HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-16, Page 4eer.. frt., 4 3; • 5'.! •ee: • ri ANADIANS AT DISLEY. • b•g nelateattel Agitate! 1.egeelatele Thies .‘liat wetelie. ete. tee tlee Ite'e leeitts,.. ail :mete one ere - et seta iet nava S411' -""f -S .ttr ntal to the astrs, nal Fi.,0,[71.,11. d'urI3.1 t -Cup; e .eeteeel off feete 411 411 41, - nai nnepnp..n.t.e. A te,,,,er .t,tay itt tte.vn seenred eelee.,...eee. ;et:: theie o1 4After n while he start- - te tteeee. ottong with Nita 1"..s* ate net. ;:z•-tnvtitilt•titiva 444411 a tit ea ett. tee '.•:e t'•-elearett-!-• eel •te ree•01* To BREAK, itt011({AN;, Shcotin Wel,--.1egrave end Beeleee SAID TO BE THE AIM OF JOIN Bieley Casertp. Jule I4.--Yeste-eort D. ROCKEFELLER. a Matehee. wns not as faVOrable 4 ciay , ,57,1,0c,44t44ng as was Satattelay, The Wee' is! The Rumors Are Denied by Both, heel oreeeast, and a etreent wind bow e "? noon, street treaders Antiejnete reeny in tee faces of the comper The Capaniens are by no means ties-, tie pinned ever the iT41114 of the sheo•leg '• iv. e Te phe mateh. They l•e- t Pahl .1:40 n -1-"4 f eat aeteee t leozeee. Tllefe- ti. i•ool'i.„. s „ etesi t44et-.11. te, thrive, wiLera aeene ay.; kt r •qtin.yoti nia.11•4,y,, it r:) v,?..a:an it‘arslaa, cfa;1141::.; 6,11,?,:tt '; a al: t4444444 La A Fit si t la itana wet te " Title44 44a. • et. w.aeo 44-4 44oze fele e nal e: tett nee!: 1.1 IA It WCIA 4„ay.': ley ale444441 44.1 44it4Lied runt lee...extol tit , he,s e•e. eseee 411i4.1. *-Titer. Ileter lit tlk tree. fe:e tt•age.ly del pee,: itA the, 1.ee • e tee ;and ytt1. lit tat,rmontilt/t. as: It 7? 17":e teesg,trs zo,'7,11 ,y11., te filt" 441442 ILitt 44444 - • ^ RE, 4. 4-4441 ,;t7-e-"1:1'rtett*a /444411r ivtri 371-M44 fit q .aktrao. rt,tt t-ND'atlitir- the reannt why -1:31': e 114 44 vtto.'t ti•tftle 4444 14,-. 444 44ti1t:s hal 44 e it leave lee wonetri and11 44113.1 •-;;Ut 7" ts..• VT; .444.444444 4444.747:4 11,4 1=.,5r.?,ittEt:igtafteil cart..-? 4414hontaet 4,-.•,,,44L'I44144g. '.7Na - rt.,. ty :LI Dzowit.Ti ! R,,, 4' 44144'-.' ene La Zs0,4s, --s-4.111d4444 '-41 1 .4111,,,,ordati About 4. .,t, ,•••,• , 1 * '.. ,,I. .1•"...c,.; e ,-.,,,,o1.1-,,,,71,-.14 re -3111 eal , t, It (14,,,t1,41,z1s, .10,1 ITtiazn,,twerra,,, 0„..-..„17,1„nt ,. 1,1. ., r'' 1 44 44 2.41R 11Z110: ';';''' -' "I'1441 ';1•"videlt 4 -i,,.1.51.41 -1..s1 tilt;.t-.„ ,i'tiNcl4,4t.,..r$0.4n Peld:ty I: ''....144rette44e44,;',44.'344e41.' '''gq241441'olt ef 11,11tPr- /1 „11..aele He gee en ,:t feave t :444 44 a ' ,,,„,g i'm gild.. traer, '!,:pitle Of ii tip a trot. itt st-eare tat arrove. tut tre4444444 IL 44 '. 11.,41 /0 g,) 'A : 4 ri . tr.:- atittg "41 Pitill- i 1 Lg weLlell(°t°1111't1'1' s t e *AV ttfou the ete te ent fee tie tate enema 7.1.,..3k - pelmet 44 ege of tht. lento. of the ilr431 ahaVI: 044 44441I '44442 41-44 l)r. Shaw ;ottentlenti to the' potiom atal betcl hie wen done t . ^ 44'12 tt al tw,,,- .,,..it ',Of,* elta. 144444444444lig etnte.wlett 4e447.et for 0 fe, 4., New tbet n ete ee eeeier for theve regeei.444 nee Gen then at i44sky. T niglet Co:. Sloreneeti sv44i atteed rrince of Vt."3:eS' State ball at 'elan' beroueit ese. elatenes :1w:tee-nay wet -e the Wanie an,1 The fere:ter 44 of ",att:le itiapArteiree. In tire Barlow cenCitiert$ ere es _kagri,17, vanie, inetee; (no:ate:as, Soo, e..ao, x,ecto eareet„ eet dietence, set.. cite' -r t--;zes cif inem n +. LI. Al h iarts, eitneitieriee; tLe weather tierts, 4444 44444411. 'ritzy scored ae • Cott. Crewe, sett Ret. ........ Pte. J. W. Srielib, 044544/nest. beet. G. /I. I room, Seree- j• 1,Yfeite. (*h:h tee Cirvat Battle, • ter York, Jule xe.