HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-9, Page 7IRE HINER REB LIGET
Itev. FranK DeWitt Talmage Says There
Are Six of Them
tgoteren acO
erding, to AO ottne Vert or. slower beatino a -ow valaic„, Niro
hament or 040,4,14. 14, tee sear one d s' • b
Thousand eine Hunareo ape Three. now that .4171alal tioneed oi.e
by Wm. Badly, of troroato, et tee 1 the Lord. Perhaps there may be
vetettstaeut et eeriteitera, (mewed time in the home wben the denee , ee
may be a, narreless Amusement. It, a" temptateoes ef our
A deepatch ft era Chicago says: may be the nieoug of a hartales$ St14-41°-°1" rose'rts ere EhrertlY or AO'
Rev. Freak Do Witt traletage preach- frolic and tbe meaus of keeping tbe dlrect'lY 44° tO the sePeratioos of
e41 from the following text: Nem- children, at home, wnere the fathers fotoffies, These separations loy
hers xxxii, 2e, "Be sure your Sin and methere avid grendfother And temptations, awful tempatationS. at
'will and you out" Ittratidtootbee may bq, „plwaciparAts att the feet of the 1.11.ert gra gem".
What are you going to do titiss the -domestic merriment. But. Polled to Stay at home awl work,
'vothsoter? "Take 0. vlieetioll..” YOU thOtlefi an not neW denouncing They Jay temptations, awful tempter,
weswele stt am going away to the the bare/less socia enjoyments„midaro Oti lintitans. OQ ti, at the feet of the women, wile
ff 111 e Stiller
eourttlUe 'SUM was ontime ce a me which take place in the home, do !
Wb*n 1did mot believe in Stianner Meat veheineutly protest against the -a 4W-Ilheer resOrt uear to your nome.
Vacations. I thougat -they were, pmmiscuous datiee nail et our eine, De in a placer where an the members
merely lazy menet thi
emuees for erla mer wateeirig places, I know (doer the family can get together evory
hag work. But aow I know thee 11 what 1 WTI speaking. I run not a few days. Never let yoUr llUShan4
was, mistaken. I hove been gradredstranger teUioaoil otiquetto of it learn the lesson how to be happy
Ally breaking down under tho ceaeaothis world. Men and troraen 1'01mm:without you and the children. Melee
less monotenies of business. I want1 ad4ress tosday, 1defy you to flud:and modem, never learn youir$ovou
and Deed a change. I am going outd ono men or woman of noted spiritss the leason haw yoe can be /loopy
among tlio green bills or down by' Isal Power who will conten4 tbet the [without your husbands am]. the cbile
the seesteare. 1 will leave word that stammer baltromce is a safe plaee ine Oren by our side. As foe, os you
maY Able. ettraug the years of
your earthly life, atever be separated
from your loved ealles ter any length
time until you aro compelled to
hem Away for the loot sleep in
nada grave.
141 cloeing 1 would speak to you
ords of copgratulation and vile
cheer. Before -we eerier:etc for the
tempter may not be able to enslave
you 1"n a city where you are in ac-
tive 17144:arn, but he noaY be able to
dig for you a druekerd'a grave
among the many slain' summer fes-
cinatious of A hotel piazze,
Summer rea light the lest/ Be-
waro of tho family separetimis 'widen
take aevey for any lengt.h of time
wives ihom husbands, he,saeuds from
wives, brothers from sisters awl
parenta from cnildren Marit this
my trioxide. and Wliat 1say. I speak
ealtely and deliberately:. Nine -tenths
all letters and telegrams at the dwihich to attoW Olir SOPS and dOugh-
store as far as passible auest roe tors to pass the summer months,
iauileimuswered instil I get back, nefy you to And one uotaegUWU Or
AM going to Uvate 1obeli Woinan who ever hammed the lesson
t11111 IltWolf (Pitto Zra,e wr44 let WY Of Christ love in the fetid ntneee-
mind Mu fallow.” viler° of a public Sauce ball.
