HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-7-2, Page 1fause..ams'amimagmak.,
1.+ozare.53,que., w44.1
Mcant Alt:tgt,
Calk:m:18p, qae.
A 6E1101 Esin 0.1 BieR123.
- Barrow.
C 11
M.Isa Craig St. Joseph :Brills -ley.
. 1 1
Mr. tills Cameron, on of Mrs. Caen- Salami closed on Friday and teacher We are sorry to hear of the ineee$ of
roa, of this plaice, after an eight and papas are takteig a well earned I M. W. Blow, bat we hope she „will
roanth'e service la the C.P.R. euperane reSt. The school will heenen Aughet1 scion reeoiser. - The farmers will be
Bury, geneial suptaintenaent of the tile past six months in Montreal. He !Torrence, stdi remains eery ill. we
tandeotst office ait igerthBay,baS -been 17-----N. M. Contineyeturned home laSt f itteasea to see mt.. Tho4 oin,„nvs ,gg
appointed peivate secretery to U. J. week with his faintly, after spending! wagon ail the road again. -Mrs John
Iat a material increase: in salarea-The; in °Leh" Pas apartments of the Mane- :glad to bear that Mr. .Thos, Gilbert Os /Ake Superior division of the O. P. R,. itus te4';eu up bis at,oile fen the Presenkl hope Ike May' soon reeover.-We are
North dt11esex 'Agricultural Society littotil tio* able to be around anaio.--Miss Ida
will hod ltheir annual Pelf:drat Ailea, I Dneeria.-The Angel of Death last Hardy, or Parkhill. isrholue foe a fen
,raig on Sept. 10th and 20tb.-an , hhteL; c.'isited the tome of pin Phter days, -Mr. Dale QUI' former teacher,
edatesday about in little Roy Zee- l 75. le '10It1el, -yldng tber„<efrou,er a ler.. was renewing neopisintaoces here am
2 Z, n of S. M. Zr4VitZ• W62S. rim °WI"' itir"; '''' :P,,•2222.211. nether. etre. veroonaY &emus. lie ale° took tlee topic fo
1' zs horse rtItti rlg, blit herend atelight ILA ' 4'r n al'il.t4 for some time awl on the Ietagne. and gave a "eery intereet-
! eat on the faee be mere riot eeilentsle" in- :S:;th -,t4.h.,e'v, elimg 1.*;1 Passea t" b" fug trAk.-Thoni'v• ...1r- St"I',116:11EII"."
pored.- -Mre. Andy i;rown has gone Aut row' - - 9elet,mtve,s to mama it,er de- preached his farewelleeeeneOU on the
o. v. ----- a vlsg to leer hushaud atVasiat.„ Alielt. f:itifie2,t; &ware. 4661$17=1 and then %nail „Ansa Craig eitaulie atet St -natty. WI.'
Clariee, 1I') has been spending ,Yeat- t •Te.,v?. 'F',4""t'S an ulfe mother field of labor, and our prayer l•-•; that
L - 6tewlrlt and her dataehter 'cleedinne, nee rieleeeet beam Mont t.5n1 lei.,..h heel every prespetity it* ids new
3- "c 'T.V.:aall-NN.
'11'3° " ' ' t t33'''''. ' ' Ni. 11 Ire 1131 ; ,.1.041.e.. a- .3::tvl eltIti.:,:lotlie".1 ;e14:14ili'i,,:.eCtr.::.:03l:i4;111e:15: 6 .Fet0:fich--orNyoritze: a r , el," .oloiyaii:i it' a st r 1 po i.r.cptatir , 141.7..?::4114'1';17;Fq,;o1 tsfi :131illiti:
-,..r.l•-•r• , '7., E.,:c f:,:r 01.,,t n. ed home hitatinly morning,
iVeiitt illigt fie!: ' . .l 1.4- et knee. t oneotuse of ear- hie position
1 - i a'' f-ri (al ' 1 1 '' . . • . .
',gnaw, is etea, tea Lee 1 ./Z A ;04s.71!. 0441
." rag‘ f000ds DRAW HP .111se Lerenna-That y s il. i ttihute ta a he departed. BRAT!!! CiP .1,1'*glIaw foir,y,NN,- TilZs 'Mts. 1). S. Vii.t2'64-1:z. Chris tkAvaht
„ •.
ill siditotiN.d.14--ti et., te int- 666111t ion, laq wer I; it ii oicr.',.'.441 dull: to eltrenie.14. Ott*/ ir.,021 all r:^:talli4111 6'4'; to feitealle in
ttreadela.-- t,_ 5.12 lett Its mark of •=rilgu•••••i utu Grallit011 deeth a ainititol, 2V,.34) la af the vn- X.1%,:g i: It,. 4 ,i'' :."6.4"1,6 3,7.•.' nee- eee-e j„
arz,:var.-.44..eyezere!:ee LUireee:t e.,/
eee.,..zeo "
C;t1I ra675Ct 6,2i3242,2,66.66.16.:611 26666
T1 ft LOAN,
n/3r.17,3t,, erivate theete for I
1:1Z4 vinagt,3
lot raat:elea.