-.One featore !. en the dell market 'A:6 worthy of note, ▪ writee Winter Wellman to The Chicago Rec ere -Herald. It is the renewed gos- t eie that John D. Rockefeller WatitS to Inerpent nlorgan. I ene teid br a men wbe is to posit= :leen to knew whereef he speaks that Rockefeller as never appreved of ssi-atcotiort enterprises. He • xcelaele: clii-approvt.:$ of the steel -et:et, mu/ nu forining iris opiqion jeal- , o-tethe ert 01 a g* -ate he, - go -teem then the Standard Oil e.eetne- n natural parr. Mr. - Fe. elteiteler is a man who lives4444good '..1.Wit•Hri ilk sheet He is not cote- reeetenta Ceeen440 bie familiar& Batj '41 diners waye he Las pyratitted it to • blecoree knetten that be xi, opposed to enle-c-ta promoinng, and that he regard$ 114argan as tke chief offender hi et' thot inle. It is known to everyone that Spit -Sergi EWeze',./en zath Re'l.444 . or so ago. while Mr. Mergen ' 7eitec-,67 R, ,I..eerd Swat -feta, Regt . 4, . - ta rte• E. C. 0" riett, Ptil Re. - ZDI Poz j. T. e',*,/,/e. eth Real Seette tle 'ritsrpr. 1). :1./e7/•Zee4444e,,L,44e4444. 611,11 Hus. ... .:',) apt. A., eteettnt. t.tzlt 10,4; Rgr$_. ze rept. J. '„‘I. Jenne Send Regi, „,„ „ en Caetie W. C. Xine 'nth Reel en eergt. J. li. nunpsen. eeth R. .•••. ..- --.. ...2•__.. se,. 23 Tee W Drysnale, est le.W,F. .. Iti, - ge W• Marris, Ietti w a t"!ti."4..Tt'e rill. arant??4heurrils IR' ei3g1t1.1. . i li Capt. j. Date Sliar. nth D.C.O.R. - Pte. R. nleGregor, G.G.F„G„ „ „„„ 2: 11_, The Caneeliene et the neao-yerti t o - revere se ., re 3 35 i0:::at--$:....., t,- Pirli.-"it • re •••• •••• .**•rt ° . en tf O'Brien •••** •eoese ame••• •;..'i '4 TIV11.4!4' •e•elee s•eee •••• 4 ••••• I VIIP -1411 •••• ••••• 4 ••••••••••••• e .9terne , ••1••41 ••••• • ••eseeeee•••• ...` SIP.;:-.7.4irtg • •e *., e • . e ibe eettee mese, •• et in tie. liareltee04444 an an,. Tit ;nett neon le ale.e - eeetete te the tlit•-. nth. 144 441 ge tare, tegtga.le. will te, B41414.11 with .A 41 wittellt .22,,nattveal 444444 reitii tie a -hoe. re:lie:tee ne, 44. • tet. el•ta.e-e: Areether et-tic:fen dee '44tt ir l445),.'44'141:Iletatt:za:4,- ott thessliLtinial „ t..t '',I1C.1"" VLI• r114,11. 44444 44 1(441.01ht. I•tot.'81e-e haat title 1441 AS :1141sal' 14444'' tiO• iingols 444444* 44*41 h-aiel, tte•r4- t. -It 041' e tele fleet neirea. Fier, iteee.iel: 'N 5e 4 11-4 :r art...1',4 1r4 44.44444 '444444; 44 • '44 -.4441 4411 14 12.i.21,11 Itet.ta reea eine: .31jd y.*.ard , 0.4...,..,aaleA ;Ant^ Lo. at;ti •16t .7 leilf aitOle v",, 11'° wo"' ing ,41044 044 tibr 4 24; f4„gr, g91, 41,•, 44,444 44 v,1,211.• 'taw 1'4444414444*u 4 Vrattleingtel t e..• a en. „. s' F,4,114 eel ee-, leen. 1114.4 41,i4".41 , ente, fe lel:teen be u:as :•';**Ficar:1: thy 444' 4444414,40-"-!, 2144444 CD-SY2141:11rifilbet11°.111'4 frIt441 1 ett:,,, .41,14444112,,, 02‘•Leit lee of 0,1,4,4,184 :11r. " ' Fite et 4441,.e 44 44 .4', 4' 4' P. io•ric„ livort.-222 au of II;IF•t' ' 444444444441442 jell,. .-014P.14;t14 ieteittl '4,4 t*4 neve, %tan,. tt22 tl. 11. tete •••••• • it." •ee Sillinr56114 •••••••••• •••41/1 41•••le •• • nleqreeeir " jezzro ••• 43) JcnnieS • 1,94 MO" • 19 4.4" •4 4 4 in 4 Xing t .. . . • •• • RW.5011 • .... •4 ••••• • • ••••• •• N $ : 1,44 ••• • OOOOOO OF • ..... 41•It 7•Unre5 ••••••••• ••• ••••• • eg•*•• :411-(4-4 ott: :at lie remtitry with bore leteery. •:‘ "u"ntnleti tg44221 rteusfildefnennen 1-NTLY ILLED tweet *'444'4444 *14444Z nh hint owing hAt 14 e '.'41 '44.%1444g a tmple ofbones t i'444 4444,,4 .4 E411 e"""wthe„gen.. MO 11.;41...44;4s11 ellen (jot -Oen eleAti, in), on the 31:11 eel et le "'" 1) 444l):4V2 Ho.lti, MI Emu], Tamimtgail whore ill. loft sigs 11"ri"Oing hit t hot gcliing bait g e. wee" teir fel° thelleornnee' 44°44,14414414.into tile With to set+ if ite cell.' let erre it444444.44vv. '4441 '4444". 