HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-30, Page 5. I � I . 0 � I I I I � � I - 1. ,�, I 1. .1. 11 I I I, .111, I'll I'll w---�-_ - .�­ .. ­ - - ­ _.,;:,; I . � -1 x , . ,i I - - - � . I .1 I I . , , � . , �, , � , , .1. I I - - - -1 P. ,. - .. 1 I'll, � I I 11 � � I I I I I .� - 1� �.. - _1 1� 44 h'.. .11-1.11- ...... __, 1-11- - 11 m -,,,i,,,�",R,;!;t4o�l�-oi,�".Oi;ilig.l;,4,0-.",��o.,io.;Of.'�o�-�-iK.-'.*,."o'.-*O'.o;�,,-'*4� ..... 4; ! - .1 - . I I . I I �­­ . I 1".. ­ I � ---- I #I 'V1 THE � . I An Ancient Foe I ASIATIC LABOR, MANITQBA FEUCTION$. - RR IVA,S OUT To 1 pluoB% I � _" I I V , - I I TE �izjwit I 1. �. EXE .14, MAK . A 1. ,CA Y,41104tea NorninAted for Swan 11-wer � 8 aged t; bxtojcatt� Ta healthaud. bappiness is Scrofule.-' � X, 1041W, July 27'-ff.1"Villialn OxtUr I twerxty-tw% and an einployee Of0bew OfIANTORD RACH lVii,I)NI'�SDAY , I gs ugly- as, over since time immemor!44 QQnstitgenoy. - -oss - We in the W., be;tt. � � .... ____ 67 1 �� , je� Id I I � Rrothers, fell aci a saw W IR, CHAMBERLAIN FRANKLY, I A0 pO)1*44 every Thunday Morning at the QMee, . It causes bunches in tllq =-'D%, di" * Winnip.eX, July, 28.-Nonlina reatio'clOck �41tllrd.q, alorn. Barley. � ............. _ IN �" . itions for will he 4. ' GI � ,� V I ,V48 H14 VTIE�WS "m wag insta Itly lidlied. ..................... �,.5 0 ftures the r J �, � .,kin, ipflames the mnePV I I , -J%A,TX-,5,T IPT - =F . , I the-, ",Ivan River seat in the, Le&14� ij)g A ,d HIS ();its,. � . .99 . ,. -, , 4T]�]R� ,,, _., � � , tudy wks cut to pleceg. Ir"I ,(.A) . I I - , --- 107 the - . xxiewbrane, waste$ the munles"Weak . I , ture Were mAde, The c4ndi� I ,1 ­,, reas ...... - - ... � ...... I "W! Potaloe& per bog'. � .. .- I 2 5, 1% 255 AON.QQATE PPE,$LISHINQ QQMPANY pps the. bones, roduces the ,power of WouX4 Not Consent toit.For ' 4, 1. ... , � . Tooki- - atos are A. J� Cotton, Liberal, and ... .40folia V, I . � , . FELL OPF 4, j3ABN, Hay - U a (0 __ TERM or SUBSCA=10-N. r U00 to- digose AAd Coe 0apap". v jQ:E�ong.4,,s Pub ,perton.. �* r016. - i V for 44.1 ,Jig Opinion is� f,.T. W_ Robinson, c6n$4r,�,aqve� The Barrie, Joly M-11. Tuck. a y9ppg Flout', ller,gwt. .., 105 12? (X I Gap 0,0114ir per Auxul" it VaK ill 04=1". sj�!�Q ., recovery, and, 4"elops into 994- . !'returning officer in Xj1donan and St � - tariner -of 9 U -1 e x en miles north Butter. � .... � ... ....... 115 , 15 snwpt1o4,. HQUA0. - , I , I v v. 1,,sl te . 1:41 0 not w PAK Alldrcl,egj, Aybere the result Was 4 ji,e, of bere, was almost instantly killed � ­ ­.. 1, � "Two of my children bad scrOWA sorlm , " 4r3in, yesterday while at wpx­)� 0 � jx)of of H id. es, lier 100 Ib$ .... _ 5 09 550 � . - 11 th Wkyc bis decision declaring Dr. Q . I � - XqL-Vq;Zt_A=4=,W --?-gN*qq 10314 -M:PPIUM, wtlicb.Yept growing(leeper and lkept t4eM I a big Win, belong-ing to his bl�otbex,.Al. Live bogs. per ewt ...... 5 3�' t��141 - London, July 2 ,l)Urin t,h . Is . 9 , * COAM,4 e coustrvative, the old Member, clected. fi,ed T - . 0 slipp -sed 11 ga. - -") -A's . Ck, JJ e Land fell t A , . Q 4 _Q tile Dre. I o ... .... ..... ,.� . UQni golur, to schio9l; for tbroe mooth". � A re-count %V _ 't$ per ejVt�_.. �­ 100 , I 0 , jutmi�iitq )lie of the debate in the House of coul- ill be asked for, The "­ ,und . �. rgeelVing injuries XX -QM M SU.03 , , gxkc . - tj! '01int in St. Boniface. wher gro , 'I - rbleb . ., . -1 imealcines did nozood ;, Z 1. ,�N,a pap�r 41,5�outinaoa until all arm,mesareppid. , on the second reading of I I o Mr. Ber- he died shortly afte,1val,aq .16 J31 an per ewt ............ FA '�. Monk ,I aier. Conservatir I � _ _ He ,lv. . � 44vext;��etr,ent:sAvikh-,)utr�pl�zMeadimil�og vvill be I begAn gtv�ng t,hew 1foodIx Sam=V=114 _ . 11 c, was decl 110 yeava of age awl unalavried. _., __ I '' gorl.dd And charg TbiN . . me�efna cAw ar,14 elolpt, about - - --111- - ­_ ed Acco,"Hugly. . ., edtbesorestolle.A.Ane the Transvaal loan bill, Colonial $ecr;-',' -�d b), tyvo ai�jority, is pirp;g.c.4 , fing, , I I � - ub r tr4n t advertiieluents fte phildren. JiAve sbclwn. no signg (A Perot- I . . 