But, any hearers. before we seintre Summer red. riglit- the third: Be-
nte for the summer, as your pastor
I would 1114o to orah yea Another Ware Of ii,11 gailleS Of Cliallre. ,eutanter mottle teould vfiy, Tees
does that, mean? Beware of joining:and womere eougrutulato you be..
question; eIthae do you asPett to5 the gambling table. width will be/cause you hove well earned your
do Wheat yoe aro n tho eountreql played every night in the :Ade room: *
,reet. I copgratulato you because
How Are you geing to 51)0114 that; a mut hotel which opene Into tueeyou beta Saimaa a hord winter's
vaeatiou? esee halm been wonting' hotel bar. which game will be work. I congratulato you that you
hard during your nee In one senee kept up until 3 or 4 o • oc nt!, are going out among the trees and
you bave destroeasi your ability to tho ororeand, la:were of
play. Therefor() when yo o go tee et, eV,4,1,4111,- the ilowera and the mountains and
Mingling with tbo "1111•4110.."'t est' tho volleys; Abet you are going to
the country and do not now what
to do temptations trill there asSal ed helere tho hOOklnikkera etands Aare, e", tet.„ teaee
you watch would uover tempt you the fatitOns suntaner recce? Ob. Zee"' t‘dttsa"g*a*frors'";0,4"‘it4 4ts.hse 400;uttog
when you are at home and at went. I would. am more esptat you to
minting. And I else congratulate
leow, the puerutee of this sermon ia fol41141 64414 1144g11411t1Y geset d' you that the Settle Clain -when), yon
not to talk of libertines and 'aurora, 1 reulising Pesit4ens 111411 Yell wait"' 'nrsillis bere Yen eall AvOr514 there.
ond dead beets. It is uot mph tallest to finel your pastor tbere. But —
Take ltag the Saviour's compels,-
raut tho social outcasts and tto slut beware ce th4a ineldtouu beginning's, follow. pray duffle the next tow
varataires who as human leeches w414.41 4)1 1114gef1"/I the he" weele) for divine prone:lion and ltelp.
try to eau* the Biala blood out a n?,17 1114,411.,i/P g.:""ea°! tt.triet ti/,'4.1rheit. if you have Christ along,
their fellow men at the Slinliner ''s wale" •14 14.1 tbero will be am fear that you will
teriex plum That clots of ptopit grounds. Beware of bet:tang the eatecumb to the evil temptations
are not those wienat I went to talk. PelltaV tliPett the S/414Ple tieme w141011 -which terra every one duriug aSUM-
to now, 13ut / would to„day, 115a is playon, upon the hotel porde In
parlor, eaasersay and praderseetd other worclebeware of tAlting your "'""'
sive 0, few worda of practical ad- firat leemns in ono of the awful, the
Tea to hard wore:leg deodio who meet facioneting and the most de -
win eland noir vacations away structive of rill evils, the gambling
from borne. 1 avoid try to Warn Oil. Authoutio Cat:en Where Ailments
you against the tenditatione which When the poisonous desires of a
wm "111.1.4111t Yeu 14114 which, if I'M*" game of deluxe aro ono Inoculated
cessfol. may (Destroy your entire
Christian character. Into jesrous 1401°W" nYo°11111esen11121tan°;°11ytthE
get= Absorbed into the apirituai
body la a fhty Way continuo to afrlekam. strigtuutaltitisnigaemntal, grouleaysrlacce.01
work its malformations clear on Thinking 'lard.
down to the grave and charage your track and the roulette table awe the
threatenlag rocks whero thousands Some eminent doctors are now de-
-whole eternal destiny.
upon them:ands a human crafts aro, laring that you Call euro yourself of
Summer red light the iirst: B0 wreeed for time and for btertaity.1 oieltnese, and oven disease, by the
ware of Sabbath tleseeration. That
mann beware tbat you do not out grail0 nt Witll the games of climate*, i e,eereieo of tho fore° of mind. Act
however small tho wager, any morel cordiug to Dr. IL J. lebb and, SI a
armor yourselves by ono false move than you would play about a rattle- man wants to cure himself of any
and leave your heating beans tle-
fenceless before the poisoned arrows "'Alt's reeg or toy vita a Una eon-,
of the satanic ambers. Beware strictor's coils or a. tiger's claw.
that youdo not practically say tO FLIRTING DENOUNCED.
the evil tempters: "ITero am I, off
on any *Mintier Vacation, 1 have
left, illy religion at home. I a
ready to let you lead me weer° you
Will. For two or three weeks, ov
one mate At least, 1 will enter no
caurcle listen to no sermon, utter
no pablic prayer and ask for no de -
Nine protection1 will take a holi-
day from religion as well as from
business, and as a beginning I will
disregard tlie Lord's date"
"What do you mean by such
warning As that?" some ono aslcs.