'Vr•1tgt" .„ to ,,,hoot. tie „inn toti be 144 ever ii 44 '44"4' eeln 411 haunt 1110 44'%'4"1111M1 Will; 44v4444 '4444) he left hie home how tt eitiettity tlieeirtettsel the 011111'4'444' feen and eine forhim. "Mr Lev44 tie aro him en the he ad. Mowing toe grtereeen foe Ino s' that 4444444444)4444*44444 116 4104"t4.1,44 tiff,11,141MP next forentetn, the eleaelatUst sae tweets tt tenet ton nee .",rottlitt.,44 , t something meet he wtong. eleAdain e044141444 44444 town about noon m Friday and informed Mr. 1,m-so'2 mon berg' a tilt. Mete and De. 'notelets and he drove at wave out to 31cA43444nini 44 plaint. -niter se:art:Wilein the woods 44 at tbe rear of the nleAtlam farm nu ne time they folial the briny of Mi. in a itieket of bushes. The hotly W8'4 tvelining in n h:11444444144444441g and half .44 44yhs' pnetinee end life was extinet. eat making a (nose examination they vs. 44444'1440i44 tttAVII and notified MO ettrtifitT, Dr. Seott, who at once went cot to take charge of the body. On arriving at tbe phtee the doctor 'found hotly as before stated, with the hawk and head resting against a log. The gam, which Mr. Levy had taken with him, was leaning against another log with the !nit on the greund. Two of tha four eartriti *es h: 1 I ' s. charged and the other two were found on the person oe the deceased. On ex- amining the hedy the doetor feund a gun shot wound on the left side, in-' mediately over the heart, the charge havine. entered there en 1 • p sd a leant sax inebee to the rear. The flesh was torn tut the ribs broken in and penetrating the heart. Death had, evidently, been almost instantnneous and the shot lind been fired with the muzzle of the gun close to the person. The boo was taken hmeie in the aftei- noon, but the coroner decided the cir- cumstances were not such as to render the bolding of an inquest necessary. Several of the people in the neighbor- hood of the Iamb say that they dis- tinctly heard two gun shots Thursday evening. one about five o'clock and the Stratford, July 13.-A drowning ac- other a 'lout nine. Mr.' Levy was 50 cident occurred here yesterday at the year of age. He Was of a, cheerful pond nt Jervis' brick yard, about a and genial disposition and was a gen- , mile and a half east of this city, where- ere] favorite with ell who knew him. - by .1el. eitenetrt lost his life. Mr. Ste- He Wil S a son of the late William Levy art 'wee employed at the Brocksden ti farmer of Foliar ton, Perth county. • cheese factory as a cheese maker, and He came to Settforth from Mitchell togetber with a companion, started about four years ago and purchased to ' ••• ••• • • • ..... ••••••• CrOVR'e •••• .4 • •Ogt• ••••••• 41444.4.* 7 THE HARROW HOMICIDE, Autopsy Shows the Kidneys Were 1 Penctratsd. * 1.1*Indsor. Jul') N. -Dr. McKenzie t.i, t Harrow performed an nutopey on tee, remains of 11 1144'4111;i :Thitthews. ilit eel- ored rnan who died on Saturday from wounds inflicted by O. Richartasor on" Saturday night at 8.3o Watch.. It was founal that the bullet which caused Matthews' death entered between the' ' ninth and tenth ribe en the me sine of the body, penetrating the lining of the' stomacie passed through the kidneys' end lodged in the spine. The wounds " were such that recovery would he possible, the kidneys bong very bad- ly injured. The remains 01 the de-; ceased were interred this morning, the, funeral being front the family resennee; to the Central Grove Cemetery. There were many curious spectators present, I and a large number of friends and re- latives followed the remains to the, grave. Thi s morning at to o'clock Coroner Hassard of Harrow will hold an in- quest into the death. 