HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-30, Page 8-s s rqe latest Moll illollting Is always to be found at this Tailoring Estab- lishment. stablisbment. It' 1k'O.1 :lie cooking for one. try us. One trial will convince you that you ll cannot get better satisfaetion for tile'' me money than we ill w'al'e you. V, W. Taman. T>ito sew b Yoe leer tl➢oei.•i:, cl a,f t47a. e pereee.-4 ever y day, anti a•,tewe re u'pe'nd on the kited die;; Dresx s ::.n sa anal +a.t l -a• wa11 + ixa a<• 31.4 Li -ave cl ea, 6tdra'^ Q .n„1^i'.ti 4,q cel ea ee`eie.Z3IIRXXISIEMIMIX1413 ILOR ii Me. and I5c. dress, and waist nu' lins all reduced to Sc, Stewart's. For tender, perspiring or offensive feet try Foot Ease. It always gives relief, Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Miss Amey Johns sang as solo with splendid of sp lece in the Presbyterian t y morning church on :ilode last, and also sang delightfully in the Trivitt Memorial ehuteh hi the evening. Fred Laxton, of Eden, xnet with a very severe accident on lfonday by falling on a prong of 'ren while tan - loading graiu, inflicting as very severe wound on his person. Ile narrowly escaped a fatal accident. • Dr. Ovens, of London,. surgeon, mil- , and specialist, diseases eye, ear, W nose and throat, will be at the Coni. anercital Hotel, Exeter, Wednesday, 'stet :Ain Wed., September 2114, Ct"e'cl., Sept. atltb; Wed., \os: e lalber Iib; 1'1 a.d. December 2nd. is you blood thin and pale? Do yon stater from nervous or p bt siei;al ileh'fl- y, nervous headaaelte.lo of:appetite, etc.? Yon will find I3l.anire Laxative, blood, nerve and tissue pills a Beset faailin; remedy. Scald by C. Lutz, dreg - glen Exeter. Price re) per l.ottle. Pie peaks in each battle. The 1n d epeeelent Order of Fovester',e cru E ;clew lDashwoad n.L erediton in- end l h olding e in ii n pienie cat Ciraand -lend on h nrs&L av, .>i ugtist 2 th. A Bra a l,aansal lot; hero engaged for the aeion ;repartee i nte,i;ding a base- ball .11 aneata la w Ill :i ' *and a good a7aad4 gr baeel'aally is eepe to d #,eee and. 2 -tan, eeee " & f f',ttnt, Turn al '•atla a: Maria iaa Haat l➢iia °ar., as fol later and 14'4•31 -known resident o ;-'1, Exeter, tock laleeeat tial' Mollie of her ,a441a, I -i teed. t'nanceselon i;e. Stt•pinen,on ,teals pt,,, The 4lateeletel eves in her i k4 ..eat':and 1)tia- et1 assay 4gmte end-' -honing' R !I r t, 7 1 a.n f ihealth l i, 1 iinfe4, i few minute., 1 c'1141e her death. u r 2'#'alt i7t7` Wevi° Mai to le'*t 11➢ the aetl°r ee'rtle'te l y. ,r • , I.a n e n• 2 the heavy a . s r '.a' anal rein d •lee• .., sA ➢ d t tt.il a tai -tat Wed doe tel -iv morning l=ast li Ratr<iaig Fiend -le the residenee of ala: 14it li, IInntt4r, of the 4th (\meession of l 7,fame, but Ianciiil ' not im➢c•la dam. sa ; was dopa. A pfirtitnn of the er¶shat- eat wee deinaoleeled, as BBBiltrn cif The purest and best pickling vine- gars and spices. All guaranteed. Stewart's, Mr, Rich. Penhale, of Toronto, is spending a few days at his hone in Stephen. Mrs. John Preszcator. of Stephen, is visiting her clnu titer, '.lits, i1'Rlso►i in t:0usr is L'coCCCdin °4, ng Council met pursuant to adjourn-,Seaforth, anent in town haIl,Juiy2i.. All present. Mise Wiggins, of Goderich, is visit - Minutes of previous xneetiaag read :and jug fz•ieuds in town, the guest cif Mrs. Curd" ) knee, cc ufir e • P. ire d Flzwk ys (:eltesppe---tt79t Connell fairuish :all w ateri:al for tool Mrs. J. Bowden and two. little (laugh - house at cemetery and accept the of , tees, of leidgetown, are visiting relate fer of .tessrs. Lanz and Senior to erect ives in town, building and Mr. Creech is hereby ap- Miss Eleanor Stephenson, of London pointed to procure all material for spent a few days Last neer the guest same,—Untried. Gillespie—. E1awkins of ;tiles Seers, that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized T to sign order for e n of work Mr. 