Exeter Advocate, 1903-7-16, Page 67 , e 1'l. IO IIEREAFT R Numberless Similitudes Which Desoribe Our State, ereiteree ..,itecoreitig to act of the -Pere •• liewient or Veneseie -Om ever one l'ineiseed Nine Atomised and Three, be Woe 44.113r. of 'Toronto. at taa +newt:Mein, of agricettere. Otieenseel weeesiee..e,eseeeeeeeaseena,"0,................4 came eXCeedingly restleee, As an "Wien rye found my other slip- . . • • ee • • • • • • e • • • - .e--....-• , e ..- . aooleionas cause of grievance not per.' ,!..1e. e X. a ePeek of cloud had showed- itself WI "You're late," continued Mrs. Pet - et, ' . - *le ed xeore than usually happy, llis quarter of an timer, and 704 know Vitrs. Pelgroves,:, the sky, and evorybedy abrood leek- greVO. "Dinner's been k-ept back o •':e tn timeworn en °oda, AVan DO 0- . p h y t cl ing how close it rashes eooke 4 Pense . , ,. , ' e A eine Hat... .. T bickering at Rornsey thou ileForiSOnn ter it,- -....- V' biln the letenn bit of good, Bettet smoothing serioue to say to you af- K•Oe0.44.nooeeeo.o......••••••••004,4•Sontenel, ment in It astiogs, with thot dreted- Personally, Matthew would hove fU1 shadow of the eaorteew hanging preferred having the matter oot bee Matthew Pelgrove etr011ed olong over his bead! 1.3. Now therefore bebold the kite/ the esplauede at linetinge. Chlielding '''I dolet eerce I'm going out," ho nibigrehttrro?lits.4 dIvige°114eltdiealic.t‘ IFillcie7t lie lwiall°11514 dY:91111'0047 OnChd°Sbeleihrlt t1144:11.-X7eg to Iffixeself. Xnrout o- moral stand,- LSaid to himself, wilco the Pun had sat obedievoy em to tbe tebee oid bath ,set a leiag over you. Jena. in the kingnom Of God." Of point he had dene#4 OleSt repreb,en- . set and cleoneee of recognition woro feigned interest la the views. mate- In \Tree e. Wo bear Sonettel eayinn aut'Se there would bo TAO stgaiiieanee Able thingbut the circle:meta:Pees ,slighter. k tAiniug for appearoue& Sake when, 'Behold, X limo beeskoned unto youe la tens statetumet if the pittriarchn ee.ore vertainly entigAtiegtiny not rulling. his It weil (seer his he the servant was present a flow of voico be all that ye said unto me are not tO be known OS Abaham.much be forgiven to o Man whOse und turning up bis coat colter. Mate moan toue to woich los wife short. and hove luado a, ohm over, you.. II 10.10.g ad Jacob, etgeire. .,ye ehall wife has a ebrowisli tongue And , thew ventured outside But de- iy replied. Now to says that the Lord did it, The elleal celled owl- fohlheg all he kw be was the ,Lerdes reeiresentateve. eerviette. Mrs. Felgrove planted liereu believers eveioa accent the truth elbows' on the table- II" husband. that we are hero Us Ohriat's Stetni renegnized the "Clell and trembled' our lives woule toll More for .1-14111 a' StleeSSfkli tittle trIO* '1Eatf.' (Tr, Cor, v.„ 20; Joine xvii„ 18). tilTe'S.. very -Olen -le you!" oje:tleoins.ilbewut tililliefiy 41141.d°nptt lailgenniQn°1nr olnee, don't seen' liki tO tbe marle to -night.'" tbe place of God, for Samuel roulade yc,o'Airntociiefii,ndgoesilesitchl:°0"neTrapalloeitigt: Zonutlerhnelertelirg;1"77(mv,e!:see.i71116')e.„7„ielitienw:ieelusel That reminde me. I've left nnel i ye >dein yourselves servants to obey, 1)°SrlieteIltemelteeeuna: etenh%rn"rwent°,"" MAttliew t`,bis s"vants ye are to wheln Ye played with a saltspoon. Ile couldle.t.°1:5`ar";.04 wptiettisnbg°uflitlybpeela„s%14e toor 7beinigl t"4Q't'II;P°s1i;:ri(si7i',1:111YT' trnee:'4,441c71:::11:0,(9F;:-N,471"1:::::. "‘Sp:Alti: ' 1:141h:inL1104C"Ile : 7:1(td . oboy TIN voice. , „„ ,,,, ree „ oeterdoe./ ee, 4.0'7 43 Se Win leer the Lord ' at4:3iow was cowing, ond 1,4. VOiee Of the Lord. but rebel, * * * t lk 4* But if yo will not oboy the Althollenithey biree slimed and god grove terned hot all over. Melee In bfes gnnen, thent ibeir desire. yet wee clearly holeing beraelf in. moment the storm would break. in hero is a way of blessing still leo, to ell its Violence, and a poor num who /them. Jehovah ertitet and will be bad done wrong and knew it would 1.:n)regaolliplidelienteiritehoepriein lecsisningsjudgempert, go 