HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-16, Page 3__ �_.____­, I � , I , . . I � . . I � I I I .1 ''. I I V � , __-, I . I � . �'111 .- --11 11 . ­ I " � Id -41- 1�­ ­ . ; 1: �_711 ­ F. - _ � _­1721­:�.Z: � � 1� 71�1­ :1-:.1=111"' 1�. ."t :. 1�� . I : -�&t�� .- . ,7 _'. � ,:_ � . . , '.. %;: - - � .,: .. ,- �. �� __�.._ . � .. , _ . - � - , . - . � ­ I � . , . - .e .. I I I I I , I . I I . I I . � � I I I I I I : I . I � I I . . -4 I � I . . I . . � � . � � I I . . I 11 . . . . I . I I I I . I I I . � ; I , � � I . I � . ----A 1�1__­-, 1. I - � I ­­­ , - -11 11 I'll, I I �1 _ - F .. I , I — -_ . . I 11 0. - I I I I I - I .1.1 11 � . - � -­ � - �_ I ".. - I �., � -!�� .*"-W�l - I I . - 11, ., �_ � ­ - .11, "I'll - I I -1. � I . - . . . ­­ � 11 I � .2 ...... . . �_ -.1 __­­� 1. I I ­ � I I - =1 0. I , I . I I ., , ., � , ,."s � ' - I I I I SHAX'r 039P.15X0 HLES FOR THE SULDIERWhat shrunk your woolens ? WMI111 IT.W14S RE-PA-MFQ,D_ .... I'll I I - - _--1 . ..... _.1____1.__1___. -,-.- 11 -_ I _, ;-11._-_-1- 11 111.11 ��.-�-.�-...".���l".--.,",.-.--�..�II.",-"--,.�. k , � -0, — , , — , Why did Thore I* oalr ooe ter* to people -of , I h.ole§ wearso Soon � Zh�rk Illicit d"'I"Ing was cow=r ' � � � P10,14 the ScqttM liliahlwjd, tb , tuforer.9 from Nervous Tronbles WIIA�T =_. XU,SW DO AND WaAT You used _Mon Soap was a , , . . ,,, .CQM .n old mau .%V,tyo ,A�OA-t a;I)m discriminat! I . ,a$ taste an4 that Is �. Are IA a 1St.4te, of Continuous Im NOT NOT Do, CQUar.y rep,4iriug. W14* . . It the I , X Rots, Im 0 qft , , , , . ­­ - The gauger met 14m oAe d4y ano, Balm%. Torture--$%iggestigns, As to ]Xow OrI44 gxitish.x r A;S ATQ r,prinising that be bad hem 'Cwing WT4 - � -4 be Overcome, .r-ny, 3�ogulatiQl. I the, Trouble Pa ,Very $tria � repairs utno great CpAange. asked , .t, With tbo -1 I . , 11 When. your nerves are shaky yoxn WrivAte*, � UJIGff what 110 would ta�ke to, info,rin him, Blute K I "bon I r opli-coAti,4 Is she -7your will 11 I ­ . (the gauger) where he r"]Xed . I . J ti,e - ,ttered ,. - -- c en, Sudder s As 0A the first Page Of every soldier' S last whisky Pa. A292ML I , PQw_;, is Ia _7Rk . . . rok , . x ,oun � Af�ftllj 1� V 14441cr you; your teuIper is Irritable; poc'Ret-ledgQr (fLLk1JJiJi4 hn ,I UWA, L , rly 0 TVV XILL .9% REDIUCEt, ".0chl" 'aid tile Old I �� I I . � ,� , Vour handa-'tremble,, thero, is weak- III,% -941.411 book") stands fortb. In I shIIst,UtR1hvufAcr0QA.­ C0,110J, ­� � Te QL , L hold type the , . Potent wovf1s. --o-be-., XX pe,sLs 14 yo -x al; L , I I , pjrf X.5Z 11D9nQV' retQrtod - I . , m,bc, g4uge . ur k, iecs; y our ­ in is, Palo - , . r or; I d porolipd; ,L yon arQ r0stle,$3 At #ieuco Is. the lust duty, of a ,$old, I gghero is your Inoney, but be care, It has 00 unple4saut 04var to pall I 9n. , I ' -0 tO � . I pight A jor_­ it is his primAr� duty to ** top 444 OODA074 loor, " (ill t -11 me corroctl,�%11 - nd tired when you wake. It, A�OQW She'll V tell 00 gootle on on I;r a rIqh 4ro=4 and a obey 9,11 orders that ,Are given to t -f , _�Q, ,_ Q. S_ imp- , 4hlI pompA from nervous, exhaustion. I �r 1porhaps due to Qverw9d, and worry him by his superiors, witbout q'ites- mg , � L , , I I -___ �_ ....n, A lee." chaz-m- log dellca�w- �, ­,�_ , don or llesiu.�Aiqn. it ba feels him- - Getting the nwn L , ey it,hq old In . L , an lo , , s h , And o length, but must lxl� . arked: I SlacIr. Xixe& 4Da . blood. Dr. 'W41.114i IA*' Pink" P-1114 is- self aggrieved or 'wronged in fulfll- grow to any ,et)Y r0nu I . I .11 . I - ,yloa G."n. A* f9r F.9 labot I .- the only cure. They make n4w, rich IJL�19 $7410h opdor, it is open ,to 1wu ways keep It cropped A 1% i q:�Xll ,q)Wst mez%dqd tl,o Ia# whIsL7 TOP= CX;KTS__VV0Vz1V 33im rzy'ry 8 L r ,, wiliteim. ,, giterward ., n, tte 7b", fringes and curls which one sees pot WJ*re tho hole IV ". ., _. .,� . . . . . . umms L . . , . la to report the _4 , . r . to 11 I- -111-11 �. I '.. ­­- i . '­' 'L � - il­ �Wp .