HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-30, Page 1SItJEiNTB YEAR.
JIeii Offi -TORONTO. Executive canes -X0XTEIVAL-
Mozereal, We,: DA.
Mount AlDivrt,
ri 0114111 Busious TENNI 01 Bfain,
319ittrval. ease
weteeee tete
Real ii•late Dail luvloirame eeeat
esisso and village priqh.rgivs lought Dud fial'd en
wev,,,mat Ev.pr.,. lvits.
14ridi in all pwo of Hanitolia owl Nerth-cw,,
ter sa:0
mosEV TO L4'4.
We hate a aim.init of private ftindi to loan
on bra 01:4 VilLTPritT4Ttr.'4.1 !a:: ;aro C.: ir4cr.
GI 4101
vt..EXeteir ote
'2410:t&Y 1.00..te,
Ave hove unlInIttta private, tunes foe in.
vestizeut u teen ar e t et "
lowest rates et futeeet,
leicasoe CAVIL MG.
Riberlitera.eto Zeateal
Messrs. B. Comningluont nod Wm.
'Wheel :tttemled the D,-.•11.4 46 Eaves. teat
week. and report having epent a, good
tituce-Mr. W. Hooper is, on thy hitt
list. Me hope to eee him around soon.
-Miss geerrin is at present very
Several of the boys, are epeteling their
fast horees on the tate k thea.
fliracee en Friday night. --Mroe M.
Mttrphy, of Daratui. stele. 1.,
her sister, airs. IL Coney, - eboir
of Mt. Carmel church passed 0E41101
town en route cu Grand Bend para. -
:Mr. Jaeoll Mit Z. Of Nvw
insig4.4.1 ips son. ..110111 8,4:4 114.1'45 for a
few &rye during the weett.
romarty •
_ _ „ ..."PWR•RF•IN*54
wee milted in nuiritage to Mr. George
Ha -Afro. flurvii Gillespie and little She04.untistittilTeZteitantiiss letoe.sutixiahst toovne-ur itratigreorantgliejonuatirtrIveol!tibliskiNtitz eiguiss' Zwiek-
turse,MVacielorner, rie`fltIteeliel:i'dlthelell fuer.erfnAo3Wr sire: III!: INikuure PC:s-inNherstvetrif oele?rie4.-trlii-e?-4Tf
son, a aloosejew,are now at the home e ein la
of Mrs. James Gillespie. -Dr: and Mrs. the 'gime eon:eines a the three Oinks of Smith es genteel etorekeeper and pest- lel awaP4161‘14"101 stt6'41 a',214er "°4 44.411
ITHilOrils Of Toronto. at'e spending the (1 '\ howlea set this plaee from fenelon (;itireeter. wits la -aught into hnnsiness re, II u" '311",,t1N. ;ern 4AA,Akt chrttetfahe. Tbe
sonnater at tile Jun., a ritr, who every; K -Aire them talkies with a great many people,. and A C,411:310411tY Was Pen4n1rAc•Al Aay CLo VA.V.
Mr. and Mee thigh MeLte:bilio, a T.. t inthe gra.? lawn aerteeey in ineeseeel aeceeninitonne: invariable ;;'„_• -1,441.. 21114 was Ginty -ea A re- eliss
rotttee are rigthtkr Mt Mr* Meleeehten'h. that cite' .e; week. John Ilenetand, ',strengthened ativ'S frILV45;if
417,40 itill1""r11424' er"'ll'i tfatla feiarEee.
Miss desalt. Seastnatleof Ugh -WO% 1.1S*.
