bank has pieced Being in but a few second, the onlook-
in their institution here one of J. & J. cr., tlacnight he was otaly acting up,
'Taylor's latest improve(1 time lock but when he was going down for the
,safes. --Mr. Beenard Stanley is making last time, Mr. Harry Squires, of Port
..some extensions to the building now Huron, 'noticing the danger, rushed to
occupied by Stanley & Ross, general his assistance, and it was with a strug-
tnevehants. The stair is being length- gle that he landed hitu safely on shore.
ened thirty feet, the new addition. be- After several hours of hard working
ing two storeys high and built entirely over him, the young mithwas restored
of cement. Mr. G. A. Stanley, in the to consciousness. mid was able to re -
hardware department, is also enlarg- turn home in the evening. The atten-
..,.0 for a good hue of Girls' new ing his building, adding nine feet to tion of the humane society should be
plaid lined rain coats. Raglan stsle. its wicith, and thirty feet to its length. cliattvn to-tlais incident for Mr. Squires
Stelieutt's - This wOrk is also being done with oe- is entitled to a Medal as a reward for
mont his ltravery.
visiting her brother, Chester, and oth- pastbr of St. Andrews' thumb.
er friends at Waterloo for a ten, 'weeks.
-The regular meeting*, of the NV.C.T.
U. was held at the bottle of Mrs. H, Credit011
itlagel on Monday eveninz-Roeve
Lamont spent a. few days in Toronto Miss Olivia Holtzman is visiting her
last week on business. -Mrs, A. S. friend, Miss Rosa Meltfee, of London.
Faust is vieitiog friends in Caro. -The this week. -The Methodist church
choir held a picnic at Grand Bend on
Monday. -Mr. Wagester,otTavistock,
is visiting Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Damen.
-Mr. John Evans, of Exeter, has al-
most finished the brickwork of Mr. O.
Kuhn's new dwelling. -Dame rumor
says therewill be a wedding in our
burg iu a few days More particulars
will. foliow.-Miss Adeline Ratzt of
Parkhill, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Charles Zwickete-Most of the flax is
pulled and the mill willstartthreslaing
in a few days. -A number of our citi-
zens intend going to Manitoba on the
Harvesters' Exetwsion on the 1Sth.-
Our township council passed a by-law
last Monday to prohibit bicycles from
running on the plank sidewalks. Some
of our boys have been riding very reek-
lessly a late and our citizens have been
obliged to ask the comseil to takesome
action in the matter. -Mr. and Mrs.
Ches. II. Wilson, of Greenway, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. G.
Young on Monday. -.The Directors of
the. Hatt Township Farmers' Insurance
Co. met. in the Town Hall last Satur-
day. They decided to have an assess-
ment of 5% levied on he policyholders
some time this fall. -Miss Ida Treitz,
of'Detroit, is the 'guest of Miss Laura
Treitz. -A game of football was play-
ed here on Friday evening between
our boysand the Zerich team. The
game resulted in a tie, neither, side
scoring 44 goal. On Monday evening
the "Never Sweats" played our team
and made things interesting for them.
Neither side got a god], -Mr. Paul
Winer and Mrs. Jones, of Marlette,
Mich., are here visiting .their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew 'Winer.
annual Convention of the Huron Coun-
ty Women's Christian Temperance
Union, to be held in the Evangelical
church hereon Tuesday and Wednes-
day. Siith and 201h of August, has just
been issued. --Miss Dora Either is visit-
ing friends in London.
era money, Dorothy Wilton •Itli money, One:1.09U
Mosert--Simou Meitenzies, ',Nehemiah, noon;
Blake night,
Tiotrsmr-Zurielt now Crediten right,
WrJszsa.s.r-Exeter men; 1A-ovati1n3night
Tatitstav-ny way of Stan to nubile noontlsome
Faroav-At his own stable. Egmonaville.
astenusa--At his own stable, Egmondville.
Farmers' common mares, $15 to insure; well.bred
4*14 staudard-bred mares $2il by the season, and a25
to insure:. stud fees due January 1st, TOOL yor tabe-
fated pedigree see large posters, or address,
Kgmontiville, Ont.
Mrs. P. Frayne and daughter, Lillie,
returned Tuesday from London, where
they bave been spending a few days
with friends.
Mrs, Gerry, who has been the guest
of Airs. F. W. Gladinan for the past
tWO weeks, returned to her home in
Toronto yesterday.
