HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-30, Page 4ter E.$auders, rate,vi t) Ethtii Da"s°P. 62$; RE Cochrane, 578; ' Stewart, 594; Lawrence Stepbei 746. 'nest, Summer School Landoll. 1 io Po SZtrd. IA Summer Sehool for teachers. TUTIRSDAY4 JULY 30, '03 NO. -Ethel Capliogt 84; Sax , dee the contra of the Ontario Govern - nue' went, was opened in London ou the 'h inst. Atna the closing exercises were S. Entrance Examinations The fallowing is the list of condi- dottes passed by the board of examine ors for West Huron, tegetber with the noarke obtained bv each, The total .• ktleSV) 1.4; Thtniiis helig,hoiner. 658; Wm, Swayze, 750; Ge Thump- s 763.. N. 113.---elytele Keys, 588. No. 14.-Frauk Clegg. 701; Albert Johneton, 7tee; Earl Retlewell, .5.59; Ida Dinedale, 550; :Mary Johnston. S12; Jen- iet etteReath, ei69. Union N. 1.-efeggie Do yeti:Ile, 605; number teemed to pass is 550 tortres. , Cle'h Dr-rsdAleh 71; Albert Homer" &20. T4neueuer of eanditlotes smiting was*, E. wawa:cost-I. :027., mot of these 211 have passel The ; S.S. MeRorney,57. tole:owing are the higheet atetrke ob- ohunie Mettaroey. 673; lean. elefeur- leneee Est o Bev, OA% -1.ZIlell Pallis011, 6e9; Gordon wtigL-13.:V;t1 HI tIrItV1 -- -- " ;1:1!; Stg:'slp3: 4;114;‘)--Alphous,..e$ Reyle, 550:: Welting R. M Inketen olae- hiebel leenty. &el Reeel Dignan Hew- , shtt. ,oh ..,e1,ean, 623; millan, Della f loDelphine 7.,-exontee- Irmo ollsTsojtazoterimmzez,zo.;41Teittonfiri,t0415.,Lelv.Ib hiaheavui Zir;lieaRty 31exaught et Dryetiale. Ireottion --Dyer Inerdon. Mary terroovere John -rem Treutenneer Thottaes. ee :OS, N. "laggiete eete; c Liter:noon, Foltel Capling127 1D-aplau. 55en Vermin Wilson, At ititnettle Ena elePheroon„ jos '1,.ra teee, Fironneiner. lelargeret :lett ' Ne. 2.-1elphine Eesery, Bel onnommer-RessfieThoompeon,137 Eetery. tht7. Geogoanbv-ttrant MeNeil91 No. O.--Vicea penerget ago: leo Conspasation-Marion 13. Praeerrin Ian; Elroy Pareolee, 6,50; laiscory---Grent Tee Trielinter. 37,s. Piersiolegy anti Temperance -Ella No.ie.-Patrick .17-L 7. -Ross hicgenzte, tine. Total- Ethel tetplinot No. 1L -Won. Dietwiech. 671. eittlennteu P. S. 1; No, Walt W7. etre Petes 751, Pluoeite Monona ;tee, toonagen. Pelle illseett 673. Nellie teelletene e52 S. S. N. 2,-Reclger Hemeen, nun Lizzie Carrell 73e, lertneee Dint iehane , Wesley Jolene, lean ealgee mootenje alationle Fraeer 619, Nellie Greirtra "rano elferoin Mat!ge. 0,19, Della !louse 64e. Vesta Inoweil 057 N. :I. -newt -1;1M Tonninol, eve Anie Lewson. Felith Leonerolitalleiraer Cleve Fletcher. 5M. htol. Evelyn Mftwhirony 592, No. 4.-- Lute Roswell, 595; Maggie Florence 3leedel 649, Sara MeKinnon Quitstone 614. tie, Fee eteDonald 704. Evelyn Meol No. - Ethel Prawn, 663; Maggie Poreeld tele Delphine entire at), w.j. t ener Ilatrone Wel; Ceeol ewe.. ann ene, I3 nobleasou nen tetione ti63; Verzi, .5A +011V0 R teOil .153, Ethel Ross 677. essie I:benne-ton 814. Trernenneer • waw.inerell Theinote elo5.1h Thorette 052. Roth, Tye s. S. No. ;I. -Brown Smith. CM Mo v Vet. Helen Sbephera eon, MvS"..eloleot 4? m. 623; Minnie Nesbitt, 577. 07. (Paden Whitely ,7'52. Mir- Wylie ' 4.-fleo. Weatlierhead. 694. Vi.Pranii Date 85f, Ieliat 070 Nee U. -So -Thy ithooks, 731. George (1 ;.ick G. Leslie Wiener 4lo20. Stanley *45911533, Archie eletiiitivney41:.• lt-whohe B. Eillotle 725; TAM' re74. 111 Reid 739. Mole Me Rhyme g1.13Ny Ryan. 664; ts,21. Citeelee Turner:1i 812. Willieno' Voile; COI. Wootton 0474, Allan Walker ;lee. Cene roomy Yeeifg 079. nOtennteen s, s. 