=ZV=R,K ­ I r . I 1�. blood, They '?race uP jaiigled` nerves; his. olliver, But -be w"et, not At J,jw frequently peeping frotu benearth .tile _+ , �__ ­­­ I . I , 7 'I'll, , I . , _ ­ . I to I P 11F."I'll.; --- I � and an tired 4eks, They ttM I - - L .L ii,trangthe ,, b � 0 enter into, any dispute a _�.T _ _, s , grit ge"CAP-5 "Of youn- S-oldiers; are . l. . I - -_ 1_.L_1____1___ ____�_ _________._,_____ � ; ove health And energy to dull,, tile -bli - -_ --- L justice of thp order. but 14-u,st strictly fox ," _. + , _ I rw_ . �de by the rogula- L ... , I'll L '--11- I - . � ve;ir5r. OespPlident Plan and women, obey it promptly on the spot. tions . � 4 w 11im's. This I . I I'll � N � I- . I- , I L a offer ore Ifundead, Vollars ner,4r4t OUR" - I L , , .A aft L .10,tron i .1 _.g proof lo, otTered. in tbo case of, On rising a the morning Ito avust Ue amist no - t attend any political (or any cwe of CAtarru ;;44t ce..nnot of j $U4. Wpi, W409 . I f, U,0111, L . , tq Seafq I., Halve vAtarr _o ,. kt. of , rtb .awrac%�room Vit.13Mt meeting or tAke part Ja Any Public Pumla by, , .11 upre . ftt., who s4y%-'1J-'or q, 19pi; Mino not quit his b _ � . _F_ J_ CklFWUY 4- Vo_ Toledo. 0. WINDS. I I I k . . t first ia�iking up his. bed - Lrocessi ,or dem,onst - ­ I � I . � . L ,r A,n L d puttin. ,,on p . .^tjork. ' Poll Aye. thor undermaneti. b%vp knowit" V% . " � r . - P7 health Va3 in a bad;sto,te, % ..r. I ffling—'edwArd I I EXPeft his clokiking and- equipment in pr- Ora are rigidly t4boae.d in t,bo A - mot 'I , . my. J. Vhcap.Y for th6 ast Ia. yeara, And I I . , Auto in All '_ I I I - 174 , o� v I with 0 - - -005-1 &r. otherwise the vigilAnt, orderly- M must, not remove., bis belro bf0tiova him porloctly honor 1 4.0 nervous exhaust$"', 14-1 OPP'- gqrgeowt will 40ail, call him to 49,- cap in a cotwk 0 , f ll%,W Px,L�o _ et or bmqiposa tr;..w*qctIQas. gua a . , Pt AV11,04 41W 'to qalrr�r Q;A% guy 0, AiKA iral It"153 1 M_ , I , as o as s badW op aft . � 4 pttl I _r .. I . I , , not. being Sworn, Immedlatelty , or It, ulr)4, 0 other and L I , booL 41 _14t ft, , A I _,, 110 must replace 11, & 'IRI.IAX. Vhotasage Org.gLIstg. 0444119 - . � rim down I could not stand the lea,st ITO must not be absent from tbe "Wsslua the ?IWINII 0. TWA — 04-- I .1 .. . ­ - Interior I , Toledo. 4 1XIN 0. .K & I *xertipa. 7X tried several medicines mes$ table at the bmw appointed for his bewl-drops. 11io..piust not, P�hango L , LAiNAJN .. . � � . I , I � � w �. I *, r wcdo I � 9411.1,w. WbQ10s0,k 'Uriggggm. A . � bmno;�r L ' . - ­ aiad 9944idt-0 41110rcut OPetfirs, but @;lch, mcall, wboowr appetito NvAita his religion wjt�bou $9.4glo 11 . ' ' , t sanction , - of 1114 I : � ' , r , ;r ()Ile at on W ,,rh, I, 9 llnm is %4; IMAT- .I - � , � un or not, 'Unle. ffil# INktakulk L pr1a I W_ I E irtboy Old not livip vlo any. , �n On ty COM10#11WIng oIllog.r. nor, is he allow- I I - . op'lly. acking directly vpon tit% #1004 r41 X , my noighborl strongly urgod me to or oil leave. Nor when be sits oil to enter into Any religious COT,%- ,odr ,,,,,,, 6qWtn1;q.$ of th% Vy# " __� NI , - , . , %#M, . — ... C 'O - """w I I I W . to tile table, in 'he d L. % - : - , , I I try Dr. 5111ams, Tk6f� Fille. And be- down .ay .. a ,�jq ,in . ra-v Qrsy or prQ.9ol)1IZJrl1t methods TostIT090"Ats MA 100. VvicO ?A-;- F0 44 * far* the mecautl bQX was Aulabed tho bin shirt alcove -5, but Awnst Always with his comr4fJps. bottle. �"Qld by 041, dru;;44494, VotorIA 11 , turulng point for the better bad been IIAve, his jacUat oil, WhQA Aisoldlcr'o funeral procession H41r# Fulally rig'al *ro 04 0"t. 1, & JUID CQM � I . '... reacho, and by t1ho Ulna I had und it his, food do . at ,please him IIQ P419"Se$ along his living cpmra4es p � � et* . 11 QAHAoA EDDY'S . 11 Q3 11 411 never s with such A - - - """""'""' HU4L"LL_-----­- - --r, I � . . . . . . L A half dozen bax4s, to the surpriso Awst not Indulge in 407 grumbling, muot not f4il to $pr , AW a man , , - - , L , ,Ing to. Attention, I . " I ,pt my friends And vaighbQvq I WeA forcible lan"Age, or @JtercAtion, and Sallie the remoing of t1wir de, head for bu$1T,ni;,,1 ,5 �- . , , Aid tile first I - 111111, I ii 'I I r Ills I I . I I ,op-inenj9ying good hoiltil, Anil bkV4 but mt-at Awalt tile Nrisilt of the - FAA Q( me.sailiato. 4 fly. "$14ort, Js,hq?'* queried the - I , . or I I _­­��_ --- � ___________ I I do dotly-officer. to whom Ito Must then Flllftlty� Although a soldier oalisitg Other- "Ob. I Ativan for our bus � mist's shop) --'T 'Wants , I 0ma boon strong ?"Od vmll. Colfleid number, of yearp, 001, IF0*6 150 wry, b0d�UcAded." 