"Why do you place such emphasis
-upon Sabbath observance?" Be-
cause, my friend, the way you gen-
erally start your summer vacation
Is the way you will end it. The
Sabbath desecration is the key -note,
as a, rule, or the forerunner, of .a.
long series of spiritual backsliding.
Mow? In all probability your sum-
mer vacation will start on a Satur-
day afternoon How will you spend
your ilrst dey in• the country? Will,
you do it with prayer and conse-
cration? Will you do it by taking
your children to the Stoislity school
and joining the Christian workers
of that neighborhood in public WOIr-
ihip within the four walls of the
little village church, or will you do
it by coming down in your fishing
togs or by waving your golf stick
or with your baskets full of food
for a rollicking time in the . woods
on a Sunday piceic? Here are the
two extremes. Which will you
,.choose? The one heads toward spir-
itual renovation; the other heads
toward spiritual death. No num or
woman ever • lived who could suc-
cessfully resist the temptations of
- our summer resorts who started
their vacations by breaking the law
of God's sacred Sabbath. Such a
church member always COMCS been -
to his church home a moral cripple
after he has spent the Sabbath days
of his summer vacation in handling
the tiller of a sailboat or in hitting
tho little white balls over the golf
links or in looking at the bobber
floating at the end of a line attach-
ed to a fishing pole. Start your
vacation aright for G od and it will
end right. Start it by praying in
the village pew for divine guidance.
Start it, if possible, by helping the,
village choir sing in the choir loft.
Start it as you would start it if
the first Sabbath of• Your summer
vacation was to be 'your IIrst Sob-
' bath in heaven.
gave Been. Dispersed by
Summer red light the second; Be-
ware of tbe hotel ballrOom and the
sum an er public dance hall. I ,, am
not now discussing the question of
dancing in general; I am not con-
sidering whether it be right or
wrong for the'young folks, within
the quietude and the sacred pre-
- eincts of a home, to have one of
their number finger the ivory keys
of the piano; then, while the state-
ly strains of the minuet or the Lan-
cers sound forth, to have the boys
end girls join hends aricl the slip-.
pereti feet keep step to the swifter
Summer red light the fourth; Be-
ware of Wiling with human affeo-
thins. Oh, the taecinations and yet
the hellish nutiforming power -of
summer flirtation! Have yen Oyer
sat upon a hotel porch and watched
the insects gather out of the dark-
ness and leuze and play about the
electric lights? Tho.se lights have
Tor them the fatal spell tbat tbe
glittering eye at the black snake has
for tee mother bird sitting upon the
edge of her nest. Taeso insects will
circle round and round the brilliant
light Miry will disapeear for
awhile, as though they know the
bot tongue ot death is ready to
touch them. Then at last they will
make one plunge and in cm instant
the wings and the legs are gone.
Then the poor suffering ereature falis
to the ground, wriggling and twist-
ing and dying, to be tratopled under
the foot of man. Such are the aw-
ful results which follow when tbe
human insects play tibout the hiss-
ing, blasting Sees of a summer's
flirtation. It may be pleasant for
awhile to feel -LW hot flush upon the
cheek. It auty seem only fun to
pass a few hours as a coquette, tear-
ing and iniie.ming the tenderest feel-
ings of a true man in a summer 1`017.•
boat or in roniantio walks through
the woods. It may seera to bo a
glorious not to boast how many you
can conquer in love, as an Indian
warrior boasts of his prowess in war
by the number of scalps he carries
at his belt. But by the scorched
and bruised and multilated hearts of
thousands which have been malform-
ed for time and eternity in the
glowing flames of a summer flirta-
tion I denounce trifling with bunion
love. I denounce it before the young
people who may be participants dur-
ing their next simmer vacation in
this merciless, heartless and damn-
ing universal evil.