1_0� woodlo IM60phodwo, . ,, ta rring to the �� �k 'Alzily mail service" on tho York� I 1. P".11 rx! ton a ,1%s1,,4W .T.NV,5R-Q4W.WQ0Z11�twi�,64- I I PROWNED AT WLNIGHAM � . img "! %? , A - oY Chamberlain, refe I ,pro- A ton branch of thi. C. p, R ill be e I s Th#0rt4E#04RM*, - rux ont An ,the qV1 .an At posal to introduce Asiatic labor into g � . W ., IS, an ow�w,exk b. L M040raw rate& u %V�V4 irs, ... C., for XT 0 In- tablished, neNt week, A tri,weekly Wiogbaiu. July 92T.-Willimp Xohw I . AsApd a4d reL . 110�10111e`,� I - d Arsaparille. South Africa, declared that so long as' . ru b . AdNenis4ug� slabs tigas. .t., t1i be r4y "00 S of , the Canadian Nort1w , e, ston the eight-yearTaid !abl� 0 pub!liv opinion wars hostilo to the pro- 4 service an , - � , son of William I �� I I '7w' vrepArAtiO4. 101"Wn . � , , t7mell Port Arthur and Winni,figg WA VrewrJbW aud n - . - Position lie, would not consent to it. Hi�, � pat J. JoblIston, 01101" 1A)Wer winabb"), � __Wq, , 1 011"'4S. 11, S -.11 $� 1 VIA rid you of 4, =_41cally -and per� , into cifect this week. was drowned while hAtblog in the . I Pyer0,ve4rs-AU 4rP9,1 TaftUo%ly, 43 it 1444 lid tb04F;3Udb-. . ,In thpi,Donul:wn I ., ,Ai�ts , __ _ 91ATO I IV 4 ieveil, however. that opinion on, thlo, �Nfj,.Ssrs. Fm W. Russell and Thoma of Cqugdq 011 I bel ., " g A'ace,wayorthedan). Ivaterwo'glow. - ... rr A ........ ��� � =d, - 511bil C4 was PUZDging. 'And if the nlg� 11 D. bocgan the colunlittee, - - oin I xW91pluenil a.9 . t# 4 h re 11 10-1-, � , app - - ,d ered 4 the g4tesan. t e Irody vo`V� - ­ '', 9 A .� . , -_ rVoriesstgual caxaa� � -THE - I jority demanded the impomtiog Q5 In- b� the c4thol. , of WiIM4 $Owhl;� ex*ed 14:11ftlPeA lainutes, but egorts at Xkfore� an4 Afft, th% 041Y SiRwUcIV340 43 . �Pc I 4 , ipa , 4iga coolies" .he would not obica to it. � time ago to W _ ,�' itation. were Quarailing. It is re- Mki.41AM4 cared I I � - alk oil Sir Wilfrid Latin- W-susip � glve4 Avfyer�al 50WACOWn. It pr 01 " IN$- -It lu regard to Chinese labor, Z&, Q i=" W""th the� object of effer a s4t, parted other ho red, , s bv,. , permanently euge-s-antomi* Qr . , - 0 1 , ,. UIX Ik. R. 9 , .Aalu. 't I " _ lip . ys dela� , to dre� 00M H.RINSHAN . SI.&DR.. , , f�l)-$.. 1XIA.,%. Honor gr4-4n,2,tq Qt berlain said, that not a singlQ sutges� [` delment of.thg,- g_,c,f;,-3Qt quest�on,iqft this I Tore giving alaral. neo$. Awf0lonirA 5VaWW4!Wr."sr ra ow4allege , ,. _,qtsqfAbw--oarex1,z46s0s',1 0, _ - -to valve4stv. tion looking to 14o employment of" CTCIZU& b3r the Jmperial Lhnitc4 for ii,'00t 70ftMQ . 4, , , MR . - I Jim 3TUAIN11 ;,8104841s Book of onma � . "I'll-, _14op- Chinese in $oath Africa bad over been �, otta"Wa, Some time ago these - SLICED13 AT OALT. � _ . , , QP04M Or $.0M9 A I watIc and praix W0ft;4a0r1Wb*h I 'a , t 11 vtiaaana a4 My%. 01 OW TIM. IMAD 0FF1M.:lxoXT=.11M Qffi4.;iaHy brought to the n9fico of tho " W-04 Wgited upon F realier Roblin Galt. July 2.%-.514!-,�, Job'a _ 7p - V ' � Ew arraw I _ �, urho - $ton. aged X,W-*nwit4yrl!uuQluos4LU=�o.tiQ,A,i�ma �m q � _ - _. � I ,Pl" perlw_ , I... - � ,%, J.P_* Tee;.hextw,t-a twil etreets U - C&nle to V�'M4C, if; I= . t*b,pt=kvpxnn.nranv Transvaal Gomnment. told therk, he couid do nothing furth. about forty-five yearo, who- _ ; j4�j( * " ' L - 0 . er.. later. dilring thl,� VJqc -7 ago 04044 - m_ . � tioix g;.k rft�"V�Aam ... , .", , I .. PF1;7,;�4;7;_.__;.6 ==-,!-=. , , .01, "', t from pullihWa tow mont6 _ _ , ';i I , I - W Q.Tr,eia FW�Z*s plvk wes� ovl,,� U29M Atrftt. , 4N.- �i_Z's 9 4'k 4 F CapifM V-414 Vp .11 6,000,090 I "M_= � r06_7,1_a1_P I 1�40.er­ . Palo, .�Ir. Roblin' au"Gumcd lliwivit to "A40 wItb ber dmigliter. M11"'. Xua. Wwia*004,4004 I . 11--l-1--l.."i'� . ...... I Re;151 . . . 21700,000 DESPERATE CONVICT& in f4vor of 5�-paratc 4qhQQJ& Dean. on Chapill%ii 6tree WUA-Wov , 0 , wt , , I" e ,oroui '091 � _ , . itted r, , I- s a 4). ALTON' AN MON (P -P -q- UPA - - %V4,4% pbvsr�%Odipe is W.3 ,q ug, �gr IV, Pr" - orctv - 1. ._____.-__9=1::;;1;" .1. I suleld0abont4welockthI4 4wriloon;1 , DR' _Q9HTlST_ A geaqrJ Ran%646a business transaeked� SUMUIJAI Mgttlor Llbcrty at vol. by cottinj !I �� ma 1�ut_- ltn;3�4'�,,, lilwvmt at =,stl4vonl4p euw4t r*m,%11.w,.o) on 1 LYNCURD A WOMAM , r her tbroat -with it ritzoll.!, _-,,_,-_-_r . ...... ­­­­­ - -1-1", I - ____ I , Uo?ivrOr.