HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-9, Page 4.geter
-.Ude-. H. Sanders.
' 0400 44 be:UW/1A Wreath it1141 b CV0:-.S
frolli OW Presbyterian eboir. The I e- THE PONTIFF $111,44 1.4vEs, •
ulailis were taken to..)laritdale on -
0 and Pl'OP ' Wethieetley end on Tbutsday the feu. Gupported by Al Respiration
an4 lnY Chloral,
eted took idace in the family plot in
pl cemetery, Feephvaa
• 99 '4')3: Tto‘;,1,1-16‘
.eltip, Mr. Shore the genuine Ramo: July 7. - AnOtber morn -
' sYmpitthy of the whole cominuuity hi nig has broken OA the pathetic
NOTRS „In D CalIZIE X .T.5 ih-is emit bereeventeut. ., 1 teene within the simple chant -leer of Firm
eorz porter of ik,,Iiiihrooue peebe
i -
• lenesteo Awayeenit is with deep re- ' ate vatican wbeee pope Leo nes dy-
The latest andnnoo to O'n etit" ' 7 §;:t.t. ‘Ve report, the deeth .of Mr. John : . ,_ 0- ...e. 0, .aw pene„ ably FatallY Itkinretle-Tbn Dead
(''''`In Olen's' nu ndslIti""n"-1 l'nt Inott, the ',, Vec•Ic. of the Babylon Line,. wbo died '',, 41&. er me s tt Al Ilt t ea a
eig.a: ette. The Ineee.ese be aet t 4iiaty ttri ; omee.,,,y uight. aged 78 yeare, He had r
: :ated WO t e room. tile on ,,
hF tAT whis, Engineer Belertged to Peterbero,
eigPret"' "Ililiug- 11 14 ") :f3 ee1"4 ' benit "I ill be'llth 1°1' "le Pa" t•w°'. pored to his devoted physician that he
peonn is not the only snfegitetel. Tile, i months atel ahout a ween previonn do ,.. eeeireo the ohetteeo of tee windows to
etitaittal new is now pride to sav.- 1 his deitth went to the hospital in (-Ivo' ee Yid oneoed, eeniune er wish to once
*Evero2a•P gYf 4
nilto41 tgl'"We 9.'34 1 WO ti tabut t
for eeitine, hco
e Drs. al n1014-, pethaps for the iau ti0n., the
lieltle, tea eaminav2.- eonvieniote, to .e. . do nothing ei prolong his life. so be • ears of the stuue.
venalty nag exeeetling $311 aanl illot f;';'s was brought to Itizi home on the Htby- i i. 2, 2„,. , „i,„_, ...1.21„ ..A..._„4.- po-e
ilia" ti40t.' t41 5-.INEr:' Kant;fatt wiqb ov 1 Ion Line last 'Thursday where all that 7 an.441%.,4'6v444c4i4 4t7.144704u'4:clio"lIs4nneTs 'Tram Va
Withq)111 h Irld labor for tiaktY 41,1Y;', or 0 loving hearts and hands coold do„ was : n"in nrbieb Dr. inapponi ban nalocen
-*Air -et- kikkn(4 to reli,.ve 11,e4 sta rees Until. the
by a strono. dose at chlorel. His
nen, ee f „4:to a Arigf,4 1),,.ttli e.11444.1 14411 tO 1 he 11. 1111 , .,,e_ see_ e,... A ,_,,,,,__ ,i,„.... .2,,,;.1
14i.:21101' 21staet th,..4,-4, (1:el:lel:mem ye:us. 4 ly HO:LK. Where -Il Pt SOL•rOW,, paill ,: '''.:`,P., 1A4 '.1. m,c4"c::::;;17 4.;.4,•d.. -.6...i.