44 The dead man was regarded as good citizen, and, with the exception of his quarrels with Richardson, he" was peaceable and law-abiding, as were the members of his family. Death WaS 0ut4410etite3 144LOWN TWENTY FEET. Retry $ mud, Ont., Jody 11. -.A den- neeitient a, %eared at the ;do - it even eereter mine. in which Con _e'en -a -ave. 'the 84111to44i44t44en41ellt44, Was .!..totatitSly inittrea, Mee blamts were Wm: l -.l eln from a Inst. on the surface. Pone teeploetel, and the fifth not hay- . hat. al; tete ter • aneerson approaehed to neeet nth! ,,eate-e.. When be remnant the epot the eharte went of. Ho was Wm, fully twenty foet into the nir. lie will wrover, Ind sust lined serious bentriee to the left. arm and will lose 'Anne fingers from one hand, DETERMINED TO DIE. don, Oa sten' nly i2.-F144%41k Waters who WaS diseliarged from 'Vittoria Hospital oti Sunday last, made a de- liberate attempt to drown hitnseif in the Thames Rh -*n near York street bridge yesterday. He was seen to jump in the river and crawl on his ban& and kuees into deep. water. Charles Ileeman and another young man prevented Waters front accom- plish:rag bis pnrpose. 'Waters told the police he wanted to die, and would re- peat, the attempt to kill himself. He was remanded for a week. Waters -was treated for alcoholism in the hosp- ital. He is 55 years old, married and hasa daughter. He has been a light - ming -rod ngent, also a cab driver. DROWNING F▪ ATALITY LARCENY OF Seo,000. The Charge Against a Prominent N. Y. Steel Agent. New York, July 4 -Frank S. Pil- ditch, for eighteen years New York Manager for the Wardlow Steel Co. of Sheffield, England, ' was arrested on two indictments, charging grand larceny. He was arraigned before Judge -McMahon in the Court of Gen- eral Sessions, and released in $5,coo bail. The books showed a shortage of more than $70 OW. He was arrested at the office of his counsel. out to have a swim, intending to go the stock end business of Arthur For- TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Reuben Rogg was killed by a train at Sidney crossing, Turkey has made large concessions to the Bulgarians. James M. Stewart of Stratford vi.as drowned 'while bathing. A cyclone in Tonquin destroyed many to the Little Lakes, but was persuaded le.s. He afterwards purchased the old -to go to the pond, as being the safer. foundry property from the Coleman :He was an expert swimmer, and bad estete and fitted it up for a stable and severe about two thirds across the residence. Ile had one of the, hest pond vhen he suddenly, without a cry aportioned and etpripped establish - =disappeared. This occurred about 11 ments of the kind In the county and a, in. on Sunday. The body was seemed to be doing a large and profit - not found till 10 o'clock last night, able business. He also had the bus after s been u oils work by his companions nnd baggage business for the hotele. and the men gathered there. Decease- lie was a hard working man and at. ed was.the son of Jarries A. Stewart of tended closely to lansiness and his sad Darwin street this Cityand tragic end was tieback to the com- munity and is eleeply regretted by all. He leaves a. widow and family of one son and one daughter. :FELL FROM THE SECOND STORY Olretharn, Ont.,July B otter •an old. Chatham ...boy, hut recently of New York Clity, met a shoeking -death here to -day. He Came here a -week age) bo spend his vacation at the borne of his brother-in-law, P.S. Coate when be was seized with typhoid, and retnoved to the general hospital, `To day he asked his nurse for a glass of wei tee and in her motnentery ab- sence left