Summer red light the ilfth. Be-
ware of the serpent which lies coiled
up in the bewitching wine Cup. Men
carry their bottles of intoxicating
beverages when they go fishing or
dancing or taking -a tramp in the
woods, and men drink everywhere.
But this is net the 'greatest curse
for which our summer resorts are
famous. They are eoted. as places
where woMen get drunk as well as
the men. To me the most abjectly
repulsive creature . on earth is a
drunken woman. Whon.I see one I
know not which feeling predominates
most in ray heart, that of pity or
on horror. In our smuttier hotels
women now drink everywhere. There-
fore, friends, I beg of you when you
are in a SUDI.17.1.Cr pckty where wine
is passed around d not touch it.
For your Christian example'S sake
,do not touch it. For the danger • of
inflaming your own evil tastes do
not touch it. Stand back from the
ovil Wine cup though it may be offer-
ed to you by the jeweled hand of a
hostess or ,by the companion Who
pretends he 18 your, friend. The,
miner aliment, Suelt an bad. Wed-
ttehe, palpitation of the Wart, or
any other disc:tee of the llarr011$ sys-
tem. by these means, be should go
About it in this way: you would probably live."
nerds of cold roast -veal and
At boforo he goes to sleep, The doctor saw as far as be mild,
measure. To three cups of veal acid
shouhl lie down eontfortahly, Judge, thet elle had reaelted that
three cups of fine bread crumble Mix
should withdraw his Attention from point when. the tbrowing of the will
well together and season 'With a lit -
all surrounding objects, lie should into either balance would determine
coneentrate his mind then -upon thel. the iSSS&. ttltimateh," be said: "rt tle sage and more seat and pepper if
idea, that when he gets up in the
morning he 'will be quite cured. ire
should 'mak it and say it and say
It. moat definitely, nua former to be-
gin Stith. FirSts lie onist think thls
sentence; "I shell wake up to -mor-
row, and tbe pain will he gone."
Next, after a few seconds' interval,
he should say to himself four thnes,
slowly' and softly: "To -morrow,
wben I wake up, I Shall be quite
cured. The pain -will be gone."
Following these whisperings, he
must repeat the steeetnent three
Unica in an undertone, pausing just
for two or three seconds betweeen
eiteh repetition. Last -thing of all,
before resigning Mansell to slumber,
be sho•uld cry aloud: "Tomorrow I
shall be quite well. When I -wake up
the pain will be gone."
It is poSsible that, having gone
to sleep with this idea resting on
his Mind, wben he does sva,ke up in
the morning tho pain -will a.cteally
have vanished, as lie pretended to
prediet it would. But if it should
not, the sufferer, with the dawn of
consciousness, insist begin to
these: “So etepidl What do I 3kgdyddddid-Ildg/fshrd---Vdttstp-4,,,,e.
want with a headache?" “Absurdi" efe • roe
"That cenfoundecl cigar!" "Tile
headache IS gone," "I have got rid
of it." "ear head is clear again."
"It is the feet. My head is quite
clean" Tha beadeobe is veer "1
feel well and happy," arid so en. As
a Platter of fact, tbe bee -de -elle lool
anything but gone; but very soon,
with a little mom of this treatment,
It Was "suggested away."
By other imams, but all Ameentleg
to much the same thing At Om nn
Seta a welidoloweephysician, Dr. Alf-
red T. Schofleid, claill$ that. hy
and othere many reanarnAble et,
feets have hem produced on patiente
by tile exorcise of Om force of their
minds, and be is of °pluton tbat tho
mental factor in medicine le one of
the most Important. He says that
fif• Dr. Morton Prince laad a lady par
tient who always bad a laoleilt ea,
tarra in the nose -bey fever - if a
rose Was in the room. He gave her
an artificial rose on, one occeeion.,
Currant Jelly -Wash the fruit.
drain and tosa on a elOth to dry,
then StenS and ecuelt. A Poined af
Auger to every pint ot alice is none
to Much for red eurraete, oven
wben inteuried wholly for meats; but
three-fenrtlia fa ample for white
Red Currant Jelly. -Pet the cur-
rants into a porcelain lined kettle
and said. Cool and Strain. Ireaaure
the juke and put bang again et tiro
kettle, boll hard live Or six minutes.