. Miss Vera Hawkshew, who has been
spending the holiday season at her
home beret reterned to her millinery
ditties at, London Fridge- hist.
Mr. RobteRowe will be delegate to
the Grand Lodge and Mr. Wm. Trott,
to the Grand Encampment of the 1.0.
0.1t., to be held in Hamilton next
week. -
tetra R. J. Brownlee, of Bath, N.Y.,
returned home last week, after an ex-
tended visit with relatives here. She
was accotripanied by her neice, Miss
Annie Luker, of Cetitralia.'
Mr. A. E. Bennett, who bas been
visiting friends and relatives here, re
tued to her home in London Thurs-
alay last, accompanied by her sisters,
Miss McDonell, and Mrs. L. IL Dick-
SOn and Miss Dolly Dickson.
Mr. Sanders Hardy, of London, wes
in town Saturday attending the wed-
ding of his niece, Miss Lily Hardy. Mr.
:J.ipd Mr. Russell Manning,, of Clinton,
li'bd Mrs. Agnes AI ntra y, of Pontiac,
- -Mich., also attended the wedding.
MAItIttED AT Lonnox.-A quiet but
pretty wedding WAS solemnized at St.
Peers Cathedral, London, on Wednes-
day, the contracting parties being Miss
Estella E., third daughter of Ex -Reeve
Hodgius, of this township, arid Me. Ed-
ward. F. Housen, of London. The bride,
who was given away by her father,
was very tastily gowned and looked
very pretty indeed. She was attend-
ed by her sister, who was similarly at-
tired. The bride is one of our most
popelaryoung ladies and is a kind and
genial favorite with all. The groom
is spoken of as a model yonng man, in-
dustrious and temperate and we pre-
dict for the penny, people.a prosperous
and happy married life, and we are
only voicing the sentiment of the host
of friends here in stating the above.
Mnand Mrs. Houser' are now enjoy-
ing a brief lihneymoon trip,atter which
they will settle down to the sterner
realities of life at their comfortable
home in London.
Bennet, sr., a well-to-do farmer, living
on the Roman line, aged 70 years, fell
from the rack Of a hay wagon on Mon-
day evening, striking heavily on his
left shoulder, without any apparent
serious injury. During the night his
condition became alarming, and he
died at an early lieur Tuesday morn-
ing. , Deceased cine to this county
when quite.yoeng apd has resided in
this township almost ever since. This
pert of the country was but et wilder-
ness when he settled here, but hewing
out a spot to build a house and gather-
ing a. few comftats around him that
usually go with a pioneer life, he took
unto himself a helpmate, and together
they toiled until broad acres of well
cultivated land and a beautiful home
crowned their labors. Deceased was
an active and vigorous man, to "whom
life was a pleasure, and its duties," as
far as his abilities went, were carried
out to the letter, in enjoyment. In
hie manlier he was refined and courte-
(Ms, simple as to his habits and offix-
ed and earnest views. Fond of com-
pony aud of the society of his friends
wben at his house, he barely endured
occasional visit into the great world
for the sake of his family --to whom he
was an affectionate husband and fa til-
er, and by whom he was tenderly loved.
I3esides his widow lte leaves a family
of seven grown-up SQ11S, who have the
deepest sympathy of the whole neigh-
Kingeville, Ont., Amin 3. -About
four p. msad drowning accident 4341.
weseot t,the son of Feast
on • Wescott, cashier al the Molsolls
Bank. 4.4.'4.4.1 bathing ill the harbot. and
was tniesed by uther bop; bathing
the mune time, end although evert' eif-",
1I1.'t 16 treinn made tn reetwer the tretly .
It has not rsen found at the time of
Rome, . 4. -Ceedival
tiemetery ''apostelie lirle&.annenneed
to the erowd asseue:led l'efore $t. It..
mos that Cardinal Saito had been eleet-
til Pope, and that he had then the
name PitusX.
The troops on ditty lined ap and pre -
seeded alms.
At ten mintaes 8f41'1. twelve title aes
tornoon POEM. Plat-; et. apieenno
the baleony of the ar4illea. and 3drSS-
the nu:palace,. amid the acclamations
t the enormous MOSIIIS ii$Segnipligi
;alined 3e:septet Sado Wa5 born
eete Province of Vezeite, June tit
a. lie nets vreeted Cardinal and
tiaeell of vetticv Jetta, 11e
AV; very war:1m in the eceitaitestileal
114 (411.1.141 nattlest„ 4. E,'.4 3 a.,-,aed
admit, ister, and rette arsiztee Pat l'en
the arts. and bis .Serunes alwaye
has been pelmet bell.