'i m. Trevethick- returned last g 1> dame on , , . . sidewalk as eertifaed by street commis- ; ra eek ftom as three ssee i s trip tea the that the fnkiawing accounts he passed fl Mrs..A. B• Bennett and little deugh- stoner —Carried C obbledacb Creech1"11 t Feud orders drawn on Tn•eaasltrer for ;ter, Greta, are visiting friends ,n :and satne:---H. Parsons,. stveve watering,. .aaouucl town, W Jule 11, 4., G, Miss Kemp. pat red- i Miss Edith Sautif•t left last week on gear•y. $2Z; G. 11, Mssett. do., $23; 'since •a holiday trip to'doutreal, Port Rope RSmith, rep:dieing generator. SI.---C'at•- andPeterboro: zled. Leech--(i7➢l4spie--that Wm, 1 Mrs, Johan E. Barnes left last week. Hardin be paid the sane of 15 cents, for Detroit, where she intends making being compound interest on cemetery her £ntan2•el➢ra7aie: " 4 note tar one inontli.— °tarried. Cue, C9 q , —(iil4Lspie—that the Reeve: and Wen-- Mr. Scott, ddrugged. of Ta istnek, l tares be authorized to borrow teen ee was visltaS Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hard- ; and ply Win. Harding full amulet ane gei't ob'e't•Suiaday. note: aria inatt're-•t to date of paa}•int it. -zittr C'atliieal. ('oidia ;laatlja)n➢rn to tweet at gA tflt 14 C16 TO c;¢1L a3f Reeve. .4 4fz, H.1171.:14z, , . a U }ODI E 1 tU T 6 'O3 T. LIIea..,., 1 Golden t;4ddle'. 3t la eta`ipopaeai kris" the ieiaf. and the Tlitnaig, p 4lc;,ertt he w'laittlne ', leer-0et the stove and Mew open the "Tae•zit a• fnhifa'llow'' L g; teem ee tad Jiaaa5 ; i en very hatch beautified daehap the ' Jet week by as coat of f1e eco N taint. ,ac• debi ➢tiv't"9ee atone by Me..^aaalats calthe+w. of St. Thaann5, and ie one a. I a+all;iia{ 14,301y and clever sve)11#alaart• hip. The ceiling paitiviiinely i a nue rare beetttyaand reflects more altar litetry credit tial tide designer. The t11rt•e-lifdl: fraternity Baan now boast of 'la handsome rssunl. BI1. r,.4.ia4• pelt T,it' e $,l.taa fda7 Dongoia tae and patent start's. Wry swell L 7tlies' .fine °te boote, extension side? tip. Fig bargain.. Ste - floe Wester Salve Mr. John May, London Road South, ate as number of fine young pigs for ale. louse ter Sole or Reut. Flaulf' 110a1sk, on Hiwon street. con. tattling els room. Apply to Air. John Snell. votage Prepare), for sac. Frame house. stable and two lots on ton street, the property of Mrs. Jas. own. Appy to .Mr. John Down, lvlc iiotldey- The Exeter Grist Mill has been elalat' the In accordance with a requisition of T s ie 1! a. t a lest men, n f the to t s. t town he 1ib21ferrepairs. 4l First respect yourse]f if you would have others respect you. Time town has some good laws but as poor wary of enforcing thein. ;.4o mani is fit for a leader until Ile learns bow to govern himself. When you meet a fool, who eau't help it, don't stop to argue with him. The ttoaiblcs that never come form the greater pert of our daily burdens. Jonah must have felt down in the ;pie anile when the whale swallowed him. I:'bnet make a practiee of borrowing. It is only a second class style of beg- ging. #t g Nest any man knows hoes* a wife should be managed, but few of them do it. Civic Holiday, Thursday,August Gth when all plaices of business will be closed. Messrs. Wood Bros. shipped several carloads of export cattle from here this week. Standing guessing how much other people are worth will never fill your own pockets, If you want to please the editor, dott'tpraise his paper, but order it sent to your home. One way to make people