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Dr. Williams' P.iule Pills Restore a
Teeing Lady to Full Plealth
and Steengt1
Poete ra acrd nurses reco'ment nd 7�r,
Wildiaiaus" Pink Pius because they
have seen their wonderful power tee
make new, ricb, red blood, and to
caro all diseases due to pools blood
or week nerve's, Pr. WeMame' Filzlc,
fills tiro• not a •conrm>an rne[liQine.
They do not purge and wetlk,
They contain aro. polsonoves. drugsgs.
They are sae. stere, simple, attune.
lating :arid scientific, `]."last is wby
these pills should be taken by ail
"who aro weak. bloodless, nerveless.
aI sickly. nfere •is a bit, of very.
posit:To proof of the, 76TorAllerful boasts
er to conquer tiliseas which De.
iValiiaxiis' Pink 1 i11a possess; Mine
"Esther E. Lewis, Lyon,. N. S., says.
",At the age of ,sixteen my health
failed me completely. At, that time:
I Was attacked by tai, grippe, which.
was followed by nseaaes, trona the
after eGeeta of much I was left in a
neplorablo condition, I became very
pale. suffered from heaudacltes. dizzi-
Zeas and event of appetite. I tried
sove4al Inedicioes. but they did lain
F no good; on the contrary. I was
.growing weaker nod finally laeearne.
so bat: that I would take. spells of
urican5clell$11 sea lasting from fifteen
minutes to tan hour at ie time. amid I
bad become- so weak that I eould
laatrdly move about. At this stage
I wale advised to tri• Dr. Williauas'
1i'iaalc fills, and.I bravo good reason
to bless the day 1 began their use.
load *rely taken thea- a few weeks -
viten I began to recorer and under
their continued me for so4u0 Banc
longer 1 fully* regained my former
good health. I will be glad if tnyr a•
0ot/c ieuee will. be of benefit to :sou
other poor a111ilerer."
When buying tbe Pills see that the,
toll name. "Dr.'Williams" Pint- Pills
for Vale People." is printed on the
wrapper around. each batt. Sold by .
oil dealers or sent by mail at ;p
Vents a ho,x -or si;e boxes for n2.50
by writing the Pr, ltiilliartas' Medi-,
eine CO." Brockville. Ont.
Qiee of Them $ad a. Cur ons F,,,x-
perienee iai Maflagasear..
Missionaries often find it necessary,
if not to be altastex•s of many trade;
at least to. hare, some lenowledge oe
the practical details of daily life.
An instance of this kind in given by
Mr. Cousins in his "Madagascar of
To -day,..
Sadat, after 'the disaaissal :of Mee
Lynn. the British agent, the Queen
began- to show uneasiness .at the
growing intlueuce of foreign ideas,
and, wished to get rid of tete mis-
sionaries. esseagers of the Queen
were sent to tell them that they had
been a long time in the country, and
it was tioty tfiiae for diem to
of returning to their. own .land.
"Tile missionaries, alarmed at Chia
arWsage, arsalv%r eyed that they had ort
ly begun to teach some of the eb.
ments of knowledge, and brat very
much remained to be imparted, 'They
mentioned sundry branches of edu-
cation. among which were the Greek
and Hebrew languages, wbieh hod
been already partially taught to
The messengers returni:tl to
tbe Queen. and staph sarin bael;r with
this answer;
"The Queen -Zees not caro rnuelr
for Green end HIebrew, Can you
teach something inure useiatl? • Gen
you, for instance, • teedr bow to
make soap?'"
":`.has was on awnword question to
Address totheologians, but after a
Irtow ut'a :anse, 4r. Cameron, said:
-"Give SOO a, Week. to onswer this
At the end of the week Moe
Queen's anessepgers again aappearrd,
.and lir. t%ameron was able to pre-
sent to them a bar of tolerably good
white soap, niwle entirely from Ala -
toilets flaunt in the country. "Tris
was an excellent answer; and tbq
manufacture of soap was forthwith;
introduced, and is still continued to
the Present day. although no one
would now venture to cell the soap
Asa result of the snaking of this
tier of soma the neissign gained as r--;
aaPito fforrh�+jai ¥•earn.
-Pocd as the Heaviest Expense of
tlae PPousolund,
Though not gournrands, we boat
Uke good things, and if not great,
'cetera, we bothboo a fair appetite.