To every pint of juice add a. Pint of
sugar wbile the juice is itoilieg. Stir
and tbc usual symptoms foutdecdt mad dissolvee, aud tam tato tuue,
He then showed her it was ramie of blers'Boiijug 1°43ger w11-1 dlar%e° *110
paper, had no pollen, etc.. And, for
ever after all these catarrh troubles
disappeared., Dr. Schofield points
out Various odd devices as being
useful Le eseisting tbe mind in these
curative self-deceptions, and says
that he has proved in his own ex,
periense that a strihing Peontelphree
ejoek is a voluable
Contince a patient that a certain
tWblg will beppen at a certain time,
itSd it will an many enees probably
do 80. Even Sir Devo Duckworth
has pointed old the 1450 of the chant
.celor and destroy *ho distinctive
flavor of the fruit.
RessPherrY Vinegar.... Pour am
quart, of eider vinegar ever two
quarts of red rasplaerries and let
stand two days. Wane and polar
the Pico over two magas et fresh
berries. Repeat -the procee.e onee
more, strain 'through muslin. Allow a
pound of sugar to a pint of juice,
hod five mileutee and bettle.
Feta Syrups for Islevoringe-To
ne quert of strawberries or resp -
berries add bait the bulk of sugar,
heat in a double -boiler for one hour,
4 train througla a jelly bag and then
eiloiene;eetltif, tileere,illeetete1letevleuultttgede4„11 beat for on hour at a teumorature of f
-nirs-dt de-ne":;17„. 07 1,7 f7, 7,7„7,"1," 0 0 degrees; bottle and seal. UaU
t the.e1;atrelli rs'-20-1-41-tiraTt.-2120-17c;a14 rad,rolhusturts. items Tr 4ernutpsinshetuilltel
gixeit will bo and if „„,,, ta email no le,„ „Attie. ne.
be eau 500 the eloeic cleatly from the ss-"' ""s"ts" "'" """
bed. It ism probably so seissetsfad ors of the fruits are driven off by
for at the exact tinte tbe 'mem- beat' Ile J1114e of a lemon meY he
seitms mind eatables the etornacit to 44141e41 to advantage with the =log
4.1714r 12.
Text of the Leeson, Sam. x,.
17-27. Golden Text, ISA.
17. And Santee' called the peoplt
together unto the Lord to Aliztaela.
Tbe people pereisting in denmediee
a king that they might bo like other
nations, God eclectedethe man wed
brought hius to Samuel io a remarks
able way, and Samuel, 'dwelt en,
terteined him and kept him owe
night, anointed bian the next moree
ing and eeut, 121111 021 his way- Thin
lesson tells of the Lord's public otiose
tion of him to be Israel's aing. The
Story of bow god led him to Seem,.
el, as reeorded in chapter tec„ is one
cif tho reest interesting of all Bihle
stories. The 'weary, disappoiatvd,
hungrY man going to the prophet to
inquire about the lost asSea and
gliding an lilleXPected We1Ce1P0 and
feast and communion and rest fon
body and mind and thea to be told
that be was chosen to be a king --
who ever heard of such surpriSeST
And yet it is all a. foreshadowing or
the way by which every cbild et
God is led in unexpected ways to
ellare with Ohriet Ilia glory.
18, 10. Ye hove this day rejected
your God. wim Elnan,( saved you
out of all your edverseries end your
tribulations, and ye have said ante
Hine Nay. but aet a king over Us.