happy is to visit them and they will be happy' when von leave. Don't marry for money, but love; but try your best to love some one who has money. Before you turn over a new leaf be sure youhave something sensible to -write on its page. Mr. I. Arnnstronghas much improv- ed the appearance of his dwelling and fence by a coat of paint. MASONIC EXCURSION TO KINCA NE AUG. 611903 Messrs. Parsons and Baskerville have purchased a team and will start threshing this week. Farmers and others out of town will bear in mindh t at Thursday, Aug. 8th, being Civic Holiday all places of busi- ness will ne closed. A colored gent struck town Tuesday eveningand amused a large number at the Central Hotel by his clever singing of comic coon songs. The difference between a rich and poor man is that one wants an appe- tite for his dinner and the other a din- ner for his appetite. A horse driven by Miss Horney, of Usbor'ne, ran away on Main street Friday last but was captured before any damage was done. For young calves and pigs, young turkeys and children, English Stock Food is just the thing. Give it a trial. Sold by 0. Lutz. Exeter. $2.65 for aa. good line of Girls' new plaid lined retin coats. Ragtan style. Steiv girt s. Reese has proclaimed Thureda next, tu Aust Gth, Civic Holiday. Alt places of business will be closed ;and the holt- day generally observed. Farmers and others s hobtia bear this fact in Mind. To how Owlets, Owing to the faet that considerable damage hies been done to the newly laid granolithie pavenxeut by Cows, running at large, Street Commissioner Bissett requests that all cows within, the corporation of Exeter be shut up nights until after the pavement Is. completed. Masonic Excursion. The Masonic Excursion to Kineatr- dine, on Thursday next, August 6th, promises to be ane of the most success - NI ever rual ;alt?.,the line of the L., R. and B. railway. The WM- mittee in charge have made every ar- rangement that would tend to pro- mote and insure a good time and with out a doubt those who avail them- selves the opportunity of attending this most popular outing will have every reason to be highly., gratified. How Does it Hit. Have you paid your subscription this year? Perhaps you owe for Iast year, or for several years. Now, we don't need money;we really have hund- reds --to get. But it is really an im- position to let people carry our money around when we are strong and heal- thy—able to bear the burden ourselves. For this reason we ask anybody who has any of our money in his posession to leave it at this .office or send it by mail freight, express or any other way. Silver and gold are heavy, and it would be a matter for regret if anyone should get broken down xn health carrying ours around.—Ex. School Board. Minutes. Meeting of the Board held in the Town Hall, Monday, July 20th. Ab- sent H. Huston and J. Evans. The following is the order of business duly submitted and approved. Per W. S. Martin and W. J. Carling, that the ac- tion of the Teachers' Supply Commit- tee and the engagement of Mr. Flem- ing, of Goderich, at a salary of $750 for the first year be confirmed. Per G. Eacrett and S. Martin, that the follow- ing accounts be approved;—S. Basker- ville, labor, $3.75; F. J. Knight, brooms. $2.09; F. J. Johnson, examiner, $27.00; Per. W. T. Carling and S, Martin,that the resignation of Miss Gabe regret- fully accepted by the Board and that a suitable testinonial,prepared and sign- ed by the Chairman and Secretary, be tendered on its behalf. Per 'W. J. Carling and S. Martin, that the vacan- cy caused by the retirement of Miss Gill be filled at a special meeting of the Board to be held at the call of the chair. Per S. Martin