14°w° barer° the hiet5Itli; menages,/ upon tho unbelieving. Ile redeemed Ti4'1:117:,/,,.;,litotgleliet etatmetay morn, i InreletitieurevZgyoupatnotnliwaltItatinfanyill/igrhveh IIM wbeit a carriago drove by. Mr.; heel) THE SUNDAY 301100i INT=NATIOATAL /4-.SSOleT JULY 19e see Atwell:len. Isaac moi Jocetb and, Ideas of expeutlitUre that by ne4 spite the Serenity of the niglit lie did .A. &vetch from Cbicago says: , loown with Abraham and 'SAW awl wane •scluane with the possibilitlea not enjoy the walk. One thought 1.1". rr`4114 De Vit Talmage Preaeaee ate the prophets in the eingelotn of of a: limited income? inteeided - would be meet his wife? I ed fro= the fonowing tont: "Ilebold 0004., says se, rata to the Tiles- vireo days previously. in the pri, lee peered into the flerk cornea Of 134. 144114s ft" IntY feeeit. thaitertteeisn4. salonialls: "What .ls °la" aplx-' °r i vac y of their honie at Ifornseee outt- sheltors before be passed them; a nevself."`--St. Lneo .loove 1-4:' -. ---"' iey 9r crown of rejoicieg? Are aot thew had remareed to ois wire: dozen tinwe in the elm light otber 'Fee above words euggest the rab-, even ye at toe presence,: women's bate aseumed the Appeer- t "Al . dear. I nan1 X shell bave to icet of olln reeogoitiall of liel'avt°'11 of our LOrd. Jeetsis Christ , go t itradfard on Feidv,... anee of hers. 'When people streemed loveel ones in the world to come- • at leis coming?" Again hel eti,s. releroce unrered *he ..._,,,,n_ out of church and the eroWil on the Willis subject is oe interest at all, flays to them: "NOW WO beseeell n07. and eraneed shnInie, o'n'cres'''4vnii; esplanade grow thicker Matthew doe tinte's aed touches well-eligh evelerevan. brethren. hY the eteeleg of man iehle„ , eided to return to the liotel, 'Fbie, Oxe. ltardly any ttere are but, have Lora Jesus Christ stied war gather -i °„0,41 Thethee eeexeneee,,,,, ,ase. ;es' weelf-end at the seaside wan an ea - buried their' dead: beeediZe wen hut. big together uoto Him," 'A -"d °"cei? On bli.;.s"s?" 4 "" r''''''' x'''' i' *"1' Ur° 3111r4; - M, e passed through the hall tile bow shut off eront the daily activi-; mere: "1, would not have ,1:4^44 Ic'e ' ocerteinayi elest aema wool: tees oe their souls a roetWrated ignoraot. brethren,. concerniug themil eeeo., nen_ e„.„.,...., +ie. enee e eeeeen, young woman in charge of the office N -Did; eerelle. any hut at tunes are 1 - slee that ye sorrow /Kit ,r:7;.'"''''' V474. io;;;;;;ti7ni ."`cileo"t73,:;7' spoke to bine, 'alar4e51113n. as2'llbg; '''''.441:111 We SW as otner Nebo °Inoxe no IZAkrie.... The 1'44 tbrae dear abSeat• OneS agabl 4" ileVe referred tla hero ta Olonioirisly t;o1r„ I'lltdre442411- •Sb411 I 4.,1'411e you'SlyirsreoPeal°1.4cP4 f'ar "lit ilrlill will there lee some bend of reestgaia,thot (n. noatieg again,. "Ohl" red Miettbew. will ill-ao. alattliew enclongered the life of his' sinned uncencern. owlho wero Ii‘eeveo 14'11:erg, il:15:ei." e n ie., e ..„....ie I'd A NY MOIlle ALI,USIO, clip hy bringing it precipitetely to' , „e.. hary-iii,v4 (..":%.---wpE4:i 71.1;.,iiiVi2‘' ,,aZ ' of like, rlelieteter =tight be d ANS% the tame. een ,--,:me-e-- 'Wee-- „eeenne eeee-e,nen ,-,:e front the lepislies, of it Paul. But oinipoesible, Mary! Dewitt:4rd%). inat:itN'sie:ti4e,anundt, genniuntrtiunlit'he3eal:ittobg en; --- nee "e'ne -e-e.; - it, will snince lite to turn front thein not a Moro for pleasure, Ikeides, 1 list. fieliteir lett no cards... be::21 III" duhtY ratb°: ti,uxeu weiet_/!: now aim eo consider finny the further 411 be fully engaged all the tbne," 744c -re'''' Ia''N111°. t /-tb44:tvieN‘rul.:1;i1L-'1.;' -bu-71; Ztieatemeel,litt (.0411 1441" tellet. -. A-eli werel bo them. And this $aturday after -."Could yrneeoreedeseribe theffir .e was what had paeeed between el only spoke to the iitoy„ sir. bow to get to beaten Is Ven genet/ ennoeh, toe it tons pe teet the glori-i noon, when hiS wife believed him ed Flthee seedy beside here* - --- --- The gentleman kept bobinti. Ilo look., iPirt4tIthelete obte4".etie:iiidi760.e.i4are riel;reiei lied body of our Lord. WAS rerOgilia- k to he in the North transacting buei- - •iinti e Wt. 71: at all haw of direction. and Ife was our firet fruits. and ,I aces, Pelgrove, the arehedeeeiver. eves h., v1'`171.."1114°P t !Mt CI coli;en City Niseproen-ileall'ieel. beet: r' 11 ' 1lii - - i . ("41 s9- SIMI! :we rise, There j bathing in beautiful Autumnal sun- 'U on the narrow road the crews ever( and angel is Sot; ap .13.