'fele Fox Me. N.t Vet. 01 - De= OK t. 11th tO 19tb. Ex L.:Term P. " .ws 1Jtet:oroo „ rasielit Itosell'il "4 " p;e: far of logeot 110:1411. the4hten hs, ihhhat D -4g. tine tied oe wheie eilfeet leornienizes • tehnneen ehneaget e,e4e tethe Olt istiV:411'446iN 154NIAIN of cooler. lam Iewaroi eelikEna MePheeson 7seaNellie h .'' I4UIlt he' Aiednt Renee wee Hemet Sp zeteelee tent j en. 4))4Siii,(1 ;,t'40,11 :61 the NM. eity fl Alex. Tatelow 611, nosele Taylor one antirieateer %1 eh lloate the rebel flag. jmtnith, hwhlefl chh. F -h Wethin aftithot thoruggi,d warships If ervey t4ettliner67t.1eyer Iittrolon 752. 11"f I/l'441hl• 8.1411" "coudor" \\Imo Knig»t 702, Beattie Mao tin feel, StV1141,114'44444 111411' pouts a with. o."ellIlvt:41 e81;i:titYli7etit jar" 8°1°3". 11:4 grt:e4414.741..417ngEgvfolity'isnin"f•ellittrqZ 1 " S ote peel reap e van, Mit rated ebot pre- SIENs.U*^^ 64 0' venting, the eeereet font N reamed to Glen Illeeltall 551. Fiore teuknore 'et"!. n4 tla re tod awe throttles t ewe, Hey Ilenoleoem tela,Weelev Menet. the go 'enroll. Now it he great gnus 551e Atone eleAel lone 7Ue. hietezty the teleolt. ittelt leen When teeth i TI•lo P;F Mel'hee 7/.11. Perthe eleleenete ell their torojeetee, the ninny replie Gee tilatlye Me:Sevin 'eat E. St e1.y 559. tea vele", high Pettiest veslourt ie throng tentieeeleten P. S. j calr. ;tilt! 101^ nonce vbetory perehe M474 „oe eee. met. e7)...ohe het. :! ton neither Immune But justie 1.1.741.4.fils.`..mi,s;41,4 63 aral courage win out. the forts ar Looretee le.etelt 730. eiatie Itoee ase. blown up and the historie site- levelly hhog Benson teh. 7; ,tnashes. This then is tbe miglaty hat tl lee! Irene 023; Warren r.itzlo. thetrieti ;4* the 444(46 awe 5'n6Pit 1444 eti Le Smith 1777. stood withal one of awl* stttractions o the 'Weettora Fair, Loudon. To miss enentoote P. s. "toe. enela ot rnervelens fireworke di:- Let/lea 704. Mertiot Hirtzel tee; plee end ire atteudant their! inoireanan 553. Ella Link 776, the eh. and on the gronnd will be to Loon: ealog tee), Jostle: neuhlotetaw came. ot liteeleug 701, Hi ill2111,111 612. theme lilt the di:neonate t of the femoite Ie kern,. 7.1e. powitoort ere not tenting their laurels om this iota. hig feetere even thoegb it be '71$ tenni:Items and fanneaching ehh.„ as any foie twee. conceived for public t• enterteiument. The balloon as:cension ot Prof. lemotetre it to be a sieht of eSaWoors P. S. in fine* as a. kindler of the mkt Gr tvbiel intagioutuon. After attaining a. dizz.y 01 Nate _;ft 570, 4 heigat !ringing to at rapeze with his 'vlELD P. S. teeth the daring navigator of the up. per air will execute a double pareehute thee. • Green 2IneNell 769, Regioutla Itiarks drop, leapittg filet from the big hy- esuotnen. held. the 25th inst. Last yeer Sessio as held in l'oroneo. The attendane this yeer was eighty-four. The sennecte tanght were natal- sthrly, drawing. zootunal tratuiug an household science. In eddition to tie leeturee several pleaeant trips for tat tine study and sketching were mad intereeting points oe tbe Thames Plingbanie, Polt Stanley anti ()the 'PkteeS. These were led by Principe, Dearness. A., and Air Daeideon nuteter drawieg and expreesive art ;teem:warned by the ot tier teaehers. The following are the opinions ex n e Discussion as to Sending a Protest to 1 Powers Regarding the Occupa- e don of Pontifical Temitory. ti e " Rome, July 28. The Vatican re e , *erublea an ant -hill, so feverish is the ✓ work of preparing the part of that A building set aside for the COO, clave, beginning Friday night. Be- fore 187o Concloyes were held in the ' Quirinal Palace, One long wing of AT TILE VATICAN. PREPARATIONS MADE FOR