, . t* n a ,
t-;f-g411.0-tkl-:,4 e‘iglr Or tOl'aeco fla anY , tn. de;at4 :tee ileVer felt or exert trate a ,, „ x.
t'n ins Pwvii3'-',1 01,1t t'llk s,'LliTt fdr hid I Mr. Peek W11% a ttue Christian and an tAPpollt ovcre iew rainotee teenesenn,x,' great danger of letal resulte. Mr.
patent or gneedien =in the wratt'eo r V- fatIttal member of the 'Methodist ,, aons,y over dui cotieh to obs-erve tne u- McAuliffe was runnineee irom Lindsay
guest r,r order of :Anil Prent orgaltard-! Churele. Ille life bore witness of box- nnsto
rns Patient, and listen to his hard- to Belleville, and at $11riing the boll
tan. eel:one-en: evkaa- app:eurs to the jog :,:ived in elle* comtnimigni with tbe , lei perceptible breathing, Pope Lel? er blew lap. How the accident hp -
int: -rt- to be onado.t. titeageof el1;11- master. me iutlaenee was always for' eu-oke wet with perepiration, feeble to pened is not known. Mr. dideAtileffe
teen yeere sh di be re netated ree len nit- go ea atol ble enaniple we,41. worthy of ate extreinee and his voice hardly an- wee a strictly sober em -4 reliable man,
;ler thet ag-e atatiee, it lis ehoeeta by ionization, Ile will be greatly. missed. ilible. Tbe nte of eoughing had who bas bad an teed:eve lea ten 17eacs,
ea:ideate> that he an. eh,. is fee faet ovet• .etenia hie piece. 1st 1 e„1ethot1e4 011014,4.41k brought pains in his chest emit shoed- His leame WAS irk Peterboro", He w4s
that ago kktul the, pa (tvislons of seetion at uosher, tyherk‘ ite tuts been for malty ' neve; and, tbieeeing his end was now a metuber of the Catliolic Qrder of
7A en id" 'mind' to otit.'twe ;i l: tiott; ' vett--; eo f aithful and eeentine in attend- m aear he sai 1 to Dr feapponi "Tell Foresters. ttnder whoSe ensPlees be will
, - , , n
. ..
Peterboron Jday 7. ---Last night Rob-
ert :McAuliffe. 4 driver on the Grand
Trip* Railway, died at St, Joseoh's
Hospital here from injuries received
by the exploeion of the boiler of hie
ngine on the Grand junction, end
his mate; Fireman Porter, of l'Oeln
brook*, lies seriously injured, and in
Tale nert r,, -*1
t,,-,1,0>c.tra with alp ,aaler va1,13:ge„
thas taw rextraattg the coral cementite,.
lititse, It ie the entebliehenent tte ;
ee,-nree• selenrine iterriculthree Tht
111311 is to provide two or three avres
11344 41111.e0111 thr ti/IP'Yrt.31t1 then' 1.34".; 111 ate t s en a .• leven (Tom bie peek's None coul-
ee:re-0i in '.11, ti 4-;74e1 241 e44.41
;tun wnnt the on_ni non io,,,at et; ivee. sent t o eitebtete. ee ---
six other seboele teen. wei e„rown beloved wife Irtving possed on before, nintnlY worn out- A few moments he -
The evittleithy of sincere friends le , foe. at he SP.913,13.°'A,red bnnille the lInd;
eeeiety emzeo,o w;i11,,,gag„ It e bereavea family in th(.1r taw- Pope 4043 Jalk1 144' band tiand on ins hem
gardeo eeatre it, e telt diet rim
w11,4 to,„.zo,it valrat. The illnevia took i)lae,T. Tktes„„ watt paternal ahleetlo14, 'Take
41 4, ow jo:414, „,,,s4.10,.;dtm , (.‘„1„, dity afternoon and nreeeeded to the courage,
14 Shortly alter le o'clock ue night the
),P1 11.• 61.11." ▪ !6 p ;;;;Peel for the 111:Y1444 'n'n41:"•'ES•
Ponta received the extreme :amnion.