ited Wends here ilinitg the vveek.--
R.St. Cranston 114:ZS retureed from
* Prescd'"nt th"` ehah nem tetol the i;-
t, trstsson of hien. At the time of at, Ile- Nate itaateat nendeonse, met wore
4,6•1;, tt.,EieT give. :1144,4 be, rapla otiar:vs Te.,,,,aear,,,.,rr threes, of 43,.,..134 dttqlOPF,S,
riWitil .47341 ttetv veer:41y ef aloe towueloip men:ral ray a-rai
Stratford where he wes otterolting the 410 whet; se. seye. The,y did At InSFWetor fore Cite ef et„i, ..,,ktesne. DirtiggiV9 not lig eLEtt
eistee Cf friade, tess Deseeea-
eels- attreed 4 Vbaite etteaaise ,J.ArViv"
i,;(v twat; i•44E-,,, am!! i•-ill'Aca "%•31110.-•
peesIs spteeseeha_use leesesenan, Tama- , night wit n aae eltet„..es aose btere,--se Not eh Middlesex. a-- hi al --efi tee Zee :Tea reates-
tU ending oie V:1;t
kw iDr. 41 114 11;•,.. 5 the Viagi4DriP11 g ieseeeereee seeseeee MefirenhvE.,4r
'and Mr, Tigiura.- sus. Neil pipers auF. Meyor nue, town cesson lose s ehlee an ere- 4*f ig-3 Noir
left Viet week on an vetemleil trip to 1 vih mettle a ot1s depot ;eel eeeineted :thee wee e .tee Hfr wee at of
Se(4133111, WW're AU" itatend$ spending ; the change tee, P*i tine in tekest etagere, hest reselenien in the eeniantrva ap-
the next few months: among lwr Many
tt •
4 44
EgA 44t4 CIN -11,V, la MY
rel.ltnes there. e lush het eitistena listened to law Sliatesp ;qrs. Rein aeal Teattare4M as ti tei eget. e
edoch he,, seese„..e tots att, aetetteen, , preetat4n and itotianate tiatwal.b..dgo sof Y
ant voyage, a happy vieit. mid eafe 6re-V1-,6 v*Z Meyer well f the eolmateentsaae '.44 4-I' , • -
. . , , •
; titushull. For tee trten to win so mtleb he dey. Tba he peetoessed very VX, WV;"' hltah ri"LIP4-1';'11 '4011
FlArTe!. „ill 13118 VkitY at'e kals3° .„ nut of 214 plesers is a thine; theF are eeptionol pawares of mind eteni heeatue 301,4 Mrs.. Zeshievis will
with Inter not wheat met warier uatr- wand of, z; • -ales wnitstl !he prleee, can -lows 11114. iittllitt 0101 411E4,1, W"
II. a wiNola bad the mei- e. wee undei pees- It) of the work deee he him Ito ea ere' " ete" t`4jesait Iat2'4
fartune to I Tee VE:11111010 idea of tr,,rn Assv,44tion.
, pnsition, wbieh.lo. idled alooledontiF - • a '',Lr • n' A.A..
. • 2^' ,/
gif.ttete4.ast„ alieltuinuetz '11 114 44 troott 3tte.
D. el. g • IT. J. D. c , „A; ei Smith wee tot -too -toted le- high liesehess at"'"gh
I tesliSail
LULU- Thie week we are eAt.41 gwork :MI/WM MISS. $DIPPRed 114't II? hie or 417 -et pen zieniee it! -*14' Pna :oitee Ilert rand. or
4.4 return. lend, the ,,e,eiee A•160‘.. ti,14"*;* INIAARAAV• 111 rinez'oas wIetld lane one et edit to ' 41‘ff":" sereteseny the 41- eine,a?..r ad -
ratio; a aeo• bolote lonsinete was en- a 41 1e11444' sir laei atm %Vat, U -en J'eai `I 421 0.44' dill4f4441:0111 ..;10a par.
St. JOSVPb - peut tittl V11- cie ell the pump', 41,p.,,tiiins of . tt • 41
week. --Mr. Augeet Masse es vieiting
Mends in Courtwrighe-Mr. IL
beau. *4' of Chicago. is visitinguis broth-
er, M. J. Lebeare our popular iniels
manufacturer hem the Missee elearey epees 4 fov dEms alild was an inenght and 'teed MAU* Vs 1' 142149 g
* 2.- .7 • ,*4
to VVebill the death cif an old and re.
I' es feuttit, wee nesse nem their aet, 1-nt tor doe whole ekint'l" ltia esa 4ip* 444
itunt. -------------------------- WAVY., That 111;4= is haw Completed; Rh,' leveed rate! ate' fa -w weeke. a Rev. NV
FARB FOR saes.