11111Y 11IR =011114141), , I Boy fin cut, I Apt sm � r 9.w anythly I a roll of stielizu, plaster gn . _;X to qqu*l Dr. addregs, big complaint in rosp"tflil I y for a sp . _L1 Lk bQ-t- ATOROV0, Fink V.1110 when tho oyp� language. Must not, whon, ilia Period of "Sayro; old CUAP, it isn't nh�* -of ,* . % I - tie at chine, cenzea. Cholm a 5 "to run dowg'" Ile mitat not proauiftio to bipcak to yvara expires, take hinivolft oft with- The,UO't, PoPniall Pill. -Tho pill Is the you to len Xna hat . ,, , , a , , rofuga to d t V JI'm; tbat'a a strange MIXteirol 11 , 'M,At t1w piliA have done top 01%, 04 QftQrp At AUY time or In out more Ado. not oven it be I's kept 1110,11; yonnl4r of all toraw of modiclue. JOUQ friend 44hould Always. be willing � A IV , What -a it for?- 130ys.�'Tii% atIckfW #ys they will do fQr you. It you will 014,90. Without being I.WCompanied a year or two over his time. ZVO alid 0 Pilli tile mol� popuigr are Parme, Whelp tbo Other.— I Ite'd VOZOAWO Klq.lk,canso thpyda what ,, . plaster 1.4 for father. Ar,4 tile cem-,nt L I . , ,VL 4.11 _ . I Rive thom a (Air trloj� Sold b , by a non-columissionad, officer. un- I TAustrouit uAtil All -tile formnlitie$ of �A -111 True. but 1 object to Invariably Sh 1 ltls'$sert'e�l thely c"A 0% AU4 I 0 not ]Put for mother. A , o flung the breg'kfi%sk pedi.cine doalcre. or seat pojilt PAld le -so the 0011cer should, Address hint his discharge are legally carried out, formird 04 Avy Actitlons claim, to eicel. being thct othor." things 4t b4n, ten winnits Pgo... _ � At, 60 cents 4 box or six 40*04 for In, tile Amt instance. oWerwi;ie, it be witicipate.,; theso . camwu� and, pprmble, , by leom. h;idr I I , . , , 412.50 by addrv; I ass er taWpg prench lcg,�6, he -,Vill b6 t1my are C�4,;:b, talgin, t I anotuaUseAto RJ?;JDF . Pin; tb% Dr. wllu� . Tit I - -1, � ,�.%ithout saluting him, avva wben trb , nor gripe, atitl they giVo rellipt 1% the m�q ?i . � ,$t. _.R Tit=, L M lH VA I L Win cai- . . � . IAN R. rt, VO U I W 1 ;6 ledidno Co., *04MI141 Qjlt, , ,c treated as P, dosarter.--Londau stub I$ S I 01MIST ND A # I . , onto of the important fq%turetl Qfj I , -cr ,ied In plain clothes, OR% _ .14"'..o., ­._ lAtt U drom -onv4ation pTavided be ig ac the 3Io.ssey-U;R,rrI9 J01ndcr aw, � 17or tho Interniltior4l C AN ORTE CITY. _ quaint4d with b1s; -----+— RUM910, 14AS only takvn her rovenge r,OLp1..NQ D, DEIR 4 ft Donvor. July 9th to, loth, the � . V1 a. _ No bolt.. I I Position as an ofllccr� I by c0UqW-riA)Y,-, X,Inchuraa. Tilt VhIlk' or Ants to unacrow. 'You increly rc�- �� QM414% T0140 4Vkzt#4 Uy tho TrAnlm 11 Strange street Sounds anfl Slibts ALL PARADES RKHRIAN TELLS P.m 114v,o tw�oa sae,Lwd Aloscaw-aAW lewso a r'living on the outsida 1)1-j� fortatIOU -Managers for Cuftrio And in Calcutto, require his attcILW in 123T. and again in 1290. Itig L L ance to tile W. vider and unhoolc tug. Inside OT40 tal QUeboo, to vic, th% Chicago and fold them. A YQUII* Calcutta Is ceLrtAinly an Oriental and. Ife must an Ito account, be a AMS EXPERIENOB 'iter Can do I orth-Wtstem and Union 'VAVI"r�CL � otye In spito of the IRIV 1�41011ml minuto late A"'ben the oNfull IA$* — for over *;%Sr Team costly and property. The Divider,s'; Railways. Special 'train of tolarist "Wation. Tim street . samnds And son Aw ovo Aup WOuUtso l4sxMV, - 3-40 . � uIls. Oil t,be contrary, be vatat ROW moms NTD=y --=,9 NVn3ib*Xkt*-41b;,�#V11AM 144*4 9*3 10 9W. 0M I Are very rigid in their worhing pos-'� alvt4pivg car# through to V4�nvvr. s 411ghts an as interesting as In Ally he ivalting oil 1-41c barrAcIr sqUare , 1*$r%b,y*qJ4J96p*1p-tX-0 ITS fW %heJr CInI40ta IRW4 itialms, and winain atwhatever TicLctm on vale July &tb. Tth and . X('wA In WiAl far Instanct" tIvro Is dressed And equipped. rca4y to tako' QUlCXL3r CURED RXS ZA= 9,04t4',A;X. VA!5 V,#;c;; xn=A It axovi Of 4% anglo they are foldw over tile con." ath, uQtum limit Auga.'st 314t, It P.*`^ C91" 101R,A 901* XM 40*0 the 4�no, 1444F I I I ii "I L 00 blind man who 4%vaitilvoi about, Itis place when the lutrado Assent- 3UL01C. tottl two vimidl ta 34"Ww Iq l4quam t% 0 voyar canvas. 