$ A gliblePost P to point *lie Way'. Bat altiliougle v the emotive of ieepiration bna tee do:0 wien the privilegee wee tee require-, t ill =exits of tbie world. it gives UN no:them-41 i a u s gtorr ell4iktY COTWelatiell Willi refereize to ined all. There WAS that Oho thorn Who are fallen asleep. In the 0 which dazeled one bewildered. ./. *rt plave, tepee is that pervading! Not et- firet did Mary and liis dia» trielerto-eo wbieit wo deteet mnineoIcipies know wale Wiiiie they sought, otetio, len catinot feeplain it. wo4;arilener or wotdd go a*Rehing al' teratot, poilit it met; but somehow. 4 wallet sorrowful raid hopeless by the 01.444 ldbe Blhlo 1471'14V we maN'. it; wayside, their eyeS Were darliened; 4 ivoutfortti le3 COnCeriiing our bro-ebut wizen they turned tbeir spiritual titer.'" gaeo upon Ilino teen they hnew Itut again. tile Weal-M.110a Of ,ifini; then Mery saki "Ileltbenit" ttioso vie have larelewn on ellellh Is then Set. John cried. "It is the fondled iln lleallle af the forahtmental, Lord:" then Doubting Tlioneas be- 1 deelarations of Oodni word. We o a h •taVe...; teen repentant, Peter eank itt. are to to held acorn/Melee, for in- , los eno, en like manlier it etall be stanee. for oar dealings will' tbaeo, with us and ours, we shan be around un Can it Coo be poosible ; chenged. lee corruption there shan we are °°t to ic't" tb°54' be ineorraption• for weal:nee% pow- tjebuirii? I've bav° iftikerseud fur gateCer; for dishono;'. glory; for tbe ne- , tura]. the spiritual body, and nuty- NUMBEBLESS SIMILITUDES. hap. too. the unseen struggiete end 1 • Foribens, however, tho strangest ot entfferings of the past shall be regise the 15411500* toodpkgs or the moo- toted upon elle hteeS and thus Mir on this, !Mint iii to bo found in theRe real eburacttvu eoprese themselves; eittnerieso sintilitude» whicli des., the tbinge which were hidden come crieWeour state. hero and bereafteee l teemed. und the good deeds done in US oue of oetmeiation. The eini,...; secret be forever rewarded openly. thon oe heaven kJ me a net east ot.ollut our Identity. our appearance, 10 the eft wed inclosing a great , our immortal Individuality sball yet wafted., ot teens, et is Imo a remain and eve be *mown to each supper eiridehed 'with moots. It is other by MIAMI& proofs. Abraham a eellousbip, a communion, 41, Sala, shall remain Abrabam. Daniel shall no a houseliOld. Surely. nun to- still 1114 Daniel, the Coed. fibepherd getner by smelt ties, the 'nonmetal 0V.sball still call Iris sheep by name, that kingdom must Rowe each otlen3and illeY who baVe Met in thin ii;e er. !shall meet again in that. An Isaac Bet we are not left to mom in-ishall reJoin Relieve:1, a David shall fereeees nod beelleations. The 111-0,go to the child who eould not cow lee eeserts dinette* the doctrine of 'to bine a :Vary And a, Martha sball **Ninny shall come from tbo east' a Michael Weeping for her children 1 ordeal rerognillon bereafter. greet their brother and the tenrs of and from the west and shall sit !shell be -wiped away. Iliaeelavourethao biliatuiltotuarigadKj°47tuoad°". We hadn't oa'a ai and Mrs. Needhem ;Smith wen/ in'.'i' Mill and bo a peculiar treasure unto e , , gra\ and the coacbman bad a pile of lug•ollint above all people, a, willing and 6.11 gage beside him. But what do you obedient people enjoying Ms good - think Mrs. Smith bael her bead?"tnes.e (Fee. Ain. 4, 5; Isa. 1. 18. 19). "Inn suro don't know." replied Obedient serrieo was the way of Matthew, puzzled, yet relieved. bleesiug, dinebedienco the wey of "Something abellrd. glIPPos04 A the hand of the Lord against them. yachting cap?" Moses celled lit'aVen and oarth to "No, Matthew; -worn than OM% agalaSt Qat he lead Jelat think of tho horeele of Al Arset before them life and death, blese-, be:to. iraeuP"treeiti6eit alleehoegke tea!' Z44 '*05. them to choose (Dent. moo, 19). 