CONCLAVE OF CARDINALS, pressed ley the stodentse-ol ghe came." "IL is a growing, time fo one," I got only the lectures on es troloorny I shonlcl satietled." "Th urtnual eraining is what I but yen shonlid he in Miss R. Weimer elasees Itonsehold science.' ete„ one - 601; The Free Prose of Judy Iltb, From shortly lifter eialit in the I torn molt mg nutti tire 'he afternoon, Salute days tteletl, the Normal School is tlie 3 bIllSy Otiee these dans,•* Sehool Itoards. having ott theor staff, men and women, who will give op their holi- day:el:wen- travellirog and boarding ex - Pewees, 464 apply themselves eneq,e°- ically through theee hot dotye to pro- feesioual lonprovemeitt, sleatild ehow in some eubstantial way their appree. lotion of that kind. of devotion to duty. The teaelters present from the coun- ty of littran were; filNses Edith Parke., Cole Inst., Goderich; Arnett E. Consitt, Hillegreen: 1.4311411, Shannon. Ethel; htina Cotinphell, Crotubrottle, nod Mr. W. 11. Jolmston. Iiippen. This is a nod showing for our eolmty. • ' ar which was elwaye ready without toy special preparation. &it tbe case e I of the Vatican, apartments of three cr four rooms for each Cardinal have to e! be specially prepared, and. as there are shety-fonr Cardinels, the amount of work ievolved is very great indeed, LONDON'S GREAT FAIR Character in Names. o allusion to the theory of SU Evkl, „-,,,.,,e,Irriter who holds that a man's rayter is eorreclotteer or enconseleuely euerterti by hie Chrietian name and ^nee arttele to that *eget WAS wpm - tend la "Saturday Niglat" Net emelt. 'odor' 4`Pnueb" printee 8041e baltti,ring eonneento Notloing. deelaree, Le so unalterab the character that accompanies eeme. Deduetions from Chrie- Not names are abecolutely aafet Tee. -are all the of the axioms lerietian edenee. For beldam, have : on ever knowet an Oliver who wee not .etereeted ligbtning concluders, an AI. fa wife was not artistic, or a Sidney who did not -oppose the Baconian heresy? Nunn* entiong in zw alweys denote :fishneeo. Nonnes ending in tku are to avoided: their owners are treaeloer Beware a roams begiuning in Yp No woman over eeven feet high was ever Qralled Birdie. Women. nanted (leery(' write novels. A batty named %%bee El jali .A.hconterus, if aleneys celled by suit name, V.1.11 riot grow up. A eat if vatted Beethoven is sure to frodulge 111 monlight *oaten Joeepb Is anibitioue and shrewd. Hugh II h opinlortated arta talk* too mueh. Win. 'tun ehares theee peeuliaritlea. leoyd i. argumentative. jesse N bovine, and 8 runs to side-whiskent. Show WO a Wilfrid told I 'w111 show you a teetotaller. Ar- e thur might be less willowy. Gerald le te academie. George is eloquent and eel- gremmatle. Jelin N sturdy and pereire tent. Gibson is importunate ana homer- tinent. Tim is vitnelle. Literary men, who study these things. will bear out what I say, Ask them if 4 they ever knew an Andrew who was not ' bookish, an Anthony evil* was not evitty„ a Marie who was vain? They will tell , you that 3fiturlee is romantic, Jerome faeetiou ,s etraeGreegor undereized. Pro- duce Rudyard, and you will see 0111111- 4 enenee. Conan is interested in emu. Algernon composes ballads before break- fast. Theodore is critic -al. William by itself is capable de tout: allied to Ernest a it thunders; allied to Schwencle it jokes; e Allied to Robertson it resits tbe pay- t ment of race. t .Nieknonnee are equally eoneistent in n their connotations. A boy called "'Prot- n tons" has large feet. No boy with a .nub t nose was ever called ''Hookey." Have P you ever seen a brunette known as "Gin- gerr