and W. J. Car- ling that the Chair and Secretary be a Committee to supply the blackboard and cupboard required for Miss Dor- rington's room. Per S. Martin and ;G. Eacrett,that the sum of $2000 be asked from the Council for school purposes for the ensuing year. Per W. J. Car- ling and S. Martin, thatthe well be examined and cleaned under the sup- ervision of the Grounds and Sanitary committee. Sia, saandl'Mrs. John Sprzielimaana have A large and Jia n i1v gathering o .wait aeterned front their summer r ceittaage bled on 1, e'ahn:el<aA .afternoon„ my T? tad #,ia'aanol tat; the honer cIf4 a n, ideal blt.-a. It• 11aztl. Jlt alcara' anti den;tbtaee. teetwe'ar, er to a e leprat the fiftieth ta➢7nav - y,b ni'c n Mane lit i¢➢lnY ala , , lbs e f tial it un4 ding to ti Il 1 d, - l p la re bb a., .e " • r,. - K. are the gamete of at .l present time eli h1rt n of the family .,y r, ,,.Chi • at1414t • eleven. ven. 1t ivaas sly a f aQei.R la• :Betel • i e°s, /"I'I 'r :116:l tiaaa➢glatc';, getherbn„ with the exception of wee.. I,t Tara, weer• the gut "t- agf:qr., A, E. 41.t1414.,r e)att a; svif,t awe daughter. „i, Reale-en t iia -t bs-eel , Zola, also Mr, anal M7 e. Peat t, +Ta. ;sires Ethel Meakin, of I.:nndon, is u Ili• iii and d aanelatet. any heeler, is 1 ` ltoltdl tyink; wide leer can IUs, 1,11111e° Mt e. ll;t7tailt4en of Staira. Early in tis.•"and t eeil Be kerville.. •giterna,seia atl,s tl. tiYts• i;t tlattnitv gutta- :lit and :;ales, I'llil i;dawcliffet 44 1.'.n. vied is°a the 104114a allisl .144:1 the thee .g4,7a, le/weevil .era#1➢•4aadtalleen in town in enjoyable nr141 p)z'+afit,ai,le+ elicit. after ad fes chive this week elicit tlat app/e21(1edatldriess wean 1t'!.al 'p(i Lia➢t i't'aCtl'r after two wecli,.S INDEX TWINE? Now ie the time to secure your Binder Twine for the corning season. We guarantee our stock equal to any other twine of the saute unn her of feet to the pound, D'en't neglect your purchase, but call early. Cements.. S4'e keep coalstaantIT in stook the National and Star Brands of Portlaind Cements, conceded br all con➢peteut judges to be the the market. The . . W. P. .before you begin to paint your house or op_ to get the best paint possible fair the money and give the best s,atisfaetion and longest wear, 'd"'we ing else be sure the sanaae time We have the largest staid. of hardware in tanbs"n—Feevetroa➢gJa- iaig, and builaders' supplies espeeTally. Farr Farre. der Lift pumps dell en us. T. & SONo. N flirt' BALL IIRES8 GODS! LATEST AND BEST. thd” k lti!"-tet d1it7, e4,tt.°5:41 not. 1inti' ilei• •' P " a lia,Pi l'av eat roe, •t'oilae nett..a' •trarr^ed 1!'ilat tont be #Pial C°rt^aaitA b" `; 'vd' l 4 had aA aa4dta'd° complete p►t to tw o of the #,retaael alaoleiben. At Ciao•, t• -eentatitr2l lfa beledi of the family , s ` 1 , , . Nesem a: ve ► ae to 1,t,7adtan fa t svR°el;. stoclx, to select fr4 nI ,bll .:incl sc'e t12t u ernnl l:7siatn of the l)re`taataa4iop ;a r.:a:sal ; Mrs. John tnrit.ve and two children, Mr. Wattle:t e. ten+ twee as seit eo. of e,e.aforrb, of i' gats>>ts of ileo ire ly,notwitlt t:anding etacit bath sb•a•at sister. 'sir.-. U. A. K. Me•Yei'od• t : -4'n by saarpar ice; but a still fur, her j Miss Jean Hawkslt aw. after a Wee; oroei`t"taabaaltk'¢1 tihat a presf'Ait a .gin. ;ant \'fait with 'fr'iena41. in Landau a¢lael Hod Bert twined the 4alka lav giehe4 ° Detroit. returned twine Titteelt . all eons and dugh f1also seRa. m➢e. Ia, e, nee l'is a Bell, of and eltau 4hters•ian•l;aw ai vnlra:a6 ;a4 1 adf;ato, i. ., faaa- nerly oaf Beeper. to tnl'a4'"ut, Tlae lapght tiv,bs s:4rl'y pilt'.'l `.diet- ; the gni"." of Ike 1i': e? sil-amly spent in wanes atm alF0 ciau,ia tLime iails La aatanidl home •epra„ dewas rendered. from to le as aaat visit with her sister:, Smith Mre. l:,latstc aa, tan Rn11e1, Ind. `4t7'48611' 4714.51414 471474'a'4T'lrT 0.1 , T,, t73aa' . tut 1 ir: a4 f ,1 aaa ar 4 Ali*h ig. ?vete . who was viei4itag epee tt3$ • Vtla'w1 ' . rSl•aa JIcCUCt.r ra,atat`.wtt'ek.aC e• A.] ). e'ilaaitl'4, 1:4441111444 to her home in aearal.t:ilaacetaaae r 3t54ela;atumbT.rIIardct4;, 1uI Y :. a 4i ueai--a is a'Ha3rt,5 ata,.r g teat a*,1 llealBEall, ti' 4'al2lt; tlaty of leet, wa°c'li. tktuaifaalcoas2 1,-.; :r£xlwyf+'rr tµ r" oa f 01 :41, s) ;Alit and nee Friel 11111, after o. fewr"se•anfr ie nit. it et i ainrt 'tint t .a Jr tar; itis uta tie4_" reeks' visit, with friends tart ae, re<t n n - t14 neati.redav rause➢al i4a mic.va.s Baiataut 7 i•.1 , az;rteethea9W ae}Ik.tibla°Arai? liana:(: 3° ,;,.. 4.1t Ott hein'h4)lIn iiat rotc414.0Tflat a ,t:y. xaar4telae 4"1141114 tiYt, Geer an r iwst r"'"sa=' w .eta 2ae4aaDct d baba lw•ta far.,ir,e➢ u aalx #➢rt old Mins Edythe Monello., who has been rte a as •_ tueiattx as ¢Ao tiaz. bren, 'This the irarceta o3tca.Ut ex4• for nnetaaisrttaten union for tar c t'caat°erg. and 4444 all their rhiEdun 1'i tea Audi ilei only 511riicr ear fsrcty^tentinstiliiat d0 .-re thinauottivi©an day cep steatite an txetetienal £islet; revere. 'aio.rnrei,,t e-uere fn1 law to tap:th,'ir thin rtzerit area ie eentinuaee fir many n.b,rr. )tars. !rat ere fer;a't:r truftaustharharpy reunion acinus act erecee 0 Feer. Y,T.atrtaun,,teed:vele m aye tent ta,x gra! P. 4hitdren Ianantnu'n s.ly° Ignite in manifer,afni t lair „4, -au :heir iia+rereaffertiun o.r. the n, %4.i1t err ;your Oaten Wedding. Ire therefore ;tceto ore atiatuha tpyca^c:.P th e einvietelinae cur Minii.se. wilIeeteelciriuthrv, .c atm tuner tete sold chain end Whet. € t 'ar:.. ren. oafa bn1tIeiuiswa a1tia.The! de in We h 10 an at ones: crater:ussofthe undying alr.'aians cf Scaar eratde! children and thereto, r,t.mue a delight- ful memory of this Iii py day. To %rrhitn Id AVM b7lr, !Pt4ni art sa „ t r 4rle'gPt 6f ffi. °Y cUr ardAauw•4tc♦,».4nn 1 iicyoa Andrew Ar'teiltagld,ytary 10,, +ssnea, EldaZlKitr, Limy Hatt. William. Huns, 1`KO. uuvulitsuGesimimix,, PERSONAL. eassoaaeassaanatiatntatAAS "ir, W, W, Ta+nears spent Sunday in Parkhill Czar Rollins, of Detroit, is home for his vacation. Mrs. Geo. Thomas is laid up with an injured foot. Miss] G alk of Toronto, o, i s the guest of Mrs. Kemp. Miss Minnie Taylor is visitingfriends in Mount Forest. Mies A. Raddell, of Blyth, visited Miss Ramsay this week. Miss Ella rretyllo returned ned front her visit to London last week. The Goulds held a family picnic at Grand Bend Wednesday. Miss Vera Snell, of Sarnia, is holi- daying at her home here. Miss Edith Beers, of London, is holi- daying at her home here. Miss White, of Port Hope, is the guest of MiseeEva Godwin. Mr. James Pickard is again confined to his home through illness. Mrs. P.T. Halls and son, of Goderich, are yisiting friends in town. Mrs. and Miss Andrews, of Clinton, are guests of Mrs. D. Johns. Miss Lillian Hardy is confined to the house with an injured foot. Mr. James Bonthron, of Toronto, is visiting relatives in town. The Misses Jeffery, of Toronto, are guests of Miss Amy Johns. Mr. Garfield Sheere, of Brantford, is holidaying at his home here. Mrs. S. Powell is slowly improving from her recent severe illness. Misses Nettie and Anna Martin are -visiting friends in Beaverton. Miss Hattie L. Flintoff, of Clinton, is visiting at Mr. Wm. Mitchell's. Miss Leech. of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of Mrs. F. W. Gladman. Misses Maud and Pearl Gidley, of Blyth, are visiting friends in town. The Rev. Mr, Martin is able to be around again after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Crocker, of Tor- onto, are visiting their parents here. Mise Maud and Miss Pearl Gidley. of Blyth, are guests at Mr. Rich. Gidley's. Miss Jessie Nesmith, of Milverton; is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. Iiodg- ert. Mrs. Shosenberg, of London, is the guest of her father, Mr. Wm. Hawk - sham. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor returned from a pleasant trip up the Lakes on Friday. Mrs. F. W. Collins who has been friends in Toronto, Richmond Hill, Port Union, and St. Catharines. for the past three months, returned Saturday. witting in Guelph :and Hamilton for the pat fess' weeks has returned home. :Sirs. tDr.l after nu pleasant' visit with friends in Brantford and ,etwnlasllvillt, returned home last eek. Mee. Jae, Down. wholly.; been mid-' ag with her daughter, Mrs. Iittrwood.' Toronto, is visiting friends here for lisle. s Mary SVestaaway returned home Monday evening, after; a two weeks' holiday with friends in Toronto, Brant. ford. and Owen Mound. Master 'lt Elmore Senior, •h a ba 1 l, t a who bad at severe attack of the thup% is zna- #paroving. He is being pursed by Mrs. L, Meal.irl, of London. Miss Moy Nelson, after as month's visit with friends in tows, the guest of Itliss L. Howard, returned to her lunne in London Wednesday. Mr, L 11. Carling, who has been on an extended holiday trip to Spokane, Vancouver, San F'ranci'sco and other ,. points, returned borne Monday. Mr. Chas. Eacrett, of .Sarnia, a forth- er well-known resident of Exeter, has been shaking bands with his many old Mends here during the past week. Mrs. A. P. Smith left Saturday on a mouth's visit with Mr. Smith's parents at Forest. Mr. Smith accompanied her and Sundayed with his parents. Mrs. WaltAndrews and daughter, Miss Elva, and son, of Pontiac, Mich., are here visiting relatives and friends, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ins. Gould. .Mr. J. Wilbur Wood, of London, formerly of this plaice, intends leaving, in a few days for Fort William where he has secured a position with aprom- inent druggist. Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, of Hamilton, who has been renewing acquaintances in town for a few days, occupied the pulpit of the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday evening last, returning to Hamilton Wednesday. Dr. Hutton. who has had charge ofa medical practice at Ripley for several weeks, has returned to his home in Centralia. The doctor, accompanied by his brother. of Chicago, Ill.,. was a pleasant caller at the ADVOCATE office on Saturday last. W. C. T. U. Notes. The regular meeting held eat Mrs. E. Elliott's was well attended. Mrs. Munroe's bible reading on the fifth -fifth chapter of Isaiah was calculated to give an impetus to every department of christian activity. Subjects of in- terest were discussed relative to our local work. The secretary read a com- munication from the Zurich W.C.T.U. asking for selections of music also reply to the address ddress of welcome to be given at the corning convention which will be held in Zurich on the 25th and. 26th of August. Upon motion it was carried that Mrs. H. Hooper -present the reply to the address. Staples iI't1GlI6ty Oatr Staple Department has some Tiwt'eaa orate>s of cot? ,e, v : eh r. E special ,'values in Tosvellal e, TWILL., atrtiv ed. ,1 U:1 't'INGS of levy ituaal'aty. s rfi.: 1{;at4e',t :retteeee•10 Dltane' ane 31 finish, firm weave. (aRt al) '6`ALI E. , s , r r a a ¢ tN, Toilet Sete, Etc. WHITE QUILTS —choice sof several '' • . raater/15—desigala from Iwst mr aa': ;ailles 4 t><Alai4 tc, kt.tad...,,4.e a~f Olid I1,6 'Or cl.,naft4. Uxf+ntil :Slairlitng,e, Cottons,' Geed solalt`.e+aalnaays to be t utaal 'uta aaaadl ('altonacades. 