Therecelitshoweze :ire a great help to
the gardens. --Miss B. Hudgins svisi-
iet tbi$ week. -Rev. J. O.
failed, former pastor on arand Bend
Cirent areziehed to a large Congrega-
tion ae Mt. Pleesent Clitirclea-Pour
patails ate up at Parkhiii writing on
the eaairoination.-r•arteersbave start-
ed Irving in the vicinitY. They think
this eeeis,on is to be a 1;aal eeaeun for
eevinte the hay. cropee-Mr. Dave Reid
has had clarnge of tete elitip far week,
Herten:UM-a to his work in Leman Lest
Moneley.-The se 204 taw frfs started
to•euntlr_ the 4,17,-,-; t-4 laolEci•kys.- lure J.
iteirki ere: a:ne trete leinenei frein
vira:re Teeeweter.
3les. Witt. 1
at lanneheleat.-.. le
Pacesete a herein% s ;it Slindea with
TD44i40l1 .e.,-P.„alen1o.a.tor.7• ,u,
3 .11:: C16 . o1
i,e : i,:. 11 4. ..1. '1: , /-I1l,t-' v1. c...iei::Irtiz
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Ita;.q,121622 6 a 4
1:551010u.vi.11ait10i44„40hell.onott,tio,t)25.8ae,Jaalt,nt!713 14Aile'zoot f'- 4401olopaf.01„v„012:g,,meh1,04atnete11,1v6;.4.1c4'•AA' ,.L,,:, it1L1,'P,'.,
1/"4,':s,,,uta,,ynd unli,,‘_Ii41(114Ilim, 3g„toet*nett,no,,heehorhOrhr helain-Realatq tie igeafeewestle iltsiltlaljd 2fetale nea-TilaeMilinhi ndt10,116.0eiitop 14p.tt,,.v.rer 1 3 a„1 ,,f , .'h,5.5.5.o
,. , .111(1 44.T4e9i14 e;101 . ,i L 9. 8''8, v1;„011111,14t14vehytht eeeeee„ I;2442122•1 t, MA '1( '81' 4/ Fon. 11 LVh11 1, a ff4 1"1"%"°r"41i3Y14"4kt1"1/g1"lniIii,enntavevrti M.I e : lt,-iftttn t-,e.,tat'84 44 : t 1—tat 1
5.1 ill1-I)ll:;;1l1i:':2;:1:1d1ea, 4 42t . ---M6”' 621 71.3(if 4440 15.45.144. ntliwtet n l:wa1' 1;::wla:' -'leenta1:la ;tplaRt.4 2 : ;6:2,::§2 2::1-Z6e:ed: t;:222626;2,ir;r e:ite;b1:;::eiianard 1Uatlon 1- iki rorr1rlI"e:"1 L i"Zn4te411?15:3!J111 ":i:;;:lcfv.1:
0,Dt,,i,„.t.23,,,(.,,i,0,,„7„0,;„•%auim $nitler%Ite TT621e- ei e2t3.:of la grippec!:teio:15veeilittrne.re1ti1e:: ;re:i:ete11es11::1elil:zl;:;,:..
---v----,-5. ca,'..1
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P..atelpem.. :,loaif-S3.7tn;4ax.ovnind e2,v62.6,4-6-,Ngte,(440 l6iva,infto 0,rl.44W,.n:R reyleetprolynhlr., au
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• ” -u.4:7; U.41:,i:t.:l:TR0 6 V1¼ IJ ruvhm,/ ol„lolthe J41 35.5.% ly vatiarteepd ra.wityatgrttntu11;f(;i,siitai;1--11st1441
'-\t''':4e4 r1,qe-pitieNge Ileae4.ee Leetune *1 0'4 MI/441'41 's tkby'1'''1andS'teun a1gt,46:4410:ci:i4tiiZ, :?_,,,iiai4Veet P) 2i at aireetat visaingtee inren,4,waa. bright peterLtdoof wataniu4451444"I• C In 'llfteVY4 ” i441 142:1146Tfut,av'--.
sG 26 .42164 3123Wm.1!etr(1.4,1_Ntrnainner,*aams41> mol dostt1041„Iodia4wenhan 2125 5. Torti%10214qr leaill-i1AI2-11v 11 Aronet2ee '- t41:8 e el
eeIMeJ'l} 4'5. Or 41041iOr 5.) 4r'4 i60olionern !t 'alst:Ile::1rie.4u1:rte215.1 ” t1e:11iie:1 1% / 4/ 1 4 i tei scuilzF‘14t4/041Ivrdoimo140r141k5.