�lackl,;ootTq;z,utoriilvet-.Ity m4 119fill Isom, calitornia, - 09veaso bad We" col'ova!"Ing of" I , Alsa W4� ft"Up rN"k QwTo=to W'd Depo--it Reftipis. brad"ches and 1"goolula ately The beoly 44.041-R. �NI-iti�-U*,.f,t-l'tty,tti,*�4,P, , coft.,F't of pent,41 'S�; as of 014'.340. C04i1weWv0lL,e%ZMQ1C,"t t$Wca ;&V. i araq,44t* at ch"'eno tiall Chin �Wjkble in Sacramento, Q4. July 4-A dva- T110. Brutal Work of g MQb No,jr -, And � � _telry �;k�jap3nqXdQ* , I � hQ401pr459"ette W405 ,ber fte�,-q eouat�M , peawd fr440. Pt. Helwavil I lrca- wrt-j".. I , becol"Ing worseg doctfir %Tas 4144 to I , I (Avity banivame mentical.) TPvt4lip.- Lvt4ers rr credit tsimvd to uAvelivro -in Patch from FQIsQm s4yti-. 111irtc,ca des- 15hrcv4port, Lai, - his w-orniug . Allu0nwa, V044 "i Y'lleAnItO P140 FAA@ 14 tile aullartsottho �Vor;d, .,Ve herl , 1, The silivide o.c. 11 490, has been found in Me sz. Vlqjr. , TIVAtOt W.'aller vamlze. A pgIttetly humlit-_9 4A. 119rato p9is(MM, confint'i in the. Fol. ShrewpQrt. La., July A,Tn(0Tlu-,J:. vorr?d during the *Abseovo of attend. � . ."W.r ...... W�. .M-,. -­� r awtbetleu:sod fo,rpiale,;;,wei;tr4etlon,ptto4�lb- . l . I offl+,v Quo door,Qontb 0MA010a PrQs� swo, Fwter- 60M P944vothiry, made a 4ACCC44fill 03A las rvachcd Shreveport That IlAtO� 4111 while the Patient wari iti. tied, . � TITOS Mill% Qvimu VAN-tagr. . ­ ­­_ I OF TVS 010D - � � , ,T I 11 brv4k for liberty .gt the breakfast the wgress, lenrie Stogr, wb% ft is 4, 4. Ott � UP-AMPEN'. Svpr of 11a,vivurA & Vowr bormox r - ,- - WOUAN �iiiRINQ CASE 11 3104IC41 1100f. After a fierct fight i1n, the cap� 91)0-994, administcred poison in a glass �. __ I ta"'W3 QUIC0. duriog which Turokey Of lempnad� to UZZ10 Do windsw.july %4- Rdward rasa. ; � OP THE ,Cochrane � , lan, the 10- , n 4 And, , . i4d, 00oney 11ye on ii " Dr-�'CTQ�ge.-Pe�,maefuilkilvysall�lkL4LiN'�=34=$Rl�gul�mrtl,.i oatvla. CREDITO'N, ONT. ,c., ,,a"?" ialall,T stabbW, Guard year-old dagablor of Joho Dolan, from oining far . vQar Esa�x� and fW' �u Al as , led and Officer Palmer's � I 1, fty.64".. ba.r.p4lu IM Ac'Zowhour. Me,?. vxltr ter % kd the 404$ of which she diod,was , lynch- 11 notim.v4 vrebas been & food be-:: ROLLER M11T - I - 0 1 W04C oz#� NV. S. CHISUOL-9. Was cut on the hcaol' fty seized thoir ed b)' P mob Saturday njg�h 'no I tWeel the fallillle$� Til""d# after-` kQW';r'W^Z*'W*_"_qL' ­ )fa4nager. ariii# jo.4 InimiluitiQn. Agd, V$jq, hc _ , t, I attel I . � , _ _,d * g t Dr. lohn P. Wil%an, Offt�'o And A04den't, VY) ­­ 111� I,".,. ­: lynching occurred. on the Biard plan- Doon nl� -a reavho(14. clim;*x wbew�", . . � --- _____ wardea And other ofd'"$ a* slilelds" UA004. Uear ii�e spot where tbc A'Q- U -M FasAngbalu wesit to the N�11�1.r' We are gpmg =cellleat. . . 9�ievas Ave.. 1,0.,14= Ont. 49041 41011�03� I . -Ppmw e5capoL "I'o-night , � , d V v,'�,' � r p%t_j,&�A51�sqr�jq7,*_,u ojwohtura, V-11.11) to 4 . it is bvlieyvd�they- males, criMe wasi gowndttt�l. She do- homt-,;tud,itisatteged,�tol,ilwbt . .. . S%tJSff,4,Qti0a ;$jD,�ia Be. ^ are making for the" ilqld 'Nfountain, , '�' P. m. t V. 0.4d ionvaitting tile crilut to the, lag� Owmey ill the arm. nud her warrie-2 . � __�!_I_ _!Trj!!!M-,=!_­1__. - _� . i Stake (IrQops, ordcred out bj Qcvc It U d3imed the ll�zgress .Red from 41"ghtel"Mm.3lary 31expy, in the modelftg our mill. nor PArdee, have go , breast an4 wrist. "resterAy D�kVul,L� I &egax. . ,, na to the scene. the &'Juil bousViaold is 501)" As the � 'I'dt Sobt took plaq aftcr the convicts; Crime �%,,2$ di, I-- ­­. I-- Z I ,c vcrc She S pur. ,- � 11 I a .4, Wa coonov, Ills wife und daughtor raum: . I . "ad sque to the office of R. J. :Hur, #uvdfiya 056c, who found her crouch- to Windsor And laid, a romplatut " " N � ... D"go" A ('*4%r6$Lt"�NQ�'t%fit�A�r�'�ull%t*'Vm� ="1';%�`a*s0!1'Z&21TvM1_ phy, capwn of Alit Guard, iva seized � t oft. She was draggc4l agAuist um. Pat,sin; tim Natu"m - log in a Q,Vl ilikun. ona Wagis-, GRISTIN0,4nd C1101 I V ( . $�2111�t_," M II&MI) vmay. 04., x0no"y tQ Ill= Qt Warden Wilkinson,his scandsop. Har. x boine- trate, Bartlett Issued a enalmons tkir 0WCqrAle3fi1AMteMo_ QXm0�,Vxaafi"4rx9*Cr. ", t N vfl," R y and I Out Anil Maken 'to the Dola her to appvar before hip; Wvftesilaj. 