In tho rnerhing when we rise, we
take an early breakfast (tea and'.
bread and butter). At noon, a bora
d'oeuvre, meat. vegotabtes, deeeert,
and coffee. At five o'clock, tea and
cafes. At 8 o'clock, soup, fish,
,o meat.. vegetables. sweets and dessert.
t Food is very dear In Prance. first.
on account of the great number of
middlemen wllo intervene between tbe
producer and purchaser, next, be-
cause certain arttelcs—coffee, sugar,
etc.—aro charged with very heavy
duties. Feeding is the heaviest enc
;Dense of our household; it costs us
eoventy!.-two dollars a month, di.vkti-
oat as follows: Betio and pastry
cooit, eight dollar's; various meats.
twenty dollars; fish. six dollar's;
groceries, twelve dollars, fruit and
vegetables, nine dollars; milk and
cream, six dollars;. a quart barrel of
Ilardoaux Wine (about seventy-five
bottles), eight dollars; two or three
bottles of liqueurs, three dollars. To
tills may bo added eight dollar's for
the extra cost ot a, dinner that I
give every month to some intimate
friends, says a writer in the Archi-
tectural Record.
On an average, lighting costs us
four dollars a month, beating four
dollars, 'washing eight dollars. A
woman help comes for two hours
every day to help the servant and
costs four dollars a month. We
also pay one dollar 7t month to the
£lour polisber and two dollars to a
circulating library. That makes in
all an additional twenty dollars a
month. There remains then 53.410
por month. My wife takes twenty
dollars for ler personal expenscs—
dressniaker, milliner, shoemaker, etc,
1 keep the same for my tailor, boot -
maker, shirtrnakor, cigars, etc. With
tho $13.60 whish remains I take my
wife to the theatre once a month. I'
occasionally take a. carriage drive
with her, or visit art exhibitions,
and I present her, now and again,
with fiowers, a piece of music, or
some other trifling gift.
When sales . are largo and increas-
ing, when customers are satisfied to
the extent of continuing to buy the
same remedy, then it must be :ad.-
mit-Led that the remedy has real
merit. Baby's Own Tablets occupy
this enviable position. Mothers
having once tried them seldom fail
to duplicate the order — no other
remedy for children can truly claim
as , much. Concerning the Tablets
Mr. C. W. Stradford, (general deal-
er), North Williamsburg, Ont.,
writes; "Baby's Own Tablets have
a large sale, and every purchaser is
more than satisfied. We use them.
for our baby and have found them
all that is claimed for ahem."
Baby's Own Tablets cure colic,
indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea,
simple fevers and all the minor ills
oflittle ones'. They make baby
bright, active and happy and. a joy
to the home. ' Sold by druggists or
will be. sent by :nail at 25' cents a
box by writing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mrs. Larrabee—"No, No, I' never quar-
rel with my husband. I can't get
any satisfaction out of it." Mrs.
Montrose—"Why? Won't ho let you
have the last word?" Mrs. Larra
bee—"Oh, it isn't : that. Xie just sits.
there like a duunmy and never says a
word. O.ne might as well try to
argue with a post. It's awfully
wearing, I assure you,"
Pat (just landed, and seeing street
surveyors at work) -"I say, Moike,
phwat be thim -men Join'?" Mike—
"01 dunno Pat; but Oi guess' they
be layii' wires for th' wireless tele -
(ere oh."
Shirt waists
listen are made
clean and fresh
light Soap,
and dainty
with Sun,
If Reientifle psi ehiel3 const for anything
the pat ent iedeted air pad tress shout-- he a
access, it holds the parte in suoh position
chit 191135 few play they meat beet. it, le 11144
and comtortab;e to wear, aan5
d your co4encs
is teeteredkha niomeut as is isdiege& You
can progare it oaly from the leaps eed Traces
Mfg., d o... flared. apecialifge, 473 5padiae
nee.,. Temente. Writ* new,
22 d7
George IV.; indeed, much of the
Kiane is of great age, booby been
purchased and laid down by Q.?tee
Victoria, and the King is constant. -
adding to the stock: and .I;eeps a3
taster altvaye at work. Prominent
the collars. too. are many bottles
of the chgieest '.;:deny'. from the
e neyrar'ds of the I aulperor of ham -
trip. for that monatrcb has /NAV
failed to send a ease. at Christmas
for the past thirty :views.