his bed and got out of the window, two stories up, and fell Lo the tgroond. His skull was fractured, and ihe died in two hours. He was the son of the late Col, Baxter, once chief of of this city. He ves a wife and two children.Deeeased's mother met a sim- ilar death about seven 341e444445 ago. fel- ling on a roil in getting 04444 4*. train at Glencoe tend fracturing her sk tea, io ;4 few hours. Deceased has brothers a44I3 afttlo, Chicago ;Lod WI Id The'hody of John 'Gtis-goin,an O44ta wahnrber. missing since spring, has been found in the Ottawa River. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and s'sength use Scars Emulsion summer as in winter. Send for free sample. score & BOWNE, Chemists, Toroato, Ontario. 50c. and 44, all druggists, villages and killed 150 natives. The orange erocessioe sin Belfast was attacked by Nationalists and n - The Prince of 'Wales visited the United States European squadron at Ports - Mouth. , The Canadian Northern Railway' is planning a 5400,000 bushel elevator at Port Arthur. The customs collections at Montreal last year 'were nearly $12,000,000, about double that of eight .years age. Maggie O'Sullivan, aged twelve years, was drowned at Prankford while bathing. -She tripped over a large stone. The Americans are trying to control the trade of the Philippines, by invoking the alien labor law against European clerks. Ontario Orangemen eeloratee the an-' niversary yesterday -with large ,gather- ings at Brantford, ing-stall, Brampton, Deseronto and other points. . Mr. A. M. Ferde, aged aboat s -,ort of a Montreal contractor, was fatally in.: jute y a t ng off a Canada Atlantic train about .thirty jniles from. Wa4" hi$ rergani4a4444or44 fee, ;Qr. icaudorlip taia.4e ast address. before n itaineern aseoctation, in which he aetiteee out toe denger teuteufactur- trez tee) many seeuritiee without Ade - erne; peoperty behind them, Mr. 4444 t ertip aimed tots blew at Mr. niorgan, and !rem that day to ibis the wise Melt of the street have known that there was! eeetaless between the greatest man toi tntoney :1114 the greatest financier CM 2;:e vontatmit. ..,„t taw 15 ginte thiteeent thing from a desire on( Mr. Rockefeller's part to eitetnien Moraan, and this part of tie; gee" will nave to he dismissed dor teent et bot evidellee Una inherent troalii1ity. If nit nlorgan Were tet UMW% doubtie6,S the flrSt man eerier help would be nia Rocke- Mere= is riot likely to get note enne. e'er:enters, Filen oaiet 44 imaginatittn ;Ind very Ilitle anneriaation. have tried to =Mkt thedir es' arid othere believe the king was eines te be dethroned, They peen bt ik^11 feilnre of the Interitetioual Metetaetine Ielerine C414441 87, and o44 the ste0ltly. eiretoping vAlueS of eteel trim seen:neve. hey say Mr. Ikiiirraii 715 ,,at 11:4 grip that "he is no long- er the wiverd 444 Wen nereen" diet ate "could :lot ornainee eeneonele eonmene row te save his life, because lie hes felltneere." Se much for the 4444 4444445. Inow for the judgment of bet- ter infornied men. These latter admit Mr. nforgan's preetige is a little weak - (4.4441 by his elupping trust failure and the eealinees of steel sltares, but he is &c4444 015'Iy the first financier of the American continent. if not of the world. Men who talk. of his going to pieties tenet know anything of the facts. Mr. Morgan bee millions and mil- l" e. se mom) and sterling seeurthes in bis strong boxes. He has, for the nit st part, been .gambling with other -ple's money. He rarely makes large int eetments tint his (met account. He prefere to engineer deals, as the guide, pltilosopher rine friend, and stick away itt hie veldts the commissions on other men's