0 NE PP1601, TPT LY. I L U IVAM11144 MA" 1. IL 9=50 F AH 4 ry Wilkinson, Captain Iturphy 4 stead And fully id=664rd as the wo- -1-1 6 � ­Gft-� -_ I 1) ,__"a_ - � � . - , _ �_­� ____ severAll other offl"Irs and g4ar415. 'U44 q 111,511 W146-4 1hadlilaced- tile poison in the . V. UAnZ;lqn% sOTAICITOIL VW Convicts we're armed with knives and, lefflq , W'd M M140, " wlde� The mob took her to 4, George Garrequ of Verona, stricken, , , "I R P la,� 1W 14=4 01TVIV. VIM"If FAZZ., & JAB, MURRAY & Co. ML401'4. and with these they asesaulted � nearby tree, placed u rope around her with Paralysis, fell, uldis run Mbr nud � N. SWEITZER 01,11kTa'a, svfkT. Exeter, M"arden Wilkimon ,and his ofilcers. 11 neck 'Zold awlin asked her to confois, kill"l- �, ___­ ...... ­.­-­-­� � � - Aliecloneers 'ilia Warden% Clothing Ivas slashed into 11 sh� was 51rung up without inak-inq any -- ___.-________�_­­ --- �- I - .___"�,.!!!!!"!r! '!�O!. - X.tNUFAXOMMERS OF shreds, but he W-45 not wounded. Turn. 1! Idmissions. While tile body Was cang * fartlx - ith'Aing fit Qdair . uIpTafirtbQt�wU'Alfir? of t"stvace. allp prmirllv the varaged cinixens. atto-.A,,.iitoar�ilt-,rrnt$r,,3,fQ44,%l�IN fig"arvu;=1 AXD pud-left Finally, liewasiellcdb-a ' CONSUMPT1,01N "t I -,- -vat'd A44"'mcm S 1. H Ur."Wx,%V,Vv,t*m U keY Cochrane fought the convict5 Avi pyeral bullet$ Ivor* I i Vaonitei Ott Penh m"'01 M4,21'ETV, SI LO R I N G a chair, raining b0ows upon them right " fired into it by 4� 11451 0.4-0 Wink�brl;va. knife-thrtiSt in (lie back. Guard &_ I 1� �, - .-,-- I ilia KINOSTON HOME COMERS. ,7__1 , � ", - I I ter was dist.mbowelled Ixy a cut in � 0 J I _,_--_...__-.1-1 CEMENT MIXERS I m n -foly hours I - � % L# The Molsons Bank -­­­ - ­ - ­­-, �7�­­-- later. Palmem was ,severely cut. Thai no r0rhilaftirk 11emarisit 'Fouriftin : We have for side floor of ilia office ivas covered tvithp Presented, JC.1LlTtTwJ b� 9PxT1Ww3A. lt,�M) blood, , I Kingston. July .Aw­Tbe reception CAN 8 E CURED ,, . 1101110VOOMILA9011 I Boller 30 X p. The officers Avert outnumbered andii to the home comers concluded last EDITOR'S NOTE. -The Slocum' th �s the Fwpoctorant by others, O' Paid lip Capital ............ $%rm'faw) 1 Boiler 40 h., p. soon ralleved of their arms. Then, us- night, beirig a gratifying succ System or Treatment for the cure ., "thee0l 01.11 by others. still, and 411 ............ 2'.-no.10. 1 Boiler un4 EhgIne ingthe officers as shields, tile convicts ill ess. Fillo Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles, four, or any three, or two# or any Reserve Fund ... started for ilia armory on the outskirts,! Nveither favored the affair, and thom. 'T.&S,.T,4,r,LT0TT', Gr.%r.RA.1.UAt,.0,GxM. 30 It. p. of the penitentiary grounds. They ;inds 0i the ,visitors fully enjoyed the Cutarrh,, Generut DeVility, and one, may be used singly or in, com- pasowd a Gutting sun on one of the outing ­EXETHR BRANW11- 1 BoilerandEngine walls, but ilia guards were atraid. to 9. Many sports were held in nearly all the ills of life, I's medleme bination, according to the needs of the morning, followed in, the after. reduced to an exact science by the the case. 16 h.p. � shoot for fear of killing the prison of- - World's foremost specialist. o&vla,irs,.-'10a.ul-ta: ImInSal"nUV51,63-M (I.,%st'ings el,311 lon in � j)v (*vpry, I)k� , t, ficial& When tile armory was reacheil '110011, by a general programme, the By its timely ands of Full instructions with each set of I b four free remedies Illustrated here, tolV. 'Urassana lion to MOM,. the officers there attempted to interfere, ewning being taken up by a band _ 'use thous. Agenet-4tlbttnt-ln-bt%,,Iliofj,itranl,4,,teted pipe and Fittings of all sizes kept but w,erg; quickly overpowered, -inA the concert in "Macdonald Park,, display alil?4rently 110POlesscases have be --u Our i-eaders are- urged to take . , (41 fireworks and .in illumination. - � eollstantly in stock, � convicts took a supply, of weallons mul � ' permanently cured. idvanta oMr� Slocutn's.frenerous gouey advanettl to go3id Fannerl at lmrt4t rates. I 1, . ammunition and niade a dash for the �, .