Ittet ly Ainil.Pelli• L0 11.; enllYer.
sntion with Father Perteti, the Thant
einnposer, ;said in opeaking of Cantina!
"Ilohl very 4i-7watt-rot-het itt the
Vetere lee will be able to do nevelt tor
you. Wtt firmly heliere he will be our
Ile 1.1s been known for many yeers
lee one •1 the greatest preaeltets the
Deat Qf ean Innes
Itilton, join 2ite-Ti4e Very Bete .
Itettion, died , eindiletitte
in *hie 4,;4" tfl.ti341, LIgell70,. He Ined
.1 liven vietting Mr. 8\4.387&31.3Drown. the
STABBED WITH PITCHFORK. postattaster. eitzat. 11,1,4 turday, iota
Barth\ Out, Aug. 4. Find Tien- 7Was not feeNtra; V1.07 WON
moreedina Strattetewashrenglit to the rived 111 th't 0Y%. the Miaiitfee' tug
Canal' 41.431 11 0141. Ilrantrord last eight Tine -don howevet. he felt einnewhat
charged with staiatine, which may iitet hetter and yeeterility went. te the
tot one of 1.14(11. 4l1', lie Was ellualoyed 13°ach. Ilie :1.4:' .4.. twit; 1.9 ho,gve
toy a thinner named eiturein who :t. few theye (iteettne, qr, wher,;,, he
l lreNtnefrintta41andllitie Iteietlktoteziite.eti;.oT1;rlenintehe
tt0,1";10se-,-and t:tumors '1(4444141'(( Vbitt; 4.
Nti:tuin;na"/tileil'. lV4it w.24. 'Ala174
'i'11"!YZ.1tlVglil:cM.;1:°414tt4ttiinit,1:1711. Ioil1r
bePihIgfort 1.43.' mouth And bursdun, wt setattr. aCdI,d2t"PM.
MA was naa-critial
einulition. 'fan., 'nook," Mr. lithitat's rtailetiete, ;Awe
more ocknowidere tent stabbing. 1 7 otelttek this e4.o441.1e.1. Ali bonIV Wel*
Meta initeeesitited. Ili. pif>q1.47 :lago 3*••
3Paceftttly and opp3r,ut ty w:t lam; r,ut..
T 0 VATALTIES. iroving. Demented h ft a eon, Mr. John
Loudon. July til.-- The hotly of Mrs. i twee., thp men mei Remit,. leo
Tileon, woman alinut e0 'years of ztr.,e„ rotate met ewe ettelznettete. mien ft. tr.
IrivitefhtIlnta'fiin PI° rirr. this ln"rlitneig oCiarSlitng nrd Mr;. Hee..:.tet
otken. of London.
vItt11nrT_7.:vtfltIfli.*114si14;1;u)t"11 I2 41)4' A14r1ie.
wateitvatle0'lt n(11ih4f1tti.t
efrl141.2, 1)14 Peokf.It h
Leggen. Atr
Anti rtohit'oi The hodit- loot t'vo.frottt? manv yeale. Deeeitteel was hewn at
V.70yulneth. Eng., 14420. pl41,v41 tho.
an)44tion at Sandwich, end in :ingest
in 1849, wns gazetted ensign in the
Royal Caziadian Rifles Regiment. Re-
tiring A mu the army tvith the reek of
captain, 1801, be studied for the ttliurch
and WAS nriboned deatan in 1802 and
priest in 1Fehi. After serving as 141(211.131-
bent of Chrisee Church, London. be
beearne assistant minister ;it the Ca-
thedrel, littlebee. In 1803 he returned
to London and in 1871 47,1141 34:4.4118 Ninon
and tector of the (7:101m41L'e1 there. in
1889 be WAS appointed dean of *Huron.
In 1800 he Attended the Anglican 12rn-
ion Conference at Winnipeg, end in
1891 he received from Bishop's College,
Lennoxville, the honorary degree of
D. D. He was for some years Grand.
Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Free-
masons of Canada.
been en the water some hours.
Til -on wee last seen by her neighbors
about 0 (Mock last night, walking
along the street near her residence, 09
Wharneliffe road. Shute her buebaed
hones Tilson died lest spring she hall
been suffering from melaneholia,
There is little doobt that she commit-
ted suicide.