buying.; and selling. No one that will tell knows how much money or its ponvertible equivelent :qr. Mor- gan has stuck away, but it must be a very large stun. Mr. Morgan has a number of hobbies. and one of these is the maIntenente Id a big cash sur- plus. He carries numey in his vaults far and away beyond a:I ordinary needs, because, as he says, one can never tell what is going to happen. There has not been a money tightness in New York in twenty years that Mr. Morgan id not take the first step in relieving, and he always appears to have plenty of stuff on hand to do it with. Mr. Morgan makes so much of this point of having a large available surplus that the first question he asks his partners whenever he returns from a voyage is, "Well, boys, how's the amtnunition ? Plenty on band ?'' His use of the word arnmuniteonn indicates his attitude of mind. High finance is a good deal like war. There is no use of going into battle unless you have plenty of powder. STRIKE DECLARED OFF. After a Struggle of Nearly a Year • Moulders Give In. Providence, R. L, July 4. -The strike of the iron moulders in several foundries in this city, which was in- augurated in September last, has been officially declared off. The demands were both union recognition and a new wage scale. No concessions have been made by the master moulders, and few of the strikers have been reiristated. FOUR UNIONS EXPELLED. ,* the United Beard : of Building ,Trades New York, July t4 -The United Board of Building Trades held a long and stormy meeting. The four unions that actepted the plan of' arbi- tratioe Offered .by the ,Building Trades EmployersAssociation. and which :sent their men hack to worleto-dey were ex- pelled from the board. These four unions, are Mosaic.'and Eitcaustic, Tile Layers, the Hexagon Labor Club of Tile 'Layers' Helpers, the Electrical 'Workers and the United Cement Ma- sons.' Ames et Co. Pay an Installment. Toronto, July Messr. A. T. Ames & Company have sent to creditors checks for 25 per cent. of their iedeletedness, promised by July re. It is understood that these cheeki totalled about $reo,000. The letters ac- companying the checks state that rho balance is payable in 6, re and 18 mouth from the reth. The international linijted ra,n into an open switch at Hamilton: arid' 'colltded , with a yard engine. The passeng,ers es- caped serious injury, but both locomo- tIVO.;:were WM1, 4.4 1044 ;THIC:iccn:Tr1;;‘,:r5"7:6•Nt4;u7P074:5144-:-S--- nit ^,fac v."1"0 07441 Heat° PRIC‘ eerie/int-AN Ri H Drugqi5t Price la Canada; $1.0 *- 5fix bott4s for $5,00 Nervousne.:;$ orenteunettes in wo- enen, ban men ere aleo etibjeet to it. Eneess of various kinds causes it, also iatellectuai toil and auxiety. ST, ,TABIRS, WAFERS are peeullai ly indicated in any form of nervous de- hility, as they tone np the entire sys- tem and restore the nerves to their normal, connition. They ore indica- ted in exhaustion, mental inertia and senile weakness. Tir:7 contain no alcohol, not being a liquid remedy, Their effect therefore is not that of a mere stimulant, but tonic and permanent. $1`. 31434gS hc-lp stomach, digest food awl thronala the blood, taLi this is the Quest way to get health and stFeught, th kind that lasts, develops aud breeds the energy which accomplishes much. "X ant eartleutarlo eleaeen with et. 