ri 611enelt'llturin'etidl*.rAlt,t11114t,Ati, Islib:,1:4„..art:it. retd47,14‘, ,,, firm, '91 wah nu:tet.11ut .ocipon ,:.A•44 W474* 1N4Vt. 44 tetsa tgAtiii
44ityin- is iiew colunolleted and bar- " '
s14,tw.i..,h-.n,aT1,i,.,i1h,,1.n1'4s",.i-4.e,„"z5d,e[Iy,7,c,:4;cc4,„),.,::,.-.4.,T1n,,..i,..,i7r•e4c,,r,„.,,a.te...„,5ie-,1„eT!di,.-o'30i,l,4.44.i.t2.„„v4.4..,,•,,...‘•., .,..-1et,.„1.a•„.,,,w,,...Z--•e-_..;2.,.i„pw','1.,.%,.,e.,1, ...,r.a.le.e.u.e,„ssets*.idw...ae.„sc..i,.,;,riw,,-,.a,,6•a_e:_rS 'e-•., ... „., 1tfis-ani1-itl.,1-i,i,s.,t.to.:,4isitwoin, * gf suodenf lielgit4rt,lie i_et4,ooi4ltl*iri4tl tr.1,r.o4 ci„4fit, nv_itiv1rsa5pt1t%:t1,.a.fi4..t:t.br1a.io1,e,v,.,re j[ti%4oaitt4aler4t„ trtlt,tieie1t.l.,sve 4d1ir4wo, Cili1.ht.AliiIonm0ga i,. s:Mae..it,.n.tt,k..h'-
tielialletliter.h1:a4,fo,14t11eiV7l4r .11 „1 dwN.4im*tut
eaklr el sIstliooe2e '. vrNeeinnto ieaatrg4-,n14e.1da.,,,l`,tota0o.l
11.`t,tto.,rito.„leribAolhirteei_t. tiefgt:,lw,:drg%
fee:i:zlc.geimt„41Ir-t:tve-.a;tiavm:• t4as1•tq.teais:t„,2e: t,et.,e,..t,d,:,aeIar eII.a„_4t.aa,
4t,et.Ii.Negtirttsa,eaLta'tllrs..t.,,;.e,.,e.e.t:la,sso:'e,ep 4ts'4,t1a_., 4.ef-sr2o1.sad, t7em1ie/a1e0.a...4,'zv'.1et,ohetie0inenos. r' aeswI_4iuvWi.4atlr.ir(11edsi1v. 1“e1a„r. ntn''s3c1'..igertte i1_uVl4A0se3e""1i 4*-1sp.f7e:1h-a3° 16f1e•I
1N1e101dt1111:'i1i4.i ,
14h1I6I.41i4M"'hfititr7rii,.yrr1l.f0t,11s„1f•i4 i'nbth:rea31l14rlEi., r1'i1i"f i;,IlA'e-y;L4„'a7.Ic/1g'ItDtl-. .aa;a:r.l7!„„.p4a qva.":,.4:.t.3'1a:9ha,i11- ,4.,A:,,.'','4tI"e.,•e ,5N,edeav,:s,ee„oeo..,e,aIri6se1s,t14
-a2- A
4-0 1•4.,41.(2.Q , •tna-' 2•- ei t11mge1eiv5it eaoieeatay elee.„wseahhe4h,heseIteht01eoidet,0t.iwe,.-
0.„c,ftc1,7t,e:Ll103:tolii2;iagreiTilla;Iwo!3114;iv4t,f44x4,64:41:, I%aoatvthtei1,:1 14;:4!l:F:4NI,n.111:1:7 4a71„:Zlii:,,L1S.I.:,7
pwur. Es/tr.1tidernrghoe 1 • i i sgrzed, ba 4"11111('.d in a few g1411214405. lt-• tlEw111t`f 1 4to 444341 .4.4 444/4 4 .at hone*. Wuiehtillil,--1lb -.i V4 -t rol,ea aa.c.74-PM 4.312' 44421 ttorenatp.aeetapni
e1velemret E40r141,ID4.41,1'.114.s
Berenti810draIF 117011Mtbet.
le"VeS t _4 1 lefInIre t ilere-INP
acitete3ilW------------ln04al. m, aareldco
nitirair iflez ainy, Peeattlnedaat ina:aVianadme-a
Wa40e4t.141t0.0ve. lleataohloeleag-neeeet colatiteal
f 4444 I. tstot
we- ae
:g E1:4. batlTanhte1
ryn tmwene4Ttt
eneeehs:reN„theTireal 41Snai
20 ttgcrnele• -Peee3sea
• t'll'st'liTs ;1111
holier, of Detroi1. is spending a few
mout..441noi tx,,,che Raw* weeks' %ligation with his parents here.
ittillSieY. many of tlaeir old friends from 1'. 44 eat teal Mr wee. mantle- 14ilt6e4:171" pre- -211e. B.G. Niehol is ilitSY (141 '.2. daFS 3,1155QS Lizzie, Derling and Susie ke tiepin 44. 144 theYreeeiveil the great -
ea tele at on 3ramv 44 4. limy :ire titlit•Iirc41.
tam bran* osinovr 241,1 too make a1,041. troat gittlirritia ,-" eg, (v4 --lir A Th01311113011 111'.3felitiKt fOr the hatred VSt Of 141MBeivnits of
• • . .