11 19W. Very low ral*3 1rouz All ota. . t"t% I 4 by 'A'q4111 to ovoq Fut of 1*0 v " , T0C*a%,A nt*Wc six valq* is in$* anta C -ING E -LEVATORS. -Mmy, tlat;s it Cq ,ulat chanting the most lovely HtIlo, rata- ble"s, L TWsRly, r . FLOAT I .aaaa. Writo for *fr arAdo. should bis afflecr Willin 33a ki f Norwood, mosuro"dsat.t.)rmmW42�410$Wf'SU" - as literally float. The grain v,nraitit;!Cbv,istiank.nd,,tavariolder,Lr4Us.4md .1 -or air, over and over agaj.a, but it .1Vbt,n on p, m N. S U, 0 'r . � nover becomes mosatonous; And tile Ila Wilud him, and speak to him lie 494*490tMiki"ll. stick or choice In the 3W�oy­11arrIs'1gll informution to R. IL onailt 40110o charmer. with a pole aver his ,gives Good .&dvico and Others " .� . S .t, 2 . ics at but W)Ast answer %%,It,, I bunclied. I shoulders, and A. basket of mWL, n*mt not turn his head fit mr-pom,ft, Axe rollo,win& it With S'plandid L 23-74 elevator, no matter how much It Is Sast, Xing street. Toronto, 01tIlar end, Ndia plays a bagpipe, nulloydble; Results. I sixrhr-, xxovrign. - capable at I bead And. eyes looktng strWIgIlt to "That man your automobile bow- Norway's e0ast-linc.-1,700 miles In and Ia supposed to go About from ,110 front. Norwood, Ont., July 6 (Special).- 10 QVQr F -1.1"S he bas the number ot. adjustmeatto ta,k@ up wear. Imuso to house And rid tile suakoqn. -S , L. - Suited for handlingi,a, straight lin(�_bevome,,i over 12.000 L bould Ito havo some dillIculty In William X. 13a,,A;In, the well-kno your machine." 111%7hat did he say HE U milps If followed round the fjords. In tested housen at thpir lv,trts. The ftilir Wit Mind of Ills music Is &Rid to , his aworJL or )its rifle (or Un- lulubermart and railroad it wao" "Sixty-six.11 sslt,s crops under all conAltialts, of vea-� these, fjords are over 150, . 41nato the Ennikcs fft�'5- ftlag it) when wt parode. be "tuat at this place, telia of an QXpQr1enca niflpty_o'n-_�' 110 Was standing, at% his ther or land. It will pick tip tang. lands. , And fmvo 010m, led or laid grain anit lay It, uptit)y , . out of the thatch, or wherover they not wrestle wit,li. It In tit* ranks, but with DodWs Xidney Pills that is head At tli',' 01110 110 SCLIV it-" oil ilia tablo. It also handles latig mar bo. fuld Irldlelbor are 4rl axist take a pace to the front or bound to bo of interest to tha pU-0. ahort grain with splendid suc- They ar6aPowortill N.'arvIne.-UTAPIP . X*ID,g rear. only stepping Into Ills WACO lie generally. slacauw-i deraimQuient of the ntrvalls from & smitcer of milk placed for agalix attor he It*.,% adjusted tho re. ceS191 : t1om, the "Pliarn,mr" solves t;hom by "Vor two years.** says Jk1r. 7aas. Minaid's 1.1olmept Believes Heofaille or ayst4,�iti,aticliten,ati,idtkl)�lity, once eagen. � . ROTALRR BRAIRINGS throughout tiered 1,; diffielilt to deal with. Thtre Ave t1lo tall, and whips them Into ]its froatory weapon. kill, "I was laid up ,svith Lame Back I ton ilia draft and mnli-e tliCk many testlinotlial'i as to tile efft%cy of Ile must not attempt to leavo bar- and :Rldnoy Disaoso. I would at Ijodrli�zv_**Ra when. the ciart;da I baslwt. Tho coollies, of whom tho "?Qr1li,9101asy for the bomel. This liqvinclec's Vog�,ctabla P9115 in xTe"doz eks until tba ,day's parade,s Itud, timos bocomo weak and havo to leava wont down: tho Audience made a il(�agts know, when thpy a , J .'stroots ,are full, all vamy a rough. ra -)to- , re, bitched thisdisarder, shawing t tit ,they nover . ver, off 'work. People NN,bo know mo as great demonstration? 1)141 theg Call ta, a 3russa�_1_1axrIs._jt runs so cast. falltoproiluct good waults. lly giving v opea wicker basket,* in simpe dutiell are, over. and w A lie walks I liko a Imp saucer, In wbich, out he must be properly drosswl In lumberman and contractor on tho for Clip star?" Van Albert -"'Yes, it 17. proper tone to tile digestive ,urgans, tticy J Ula,y tile prescribed uniforan. witli III$ 0 . R. and Parry Sound Itailways you sImll. star backwards." restorotquilibriatatii the nerve contrts. I I I bring trunks Irani the station, movo r i I I t,nbolt worn outside his jacket. * — . .tupixibure, or carry marliating, And "A s know how sick: I was. I when they are not ,using it, t1tru, it Sergeants have al.;o to wear t1eir "Reading of wonderful cures by Therolsrot a more dangeroa,;clasi of .Sh(---11Tbe milliner told, ilia that That a warill, climato twors long I I I swords ("side -arms") suspended , 6 dpatlst,a 11110 is showit by a r",Pat list of con - .1 upaido down and sit on It, :ft is from their waist -belt awl do Dodd's Kidney Pills lad, mo to, tr.