,4::,.;41 (4, • j441.A!r44.1114,7` LW:* bap,' ii^1,41111
tp, seh4r,41,,z, alistal,et will
• ., -wet thy-, with la:O.:el, in Hetroit, , Pontiff 1-i_ 1. ;el 150 anneeerement
4.44.,444;, 4-.0.4:1, 6%. ILaten- t it* eXtr‘illie 1114., 81 11 fta tO Ls, ven
4.„d tho re. tv„eeltieeeng Vteirley Hick, , with his 1451141 calmness, and though
t. 4,44: 1:,,,,1,144,71., Tr; 14,4444:414,2r, iti 5,,,7ar47014 able tO Spei. at:direly he said,
0114 04 It46. 43. 14' 211 40, of the' ne nneve bie time hAd cotne, and Iv4.1
\e„4„aa, roe tle-0,1 eele,,,e, ettall cent.; illeeae. who bee been eeritmene ready to appear beit-me the stantte trio
t.444 &("t4 n neeeeeni in 344 atteel; oppendieltis. ' benal with lull trust in the divine vier-
, ,o.n tao-oe feeeen wo reto rte to steno' reo.11:13sinnnand Cy. Mgr, Piffern Pope Leo's conks44 .
with elte w.oe, eu ;to . ;to nelneo winch wee et onee feared sole eimluie.teretil tlae unetion. When
11)0 4 !'t,..?3 n'll,Vo 17.'4 41. 11.4 1.14*A.' 441.401'7'F'47.91'.. -1.):1100:g".1 lt014,11. th; 4.445 over ISIS
111 111rNIV0114114:144411 t sii4,,,a1 444%07.0 earn belot, on the 4.witu arpmet
nen is inexp th t3 %nit an. 'nf a-T411P4• It1„:"VaVlivt"te:14,;1, great re e'. thet an Via S done. and that
1111:14"nat •i 14 teen .74.1; 14.1." 111.4 1.4.V1:11- -67 /le 1744$ int0 rest aftt:r
tf r..1411 Alopza. 4,3 sppihildiUr 110r naaiti-4yzi long puglimagZ:
week. Kaelt yeer the tint' enett ,.114"r h& -z. --Mi M41°Y
fair -4 and tkri7...r. will' be tibto;0-14 11; the been in the employ of H. J. D. Cook
saAreael teeeeng the 11A4 glr.*4 S1P4110:11'31)11Pr t„FtwiVeiteiN hat: ro President Loubet of the Fr
pitnr,. it is eniteaed that th'ik eetawned to her home in Birth.- Misr. Republic.
LIb BAT F.,eektred at posit ion
1)1% in his dental parlors.-enniss Paris, July 7.-Fresident Lottbet
Maggie 15ell, of Hanover, siwnding left here yesterday on his way to
ptbatIk,44:tasiaile5aime,ni{atennti 314.mtevsit zit olia._eri England to return the recent atieig
Miss Annie Ripple, Toronttnis on a visit of King Edward. He was at:con:-
maple of months' visit to her panic(' by Foreign Minister' ,DelcaLsse
r. anti Mr44., 'Cm pp, of London. and half a dozen other functionaries,
cOre Inmi 144 svuel4 attendIng °ell who composed his suite. At Doologne,
4:1 117:3 „nit tligrtri;4:‘,11.r: iFe. rut t t few:the i( 44 adi.loot eubrboet tat et el uoantrzaciielptit eca iene. fbedalknetotor 11:tt itt retroer,er von
in the xethodist eithreh 044 sond43„.. cruiser GlliChe11, whielt sailed for Do-
neeeeleitoe two eery accentlimo nee ver, England, at IT.,50, amidst a sa-
nuone,-;:the ;lobe S. \wenn. principal' lute of zor guns and a general ringing
of the Dondas pnblie saloon OCCOM- tl of bells,
panitel by Mrs. NVren, is spending the Dover, July 7. -Immense crowds
summer vacation with relatives ;old a people lined the sea front, which
friends in and. around town. I presented a gala appearance, the de-
F(71.,TOINT.-COLYHRT.-The home of :orations being on a scale far in ex-
t litgatialTy:11,eS v tt.1111einCgt:Ilttif: 00cf. 000fn Pd ttehde.