14cIc,r,r,,1„A.,,;‘.641,i,„„191:1L1:1,,.,,l4t ii._ *5.1 5.4
4nl,,1.atL30.,,r.ar,„/rmr,:n Itnek91482 We :t
bile Lott i'll,` ntoi 1.`ie Parli-h4,0454 hltnaht es et nie a t ea - jr el 3,1 ihee'.'.;te.e end "Iris.
lefrciaer. 02 intrii.4:,4q9q, ,6 p 4.,• ig t 222621 M2 a, Lode. -eel, e 41e:eerie- evonpet loized 11 giat1;4; ::::.1's",11 1e,14,.°-•!:. • ilgi42;114111;114vilti If 144::1;;:i.o.t.443'1141-1;. IlltilrillS::1 .:;:i'it:: I.V:.:':::1.:;:i etth‘i%%Q.:111.1'2'°; 2•2171
. • • ^ 2, 6 • ; kJ
‘11', ti? 'P*1'21143,12,
c.4, 11,1 5-..--7.3".5%
.4 44-; 144, ?IL
itot7TE rt.
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7 tti4:441.
T4.4 1,,,.41.4re41-j4.4 .,,.;.4');
Lie ,eeeee.
eeee, --41: II,',;.?/;444:, 6..1.166:56•
- • 6'117,1 L('X'1;R'li.".;'"'1,11.,
t' GrZ.,2
'5.14, ti%`,7t,.41/4
tieee 'telt ote.
Forecasts for Tully.
Thee Hi dta, of la)tha in it
July predietions. 25
"Tin, first 'storm period begins on the
225. and ..tra. As a eonsequence of
the 344,ctiliar position of the Merciiry
the month is likely to eome in with
wertther and (kir/ling rain in
many se.,titme. On the 2nd anti Sed
this unsettled condition will amen into
more pronoimeed storm conditions. t
Will Nth lunch warmer; the Minos-
phere wilt grow muggy' and close, the
barometer will fell and some solid
thunder storms with local rains Will
pass over the eonntry in their usual
order, In eastern parts of the country
these storms nuty not entirely subside
before the *ith, giving patriots and pie -
'flickers some peobable showers to wash
down refreshments and eool superheat-
ed oratory. A change to cooler will
come along be hind the rain anti wind
at this period, hut the influence of
Mercury will tend to prolong cloud-
iness with drizzle or high humidity."
The second storin period is central
on the Oth, and promises to be less
rainy although showers are predicted
to be frequent. "The first stttges of
this period will bring extrentely Warm
weather, with south winds and falling
barometer. About the Oth cloudiness
and ' storms will form in 'western
extreines and begin thein eastern
march across the country, ` reaching
a their stages on the 10th andllth. The
a storm clouds at this time are apt to
be onite black and threatening, and if
the barotneter is much below normal,
violent. winds are entirely ,probable.
Flee,vy local dashes of ram will be
natnral, but we do not believe that
wide -spread and soaking rains will fall.
, Behind blus teringstorrn in ess and thun-
der look for rising barometer, wester-
ly winds and coolea clearing weather."
Duriag the third period which is
central on the 15th ProphetHicks gives
a waTning for people to expect heat,
"Another great wave," he says "or
pulsation of heat will rise at this time
along with which the barometee will
fall, and many electrical threatening
StOrm clouds will rise on and toaching
the 15th. As a rale juln brings some
of the most otninious looking cloads
of the whole year, but they oftener
pass with high blaster,. thunder and
lightning and rain. Such will be the
general. outcome during this period
with down -pours of rain over very
• limited i.reas. Change to cooler will
come about the latb to lath. The
fourth storm period is central on the
205.11 and it will be marked by great
beat, cc -We believe," says the fore-
caster, in speaking of it, "that a, gen-
eral and persistent heated term will
prevail at this time, that the bar-
ometer will not faIl to very low read-
ings,the hygrometer will not indi'cate
high humidity but that some very de-
ceptive storm clouds will appear.
bringing some heavy gusts of wind
and dust, but blowing over with only
light rain, except in narrow localities.