hstees. Appi3 to greatly Unproved his residence by eree- home in Listowel. a -Miss Cora sklexan- illes. Peter Melville will be ear
pled 10
T. C. *teener" Estee ting a new and handsome verandele- der was the gittbst of Miss Violet Wein learn that elle is getting along nicelet
a a Mrs. .A. Foster. til :Michigan, is spend- on Sunday. -Miss F. Jennings was the AeteinEst.-Mr. W. ltl. Kevs, of the
nnn. ing a few weeks with friends in this guest of Mreajohn Lewis on Thursday. Babylon Lints met with a sail accident 2t
Lists, lova. neighborhoud.-The live pupils who -Mat Moses PiPr011 10ft., Montlay for a few da. eao. He was drawing in
------ i wrote on the Entrance examination Wetmore, Falls. --Miss Elsie Brown. of Invyandovlaile loadlog,the horses store-
MerdelPelitY ef the TeweshiP et were all sueeessfal and ono of them, London, is visiting friends and rein- ed suddenly. lie was thrown behind
Stephen, County of linron. Miss Ethel Capling. headed the list in tives here. -Miss Ifeve Dale was the the team and then to the grottnd and
setiovit bottle:lam teat I bete tranitilittol or WVSt Huron, a standing which is an guest of Mr. Watson Sunday. -atlisees thewheels passed over him Ells right
otaistrost to tet perms mentioned in reet1°Ires" tut honor to the little girl as well OS a Maud and Ethel Weir left Tuesday to leg was Woken at the thigh and his
The Ontario Voters' List Act. the Copies reu 7 .
the said sullen ta be sotransinitted Or deqllWred of credit to the teacher. Mr. Howard, visit biande awry Parkhill.-AllasFlor- collar lame brolazu. The aniuries are
the list, niade pursuant to said act, of all persons who prepared here. This is the second ence Bloomfield. of Deuileld, is visiting so severe Oat he Will be bud up for
IllfgaVary,IttitirMrargInf SIO pupil of Mr. Etowarire who has thus friends in this vicinity. -Mrs. Watson eolue woven. Such an aceideut to a
wawa &tamely ana at tealoso eastaatat needed the list in this Inspectorate and gave a. party to the little children in farmer in his busy eeason is tt'YIng in-
n that the tald Litt +las tint pOSted at my °mean we trust it may not be the Inst. and around Brinsley on Tneedaye-Mr. deed and helms the sympathy of the
l'rediten, on the St7th day of July, A. D., 10a3. and
tenuoint there tar inspettion. Motors aro ealiel up- Christopher Lewis met with an acei- whole neighborboodrs Mr. Keys, how -
en to examine the said list aud it eoy ordisions or Lucau dent on iMonday. He was riding his ever, is getting along as well As can be
Wessman° fund therein tO take immtvliate . bicycle and when nearing a bridge the exped.
proreegli to dinhave the saleerrors corrected 4V. Dr. Thompson, D.D,S., of Avonton, handle bars bent, throwing him to the
eoriting to law.
ItitoRY Moan, Tp. Clerk.
Dated Crediton, July Li, 1093.
Tarentum, 21795,
The Phenomenal Well -Bred
Standard Trotting Stallion
Leeds eh other8talliO4ls intone& tor siring ex-
treme speed, and high-stepping action for road and
carriage purposes.
Tarentum hos now produced three colts showing
better than 2..10 speed, one going A mile in 2.05,
who is now entered in over 029.000 in stakes down
the Grand Cireuit. Harry D. commences the Grand
Circuit at Detmit in the $300001'.amber and Com-
merce stakes and also in the 2.14,,,,t2000staires and
then goes doom the grand Circuit through other
large stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Can-
ada that has produced a colt phenomenally fast
enough to face the Grand Circuit that won second
money in his second start in a race atMemphisIn a
'field of eleven starters, alls.pqedy ones, Dorthy
ton having got a mark at Lexington, Kentucky, the
previous week in 10914. In this race Orin B., by
G. reystone, the sire Of Tarentum, Won 2St money..
Harry D., by Tarentum, won 2nd. money, 1siajor Hal
3rd money, Dorothy Wilton 4th money, time 2.094
and 2.1034.
MolibAY--Simon McKenzie'*, ".Cuckersinith, noon;
Blake night. •
Tssney--Zurich noon; Orediton ni
Wzienisniy-Bxeter noon; Farquhar night.
Trumpet -By way of Staffa to Dublin noon; home
F411DA4-4.t his ovm stable, Kg•inondville.
SATURDAY -1-4.t his own stable, Egmondville.