1 tbls tlepettancnt. v ,j4t4t Clearing Sale of Wille ts- MI t EAS Cost Our Boot and 'Shoe 1lnsiness .still beanie, We belittle the hest manufactured in that coatntry, such as: The SLATER, The EMPRESS. The VICTORIA, end The INVICTr i. kes Always reasonable. Groceries Choice Teas and Coffees. Canned Frulte, t"anneal Meats, Piekles, Catsups, Etc. bi; stnek of Breakfast Foods which i sonsiste 47f Force, Vim. Malta -Vita, c Swnss Foods, Shreaded Wheat, Grape ;wits and Ta iscnits. Always fresh and wholesome. Sole Agents for the celebrated W. E. Sandford's really -to. wear Olothing. They lead them all for Vallee and Durability, :C e g nrnhture an4 Un4erian ALL AND INSPECT some of the Furniture exhibited jj at the Furniture Exhibit, Toronto, We are having our orders filled early, and can show you the new. est designs on the market, and defy competition in Prices. As to quality—we lead. W 0. HUSTON Opera House Block. Practicf wbalruer. eIioL— What are' you looking for? Is it a nice piece of Furniture? If so don't fail to call on lis, because we are headquarters for anything in the line of .furnitftre. Our Stock is the largest and best assorted in the county, Our Workmanship is the very best. The Design and Finish is the latest. The Prices are the lowest. VE WILL Le pleased to show intending purchasers through our Iarge stock and quote our prices before placing their orders. WE GUARANTEE satisfaction with every article purchased from ounstore. All kinds of ORDERED WORK, REPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING and PICTURE FRAMING done on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors. OWE ATIKIifiaVRT SO R. N. Rowe's ow. Stand. Staffa Mrs. (Dr.) A. W. Botham, Jean and Ivan, of St. Marys, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. M.- Hamilton.—Mrs. Jackson, of London, is visiting her brother at the parsonage. -Mrs. E. D. Hutchison is visiting frierfds in Strat- ford and Millbank.—Mr. John Drake and Miss Lizzie Barbour spent., Wed- neslay in Mitchell.—Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller and daughter, of Strat- ford, are visiting friends in and around the village.—Quarterly service will be held in the Methodist church on. Sun- day morning next and in the evening there will be a song service. Every- thing thing will be along the line of Charles Wesley.—Miss Mamie Johns is ill with the measles: .Miss A.nges Farley was 'drowned in Lake Rosseau. Mr. R. N. Creech returned from Oriel last Saturday. Adam Biney, aged 21 years, was. drowned at Hanover while .bathing. David Laform, Indian,of Hagersville was killed op the railway at Jordan. Mr. Nelson Sheere, of Brantford, is visiting at the home of his parents here. A young Italian laborer walked through an openedrawbridp'e at Hum- berstone and was drowned. = Geo, Wilson & Co.'s lumber yard at St. Catherines was swept by fire. Loss $45,000 or $50,000. Burglars wrecked Mr. Jacob Ka- man's office safe at Berlin with dyna- mite, but, only got $10. The eight-year-old son of Mr. S. G. Perry, Port Robinson, fell off ay wharf and was drowned; John Walker, stableman, a ,andsever- al bn horses were burned to death in a fire that destroyed Griffin's livery stable in Winnipeg. Portland Cement t d .GeV t We have just received a quan- tity of the best grade' of Port- land Cement for present delivery. Cloth Sacksto be returned free. Cain be had at either Centralia 01' Exeter Storehouses. Woolf ant ed 5000 lbs. wool wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. Received at Exeter and Cen- tralia Warehouses. al a Wa ho see. Jos. Oobbledic.k.