4,101,1 1()fl 011 being tilt, marriage of hisanugh. Sheerness flotilla of torpedo boat de-
ter. Miss nneta, to Mr. Harry Culvert, stroyers steamed out to meet her and
Egtnondville. The eeretnimy, which tseorted the French cruiser through n
was performed by Rev. Mr. Doherty, doultle line of Britislt battleships and
vile witnessed only by the unmedinte :misers, extending 21-2 miles and
.elatives of the eontraetiog puttee. forming the most imposing naval dis-
The gown worn by Miss Fulton .wits play ever seen off Dover. It was Leo
of white organdie and was 41. nen- when President Loubet stepped ashore.
yel of elegance and simplicity and ' London. July 7. -President Loubet
she came forward on the artn of her , arrived in London soon after 4 P.m -
fattier, her beautiful appearance was and was greeted at the 'Victoria Rail -
much admired by ail present. She al.. road Station by King Edward and the
se wore a beautiful bridal veil ana ear- . Prince of Wales, accompanied by the
vied a bouquet of roses and carnations," c abinet nlinisters and other elistin-
The sweet and dificet strains of the ronsned persons. The feature of all
wedding march, played by the bride's - . •
decorations was the pmfue1011 of the
eitusin, Miss Maud Ruseell, floated
French national colors in bunting and
throughout the home and added much
Edward wore a field
to the ocett.sion. After the ceremony , ednyers• Kinn
non bent, rninortoon „on tbe vo„ng marshal's uniform oi the Grand Cor-
don of the Legion of Honor. The
couple heartily congratulated 1 Iv -
paired to tbe dining room where a , Prince -of Wales had on an admiral's
very dainty and appetitizing :Tread uniform, They waited the King's guest.
was prepared and to which all did jits- His Majesty stepped forward as the
dee, and the enviable reputation of the President alighted and repeatedly
as the provider spoken of in shook hands with him. King Edward
the highest terine. The remainder of then introduced the Prince of Wales,
the evening was pleasantly spent in the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of
gantes anti social lotercoure". Fife, Premier Balfour, the Foreign
The bride ts one ef, 00{: Olinister Lord Lensdowne, Field Mar -
tune. except wIten sickness prevented. me when the time re411Y Comes." burid'
bao enen Ass--imader for over The doetor Asetared hie liOlinces that
ventry-five ZoPar8 .1414he believed the danger of his hunted-
tie:lied Into to resign. Vne ar('.; iate pa$$age eleven wen exerted foe the
tt) 1/41.Vk4 ltaki sw:t a beautiful, oight and for toolan„ count csmtno Drowning Accidents Reported a
.4d eltem clot istiau Wein our midst pace, the Pope's nepbew, whom the Different Points,
"n4 "nPnt e.P1P01ll" t.1.13,t 4143 1t11111.$°dying man kept by las bedside yester- se. neebee; ,ee July 7.
nay waS SO g7dlallStefl IT‘itc lea night ' ""'
t.krikkx rattier Milieu 000 o44
arever i,1110,111,111. 110 leztVOS tO111011111 ; bd t be Louie Wood of Niagara Fall N.
• • y :h euvat.411 t 14 O
itedtgltII 4 An 'Our before 11 140.41 seemed be had
do, el MA) etn't spenninn but a very sikort tittle to live. The
444t41104 IliteMst 0411 t;48 4. t.gri
147114^4-4T:';11 14w;4114411. 441 stF141Y and It friendly
will be stimolitted. It is ex
peeod that before 33a4se5 nt
least two conntlee will he thotongbly
olganized rm. this special work, and
assurartees have heen given t hut the
1. ktre will grant an appropriation
to assist in bringing the %emit ton high
standard of perfeetion. It ti4i4„4 also
been *Rated that this is just the begin-
ning 44! 41. bro•tki plan, to improve the
edtwational .eystein in tined common -
/tine, and tbat in addition to thIss
Lel course a domestic science course
will be introOtieed Mr the benefit of
the girls upon a, similar plan. where
eelletile will eatnitine and where therth
bt4 01114 ;Tate to which girls from
several Schools will come.
itahheet, leas mite more contoi ted
to the happiness of another
burg home and another of our fairest
daughters has decided to give her
ileatt and band to the man of her
eltniee. The yawing lady in question
1-4 Miss 4kgnes Pringle, deughter of
Nr. lingh Pringle and the fortunate
young ni•in is Mr,. Win. Blakely, of the
Telbot road, Tilsooliurg.The happy
event oeenrred thineesidenee of the
bride's mother. on Wednesday, June
24t1i. .1114 Was witmeeti by a number
of invited guests, the ceremony being
performed be. the Rey. R. A. Crate:ton.