Farmers' common mares, $15 -to insure; well-bred
and standard -bred mares $20 by the season, and $25
to insure; stud fees due January 1s4., 1904. For tabu-
lated pedigree see large posters, or address,
Kgmondville, Ont,
who has bought Out Di...Hervey adent-
al practice here, bas got finally settled.
Dr. Harvey loas left town and he car-
ried away with him many kind re-
membrances of his life here and he de-
sires to thank the peeple of Lucan and
vicinity for the pleasant business
(10445, which has been his during his
stay. He, knowing Dr. Thompson tut
he does, sincerely recommends hint
to his forreer enstomets,-The stables
and outbuilding of Mr. Thomas Robin-
son were destroyed by . lire Thursday
night at ten o'clock. Lightning is sup-
posed to have been the cause. -John
Fox's new brick block adjoining the
Queen's Hotel, is well under way and
will be completed by Sept. 1st. -Miss
Jennie Hodgins is on an extended
to friends in the West. Her many
friends wish her a pleasane trip. -The
Misses Nellie and Louie Foreman left
last week for a few weeks' visit to
friends in Toronto, Weston and alus-
koka.-Mr. Chas.Piper,. who for sever-
al years past has been an the employ
of 'Wray k Hatykshaws millers, has
gone to Kincardine, where be has se-
cured a situation cin connection with
the waterworks and electric light sys-
tem. -Mr. Eslie Carter is recovering
from his recent illness.
The Grand Rapids post contains the
following acconnt of the martgage of a
former McGillivray young lady, Miss
Ida Cockwell, daughter of- Mr. James
Coekwell, con. 11: "Last Wednesday
at high noon Marie J. Cockwell was
united in .marriage to a prominent
young attoreey of this city. The cere-
mony was performed by ttte Rev. Je
Herman Randall at the home of the
groom's parents. About 25.guests, the
relatives and immediate friends of the
bride and groom, were present. The
bride wore a white French mull gown
with lace yoke and trimmings end car-
ried white roses. She was attended by
her sister, Miss Jennie Cockwell, who
acted as brideimaidHe dress was
of white French , lawn. George Mc
Pherson, cousin of the groom, was
best man. -The wedding party for 'the
ceremony stood in a double door arch-
way, draped prettily with smilax, car-
nations, in a variety of celots. Roses
and vines were used effectively in all
the rooms. .4 dainty and stunptuons
wedding brepikfast was served to 11
the guests after the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Granger will spend their
honeymoon at Ottawa Beach and
Rodney, July 28. -This afternoon F.
Martin, aged fifty-two years, a highly
respected farmer residing close to this
place, was struck by a fast freight
train while driving across the M. 0. R.
tracks in this village, and fatally in-
jured. The waggon badly wrecked
and both horses killed.
Or.d3 OUT. -Mr. J. S. Gilfillan, who
for the past year has been conducting
a general store has disposed of same to
Mr. James Park. The store was dos-
ed for a few days, owing to stock tak-
ing but is now in full blast. We wish
Mr. Park every success.
EXCITEMENT. --The village was
thrown into a state of excitement Fri-
day afternoon when word was sent in
that two tramps, a white man .and a
negro, were seen in the vicinity of
Councillor Frank Ryan's farm, on the
Coursey Line. Richard Coursey was
detailed to watch the two, men until
the eiuthorities in the village could be
notified.. 'Visions of the reward offer-
ed for rhe apprehension of the Glory
Whalen murderers aroused County
Constable Metier, who with theee
swoen deputies started in a double car.
riege in pursuit of the supposed fugi-
tives. Two miles outside the village
they captured, without any resistance,
two Indian flet pullers, and a bottle of
whiskey-, sleeping soundly "in the
shade of the sheltering palms." • The
trip cost the village or county $5.
ACCIDENTS. -Mr. Robt. Donnelly, of
the Western Hotel, met with a painful
accident a few days ago while driving
a, spirited horse on the Roman Line.
The animal becoming frightened Jed-
denly shied to one side, throwing Mr.
ground. His face was badly scratched
and he was otherwise shaken up. ---Mr, tql„,, vt„tua Hass" who bee sent
John Doman, of the ltla con. who swite-itml-e ,In -
bad the misfortune to have Illis leg ttaa„„ It i s stop opp t 0 e.
iTtir011uiri, IS eiresent
fractured a few days, Is getting along Ez7ig-118'^b, 71.1-1;ss-elrand sa;ta ,7,:tAluigsn
_____...._ *re visiting their aunt, Mes. McIntosh
at Moray. --The "Freda Ail!" children,
• Zurich after spending two weeks here, return -
Miss Clara Sieener, of Durham, Is ed to Ode homes in Toronto, Frid;ty.
visiting friends bere.-Mr. and Mrs, Miss L., M. Brophey, of Toronto, is vie -
Louis Sipple, of Detroit, are visiting itiug her sister, Mrs. W. T. Ulens.-
friends here. -Mr. Albert Heideman, Mrs. W. j. Wilson was in Londou on
Jr,. of Detroit, was in town last week. businesslast week, spending Sunday
-The Hensall Band bas been engaged with his son, 'tVillie.-Mrs.Hadley and
to play at our fair, to be held on Sept, sons, of Ilderton, visited Mr. and Urs.