� ditorders than those which afrect tile - Ia bad been down to th 1,1e_--,s#1%,,�ll, teunrians. i4utlalld has 46, R.ng Very funny to goo talem, with ial(*s It -their tbom. I used three boL XaS and at; brvatbla; organs. Nullift this danger to IIAVO a nerve killed.'* b sashes over tlielr right shoulders. .1, with Dr. Thomail Wlectra 011-a pill- from the prices situ wsts for hats, I land 146. Sweden 10, 1'ruce 218, 1 1 koublod up. parchod upon ,the r u -s- In " . I I completely cured, I can say now 100taclalow)edgedeillancy. It ClItUi Should Say tho dentist muSt havt) and Spain 401. 1 . I kcts. Then tharo tire little sitops all IN WALKING OUT - have not had any pains since I used InInlene,,s and soreness when appliedex- killed tbo wrong one.*, I I tile SLIVot corners. At least a cloth ilia soldior injust not wear n.,collar Doddos xidiloy rills.- terualln aswallas swelled 110elt nutl trIck � OproAd on the ground, with, neat or tie, neither must be lot ally algit, Others who have followed Mr. Bus. Intheliaelt; and, as all linvilrd. specille, a easily cured by the usa ENOUSH SPAVIN LINIMENT L , I little piles of grain. seois amd nuts of a, haudherohiot, watch ellain, or k'IWs Ladvi,e and tried Dodd's Kidney ".So'; 11joit SIib!Jt;katIa1 OIAliftS to Lpub- fe-evere cold's AT � sold by it, dark pntleman squatting trinhat be seen out'side Ili$ luni-torm. r10C';�'30Lt1IIt1eIIce. of Ilickle's Aisti-Consinuptive Syrup, a Itemoves all hora, soft or callowed lurpra i ,.,On Fills report alnillar results. No form inedicinuotexzraordinnr penetratipgand and biqtnishos frain 10-1869, blo,)d vpii.yin, I On his 11001s; In little coraiucoplas ,Ijoroovor, ho ,intost not N r fancY of 10duoy Diseaso can stand before Student-I'What Is pessimistuloo 110,0111i; ortles. It T14 acknowledged eurbp. splinte, rins I coo, swoen,ty. NMOK; =ado of a freill, green leaf. boots, gloves, tap. or Any such ar- tI,,n%. by those 11�11) I �� I � I . V hilosoliber-"Tbe falth of cowards I I u I I'll have used It as being the vl),rlaolns. Acre and swollen Viraett, 00114110, Ate. � . . tialo other than those Issued. to him I 8 best Inediallie sold for coughs. colds, lit VA by use of quo Ott'*. WAVINW614 �, QXTICXLY'ROTjSED. from tho noyal Army Clotbtng De- - ' "Thon what Is optimis1XV11 'TiIe flaill 1111111011 of tile lungs, andall affection the I"Od wonderful hlonubu Cam 0VOX " � 411frs. ATcLubberty," said taio fily-7 pot at Pluilico; but in "walking- at anil che-it. Its ngreeablaile's known, A TOWN Or, GLASS- faith of fools." at tile thro. , to tile Caste makes It n fav6urite with � sician, addTossing the mother of out" dress this regulation Is m0ro There is probably in all the world . Indies and. children. L It to calculated that carthworms . I � 010 YdUUIfUl Patient, "503110tftillgl hVNIOTed in the branch t4iau in t�"�-* only one town built of glass. and I turn up 15 tons of -mgetable mould � � 111mad's Liniment Nes 00108, etc, I I Inlist lit do2ic to cheer up the little obsem,alice. that is to be found near Yellowstone Fathet—Why, wheit, I was yourL In a vear an ievory Acre of cultivated .i follow -to raise ]Its spirits amA ]f 110 desires to become a benedict Park, The glass is not artificial, yrs. lCoixway-l'You used to say age I didn't have as much money In lands,* that is, a total of 705 mil. I i ; I aronse his intarest.11 tie nibst not got married without but natural, being formed by ages of that I was tile apple of your eve," a Inolith as You spend in a day.- Hart. L tons for the United Xingdom. "I Thtruing to the bedside. he asked the slwial saliction of his cominand- volcanic action. It is dark green or Kpnway�-'*Well, what of it?" il�s. Son -"Well, Pa, don't scold me . � , 4 kindly. Ing offter, and it a single man lie IMOL 1 "US, lad, would you not like III ck In. Into, but in every other ro- Kt,n,%.a,v_­X0tbing, except that you about it. NVby don't you go for I . . I 10 must not enter Ole married quarters a rmqemblos the artificial. pro- . . Minad's LIP nt for sale evepublell be oat this pleasunt aftellivoon, spin- unless sent thoro on some errand of SPc'ct don,tspeni to care so much fortruit grandfather?" - . I � L ning your top, or watching taxe oth- duty duct. R-ftsily cut into slabs and ou once did." L . I .. � er boys at their morry gamca?