The ;roving couple were onettended.
with the exception of Miss Alice \Vat-
tern. of "Tilkmburg, nieee of the bride,
whit aeted as maid of honor. The wed-
ding mereb. -wag played hv Miss E.
Sehtater, of teeaforth, 11.4.141e4.1
Mach to the occasion. The bride is
highly respected and much beloved
by her many friends, as 11418 evineed
by the megnikent array of gifts which
she 14111 11111d. After a be -anti -fel repest
they \rem driven to Seaforth, where
they t eola the train for I heir new home
uear Tileoninarg, where the groom hee
41 line firm. Their twiny fieends here
wish them all 11811Puiesa and Pro,;lwr- moet highly eeteenied young 1tdl11 shal Lord Roberts and others, 1.1, -ho
and is -eery clever m h.ith VOCAL 141147 '
ntal ;wish" and we trust ;n; were ail in uniform or court dress. M.
instrumeme is fun 01 sunshine and mirh Loabet presented the members of his
her 1101)114' Will lee ineeet„, efo. cton , suite to the King, who warmly shook
.. most p hands with them. After an inspection
heat le re
roar young- nie„, indelehemi „„tt of the guard of honot, the King and
temperate and well worthy of a geed M. Loubet left the sta.tion and enter -
companion to share his joys land -soy- ed a State carriage, in which the
rOWS, 111111 in the battle of life Prince of Wales and 'Doke of Con -
and cheer him in the time of trouble, naught were also seated. The vehicle,
and such he has and we hope and truet escorted by a detachment of Life
as they have now joined their -halide , Geards, was then driven nhrough the
Or life they rainy ;always cnntinue 11' erowded, troop -lined streets, by way of
the happy state of married life a...,0011.1, IT-Iall•lcilees, Park corner, Piccadilly, to St.
that the cheiceat blessings may M, Loubet was% cheer -
rest and abide with. them throngb tbe ed everywhere.
jonrney of life., While the wedding '
was intended to he a quiet home cine,
oin, brass band felt they could not let Fifteen Thousand on Strike.
the occasion pass WitbQllt st'Penadi" Stockholm, July 7.--A lockout of
the happy couple, so shortly ofter thj:
knot 1114.44 tied they appeared at Sweden,1.,tindre,sand machine shops through -
affecting 15,000 men, has
home. of the bride and rendered SOT3le
been declared as the result of recent la -
e xe t selections appeopriate to the ,
neeasion. which WAS bandS0111 el y au. eor disputes.
kuowledged hy the groom. We nen-
not do justice to the bridal gifts which;
were receireel by the bride, suffice to
tv they were of a ve vied and choice '
ssortm en L.
Myrtle Lumlep, aged fifteen yeees,
was struck by the *rand Trunk Inter- I
national Limited at Bothwell and kill- •
itv end may their pathway be Aroma
with teses.
• Varna,
. \VW Iteift hie 11111:631kSed 41. 11,W
1..11,10 engine and is now flying aeong
the roads that pnts the horse-, to
she me.-Mtse Josie Foster -is home
froueLnndon, where she has been
tending the Business ee.
Wm. Purdy is visiting friends in er-
se yville and Ha milt on. -The truatees
of Varela puleic school iu tended erect-
ing 0 neve school building this year.
They advertised for tenders, but only
receiving one tender,, which they ton-
sidered too high, they did not ;incept
it, They determined to delay building
fair anether year, when they hope to
get the work. done on move favorable
terms. A eew building is needed here
:ma we hope thet next year one will
be erected which will be up-to-date and
a 0711(1(1) 444.441(1 ornament to the villege.