Boys and girls who are called "Car- m :cos" have red hair always. neoeie //ugh pl„itilt,tforei 05. to ittlopit perotetiony P. S. /a, u I &felt men 752.Ette lia Hence Kipple 752, Addiem Gee einegen bag, and then again from the initial parachute. The manifest clan- S.S. No. 2 -Minnie Conner. Gertrude gers of the ant make it a speet tele at Dalton. I'M: :Mice Dalton 038 once. grand and thrilling. "Le Perehe No. 4. --Roderick Finlayson, 733; Eqmpoise" is the name of an acrobat Poteher Mx:Charles, 584; Jas. eleKend- event credited with being tin ;walled aoiek, 551; Moder ick McLeod, 554. the woral over, performed by the great No. 5.-Manne Ritchie, 618. Villions. This turn tj rivalled in in- et7o. 0. -Leo McGlynn, 071. terest, however, by the eminent aerial No. 9.-Williaru Lannan, 583; Annie team, Humes & Lewis. Miss Lewis ritzgerald,e52; Isaac Stothers, 602. makes the atmosphere her home, do- nt. 1L-eo4die MeLeo.1, 618. lug one otf the cleverest trapeze per. No. 13. -Ji- It. Gardoner, 507; Ern- form:lutes known to athletic art, con - est MeAllieter,072; Case MeAllister,558. eluding with a tirop head foremost to No. 15. -Annie &legless, 700; Mnraj the platform. leinlayson, 550; Margaret Hamilton Performing animals of all kinds 624; Alexander Hamilton, 636. • have ever been popular with Canadian Ne. 16. -Margaret Hasty, 755: Orton audiences and hence Prof. Ryder's ca. D.iroin. 571: i''red Treleaven, 616. elira tea. troupe of f n.:eirt-i-tiion keys comment should excite merriment in a high de - 6.1 -3. No. 1. -Frank McDonagh, 712: gap.Their mieth-provoking antics - Emit. McMillan, 623; Royland A. Wal -never fail to create thunders of app - ter. 881; Lerma Welter, 6B1. , lause and explode mines of merriment. No. 2. -Pearl Fisher,701; Nellie Mor- In the Athos troupe (six in number) rish, 5501 Lonnie Oke, 571. of acrobat comedians the naa.nagement has secured a faultless featnre, the work of these talented people having been praised far and near. Orville & Frank are &pall heists of renown; Sey- mour & Dupre, one of tbe most novel acts ever witnessed; the best in vaude- ville while but to mention the Pant- zer tido is sufficient notice for all pleas- e seekers the world over, • and this will not be all as the attraction' corn• inittee has about secured one of the hest aerial troupes. With these attractions and the ad- ditionel ones to 1?a,booked between now and the opening day, the Western Fair cannot feel of • victory. All the regular departments may be counted to excel their best previous elforts and to.sweep the exposition of 1903 on a hightide of success. FELL FROM CAR 'WINDOW. Brockville, Ont.„Tuly 23. ----As the O. P. R. train approached the station this aftelialoori a child was seen to fall out of one of the windows. It proved to be the four-year-old child Of Mrs. Gen- et, of Winnipeg, who was corning to visit friends here. The child Waii standing near an open window, and As tho train rounded' a sharp °neve the jolt egmsed her to fallout of the win- dow. She was biidly hurt, but less ser- iously than might be expeeted. No, sere ious results are feared. No. 3.-G-ordon Rutledge, 824, Toren ma Robertson, 598: Laura McPhee, 558; Gordon McPhee, 552. No. 4 -Edwin Holzhausen, 658. No. 5-LICe tie Hunter, 714; Irving J. Banter, ao2. . No. 6. -Olive Goldthorpe, 552; Eisset t-, 688. OODERIOIi. S. S. No 1. -Louisa Drysdale, 553; Sanatiel Andrews, 557: Lillie Graham, 555. No. 2. --Irene °lark, 718; Alice Hick, 684; Reggie Sturdy, 577; Arthur. Will- son, 686. No. 8. -Ella McGuire,. 