Some heavy storms on and about the
24111 may occur. The 255.11, 26th r and
27th are central days of a reactiehary
storm peroid on and about which days
there will be a climax of summer heat
, unless severe thunder storms develop
ef., about the 271h there will come'a aa.pid
fall of the barometer, quickly followed
by wicked winds and thunder etorms
in many parts of the country. Light
rains will accompany these storms in
most localities. A rising barometer are to be congratulated upon ..the
and change to cooler weather will fol- limit success of their efforts to provide
low these sterms for a few daYs, so worthy 4111 entertainment.
.,'k'45.94" 5.5.14' 321 1)5.3, home le ;se ;mem. with in tinge L4.4
OUP! tne 401841:4 of 6,13,$ traPeAl 21 412622•6612 662 1,,26. 262C.22'EVIVIP: 70,11 .2- Ilan, witiella line not hem the heee , 6r. V,2211,114 (wawa
LODI Thouropeino .eind goer ee Seem e:ellieelliet awe+ 1;4 tine Kee- 'for oiled a ewer.- Nile!. Ned MA 'are- Deee,„ eieeer*,:aeF tja„,2,4 ‘4,4 c4„„Aguiry
CAI% gee St. Thentae, visited with ' Crealion !um ilnimenee, were 4Ieliglatc41 ICentre Ronal, Jen Momint• for .314..;,, h.. 4.011415. nuar.ths
11:441c.t FleteleT14.-4 Anne, 0,ir 5.5 15.420 »05.5. 54 closed on TnesIty
D.anr. anti liltmer Meivilio Robinson for the stammer hoildays. The 31isses
Titor,,,lay and Fri- ,1401,..in linli.orn tedeller,i„ be, for
1.43. in Sa, nave t.yhats th entrenee, lo 5.5.- 315.4'I in MINA 445441 (lintels lee
-nada, 4 noraeor 'Ron» one burg at,.1 speetively. The prineipal: Mr. Claude
ended the guidon pirty mod 55. ‚4W. Ilinett. :wove for England on Thais
terry fa:tient whiell wit, held at Sam.; dale where he will visit mother. Ile
shine On Fria evealeig. All eepere evi)1" k3M141111)3911Vill 32r. fieerge
gond Vote.- All's. J. 1'4, '11'4 er mem. ChM:4 who will vielt his brother and
eton, vre.. lie etnest, ef bee lirother,'Mr. sisters iti Ireland. We wish them bon
Rolc.et Elen.14,.r. on las,. voyage.--Alie anti Aire...John Wind left
--A. few felon here to,ile in the ginlen for Detvoit Talemlay. When, they win
ty at Anderson Thurelny evening.
Tli.• anniveriary serviees which WPM
h4441 eminfvflinii With MtlitivaiSt
Stnia,ty Schnell on i.ilinday last were in
every W22',,t` (2. 2111,64 decided suceese.
Tito Cintiril. War.0.4)wtled ith
;MO WOH1*•ieti instititte
will hold a basket pienic on July 1 ttli,
on Mr. Robert Fletcher's lawn, when
two delegates will be present from
Guelph. One will go through the pro-
cess of baking while% the other will give
address on it. Everybody is wel-
come to be present at the 5.55.0111(1.
cent railia,
DR. J. W. oRmE,
Office houra te a.m., to and 7 to 8 pan.
'Xelc;,tt 145 communieatien. welt Lunn matte=
Dr. D. B. Hutton, son of Rev. Hut -
top, has refurned from Toronto,where
110•was attending the :Medical College
and has just coinpleted his final course.
As a student the Dr. has been particu-
larly successful, baying taken honors
in all the different years of his stndies.
The Dr. has not yet decided where he
will locate. -The banner -Sara now busy
with their haying. -Me. C. W. Vale
of Blyth, spent Sunday with friends
here. -Miss Smith, whci has been teach,
log in our public school has resigned
the position, and will attend the Nor -
32115.5.14,5. London. Miss Smith is a splen-
did teacher and during her stay among
us has made many warin friends who
will regret to learn that she is leaving.
Aescrrnua Surcess.-The annual
Strawberry Festival in col -unction
with the Centralia Methodist church,
on Dominion Day wae an unqualified
success in every particular. The crowd
was fully as large as former years and
there being an abundant supply of
strawberries and cream and other
choice delicacies, eveeybody seemed
satisfied and enjoyed the day to the
fullest extent. The games and sperts
wera a particularly interesting feature
of the day's attractions and Were
watched with mach pleasure. The
Hensall Band furnished tnnsic for the
occasion and to say the least they did
themselOts excellent credit, the music
dispersed being of a high order and
appreciated by all, The proceeds
amounted to SAO. Among others,
the following prizes were awarded ---
Married Man's Race.-.Wnr. Elliott.