\fr. J. S. Fense. M.P.P.,Chairman of The Emulsion *1 Cod Liver Oil ge Z.� country. Tile convicts marched beside I tht., 4Deneral Committee, was the to- . o0er. , i &%vings pani. PLpamvk frim $I nud %irsaxib Wei- I JAS,* MURRAY & 00, ', cipient of two gifts, one a handsome Is 1140ed44 'by some, the Tonle by - _ Ott, lot(mtzillo%vi,lAtlllgllt,fitetlrn!ntratc!i, ON -owm""10. Wilkinson, andthe officers ivere.vild if I S, N. 11. Ili, �. any ofthe pursuers took the life A onit lver coffee; urn and bowl by sub- r I �..­­ , �, DICHAtl.\ 4 ­___ I $gribers to tile Kirkpatrick 111011u.srial .tl 11W , of their number tbat they wolild re- , .�,.� V111"VINi'li-te". 111,*41.Ver. _­, taliate, life for life. At Mornion Bridge, 11 wid a loving cup by the Toronto Old 4 - - I i.j. " ,��: �:T c'� "' 6;ilt,Ju1Ar23.-1t;Jph Rolland, lbo 11 Ilws, Association, as a testiluolly of ,� ,, 4 � . � � young num who plunged beadlong in- about a mile froin the penitentinry, the j their appreciation of his good Avork. � " I I � I "_ � , � -, , . ; , �. . �� 4 1� I �i �� I!: I � :,,, , � 14 � " �,;,, �i�i � I r "";, I tt) wb;lt is Imown as the tall vace of warden, --his grandson, and Capt tin i Ilayor Bell presided at the present.v. _', � , IM, , .1 r, ; I ...."W'- -111, 1"'i, 11 I � I .1: I I- 1�1 - 1,� , , . , '. Bicycleoc, 1. , ._'Ir, .,,­. I 11 .1`.��V /' ­";.� � t", - ,� 4,*, - - , lvt'L� - . jr, �, � � �11 " . -1 1-, ,� � -1 the daill ou'roesday, Nvbon rptul�ning Murphy Nvere released and sent back. ,ij,,n - " ; ,� ­X.Y., I . 1,11 _ of tile Kirl,patrick memorial ,7.r,.,,,,,, " ��, _1 � "to. , . , I .7. i�i,M�.;F;x.- . ,.i�, - , . .- . 7" . . - ­� � �G �:x - � 1. - ."_ , .1 * ", �� ," "., �.. ',Q,.'Z ", � Z!,! . V_V � , - - ,- - I -4 I, ­ , -fountaill, AvIlith , � ,� -, .4 1, . I � ­ 11 �� I . I le - tilt. Others were marched along with At & E, 4 !�,' frow the sceniv of tile wrookof 1, anded (over by .�, �, T . . I -1, - I � . 4,(iji . �,- -1 %. ob.­ 9, , .a � ­- "' - 15 I . I ,, I I,— .- ,;J:�., 4w, V, .�c : !��X "' , 1, ." was h tit � _� 1 �4 1 �� I - �,­, ,; I ,; .1 _. -�" � !, .t.�� - lr.�,­ I ,.-- 11 .. �, - --_ _i7. �: ��-;t� , 1, i4. icts. Further oil theconvicts ',Vent i'Mr. Bense, and ac"ptedby Mr. 11. A. . �_* U1 � !�� . 'Wearestill Ili the 11 .N.c.li* t1,a;1e 40,.p. 11, briago, it, ti-ying to pass conv 11. �, ,.1, - A ,� . � ��;!`�t,,7;�`,��f.: � , � . _ _ . - - ;_Iit� - ��k I t , - , , ,.- � ­: !ine ,,4peej- on his wheel, died ill the liospiul this to a farmees 'house. seized l"s I"ur 9 Calvin, NIV.P., and ' .\fr. II, ,�,'"."'H-4- I . . .41-.- , 1. . 11 ­ . - i.. �!, wid this yvar show Some ., Avery, .-afx.. .""'.44�'t., ­_ I-, t�4 -7 �R_i _.r,., His reinalus will be taken horse team and waggon. 'robbed the 4�,i:Q��IL, 11 I ­11�­.11.4�v.__:,K. - .... � � I ­. - ,-,, �--- : -,_"� lilt,us. Tbe (.1117SHION FRjUNIH u; evening. ,�'in behalf of the county. Senator Sul- � ­tl - 1, 4 �­ - - -1-Ir- ,�: , , i, .,,,I �e 1, - , _ �� ... �,.,,,�.� � , " the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices ulod- to Listowel for interniont. house, took the farmer with them �k'4 1. livall. and Mr. Andrew Pattullo, X.P. ';.�,,,�; �, . �, �'.. �� .Fp ­ . .:;, �,%'_-.- 11 i .- I—- - - �­! ". - - ­­ , ,, - -.1-1 HZE 3 - erate. driver, and headed for Bald Mountain. �" �.��;­_',-J E: SAMPLE i � , 'I- P Iso spoke. Lady Kirkpatrick was C-­�;�-!-A � - ...-..- A*,1pL2: . _',, � - i� I � 1: -, -, q.;, - , FA % ut_:;_�-`-_� '-'---..Z7 - " -.1.- - ** a I , I present. - �:X__ J'44 ,-UINI 5 TEF�=� __�e_l ---.." � I MRS, .UeX1`-,E 11EC.&PTURED . lze 7��,.�.7,q 'n �L_� " I a ­ �- - ,TE$ro- - � =_ f-- �m ; , Wew Pianos I *%'Vindsor, July 25. -Mrs. Ellen '3le- BRIBERS AND PERJURERS. R, - . 0, , - ­r� U r. ,� �. _�_ _�4 1 � - , - ., , ___ Kee. tile wollian .who escaped - COAL MINING RESUMED. 4 ,-. �.. 1. , 33 , - ,`­ I from -X , ny�i�l , CS _11.` -ow Pianos , i ,--i I 11 " . . 