637; Maggie McGuire, 591; T. A. Harrison, 597. nay. S.S. No. 8. -Martha Oestricher 628; Arthur Truemner, 616. No. 10. -Willie Mefleoun, 705. No. 11. --Ethel Jennison, 557. No. H. -Olive Fee, 556. Sep. school, Eli Gelinas. STANLEY No. S. -Maggie Clark, 649; Mary j, Reid, 605. North No. 4. -Grace Penhttle, 568; Edith Spackman, 552 South IsTo4,-Welda, Stevens, 700; Ethel Stevens, 615. No. 5.---Polloc1' Emcee 712; MaMie Lit mon t, 686, " 1 he istme Chapel, as in the case of the Net Conclave, will be need for the meetings of the Cardinals and the bal- loting. There, after three solemn fun- eral' services, which bei; Tuesday, will he erected a throne for each Cardinal. Over the thrones will be baldacchirees or canopies, attached to the wall bee hind. The moment a now Pope is elected toe will lower his baldacchino s a token of his new dignity, Outs lently announced. The Peuline Chapel will be used for the clebra,,, tion of High Mass every morning of the Conclave, while in the Sala Mole 1011 be movable altars for the MAWS to be celebrated every morning by each Cartlinal. The Cardinale, at their meeting2 gblit disetteeed - the advisability eendinn' a note to the powers re- garding the condition of the Holy See. Some of them ineisted on the neces- sity of not allowing the occasion to pees without again protesting Ageing' the occupation of Pontifical terrotory by Rata, therebv. showing that the acy 15 determined to maintain its la ms Unabated. Others eaiel thee' ught that such a note tvoule not a force to the many protests a e kind already mad -et while it hi terjere with the policy which he figure rope may desire to follow, and added that the best thing to do Isms to leave the successor of Leo. eetirelv free to choose the which foe may consider best for oel a the faithful and the gen- re! terests of the Church. No dee cision on the subject was arrived ut. If the Cardinals ettermine to send the note it probably will he delivered to the diplomatic body on Thursday. CANADIAN WINNINGS. isley Team Averages Lower Than Last Year. London, July aS. - A ouple of ofinished matches were con- cluded at Dinky on Saturday afternoon. In tile \Vantage match Staff-Sergt Simpson of the Royal Grenadiers won four guineas in' the sboot-off with nine others for the first priee. In the Chesieymore match, open to all comers, at 0000 yards, sporting, rifles, or any rifle and sights used in the Palma match. King and Jones, two americans, were first and second. The americans also got eight other places n the 31 prizes, The first prize was E25. The overwhelming superiority of he American sighting, and of the Krag-Jorgenson rifle, has started an tgitation to urge the War Office to dopt, if not the ride, the sights used n the .4 can ann. The :members of the Cenadtan team made presentations to Col. Sherwood nd Adjutant Munro on Saturday ev- ning. On Sunday Col. Sherwood dined he team, and to -day they are scattered hrough the realm. To -morrow the ew Atlantic Union will dine the teano -hen Col. Sherwood will respond to he toast of the visitors, to be pro- osed by Sir A. Conan Doyle. The team winnings average ,R5 per an, a pound less than the average last year. The Aspiring Mule. A Mule, ttutied out to graze by the Roadside, looked enviousl3r"over the Pal- ings of a Paddock in which a Thorough- bred was kicking up his Reels. "Abe It's all the Paddock," said the Mule. "If I were inside those Palings, People would take me also for a Thor- oughbred." Presently, to his no small Delight., he found a small Gap in the Palings. After much Labor, be pushed his Way through and, going up to the Thoroughbred, ac- costed him. familiarly. To his annoyance, however, the Thoroughbred threw his Head in the Air, and went on kicking up bis Reels just as though there were no sua Thing as a Mule n Existence. "Comet You need not put ot all that Flank," exclaimed the mortified Mule. "Now that I am inside this Paddock I am as good asyou." • Don't talk flanks!" retorted The Thoroughbred, seornfully. "This Pad- dock, indeed, is a very good Paddock, as Paddocks go. But at neither makes rue what I am, nor you what you are not. If you were to remain inside these Palin,,.