'AIWA Waters. They lutme beeneueettellytesetUlte, Ilty pray.. tlee wbete empleeen In nerveue traublenn Dr. 4,7. ernee. TlirIniz.gl44aa,, gag.. 44',J4*mee ff'ofer.rare sof a secret roue*, „. rapier Immeraats declatrat re- Itartettpting Mem (a Melt' taffetas ail /army fa uPoat repett., WIleretlealers are net eell inethe , Wafersthey are mailed wan re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch: t. .hris WAftal C/1 I/445 St, Catharine St„ Roatrail, every corner of the world where butter Is made, you will find these machines, 430 an established agency for their sale. Over 400,000 of them in daily use; more than ten times all other makes combined. Alter twenty-four years of uninterrupted success, they remain to -day the world's leading dairy machine. 2718 1113 LAVAL SRPARATOR CO., 77 York St., Toronto. e•e•••••••••* •(- lee 4. PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so many men of our day and generation. At 30 they feel 50; at 40 they feel -60, and at 50 when they should be in the very reirae of life, they are almost ready for the grave. The fire of youth hes gone out, the fountain of vitality is exhausted. Premature old age! No matter what produced it, 'whether evil habits in youth, later excesses, or business worries, the one thing for you to do is to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood. Dont lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden years for yottif you only get help.. We can and will not only help you, but cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual system has heen our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during which time we have cured enough fallen 4411041 10 make an army. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you have lost. It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthens the NERVES, vitalizes the sexual organs, cheeks all unnatural drains and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life, Came GameatEzteegf air tio We treat and cure Mood Poison, Varicocele. Strtettare. Glare, :Urinary -Drains, Sexual larenkness, Kidney and Bladder diseases. CON't.lr.31.,TA'44lOra FREE. If unable to call, write for a Question IMIank for Home Treatment. Dian 4.7 148 Shelby Semg DETROIT, G 1011. 25 Years in Detroit, 280,000 Cureil. Bank Security. ' 1)A :eke _ _ DIED FROM THE • . . • • • Tugk,tsoll, ;fitly Fitzgt,r- • aid 'If 441 1'. t("vt'' 4:5•Y5'''" 44 1 112.*' died -4 V "7s e 1)11essed • yeon steiday afternoon the farm of 3 • " mex,, roer 'gen o 1(1 n t 44..wrroXisotoVEMasatErt of liel•&, in oonstm•ner)t-,.... *lie sive ht at, Fit:'pe tele • le nliee ' • ' ha V 44 d 4',', het? on top ef 11.:,tl I., 11 7. 'Ton bt'ne UniA teeked of stone ' lee sons evel y day, Kna-the answcrs,depesnd ou the kind • f: n o IV - 11 o clock in , !be MOT Ilii,g t.t.tft,tt d. a .1 simstr6ke. :Medical aid was 5(14(444,10714,445(14(444,10714,44nt 1 fro11-nrinesford, hut his deeth oecneo, el e 0es they wee re , - ' i ed abont 3 o'clock in t.fie atternoon. 1 :Deceased had only betec wet* the . farm a few days. 'The at on remains wer•e T.TOti.,,a7'.6 lfi0Z4, Dre.98ed 9 brought here to-clat),""for burial. ' ' THOROLD LADY FOUND I)BA.D. St. Catharines, July 10. -About 2 cloelt this afternoon the deed body , of 44,114,s Beet, ice Shoot was found in the yo: d snrroiending her house in 'nee old. The condition of the body indicated that death had taken place two ot• three dr,s ago. The deceased •,*.110 WAS A boll t, forty years of age, lived ' • alone, which aocounts for the body A !lot bn eing found Sooer. Sill. h4444(111eei T ef 0 H INT S 1 1 r.‘1:11sh1.1.aCbSf)‘eP litesila,.plsi"a“t.,it's'iteel•s ( t))f 1f1VITrte.l.od5li11; it:1111-f, foundrytnon, Tliorolcl. There T .4.k I L iD :e t e r ,,,,i,,,,:,,44 c..4t.„.,t),:lit,s1.. dist-01i V 1-18 (4444441144(411)y 4144944 Office 17,7heo you want to. he well 'dressed eonw and have a suit ma& to order. All neW goods consisting of c.• - .C.14b.61.4,aft-S. Palbti7?,0'S Overcoatin as, Fix ist.• no splcon of ftnil play, ancl it is -Opposite tho 1