They are reminded of all the Lord
had done for therm. In the greet dee
iverance from Egypt apd In Ifia
wornirous eare at there and are told
plainly that their preeent eonduct in
clam the food. of these syrups, 'snatch are useful an
11 ie a, principle of Dr. SO1040102 the tie'veriv° el pudding "u"s,'
suggested treatuteut that the mind eherhete' loos. ioo "MM.' Qt''
RIMS* thus he eonscious of the do- ilre's"ve41 Cherries.' -To one hound
eeption ativh is being practiced, berries, atoned, allow three -
and be quotes moot, rorougiume qua rs a a pound of sugar; if the
eages at ewes Does, eesetce ander cherries are sweet, half a pound. Put
mica eircumstancea, elsgaa' and fruit together in layers,
eto teeseed, bad a favorite dame let stand all night. In the monaing
who aut.ade Led a superstision tbat drain off the juice. boil and dein* it,
she would die of tvpinsfd resort sbu then put in the eberrics and coot: ling
contracted it mareing a ease of lost they aro clear, proimiale twenty or
and ley in a county hospital, ap-11411X4Y,.1E111111a4I 7.1"
paweatly debrig. In the 2111141 week! hnieeen ricesse with Disceet.
-Cut two eltinceus in pieces for tame
ng and put them in a stewpan with
met enough water to COVer. Cover
by and stew slowly until tender,
tbe her mind, however. being perfectly no depending entirely upon the
the ebicicen or fowl. A young
leer, he went to see her for the cliicken will cool: in ono hour and fill
firSt, *NW, and found her much de- old fowl will take three hours. When
prestal. She told him She was tender, season with salt and pepper,
about to die, and he answered: mei edit three level teldespoons of
"Certainly! She loaned up and butter and a little celery salt. Mix
said: "WS, Unt I mean it. 1 al- two level tablespoons of flour with a
ways raid I should." littloinlik and add to the stow; also
Then tho doctor said: "Then,
course, you will." She started and
of the beaten ;roles of two eggs. When
the gravy has boiled. it is ready to
"1441 "1/41.12't you 1)111241?" And serve. Have ready and just take
his answer was: "What's the tete of from oven 50108 or eihbe eating
minding? You are going to (1(0 lf powder biscuits. Split and arrange
You KW 80." "MY 841Y4ng 841 them round on 21 lame platter. Pour
tbe liot chicken fricusse over and
serve Imt.
Spanish WAIL -Chop 31220 the rem -
of tito ihseirie, when she waS
low tephold condition, and had e
doesn't nuthe mo 5130 bald.
"Perhaps it does," he responded;
"for if you saiki you eauldidt die
LIE TO lialtISE.TeIe
more flagrantly than over. He must
continence by coolly remarking: "I
feel no pain this morning. My sug-
gestion last night has entirely taken
away the pain." After this be
should repeat six times deftly- to
himself: "I feel no pain to -day,"
and four times half aloud he should
utter the same formula.
Then twice he should assert, very
clearly and distinctly, and in a loud
voice: "1 ha.ve so pain to -day."
He should imagine, by way of "mo-
tive reinforcement," how delightful
it is to have no pain, and what a
lot of pleasant and useful things
he could do now which were MI -
Practicable before when he was so
harassed. For "active reinforce-
ment" he should rub t1u3 region
where the pain still lingers lightly
with his hand in both directions,
and the probability that a cure will
be effected is now considerable.
If it is not, he Should call in a
friend who will tell him half a doz-
en times, in tho most emphatic
manner, that tbe pain has disap-
peared. I -Ie Islay then repeat some
of the old formula to hiairelf again,
and perhaps go about some of his
ordinary occupations, as if he were
not bothered in any way. In the
long run the lie ought to tell, and
usually does. The formula may be
3110dilled to suit special circum-
stances in ways that will suggest
Thus Dr. Ebbard tell a how he cur-
ed himself of a had headache
ithrough smoking a bad and very
strong cigar overnight. He
by repeating - sometimes softly,
sometimes loudly --some two, three,
and six times, such expressions as
is now 11,30, and if llOW At this needed wad moisten with hot water.