­ When oil guard he must not dis_ quito itupervioaq to the weather, it as y The, rrench President receives . x L Use Lver's Dry Soap (r. poWder) The sick boys closed Ills eyes wear- makes excellent building material. t..0 *wW1I Iv,00lens twd fiannalt , robe. but most tahle his rest on the Tbere never wan.and never will hi a .4� $11-0,000 a your, and go..ts in addi- i ily�. as One Who is 'not long for this hard boards of the guard -room bed, 0 - universal panacea, In one reniedy, for all yCluNli like it. I I tion fruit, vegotablvs, game, fuel. � I wo.rld and has lost all interest in fully dressed, with his accoutrements CH13AP EXCTIRSION TO 3)8NV M, 111-3 to which flesh is hqlr­�he very nature oil, gas, electric light, and washing . I _ —_ I thc frivOlities Of 'a mu-SdamO exist- o'n.. ready to turn out at a mo- �,!,nanycuratjves being such that lvers L L ! r � ) I. 1CLUSXVE NESS OF CASTE. I free, I , q g E X. i The Wabash will sell round trip erms of other and d1frarenbly sentecl ., I enm ment's notico. IT* Imist not bring ­ I I "Wouldn't you 011i tickets to Denver, Color Vgteases rooted lit the sysr,eni of th� -ng from. the ado Springs , 1.nt-what would rellive one Ill, in ,,nglish officer, who, some 1. � OY trX%0d11TIg any article of his beddi An r . � ,iyeaw hoop of playing 'toucW with barrack -room, but must seek repose br Pueblo, Col., at less than the one furn would aggravate the other, Wi years ago was wounded in a battle H " . - - � ­ , .1 I' . " - � -gaux little sel400lfellows?" pensisted an tile bare, boa.rds. 110 must not way fare. Tickets on sale July 6th, linve,bo-wever, in Quinine Wine, wban In India and left lying all night . The Best il ,i a physician, sympathetically. quit his guard, day or night, ex- return any obtainable in a sound umadulterazed among the native dead and wounded, � J J Tbo invalld's only reply was to cept to be posted an sontry. time before August 81st,,1903. " e, a remedY for many andgrevious ilk, we of all � �� sipjh like ant almost gone. Y SENTRY Passengers going via Detroit and 13,11,11, ts giradual and judiclou� use, the tolls this story., "Next morning . "Su're. nowo dacb1wr,11 exclaimed WHE 9 ob fr, eso systems are led low convalescence spied a man and an old woman, who I V,.Iy over the great Wabash line, can go and strengdi, by the influence which Qui came to us with a basket and EL pot .� the lad's mother, 'Itlidt's not the he mUst not stand still for via Chicago and 0maha. return iiine eXerra onNI'ature's own restioratives. of water, and to every wounded man :i way to be afther livening the bye length of timo, but must keep on through Kansas City and St. Louis Jtrelieve-s the drooping spirits of those F 'L..'%,'r IK" i I I e r s . I Up at all. at all! Ar -r -r -r, Mickey, Patrolling up and down his beat. He without extra charge. This will �vith whom a chronic .state of morbid de3- she gave'a piece of Joaxec bread,from - I dox-r-r-r1in', wu,dden't yez lolka wrist not enter into conversation give passengers the grand opportun- ondency and lack of interesr, in life i3 Z4 the basket and a drink from the bas- is I ' 0 . �, � zoLy with anybody, neither must it Cease, and, by t,rauwullizin- the nerves, kat and a drink from. her waterpot. . It be iiunnin' about. Vrowin' stones smoke, drink. or cat while on III ity of�sceing the World's Fair build- ilia -esto soulid an refreline: sleep- To us she gave the same, and I I i through VcRa,Mrty's winda, �;r ty- s Inge at St. Louis. All Wabash jlnlp)Ori�c3 vigor to the action of Llie bloodi I . I ing the Widdy 3fulvanny's pot cat post. When the orderly-ollIce'r ,vis- trains stop at the Fair grounds. which. being odmalated. courses throngh. thanked heaven and her. But the Wilson's I L Ri0poot, 11 ip the railway lines an' watching its him he mkist not forget any of . For full particulars address J. A. ouc the veins. strengthening the healthy Soobalidar was a high -caste . his orders, but raust repeat, almost I animal fauctions of i,he system, thereb) and as this woman was a Chumar, " � Ilia trains squAnch the loife out u1V I . Fly Pads !, --,I . verbatim, the whole of the instrUc- Richardson, District Passenger - king activity a necessary 11 or of the lowest caste, he would re- L� lit?" , - I.., tions which appear on his order Agent, northeast eorw�r King and rrtengtheninf;the fraine, and giVill0g,"it-i ceive neither water nor bread from I The sick boy proMp'Lly sa:t up, 1, Youge streets. Toronto. o the digestive organs, Which naturall) Sold nverywItere. 