1110W) ing and catSiaff• and he entrea.ted turreeulggrhoye eaw danlight atrog81108 "Really!" be exclaimed. enelted1e"4/ "Inhere were they going?" "I didn't know at the tinue, but the grocer's man told mo afterwarda. They wero otf to eyelid a week at Medium. Why, Matthew, What 15 ow sweet It was to capture, even ete"eted„ couldn't hop noticing a weetoend, the lost. delights ole than it was eo etartlitig. Valet my 14010re:owl! Did he not bless; Fount; man would can a hind of c411"iu tbfd bad tirt stig. coneervatory with tho gluss left out. gested 10 bine this brilliant ootion I thought it would 'hardly go �t ditellieity. arel reetelvo to solo. trough tho door lalieSS elle stepped millet to it for tbe funnel The Ve9 heck sideways, out some wemen day wits in letting 099094 with host( onow haw to carry tut sty% cot nit of Interne, thing'," and ttie oattog lady oniffed Id bogie Mra. Felgrove insisted 0 hy way oe slight contempt. wed re. Ler trueband in harmony with the turned to her ledger. !gime of their genteel etiburb. but, l'elgrovo bed not moved. Tnei here lir thrown (metapnorically) mow had omen; bie wife was hot t;eaveutionai attire to the winds -1 on the event. But who could bee indeed, it consieted of little but 3 eosppaiiioli bee seedily draseeta co? rshito Vail, a rod and orange ltfthahly NOMe private inquiry ng - boating bloom and Min hat worn ern whose services she had calieted, at a rakish tilt. As Matthew Mep-1 "Did they say - en -they would pod along, observing tbe varied lite mown toolightee Matthew stamp of Iletstinga, be persuaded Itirn.eelf1 leered, that he had not a eare in the worla,1 oeio. sir. said nothing About Ile could even smile at his wife's that. etelore shall o find you it deeperate ambition to net 5. social "I'm going to bed. 1 have bad beadaelte. Moo my 14111 her purpose. Money - bah( - the pleaadyse. ill tile inernillg' word had an ugly sound Nothing Twenty minutes later Matthew was eitould be allowed to poison to -dale wiggly between the sheets. Yet. his draught of pleamire. men them was a man safe from Now, Matthew Pe/grove waS 2101 his stile? lio listened nervously to given to much exercise, anti be pre. every noise on the stairs. fancying sontly heeame aware that, despite her stop in the tread of every chant - the lightness of his raiment. bis low- bermaid, and lt was fully a couple er limbs were beginuing to ache, of hears before be 81tnk Into ninon - would seen one of those inviting SeiousneSS. shelters wbere, ithlelded from tho * * sun's rays. be might watch the pro - pie ford indulge to the full his pros- How Matthew Folgrove transacted bis loudness next day he does not ent sense of contentment. proceeding a lime farther he es_ perfectly remember. Inven In the pied a vacant place. That plass days of his apprenticeship be eover glanced so mow times at the clock. partition, dividing tbe settle on eine. But with how din.orent a ntetteei figure, and her bitter dIseoxitent that be was not nueking Amoy fast enough for tbe full attainment of et. side. would pleasantly stetter hint from all draughts, a»d -this- Tile° it W4S With the 1°°gthg that rorner neat looked most )uxurionln--. some invisible agency would push on The atitliorities really deserved the slowleamoving bands and bring . But at tliat =meet Matthew* got releasn from tbe irksome bondage of HEROES TO THEIR. VALTT8 out exerting the patient. or elso Ito ni would call in a dentist to extraet a tolinle shock. sharply dedund tlio °face stool: flow that time might against the glass on the other side stand still. and that dreaded out- _ ono of the patient's teeth while Jiei of the shelter was a hat -a hat re- reute break y:with his wife fade into un - AN L'ICIDENT OIF ma. Clef.Anl- , went on with thmo e re eerious operl posing on a woman's head of golden All his self-possession Bed BERLAIN'S RECEPTION. in:lion, so that the imagination of