Needle Race.
Hundred Yard Race. -Geo. Hicks,
Three Legged Race. -Harvey Hicks.
and Walter Baynham. •
Obstacle Race. -Geo. Hicks.
Young Men's Race., ,Geo. Hicks.
Rooster Race. --H. Hicke.
Ladies' Race. --Mrs. NV. J. Heaman.
Graceful walking. -Miss Ida Johns.
The musical anti literary entertain-
ment in the evening was largely at-
tended and was a delightful affair in
the true sense of the word. It VMS held
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
and the proceeds which ainonntecl to
about $50 will go to help the good
work of the church: The vocal selec-
tions hy Miss Amy johns were render-
ed with splendid effect and was high-
ly appreciated on her every appee r-
anee. Miss A. Coughlin also sang very
sweetly and was loudly applauded.
Miss Morgan's recitations were of a
high order and were well received.
The duett by the Misses Johns was ad-
mirably rendered as was also the in-
sixumen tal &lett bY Miss May
Coughlin and Miss Katie Elliott. It is
the unanimous opinion tha t this con-
cert, broke the record for excellence of
any before held in connection evith the
church, and the cointnittee in charge
with lei , eheaang,--Miee Braithwaite. i Pert !Lunn train '.5.12 '1" 440 WM *vain.' he:lulu.% heecP -'''' N.' a * reeieliee i led a -
i)1' L(110114 bee returned home lifier it '21 trip ion the 14,4441,4 to t'llicago.--Urs. t..nomw, op, 4 at:44;v1 (44 the ry„., rat, and
mem- tr,r V5.45. into with her aunt, Mrs. 4 Keith 31221,424211, W120 12'62i Welt on 0 trill t ho seyt, ny thr4 mos! eenful .0(44.-.4.6.4 (42
tifiu. WI ,712471111.-, Mi.-1, 'Mouths' vitilt to frieuthi hi Montreal. Feeeletail. Mr, ironInt ,..q, wrto lieni
of Lee an, spent Tueidav in toWIL-4-0 ire-. rt.tat Ilea '1441414%-D. .N. 'Mel.....11 „ka,.; Au.,,a .4ay hie ,airla tv.ri.,42 4.14ts at Ilea.,
3144-4. 31,•4'ollongli, of Shafeeepietre, was 1 t'oe, hive eeld, their bIg oiry gotels line- :' „all ,,,..ran... tie. pee, .41:,...„4.14.0„ 10,.3 alks1,44„,
pp r4m• a few days during the week, , lues4 VA Whito ,v 513y. the big st.11, tmu,4 home.
-Thee le , oleic -on aG41 Mi..s Ethel prom...4,i azzi 1 hc‘ -4- tro will ils,. elwed ':"
goo-, of Ion, sister, 'Mein J. Breolne I Alcorys thin. Stock tithing is now in 5
St a
Rits•iittltritiveet i ii:441•4tiisniini e ;doll! iii,111:il.: _ft 4 tisivt:itrilir. 1 fktlitiii in tc.,,i2es . slays.7ti,;lt, 116219itre N1%1'111111:: itiliii.enjuf..sart ;1wce44.0261,1,,,,,e,:.,4...,eim,411?,.,a4eit.n ttiitevpillicli,Le
It. ICtnmxics and E. Melhinald, have re- week. Thi' rtrovery avail beet and shoo . ' • e. .
vit,it th4E,ni,91„eilpiim,Inp.140.1„, i,1011suai,vttill14:111...(7.4 i ..i4teill:!).e 4.: . ft: '..,,ilthittlittleit,;11.,,et.ettieup:to 111141;tiltitn•lieuteo---11 3,1111s.?ialletet;eloh4t,s11 ii:vituiell!tiloltreb,44114.1.1rattalsi,;attlittel. ,,,6 it'f'0.:1", ; 18.2`,a10:44, ,,,,,!:;94,1'.'1,1,,ritle:,,,,ith" Wee;
limn". 4, ...when ,r,„,,, .k, mita in Kinburn.-Ti... ;311f.sen Norris.
Evora Toronto, wta.rn kr has imen at.111143 lr.,-,c4.- •:ife. and 3Irs. 1.1, Clark, of partment. -.lass Aggie .„ 4.44 u"" of Tot.onto. have retni rod 11..se. 4.2ter
tending the 1.4egislature for the past 1 ."ilt.1`: '1,:r 44pontair trnerat week!) with ielativee
intl., are. Yielding relatives brother, thin, of Virden, Alaneitre vis -
three nionths.---Ahe Jim Niehede, of J ;le!'" tk. ,,, "'kJ, - :1114-4Y. *lauley 1120
ti qt,1. h:s 4107iittly,„. 4;1- a Its 111 I14.'5.2.' Granton
thiamin in tile hillaghthemra, huebart j5.2611..h222 12, 24214••••-3•11•Ck•tWitirii 12;26,159111
lialst and Miss Ilnist left for their V-Init w acs 1;5.'nla" t°,ien posseeeed.