1�1.1, h ers in a board. �� 11 : __ � I Pemand increased subscance-result, iln' her. I tried to persuade him to take , AX n ING1011 ina.rchod to chimch he must it that he might live; but he said .. .1, voice of authority. ant ,rovedapperits. Northrop & .Lyniau 01 '10 CENTS , . ";� 11 I . -1 not rtteli about looking for a coin- Locusts are not the only migr toronco, have given to the public theif that, in our state, with but -a few I'�'. , _­ SICKLY, RABIE9. . . ,for,table seat, but m)kIst occupy the insects. In July, 1890, a swarm of tuperior Quinine Wine at the usual K=Qi hours more to linger, what was a . � � , I I I . , one Pointed out to him. Ho Must small beetles passed over Romershof, ,d, gau,�ed by the opinion: of scieutts" little more or less suffering to us- I — . .1 . tha ., Nvine approaches uearesD perfeadon of .1 not IOMV,e until the conel'usibii of the in Russia, which was 2 miles .long, Ald lie give up his fate for. I I i. Weak,L sickly babies are a great "and is,,n,otL,' . . 1- I 173 miles- wi � do, and over 20. ft. 106HY in din'tuArtaL � All druggisis mail iLL � -WhV sho, � . . wred to . I � I L* 'TbtlVdrs. They;— need 'con1 _ perinitted' �- to I . . L' L . ­ - . . I . , it sclentiflo principals count for anything - , 1�. � service. I . _,:_�_. - such an object? No, he pro :1 ...L trial to.in � - rmke� his ow,n irajr back to barracks thick'. . I . ^ . L . .f( L the pntont inflated air pad truss Rhould bo a .4" I . t t care both. -night and day and i.6ut njust ,,f - * NO WOmDE, - POOIL FE LLOWI ,, �ie unpolluted. " I ced ;a -.o parts in such pb8itlon " 0 son all in" on Parade 6Vt--' -_ _; .R1 . - ---- -- -- — vo ft ltlioids 0 � �� I other oui. I I I I I I .. .1 77�� 1 . - 11 h fair play they,muAt beat, ItiallRbg �,, � moon wear the m -Baby's side th6, ehtar6h: ­6,nd be ma��ched '� ' . �. . A man was Picked 'up rc�cntly by 11 Imd comforte6bie to wear, i%nd your confidenbo ' � . , lit in c . st k to� I . 1, � �. . . the.,polico' who *seemed to be suffer- . larestoredthe moment it ig adjusted. Youl I :, tie st'o i a h . is tl�e,, cause '0 mo 0A9 quarters . in th . c. same. order I was re I ' . I _ - - . %an I �� of the trouble -l' 'it is very weak, and th Cu d .of Bronchitis and ing from. mon�ai aberrAtion, but . , )- ocure It only from the Belt; FLnd. Truzs� 1� . 0 at he left.- . . rg. no... Hernia Speciallsta, 03 SpAdInN � �:� ' , In consequence very easily upset,. He is not, permitted to" have a Asthma, by M111TARD'.4 � IIINIATENT. who, on recovery, gave this account .1 I 1. Avo,, Toronta. Write now. . I . �, j. Baby's' O*n Tabletis will cure all light in his barrAck-room after 10J5 MRS. A. LiV-Xi4GSTONE. of himself'- __i - - I 22-47 1� baby troubles. They are mildly at night until. ,tho- next morning Ldt 6, P. E. 1. ­In�on he. loft his happy home, . - — ,'.� I . laxative and give prompt relief. Con- and once '-'lights out!". BOLOndi A� - 31 was Cured of a severe 9ttack 'ot early inthe morning, his wife kissed I . I I ' I .. I �" � - cerfiing them- Mrs. 'h. -J. Balfour, 1 night he"Inust not'sp"k I or make. RheumatisIn 'by' MINARDIS 'LINI, him good-bye, as was her custom � ORANGES LEMONS 1111 i6memee ' Ont., says: "I have used. ally noise ,un -til the -�Mveilllg, I 3MNT when she wanted any errand per- ell We have �Icxicans, WE � ` " I , Baby's Own Tablets for stomach sounds the next morning. . I wai��.e Bay. . JOHN MADER. formed, and then a�ked him,to 'go �. California Navels, HAVY _,..� � troubles and'constipation from which IlThen "reveille" breaks the si I was'Cured of a severely sprained to the dressim er and tell her that . . � ,,, . . lence I ak Valencias, and THE . I" � little girl �utlered and they ell- of the long night,he inust not loiter log by MI14ARDIS LINXAMNT. she (his wife) had changed her mind, I I , . I I ; 1 'ri;y'l, cured her. They. produced in bedi but ra�ust be up and do I JO � . 1�, . . I ing, SIMUA *YNACUr. and would have the watered silk The New Century Ball Beai­ sevilles. BEST ,,;,j ' � ' �. � �:,! Ilound,, refreshing sleep, and I re - his berth and getting reaxl�r Bridgewater. I . , gard tWyin. I made up Instead of the poplin; and : hig Washing Machilae in the 30.A61%T.PA.1%T_ALM. . . . . � �hem as ind'ispensible in any home for tho day's work. I hoine stands for clean clothes, light- Carload . . 