tbe _ sufferer would be fixed upon the ran from the spot. No ono cauld , hair. Matthew turned and literally ise he thougbt of the evening hour. if only he could frame some plums - German Eniperorfs Servant Loses thistle, thereby doing away with the mistake that hat -it was his Iillasiletielscigscuise for his aapearaxtee at Matthew, however, was poseildlity of his or her dying from be would Tic a Bet-enurgeou Who Works -'k it "t ulimligst a not an imoginittive man, and, rub ehocht" thousand others. now' vividly he Miracles. In tee Royal Courts of Jostice Sir remembered the sickening feeling Alt exceedingly pleasant and home-lEdward Clarke has a rerettation for with wilich three weeks ago be had ly touch was given to the cordial beitig able to work things which- regarded it, perched for the first ieception accorded to the Right over way he may happen to wish, ne time on her proudly raised headl Hon. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain on, matter what the state of the one 3 Surely nothing so blatant, nothing the occasion of his arrival in Lon- donee is to the eantrarY. A visitor 1 so vulgar, had ever sprung to ex - don. from South Afriea by no less from the country who had calls° to istenee before in the millinery world. a personage than the right hon. remember Sir Edward's reasoning 1Througla all the dark ages had tem - gentleman's own Coachman. That ' alai!' I ies, placidly believed that 3 inine taste stooped to such an ap- worthy individual was se overcome THE FAMOITS A])VOOAT1 1 palling confection of color? And the price -well, bis bank balance suffered from it yet. So Mary had discovered his scheme and followed, him to Hast- ings. Bat how in the name of wori- den-ah, he had it! Fre had stupid- ly mentioned his real destinatioo to the manager of his office. Evident- ly suspicious of something, his wife had gone there and secured the in- formation that had led her to ap- pear in this quarter. Out of breath with his usual ex- penditure of energy. Pelgrove drop- ped his run to a walk and glanced furtively back. Thank goodness, that hat with the flaming, artificial flower garden in it, visible for fully a hundred yards with the naked eye, was not in sight! Mary hail not seen hira, then. He walked on hur- deeply-rooted affection for him. spirit that Alm great sehoolmaster riedly to the small hotel where he On one occasion not so long ago earned from the ]ads the title of was stopping. the Emperor was one of a distill- Aerived there, Pelgrove sought the guishod shooting party in England, smoking -room and put to the test and accompanying him- was- a Ger- man gun -loader wilio, learning Who the 'ether guests of the party; were, offered. to bet that his 'erkiloyer would come out . by' the cheering of the vast multi- could make a British jury award a tude, together with the sight of his wife -beater heavy damages against master, that be snatched his hat!, the wife's relations on the ground of from his head and waved it high . nntrathful testimony as to cookivg aloft -vigorously with _each swinging conipeteney at the time of marriage, cheer. vere he so inclined, leaf:in:loch as Ainch has been written at various this country visitor solemnly in - times to the effect that a. hero is formed the present' writer that he seldom a hero to his valet, yet the Imo eoperiene .ed a case on all fours above perfectly true instance, goes some way to disprove it. A fur- ther number of exarntples of the same charae,ter may be read with some . . in res . well , "l'he German. Ern.eror, as is boys. It did ttr whthe with such an instance of Sir Ed- ward's irresistible eloquence. 