Mr' 11;11%1'4°4v' (4'
home in Pelham, after visitin.Dr. and 1
MrEi. Mw
SG the past few '4'4'e1I45.)
'1.--- Our g
boys have organized a foot bah team
and are having some liot games on the
(*toeing nights 02 (8)1' business plitees. -
Mr. Ezra Feist is having his delivery
vagon repainted and is HOW deliver -
lug his bread front au ortlintity box. -
Conrad Kohn had a beantifid
monument erected in the Crediton
cemetery on Tuesday in memory of
his departed 'wife. it is a beautiful
piece of art, which reflects great credit
on the mannfacturers, Moseys. Hayes
I3ros., of St. Marys. -Some 02 0411' citi-
zens have been receiving their wintee's
supply of coal the patst week. They
do not care to take the chances of au -
other coal strike. -the Christian Rib -
ler and davgliter, Miss Maud, of Cave-
lier,. N. Dakota, are visiting old ac-
quaintances here this week. Mr. Kib-
ler moved from here eleven years thee
and notices the many changes whieb
have taken place slime that time. -Mr.
Charles Ashton has returned from
Kentucky, where he has been working
for eoute time. -Th'. Robert E. Walker,
our popular butcher, has had a hand-
some sign placed on the front of his
bfitcher shop. The sign represents
man holding a fatted animal, while the
man says "Our meat is judged at the
diener table." It is well painted and
Mr. Walker deserve.s to be congratu-
lated for his splendid work of art. -
Mr, Mathew Winer Jr„ has erected a
picket fence in froritof his new resi-
dence.-Tivo large barn raisings took
place last week. One at Mr. Wirt,
alawhinney's on Saturday and the
other at Mr. Patrick Flanagan's on.
Monday. One town people have at-
tended the barn raisings of late quite
regularly but are beginning to feel
the strain they are put to when lifting
the heavy pieces of timber. -Mr. Geo.
Dietz, of Port Huron, visited. friends
in the village on ,Menclay.-Last -Sun-
day special services were held. in the
Methodist church in remembrance of
the 200 anniversary of /no. Wesley's
work in connection witli• the Methodist
church. In the evening addresses were
delivered by Mr. Isaac Hill, Mr. Robt.
Walker and Mr. Wm. Lewis. --Next
Sunday the 521129 411 0 hildren's Day Fes-
tival of the Evangelical church will be
held. In the morning Rev. Damm
will preach a sermonaspecially for the
young people and in the afternoon and
evening a prOgram will be rendered by
the scholars cif the Smiday school.
Rev., leforlock, of Dashwood, and Rev.
Yaeger, of Zurieh, will deliver address-
es in the evening, and in the afternoon
and in the evening Rev. Morris Ehaes,
late missionary in South Africa, will
address the enclience, . Oh Monday ev-
ening Rev. Ehnes wiLl deliver a lecture
in the Evangelical claurcb on South
Africa. Mr. Mines was missionary
there for some time and he will have
something interesting to tell us.
Paorsoatore-Promoted from Sr. II.
to Jr. 111. Names in order of merit: --
Pearl Gaiser, Carrie Wein, Hilda
Shink, Edith Hill, Edith Mangims,
Clarissa, Hill, Charlie Anderson, Pea,r1
Baist, Lizzie Wolfe, Chas. Finkbeiner,
Willie Oestreicher, Sylyester Wuerth.
Conductor Robert Braidwood was
killed in a collision on the H., -G. & B.
A boy nanied William Traynor gat
beyond his depth while bathing in the
(411t013 5.541 forla,14t voila
MiSqf MeEWPO, of Clinton, spent a
few days here during the week, the
guest of her friend, Miss Clara Ander-
son. -Mrs. Williams and bilalier, Me.
D. Dell. of Dostm. nniveil 'home on
Thursday evening to attend the wed-
ding of their brother, Andretv, to Miss
Isabella Qoopee, which took place on
Weduesdayttfternoon itt3 o'clock. The
happy event was witnessed 1.3. a large
number of the immediate friends of the
contracting parties. We wish the
yonng conple along, happy and pros-
perous merried life. -The Misses Me-
linda. and Elan Cooper arrived home
from Manitoba. on Saturday. They will
spend the summer at their home here.