10341 -.1 I Several N !list put in ,,aud�vjch jail, where she wits eonfiucd Heavy Sentences Imposed at St. - , - yles a;nd tile I)OSt awaiting extniditiou on al. thorg Domin'ion No. x Mine that Was on YOFNIZ16 W, . . 1. A c of Louis. S .�, OIX, y , -T-- �_ makes. It AVill PAV You to see them- Prubezzling $2,500 frow the postal all- i Fire Now Producing. r If, 1. a I _ , You will lie surprisea at the LOW thtiritie, � St, Louis, July A - Judge'Ryan I .mas,0414pp"r 01.-;� I N I ..z, was iveaptured by Chief five Glace Bay, CB,, July 28 -Coal was 9 Bel . - - ­ 4 PRICES at which Ave isell them. 'Masters of, S.Andtvich this morniusr. passed sentence an members I .1 - i .. A . � Doun 1 P4., 1 VON .P- . . . I woutaii h, ' i N�o. x, the I . ._1 . The poor - rn ned at nion 4 12' - C, -- . -is been wandering of the House of Delegates, 10 1 _­ I - Z-11 A '. 4 four of' ' I rkil :? % tu-.. . I Latq8t at large since 0 o'clock Thursdily night, ! first since the fire. The �iine is ent- bud .�, lr 4 - of the icted of bribery and � a5f al ,- RF `4113LL- 'A . _.. I , ..,;' , - ,':, by F,- - 1- . - Organs whom were convi �lr,OATC . 11 �_ 4 ,She 1;&q been terribly bitten about the � ploying aboitt iso men. The place r W,-% . OU5L, �1, I , i� 1; .­ I . ' ,_5 -'P,0 _0t . ,,, pj,��Z . W ,l- I . . 4 makes always in StoCk face .nd hantis Ity mosquitoes And i,4 one of perjury, in connection W't" 1 where the fire originated has not yet LUtia TR I , .�.'blj . . I --sp k t I I , C, I I %,A W� oil the verge of collapse. Municipal franchise deals. Following I been reached. Four powerful pumps AliD 0 ; � ! : . I . ? :-.0 'Sewing Machines &c -I... I I are those sentenced: -John A, Sheri- will be added at once to those now N lwgz- __ . U. .� I....- - il,%el'P�T11111 � - ___ I 0,811. � � I.. "I � =__ - CAUGPT IN -A DINDER. dan, bribery in connection With sub- in operation. � cc M�, �0) , e. --' __ - _p-_ . , � I 1-11 - = . - �� I I . ­ , � . ill .�� I lVe axe leaders in Sewing Ma- Stratford, i aly 20. -Robt. Clebuld,of urban street railway deal, five years; ��_ ,!;; W .__ I .� , �� : ", .4 I.- - ,_­� - .... ... , .: ­ . �..=­ � 1 4 iit chines-tbe be�A intichines that the �,Juia township, met with an T. Edward Albright, bribery, suburb- ".,-�-------V-�ll,"-""�Ill""', - _. 11 - .. accident . __ - . trade I -years, Jerry 1. Hannig TZLEGRAHIC BREVITIES. --- -- "I .produces are an our floor for � ishlug cottim -tit deal, five an, . - -1 - 2 .rhile f1m g it field f Nvbt at. ' �1. �.. . your mspt�ctjon , n1so repairs Need- bribery, suburban deal, five years; 141r� B. B. Woods' bakesbop at Tavl- , ,. - Nvas '010ccing Soule (if t, 7 P,- X�-,Zjp� He � b ra' � - af� .4 H_t4 . 4 les, etc., forall kinds of sewing xna- - while the borses -were resting, anZ1 tbe Louis Docker, perjury,' suburban deal, stock was burned. . 4 g _, _i'� chines, always on baild, -, teanr suddenly started oft'. . Mr. Oleland Four years; -Einil Hartxnann, bribery, Renfrew council lias asked Government ....... 11 - It- 4. R � 4 1 � 1, � ! t . . . I I -1 need of tHed to stop then), and Nvas caugilt in. zity lighting bill, six years. All filed aj,3 for tornado sufferers. �-,/ ­ - - " I I I/ , � ,;.. i I 0 . I 'J. . . I Call ai)d see ils if ft the nmebine He received several se- appeal bonds in the su.m Of $1o,000 The funeral of the late Mr. austico . BI � ,N_ T, . ,I I . any of tile above. vere CutSILI)011t his lJgs.arinsand body each. . Arfnour took place at Cobotrg. H :-.* - � I . . �Ind had several Loei out off. He is One.hundre(l and twenfY uaw Industrkes - : -1 &-.-.W;1..: . - F� MA .. - I : . reported to hnve stistai-ned serious in- MR. SHIELDS' APPEAL. were established in Ontario last year. - W W � - - . - �j . S. Kol A R T I H' . te,,n,i. il)jul:ies .is wt4i. Mr. clelund is � . 4- s,,r', � I : � _El - - I . I I I 01le Of the luost prorninent farmers of The residence of ilix. A. Boomer, elpric . ,*., F1 1.0� A6 � . . - Consolidated Lake Superior Wants 4,11"', ..__:� 0 tl ­­ ; U . : Moraington.. I Assi.itance. . . . Of the Division Court at Linwood, -was ;� . - LGC�0� . , I GO TO THE destroyed by fire. -_ '... - . . . � .. marx-�q Philadelphia, yuly :28. - President The troopa at Panama,, Colombia, have �_ -_ . . . . . . . �� !M� I : " �, . " -Stlp- deposed the Governor'and other officials. ­ ­.. . I ­ I �. : I . 