•es nntil Xnacker's Day, you would still be raere Mule; while if I were to graze by the Public Roadaide for the same Period,, I should be none the less a Thorough - tired " • Moral -An Outsider is still an Out- sider, even in a R.oyal Enclosure. -Lou- don "Truth." Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use SCOtt9S Emulsion summer as in winter. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemisfi, Toronto, Ontario. 50e. and $x,o0; 'all druggists. MR- HAYS WILL SIGN TO -DAY. The Grand Trunk Pacific Contract is Completed. Ottawa, July 28. -The Grand Trunk Pacific contract has been finally com- pleted, and now awaits the signature of Mr. C. M. Hays, who will be here to -day. If that gentleman signs the contract upon its submission to him, the salient features will be embod- ied in resolutions to be given notice of to -morrow, and the country will then be made officially aware of the Gov- ernment's propositions. The resolu- tions will be introduced by --Hon. W. S. Fielding, as they involve financial obligations, but the speech explanatory of the Governments policy will be de- livered by the Prime Minister. The date fixed for this is Thursday next. It will probably be a much more ex- tended address than has been heard from Sir Wilfrid within recent years, and may occupy sonie hours. A FATAL EXPLOSION. Three Men Killed and Six Injured - New York Tragedy. New York, July 28, - Three men are dead and six injured, one perhaps fatally, as the result of the - blow-ing out of a cylinder head of an engine at- tached to an ammonia pump in the Jacob Ruppert Brewing Company's ice plant on Alexander • avenue , yester- day. One hupdred and fifty men were at work at the time, and EIS soon as the engine stopped working the am- monia flowed from the pump, the fumes spreading to all parts of tee building. Patrolman. David J. Goss was overcome by the fumes while rescuing unconclous employees from the building, and his injuries may provu fatal. The dead aree-Otto Smith, en - gineer; John Vineinsky, fireman, end Chas, Carpenter, an employee. Ail „easerene were overcome lty the fumes. 1?" te•hete ..tee4L4Z" hIlleteent70 WS° Olgeellicee eteTeh elgPtV#' eteteo •e41P, Hato, 60 Pri1:5 5 alettler--- etitt elhO Prkeln Cana IMO; $he bottles r .00 A remedy whic1 acts througi the fonetions of nutritionby the buildhng. op of new and liealtity tissues is not to be expected to manifest its actiou in a few days, -When the disease is of ree.:nt ori- gin, this early and innuedi tte actioa will often, be met with. Otherwise, when it has already listed some time, the tzetion ot the rentedy euteet ehrouic like the disease itself. `Ithis is why tlie length of the Iltiqr JANES \I,4 r' Win vary with every tiolieitheal case ; hut it is n. fact U o one will now deny that in the treatment of general dybility S. Js 1,VAITE13 profit:cc remarkable, and in some ca.tes, effects. SFr. J.4-mtis • %)..stoinach, digest food and scr.d. nutriment through the blood, and this Ls the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts. develops and breeds the energy v.ticla accomplishes nr-hteh, 'eau ellsectowe et tne*tettortele nt. Attlee Wefero ere aimeat It not quite n eeverfte. Z Ireve great ;at*. In turner Dr. =were. A. eaebtneon, Coen, neetene. Afar:44 irkie4rs ma nee a 44cret ern444,1,.