Air. and Mrs. James Miller spent Fri-
day in Hay, the guests`of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Dougal, 'We are pleased to see
Mr. Miller sufficiently recoveted to be
able to drive about again. -Ars. 55.11-
014111', Sr., has returned from a pleas-
ant visit with her sister itr 13offalo.-
Four pupils from Mr. Porsytat's school
are this week writing on the entrance
examination in Clinton. We wish our
young friends success. -Mr. D. 13., Mc -
Leon, of Tnckerstnith, near Chisel -
harsh who accompanied hi e brother,
Mr. R. B. 'McLean), of this place, to the
old country, returndd home Thursday
evening. He looks well after his trip.
They took a lot of cattle with them to
Glasgow. R. B. is still in the old,lend
and ntends remaining there for some
time. His numeroasefriends here will
regret to lean that his health is not
robust and be intends trying the Scot-
land air to see if it will not recuperate
him. We hope soon to hear of, his
complete recovery, -Invitations. are
out for the marriage of Mr. A. McGret
gor, of Leribtfry and Miss 3. Workman,
of Tuckersmith. The important evea-
will take place on Dominion Day. -Mr.
R. Thompson of the London Road, lois
disposed of a fine team of three -year-
olds to Mr. Oolin Moir, of Hay, for
which be received a handsome price. --
Mrs. Carson Moore, of Algon3a is a
guestat theliorne of Mr. Win. Moore.
-Miss Maud Rickeris visi,ting in Sea -
forth. .
patty held on the manse grounds here,
under, the auspices of the Ladies' Aicl
of St. Andrew's church on Thursday
evening was a grati ing success in
every respect. Although the weather
seemed somewhat threatening during
the afternoon, the evening turned out
to be delightful. There was, conse-
quently an immense crowd of people
present, both young and old, ancl all
seemed to* enjoy themselves to the full-
est. Incieed many were heard to say
that it was the most pleasant affair of
the kind they had ever attended. But
notwithstanding the large attendance
the ladies proved themselves equal to
the occasion as providers,and there was
abundance for all and to spare. The.
Hensall Band added much to the pleas -
tire of the evening by their fine music,
aud the remainder of the evening was
spent in eating, drinking and social
enjoyment' The proceeds amounted
to $106. The size of the crowd may
be judged frbin the receipts. The la-
dies are to be congratulated on the
success of their entertainment and we
heve no doubt it is the wish of many
reservoir at Regina and was drowned. that they may do it again,
ding &envie. hem 741m, and- -11ng5.
We loved*: lee ,.hltueee
where they isave et -seined employment..
--Miss Anne Melieuzie lais returned'
home front TOronto where she under -
herr. - None. Mary ( nttorewholete Leen
• r y‘.99., !Via
Mir-% aveanat, eM loy Mr.
1.5.!fl;3', of that eity.--.M:t .4 Elizabeth
arinieliael. who Iris tr.,t Leen enjoy -
went treatment 1:11'WSel r
ilt)* 2 Mr g411.21 health foe SAM, 2211226 much
sight has beer+ eoneotivetidy ititliroVu eeitee,- Mr. Hugh Wiletet. of retnati:,
though 41 1'. still very imp:amt. sow mute:au:v. hot, 1,4.,1„,whig ae.
5. Libble, AA.. of the Higlhaeltool teach- ; teetiteenees, artgmim aheeeee ee some
etaff, left last Week. Vi.1.....NeNy york, ttioltefe, sears.
RV Germany, where elle will visit her
SAD Inet.ritee " in the midst of life
1"ther, ‚4311).) 18 41"r AVP Ow in dieit h." The blow is ton 255.5.4- study in that country. Before return -
812(11 the ehoek yot to fresh to write
mg she will tour in other conutries with ealinnees of the event which last
the continent and in Great Britain.- Thursday eatideued many hearts here.
Miss Marshall, who is a niece of svm. WahhAllan, elm was brought tip in
Welsh, has arrived here from the Ohl this village, but for a number :11
Clountry.-Mies Helen MacLeod, vh
`• --(' I has lived on a farm a few miles out,
has been attending a Ladies' College,
lorolito, 1, bome tor her holidays. -
Selby Watson, of Chicago, aceompau-
ied by a friend, Mr. Morris, is spend-
ing a few days with his parents here.
He intends remaining about three
weeks, after which he proposes taking
anti') to the Canadian 'North West.