23rd and 24th. -Mr. Jerry Curriveau, A. Hotson over Sunclity.-Mrs. T.
of St. Joseph, is engaged at P. Ben- Stewardson and daughters visited
der's shoe store. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry friends in town a. couple of days dur-
Ortwein have returned from their trip ing the week. -Master David McLeod
to Pigeon, Mich. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Wilson.
Stickels, of Detroit, are visiting the Outeaate lor last week.)
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Misses Grace and Tena Menzie, who
Greb.-Afrs.David Ruby, accompanied for the past week have been visiting
by her two children, of Cavalier,N.D., Miss Emma, McPherson, returned to
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. their home in Sarnia Saturday. -Mr.
Ernest Gies. -Miss Laura, Hartleib, and Mrs. John Brown were in Strath -
who has been engaged at dressmaking roylast week attending the funeral of
in Setiforth for the past few months, the former's mother. -Mrs. (Rev.) S.
has returned home. -Mumps is the Russell, of London, is at present visit -
fashionable disease around here at ing her sister, Mrs. A. al. Wilson. -
present, and quite a number are laid The Toronto "Fresh Air" children
up with ftwelled he/Isla-Mrs. Q. N. were treated to a, picnic by the friends
Taggart, has returned to her borne in at Grand Blend Saturday afternoon. --
South Bend, Ind., after a pleasant vie- Mr. W. J. Wilson, of Hamilton, and
it with friends here. -Mr. John Wese- his gang of telephone constructing
loh, who has been indisposed for the men have completed the line in a very
past few days, is convaleseing.-The satisfactory condition, past Greenway.
laying of the cement walks are now -Mr. W. T. Ulens made a good sale of
well tinder Way, and the contractor 140 tubs of good creamery butter of
promises a speedy completion of the the Corbett Dairy Co.
number under contrace-Dr. Remit-
ton has fully recovered from his recent
illness. -Mrs. Philip Koehler, of CHVi* Dashwooa
is the guest of her sister, Your correspondent wishes ye Edi-
lier, N.D.,Mrs. Fritz. -Mrs. Adam Faust is yisit- tor well after enjoying your week's
ing her son in Carte, Mich. holiday.- De, McLaughlin -returned
DEATH OP Met& Mateseer.-One of Saturday, after a pleasant Week's visit
those events which cause feelings of in Detroit. -Mr. John Hall spent the
sadness and regret in the hearts of old , past week at his farm near Hyde Park,
a d while Mrs: Halls and daughter spent
neighbors and acquaintances, 13
grief and pain to those nenr and dear, las spent S
af, the thne at Detroit. --Miss Emma Call -
occurred on Wednesday 'inorning of nnday with friends at Lieu -
occurred Lily Clark, of London, Sun -
last week, it being the death of Mrs, dayed with friends in the village.
John A. ldansore. Although deceased -Mr.
had been ailing for some years with a Henry Snaith, who has been employed
lingering illness, her conditicin was not in the car shops at Port Baron" for
sidered unusual the' day previous, some time, returned here Saturday
conevening.-The village trustees intend
and hey taking -off came as a great
shook to her numerous friends. Mrs.. having the cernent walks built this
Manson wee a daughter of Mr. Peter coming week' What's the matter with cement walks all over the village
Douglas, of Stanley township, and was
in her,35th year. Mrs. 14.18119011 was and pay it of in fifteen or twenty
year deberitures? We would then have
refined, industrious and agreeable; so
a little pleasure as we climb up life's
happily constituted with rare charm
able and bright -that an invitation to rugged road. -It Woolen:gm talk that
itaigveegedfionige willtakeair).11;13.1ctendipnlaoytenci sveivl:
of rendering all aronnd her pleasure-
Donnelly heavily to the ground; frac- her home was always eagerly accepted
tering fivesof his ribs. He is progress-
ing favorably. -Mr. Chas. Sprovvl had
the misfortune 'a few days ago to get
kicked above one of his eyes, tvhile as-
sisting to get a horse up. Quite a
lengthy cut was the result as well as a
very black eye. We trust he will soon
be alright again. -While Mr. J. H.