• toe4enameroascroe1er4r4. tarners4ing 4iee4 14 filar tae44at4 u• at I teo forogila upon tggrel, deal ers are net selliegtbe . theyare tisailcdh020te' p1441 41 the Canedien 4t. Ames WOO* Ce., 7Z* thetins5t.. kicatrod. ci L.--x4ro) Olen s were awarded the 0:47..? Gold Medal en Creem Scpiratosa at the Pan.Arnerlean, and our record there rot clean skimming was In keeping with the award. The °Melia records showed our *verse for the eatire time to be nearly so per eent, better than competitors' machine& Vie D LAVAL., SEPARATOR 00., 77 YORK ST** TORONTOo )1 4Foic M",11( V. Irt Ar min WHOM CUTTING, rAiri OR LOSS 0? TIME No matter 11017 long you have suffered er hove barbarously you have'been ereatecity surgeons, by cutting, etretchingatel bureing,tee ask you to investigate or xcnw METROD *retiring ft. Outtreatment is original tvith ourselves, and 15 therestilt of 30yeara'experietice in theeespecial diseases. The stricture tissue in timmtnatie painlessly absorbed and hence removed forever. Any diseharge,which often ac. companies stricture, divappeare. the inflamed surface is healed up, all ecaldinfr atull burning sensations cease; the Kidneys and Bladder become strong and normal, the sexual organs resale *rigor and "vitality and the patient feels as thoegh life were worth, livtng. fill cases are treated under a P 3i7r11116 GUARtd:NTEE 0112 Nil PAY, " oun NV:NV WIETTIOD TREA.T1VIENT win cure you, mid maketa man of you. tinder its influence the brain becomes active, the blood punted Go that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondeneyedisappear; the eyes became bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to thebody, and the moral, physical and sexual 'systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. The,varlous organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannotto a failure. We invite all theafflicted to consult us confidentially and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs lob you of your hard-earned dollars. WE WL IJ.CURE Y0110- OR NO PAY. We treat and COTO NERVOITS DEBILITY, SEXT.TA.Ii WEARNESS. EMIS- SIONS, SYPIIILIS, GLP.ET, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY aad BLADDER DISEASES. and all diseases peculiar to men and women. COSESL711750ff FREE. BOOM FETES (Illustrated). If unable to call, write for enemas:us .6,f-.2:110 for filo.rnes Toustment. DRS.KE: CGAN 148 Shelby St., DEM131T, MCH. 28 Your's in Detroit. 280,000 Cured. Brink Security.. ICekic - ^K 4.PC a DOMINION EXHIBEITEON 1903 • - TORONTO 1903 ADC. 27th to SEPT. 12th . The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhinited on a sCale never before attempted. DAILY 13ADADES Or LIVE STOOK In addition, by order of RIS MAJESTY Tap RING THE JUBILEE PRESENTS . of 111, august mother, the la's Queen Victoria, will be exhibited RIME, as well AB, by permission of the Dowager IliachUM of bufferia and Ava, • I -1-1-M" DUFFERIN PRESENTS And by permission of the Counters of Aber deon treasures .. jOFlRsH MANUFACTUIRE The speciel features, including an entirely new spectacular production entitled "CARNIVAL IN. VEN10E under the -personal direction of SoloSsi Kiralfy, witi be on ascale never before attempted at an annual fair in asy part of the world. ... Reduced rates by laud_ 1113t1 water from everywhere. CcnSult your station agent. W. K. MeN400117, hviiacnt. atra ger 4011 Secretary,