SAD -DEATH. -01.1r little town has.
been saddened during the past fe
days by the removal of one of our high-
ly respected and most beloved citizens
in the person of Mrs, W. Shore, wife
of Lb 0 P4 incipt4 of the V Ar 11 a Penile
Sehbol, who was cilled awity to pay
Vitttir-e's ciebt on Ttlesday, aline 3011i
Deceesed bed only been =ruled since
'ad won hot way into the hearts of A violent thunderstorm took p1 C'
Aeagnst find daring her short stray hemcdt
the entire her disposition being 1.11 Sirocoe and a pavilion on the show
of .0440.1 a nature that those ‚.1'/ho cArtle oTounds was steuck by lightning and ,
in contact with her were all benefitted tnrned. •
TWO Indian boys of the Mobiiwk
by her kindly word and genial smile.
To,day she sleeps in her calm, peaaef ui stitute ave charged with setting, flee 111,
home, whet'e the immortal sool may tbe barns of Mr. Alexander, near the
see '131e elight that never w -1.1.S 01.1 141 ud institute. "
ee seee, Her mother toed 01411.4. we weee The Gra nd Tru n k station office t
With her in hev dlut1Si4., There i re Wat,erloo ve,ts broken nit() amid the sere
hlown rip with nitro-glycerine, lent the 1
n1, floral offerings 4111011 Ow
C.-a,•,;ket 44re it was beree a enoe ;1100ng men got no booty.
Y., was klrowned at Merritton about.
° lock last night, He with several
anions were bathing in the
a point where the current is
•ery swift above Riordan's paper
rills, when he got beyond his depth
and was carried down by the current..
George Wills, one of his gompanions,
nopmed in to resette hintt when \V i.1
Jaeold Of both of ins wrists, end
4mly with the greatest. iliffe.
I [hat Wills wae'oble to release
hhttself. Mid 4.V45 almost drowned in
Z':11 attempt at resene. The body
Wood was recovered about an hoar
NYest Selkirk, Matt, July 7.-jo4444
'.'‘.10)orta141, stortent3SOn. was drrwaed
in the elotigh here yesterday. He
W:t5 -aide $ome othere bathing, anti tor
safety bed fastened one end of a rope
to Ins wrilkt and the other tot a la,tat.
When lie lumped from ate boat f
retro broke and he eanit to the Irettoin
and was drowned despite the ego ti
of a young nmn named Comber, who
tried hard to eave 1,1c1)oiteIn wee
a young man 23 years of age and bad
lately arrived from Scotland.
Pickering, July 7. -Mr. Geo. Kerr,
Mattager of the 'Western Bank here.
revolved a telegram yesterday with ths
sad 11414:474 that lliS sou John, it4.141 z6
years, had been drowned on -Saturday
evening at Sacramento, Cal. His
body is expected home for burial.
Mount Forest, JOY rote*
noon Milford, eldest son of the late
Wm. Antos of this town. aged about
seventeen yearsowent to the river at
Queen street bridge to swi*41 with a
comrade. As young Amos was :tot a
good swimmer he was warned not to
try to cross the river, which is about
seven feet deep. at this point. Antos,
however, on seeing his comrade gross-
ing, tried to follow him, when he sank
in midstream, and was drowned be-
fore help could reaclt him.
Fifteen thousand foundrymen have been
tooked out in Sweden.
Emperor William has gone on a yacht
mg cruise to ivorway.
A new bicycle„and automobile factory is
to be built at Stratford.
John Ryderman• of Deseronto was killed
In attempting to get oft a moving train
near Trenton.
British Admiralty profess to know no
,pecial reason for warships gathering in
the Gulf of Pechili.
Dr. Oronlayateltha has given Foresters'
island 1-lorrie for a resting: place for veten
ens of the I. 0, r . staff.
Bev. E. P. Hewitt, ,rector of ,St
George's Church, I-Ia-milton, has decided
not to a.ccept the call to Christ Church;
Bitter Race War at Evansville, In
Evansville, Ind., July 7.--leace pre-
judice between blacks and whites
brought on a reign of terror here Sun-
day. All night and all day yester--
day armed mobs tbreetened the lives
of citizens. Gun stores were broken
O1113 and weapons and atuntunitton
were seized by- blacks and whites; two
thousand whites broke into the county
jail to hunt for a black victim, the wall
being forced, with a battering ram; ne-
gro dives were ransacked and shot to ,
pieces in the search for the blanks, and
an armed company of drilled black.'5
marched through the streets, threaten -
mg the lives of all whites. The Gov-
ernor has ordered out troops to quell
the disturbance, but they have not ar-
rived. At daylight yesterday 300
armed white men started for the pow-
der magazine near the city to semi- e
explosives with which they declare they
will blow up the entire negro coloay
of Baptist Town, a suburb of the city.
The trouble has been brewing for
months arid came to 11 crisis on Friday,
when Lee Brown, a negroshot and
killed Patrolman Massey, who was try-
ing to arrest him while bent 031 the
murder of a man with whom he heti
,)uarreiled. Threats of vengeance were
eillowed by the surrounding of the
3111 The negro was secretly removed
from the city yesterday to Virecennes.
Patrolman Massey died in terrible
agony,. and the crowd became menac-
ing. •
A company of armed negroes aroesed
by the race troubles marched throegle
the streets shouting, "Down with the
whites !".. and threatening death to ail
if the negro was lynched. This .started
a rush for the gun stores by the
whites. Three were broken open and
400 rifles and revolvers, with ammuni-
tion, were seized. One negro weman
is knoWn to he dead and a boy named
Logan Was 'shot and seridusly wbund-
ed by a negro.
The mob, shooting, went through the
streets inhabited by negroes, and 1.34. -
fusion prevailed, Houses are being
searched 'for dead and, wounded. Arm-
ed companies of, negroes had disap-
peared. All blacks fled the streets, and,
failing to 'find victims, the resort of
Bud Fruit was visited and shot to
pieces. Whether any were killed there
is not yet known. The officials were
powerless. The negroes, after the first
armed clisplaY of. resistance, Scattelecl
and liave not mane a stand since. Thee
are flying in terror. Thousands ot
shots evere fired during the night. The
riot began growing ;till worse at 4
o'cl6ZE this morning,. Tne (ioverilof
has been appealed to a 'second time.
lyir, Joseph Pope, Under Secretary 01
State, and Mr. TopleY, photographer oil
the Interior Department, left Ottawa ,foii
Washington to photograph certain :loon'1
roents in. connection with the Al40140
boundary case,
taif 6 .0\kill• 4:444:07:110611.912.1-9:re
WOMella aa34 ouWit0 Suffer from
weak baelc or pain in the lumbar
region sbould take r J.v...‘ms WA,
rAas., \Ojai, possess remarkable curer.
tiVO inifttlef= 00.fanetlopal derange.
ments of the kidneys, and exert
special tonic action on the whole
urinary system.
Sr, JAWS WAF1IR.5 cure bladder
troubles and pains of micturition,
helping the flow a urine and clear.
ing 'it from, any sediment. ST,. mEs
WAVARS 4r.e. MS() a potemtSeX1,14
ST. javEs WAnas help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blf.w.11-, ard this is the
honest way to gez zt-'1'.1. and strength,
the kind that 14-z,v,,,:.„ develops and
breeds the energy which mon.
01,511es numb.
4v11at.evgg0q S.t%Igogle4W.4404
ee.wtbe oveteeta41a0ter1,W.Att4O.
matt tattuatry tfetttgee they tavio
144r. ebnelte reset.%
ante -cereal, ncettaint,
ihtxge5 lirofia 5 Groncta ferra
rale": 6tlienowpms44101;
own:4144o 117ow puirptentls
ar kl,prAzidel ;Von irfrot. •
Waxeee dealere ere net eeltaingthe
1,Yefere, they are reailefe sateen lee
ef unce at 01e equadiac
nets 4 51. Joon Vale4.3 Cee /1/?0
Cettatriee Ste sfotteo,
A Special Train R
eisprOV....0•11•••••••......!01••• •••••••-.....1.•M............••••
Sealing Gapactiy f& 2 tr.
44,148.r tj
An immense Stage, ni3,
p r
.114 o••••••...,
bee -
1 preff%
7 iri_,.
4 1
DOORS OPEN at 7:3Cf!,1 k
One Grant!' ilffht Perform
liSAL nesdal .11 ULY
LETEI ursoiJULY�th