Selby is one of our popular young men
and he is doiug considerable handshak-
ing (*Mond town. -Mrs. Win. Clark,
of Sheridan, Mich., is visiting friends
in and around Parkbill.-Joe Quinn,
son of Thomas Quinn, had one of his
wrists broken a few days ago while
playing focal:gal.-Miss Guest, B.A.,
teacher in the High School has return-
ed to her home in Lnboa-Miss Pender-
met with 2111 untimely death Thursday,.
It appears he and bis little boy were
engaged in Cleaning it well and in in der
to reach a littie higher Mr. Allan stood
on a wheel barrow, which upset with
him, a. log striking him on the head
killing him almost instantly. Help
was at once secured and be was con-
veyed to the house, where he had only
a. few hours previous left in the best of
health and spirits. Mr. Allen was a
man of unnstral sheingth and energy
and his geuial disposition and sterling
integrity won hien A large number of
stannch friends, who feel that they
have lost a good and trite friend, And
now his career is ended all too sudden,
the warm heart has ceased to beat, and
gest Seperate School teacher, left the friendly voice is forever stilled and
throughout this vicinity as elsewhere
where be was known, a genuine regret
is felt He leaves behind a sorrowing
widow who is alienist distracted with
grief, for no husband was more true
or kind, while four children 11101.1/%1 the
loss 0211 loving and devoted father. The
funeral took place on Saturday to tbe
&Ole. cemetery, and was largely at-
tended. The wife and family have our
commiseration, and we trust the re-
membrance of his life will solace them
in time of affliction and the kindly
ministrations of sympethetic friends
in some small way help to relieve their
Tuesday for her home in Seaforth.-
Miss May Quarry, who has been teach-
ing school at Dover South, where she
has been teaching school at Dover
South returned home Saturday. -Mrs.
Ruincihr, who has spent the past wins
ter and spring with herdaughter, Mrs.
Bennet, n Hanifiton, returned Friday
for the suraraer.-Mr. Angus Ross and
daughter, after a pleasant visit with
friends here, left Friclay for their home
•Shericlen, Mich, -Miss Homey has
returned to her home in Exeter, after
completing the millinery season here
with Mr. A. 3. Garden. -N. Cress, who
has so successfally conducted a photo-
graph gallery here will leave for his i
home n St. Jacobs in a few days, after
which he will open elsewhere. -While
working around ajointer in the plan- Heaverr.-In Exeter, on Jane 22nd,
lug mill on Satardey Norman Arm- to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey, a
strong had the misfortune to introduce daughter.
the inaex finger of his right hand too
far into the machine and it was taken
off at the first joint. The injured mem-
ber was dressed tend Mr. Armstrong is
now visiting at his home in St. Marys.
Doeiatae Mclaavit.-The grave has
again hid from our vision auother of
our highly respected residents iu 'the
person of Donald McIntyre, his sad
death occuring on Thursday, June. 25,
at the age of 62 years. Deceased had
only been ill a few days and his sud-
den taking of is keenly felt. Born in
Sonth West Scotland,he at tlie age of
seven years, enaigratecl with his par-
ents to this country and settled on the
Tovvnline of McGillivray and Williatne
on which farm he continued to live up
to the tinae of his death. His father
predeceased him by a year. As a per-
sonal friend and a social companion
his numerous friends will recall the
memory of Mr. McIntyre with affec-
tion and regret. He was a man of
strong, convictions, tenacious of his
opinions and fearless and outspoken
111 :expressing them. He was never
married. The funeral took place on
Saturday, services being held in Sac-
red Heart Church, Parkhill, McRae
officiating. The remains were after-
wards conveyed to I3orntsh cemetery,
where they were laid to rest.
con. 8,00 June 216b, by the. Rev. Dr.
Hannon, Mr. Edmund Shapton, of
Stephen, to Miss Edith, eecond
clatighter of Mr. and. MrS. Wm.
Wescott ,
LoCKE--STEwART.-In MOntreal, on,
June SOth, Mr. Charles E. Locke to
Mrs. Leuisa,Stewart, eldest daughter
of the late James Oke, of Exeter.
Jatiteart-In Bidclulph, on June 274
Margaret Almira, beloved daughter,
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Luker,
aged 20 years, I 'months, 11 clays.
FE:twee-In McGillivray, on lune 29,
Robert 'Flynn, aged " 28 years, 10
months and 25 days.
WELLs-At Chatham, on June 27,
Mary Wells Of Los Angeles, Cal.
Hanues-In Exeter, on June 80th,
Henry Harris, aged 77 years, 7
months, 20 days. •
FANeoisr-At Victoria Hospital, Lon -
dote; on 3une.24, Alice Maud, young-
est daughter" of Mr. Samuel Fanson,
Exeter, aged 18 years, 1 month, 21