hour and turn your mind the other Pin a. brick sbaped pan with the
way, and determine to live and not, mixture and set in the oven for fir -
die, Ili do all I can to help you. teen minutes. Cool and elan ready
But this resolve mustcome from to serve Cut In slices and pour over
you." She looked 121231 bard in the each slice a tomato sauce. For the
face, and, seeing that be meant it, sauce take two cups of tomato, add
and believing 131m, she seen In In deep a small red pepper and two slices of
onion; cook together; add a. round-
ing teaspoonful of flour, 811(1 after it
tins -cooked, strain through a Wire
Chopped Spinach. -Cook nne-hali
peck of spinach in boiling salted wa-
BELIEVE Trtle, DocTons AND- ter for half an hour; then drain
thoroughly and chop line. Put two
level tablespoons of butter in 42
saucepan and add tbe chopped spin-
ach, Stir and add two tablespoons of
flour, it cup of hot water or hot
Eat oysters rind acquire toxemia.
stock and cook fifteen minutes. Add
earneStness: "I will!" And from
that limn, 8120 suddenly gained
etrength and speedily recovered. -
London Tit -nits,
Drina water and get typhoid.
Drink milk arid get tuberculosis.
Brink witisky and get the jimjams.
Eat soup and get Bright's disease.
Eat meat and encourage apoplexy.
half a cup of cream and season deli -
Eat 'vegetables and weaken the sys-
tem Eat dessert and take to par-
esis. Smoke cigarettes and die
early. Smoke cigars and get ca-
tarrh. Drink coffee and obtain ner-
vous prostration. Drink wine and
get the gout. In order to be en-
tirely healthy ono inns* eat nething,
drink nothing, smoke nothing, and
even before breathing one should see
that the air is properly sterilized.
Mr. Henniker Heaton, English M.
P., stated recently that at an ob-
servatory near Rome be saw speci-
mens of a new system of electric
photography, by which clear photo-
graphs can be taken of persons or
scenes at least twenty miles distant.
It is quite conceivable, he believes,
that this may eventually so develop
that we may take photographs of
friends in distant lands over the
sea at the same time as we aro con-
versing with them by means of wire-
less telegraphy.
Formosa supplies almost the whole
world with camphor, but when Ja-
pan took the island the industry
was in a precarious state. Camphor
trees had been cut down with an
utter difiregard of consequences; the
crudest processes were eumloyed
manufacture. So a government
monopoly was established, with the
triple object of protecting the trees,
iraproving the method of production
and placing the industry upon a se-
cure footing.
Josef Kraus, valet of the mur-
dered Queen Drage, who was in the
palace on the night of the assaSsin-
ation, declared that many more
were killed than have been report-
ed, wet that the assassins were
11 deliberate rejection of Than note
withstanding all that Ile hod dello.
It Was only a Shert time before, the
events of our lesson tbet they were
tb ed at tbis 503110. AP It
Ireating Samuel to cease not to cry
unto the Lord for then/ that He
would deliver them from tho Philise
tilleS. and, beiug delivered. they sett
p the Ebenezer Mona. seeing,
`ISitherto hath tho Lord helpe(1 us't
(chapter vile 8. 12).
20-22. 'When they soughne t tihe
could not be found. Therefore they
impaired of the Lord further it the
man should yet come natter, and
the Lord answered. Behold, he bath
hid diienEelf anaeng the stuff.
MI Israel presented theareelves be-
fore the Lord by their tribes, and
the lot, waseast for tho tribe and
for 1.be faxuily and for the man, with
.sult that Saul, the sot/ of Kish,
a tril3e of Madan/in, was cites-
ut he could not beun
found.. God
loam tho kind a man whom they
would like. and Ile Was going to
give there a man after their own
beart, and now la) guided tbe lot to
bring him before them. for "the lot
is east into the lap, but the whole
disposing thereof is of the Lord"
(Prote, xvi., 83). Saul knew through
Samuel that God had esiected 32181tn.. 1), and, Icnowing this, it was a
becoming thing not to put biumelf
forward, but let all see that he had
no hand in the election.
22, 24. And they ran mad fetched
hint thence, and when he stood
among the people he was higher
titan any of the people, from his
shoulders and upward, and Sauxuel
eaid to all the people, See ye him.
whom tbe Lord hath chosen.