1)r. Temple, the lately deceased Archbishop of Canterbury, was al- ways a hero to the Rugby school - p . known, is a lover of adyeneure and pupil was who was --------------suirin cel be - new experiences. Ire is untiring in core him, nor did it ine,tter What his many activities and very strict was the punishment awarded. - the with regard to the attention due bosom friend of a victim would al - front his numerous dependants, yet ways maintain' the absolute 'justice all bis servents have a positive and of the sentence. It was in this "a beast -bet a just beast."' Many more such examples might be given which would only go to, theenerve-soothing properties of a good cigar. What an escape! prove thist the saying "No man is tad 'a scene in public, and that. ,lio a hero to his valet". must tinily have lu.1 his wife evidently sought. Here at a cm al ified aceeptance. No doubt the -valet, or other subordinate, ices least ,he would be safe, for no one much of the enner lile of los chief, knew where ha was stopping. As long as be kept well hie his privacy would not be itavaden, unless,. indeed <perish the thought!), his wife sought in turn every hotel in Hest- - ingrsha t evening Pelgrove made him- self fairly content with illustrated pa,pers. Next morning the sun rose in a cloudless sky and everything pointed to a day of perfect weather. Ho longed to venture fortli-but, no. If he stepped outside malevolent everybody now, isn't it?" "Ole chance would certainly send lem. no; not for the employers." "And straight into the arms of his ivifo. 1 let tl3enl?" "Because, ji Re could not even sit at the window w /3 . they had boon content with an eight- and be fanned by the breeze, lest she hour day, they ivouldn't have sue- should pass below and catch a ceecled in becoming etnployers," glimpse o* him. Tho scone between "Don't you think it .ivould be a them must come, but better -far het - good. idea to denounee the trusta?" tee-athat it should be reecaveci for ''Whal's the use?" said Solicitor to-ru 0 rr o w ng, when. their r, ext. - "The public wouldn't ee- cipor neighbors at Elornsey (the pee. lieve a word of it, and s,ome of the groves occutpied seini-detachod re trusts might take it in earnest and sidence) shouldalonelxieatetciaillelewd. Le. chimer? be annoyed.''-Wnshington Star. Towards nightfall 2`0P OF TE MAIIICSMEN. The bet WiaS readily excepted, but the great visitor just failed to jus- tifyhis Sei.vant's expectatioo, and he paid up with a cheerful fate, ob- serving that if it had not been for the trying nature of the English wind his madter would undoubtedly have done all that was anticipated of him! Sir Frederick Troves, the eminent Surgeon who last year performed am. operation with such successful re- sults upon Hes Majesty the King, is looked upon by some of his clov- er nurses as almost a miracle work- er, so frequently leas he saved a life thot seemed beyonel human aid. (elle juelor nurse was telling her frien'cis of the giaat sorgeon.'s in- ventiveness and resource, and she was a.skeel What, he would do if he bail to perform an operation with- out chloroform or gas. "Do? Wber, woold do if with - his wits as he might, he could find no reason calculated to bear the faintest inspection. It would be too traosparently thin to suggest that another nran of the name of Mat- thew Pelgrove had been stopping at that hotel. Leastings was not a business center, and it was quite inconceivable that he sboteld have arranged to meet a client there. No: Tit -Bits. the wisest plan seemed to bo to bravo it out. Ile m'ust explain that, feeling a bit rim down, he had changed his robed and, instead of go- ing to Bradford, had proceeded to sea -which statement, of course, had the essence of truth. A little after the usual time Mat- thew left the office for home. More from force of habit than anything else he bought on evening paper, but he found himself unable to make sense of a line of it. Elis eyes wandered to his fellow -travelers in the railway carriage. Did any of them anticipate domestic storms? Rad any of, them waadered in sim- ilar fashion from the path of recti- tude and purchased a few hours of enjoyment at the price he was pay- ing? The train drew up at Frornsey and Matthew found himself one of a crowd filtering out of the station. If only at that moment he /night be lost to sight for ever more! When a 'married man disappeared in that' way, was not his wife usually the couse? Ho maenad his garden gate and gnancecl furtively at the house. Mary was in.visible. ete screwed up cour- age and in.ounted the steps. The housemaid opened the door to him. "Is your mistress in?" "Upstairs in her room, sir. She'll be down directly.'' but it by no rneans follows that the life behind the scenes is enough to dispel the glamour of what is done in the peblic eye. -Parson's Weekly. "You certainly look better; you must have followed my advice and had a change." "Yes, doctor, so I went to have." "Where did you go?” another p.'t,.._bysitiari....” "It's an eight-hour day '.for about 16-18. Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the Lord, will do before your (We& Samuel called unto the Lord, and the Lord sent thunder and rain OM day. and oll the people greatly fear- ed the Lord and Samuel. it deep conviction and. hatred at tbe matter with you?" .ust.nin la a, grand thing for any child "Notating - notideg. X was shatno!of Cod, for otherwise ono may light- teStilinfiltilinlgtaatilalatvolplaited lat. 14.61turpi:gso. Now intit. It was a most unusual thing bat. Needham:1y _tamper with ein and grieve the I renteniber, she had hair much the sante as evuni, and tbougitt per - baps it might suit bor." "It doesn't, Matthew. She looks to hare rain during wheat harvest. and that the people might hear entire own voice disapproving of their action tend not think of it as leo e, energy Samuel a disapproval be said. absolutely bidecola in it. Oh, scandal1 rre not stirred from tbelhe would ltsh Clod CO 4iPt,rtk- bY nelide 'tense sinee; X WaS se ItPset. 1 Shrill Ing thunder Anil rain that day, , Hever speak to that woman ageen, leivilliniesitralltdo ttliiido, arned0104dsastov salletsrawlewrie.ds 0. You are not lieughing?" "Ilatber notl I'm just as put out, oneness with Sod, and they feared': as you, Ilury. -When I've bought " greatly. It was spinet hing lino 4 you a nice thing. it's too bad to'Illijait's prayer that tile Lord would! find it imitatod. 'Wesel a pity for,:sbow IIis oneness with Itint by s<14: you W0111011 there isn't a law of e*Ili3lorifgelatt Iiinkellanisserho* olboy again. So When tho Lord desus spoke to Ifis:' and sho anti bet-' lalsballd intd Wen Said that it 111311dt:red (John xii.. his visitors at (be hotel. it was Mrs. Needham Smith who bad‘leittlier the leather answored Ilint by! given him tbe fright at Ilnelillies., a voice from beaven, but the people NoW, fore 283:021,j)ii0. And Sailluel said unto the". 1 lionegmetriter(InilfiloMtsititTiniin" olerleloci9)c.iisiloViot: tunately. relationa between their people; pear not; re ball, 40140 all 1 ibis wieltedeoss. Yet turn not aside: wives, *lever cordial ones, 'would en- tirely cease. from following tbe Lord, but servo. "I'm so glad you did well by go - the I.ord with all ;tem. bearte i Ing to Bradford, Atilt. The fact le - The eoecial monifestartion of Odd" well, I must get another bat now.' in tho onntlior Arai oto min at moo "Of course! You slitill have ono nii unLtStial flaw seemod to eonvinee immenlately. Go to a good ltegent iiv People that they madly had street shop! Mrs. Smith tenet very inned in Thsking for a lattg, turd svell copy what you get there." aby entineatecl Strome] to levy fO.rii "Oh, Mattheue how good of yeti! them toot they might not, be pan - We nuistit't let tile Needllion Smiths ieeteel. The power of tine intoneve- cut us out. Could you afford t° eaten of Moses alai Sane IA 11 Wen in take me by-aad-by down to Iritst- e'er, xv, 1, Whore the loin ineaksi ings for a little?" of a time wiren even eeeeh no teuey 1 She loaned at Men a trifle doubt - could not omit, 'That thmi bon nott fully, but his reeponse was ready sot come, ex) Sonmel levee deem 1.of "1411"Nesoari r. go, Mary* la about a tont to the Lord anti, being forgie- week's time, directly Um Needham evil% towhole helot. eNluet Pledolla serve nlint hourefooth with! Smiths got hotne. Why, it most, be wortis fair uo are more, ,If we Con...., seven or eight years since we went io...s cam sitie, De is faittaa wall. to Telastinga-together!" - London Oast to forgive us ouT sins and to cleanse us &eau all uneigneteollin- 4 .. ness" (I. Jelin.' 