4 I be sure to tell her, dear,' said - the . * every vveek. All the above- at I � ,t�,;l 'phere there are little ones.!'. The s,oldiers nXust alot grow bearld I . � at If she thinks it would en inal-ket prices. We can also handle vour I i�,,�� I wife, 'th ad labor -,quick and efficient . , . I . " I ,� , Mothers from all parts of Canada or whiskers, but most al 7-59 look better with ton bias flounces P�Osults. You sit while uslng it, and BLitter, EggS, Poultryo 1, . .. L I ways have - . I I I I . ite in favor of Ba�;y'sOwn.Tab� his clikin and choeks clean shaven � I ­ I � r. . . ,� I Fr., Pr I . I Paris has n wit out pu,4ng, and box -pleated" be- , five minutes is sufficient for a tub. 1. I I 0 less t I I I Map o advan. .20t oving theclaim. that they are unleso he Is a pioneer, of N*W;l .han f,216 class- I I , le Syru p and other produce t r � . I I I low the equator, which should be I I I . . - e very boit '. medicine for.,all the there are only, . es of workmen. There aria, for in- . ful. , . I tage for you. .. ! I I ", - It, I ., stance, 386 classes engaged in the gathered in hem -stitched gudgbons UP If"your dealer has it have him iTHE 13AWSON 66MV,18810H 00,, Llinit9d" . I r � . � P,inor Ills of,infants and young chil- TEN IN EACH REGI=NT. hemical trade, and ,870 in metal' and down the scams, with a gusset show -it to you. If, � hot wrl(e us ibr (Our. West r%Aarkc,,,,1 3t., Tl��)90NTO. I I . I . , I Guaranteed to contain no 0, the, other handi he must allow c L stitch between, she can make it lip I - I .- ­ - " I :� t r I scriptlive booklet. I .1 � . I I C'Ii�� Price 25 cents n, box a all - way, Insteadr of fl ng -Xe , 1--45 � ria t industries. I - utl de , � I �, I . I his Inoue ache to grow, and on no . -0 in that tl ____ ___ --,--. . . � I I ru - account Is allowed to shave the ulp- 0 bobb tion, and piercing out THE DOWSWELL �11`6. CO., Ltd. - 1 � ruggi ts or direct from The 3)r + inet inser . I I T N U 436 'I � I ,. , mlliam3i ke*f-z�`InO Co-, BrOckville, per lip. with point 4pplique, as I. suggested I HAMILTON'Or�T. I 1, loard's Liniment pures, gapdfufs I I I . ASSUF_ F4 Q'I � I . I � . L�j V.Ut. , . I 1. I 1, .. bv , - I roterday ' n I ; r �, , I � I . ( I � He must not, , allow, 413: hw. tal M I � , I . I . I.. . I . I � I . � I I I � I , I I � . ,.. I I . . t " I I � �, , . , � , 1. � - � r . � I . :, . I , .1 . I � . I . . . . . I I I I . . 1. I . . I I j . . I � � I I I �, I - I I I I : I . . � i , ; ! t i � � � - ! ; ; � � � � � � I I � Sul SNO" I I W � 1� I � I I i I I I I th 1; P11 . M , I � 1, I f, I , , , I - � - , 'I i� , � I I - I � � , I A- F I& �e�i:- 1,1 I I , ; , � � I I � ; % � � ; � I � � I I I I . I . � I I . , . I I I I I I . I I . I ; . . � . I : . r . I I I I . I I � I I I I � . . I � I , - � � L . � I � - I . I I � . . I 1, , I 11, I L I I I . � . 11 1: L 11 11 I I I � I I I I ", . . . I 11 , , , � I I . . I .1, � � I � I I I .1 � I 4, I I . I I � I I I I . I . ; . � . I I I , I L, I : . L I I � I I 1. 1 I � I I � I : I . I I!, �, .�� . I . ­ . � : I I . ,. , J , �� I I �, , I �. .1 11 L I �� I I - . I I I " I . . I �. I . . I I . I I 1. I .11,111, I I " ,� � . ... I I I � � I � r .1 1: I I I I I I I 1� 11 ., I I I Ir . . ,r. . "I 1 % � . I . I 1. �. � . . I I I . � I . I I 1, � , I I : , " I � I . I �, . . r : . I I . I I I :� � I . 1: � , , � � I . . I � I I � � ­ ''I I 11 � I I �. I I I . L � I I I I ,r,, � I I I I : � � , . . 11 I I I I I I 11 I " I . I I � I . I I I . I L' I'll �. I I I I r : ,� I L . I 1, I I 1, I . �.." I L .. I . � .. 11 r : , I I . I ; :� : : ; 11 � � ­��_ L, � I I . . I I . . .1, . I .", I I I I . I., I I - I I., , I I I I 1. I .1 .1 I � I I I I � I .1 . I � 1. , � . I I I L I I I I I : � � - � ,� � �IJ � � : I I I I I I 1. '. 11 . � ,� I I 1. � I I I ._111------'-', I I 1, I � , I 1-1- � � � �' . -, _.��"­., , , , ", - ­ I - I - I ­­ 11 "I . - , �_"r I I . - _­_"_­­­­­.­ ... ­­­ - I—- � r --1-11 ­­­­ �, -,-- ­- -­­-­­__­­'­, .. "­­­_"_­­ ­,", ,L, '­­­ ... ­_­­­­;k"1­_._­�_ , ,,, �.:.. _ . I .1 'L. I,.,..-,.,, ­­ 111. 11. I 1-1 ,t1--,1, ­; 11. ,�'­� I'll ­_­,.. , 1, , � ".. `;,::, , ­11­,,��, ­_ I I . ....... L"",.,��,�--.,-��,,�.�,�,1.,.�-%��,�"""2�---.,."�1.1-�-1-�.I..�T-', r I I I . . 1-1 I , ,�, ": I 1, , ­ � - , , , , . I