In chapter ix, 2, we read that ho
was a. choice yotorg 2211131 and not a
gootilier person in all Israel. Flesh
and blood, and plenty of it, even of
good quality, is not everything, elso
Goliath and other glattle might be
elea. Neither is outward appear-
ance everything -that V..bial people
call presence - as Samuel after-
ward /earned when /113 appointed a
man after God's heart, anetcad of
one to please the pecple (chapter
6, 7). Contrast the yawn) and
probable slight tigure of David
(xvii, 33); also that which is writ-
ten of another Saul of the tribe of
Benjamin (II. Cor. .x, 10), rrhe
people aro pleased with their visible
hiug, a choice man and one of no-
ble appearance.
25. Then Samuel told the people
the manner of tho kingdonx and
wrote it in a, book and laiti it up
before the Lord, and Samuel sent
all the people away, every man to
his house.
Ile would doubtless write Delft.
syn. 14-20, with perhaps additions.
If the king would eansider himself
the Lord's representative and act
for the Lord toward the people, in
all things consulting Hirn, obeying
end honoring 1Iiin, all might yet be
well by the mercy of Gad; but if he,
like the people, turns away from
God, lives to please himself or the
people and relies on human wisdom
or strength all will be lost. The
Lord alone must be oxalted (Ism.
11, 17).
26. And Saul also went tierce to
Gibtab, and there went with him a
barud of men whose hearts Giod had
(1.0(1 would help hira by giving
him helpers and friends. He does
everything to make it easy for us
to do right if we are only willing to
serve Him in sincerity and truth.
He is the sane God who saw that
it was not good for Atlam to be
alone (Gen. ii, 18), Who also sent
the disciples otit by,twos (Luke x,
1), and he always in due time peo-
vides helpers for such as are willing
to dwell with Ham for 1-Sis work
(T. Chron. )v, 23; Isa. xli, 10).
27. Dut ?he' children of Belial
said, now shall thiS Man gave .
And they despised him ancl brought
him no presents, but he held his
-When Go'd works, the eidversary
also 'works, and if; we are On the
Load's side, while we are Sure to
ba,ve friends, we will aloe ha-ve many
to despise us. ;When such rise
st us, it is ell to do as Saul
did and act as thosigh we were
deaf. See the margin and also Ps.
xxxviii, 18. Wilen later the friends
of Saul cried out for title Uses of
these enemies, He world not allow
them to be harmed (chapter xi, 12,
13). It is very interesting to nsitis
all the good ,peints In Sehl, ea'
they are mady up to tbis tirta
cately. with salt and pepper.
Favorite Tomato Soup. -Cook one
quart can of tomatoes, one level
tablespoon of sugar, one level tea-
spoon of Salt, four cloves, and three
peppercorns together for quarter of
an hour. Mensure one rounding
tahleapoon of ihmly chopped onion,
ono level tablespoon of thopped par-
sley and cook in two level table-
spoons of butter for Lye minutes; add
two level tablespoons of cornstarch
and when it is smooth add to the
boiling tomato. Cook five minutes
longer, the strain through a puree
strainer which 'will allow the thick-
ened pulp to go through but will
hold hack the seeds.
Blancmange With. Fruit Sauce. -
Put four cups of rank in a double
boiler to scald. Mix one-half cup of
cornstarch with enough cold 1111111 to
make it smooth and stir into the
boiling hot milk; add one-quarter
cup of sugar and cook twenty min-
utes. Fold in the stiffly beaten
Whites of three eggs and turn into a
mold. .
For the sauce beat the yolks of
two eggs until thick, add gradually
one cup of poinderect sager, the stiff-
ly beaten white of one egg and three
tablespooneof fruit or berry juide.
One of the provoking things in
housekeeping is the certainty that
silver not in everyday use, no mat-
ter how bright it is and how careful-
ly it is put away, will inevitably be
tarnished when taken out. It is as-
serted that this need not be the case
if the articles are wrapped in Canton
flannel dipped in the following solu-
tion: Dissolve three ounees of
washing soda in one pint of boiling
water, add to this two ounces of ox-
ide of zinc; stir well and add a quart
of cold water. It is declared that
even after a ,year has elapsed the
silver will be bright and untarnished.