1, 9). al, 22. lnar the Lond Will xeot for - MYSTERY OF RADITIM. mine Hes poople for )Vis great. name's snice, booremee it bath jeleaood the Lord. to wake ,you Ines people. When mite we become the Loald's redeemed poople, no power can plook us Out of Ms hand (.IA41 x, 27-29), and where be begins a woik He will finielh it (Phil. i, 6; Ps. oclexieexbx.lvtieriib'efe8r)e. ITTeileelli':o°s'esmIs luiss, ton:ll°,dr-, having c,hoson Us, Ine will perfect us, and bleat He will not fail to do as Ile sees that we neeid it. Con - Sider Antos iii, 2; Bleb. xii, 5, 6. 1ne toetifies repeatedly concerming Els rebellious Israel that an heaven diti or will elo for thean is all for As name's soke (Erzek. xx, 9; xiv, 22-n 44; xeclxvi, 21, '22). Jerson:feet pray- ed, "0 Lord, -though oeir inicetrities' testify against un', do Thou it, for Thy name's .9..,cikeI'' (Jer. xiv, 7). Forallne name's, sake. we have the forgivenee of sine. (t..,...Tilign ii, 1,?)• 23-25. Only,- foal- tkie. Lord antl. %olive '-'41,in in" tivutb. Wililf".all your newt, for (1011013125 1105. great thiegs he hath doine for. you: Samuel amitires them that it Would be a sin for 'him toh000 awscieutoid pray for them and that continue to tee& them the -good anid'the right W,ay, initnthey must let their niind,s dwell upotn the great thidgs the Lond had done for them mod elms be constrained te nye in lEins fear and sorvo Him with the whole heart. In yorse 7 he said, "Stand still that I may rea- son with you befooe the Lard of all the rig,hteoes acts of the Load, wench ITe did to egdu and to yiceter fateers." Compare Deet, viii, 2; Sosh. xxiii, 14i. To use the word would be, Corer The lave of God. to you in 'the great renlenfption I -Th has provided and lot His love cot- eerain you tio recenve Him aina 3+101 hely 'to Intim for Fnis service, a rea-, rionable service in winch we prove rho good Reel acceptable one. perti 1191 will of God (Rom,. xin 1, 2),.. P ,A Gorman scientist, Blur Landon, has made a. series of experiments which demonstrate the marvellous qualities of the metal radium. Rats, mice and other animals placed with- in a short distance of a piece of raciturn weighing theee-tentlis of a grain died within three days from no other cause than the proximity of radium. Brought near the hu- man body radium causes -wounds re- sembling burns, though cold, not heat, was felt by the poison affect- ed. ' Its qualities are not solely de- structive, but are also beneficial. The rays reflected from radium, ho says, penetrate even to the brains of the blind, enabling them to see more or less clearly. Fleur Len- dexecites the eases of two Russian boys, who, though totally blind, re- gairied`theicsight theou,gh treatertent by radium rays. They can now read and write easily., En -declares :that all blind perk:Ts' can derive ehe SOME benefits from radium. • HOW TO CONVINCE. Some stores make a specialty of prices that are lower than their com- M) placed hat and papers on the potitors, while others stand for hat -stand. Never bail lie entered his good quality and pay little atter).- hoetse with such a peculiar feeling tion to price. It is well for mer - before. It was as though be had, chants to consider which field is no right there, and the noxt mo - recut would see him violently ejected mb Ito tphaesssetcTecti.nte the dinhig_room int:laerg. theosl look of afoe hc,e ed"erhiesuw'roershbolfne:,1s;she laconically re- ' ' his slippers when his wife entered. in the face. Its expression coneirm- "3ios Things all gone well, Mary?" at am Are you ready for best worth cultivating and to fol - 10W along the lines determined up- on. The merchant who thinks he is going to get along after !adopting a cheap policy will not fare very well in the way of business if he docs not tell about the goods he carries. If a merchant wants buei- ness he will have to 'work for it, and the mere fact that his goods are cheaper than others will not make people seek him. The point upon which to coxicentrate thought is how to convince the people of the good of the thiegs for sale,