Indian contributes its quota to the
Royaal Tarsier, for regular supplies of
spices, chutneys and other prepare. -
time are sent from Calcutta. to-
gether wide, alatiRe wordiale for
which the Sovereign has a great We
ittg. In fact, °very quarter of the
epic° sends something to the King's
warder even ;Skate, MIMIC@ COMO
at intervals largo quantities of ear,.I
dines and pickled pilchards.
"rho passlons' Met on the,
itlr is not sufficiently regarded."
a taba,•sielaan, *"lane .passlon
h is best for two health is mar -
It keeps one coral. caactauragez 4
regular anti flidustelous habits,.
Ieatlls to abstenolouanene. and nnalAesi
against all exeeee. And hence( the
avvaatria•ieet s. the randserd, 11%0 to a
great age. Tine misers of history
were all noted for their longavity.
Rage is vvtery bad for olan. The pas-
sion eaaaaF.es an irregular. intermit-
tent berating of the beast, and the
Intermittency in time w,ny become
chronic. hatred creates fever. If oro
hate we become thin. Thin loot
Its sion cats us like a :tante. Tear is
bad for tho nerves, the heart, and
the brain, and therefore we should
never permit ourselves to be afraid.
lint tine strangest effects at all hale
been snowed by the Passion of ,grid«
The medical books record eases
where, coming suddenly in a violent
shock, it has caused a loss of blond
from the lunge in on@ person, par-
arclysis of the tongue in another, and
a failure of sight or tetnporaty
bibulous in a third."
Andrew necOornticle, of Toronto,.
Tolls of a Cure for the Nest
Dreaded of all Diseases.
Toronto, Juno 29 (Special). --In
these day's when the dreaded Bright's
Dimes() scene to be selecting its vie -
;tints at will the report of an €au-
"thenticated cure is received with re-
lief by all clams of the community.
And such a report coarses from An-
drew McCormick, of 243 Spadinn,
avenue, this city.
That Mr. McCormick is well-known
and highly :respected. is evidenced by
lino tact that he has held high of-
fices la several fraternal societies.
and was a'i f r
p several
y I
cats res:den t
of the Bricklayers' Union. Inter-
viewed. regarding the cure, Mr. Mc-
Cormick says:
"1 suffered with an attack of
Bright's Disease and naturally WAS
mueh. troubled concerning it. 1 heard
of the wonderful cures effected by
Dodd's lidney fills and concluded
to try them. The result was so sat-
isfactory that it gives ruo pleasure
to recommend thele-."
Make and beep the Kidneys sound
by using Dodd's leiduey fills and
there can be no Bright's Disease.
Kept Well Supplied Brom All
Tarts of the World.
The amount of food consumed in
the Royal household is truly pro-
digious, and consequently the most
spacious larders are necessary' to
contain it. As a matter of fact, the
larders, cellars,and dairiescover anLi,
area of nearly- a quarter of an acre.
At all the King's residences ex-
cept I3uckingham Palace the bread is
produced in the Royal bakeries, and,
when the King and his suite are
staying at Windsor an average of
nearly two seeks of flour a day is
converted into bread by the five bak-
eries in the household. There are
six bakings a week, and as the
loaves leave the oven they are stor-
ed in the u 1derground pantries. A
great deal of cake and confection-
ery is also made daily, but the King
shows a preference for a light Seed-
cake which is despatched every day
from a small shop in the High-
It is somewhat surprising to learn
that approximately a ton of wheat
is consumed every week at Wind-
sor, a good deal of which conies
from the King's farm at Sandring-
ham. So varied is the pleat supply
that His Majesty could, if he wish-
ed, be served with almost every
joint he desired at an hour's notice,
though • it is very rarely he selects
anything not found in the menu
which has been prepared in the kit-
chen. ':the neat, on arrival, is stor-
ed in the ice houses, and cut up by
the King's butchers.
Sandringham also supplies the
Royal dairies with a large amount
of butter and eggs; whizh are des-
patched from the ;King's Norfolk
hiome daily. The butter is sent in
quarter -pound pats,
Eighteen gallons of newmilk alone
are consumed at Windsor every day,
besides an equal proportion of
cream. A great deal of the cheese
comes from Somerseshire.
A daily supply of fish is received
all the year round, and twice a
week during the season some splen-
did sahnon are sent from. the King's
fishings on the Dee. Scotland is al-
so responsible for marmalade, which
Is never omitted from King Ed-
ward's breakfast table.
The cellars are capable 'of holding
roller (selling preparation for
removing stains from clothing) —"1
leave got hero—"
Servant (who reipontis to the
ring)—"Excuse me, please, but We
are in great trouble here to --lay. The
ga ntionutu of the Immo 1.as been
blown up in an explosiom"
Pedlar -- "Hal Iliurt nuwh?"
Servant — "Brown to atoeue, Only
tt grease spot lest of bits."
Pedlar — "Ali! Only a grease spot,
you say? `Veil, here's a bottle of
iny Clsnmpioa eradicator which will
rmove: that grease spot in two min-
How's This f
Wo offer One 'hundred Dollars Reward
for any care of Catarrh that cannot be
Cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
i?', .1. CHNNHY & Co.. 'Toledo, 0
We, the undersigned, have known 1.".
.7. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe bun perfectly honorable in alt
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
W 1':li'r f 1`1.UAX, Wholesale Druggists.
Toledo, O. wALDINa, 1C1iVNAN
IdARRVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken -Inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
'.testimonials sent free. Brice 750. per
bottle. :sold by all druggists.
Hall's Faintly fills are the best.
"Seo that young fanner, Maggie?
Ile made a fortune cultivating
weeds." "Surely not, dear! 'What
kind of weeds were they?"
"Widows'." •
A Life Saved.—Mr. Janes Bryson
Cameron states: "I was confined, to my
bed with Inflammation of the lungs, and
%vas given up by the physicians. A. neigh-
bor advised me to try Dr. Thomas' Eche-
trio 011, stating that his wife had used it
for a t]iroet trouble witli, the best' results,
Acting on his advice, I procured the medi-
cine, and less than a half bottle cured me;
I certainly believe it saved my life. It
was with reluctance that I consented to a
trial, as I was reduced. to such a state
that I doubted the power of any remedy
to do me any good."
"Pass me'the butter, please, good
The landlady did cry.
"Madam, it is not passable," .
The boarder made reply.
You cannot be happy while you have
corns. Then do not delay in getting a
bottle of Holloway's. Corti Cure. It re.
moves all kinds of corns without pain.
Failure lure with it is unknown.
"Oh, he is a born' debater!" said
one friend to another the other day.
"There is nothing he lutes better
than an argument. He won't even
eat anything that agrees with hini."
Do not delayin vettin g relief for thelit
tle folks. Moher Graves' Worm Extr
inator is a pleasant and sure cure. 'If Fon
love your child why do you let it suffer
when a remedy is so near at band P
15,000 bottles of twine, ash were or- Europe has 14 princes over
years old, and 5 over S0.
iginally built by George III. There
are still some unconsum.cd bottles of
wine of the same vintage as that
drink at the at the obrlstcning of
M ard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia
In 1889ab.uuter in the northwest
of New South Wales wounded a
kangaroo. The animal went .off
through the mulga and the salt
hush at a pace too fast for the Iran
ter to follow, and soen was' out Qf
sight rPhe hunter was a bushman,
and cid not despair. He followed
the blood trail, hopeful of a short
search and a speedy bag. At one
point of the pursuit It may bo that
the trod grew faint, anid necessitate
ed a, :closer inspection,. Anyway, the
taunter stooped and plaited up a
Plage of stone. This lac examined,
Flip rod spot was not on it. It
was in it, It was not blood that
be saw, It wts opal. Sdch WAS
the beet., mare of the White Cliffs
opal fields,
Some men wait until some other
merchant starts before, they go
aihead. Sometimes they stop to
wonder what todo, while the other
merchant acts. If a loan is a leade
er in his activities. he will Probab—
ly be a 1Pader in prosperity. Tice
way to get ort is to keen planningfor Irl C�I7lt.
Ceylon Tea Is the fine
Tea the world produces,
and is acid on1' ayl leas
Slack,' Mixed and'Lveerh
Ragan teat drinkers try "Wade Given
er -f
s. Forisrfuaa. Sorry t
youat this lbour, doctor.
can't ince ins what ails the coil
Damara—Cold, perhaps. .Did
have llama out to day2
Moo I'urndtna' - 7es, but orals to
Doctor—Alai Over(etl. that's U.
Some tat tleaa importsaaat features ofd'
the 'lite anw -Haart'is Binder arae:
or Outs to unscrew. "Sou merely re-
lease as toning on the tuateIde Di-
vider and unhook the bis side one to
fold tineas. A 1'OUR gster v an clo bt
easily and; properly. The IUv^idera
are veno right in their working pos-
itions. and remain : at whatever
angle tR ey are folded over the corn-
row t'enee05.
literally float. The grain cannot
stick or choice in tho tlamoollaeris
elevatat'. no =otter bow much it its
SIMPLE ICNO'I"1ER. Capable of
adjustment to take up wear.
]tI.I.I.. — Suited for handling
crops under ail conditions' of Wea-
ther or land. It will piclt op tang-
led or inid grain and lay it neatly
011 theable. I t
t c t al�ao handles long
or dirt grain with :pleaded suc-
ltOI.i.ER I1RARIN(w9 througbout
to lighten, the draft, and make the
owl; easy for the !enlace. The
boosts Estee cokes they are lldtehed
to a Massey-lftzrr'is—it runs so easi-
t1n delicious
n the table and a fag
friends to enjoy it;, there
00 Dace
Painters' se,
Think of every good point a perfect faint Brush
should have and you'll have a tains picture of
4i`>'iRt�ft= BRUSH
Tice bridle can be easily removed and, replaced
not affected by water, a'i! or paintarks
- pivot and thou :beeps the bristles elastic.
AROmenSeeteetWeeallesseselanlealratetera=Anle -a-a;
TIM $TIdkll Ea IaladArt?lt. 1)E TVER
For the International Convention
at Denver, July 9ttr to 12th. tlae
otlleial route annelid by the Trane=
palliation lfanagers for Ontario and
Quebec is vita tho Ghicego and
d North-Western and Union Pacific
ti Railways. Special train of tourist
sleeping earls through to Denver.
Tickets on Hale July Gtb, 7th and
8th. IteLuro limit August 31at,
1903. Very low rates from an stag-
?., -tons in Canada. Write for official
Christian Endeavor folder. rates and
1' full Information to II. H. Bennett, D
East King street, Toronto.
Wife (looking no from paper)—
Wlint was 'Ilethson's choice'?" hats-
band—"Mrs. Ilobson, T suppose."
There are ceneof eoneenmption so far.
Raymund that lliel.ie'a An1i«Ce nennipaivv
Syron will nor sun', but pont` 4o had teat
it will not give relief. For coughs,'' cold,
and all nfiectiane of the throat, hones and
else -t, it is a epee, :tic which has sever been
known to fail. It prossuitei a fns and
ease. expectorattea, to ereby renewing the
phkgin, nasi ,give.4 the daeaseti parts a
chance to beat.
"Do you believe in heredity?"
'Certainly. I know a barber who
ins three little shavers."
St. Martin, Que., May 16, 1S95.
Gentlemen,—Last November fay
child stuck a nail in Isis knee cans.
ing inflammation so severe that 1
was advised to take him to Mont
real and have the limb amputated
to save his life.
A neighbor advised us to try 11II1`1'-
ARD'S LINIMENT, whist: we did,
and within three days my child was
all right, and I feel so grateful that
I send you this testimonial, that my
experience may be of benefit _to
Mooney—"Brace up, man! Troth,
yez luk as.,if yez didn't hov a fri'nd
in th' whole wur'ruld." Hogan—
"01 hovn't." Mooney—"G'won! If
it isn't money yez avant t' horry,
Oi'm as good a fri'nd as iver yez
The Wabash will sell round trip
tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs
or Pueblo, Col., at less than the one.
way faro. Tickets on sale July 8th,
7th and 8th, good to return any
time before August 81st, 1903.
Passengers going via Detroit and
over the great Wabash'^line, can go
Chicago o an
Omaha, return
through Kansas City and St. Louis
without extra charge., This will
give passengers the grand opportun-
ity of seeing the World's Fair build-
ings at St. Louis. All Wabash
trains stop at the Fair grounds.
For full particulars address J. A.
Richardson; District Passenger
Agent, northeast corner King and
Yonge streets. Toronto.
Widow (tearfully) — "Yes,' niy
dltugbters are now my only resourc-
es." Friend—`"n1 my advice, and'
husband h id
resources 1'C
U C9 ivell
Lia'ard's Liniment for sale everptlihcre
Diamonds were first used for bor-
ing artesian wells in 1862.
They Advertise 'rinernselves.—X,ninen,
CItuo9y thtey were oil'cred to the public
1'uranelee'syet it:owe Iji1le bee nue perp
filar bemuse •e o4 the goad revert they nt;t.lb
for titemiclvev, that repott,t¢ien luta
grown, and they now tall: among the
firet medicines 'for nee In aatt,aelie of dye -
pigpen and b111ou,ness, conllalei,tms of the
Overall(' kidney:-, .rlseutntui.su, fever awl,
,is,;tle and the Innumerable c moil notions
to which these allmel,teglvo nice.
.Teva Ions 25,000 acres of cinchona,
and grows almost the whole supply
of the world.
Ear *vie 'illy Yenra.
SY Oral AND Wst teilttzn EEXRor. — lets
wtndow•asoorhan Srrup has been used. for over slaty
years by =MMus of mothers for th-lr thtidren wrtio
testtagng, with perfect sncees. It snail' ea the Mb!,
[onto',, Ma suets, Wisp' alt pain, cur's wail collo, owl
istl.c hast remedy f,r Diarrbwa. Iu p.cioant to rho
talia. Bold brruggi+ta ti every port or the word.
Tweney.rlveeants a tittle. Its saiue as *ma:en:able.
Ile ears and oak for Mrs. 1i'bu.* w a Soutb:ng Setup,
and tote no other tial
Pair Painter—"I hope you don't
mind my sketching in your field?"
Farnrcr—"Lor' no, missie! You keep
the birds off the peas better's a' or-
dinary scarecrow."
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumrs
and blemishes from lurso., bleed spavin,
curbs, splints, ring bona, sweeney, stiflos,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, cougha, cie.
Save $50 by use of one bot`'e. -warranted
the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
The Glasgow Echo tells of a know-
ing young wife who cured her hus-
band of staying out late at night in
an original way. Before going to
bed she would place two easy chairs
together before the sitting -room
grate and then hold a lighted match
to a cigar until the room had a
taint odor of tobacco smoke. Al-
though her husband never said a
word to her about noticing any-
thing, three "applications" effected
a complete cure.
Willie (scared)-'"N'ow wove milked
the cow, what'll we do? Pop'U be
awful mad." Jimmy (equal to the
occasion),—"We'll drive her down to
the pond and fill her up with wa-
In Nature's Storehonse There are Cure-
-Medical experiments _lave shown sou.
elusively that there are medicinal virtues
in even ordinary plants growing up
around us which give them a value that
cannot be estimated. It is held by souse
that Nature provides a cure for every dis
ease which i.eglect and ignorance have
visited upon man. however, this may
he, it is *ell known that Parnielees'
Vegetable Pills, distilled from roehs and
herbs, are soverei'rn remedy in curing
till disorders of the digestion.
"She calls her cook a 'chef,' Ilow
absurd!" "Oh, I don't know! Per-
haps that's how she gets her to
'I' N 'II 434
RSEQJE Fees 2e-03
On the Latnn
Libby Luncheons
We sell tale preduct its ker•oerniter tog .
1 tAAkey sed you Endteemeetexaetly
sai.tioltue. Wept Stens up la this way.
rotted Hurn. -leer and Ta;tgue
Ox Tongue Wholo). Vaal tear
Devito toast,, casket Beer
Sflced Smoked ilecT, Etc.
Ail natural !laver feeds—palatable and
whale:Anne. Yee rcra:ersbouid have theta
eennesoo£taiirt' bddd a• neettt1WLada
,f tho World.
(Libby, McNeilI c. 1LIbby
Ohlce.do, i1iina
We never see more than .570 out of
1,000 parts of the moon, The other
421 parts are always invisible.
s4� r;a
Litaimel f pp
r Gandruiff
Nadia'—"Don't you think a girl
should marry an economical num?"
Dolly—"I suppose so; but it's just
atrial being engaged to one."
Mind 's Liniment Cures Burns, etc,
Booth—"What does ova mean?"
Garrick-e,"It is Latin for egg."
Booth—"Ah! Now I understand what
the paper meant :when it spoke of
that shower of eggs I received as
an ovation."
Flies Everywhere
in your food -in your. bedroom—
making life miserable.
Fly Pads
will clear your house of flies in a
few hours.
N,O$: .etlO tA.ciA4'x
We have Mexicans, WE
California Navels, HAVE
Valencias, and THE
Sevilles. BEST
Carload every week. All the above at
market prices. We can also handle your
ButterEggs, Pouitry,
Maple Syrup and other produce to advan-
taiga for you.
_aCr.lWont Market et.: TOtONTO., .y
ATE4 1 'd SM1TFP u yf{�u,. ii01d
talaoitora 01 el stg�
'- q Cana ito s Tao ,ll d g,
0. Fu
kk,, 4
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