0.1., �� Shields of the Consolidated Lake ' - - _ - , '. � �. . I .. and the city �s In their cantrol. - , I I . , - I __ 11 - - - I . _ IT - ! 'I Ellis. U.' Charters, the Englishman -who I -1 I ==�F - i , I t : , erior Company has made another ap EXE 0 1. BOLLER MILIS , J � j Z � , . V. ir k�3p./ S t peal to -the stockholders. of the com- . I . ,� 7, . V OmPted. to 9wIndlo Lord TAInto, was mom ' FOR . .nce. Ili a cir- "tt , . I . . �_ - - '. . . -'4MMQ1 cular letter he announces� that unless, - I � I 0 � : F1 pany for financial 'asissta &ent to the centrai tor &ur months. . PURE MANITOBA I.,. ­� . ,, the proposed $12,500,000 bond is taken Washington' riespatches agaln assert Em R, E E '"s'a R1 A L I . 1� . � . . I � � � 11 I hn�e used Ayer's I -lair Vi or" hole propefty must pass into the that EL -treaty for the opening of Mmn- - .. , �, 11 I .. for tbirty years. ,It is clegapt 16r,". the w, Tiie honor of thus effectively arresting 11sbment of bealth in all the departments I ' . a hair dressing ane, for keeping the hands of the creditors, The credi-tots churiah, Dcnta has been practically coil- the progress of this f4tal rnalady.� rests of the human body. . . I �� CHVICE FAMLY FLOUR � - hair fA-oni splitting at ibe ends."- are New .York and Philadelphia cluded.. I.... I ­ � .. . I With the wonderful systern of treatment 17he fl�)ur preparations embody all the : . . . I . . I � . � . � 1. I . I � (Star) ,. .� ' .' 1. A. Gru6nenfelder, Grantfork, Ill: , � banks, headed, by Speyer & Company Prellininary -arrangements have been Which has been reduced- to an exact necessary eletnents of a' complete treat- I . ! . . , , , ­ . . �, . I � I -e form , . - inade.1for ti�e rA, I I I -1ptiorl and ment foe Consumption -its cure and pre- . , I �, , I .-. of th er.city who hold a1I airail , 11 , eetln� of the,.M�slca scid�ce for the.�&b of Consur. 11 . � . -oin- ' : . �� . BEST' PASTRY - , �. kble collateral � securities of the c Boundary Conib.aissiorl In London on Sep- 'forthe curcof Citarrhandotlierprevalent vention�as well as for most of ibe chrotiie , I . .. � I . . .. 1, . Hair.split-ting splits -1 pany of loans of $5,050,000. tember 16. 1 conditior4 which pave.the. way for Cbn-. and.wasting ills of life. Apparently hope. � i � I � �. � . . (Princess) I .. . x .. The Lake Superior Compa-ny is cap- 1. � I .11 � � sUraption-that.successful metbod evolved less eases are cured by their timely use. N � I, , ' Triendships, : If. the hair- Robdrt Stewart, a young man of -ie gee. I ,L I Italized at $im,000,000, of which $lo,- . the by America'sgre-�iest scieniific pbysiclan, These free remedies Comprise, ti at I.' � , I 11 I I '' I I... . I � L . �, splitting is done on YOUr Doo,000 is lield i this city. I cypress River district, 11anged himself Dr. T. A. Slocuril� wbose greal'tiberality, curative forces discoVered by the eint- L , � , . . I I . I I ' 11 I � . n, I in lils fathet's granary. He was crazed t1leough'his Free Trial Treatment, sent nent pliysician, Dr. Slocum, they represent I I . . � I I � . . I I -eal, - �es friends - I with religious exciternent. . � I I (13t ,fast Food) own head, it lo . I br6adcast throughout this br'oad land, bas the acnie of the pbarinacist'..,; skill and I I . ' ' � I I . 1. . A good S-upply of M, illfeed for you, for. every hair of THE HOLY .SYNOD MOVES. I Robert Coleman of Xingston, fireman c6ntributed most to the rout of the most with them will be found explicit dirLetiong . I I , . . ' . I . I on the steamer America was ,using a POtent agency in the destraction of buman for their use in any case. I . I I , � I I I C, -i ha A 0 *s a friend. I - . . I I , Us hemisplier6, ' You are invited to test wbat this systern . .. ...and Chop always ol i .. . y ur head I wrench, when it slip'ped and lie fegl ba,k W6 i Ii. tl I V I . . . . . . . _ . Sishop of Kishineff - Instructed to : . .1 . - will do,foryou, if you s re sick, by N�riting I I : A ' 's Hair Vigor in 11 I , His Free System of W6atment has FRE8 TRIAL