May 13arker, a young girl who fig-
ured in the Police Court some time ago,
attempted .to commit suicide to -night
by throwing herself iuto the river be-
low the city limits. A, young man
plunged in, and after considerable dif-
ficulty succeeded in pulling her out.
She was taken to the hospital and was
found to be little the worse for her
Aylmer, Ally 20.-A terrible acci-
dent occurred here at 11.30 this morn-
ing. Alfred Moore. of Corinth, a la-
borer eenployed on the excavation
works was crushed to death by a cave-
in. "Atom met his death in an heroic
effore to rescue a comrade. The work-
men were digging near Andrew 111.1V-
rmy's barn, and were down about nine
feet when the cave-in occurred. En-
gineer Henry George Watson was
caoght by first cave-in, and Moore
sprang to rescue hint, but, just as he
attempted to liftWatson a second cave-
in occurred, and Moore was instantly
crushed to death. Engineer Brownlee
at the risk of his own life, sprang to
the assistance of both men, arid ste-
in getting.Watson out alive and appar-
ently 411 right. Moore was 45 years of
age, a widower, -with three children,
and had only been workiug on the job
since Monday. The sad accident has
cast a gloom over the whole town.
W. C. T. U. Notes.
Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi,
distinguished for her simplicity and
wisdom in superintending the educa-
tion of her two sone, who afterwards
did such noble service to the Roman
government, was once visited by a
lady who displayed to Cornelia her
jewels, expecting the same favor in re -
tern. Cornelia, however, delayed the
conversation until her sons returned
from solaced, when she presented theist
to her friend with the remark, "These
are my jewels." Cornelia's Wealth was
invested in the safest and best kind of
jewels, which would bring -the •great-
est returns, both to their noble mother
and the state. How many Cornelias
in Exeter are banking their wealth in
the safe investment of an all-round,
well developed character of their boys.
If we are standing in the Shoes of Cor-
nelia's friend, I believe the very best
use we could make of our jewels would
be to ley them uponthe alter of sacri-
fice and help to establish rit Y.M.C.A.
here in Exeter, in order that our youug
men may have rooms, all their own,
where not only the pbysicial May be
developed but the intellectual, moral
and spiritual may be helped. Let us
think about these things. A Dation is
only strong as its individual eititens
are strong. Spain owes her decline to
the cigarette habit. Our next W.C.T.
lit Meeting will be on Aug. 12th in the
, reading room,
Frank Logan, of Thorndale, lies at
the point of death at Eat -Wind Seat -
chairs farm in Nissouri, the result of
a terrible fall he sustained Friday.
Logan was engaged with some other
men in raising a barn for Mr. Scatch-
erd, and was at one of the highest por-
tions of the frame, 'when in some Man-
ner be missed his tooting and fell to
the ground, a distance of 29 feet.
Aia was promptly at hand, but the
unfortunate man from the first seemed
to have sustained a fatal injury. He
bad fallen upon his bead,and the skull
was fractured. At last account no hope
was entertained for his recovery. The
young man was an old band at barn
fratning. Those who kitew him say
he was fearless, ad that he was an ex-
pert at the worke,The father is an em-
ployee at the car keeps, London. News
of the accident was sent to him, and.
he at once went to the scene of his
son's misfortune. Frank is about thir-
ty years of age, and single. Later. -
The unfortunate young man has nince
Thevrs -In Exeter, on Aug. 24141, to Mr.
and Mrs. At S. Davis., a son.
nousTou-Rotiorius-m St. Paul's Ca-
thedral, on July 29; by the Rev.
Genoa Dan, Estella K.. Hodgins, of
Bfddulph, to dWard Ilousen, of
SHKEI1V--1VIT2ariELL. --At Clinton, on
Angnst 1, by Rev:IVIanning,Mr. Gar-
field Sheet*, of Brantford, formerly
. of Exeter, to Miss Ada, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. Win. Mitchell, of Exeter,
WANLBSS-7-,•HABDY.-At the residence
of the bride's parents, on August, I,
by tha Rev. R. J. M. Perkins, Mr.
Tames Wanless, of Duluth, Minn., to
Miss Lily A. Gordon Hardy, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardy, of Ex-
Sueeettont -At Goderich,.on August le
„robe. Shannon, in his 61th year:
. .
POWELL.--2-In Exeter, On August 2n41, '
Elizabeth Willis, beloved' wife of
Stephen Powell, in her 51st. year.: