Exeter Advocate, 1903-7-9, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR.
Y 9, 1.903.
eseee •
..tieloertburz-4 (linren,
A ueniCi Banii10: MAIMS TIORStMei El BMilaS,
Ft. Catt
Dashe-oed, Exeter.
I 1111,34;n44
ureal,14444,.., vre..•: E'?,,
' 71./.10TT
Real E,,:ctc..,.4 ntntaLeek.rent 31eGillir ray
, s met entree. prnKsr„:c-4 1.1444,1 =II sal41 4'M i Scsoot., Reeoirr.--Thoe folios% ing ri
IrtA/r4amelicrmc• eecee:d*:eeDrrreiehe'eva fee blte- the restilt of the recent promotion ese
I. -444.1s in all Tamil' 31241:talf,a az.i tly.: N•orth-w;,$t tietioti lield in 8•45. No. 5. From
tor •,,,xe III. to 1V,-375 marl; to pass -Eeltlie
Jones. 415; Adeline, Heimann...la .er-
1 5N i mold Co:101110.415; Itreemesed emegla-
W4' 14Z%e a 13r -7e eare.ser et pr:4;:te 1004 to 34-ari line"; "41171 1444'xi". a• -•"i9- neecoomegul"
se ;see ese %Mae: isesette3m/4AY r4.-^ *4 14.14r- ej-Aliee Wilson. 471; Tinlet by Olden a y
t.e... , 31le. From 11. to 11L-275 merle; to
els Aimee 4: STANIIIIIX. • - - ' '
,,,,,Te-e.r„ eat: itoreeteia t.r.. Exeter Oat P''''-'1. "41 l'"we'' "P'''''' iih.41 ""tighls'
s se... ale; Aron Sentt, 314; James O'Leare,
a Toe; rone.ti. 313. iteerimmended-Vitilet Short, 'an
towese rates er letcrait
ve't,etemiteurruerno Ititrarairelas e---xtrruttes oteltritotircfrctrx .i ri IEF ruettn 1 111 iglii.I."Int* t eNpli.cir11,11re:," /(.1,1111/g7t ?fill Viti" 4
ni4 , g I : ivy% II it. ,, amino. • ORM
t ( -.4. , , •
Plelt6(4ti k CA141.11NG • i Sr. 1. to Part 11.- Joleane Coie.e.:ei.
Ratetetere.eto., Fcter Delton Lewis. Alc,X. I lia-ills.
Lewis K Doweing. Teacher.
Tarentum 21795,
The Phenomenal Well -Bred
Standard Trotting Stallion
Grand Ecolsf •
31rs. Pedier, who has been here vs
i» uve.returned to her bottle
In Aelsit (*Nig Sitt in day, - Mee P.
er, who leas been in the weet the inist
month, retowned home Friday -allies
eee1.3 eeteeseeteriii tat ("ernite ter eerie.; QX- ^ F it. - • ' *
teem seeseo Iggl4e.'1VitriOVIC1WQI epe eezeume . a Exeter, .put a few days
canal:sr Farasm Item List week., the pest of Mn. el„
new ree514x4 xttee ',"01(Nth;evilla Boseenberiee sold leis house
hem,. ozzln 4„,ro 6prit„ eue going' a redo scra,14
who Z.4 WON €C4t4p01 ZIL1 cur eee,ost wee -I don
thertheretterrier, Hem h. eauseceireitterereue
eirnlit ttie iwoccoi.Inhbfra.vitVala.
r.a44v4 ort{ -4 L1t t4atzett4S:,,tisebiateiaalt
tilak.;1 (hien the timed t'itratit aralintloruhrr
%rob Tamer= is the wily alallivn in Can -
ride rear eratigoasi COI; AtIlr[414enally text
mine to te-ettle camel earriet Met won tir,tionti
rgfcm," loo1145EA'A'AP1'1.1 411I1 II4T11016'ir4 41
Valet amen leaner% all epeolle ewe teethe we.
me laing vger a nine 445teeraiete14. licrareele, the
ererieino wrela se ilirre)e_ In tido raze ()Mtn., ley
.thrynone, the elle et were:Anne e'en eit maser.
Barry now T14 s. won end 111107tty, meter nei
Rdn104.44`Y. Dorothy WIWI eth money. time e„.051/4
Atelienrices. Tuekersinith eon;
Idaho night.
Tratio&V-Zurieli Credits:al night.
WitiwasoAv-Farler mein Farquhar 04111.
Tar itiumr--Ity uay 411 &Aga CO Dublin uson;lioni
rniPAY-At big own tektite, Einnondvilte.
enrarnate-eAt Ids own game, fe,arenedville.
leirmers' common mares, ele ea. in(1111*;W*11.brea
ansi 4.141tlartislind maws tie* he t110 te1t2411Dil,and 0)-5
te Insure:stud fees due Januory itt,1901. ror tabu.
taltil pedigree ate larie 1saiterz4, or address,.
A. ellA111,ESIVOI1rit,,
Zenionalvele, Ont.
Stephen Council
The Council of the Township or Step-
hen, eonvened in the Town Hail, Mon-
day. July Oth, itt I pan. AU present.
Minotes of previous -meeting read and
adopted, Anderson-srearly-that it
By -Law be passed, appointing Robt,
Taylor, Pathruaster in Divivion 07 as
constituted for the year 1002, for this
Township with full power to enforce
the performance of the Statute Labor
not clone by the parties liable to ah
statute labor for that year. The said
Robt. Taylor to ask the respective par-
ties to perform their work, for which
they are liable for the year 1902, on or
before October 1st next, and the per-
sons refusing or neglecting to do so,
shall he returned by the said Path -
master to the Township Clerk, whose
duty it shall be to place the same on
the Collector's Roll of this year, and
that By -Law No. 2, of 1902 be hereby
ammended by striking out the name
of Joseph Webb as pathmaster for
that year.-Oerried. The following
orders were passed: -R. Sceli, rock
elm, plank, $41.22; W. White, con-
tract on Block 3, Fairfield, $15.95;
Kieuzie et al, grading in tp., $118.15;
'tea, do., S.B., $9; J. Finkbeiner, com-
einissioner, blocks 5 and 6, $6.50; J. Ed-
wards, do., etc., $8.50; J. Madden, gra-
vel, $18.82; Do., hauling and placing m
concrete tile, $6; Do., Commissioner
ist S.R., $2; M. McIntyre, gravel con.
tracts, $84; G. F. Eilber, Commissioner
C.R. Block 4, $10.50; A. Box, repairing
bridge on Con. 4, $12; A. McCormick,
putting in culvert, $2; S. Doyle, rep.
culvert. $1.50; H. L. Kraft gravel con- self from view until about six o'clock,
tracts, E.S.R., 4 and 5, $17.68; J. Quer- the hour set for the ceremony, when
rin, do., C.R. 5 and 6, $41.70; D. Grigg, before sinking to rest, he took a loving
do., block 10, $30.90; R. Hill, Commis- ' glance at the bride. Miss Staton was
sioner, etc., $16.75; O. T. Walper, put- attired in a handsome gown of white
ting in culvert on N.B., $9.40; M. Ziler, Swiss muslin, trimmed with valencien-
gravel, $11.28; H. L. Kraft, do., $10.32; nes lace and ribbon and indeed looked
M. O'Rourke, do., $14; G. Orange, do., charming. The happy couple were
$6.88; H. L. Kraft, rep. culvert, etc., unattended, save for the attendance of
$2.50; J. B. Hodgins, Commissioner the little ring bearer, Master Russell
Block 10, $3.50; J. Keetle, do., etc., $8; Mollaed, nephew of the groom, who
Stanlake & Davis, culvert and materi- bore the ring amid roses and green
al, $17.72; G. Orange, gravel, Block 7, leaves. The knot, which was securely
S. B., $24; M. O'Rourke, damages for tied by the Rev. Mr. Thibideau, was
gravel pit; $5; 0. Prouty. gratuity, $25; witnessed by a large number of friends
W. J. Beaman, one half account of and relatives. The ceronony being
sevver tile, $4; R. Handford, gravel over, congratulations to the young
contracts, $264.17; S. Morrison. do., coulple were then extended, after
$37.40; J. Statteu, do., $55.71; P.Lane, which the assemblage moved to the
COMMiSSi011 work, $3.75; B. Cunning- dining room, where tables were spreatd
ham, do., $3; R. Davy, do., $3; Philip with all kind of delicacies and we can -
Baker, do., $2.25; J. Tennant, do., $5; not bestow too much praise on those
Hill & Wolf, putting in concrete tile, who provided the repast. The amiable
$4; J. Neil, contract, $39; R. Hayter, bride is one of our most popular young
putting in culverts, Con. 21, $1.25; R. ladies and is beloved by her numerous
Adare, filling in holes on Gore road, $3 friends not only in Grand Band but
Carruthers et al, building bridge, etc, elsewhere and is also a thrifty house -
$6.25; J. Baxter, posts, grading and .wife and we know Miss Maud will al -
building bridge, $22.25; D. Westina.n, wayshave a home that is bright and
concrete tile, N.13., $21. The Clerk cheerful. The groom is one of our
laid a communication before the coma- progressive young fartners anclps very
cil from Mr. A. McTavish, of Parkhill, popular. Mr. .ancl Mrs. Holt have set -
Solicitor for The London, Parkhill and tied down to battle with the stern re -
Grand Bend Electric Railway Co,„ ask- alities of life. They have the best wish-
ing the. Council to advertise the con- es of the community at large, and we
.sideration of a By -Law, empowering wish them a smooth journey- through
4:elle said Railway Company to run up- life with no greater troubles than little
on the public highway from Green way ones.
to Grand in the Township of Stephen.
The Council decided to take no action
in the matter _for ' the present. The
Council adjourned to meet again in
the Town Hall; Crediton ,on Monday, Convict Fitzstephen, alias Collins,
August 3rd, 1903, at 1 p.na. fell from a scaffold at Kingston peni-
H. Eilber, Tp. Clerk. tentiary and was killed.
to Mi..
Ross, which he leeway pla
chasedfrom Mr. Shaws ---The Missee
Una and MA Gravelle spent \Verities -
day at their home here, -Arthur. Des
tier left Saturday for Ailsa Creig
where he intends staying for the alto -
mer months. -The Misses ishe:e. of
Seberingville, spent it few days here
with their eistere-There was a tarp
crowd bete Dominion Day, the lake
being rough very little boating was
done but, a great deal of dancing was
Indulged in.--Aressrs. Kibler, Shoe-
maker and Weaver, of Zurich. spent
Tnesd ay here. -Mr. Feta inand Gratton
hae bought the 25 acres of land from
Abe. Ross; also the 25 joining it front
Louie Gratton. -The Ps.esbytetion
church was reopened here on Sunday.
Mr. Elliott preached two very inter-
esting and Impressive sermons. Mr.
Vie0 preached in the afternoon. Cole
leetionsamoouted to over $1.50.
-se evelde Another Some)
On Tuesday the family of the late
Wm. Baker, of Centralia, held a fam-
ily reunion picnic, all the members of
the Lundy being present, except one
sister. -A borse belonging to Mr. Han-
lon tried the novel experunent of try-
ing to whet across the lake to the land
of Uncle Sam, but was headed off by
two boats and returned safely to shore
none the worse for its trip. --A, mag-
nificent sunset was witnessed On Mon-
day evening by a lumber on the beach.
-The cottages are being rapidly filled.
-We were pleased to see the smiling
face of the Editor on Sunday after-
noon surrounded by a number of the
fair sex. Come again C. H. -Miss
Matty Watson, who was visiting for
few days at ''Killarney Cottage',as it
guest of Mrs, 3, Hoogins, left Sunday
for Crediton, prior to returning to her
home in Blyth. She was accompanied
to Crediton by Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm
and Mrs. Gemby and daughter, who
were spending the day at the Bend. -
Mrs. Smith, of Exeter, accompanied
by Mervin Russel and "Qeeenie Hod-
gins, are guests of Mrs. Hodgins. -
Beautiful scenery and lovely weather
at the lake shore. The 'best place to
spend the summer holidays.
Intended for last week.
'WEDDING BELLS. -Another of those
pleasurable occasions which so fre-
quen tie occur throughout this country
and which will likely continue as long
as the world goes on, took place Wed-
nesday, June 24th, at the residence of
Mr. John Staton whereby his estim-
able daughter, diss Maud, became the
happy bride of Mr. John Wm. Holt.
Old Sol had one of his gloomy moods
on that day and practically hid
Fire did Aid 2,000 damage at the Lake
Erie &.DetVoit Railway- freight Sheds
at Walkerville..
. ,
Miss Agnes McDougall and Mrs,
Hermit lefe for Moosejaw on Saturday
last. -Dr. Bell spent part of last week.
Ot lits 110410 i81 the vil1age.-31essrs.
Cambell and Dames, of Toronto, are
bolidotying with the fol inees pitrente.
Mrs. Honey. of Stratford, and Miss
lb; tchinsonsof Seaforth,itre the guests
lof Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchinson, -
Mrs. Price, of Aylmer. has veteerned
home, after spending severel days
with friends here. -31r, ane 31re. %M.
-7,11)pen Das/wood,
WEanteu &Lee. - On Wednesdey Airs. J, Geiser, wbo has been on tlir Sev(11111 E'f In'"Ide Attend/ea the
Mee, J. Win kinan was the seene of a. Katie den:when less returnea ikon) 4141Y -----Messrs• Allf?rl•Shettler
very pleasent eveet, it eeing „ Detroit -31r. MePhee improved the t ",2" =74%.4t'e„1", of 7eilki?n,„%vere itt
riage of her youtxgest deugliter Miss appeaeitee of his place ey reittiug a tee %%setae!' Yrieey logitt,-atne For-
jeale to Mr. Atoll the eo- a new feire.. aeross the fro ta-leene eetei e here:qua:Tete th" holtUag of is
paler Blnekeinith of Leadbury. At ; Gamer is reirucadelling leis lionise atid , We -8:e it1
three d'eloet ;Ablest fifty ielviteil gliesee when completed will too a conifortotide ' Swaeel wheeled to InaLe Suaxday
luxviree aseembled, 1110 happy pair toles divell:ne. 31•Ceeriatheire, wtet tete inorneese --The re-udt of ay.. 4,14,4.1144a .4f
1104.1( plaVeS on the lawn while the the misfortune to level; his arm while rKWaYeze fel' the V. held O:1 the
reareli was being played lay ; working in Point Edward a few' days 41th ju're," 1.41-4,4..S: t."1101",
- .4 ot-.1 ee tete- ago, has ret awned bonne. :111d We are"; -revat:14 I Ic-rres- Letitia tineilL
atel,.. of London, spent NA ednestioty mony WO% rwrforined by the Rev. Mr. '1,We:seri to -tate that the area is mend- f J4 44141444; Cev-egey- Thiereit
44411* Mr. and Mw, ern Sedier.-Mots- M4.14ertnittt. Conglatui4ions over the nag rt.i rly ran eeeeeteal, XliBer; AiaSt_o P. Paulin;
tet Osear Thorne is a guest at the Sad- rannainder ,;i t^.0 enema on was spent IL Wineee etore When Aesisteet, Ida Goetz, TrP3*., Ienseea
slope Reseed through throegit -----------------------------------lA wo4.- served or; our tfrAWID, lery large beading luau; .A`si7-4ta4t4 Fitifebieater--
lege on Thursday, envoote to their', the lawn front tblas iiitided uith all ;'antil eoveted with galvanirel .4,...iteeting 11'101'74;4 elosV41 on Tiltk,...-Auy 1,.1;144l/ the
home in Logan„ ---Miss Via= Tiffin " the 411elic!':ieie--: of the 5,,Irtio-a. shingles. -Mr. 4.1 '1114ribt1S 41e :C'et fOr tbeir respeetive
at present with pleurisy. 'We tulle ;; wz,;s itirel int „ Cra?..T, lyi,:p4444:14,4sell Mr. T. 1...yiolf", IG. 1.544444 fiealo5t4
that she will speedily recover. -.11r, , white orgamlie -and tia• the, retipietit Ino -411 and rsior4ily rotttioy: and .s 4-10V wing avirriiitotieei here at
Dave Davis :Tent e temple tif days last of Litirg0 nenxi.er preseet which beelieg the lo„f,S IkA SWAMI' 5 rain Ti4^44t. Dt fa4V1I441s:F tateethe
Mr. and Mrs. licitly Tem:dente n enter- ' Air. it. le 31.-lss en hoe teem from g,e3etaing, 5.4)1144k. e ,.*4 cvc•lit,
milled a rounber of their friends to 1111, trip aer•oss the At lent treed reporte lletur444 441 1,,441.81i4 -1;1",,t 141' blotch,'
spineleg perty P* *41.411 et -ening.- "a pie:renal visit. -3Uss .1. Meekly. 44'. me. J. Sim pott 11,;it„0. le311. eiri we ere el 0.4 to reiene lies
Thi'VP 0Oky sierviee m the meth.' etemefi, lets Leezi ot.g.intit
lutist eluareli ollet1 a Wet+, thiS year. . in St, Anekew"s Clo• ne).- Rev. 311. ervii(31,":2, p 4.4 g. .,:lrilii411,71,av etiee 4-•"4411 in 44 `,!?.4514.5 it4ate
Oa Sunday meriting neet ilev. lien- 1 Arefeennan met tangly ewe 4.4/10 4,4 ..1 7. 7.4 1.11.,, to bivines.;„
lerson will conduce tile service and al- titele;ficlelloillitn4o3i1;011104e•triereiitifiitse;N,,s,,pitegi:Lg 1;g1:444414s'i%11,1rfilv.:t.1 itS.:4'etIt4.7.4i,1141*-1A3.1rtt':
mate from Henceforth.
Creilitt)tt .1/don Dee he tee e▪ ifie ..;11"
31V1 Mare al. -31r. .141io Penmen. v. hit feeittlAwte. 35r Mel) 11
I A 41 NO
eidied on frietels in talatalet, on Weil-
iteel..1.15000 or 134 weo< of s.73.1; fist is 4„wiy, 1,4.4 ;,441,111:11:;Ii (1141414441 (145. festival at ercel-
lee lianue.,-Mieeee Me Legato arid in ker,..i3111 4.4 purse intersverse al with add eoem..141,11.,-,J,;14- le t 5.11484 ee 4p4 44 54 h• t,74,uta...
wept; watt bratto,r IIarrington, lonsasn;n1a. stvi whiAt hoie 4 s'444V.1 105 tta. CIAO SAVIciNg. 1 S"b“.4410. 4105' "11 V1.1,""t kiniupg
Meet of onr votme people.- epent Dom- ,v(17 hult" el...."‘"1 -th" q!°°'" 0.7*.qt NI -soling it fetis dee.;
Rex-. mut Mrs, R. W. Knowles are fe ',Ewers n'te Pr'''nt 1°"'Y with nestley.--Mr. and 31e- t "I al' 4-41" 21 "I' it, c'r41
v"sitleg fame& Toppervifie and ' hay and tile weather dieting !hie nesee vaeitto4g ramie; 50 10101.1,4- 44,„ - • " "- "
mum, this weee„...._The and we. bee been very teem able. L44 45
les Thriten. who leis been very si'eli. '.6qt.1;44;t1441titi'al17';;IirzilidS1:'.7:11,2:nnii::1:21?"1011"
Flora Sims, of Drtroite Mich.,: 'are ris.
. Sweet. and the Misses Bellii aiii14''
.„ isganeset les annual SILMWIret re feettvel of bat. 4:111a. ;b spi,n,lii.g his vaMt/oll
:ter the pest month. is ;elle to lie mit so, ee !, .etesete eaga 0.111,eph Wert.
els, trienee in and around tleeliton. Alre. Seen relented 'home Mattel. ef St. James ("Wee* here wee belie on ,t he, eetne emee.._ Tee, 44,4144F 14.3E1441s
1111 USICY, '
,,,ses Thrum( and Mary Finklielner. - after spending 44,44(1., with 140.11;kirg 4. i Tuesday erexling. Apthoneet it pinned , of Mr., ilex 11 y Doan, scV Z4B112.11, who
4454 ,4151) risituee friends Itere.-Firet of , 5.11', Mr& A.11411141444, Prest ill TOro0110., - , e; tie al: night there va2s zit brae crowd. , wrei .,,I -A Sven/At-4 44414V4-11 WAY C4 Met' fr0111
July passed away enietly, mar citizens :Atm. Attune Corbett, of ll,Vaehingtou i ve. lupe% Le ,1,13tulto, a 1.4,44041. tun „.,,, tr.it,t vwrit tz„ ipu.,..0:1,41 to
noble river. the Aux Faith e. -Our Mount still eteustins very iii, We lelte 1 this vic7xotity.-Alr..11"Stile .111114*.?. 1:44Ih *81 4(1 6 elle lieNes, aro elvereetnee,
op ts le et. xt tale folks tem lie , 3,19es mot-roca. colowtt, or Dekeita„ 35
ing in order to fill the hwge pails tixey Rev. eir. ;Hemmen, alp new pastor of
o going to the woede every motile 1 vedting fa lendei knot rektipre, itt4m.,..,
Carry with the delicious frant.-Word Ado. Ctaixt elertitt, IlltVillet114 1111 Int,
has been received from England. that Rpressive sermon to the people of tile
going to the 1tntil, Centrelia, Lentlim 'TerritorY wee tvnewing eetpuilittate tertieshed clue tnet4iiie.-Mr. 14. kevera Oen thetheeerwritingkeie
and So1410 spent the tidy fishing on our gee and trxeuils here lest week.-Alte, Dee,1„e., eeri1,44. weed, zelsand 144l5. 214- awl tiuouat a vow
re ripe and atittiser to lee an a lillidolet 11140184 ePelit :20411414140. 114 14"'"4111.- Ceek sipent tite 1st at (iv 4ptar tenders.u3eee soed folvgtnirtk
friends in Leraloix, trotter!. ed (Neve wHilLutiri sewing gerpeleme. rale
London, ie vieitiog frieteds Vete 4 and is ill a rol,ritiara Ira id'Ve Feaple a
eiterety.-mr, Jite, cal tin, of Detroit, , firet-claes loargain 544(11445 (4455.' repeite
Miele, is limn° for a rew t new 311 whine.
farIller$ are 1111,tyhay11114---HasIpberries for tier epetely reeovery.-.MSES 144Zie dom. eened era here 4,41 Ti'1481 1 mers, for tv. nnev
Itende-Alr..1149. 1121,331'40F. v1154i1t5g 4144 1245, 1411S teeelevil ogeneF foe the
Mr. Jacob 11:414.4 5444145.5441 thp pond safe-
ly and never inisSed a meal on the way
over, while his companions were III
frotn the sea. sickness. From all a
pearenee everything is in good coot
tion. -After an absence of ten years
Prof. Shrieves, of Windsor, has again
visited our town to sell IIIS
11e is giving free lectures on the street
in the evening.. Postinaster Brown
has received a number of stamps of
the King's head, this being the filet
issue in Canada„-filiss Clara Stegner,
of Durham, is vieiting Miss Larry
Ortenrnee's DAY. -The special , Make lely while the atm shinest-A
number C4181414' sports took in Centralia
ran s Day service of the Evangelical festive on July 14, tarrying Ott it
church WAS held on Sunday. Rev. nearher at
Daum preaehed an appropriate ser- the prizes.-Aresste. John
Doyle and Jena Bucklee intend taking
mon in the interest of the young in in thesports in Uncle Sam's domains
the morning. In the afternoon ed- this fall. We understand Mr. R. Ham -
dresses were delivered by Rev. Irate
er, cf Zurich, end Rev. iforlock, f ilton lute been engaged by the building
0- committee of one burgh. -The teach-
a8h"°4' theft/rmer taking 41.9 1113 ere look relieved and are all gathered
text "The Lily" and the latter "Time," bowie fee holidays. seine 10014 as if
The addresses were very interesting me
and suitable for the occasion. In the was sweet. -Mr. Morton, our teach -
evening a program was vendered by or, has resigned and applications will
surely lie plentiful as it 115 it fine school
the choir, scholars of the Sunday
school, and all address by Rey. Morris and 10ealitn- Miss Corbett, of Corbett,
Mines, of Delmore, Ohio. Rev, spent Smiday ot Mr. Wm. Corbett's-
Ehnes, who has been a missionary in Mr. Sid Denting spent Sunday at West
South Africa the past three years, lain,
lost man is found
made a strong appeal for the support lain, Kill the fatted calf. -Mr. and
of the missione„ The collections, which 3 le. Cook and Messrs. Dixon, of the
were for the mission cause, amounted 4th concession, visited friends at West
to over S50, of which the Sunday AleGillivray on Sunday. -League was
taken on S
school gave $25. On Monday evening Sunday evening by Mr. Will
Rev. Ehnes delivered a very instruct- Amos. A large number were present
lecture on Melon, to it fair audience. from Salem and West Corners.-Mes.
He gave a splendid explanation of the srs. Potter and Hamilton took in a
geographical, commercial and political
features of that great continent. His
description of the modes of living and
the habits of the natives with whom
he came in contact were very interest-
ing and ainusing. A hearty vote of
thanks was voted to the lecturer and
to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chisholm who
assisted in the program.
DEATHS. -The grave bats again bid
from our vision the forms of two loved
ones, and as we hear the solemn words
"0 death where is thy sting? 0 grave,
where is thy victory?" we are more
and more impressed that life is short
and time is fleeting. On Wednesday
the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Greenley, was taken away by the An-
gel of death and carried to Him who
hath said "Snffer the little ones to
come unto Me." The hearts of the
parents will be sorely tried at the loss
of their dear little babe, who had only
reached the age of 4 months and 26
days. The funeral took place' on Fri-
day, the remains being laid to rest in
the Exeter cemetery, Rev. G. D. Datran
officiating. -In the restful calm of
Friday all that was mortal of Harriet,
beloved. wife of Mr. Sohn Dyer, took
its flight to its eternal home, at the
age of 63 years. Mrs. Dyer had been
an invalid for some years, but was
able to be around until it short time
ago when she was obliged to take to
her bed: The kind imeistrations of
loving bands were always lavished
upon ber and her patient ways made
the burden light, but God in His all -
wise Providence saw fit to release her
off her sufferings and thus a noble life
has been cut short. During laer illness
never was she heard te cornplatin of her
lot, but rather was cheerful and re-
signed to the will of her Redeemer,
who was ever her guide and stay. To-
ward the end of life she manifested a
desire to depart and be with Christ
which is far better. Mrs. Mier was a
svoinan much beloved by all clesses of
people and her -computionshili was
much sought after. Her aim' in life
was a trite and godly one and by her
pleasaut ways and kindness of heart
won a host of friends who feel and
know thatt they have indeed lost a good
friend. She leaves to mourn her .de-
mise a sorrowing husband, two daugh-
ters and three sons, besides a large n um-
ber of relati ves and friends. The f nera 1
took place on Monday to the Exeter
cemetery, the Rev. B. L. Hutton, of
Centralia, conducting the service. The
bereaved ones .who are now plunged
into 'deepest grief have the genuine
syinpathy of the whole comrounit
circuit on Sunday.- Maele 1111 Ep-
worth Leagne held a 14115111eS5 meeting
Tneeday 111154111114 5.0 eleet new °Meet's,
which are as follows: -President, Miss
Pearl Hiorhe let Vice. Mr. W. Amine;
2ud Vice, Miss Maggie Atawenn; fird
Vice, Miss Lizzie Darling; Seely, Miss
Lilly (Albert; Ass't Seely, Mies Mite
Harris; Trees, Atr, Wm. Alawson; Or-
ganist, Miss Mary Atuos---Aliss Mild-
red Corbett lies returusd borne for ixer
holidays.- -Alias Mae Harris is spending
it week NVith friends In Parkhill.
Ware Another Seurece
Luean Brueetleht
Ths.(Rev.) Ayearet, and children ar Wra1,t317411 ATVLIN11O4;.-11 ery pret-
ext a month's vbit to her mother • June wedding tame place at the
1Vallitee14iarg.-3Liss Celia Thompson, 14131114 of Mr. J. W. Hill, Clinton. when
of Shedden, is the guesteof ehlesedaoghter, Miss Mabel Beat-
Donevitne.-Arr. mid atm Hugh Pry. of rice. %IS united in marriage to Atr. W.
DesMoines, lowa, are spending a few J. Pluinsteel, prosper4mis young far -
weeks with Mr. Fry's parente. Arr. and Meq• of Ms plaptc. Miss wedding
eite.Damicey,ofLueanCrorsing.-There robe was a hand,unte white silk organ -
was a 11111011 service in the Alethotliet de, and she tarti(1) a bouquet, of white
church on Sunday, the pastor of the carnations, and ;et she entexed the par.
Presbyterian church being itbsent the tor, leaning on the UM Of her father
two churches united. -Mr. Ed. Hawk- ale vvas the picture of lovliness. The
$110.W, WOO has been ik liars groom, awaiting hie bride, stood tender
ber .shop 1t Denneld foe seine time bits an axell %11'1()554i, where the interesting
sold out and moved, 40 Grantou, where ceremony took place. ;Intl which WM
he has put chased the business and good performed be the Rev. Dr. Gifford,
will of Mr. 3. If. Crawford, of that Miss Etta Twitehell rendering the
place. Ilis twiny friends here wish weddiug march during the service.
him every 5.1ICCe8.5.--At the examine- The house was heantifully decorated
Lion held ley the Concervatory of Artiste with loses, Rens and marguerites and
at London, Miss Alm Stanley, pupil of orange blossome and presented a pleas -
Airs. 31c'rorle A. L. C., AL, Luean, was ing appearance. A table beautifully
SOCCeSfilll ill passing her PliltlalT piano spread with tasty viandsaud elegantly
exaulluation with iirstsclass honors, decorated with flowers awaited the
and obtained the certificate. arrival of the bride end groom, togeth-
er with their guests and. as they all
lirooresVille eat down no happier crowd could be
Mr. Jantee Simpson has had a line found. The bride will be missed in
wire fence built across the west bound- Ontarmsteeet church where she WaS all
;try of his farm, which makes 11, great active member, as well as a teacher in
improvement. The work was done the Sunday school. She is well and
by Alr. John Gihnotte.-Our fife and favorably known in Clinton and, we
drum band intend going to Hensel' on welcome her to our midst. The bride
Alonday.-Aliss Thompson has comwas presented with nurnerons and test-
pleted the nxillinery season at Drumbo ly gifts from friends near and far and
and is now spending the holidays at it was quiteevident that she numbered
her home here. -The fanners are high- her friends as many. Arr. and Mrs.
ly favored in this section bv having Plurnsteel have taken up their 41.110de
on Orchard Grove raem near here, and
we bespeak for thou manyyears of
happy wedded life.
barn raising and party On ThursdeS such good weather, consequently they
and returned at high noon the next are busy baying and soon the hum of
the hinder will be heard. Everything
is prospering and a good harvest is ex-
pected. No wonder how farmers look
cheerfor-Mrs. Thomas Gray, of Lon -
doll, is here visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Clark. -Our luirgh
was almost deserted on Dominion Day.
The majority of the people went to
Grand Bend, while others took in the
sports at London and Centralia. All
report having spent a pleasant day. -
Mr. Johnson Atkins has had his frame
house raised and a stone foundation
and cellar put under it, adding much
to the convenience of the place. ---Mr.
John T. Sinmson has his new engine
home. It is a Massey -Hanes and is
eighteen horse power strong and the
best engine in the district. Let John
do your threshing if you want a good
day. They report quite faxoarbly.
Crops are looking very goad and wheat
is beginning to turn in color. -Mrs.
Lee's musical class is progressing
splendidly. --john's face will soon be
wearing afrown as Miss Bertha will
soon be leaving for the city.
Airs. Wm.Englith, of Grand Rapids,
visited Mr. and Mrs. It. English last
week. -Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson,
accompanied by Mr. A. Gregory, of
London, spent the holidays visiting
the fornier's parents Mr. and Mrs. W.
3. Wilson. -Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker,
Toronto, ere visiting the latter's sister,
Mrs. James Wallis. -Mr. VV. Green-
way, of London, spent Sunday at the
home of .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson. -
Little Gertie McLinchey spent several
days 'here, the guest of her cousin,Miss
Zillah English. -Lloyd and Laura Ste-
wardson entertained a nunaber of their
playmates on Monday, it being the an-
niversary of their eighth birthday. All
report at good time. -Miss Mountjoy
returned to her home in London. -Mr.
W. Stewardson, of Forest, visited his
A young son of Mr. John Oldfield,
was somewhat upset a few evenings
ago. He was eating a boiled egg and
was surprised to find a complete., egg
inside the one he was engaged upon.
The inside egg was complete in every
cousin, Mr. T. Stewardson, here for a respect and was about the size of at
few days during the week. -Miss Up -
shall, teacher of S.S. No. 14, is spend -
tug the holidays at her home in Lon-
don. -Miss P. H. Tufts, teacher in S.S.
No, 10, is visiting her sister in Petrolea.
-Mr. Eldie Wilson, of Kintore, spent
two or three days calling on relatives
here. -Mrs. A. M. Wilson and Mrs. J.
Sherritt visited Mrs. Downs. at Pine -
bill. Tuesday. -Miss Carrie E. Wilson,
who has been attending the Conserva-
tory of Music in London, passed her
examination with first-class honors.
Too late for last week)
Miss Edythe McGregoe has returned
to her home here. -Miss Edythe Wil-
son, of London, is visiting relatives in
this vicinity. -Mrs. \\7 3. Wilson, ac-
companied by her daughter, Miss Car-
rie, who has been attending the Con-
servatory of Mesic at London, and
Miss Lottie Mountjoy, returned home
Saturday evening.-VVe are sorry to
learn of the illness of Mrs. Geo. Stee-
per, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hartle. We wish her a speedy recov-
ery.-Tbe Sunday schools of the Meth-
odist and Grace churches, picnicked at
Grand Bend on the 23rd. A good time
was enjoyed by all. -The annual gar-
den party held under the Auspices of
Grace church was largely attended
and was a grand succes.e. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $50.
robin's egg. The hen that produced
that egg was a little too industrious.
DEPAIMED.-The good bye word has
been said, the farewell kiss and hand.,
shake have been given, and another
home has been robbed of a mother.
It is with feelings of deep sorrow that
we are called upon to pen the sad death Nine stables on the Winnipeg fair
of Agnes Simmons, beloved wife of grounds were burned Sunday. The
Mr. Geo. Fairburn, who departed this loss is $10,000, but as the Industrial
life on Thursday, June 25, in her 84511 Exhibition was to open in two weeks it
year. Ten years ago she was united is a serious inconvenience to the di.
in marriage to her now bereaved bus- rectors.
band and during those years no wife
could be more happier, no husband
more truer and no home more bright-
er. The home was cheered and glad-
dened by the forms of four little ones,
She yonngest being but it few days old.
Mrs. Faithurn bad been confined a few
days previous to her death and seemed
to be getting along splendidly until a
few hours before she passed away.
Around her hovered her dear ones ad-
ministering to her wants, but all was
in vide, her work on earth was com-
pleted and she now rests in peace with
her maker Her kindly disposition and
gentle ways won her the admiration malts
of o host of friends. The funeral took
place on Saturday and a large number Acassoie.-In Exeter, on July 7414,
of friends were iri aittendance. We Jartes Reginald, beloved Son of Mr
extend to the sorrowing husband and and Mrs. W. T. Acheson, aged 1 year -
family our sincere sympathy. 11 months and 13 days.
Showers very refresbing last week
and while it dampened some bay yet
it proved very beneficial otherwise. -
A very pleasant evening was spent at
Mr. Geo. Rooke's one evening of last
week. A.number of Winchelseafrieuds
took advantage of the beautiful even-
ing and drove ont to our enrgh. The
evening was very pleasantly spent in
games, music etc., after which
luncheon and ice-cream were served.
A really jolly tiine was spent. -A num-
ber from here celebrated July 1 at
Centralia. -Mr. Frederick Luxton had
it very soccessful dirt bee on Thursday
last. The boys and men worked faith-
ful indeed. In the evening there was
no corner stone laid, etc., but the his-
tory of that building will long remain
in the minds of our young folks, for
about one hundred young lads and
lasses from Usborne, Hibbert,
dulph and McGillivray gathered to-
gether and so patted the floor of the
building that Mr. Luxton may feel as-
sured that it will remain solid on the
foundation for time immorial and
brave all destructive gales. Messrs
Isaac, Hunter and McDougal supplied
the music. The evening passed off
very agreeable to all and we thank the
host, hostess and family for their hos-
KING. -In Stephen, South Boundary,
on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. EH
King, a SOO.
DUNSFoRD--W.A.LKER.-At the resid-
ence of the bride's parents, Marlette,e '
Mich., on July 1st, -Mr. Earnest
Dunsford, son of Mr. Thos. Dunsford, '
formerly of the township of Hay, to
Miss Emma, Walker.