TIZEATIAeNT and ' I I , I against . an electric dynarno and was 1, Give our Flotir 'aiid F.6ed . yer I 1 I Allay Anti-Sernitic Hatred. -�Iled. � ' arrested the hand of death in the , for a I I � � will prevent the , I � k :. �, �� . , . . I the Four Free Prej)ara, .1 I I i � lided ,,that aft-ance I �ases of -ions'will be for I I I I � a Uial and be convi . I St. Petersburg, July 28. -By o�rder Dr., R. N. Grant's twenty-first anniver- thousands of, congumptives� and has pre- warded -you at once with complete direc: . "I I I blitting. . If ifid Splitting I I � , - ' I I � . S . Sary as pastor, of the Presbyterian vented the disease in countless iiisfances. I I I _�i � I I A � . Df the Chief Procurator of the HQ] -y , I I I .1 1 . I � �;_,, ,,, - it is all right. I I tions for LISC, I I I . ast -of four Simply,write to the T. A. S16cum Clienil, � I., I . . I bas bp�gqn, it w'11 Stop lt- .5y,,d, the Bishop 6f Kishineff has -in- 1 qiureh ELt Orillia was celebrated 1, the Slocum'Treatment consists . . I . .1 I ��, � � � Pwlle)� ana Plate grinderS i1a . $1,60 a bofflt. All drijgglsts. - 1 nlght� The congrege.tio4 Presented him di.%Lhict rernedies for the cure of Con- cal,Con-pany, Limited, 179 King Street 11 , :1 , .. structed the clergy ,of his diocese to . . I I I . -,,.-.- - �_io� . I I wtth,.a pume olf $300. ,. sumption, Weak Lungs,, Bronchitis, West, Tor�mo, Siving pbst offic'e and I �''. . 1: use to sLift 011stoiners. I menibers I ,P I f La. 11 . I s address and the free niedicine . I I . ,�Vt ca .,xert their influence on the, I I I L � - If your dru, .11110t iurly you � . L Joseph, Lee, tra per and hunter o Catarrh and all pulmonary a6d wast � I 1, . I ,� I I go'na iis one do ar and,wo wil exvre$4 A the Orthodox Church by sermons . .� I - . ,- exvn�s '. . I I � - : I - , , Itovae, Que., cllsappeal,jad 35 years ago, and I llfll;� diseases, and is based, upon principles (the Slocum Cure) w�ll be promptly �en I I I � . I ly.ouabotble, 1�esurexi,.d,rlvethellam � hurches and persoiiil admoiii- I, the djsc�very 'of a'siwieto I sential to tW cor " ti n of function, Hie, 'n Canada seeln�r Slocum's freC I I I I , I 11 1, I � � Tour nearps� express ohT�e. Addres , "I Oleir C . � n revivds� flij3 "es , I re� 0 P.ersons i � . I - Harwy Bros. .. - I � W�11,xas "I , �ti8t, to alla�'the anil-Semitic, religiolls, Z Am 1c ase sen4 . I .1 11 I J. 0. AYn1t CO., 14 1 . uspiclons of murder, whIch the authorl- ! rebuilding of the, tissues, the overthrow of offor in er an papers -will ple , ,� I I � - : � �.. , I hatred. I . I I I I I I I - I . . I I 1, I I I i I I 4 I A I I I I I I Successonu to J. Cobblediuk ,,& SOD M; I to,, r'... )�, I I panisificaninlai organisms And the estab-, for samples to -Toronto. I - I I -, . 1. � ��as are inVestizatinic. I 11 I I . 1, ,. I � I 11 � I I ­ .1 I �,,, I I � I . � ''I . � 1, I I I-, 1 � . I I I I - I � 1. 11 I � I . 1. I I I I �� I I I I � � I � 11 I I I I ,� 11 I I I I . I � . � I 1, . I - I . I I . � I . , . I � � 1. I . I I . I I . I ­ . I I � 1. I . I � I . I . I I . 11 . � I I �� � � 1� I - . ''I I I - , �� I I �, I I ,1 I I I � I I I : " , , � �, I ,, . . I I 11 .1, I 1. I I � , - I I I � I � . I - . ,. "I � I I I I I I I I I .. I I I . , I I I 11. I I � " � I � "I I I I ,� I., �. I .1 I .. I I—— 1� ,:, 1� I . ,11 11 I I : , I . I I - . - I I ­ - � I � I 11 , I � 'L I I I I I , : I'* I I .1 11 ''I I - IL 1. I I I I ,;� I I 11 I � , � , - , I I � - I I . I . � '' 1. . 11, ­ 11 1, � , I I I I I , , .1 -, 1, , , 11, .1 I I I � � . 11 , I . - I . I '.1 . I I . ''I I I . I I �L , , . I 11 I , , , , : "''. ,, , . I I - . I I I 1, I -� �� , ��, , ,. � Z ,�'z'. �,, , �. , , .... '' ­�, 11 I I � .1, � - �4' " I 1;�. , � I , ,. ,:; , , , , I .. !,��,­ I , I 11 I 11 , - 11 11 , � I I . I'll . , , I �, - - � � �i,!; o�,,,�� I 11 - 11 I I � 1. � i .1 � � ''. 11 - . � ': , �� � . � ., (,;,,,� �, -r . - ­ , I I , . I ,:��� � - ;:��-i-� 1�1,1�i�� . , I I I I I I , 1 . . 1, .1 11 - � 11 ... I �� 4 1111111 , I I 1. -1 kwm - .1 11 ===_i:a�, " I il"�,�, ,._ ��- 5�,W-r,14 � -, __ .11'.,�-,,�,�i,,*,-���)bw�'Aw""�,�,-.*�I -�.�­�--,­�­ i,,��,,,��-_,!�­:�7-- ­�.