Howard was busily engaged doing
some brazing the other day one of the
burners burst and in an instant the
ilaines shot into his face, biwning
it quite badly as well as scorching his
hair and eyesbrows. He is around
again as usual.
by the happy recipient Her sauve
politeness to all; her kindness and
sweet human sympathies gained in re-
turn the respect and love of all classes
with whom she came in contact, while
there was no surer way of gaining her
good will than an honest admiration
of her loye, her husband, her children
and her borne. She leaves to mourn
her deinise a sorrowing husband and a
family of small children, who have the
sympathy of the entire community, in
this their sore bereavement. The fun-
eral took place on Friday and was
largely attended.
eral tunes on the street on Saturday
evening. We think the corporation
should build the boys a stand to play
in the open air on such sultry even-
ings. -Several have already got their
wheat in the barn and we may soon
expect tohear the hum of the thresher.
-Quite a large number of our Sunday
School workers attended the annual
Children's Day Festival on the 140,
Sunday, which made our school Unusu-
ally small. -Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Brok-
enshire mad children spent Sundae -
week with friends on the 16th. -Mrs.
Heyrock Sundayed with friends in the
Mrs. Thompton awl daughter Sieve
retuned Tottonto, after a pleasant
Jamb t is expeeted home from
visittivitra and Myra. Helot. -Mr.
German) tie a feW daYS.'----.31r. WM. A.
on tt.-Flax pulling has com-
menced: at'esers• Wuerth, Haist & Co.
have 300 acres SOWn this year. They
haven number of Indians here from
Muncey, to work in thelieltheate.nuor
her of our eitizeus intend taking in the
Masonic Excursion to Kincardine on
August tab. Why not make this mar
Civic belay), and all go? -Mr. Ernest
Simpson, 13. A., Mat bennaticai teacher
in the Sebool Dimon, was in
the village on Satutday renewing old
aequaintartees.-The Misses salbertina
Wuerth and Mary Finkbeiner, of De-
troit. are visiting rhilttiVQS here for a
few weeks. -Mr. Orville Blanes, of Zone
Ida Avas in the village Sunday evening.
Some attiaction 11010? -Our *boys went
te Zurich lad. Tuesday to play at game
of football, but owing to the ram the
game bad to be postponed.- Mrs, 'Mat-
thew Finkbeiner and Mr. Mieliad
Swartz are very We hope they
will soon regain their former health. -
Ail the pupils of our public seltool,who
tried the Entrance Examination in
June last, were successful. Elia. Link
received the highest marks for the
school at 776 and Joseph Finkbeiuer
was one of the highest in the Cnunty
in arithmetic, making the total marks
of 200.- Mr. Rapley has returned to
FinlayeCtisio,after a pleasant visit here
with friends. -Masters Wren And Gil-
bert Chisholm have returned to Lon-
don, after visiting their uncle, Mr. W.
S. Chisholm, the past two week.
DEATEG-Word was received here
last week that Mr. Asa 3. Hill, of Park-
hill,formerly painter of this town, had
lost his life through an accident. He
was painting the house of Mayor Mc-
Leod, at the above place, and was as-
cending the ladder. On account of the
ladder being set toe straight, it began
to swing backward and Mr. Hill in
throwing himself forward to save him-
self broke the ladder, which was a sec-
tional one, and. threw him to the
ground. Be was picked up uncon-
scious and only lived a few minutes.
We extend our sy,mpathies to the wid-
ow and family.
PRETTY WEDDING. -Crediton - has
once more contributed to the happi-
ness of another London home and an-
other of our young ladies has left our
midst. The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Finkbeiner was all astir on Wed-
nesday. the oceaslon being the mar-
riage of their daughter, Miss Christina,
to Mr. Edward Blake,of London. The
sweet and gifted winsome bridelooked
the picture of female loveliness, being
gracefully gowned in a ,handsome cos-
tume. Needless to say,the grootreprov-
ed hitnseff equal to the occasion. The
knot was securely tied by the Rev. G.
D. Damm, in the presence of the im-
mediate relativessof the contracting
parties. After the ceremony was per-
formed and congratulations over, the
bridal party with their guests adjourn-
ed to the dining room, where the beau-
tifully arranged table was all prepared
to serve the wedding dinner. After
the inner man has been amply looked
after a moye was made to where the
bridal gifts were spread and much
time was spent here, for the presents
were menerous, handsome and costly.
and caused much comment thereon.
Mrs. Blake leaves many friends here
who wish herself and worthy husband
every happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Blake
will reside i1 London.
palate mete head at (viand alai Mere
41•4:i'v All whin t pleeeent Mrs
Albert Zwiekcr. traveller for the MC-
Cortitiok Mautottleauring Co.. af Len -
don. %pew tinindevhet the giwet et
his brother, Mr. (tiaata H. Zwieker.
Mrs. Delve. of London, is cleating Me.
and We. Vanities Trevethiela-air.
Wilt. Mown left for Detroit Tuettlayt
where he reettred a situation. -Mr.
and Me, Rei,,o,of Detroit, tiro visiting
relative.: in this vieinitea-Sevettil or
our young people attended the Child-
reti's Day bestival in Zurieb on Stine
day. -Mr. Rapier, of Fiaday. Ohio, is
the guest of 3Ir. anal Mrs. 'Wm. Lewis.
-Mr. Soho Ilanell has retnrned from
Bright, where he has been visiting
relatives fur the pest nerettn.-ht aota-
ber of oureitizens have bad great spore
fishing of late and have had eplentlitt
tiltrer...9.. It is seldom that Mr. Trick
and Bert return home empty handed.
-Miss Adeline Ratz, of Parkhill, is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. Chas, Zwieker.
Urg..t. W. Humphries, is spending
a. few weeks at Port Carling. Muskos
ko.--Ilate O'Neil, who has been GM.
R.night toperatt». at Toronto Juuttion,
has gone to the Northwest where he
will follow (operating. We wish him
success. -Ed. Snowden. WhO hns been
in Alberta and British Columbia for
the past live years. is visiting at his
home here. -Geo. F. Meers, left last.
week for Eat Portage, where be
bas secured a good berth in the 0.P.R.
offiees.--Miss Bell Torney, of &Ashen,
III.. is visiting at her home here. -Ed.
Manes has gone to New Ontario. -Mise
Celia Jones is slowiy recovering from
her illness. -V. Ratz left last week for
Muskoka. -It is rumored that a gen-
tleman from Blyth contemplates open-
ing up a jewelery store here shortly. -
Florence and Mamie Bolger, of Chloe -
mare visiting friends here. -,Tames F.
McIntyre, of Mexico, is visitieig at his
home here. -Mrs. Oliver Baird, who
has been on a few week's visit in At-
lantic Oity, has returned home.
KILLED BY A. FALL. -A fatal acci-
dent occurred at the residence of
Mayor McLeod at about 8.30 o'clock on
Wednesday morning by which Asa
Hill, a painter, well known in town,
lost his life. The deceased was just.
gettingready to go to work, and bad
put up It ladder against a wall, when
he commenced to ascend. When he
bad gone up a few feet he felt the lad-
der, which was standing too straight.
comrneuce to fall backwards with hina
and he threw himself forward so -vio-
lently that the ladder which was a sec- '
tional one. broke in the centre, and he
fell, striking his head. Dr. Wilson was
hastily summoned, but he died in a
few minutes. Mr. Hill was an exem-
plary young man, and his genial dispo-
sition was so marked,as to make him.
an agreeable companion. He made
many tree friends who are indeed sor-
ry- to hear of his sudden taking off.
His young wife, of about a year, is al-
most prostrated with grief and the
heartfelt sympathy of the entire com-
munity is extended to her in her sor-
row. The funeral took place on Fri-.
day and was largely attended.
Zwicacan--Saeitsiete-The London
Free Press of Thursday has the follow-
ing, which refers to the marriage of a
former well-known young man ol this
place and a brother to Mr. Charles
&sicker, merchant of this place; --A
happy event took place at eight o'clock
Tuesday evening at the residence of
Misses Roddick, 466 Dufferin avenue,
when their niece, ltliss Lizzie Sample,'
Rieterer-In Stephen S.B., on July 28;
to Air. and Mrs. WIG. Rielly-, a son.
SENIOR -In Exeter, on July 29, to Mr.
and Mrs, jos. Senior, a daughter.
Meelee.-In Wallaceburg, on July 14,
to Mr. and Mrs. 10. McGee, (formerly -
Mrs. Fulton), a son.
CAMYBELL.-At Zurich, on Ally 212
to Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, a daugh-
SCRAPER. -At Zurich, on July 19, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer, a daugh-
MANSON.-In Zurich, on July 22, Mrs.
John A. Manson, in her 35th year.
HILL. -In Parkhill, on July 22nd, Asa
Hill, aged 44 years. ' •